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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255452361.jpg-(10 KB, 196x236, roberto.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:46:01 No.5821347  
    Hello /r9k/.

    Why can't parents control their children anymore? Why do they let them turn into spoiled brats who get what they want when they cry hard enough?

    Take this for instance:

    Today, I was getting my hair cut, and next to me was a little kid getting his hair cut aswell. He kept kicking the wall in front of him, shoving the scissors away from his head, jumping around on the seat, throwing the little sheet thing away every 2 minutes, and generally being an annoying little fuck. His parents just sat by watching him, not giving a fuck, except to occasionally say "stop that Matthew, or Santa won't give you anything... ehh". The woman eventually had enough and told the parents she isn't cutting his hair because it's too dangerous when he's acting like that, and the parents threw a hissy fit and bitched her out, like it was her fault. I said to the lady doing mine "what a little shit", but she didn't really answer, but I could tell she was thinking the same way. Probably didn't want to say anything incase anyone heard her badmouth a customer.

    But really, how do people get to become parents these days, and what do they deem unreasonable behaviour? To me, bad behaviour is absolutely ANYTHING you're not allowed to do. That's how I was brought up. If I did anything wrong, I'd get a slap across the head. It made me realise I wasn't supposed to do what I just did, and it worked. I quickly learned that you don't get anywhere in life bawwing your eyes out and throwing shit around when you don't get your own way. But today's parents? Fuck, I think if their kid bombed a school, they'd get grounded for 2 weeks, which quickly turns into 4 days and they get a video game out of it aswell.

    What's your thoughts on this?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:47:41 No.5821356

    Arghhhhhhhhhhhh COPY PASTA


    >> LeedsLulz !!gue29btBylw 10/13/09(Tue)12:48:17 No.5821360
    It's not so much a case of parents controlling their children as children acting up in the first place. I've never understood why some are such brats, I was never so bad as to be punished in public.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:49:06 No.5821369
    >If I did anything wrong, I'd get a slap across the head.

    Because they don't do this.

    Kids will ALWAYS test their boundaries, pushing it to see what they can get away with. You keep throwing bluffs at them, they'll see you as a doormat and do whatever teh fuck they want. I know from personal experience because my parents were always threatening shit but never following through, I ended up not listenin to a word they said if I didn't want to. Luckily I chose not to be a spoiled brat unlike my sisters.
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 10/13/09(Tue)12:49:58 No.5821375
    A population boom was bound to cause a horde of bad parents.

    But jesus fuck, I didn't think it would be this terrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:51:12 No.5821386
    They don't know how to discipline their kids. I think this is either because they are scared of being labeled as a child abuser if they hit their kids or because nobody has really taught them to be a parent.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:53:38 No.5821395
    My brother is that type. He's 13, and is pretty much given free reign. He showers maybe once a week, stole shit all the time before I moved out, eats all day, skips his classes, yells everything, never picks up his shit, and is generally a prick. A smelly, messy prick. Fuck, at 13 I had to be in bed by ten-thirty. I cleaned up my messes, I didn't shoot my fucking mouth off, I behaved. I got a smack across the head if I didn't. He hasn't been punished once. He's the fucking golden child.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:58:12 No.5821422

    You bring up a good point there about child abuse. Today, you aren't allowed to hit your children...why? What harm does it cause? Obviously I'm not talking about full-on beating them to a bloody pulp, but I'm not exactly talking about flicking their ear either. I was also brought up the same as OP. Anything I did I got hit with a belt, as my parents were old school. Their parents did that to them, so they did it to me and my 2 brothers. It fucking works, but everyone would sooner see you in prison than doing this. It makes me quite sad, as it's only going to get worse. Everyone spawns out a bratty little accidental child these days because they didn't use contraception, and they haven't a clue what to do. Eventually, we are going to become overrun by complete numbskulls running around infecting our gene pool.

    So I say, bring back the belt, or at least let us use proper discipline.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:58:40 No.5821423
    Remember, most children are both out of "accidents", not planned parenthood. The average person doesn't become a parent because they wanted to, people are fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:59:52 No.5821428
    I have a daughter on the way. How the fuck do I punish her if she acts up? Just go hardass on privilege removal? Stick with physical violence? I'm genuinely unsure.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:00:54 No.5821438
    Me neither. I never ever acted out in public, and the worst thing i did was not talk to my mom if she didn't get me the toy i wanted or sth. I was embarassed when i saw other kids screaming and shouting and being little shits.

    And my parents never beat me or anything, the only time they really shouted at me was because i was playing too much videogames, and they were right.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:01:09 No.5821443
    I'm only 18 and can see an obvious gap in parenting. No one my age or over is anywhere near as much of a cunt as
    most people only 2 years younger than me. It's disgusting, i blame technology.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:03:39 No.5821466
    Wasn't there a study that said that kids who were spanked had a lower IQ or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:03:42 No.5821467

    It doesn't have to be physical. As long as you show them that you are the one in power and they don't have free reign. Time outs work fine but are a bit harder to enforce since you have to keep them still for a period of time.

    As long as they know disobedience = punishment, it'll work.

    Also don't spoil them, getting them presents for no reason. I know it's your first kid and all but it'll just make parenting a whole lot harder.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:05:13 No.5821476
    >stop that Matthew, or Santa won't give you anything

    I fucking hate meaningless threats like that. The kid knows it's going to get something for Christmas, so why bother denying it? Fucking useless cunts.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:05:38 No.5821477
    Well, I was raised with some physical, but mostly removal of stuff. I was thinking of doing that, since it was really effective, in my experience. As long as you actually stick with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:05:50 No.5821478

    What my parents did to me was make me kneel against the wall. If I cried or just fucked around, they would make me do it longer. They also made me kneel on small bowls that were upside down if I was too bad. Another one was making me hold a book in each hand with my arms straight out from my body in a T, shit was tiring.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:06:44 No.5821486

    Well, i was in the same boat for a while, my brother was 5 years younger than me. as long as we were both under 18 i would just beat the piss out of him. almost every day. he fucked with my shit, assbeating. talked shit to me, assbeating.

    he is now in prison for 8 years for aggravated burglary and felony assault.

    GJ, MOM!
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 10/13/09(Tue)13:09:35 No.5821499
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    I have two theories that really stand out to me.

    Then first is the shift away from "Family comes first". So my father had a foul temper and we got hit for doing nearly anything wrong, but there isn't a cat in hells chance I'd go snitching about it to the filth. Today's youth? I wouldn't put it past them.

    The second is the shift in the education system. I was lucky enough to catch the retirement end of a victorian era headteacher. He was friendly and everything, but it was Mr. Castle and god damn if he said jump you jumped and hoped it was high enough. A measure of respect for teachers has defiantly been lost. I suspect I'm quite well liked by them because I still respect them to a degree, but that may just be me banging my own drum.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:09:46 No.5821502
    That's the same age difference between us. He turns 14 this month. I never got to fight back, though. My mother took his side all the time, and my father was never around. The school didn't help, either. I smacked him a good one once. They were going to call child services until I took my shirt off and showed them the dozen or so bite marks on my back. Little bastard ruined one of my good shirts yesterday, too. Thanksgiving dinner, and he thought it would be a good idea to pour printer ink on it. It was a nice shirt, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:10:18 No.5821507
    If you give her rules, she will break them. Give her principles instead. If you tell her not to do something, have a good reason for it and be able to express it to her in a way she can understand. Let her know what the consequences will be if she disobeys. Not the consquences that you will impose or inforce, but the actual consequences of her actions. Remember that she is an individual and that there are some lessons she will just have to learn on her own no matter how much you try to tell her.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:11:12 No.5821511
    Most of my teachers were old, too. One was an ex RCMP officer, and holy shit was she a hardass. Great sense of humour, though. Had some kickass stories, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:12:00 No.5821517

    You know too much abuse turns a kid into a shit child too. It makes them rebel. I have a cousin who went through some serious abuse like beatings that broke the broom, drowning, starving, etc. That kid was breaking into houses and shit at like 13 years old. Went to juvenile hall for a couple of years.

    At least he got his shit together and spends his days smoking weed and working as a cashier for a sex shop.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:13:01 No.5821524

    lol like that.. i would have beat him fucking retarded.

    there was nothing really my parents could do to stop me, child services here is really more of a joke than a threat.

    i take it you live in canada from thanksgivingpost, so i dont really know how shit is there.
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 10/13/09(Tue)13:13:37 No.5821530
    That's really interesting, because he was in the military at one point too. Do you suppose after WW2 a lot of returned men became teachers and now they're dying that's why we're the last generation with good discipline?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:14:35 No.5821534

    yea thats just it, he was shit long before i beat his ass. and my parents were too weak, physically and intellectually, to do anything about either of us.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:14:37 No.5821535

    Hah, same as my old Geography teacher. Guy used to be in the Army, and Goddamn he made you finish what you started, no matter how long it took. I think only one person ever got thrown out of his class, compared to millions in other classes, and after that, the guy soon settled the fuck down. I still talk to him occasionally. He stays near me. And yes, I do still call him Sir.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:16:23 No.5821547
    fuck just move out, live with me, fuck the pain away.
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 10/13/09(Tue)13:16:36 No.5821550
    I hadn't seen him in a couple of years until recently and I did the same thing. Even though I know he's called Chris, it's still Mr. castle or Sir.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:16:50 No.5821551
    Fuck if I know. It was just the principal being a nosy bitch again. And, yeah, I would have beat him senseless had I not gotten the shirt on sale. Picked up eight of them for about ten bucks each, normal price was about three times that. Black ink, all over my nice navy blue shirt now.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:17:53 No.5821556
    Oh, I already have my own place, but my parents insisted I come by for Thanksgiving dinner, visit with my cousins and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:19:11 No.5821566

    Is he by chance a "special needs" child?

    at 13 i was well past HURR POUR INK ON SHIT
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:21:04 No.5821578
    That is a distinct possibility.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:22:35 No.5821592
    You notice how these days, bad kids are always labeled as having A.D.D or any other form of mental disability? You also notice how back in the 70's, nobody had even heard of A.D.D and there wasn't as many bad kids? Now, bad kids have an excuse to do it. People will just go "oh, he has A.D.D, he can't help it." when really, they just play on it to get away with things.
    >> maxie !oblAO6/sUQ 10/13/09(Tue)13:24:48 No.5821611
    A lot of things have "appeared" recently. As you say, the whole ADD thing. Nut allergies still continue to amaze me, how is it even possible?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:25:27 No.5821617

    i often wonder about this, but citing "in the past" really has no validity; i mean, how many other things did we not fucking know about in the 70s?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:25:56 No.5821621
    If your kid doesn't cower when you raise your hand, than you are a bad parent.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:26:48 No.5821629

    It may not have proper validity, but you have to admit, there is at least some truth in there.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:27:54 No.5821634
    People are told spanking their kids is wrong. Why? I have no clue. Pain is the best teacher on the planet. If some kid puts his had on something hot and burns himself he sure as shit ain't going to do that again. If the same kid puts his hand on something hot and is put in time out... what is the punishment? Being left alone in your room without any supervision? Isn't that what kids want?

    My parents would spank us when we did something wrong, we grew up pretty normal.(Same with my cousins on my dad's side) All my cousins on my moms side were not. All those kids are a bunch of annoying brats. One grew up and is now living in a trailer on her moms front lawn. Another has no idea who she is... she has gone from prep to goth to lesbo because her friends dictate her life, and also is a general cunt. The second youngest still acts like she is in elementary school, she is in 10th grade now I think. The youngest... ugg she is such a little cunt. Just screams and refuses to speak unless her mom does whatever she wants. I'm not saying not spanking caused all this, more along the lines of not spanking is a sign of possible shitty parents.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:29:36 No.5821646

    oh yeah for sure theres kids that play it up, OHH MY ADD im an IOP kid im speshull!

    i just wonder how many add/adhd diagnosis are proper.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:34:08 No.5821676
    My family has a history of ADD, we all grew up fine without meds. Damn near every male in my family has a hard time focusing on one thing for a decent amount of time. I would say its not as big of a deal as people make it out to be, I went from 1st-12th grade making A's-B's without meds, also got into the Army without meds. Just a matter if the parents puts excuses or encouragement into the kids head.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:34:27 No.5821680
    the problem with corporal punishment is that most parents have no idea how to administer it. if you hit your child in anger you are doing it wrong. it has to be dispassionate and measured.

    if you kid is being a little shit and you get pissed off and slap him, all he is learning is that it is okay to hit someone in anger. the discipline needs to come after the child is calmed down and you explain the reasoning to him.

    of course, at this point, since the child is not behaving badly at the time most parents would feel guilty about punishing their child, so they don't do anything.

    corporal punishment is not about abuse or retribution, it is about linking actions with consequences, just like in life outside the home.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:35:10 No.5821688
    Kids are too fucking spoiled nowadays...

    One example:
    I've seen this everywhere, one kid falls down or has an accident because he's stupid and is laying on the ground. If the parents or anyone comes to him and starts saying shit like " OMG ARE YOU OK?? OMG POOR KID" he will start crying because he's spoiled and want's some attention. When a kid falls down, DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING, just walk to him and act as nothing happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:38:07 No.5821706
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    There's nothing wrong at all about giving a little physical punishment...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:38:52 No.5821712
    they shouldnt control their kids.
    let them do what they want.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:41:55 No.5821737
    >>I'm 12 and what is this?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:44:18 No.5821761
    1/10, would call out as pathetic troll again
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:48:29 No.5821794
    What kids learn from being beaten, or slapped is that it is a way to solve problems or conflicts.

    its like imagining that putting criminals into prison, will help us get rid of crime

    you think hitting or beating kids are a good thing is because it was done to YOU and you consider yourself to be such a fine speciment of the human race

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