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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255462321.jpg-(42 KB, 630x389, mf_chanology_f copy.jpg)
    42 KB Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)15:32:01 No.5822641  
    So what'd you guys think of 4chan's debut in Wired Magazine? The article is up at their website but here are some choice excerpts:

    >"We are Legion," the robot voice intoned. "We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.""

    >To troll is to post deliberately incendiary content to a discussion forum or other online community

    >there'd been a tension between its "lulzfags," who held that Anonymous must have no higher cause than its own cruel amusement, and the "moralfags,

    >Study the pages of the Encyclopedia Dramatica wiki, where the vast parallel universe of Anonymous in-jokes, catchphrases, and obsessions is lovingly annotated, and you will discover an elaborate trolling culture

    >In trolling, as a rule, the more people you piss off, the better; what matters are the lulz - the laughs you get from trashing someone's peace of mind

    >5.9 million people who visit the site every month
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)15:42:17 No.5822741
    "The church [of Scientology] is incapable of following one simple bit of Internet wisdom: Don't Feed the Trolls. By taking Anonymous as seriously as it has, Scientology has nurtured the one thing Chanology depends on above all: the lulz."

    Ayup. Om, nom nom nom.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)15:45:25 No.5822768
    l don't really give a shit, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)15:47:34 No.5822780

    It kinda irks me to see the public face of 4chan be chanology, but I guess it's the only thing that's newsworthy in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)15:52:40 No.5822826
    If asked if in the street if I knew of 4chan and its ways, I would feign ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)15:58:37 No.5822875
    as long as they stay the fuck on /b/ i don't care
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:01:15 No.5822897

    Meh we've been in wired before and a good third of the interweb 'media' love to suck anon cawk.

    I don't know why to be honest all the scifags getting ripped off by the scifag church deserve it for being so fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:01:39 No.5822904

    Oh totally. The first rule of 4chan is you don't talk about 4chan.

    I can't stand those retards who wear anonymous masks and make herp derp jokes in real life.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:03:05 No.5822919
    Interest in 4chan publicity is about 6 moth past its expiration date. Everyone knows that 4chan is no longer the place nobody knows about but the place people pretend to not know about (of just don't care about).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:03:16 No.5822920
    i that article is pure /b/
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:04:09 No.5822925
    It's kinda sad that the rest of the internet thinks /b/ is all that 4chan is. The other boards are pretty decent too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:06:19 No.5822939
    >mostly twentysomething users

    lol, yeah okay.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:11:59 No.5822972
         File1255464719.jpg-(96 KB, 600x800, extreme_ironing4.jpg)
    96 KB

    Oh, the EXTREME IRONY!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:23:04 No.5823070
    That article is actually really well written. It's a shame that's wasted on the complete and utter failfaggotry that is chanology.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:25:45 No.5823091
    This is why I never mention 4chan. I hang out on /v/. Despite all the trolls, tripfriend drama and consoles wars, it can be a fine place to discuss video games. It is, however, a part of 4chan, automatically connecting it to /b/ and all things /b/-related.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:27:54 No.5823107

    I find the greasemonkey filter works wonders for tripfaggotry. I regard it as sort of a necessity for browsing /a/ without blowing a gasket.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)16:36:43 No.5823172
    Not to mention that it really only encompasses stuff that happened years ago. I saw the article and thought "Oh god this is gonna be a fun read," but it was basically the same shit that I'd read before in either Time or Newsweek, don't remember which.
    Wired, I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:25:32 No.5825001

    >>implying /r9k/ isn't /b/

    Ohohoh aren't you missing something?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:27:10 No.5825018
    /b/ should really be put on a different site from 4chan if only so /b/'s bullshit wouldn't be attributed to the entirety of 4chan who really don't give a shit about protests or lulz or anything like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:29:50 No.5825050

    There just need to be more mods.

    More mods would clean /v/ right up for example.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:32:11 No.5825089

    There needs to be a place for /b/tards buddy

    Where do you think they'd go if there wasn't a /b/ on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:33:09 No.5825105
    Couldn't give less of a shit about the Scientology thing, but this is a very well-written article. Wired is the only media outlet that actually does their research regarding 4chan. They've covered this place tons in the past.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:34:30 No.5825125
    It actually is mostly twentysomething users -- early 20s. Just a lot of manchildren.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:34:50 No.5825127
    /b/ on a different site owned by moot with a different name with no links between the two sites, save for the initial announcement and a little while after.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:39:23 No.5825180
    4chan came out of /b/, and every anon that deserves the name used to be a /b/tard at least for a short while. 4chan is about image macros, incest pasta and catchphrases, not about high school seniors discussing life, love and politics. You can do that in a pub, but you can't recreate the experience of /b/ as it once was, and not so long ago that most 4channers wouldn't remember.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:39:59 No.5825189

    They've got 7chan and 99chan and 800chan and 12chan and 500chan

    The reason they stay here is because of familiarity. Even if they take away /b/ they'll still browse other boards. Anyways, even if you take away /b/ it won't make you a better person for being on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:40:04 No.5825191
    >>"We are Legion," the robot voice intoned
    >>the robot
    >>the great robot overlord being associated with ed shit and the fucking /b/tard idiots

    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:41:25 No.5825205
    It is on a different site. /b/ is on 4chan and all the good boards are on plus4chan/420chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:42:16 No.5825214
    So it's like a maximum security mental institution where the /b/tards will occasionally escape for some fresh exercise by 'raiding'.

    Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:43:10 No.5825227
    >implying /sucks/ is any better than /b/

    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:44:35 No.5825241
    >defining troll

    Aaaahhhh! Why does everyone think trolling originated here at 4chan? I used to visit AOL chat rooms back when AOL 3.0 existed and the term TROLL was used back then. Why does it need defined like it's some brilliant new term?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:46:10 No.5825262

    fuck, sadly this is true. I remember when I found this site in high school back in 2004, I wasn't much different from the fucktards who scream LOL ANON IS LEGION nowadays, the only difference being that I kept 4chan to myself (since no one besides me at my school even knew what 4chan was... and i went to a large school.)

    There really isn't a big difference between /b/ humor of the past and the present. It's the same shit, only people cry it out in public. I'd say that /r9k/ has its occasional /b/ moments and /co/ is full of them. /co/ reminds me a lot of /b/ in the past- not a different humor, just a different approach and attitude.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:48:10 No.5825282
    4chan's idiotic attacks on scientology are no different than the Alex Jones protests from retarded college students. Hell, I'd say they're probably the same crowd.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 10/13/09(Tue)19:50:18 No.5825308
    They still overwhelmingly focused on /b/ instead of the rest of the 4chan website. There are other image boards besides /b/, and still the mainstream media still focuses on /b/.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:52:17 No.5825337
    Obviously, the author's only been in /b/.
    >In short, while there are many online places where you can educate yourself, seek the truth, and contemplate the world's injustices and strive to right them, 4chan is not one of them.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:57:32 No.5825393

    It's because you're whining and nobody likes a whiner
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:58:33 No.5825409

    Because /b/ is the board that made the news.

    And really, most of our other boards are just anonymous versions of things that exist plenty of other places. /b/ is unique, however retarded it may be.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 10/13/09(Tue)20:27:47 No.5825703
    So even though this site is centered around Japanese anime, manga and culture, and has boards dedicated to video games, mecha, music, photography, and even cars, /b/ gets all the attention because they're the ones making news?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)20:30:00 No.5825727

    Well, yeah, that's how news works. I guess Wired could take a pass at other areas, but what in the world for? No one would care.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)20:31:24 No.5825747
    >Implying that you can do *any* of those things on 4chan
    >> hurrrr !qRAGEuvW6E 10/13/09(Tue)20:40:19 No.5825855
    I remember a time back when there was no such thing as trolling. it was all spam, everything was.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)21:05:16 No.5826152
    That was the intermediate phase. Before that, there were goons everywhere trying to outdo themselves with OC, or, failing that, combos.

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