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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255448958.jpg-(83 KB, 547x523, tcc_donnie_darko.jpg)
    83 KB Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)11:49:18 No.5820853  
    i request some movies everyone should've watched

    pic related it's donnie darko
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)11:52:01 No.5820882
    Festen, aka The Celebration
    Also, Ghost Dog
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:01:59 No.5820993
         File1255449719.jpg-(16 KB, 544x359, Untitled1.jpg)
    16 KB
    Noroi aka the curse
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:03:18 No.5821008
    Fight Club

    I just watched it for the first time yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:07:52 No.5821044
    second that, i'd also recommend some movies from quentin tarantino like pulp fiction or reservoir dogs
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)12:11:29 No.5821080

    You guize...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:11:53 No.5821516
    Blue Velvet
    Fight Club
    Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:23:29 No.5821596
    Requiem for a dream (about drugs)
    waltz with bashir (about war)
    la haine (about multi cultural society)
    persepolis( about cultural oppression)

    anyone know good films about totalitarian regimes, think 1984 (the film version sucks)
    V for vendetta is too childish, i want something more realistic
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:34:07 No.5821675
    Last Life in the Universe
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    Mike Leigh's Naked
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)13:47:07 No.5821780
    >>5821596 blox
    >Requiem for a dream (about drugs)

    It was a fucking PSA, and the message was so heavy-handed, I expected it to end with a guy in a suit addressing the audience that the next tragedy could be "Yours... or yours... OR YOURS," while pointing at the camera.

    >waltz with bashir (about war)

    I don't know how I feel about this film. On the one hand, the filmmaker really tried to make it seem like the IDF had absolutely nothing to do with the massacres, but he does leave in an interview with a guy who compared the IDF's role in the massacre to the SS, which I was not at all expecting to hear in an Israeli film.

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