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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255383941.jpg-(256 KB, 640x480, dwarf1..jpg)
    256 KB Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:45:41 No.5811532  
    Are femanons quite slutty in your experience?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:48:21 No.5811555
    You're pic answers you're own question
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:48:31 No.5811557
    Experience with girls in my 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:48:46 No.5811560
    For every girl that camwhores, there are like 100 that don't

    nice tits
    >> KoreanGuy !!Km+/cOAwIah 10/12/09(Mon)17:49:15 No.5811565
    All women are sluts so yeah
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:49:22 No.5811567
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:49:22 No.5811568

    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:49:41 No.5811571
    Every one I've come into contact with
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:50:37 No.5811573
    Why yes, yes they are.

    And that's a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:51:53 No.5811582

    this fag probably calls himself a male feminist or a 'pick up artist'.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:53:40 No.5811594
    I am currently dating a femanon. She is not slutty, however she is submissive and is willing to please. I don't believe that the behavior of a femanon could be stereotyped as there are many different kinds of users.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:56:42 No.5811617
    I think we need to distinguish between fem /b/itches (?) and fembots.

    I don't even want to imagine how fucked in the head the kind of girl who browses /b/ would be.

    The /r9k/ fembots would probably be pretty liberal slightly self-concious slightly nerdy girls who've accidently drifted here from Digg.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:00:31 No.5811672
    You don't get it, they WANT you to think they're fucked in the head. They love the attention that goes with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:01:53 No.5811688
    I drifted here from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:05:02 No.5811716
    libfag spotted
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:06:53 No.5811732
    Any girl on 4chan, doesn't matter what board, is a little fucked in the head.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:07:51 No.5811739
    I'd take a femanon over a normal chick any day. But I think that's mostly just so I can say that I did.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:09:25 No.5811746
    Short hair, so hot. If I didnt just fap a while ago id have a boner. More hot pics of girls iwth short hair.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:10:03 No.5811751
    Why isn't there the same fascination with male anons from femanons that male anons have for femanons?

    Is it because they aren't very ronery?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:12:10 No.5811773

    >I drifted here from /v/.

    So you're a bigotted ronery pedo furfag who likes bitching about video games but not actually playing them?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:15:53 No.5811798
    Thats because no matter how ugly or fat a girl is. There is ALWAYS a guy who will sleep with her NO MATTER WHAT. There are guys who like getting "crushed" by a fat gay & they even pay them for it. Plus bitches only want a 12" cock that is made of chocolate & squirts money.

    That isnt possible so the interest will never be there.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:16:37 No.5811806
    I've got a neckbeard too.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:17:38 No.5811816
    I am currently dating a femanon. We met through anonidate. she's definitely better at the sex than nonanon girls I've dated.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:21:47 No.5811868
    Because as long as a girl has a vagina, she is capable of getting a boyfriend. They don't even need to be interested in the same things in order to have a conversation. All they need to do is be female, and they'll get a boyfriend like THAT. Most of us here need someone with similiar interests(which, for most of that group, is /a/ or /v/) in order to have a proper conversation and not come off as fuckwads.

    Hence, girls found on 4chan. Because you might as well start digging for oil in your backyard if you're stupid enough to think you'll meet an actual 'nerdy' girl IRL. Stupid fucking nerd trend, GLASSES DO NOT MAKE YOU NERDY FUCK YOU RETARDS
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:21:48 No.5811870

    Awesome. You're my pefect woman.

    Dress up in a Sonichu outfit and I'll give you orgasms until my tongue falls off.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:23:22 No.5811883
    >We met through anonidate
    42 males and 0 females in your area.

    Please, please stop mentioning anonidate as a 'valid' alternative for everyone. It's only viable for Americans or Britfags from HUEG cities, and even then there's probably not more than 1-2 girls who've been approached by every other man in that city.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:25:39 No.5811911
    I'm part of a group of Anons that gathers together in Florida for lack of anything better to do. About 1 in 5 is female. About 1 in 5 of those females is not a slut. I find this most unfortunate, as I will not fuck, let alone date, a slut.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:28:50 No.5811947
    I've met 3.

    Of the three I've met, two have been sluts. Of those two, one was at least an entertaining slut. The last one was just obnoxious and not amusing in the least.

    The one that was neither obnoxious nor a slut is now my girlfriend :3
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:33:33 No.5812011
    Seems the general consensus is that femanons are sluts.

    Anyone care to offer any hypothesis for this that isn't something like 'all women are sluts'?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:33:57 No.5812015
    what about female /mu/tants?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:42:09 No.5812116
    fembots are vapid hipster sluts.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:44:01 No.5812135
    I'm from /k/. I only come here for the relationshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:04:20 No.5812329

    But do you find Moot attractive? Most important question one can ask a femanon IMHO.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:20:34 No.5812485
    The only femanon that I know of at my university seems kinda intimidating and aggressive.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:23:32 No.5812521
    I really, really hope so. :/
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:26:55 No.5812560
    My sonichu outfit is in the wash.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:33:29 No.5812630
    Every female channer I've ever met has been a completely self-absorbed cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:06:00 No.5812948

    I wouldn't date a male Anon. There are too many 200+ reply stalker and misogyny threads for me to ever be able to trust one.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:09:34 No.5812986

    Sorry luv I'm not interested then.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:12:43 No.5813017
    >girl with nice tits
    >sup /b/
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:13:18 No.5813027
    They are ONLY slutty when compared to maleanons, aka neckbeards. EVERYONE is slutty when compared to maleanons. Jesus was slutty when compared to maleanons, because he actually talked to girls.

    Maleanons are just too pure+chaste for this corrupt planet.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:42:24 No.5813367

    Most maleanons cum in bottles so they can give themselves jizz enemas without it being gay. You spend too much time on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:47:57 No.5813443
    I dated a guy from /r9k/.

    He was pretty cool 'til I found out he was in an elationship. He broke that off and all was cool for a couple months til I found out he was porking some fat chick while I was at work.

    I avoid them like the plague now. All men are whores. All women are whores. Hitachi is god.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:52:44 No.5813490
    Are you kidding? I love hanging out with male anons. Whenever I go somewhere new, one of the first things I do is message every guy on Anonidate there within a 5 mile radius. I've messaged every guy within a twenty mile radius of where I live already. I search through every hook up thread and save AIM SNs like mad. I love meeting up with anons.

    That said, I've never hooked up with any of them. I'm just fascinated by them. HAHAHA
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:53:47 No.5813501
    I am slutty, depending on how you want to use the word. I'd just say I have a higher sex drive than the guys I've been with.
    And I have no problem dating a channer... my boyfriend visits /b/, but nowhere near as much as I do.

    I'd rather date someone who goes on 4chan than not, just cause I feel like a fucking loser for spending all my time here. But it's not like every nerd in the world goes on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:59:39 No.5813572

    Started reading right there. You're probably a catch.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:09:44 No.5813689
    Every "man" to ever have messaged me from 4chan has proven that they are complete whores. Of course there are the exceptions of few but most just try to come up with a way to get me naked or INSTANTLY send cam and without any provocation from me and start fapping. Without me ever even have sent a photo, I could be a 56 year old gay dude for all you fucking know.

    Can I ask what the fuck your thought process is when you do this?

    "oh hai, want to see my wang?"
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:11:57 No.5813721
    you mean this?

    Fuck people. I don't think I'd like having a femanon around any more then a plain 'ol romantic comedy loving cunt.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/12/09(Mon)21:13:26 No.5813737
    All women are whores, and I'm a bastion of manliness and perfection, which is why BITCHES AINT SHIT BUT TRICKS N HOEZ.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)21:17:44 No.5813791
    I'm not a slut so I'm gonna go with no.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/12/09(Mon)21:18:33 No.5813803


    >not a slut

    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:19:45 No.5813815
    Shut your whore mouth tripfaggot susan.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:19:58 No.5813818
         File1255396798.jpg-(51 KB, 420x515, 1255324001254.jpg)
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    they usually are. I met up with this one 18 yr old chick. she was normalish but slightly chubby, and told me she had sex with 11 guys. that was a turn-off but I knew she'd put out for me so I drove a few hrs to stay the night with her. she deepthroated my cock and swallowed my cum (and told me that she "always swallows") and also let me cum on her tits later on. then she wanted me to fuck her but I couldn't do it, knowing she was such a slut and was fatter than I thought she'd be.

    tl;dr - most girls are slutty and the fat ones give great head
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:22:21 No.5813844
    Susan, take a picture similar to the OP pic (except clothed of course) .
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:22:33 No.5813846
    Why the obsession over who is a slut and who isnt?
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/12/09(Mon)21:23:40 No.5813857

    Slut who has fucked more than 3 guys detected
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:25:03 No.5813872
    The one femanon that I know isn't slutty but she has posted nudes here before. She has had the same boyfriend for years too.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:25:13 No.5813873

    dat's sum epin bread
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:25:32 No.5813875
    No i'm a guy. I just think this shit is fucking childish.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:26:57 No.5813885
    Slutty, retarded, insane, and boring in my experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:27:26 No.5813891
    Picture of a nigger on her wall.
    She'll take it in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:31:39 No.5813941
    Every single physical romance I've ever had, including kissing, has been with one person, whom I'm still with, and have been with for 2 years.

    Unfortunately I seem to be the minority of femanons. Because the ones I know IRL are huge sluts.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/12/09(Mon)21:32:55 No.5813953

    In b4 jealous wymyn trying to liberate you.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:34:27 No.5813974
    Honsetly can anyone provide a rational and mature reason why they care if someone has fucked other people before them? Just pathetic little boys with fuckall self esteem, worried that you arent good enough. Grow up you godamn faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:36:24 No.5813996
    Do you go to school in Ohio, and did she say "Shut up, faggot, I'm trying to study."?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:36:51 No.5813997

    truth no man woman or child can compete with the hitachi

    it's what male sex robot penises will be based on
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:37:09 No.5814001
    I for one have an irrational fear of HIV. I think everyone else has issues about "purity" and whether or not the relationship means anything because she's been in so many before.

    I for one am just afraid everyone has AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:41:30 No.5814034
    Except everyone's seen pictures of your dorky ass, so enjoy your hand.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:42:11 No.5814042
    I've posted my face on 4chan, yes, but never nudes. I've never taken nudes.

    Plenty of women and men alike have called me a prude and such, but I don't mind. I wanted to have all of my firsts with someone who cared about me and that I cared about, whether we stay together or not. At least then I won't regret any of it. Heck, I want all of my relationships in the future to be that way, too.

    They can call names and make fun, but I'm happy, so fuck 'em.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:48:41 No.5814098

    If you are a gay man and want to have unprotected sex then it's not an irrational fear.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:49:04 No.5814101
    I am a femanon and would probably get called a slut here. I have slept with 14 guys, at 23. I have slowed down though. One guy in the past two years. When I am not in a relationship I guess I enjoy sex too much to just masturbate all alone in my room every night. Oh well.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)21:49:22 No.5814105
    Why should I? It'll just create a shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:52:54 No.5814137

    For one, I'm turned on by inexperience. All things considered though it's about the context of their past experiences. I have no problem with a girl's history as long as it's all in the context of committed relationships.

    Several one night stands are a red flag to me. I put an extremely high emphasis on loyalty and trust, and I just can't trust someone who doesn't view sex as I do: as an intimate practice between fully committed and loyal partners.

    That's for relationships, though. If I'm single and looking to fuck some hot slut I really could not care less. Hypocrisy ftw.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:54:16 No.5814153
    It would prove everyone here wrong, come on, I bet you are beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:59:31 No.5814228
    Holy shit, I seriously think I know that girl. Fuck. My cousin has a friend that looks exactly like her.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:02:47 No.5814263
    Nobody is asking you to get nekkid or anything. Just to prove that you are really a girl - take a timestamped pic.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:10:50 No.5814348
    but you're odd looking girl, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:15:54 No.5814405
    I have this problem where girls on the internet fall in love with me. Femanons especially. They're fun to talk to, but if they want to meet you? Cool. You get a free sex hook-up.

    But never get emotionally invested in them. It ends in heartbreak, because, go figure, they are insane crazy psycho bitches with deep seated emotional problems and an inability to deal with reality. Basically, they're like /b/tards with vaginas. It's truly awful. Horror stories that would make /r9k/ rage and lose even more faith in women, etc. Just trust me on this.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:16:11 No.5814408
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:19:21 No.5814436
    Where in Florida? Just curious.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:25:35 No.5814507

    Femanons usually view me as snack food. They think I'm going to worship them as goddesses or something and they couldn't be more wrong. I guess I just have this halo of naivety around me.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:29:40 No.5814562
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    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:32:33 No.5814598
    need more, I have 2 other pics of her, are there more?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:33:47 No.5814615

    Disney word you fucking white knight
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:35:37 No.5814635
    Femanons want you more when you don't pay attention to them, or don't validate their existence. Compliment them sparingly and never directly.

    It's really the same thing you do as an alpha male in real life, only easier because you can hide how weird you actually are.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 10/12/09(Mon)22:36:09 No.5814643
    A good portion of femanons are slutty, a good portion of them are crazy, a good portion of them are ugly and a vast majority of them are all three. But you always get the nice exceptions to the rule and they're pretty cool to talk to.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:36:15 No.5814645
    How the fuck was I a white knight?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:38:48 No.5814671


    we love storytime.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)22:40:06 No.5814686
         File1255401606.jpg-(24 KB, 573x426, fuckyouhuys.jpg)
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    there i'm really who I said I was, what a surprise.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:42:27 No.5814710

    You expect to gather with some anons and form a fantasy world with edgy jokes, internet/4chan culture. With these "awesome" bros and nice non-slut girls that are kinda shy you'll be living a nice fairy tale.

    But guess what? It's not possible. Enjoy your white knighting.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:43:23 No.5814721

    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:44:53 No.5814734

    You're face's like :(I)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:46:20 No.5814746
    I like talking to brobots. They're actually fairly good conversationalists (something that I have no skill in, so thank goodness for that), and are generally just curious about the female mind. I have an anonymous AIM account set up just to talk to 'em. It passes the time.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)22:46:36 No.5814749
    I'm sorry I don't meet your standards,actually i'm not fuck you.

    I'm assuming you've seen my other pics and realise thats because of my massive gums.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:46:40 No.5814751

    When are you going to understand that you're not wanted here. Leave.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:46:53 No.5814754

    You are a new level of hideous.

    A kiss from those fish lips would turn a man to stone.

    A look into those eyes would make the hardest dick go limp.

    Truly a creature of Greek myth.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:47:07 No.5814755
    Actually is rather anticlimatic now that I am no longer fueled by rage and disgruntledness.

    Involves an insane femanon who had never met me, but decided she was in love. Crap about us being perfect for never having a real fight, and feeling like we were perfect for each other, and how she felt so much like an adult for having her life planned out (which included me marrying her by the time she was 21). Was actually very creepy.

    Oh, and the whole sex with five guys before she turned 15, and waaahhh I'm not a whore just misunderstood crap that I was supposed to understand her better by hearing the intricate details of her sex life and how she had lost her virginity with her best friends boyfriend, or the threesome she had, or that sort of garbage.

    Ultimately ended up fueling my anger against scene kids and girls who posted themselves nude on the internet. I still see pics of her naked on /b/ every once in a while; painful reminder of that period.

    I never went and saw her, though it would have been free sex; She's dating a well known tripfag on a large board on 4chan now, which means she flew halfway across the country to fuck him for two days. True love, clearly.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:47:40 No.5814759

    Agreed, femanon you are disgusting
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)22:48:56 No.5814776
    Why haven't I realised this before! thank you for pointing this out to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:50:10 No.5814789
    You're accusing me of having a fantasy after you inferred all of that? Really?

    I was just curious where this "super secret club" was, since, go figure, I live in Florida too. But hey. Nice theory. Do you even understand what it means to be a white knight? Your description doesn't even allude to actual white knighting.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:54:50 No.5814824

    You live in Florida? So does thousands of other people. Why should it matter to you? Unless you feel a need of forming a secret club with these retards.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:55:20 No.5814829
    dont believe them
    they are just being jerks, but i saw your post last nite and you are cute, if i knew you irl and didnt have a gf i would try to entice you
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:57:15 No.5814844


    Either you are as horribly ugly and desperate as her, or a troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)22:57:22 No.5814846


    Next time loser
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/12/09(Mon)22:58:26 No.5814854
    good lord I love the girl in the OP's pics titties, they're fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:00:12 No.5814868

    You're not a slut, but you're still an attention whore. Stop with the trip, stop with the pictures.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:02:07 No.5814886
    I love how this Susan tripfag always comes here, talks about how ugly she is, posts pictures knowing that everyone is going to call her ugly. Seriously it's like every god damn thread she posts in. She must get off on being insulted or something. People who didn't want it would simply not tripfag and refuse to post pictures.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:03:11 No.5814896
    or your a faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:03:56 No.5814901

    lern 2 engrish

    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)23:05:01 No.5814913
    someone asked for pics I wouldn't have posted them otherwise also fuck you i'm keeping my trip just to piss you off.
    Thanks sigmund.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:07:04 No.5814932

    post moar, your sexy
    >> God Emperor of /adv/ !YgQRHAJqRA 10/12/09(Mon)23:08:11 No.5814942
    You are a bit of an attention whore, but you said earlier that you smoke Reds. That absolves you of all past transgressions.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:08:22 No.5814946

    Haha that's rich.

    >someone asked for pics I wouldn't have posted them otherwise

    Oh yeah clearly they asked for pics so you HAD to post them! Your hands sure were tied on that one! No, don't fucking bullshit us, you know god damn well that as soon as you say you're a girl people are going to ask for pictures. Girls love to post their pictures but don't want to look like attention whores so they find ways to sneak it in, such as you have just done.

    >also fuck you i'm keeping my trip just to piss you off.
    As if you would have stopped using it had I said nothing? Please.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:09:05 No.5814956

    Have you ever even TRIED going for a jog and maybe showering once in a while?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:10:37 No.5814979

    Chilll dude, chilllllll.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:11:19 No.5814987

    Not only are you the ugliest human being I've seen all month, but you also seem to be the dumbest, judging by your horrendous typing.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:12:01 No.5814996

    No problem. You know I'm just giving you what you want.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)23:12:05 No.5814997
    I didn't have too but I don't see why I shouldn't If I was a guy you wouldn't be bitching hell if I was hot you wouldn't be bitching.
    you're right I would've kept this trip either way but its more fun to say things to piss you off.
    I'm attention whoring on 4chan why do you give so much of a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:12:40 No.5815004
    Fuck. Shut up. You're making women look worse than we actually are.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:12:49 No.5815006
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    writing some text here to fill the minimum amount of content required by the robot overlord
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/12/09(Mon)23:13:52 No.5815018

    All women are whores, I mean, acting annoying or whatever you think she's doing isn't going to make you any worse, you're already on the bottom.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:14:14 No.5815024

    Imagine everyone is in a room having a nice conversation. Everyone is just chilling and having a good time, and then someone walks into the room, gets in everyone's face and starts yelling "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" over and over.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)23:14:42 No.5815029
    Thats why we don't judge by typing.
    woah shower?! now thats a low blow.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:15:11 No.5815037

    To be fair, the only person who is truly not pissed off is the one who doesn't reply at all, which in this case is not you either.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:16:26 No.5815052
    Well what the fuck do you think is going to happen if your first thread is "ASK A WEIRD LOOKING GIRL ANYTHING"

    You obviously were going to post it you fucking idiot.

    >I didn't have too but I don't see why I shouldn't

    You need to...LURK THE FUCK MOAR. FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:16:27 No.5815054

    It's not our fault you have horse teeth. you know, you could just accept your body image instead of being a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:18:43 No.5815083

    It's cute that you think it's actually pissing anybody off. People troll because they enjoy it. You take insults because you enjoy it. It's quite the symbiotic relationship really.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)23:19:16 No.5815089
    I have accepted it thank you for your concern.

    Only that nice conversation consists of "I HATE BLACKS" and "WOMEN BITCHES OR SLUTS" I hardly think I'm lowering the tone.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:19:56 No.5815096

    Most people do seem to.

    I can guarantee from seeing your pictures and caveman-like typing that you have at least one form of retardation.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:20:06 No.5815098
    LOL, wow, aren't you 15 or something, kid? Shut the fuck up until your balls drop.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)23:21:20 No.5815112
    cavemen couldn't type at all retard.

    but seriously who cares about speeling on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:21:26 No.5815115
    Imagine a giant cock flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm going to have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant cock.
    But then, at the last moment, it's trajectory changes and it hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, atleast I got that out of the way", but then the giant cock rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again.
    Eventually, this giant cock is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant cock slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair.
    Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant cock lodges itself in your anus, where it rests for 4 hours. That's what a Susan thread is like.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:21:44 No.5815119

    16. Just ask him about his wicked mountain bike.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:22:26 No.5815128
    moar pics of OP
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:23:18 No.5815138

    That proves my point. You can't type at all either.
    >> EasyToPlease !77jiZthifU 10/12/09(Mon)23:23:50 No.5815146

    Who cares what they fucking say about the way you look.

    Half of them couldn't get it up anyway. They'll be lucky to find anybody who can handle their level of insecurity.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:24:23 No.5815151
    It was a sunday afternoon. I walked into see Jim as I always did around this time.

    "A quick shave", I said in my usual masculine tone.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:25:19 No.5815157
    >Half of them couldn't get it up anyway

    You asshole. You don't have to rub it in her face.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:25:21 No.5815159

    Your trip serves you well, lowstandardsfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:25:40 No.5815160
    never actually met a girl who knows what 4chan is, i would like to but hey i can only hope to eventually.
    >> Susan !!nIc84+7M3Nd 10/12/09(Mon)23:25:51 No.5815163
    My fragile ego! broken! someone insulted my typing I must now commit seppku.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:26:05 No.5815165

    I wouldn't want to even get NEAR that face.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)23:26:47 No.5815174
    I'm a femanon. I'm a virgin, I've never cam whored, and no I'm not obese.

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