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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255477417.jpg-(106 KB, 656x512, C__mon.jpg)
    106 KB Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:43:37 No.5825231  
    Seriously... I don't understand what it is about people and penis size.

    I'm an eighteen year old male going through my first weeks of college. Something I haven't really taken notice of until two years ago was that I have a penis that is above average size. It's not massive, it's just barely below eight inches long and average width. It's not a sausage, but I did smile a bit with the ruler and a little "huh..." to myself in the process. But the thing is, having a large penis has never helped me once. I'm still a virgin, average looking at best, no muscles, awkward, and at the very least, I have a large penis. The thing is though, having a large penis is useless. I don't really have any sort of noticeable bulge for having a slightly above normal penis (then again, I don't wear tight clothing because I'm not a faggot). It's not the same thing as a woman having large breasts, because at least they can flaunt them. It's not like my larger than normal penis is more noticeable to females.

    And quite honestly, even if I do ever end up having sex, will having those extra two inches make any damn difference? Seriously? Sure it may look nice when I finally take off my pants in front of a girl (ha), but beyond that it holds no purpose. Seriously, I'd take a five inch penis over an eight inch penis any day if in return I could get a naturally large body and/or chiseled face from the hands of Olympian Gods. I don't understand why it's such an attraction to girls or why guys obsess over wanting them bigger to the point of literally strangling them.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:45:19 No.5825249
    Of course you would say that. You have an eight incher.

    If you were a 5 incher like me you would understand.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:45:23 No.5825251
    I think the whole point is you have to be charming and good looking to even get them near your dick, then keep them there with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:46:32 No.5825265
    Its not important at all, girth is what matters.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:48:22 No.5825287
    your quite right, there is no benefit, infact there's a number of down sides, one of which is you can go to deep without hurting them. which is fucking hard to keep track of when your both getting really into it :/
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:49:29 No.5825296
    i have a respectable pecker and it just languishes in my pants, unused
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:50:03 No.5825302

    lulul. I hate 5 inchers complaining about their AVERAGE PENISES. Try having a 3 incher like me and then THINK about complaining, you assholes.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:50:16 No.5825306
    Large penises definitely benefit you when you've slept with a few people: the word gets around. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:50:21 No.5825309
    I still say I'd take a chiseled face and five inches over eight inches. I'm pretty confident even as a virgin that the penis size would make no damn difference in anything, compared to how helpful in not just relationships, but life in general if I had more notably positive aesthetic features instead of one hidden within my pants that only applies to sex (if even).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:51:53 No.5825327
    In reality an 8 inch cock is exceptionally large

    Stop watching so much porn.
    >> Brattskegg the Awesome-Saxon 10/13/09(Tue)19:52:58 No.5825348
         File1255477978.jpg-(16 KB, 350x262, heimdall.jpg)
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    >>Seriously, I'd take a five inch penis over an eight inch penis any day if in return I could get a naturally large body and/or chiseled face from the hands of Olympian Gods.

    No naturally Olympian looking bodies dude, you have to really dedicate yourself to get there.

    Though the penis length thing though, I'm caught between saying it isn't important, and that I'd kill to have an extra inch, me being a 7 incher currently. The desire to be larger probably stems from some deep felt insecurities from watching pornography, couped with a lack of experience with women.

    I mean I see monsters in porn all the time, whereas I'm actually with a girl rarely. So the fake negatives add more to my perception, than the real compliments.

    I'm not some psychology guy, I'm just taking a shot in the dark here.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:54:03 No.5825358
    You should post a picture. Just to see.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:58:29 No.5825408
    The only thing I've always been confused about is the theory that you can tell a man's package by looking at his "bulge". Seriously. My penis does not make a giant blob in my crotch area. If I'm wearing boxers and really loose pants like pajamas, it might be noticeable if it's slightly erect because it'll flap around, and I'm sure it'd be noticeably strapped against my leg if I was wearing a leotard. But I'm pretty much wearing jeans in all situations. I'm pretty sure when a girl tries to look a guy up on his "package" that they have no idea what the fuck they are looking at and simply giving themselves the illusion of a big penis if the guy is attractive in any other way.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:59:35 No.5825416
    My friend Jackie really likes this guy, thinks he's awesome, is really totally down with him, slept with him yesterday.

    Called me today to ask if she should stop seeing him. "Why?" I ask.. she evasively answers that he wasn't satisfying in the sack.
    Aaaaand when I finally get it out of her, the reason?

    "Does penis size matter? Because.. he's really small." and how small is really small? He's just below average from what she described.

    So be glad for your long dick, and just enjoy that it looks awesome next to a chick's face, whenever you get there. Work out a little, just stay in shape, and practice flirting with girls. Doesn't matter how slow you go; the likelihood is you'll get laid someday.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:59:55 No.5825420
    I would, currently don't have my camera though. I might be able to get a hold of my roomates though and post a picture, as I'm not gay enough to keep pictures of my penis around on my computer.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)20:29:59 No.5825726
    "It's not size, it's how you use it" is such a horribly wrong statement, OP. Size does matter, and you will eventually reap the benefits if you ever get laid in college (which is likely, so long as you can be somewhat normal and talk to girls it can come naturally). Of course you say all of this while being a virgin and never having to have a run-of-the-mill 5 incher.

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