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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255375601.jpg-(43 KB, 832x575, 1253396402226.jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:26:41 No.5810125  
    ITT things you learned in highschool
    I'm not talking about the pointless things you learned in the classroom, that you forgot about after the test was over, but rather the things you learned about yourself and the world you live in.

    I learned:
    >I hate black people
    >I hate white people who listen to rap
    >I am probably gay (still not sure about this one)
    >no one else cares about you (unless you are a cute girl), so toughen up
    >Pot is the best stress relief ever
    >megaman is a fucking awesome video game
    >grudges don't last forever. Just because you fought someone in front of the whole school and won doesn't mean you can't be friends later
    >i will probably be a virgin forever
    >potheads are pretty lousy friends. Once the weed is gone, so are they

    What did you guys learn?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:28:43 No.5810147
    I learned that 4chan+vidya games are awesome
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:28:47 No.5810149
    >I hate black people
    >I hate white people who listen to rap
    >I am probably gay

    sounds about right
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:28:57 No.5810151
    I would like to hear more about:

    >I am probably gay (still not sure about this one)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:31:14 No.5810186
    I wouldn't hate black people so much if they did something besides mug white kids, smoke weed, and cut class. And yeah I am gay, don't hit on me silly boys
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:31:39 No.5810190
    > women dont go for fat guys who are irish and dig vidya games

    >hot teachers, no matter how many times you get caught staring laugh it off and give you a sexy smile

    >nice guys finish last

    >black people are still intimidated by whites, and vice versa to that

    >most people will lie in a social situation to make themselves seem cooler
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:32:35 No.5810196
    If you remember high school at all you fucking did it wrong
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:33:26 No.5810203
    Back in high school i started checking out different forms of gay porn (yaoi, shota, gfur, general gay porn, etc) and also I began experimenting with anal penetration, which I really enjoyed and did like every other day. I still haven't been with a guy IRL,but I am pretty damn sure I am gay.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:34:37 No.5810218

    >>hot teachers, no matter how many times you get caught staring laugh it off and give you a sexy smile

    Dude, I went to a highschool with a bunch of hot teachers. The funny thing is, they flirted with me more than the girls my age. It was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:35:00 No.5810220
    I smoked weed everyday of highschool, and i still remember some of it. My memories of grade 9 and 10 are hazy, but I still remember grade 12 somewhat.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:35:20 No.5810223
    dude... i know exactly what youur fucking talking about XD
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:35:51 No.5810227
    > Being quiet is good, being weird and quiet is not good

    > Toughen up sunshine

    > You can nap anywhere
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:35:59 No.5810229
    >Asking for help when you don't understand the work isn't cool
    >Not talking shit about your friends behind their back makes you a square
    >You are the offspring of a minister if you don't drink/smoke/party in highschool.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:36:24 No.5810232
    >befriend the establishment (security guards and teachers)
    >find the school's union rep and befriend them. they will get shit done for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:39:16 No.5810257
    Dude, you had security guards at your school? Was it an especially rough school or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:39:58 No.5810266
    I learned that acne sucks, and thats about it
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:40:26 No.5810273
    I thought every school has security guards/cops/German Shepards?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:43:15 No.5810309
    My school in ontario, canada had nothing like that. No guards, no dogs, no nothing. The worst you had to worry about was the vice principal who sometimes wondered around school looking for people skipping, and during lunchtime certain teachers would keep watch in the cafeteria.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:45:20 No.5810332
    bumpu for more
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:46:23 No.5810346
    >Cheating is how you get ahead in life

    >Popularity is of utmost importance.

    >Making friends with teachers and whoever is in charge makes everything x100 easier.

    >Find a commodity that the entire school population wants and capitalize on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:46:43 No.5810353

    torontofag here

    what school were/are you from
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:46:52 No.5810354
    I learned all the friends I made in middleschool are idiots who will all drop out by grade 11
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:47:27 No.5810364
    I'm from ottawa bro, kinda far away ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:47:34 No.5810365
    >a commodity

    Coulda just said it, bro
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:49:00 No.5810379
    >I hate white people who listen to rap
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:50:31 No.5810402
    We got this when our old school was demolished, policemen patrolled the corridors, it upset people more than anything (the first recorded incidence of students taking viagra in school, and some other thing I can't remember).
    I befriended all the authoritative figures, and got to be PREFECT, and the vice head confided to me that I could've been head girl if I applied...that would've been so fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:52:36 No.5810425

    True dat, but also the for silly STRAIGHT EDGEs I'd have candy.

    I price gouged the shit out of everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:53:06 No.5810428
    I was a pothead during high school. i imagine we would have become bitter enemies if we went to the same high school at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:53:21 No.5810432

    White people listening to rap is normal, dressing black is not.

    There is rap music beside America where there are no black rappers stupid fuck.
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)15:54:21 No.5810443
    >Staying with the same friends you've had since middle school, or even better, elementary school is the best thing you can possibly do. Trying to get into a new crowd in high school can sometimes go horribly wrong.

    >In my opinion, it's better to go for really great girls and hear a "No" rather than just trying to fuck trashy girls. I know /r9k/ tells you not to have high standards, but really, don't fucking sell yourself short man.

    >Don't go through highschool and be against partying. I mean you don't have to be one of those douches that just drinks every weekend but you can have some goddamn illegal fun every once in awhile. You're really fucking yourself over if you don't have fun in highschool. Because as long as you get good enough grades none of this shit really matters. You don't have to kill yourself with work.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:54:40 No.5810447
    >Black people are loud.
    >This is most likely a territorial thing, similar to chimps.
    >Being public about watching anime is bad, as the only people who find that cool are fucking annoying.
    >Anyone on a given athletics team will most likely smoke a lot more weed than all your stoner friends combined, and as such, can be really cool people if you encounter them in a non-school setting.
    >Smoke Moar, Chill Out.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:57:47 No.5810470
    >implying america doesn't have white rappers
    >implying they aren't even worse then the black people they are imitating
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)15:58:37 No.5810477
    >things rarely work out how you plan

    >adults are no different than teenagers

    >everyone talks shit, it doesn't mean anything.

    >Despite what your parents taught you, you should always succumb to peer pressure.

    >Don't be afraid to socialize with someone sitting next to you, that is how you make friends.

    >people change and move on, nothing is forever.

    >you are what you're willing to become.

    >life is full of all time highs and all time lows.
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:00:37 No.5810494
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    Just graduated last year, but to be honest, I was pretty much in the cool crowd for all of highschool. We weren't cool enough to party with the cheerleading squad and star football players, but we associated with them. We were like right below them and we were perfectly content with it. Everyone liked us. That's the place to be, right below the "coolest" kids in your school. We had our own girls. Our own parties. We had fun and probably the best highschool experience out of any other group.

    Pic related, from a random drinking party at one of my buddy's houses.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:00:46 No.5810495
    >teenage women are a headache and a half
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:02:07 No.5810509
    I hate you
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:04:22 No.5810526
    drop out here, you guys are chumps
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:04:50 No.5810530
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    I'm gonna find and post more party pictures.

    I'm not the guy in this one, but this picture touches me for some reason.

    I'm the guy in this picture btw.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:05:39 No.5810538
    >Be on a sports team. Be it football, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, whatever. You don't even have to be that good. Instantly friends with everyone (if you're not a douche).
    >Be friends with the dean of students, veteran teachers, and get on their good sides.
    >Run the noob teachers into the ground. Make them your bitches.
    >Shit gets around. Be careful about what you say about someone.
    >Your best friends are the ones you can play Nuttap Tuesday with, throw their asses to the ground, call their perfectly nice girlfriends "bitches", get arrested with, pop each others tires, piss on your enemies cars for you, take out bass-mailboxes with, stomp your cellphone into the ground, keep the "I hit-and-run a puppy" secret til you graduate. They will last you a lifetime.
    -Sit in the back.
    -Girlfriends and sex are great, but don't chase some cunt for a full year.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:06:02 No.5810542
    High school taught me to be lazy. Why work hard when you can just work hard enough?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:07:17 No.5810551
    >The two best friends you plan to keep for the rest of your life are 10x more important than trying to please other people.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:08:06 No.5810557
    Cliques, though necessary, are fucking retarded.

    Everyone likes the vidya, just not as much as you.

    There is always someone weirder than you.

    Befriend those most likely to shoot up the place, you might be spared.

    Don't be sick on the day a bomb threat is found at the school. You will be questioned.

    Most AP classes are fucking worthless, but they give valuable study skills.

    Facebook is relatively useful if you're not obsessive about it.

    Being depressed is part of being a teenager. Get over it.

    Douches that date girls 3 grades younger than them are just that, douches.
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:08:09 No.5810558
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    I am the guy in that photo, sir.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:08:17 No.5810560
    i learned how to do calculus
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:08:57 No.5810568
    Don't gossip.
    Be a good kid and the teachers will let you get away with shit from time to time.
    Party, have fun. Skip classes. Smoke weed, get drunk and do some drugs. Just don't go overboard with that shit. After high school, shit gets a lot tougher. So live it up while you can.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:09:14 No.5810572

    Lol at your retarded american "cool" hierarchy.

    Here in the civilized world everybody hangs out with everybody in high school (from time to time, there are still social groups, but there are no "cool" or "uncool" people).
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:10:46 No.5810579
    >attention whore
    okay I updated it for you =3
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:11:31 No.5810585
    Why did you add "american" in your description?

    Anyway, I'm american, and we never had any sort of hierarchy. Ours wasn't a small class, but everyone knew everyone else, and good times were had by all. There really weren't any cliques at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:11:37 No.5810586
    >I hate everyone.
    this is what i learned.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:12:18 No.5810590
    I learned high school sucks
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:12:36 No.5810593
    >People want you to fail, they can't take the hit to their egos. Crush them all first.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:12:44 No.5810594
    I'm American and we don't have popular kids here either.

    What kind of lollipop highschool did you attend tripfag?
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:13:39 No.5810602
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    Sit in the back of what? The bus?

    I tend to believe that people that date anyone out of their grade are douches. I think I'm biased though, because the brunette in
    this picture got taken away from me by a senior, when I was a junior and I felt like shit. But like you said, being depressed is part of being a teenager.

    I'm the fag with the sunglasses in this.
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:15:18 No.5810620
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    A very fucking cliche one, sir. And I just happened to succeed at it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:15:28 No.5810621
    >"american" in your description

    Well it's stereotypical for american high-schools to be like that, not necessarily true but it's what most people think. That's why I said american.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:16:27 No.5810634
    >pop each others tires
    >stomp your cellphone into the ground

    Dude...what in the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:20:05 No.5810665
    highschool has awful and I am glad I am through with it
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:21:49 No.5810679
    >-If some shitty rumour about you gets around. Don't try and correct the details. Just adds fuel to the fire
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:22:32 No.5810687
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    Yeah I didn't get that either. Your friends suck.

    Also another piece of advice
    >Have at least one friend you can spill your guts to. Someone you can relate to. It's typical for you guys to just joke around constantly, but if you can't vent all your bullshit to someone then it's going to be torturous. And make sure he or she is someone with any sort of fucking brains and/or compassion at all or else it will be like talking to a wall.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:23:28 No.5810699
    >I learned that pretty much all blacks and Mexicans are stupid and don't give a shit about life

    >Flirting with girls, no matter how much they flirt back, is sexual harassment and should never be done

    >It helps to have a shitton of money so you can buy your way into success.

    >The American Dream is a lie peddled to make people not hate the rich who don't even earn their money. You will die in the social class you are born in nearly 100% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:24:57 No.5810721
    No offense, but it makes you sound a little spiteful and bitter. You how whenever some anon makes a stupid post, there will always be another that says "lol, stupid americans," even though the dumbfuck post has absolutely nothing to do with america, and the dumbfuck doesn't identify himself as american either.

    >Well it's stereotypical for american high-schools to be like that

    You get these stereotypes from movies, and most movies are made in Hollywood, which happens to be in america. If hollywood made was exactly the same, but for some odd reason, located in mexico, you would see the movies as reflections of mexican stereotypes, rather than universal ones. You know what I'm saying?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:25:35 No.5810727

    your graph does not represent a function, OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:25:51 No.5810732
    People cannot be trusted
    Girls are shallow and annoying
    There's a bad day and then there's pure attention whoring angst - I am now avoiding anyone who does this bullshit
    People cannot be trusted
    What makes me angry the most is callous people who abandon logic in an effort to run away from their troubles.
    My political views are distinctly anti-right
    People cannot be trusted
    I am an Agnostic Anti-theist
    There can be truly great human beings in the oddest of places.
    People cannot be trusted
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:26:40 No.5810741
    It's a scatterplot with dots connected.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:26:52 No.5810743

    That type of person doesn't exist for /r9k/. That is why /r9k/ exists.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:28:42 No.5810756

    you are a big dumb penis
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:29:16 No.5810762
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    I don't know what she was doing to me in this picture.
    >If something happens in your life, like you decide you have feelings for a girl, or whatshisname did something really fucking shitty and you want to kick his ass; don't go telling every person that will listen to you. This kinda goes hand in hand with my last piece of advice. Only tell that one friend, or just people you know that you can trust. That's one thing I did right in highschool, I got close to a lot of people and knew I could trust them.

    >You might think your friends are all really tight, but at any given time, one of them is probably talking shit about another. It's good to trust people, but don't trust too much.

    >Get friendzoned on purpose every once in awhile, nothing is better than a girl that you can run and cry to every once in awhile rather than just talking to guys about your shit all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:31:07 No.5810778
    I learned that what your parents expect of you is too high and you don't have any time for fun or not caring in life.

    >The 4 years where you can have the most fun are also the 4 most stressful years of your life. You can't enjoy free time and expect to go to any halfway decent college.

    >Don't even make a sex joke to a group of only dudes. Some teacher or whiny bitch will hear it and get you suspended.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:34:08 No.5810814
    >Your parents are idiots.

    >"Whatever" is the only acceptable answer to life the universe and everything.

    >Your parents are most certainly idiots.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:36:32 No.5810835

    >I will never make friends
    >It is impossible for me to be liked
    >I hate humans
    >rawr angst
    >> !WEEDm8DFkM 10/12/09(Mon)16:37:49 No.5810847
    Douchebag = girls around you
    Weed = Mind blowing awesomeness
    Basketball = MORE GIRLS
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:42:10 No.5810897
         File1255380130.jpg-(41 KB, 402x604, party7.jpg)
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    I definitely dealt with a lot of problems by simply saying "Whatever." Agreed.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:43:01 No.5810906
    >Large Deltoid muscles are extremely intimidating and easy to train.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:48:10 No.5810959
    >How to tell people to fuck off
    >Keeping good, close friends is worth more than everything else
    >Drugs aren't evil
    >I like boobies
    >How not to give a fuck and still succeed
    >Acne sucks
    >Everyone's a fucking retard, even me, and there's no getting around it
    >How to enjoy the world, and find beauty in every part of life
    >That mastering a discipline by yourself and having it found out by the general population instead of bragging about it is like a thousand times more satisfying. Especially if you're better than all the other fags on the surfing team who talk so much shit at school about how awesome they are and you accidentally snake in on their stupid competition one day without knowing about it and cleaning house without even trying
    >People realizing that you're actually a cool guy and all of a sudden trying to be your friend is okay, but being able to say fuck off is better
    >That being physically fit is awesome
    >How to take my own physical fitness into my own hands
    >How to be self-motivated
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:48:55 No.5810972
    >I'm better than all these idiots.
    >I can get away with RL trolling.
    >Never ever speak about anime to anyone but trusted friends.
    >If life sucks then you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:49:29 No.5810983
    >People suck
    >Life sucks
    >There is no God
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:50:37 No.5811000
    >Everyone does more work than me
    >It's easy to make friends with people as socially retarded as you.
    >Hell you can even tell them about the weird shit you fap to
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:50:53 No.5811003
    > Do not talk about people behind their back, they will eventually hear it

    > Ignore anyone who makes fun of you, they want you to act out against them.

    >If someone considers you a friend but you don't really like them all that much, still be nice to them.

    > Don't worry about not having a girlfriend/boyfriend, you and the great majority of the school are in the same boat.

    >Don't be the loud douchebag who is crying out for attention, just keep to yourself but still be open to conversation.

    > Trust nobody

    > people care more about their image than your feelings, you just have to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:51:10 No.5811009
    >bitches like big muscles
    >how to say 'whatever' to everything
    >how to chill the fuck out
    >that i might not actually be religious
    >there's a larger world around me
    >I like certain types of music

    one thing i didn't figure out is how to go to ucb cee without trying. that kind of just happened.
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)16:54:55 No.5811047
    Yo. Definitely agreeing about not crying out for attention and shit. I learned junior year that it's better to try and stay in one place for as long as possible, casually drink and engage and possibly lead a good conversation, rather than stumbling around drunk, trying to get the attention of every person in the house.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:55:15 No.5811050
    >Going to an all male school doesn't do wonders for your sex life.
    >Unless you are willing to make some compromises
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:57:06 No.5811064
    >Show respect to your teachers and they'll let you get away with so much shit.
    >The French language is a pain in the ass. Spanish is massively easier.
    >If you're not planning and attending a prestigious university and your parents don't throw a huge fit about it, strive for C's.
    >Stage Production is by far the most chill elective.
    >If you can do well on tests, you don't need to do much of the homework.
    >Its quite alright to take advantage of naive teachers.
    >Stoners are the nicest people I've ever met.
    >Installing key loggers on school computers is good times.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)16:57:40 No.5811070
    >Walt Kowolski - Racism = PRETTEH COOL GUY U SHULD ASPIRE TO BE
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:00:34 No.5811097
    be really, really good at one thing no matter what it is. People will respect you so much more and you will be noticed by just about everybody.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:00:36 No.5811098
    >Every single girl is a huge bitch and likes the same kind of guys.

    Probably the most important thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:05:16 No.5811152

    >Girls are not important
    >Arbitrary geographically convinient friends are not important
    >You are important.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:08:43 No.5811193
    >>If you dad works at your school you can do anything you want.
    >>If you can do anything you want you get bored pretty fast
    >>those girls, they know just as little as you do about it
    >>Starcraft can be played from a usb drive over school lans.
    >> Seifer !QF5oszRdpY 10/12/09(Mon)17:09:08 No.5811195
    >Don't be too immature. Being an immature twat is probably the worst thing you can do. But trying to prove you are so much more mature than everyone else is almost just as bad. You will piss people off and no one will want to hang out with you. So drink up and act happy for once.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:12:13 No.5811226
    I feel like we should archive this.

    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:15:32 No.5811259
    How can you be gay and a virgin
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:20:58 No.5811305
    ITT: A bunch of 20 something cynics who have 'seen it all'.

    Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:21:32 No.5811310
    I am taller, smarter, and more athletic than 99% of people.

    Apparently I'm attractive, because people tend to like me and be friendly around me.

    Rumor went around that I had a huge dick (I do), and high school girls are sluts for a guy they think has a huge dick.

    High school was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:22:52 No.5811316

    The same way you can be a straight virgin, bud.
    >> Erogenous Jones 10/12/09(Mon)17:24:03 No.5811329
    >Secondary school is balls
    >You won't remember any of it
    >> Dr.Anon 10/12/09(Mon)17:28:41 No.5811376
    You must be king of the cynics who have seen it all.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:29:50 No.5811391
    Yeah that's what I learned too.

    Seem odd to anyone else that any halfway decent looking girl could get sex whenever she wanted but most average looking guys struggle for sex?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:33:11 No.5811422
    >Bad boys don't get punishment from the teachers
    >Teachers will discipline the kid who got the shit beaten out of him rather than the aggressor
    >Bullying mercilessly is perfectely fine as long as you're one of the cool kids
    Seriously, I'm glad I'm done with highschool and looking back, it wasn't exactely life destroying, but WHY THE FUCK do teachers never intervene in social interaction? That is extremely messed up.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:35:22 No.5811440
    >Girls LOVE "bad boy"
    >You take years to realize that, untill you hit the formula and get mad pussy
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:40:57 No.5811491
    >Apply yourself in whatever task is at hand or else you will never get anything done.
    >No matter how hard you try you can never get away from stupid people.
    >Its a lot easier to get people to do something for you than to do it yourself'
    >get the fuck off 4chan, your wasting your time. This one hasn't sunken in yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:41:07 No.5811493
    And yet you post on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:44:39 No.5811523
    >All adults are like exactly like teenagers.
    >Everything revolves around someone's ego. Wanna make friends? Please their ego in some way (IE care what they make or say).
    >Dance music is pretty fucking sweet.
    >Possible faggotry inside myself
    >Making music is fuckawesome, and great stress relief
    >American Dream is a lie, etc
    >Sometimes, turning off is the best way to get through things.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)17:57:40 No.5811631
    Not really. Unless you live in a shitty rural town gays have a much easier time getting sex than the straight guys like those who come here.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:10:59 No.5811761
    I for one, was homeschooled. Curious to see how many other robots had my shooling as well.

    I learned;
    >Black people are one of three catagroies; Shimshamwangalanga, niggers, and black people.
    >Do not trust anyone
    >x-y2(z) + niggers=xy.5
    >megaman fucking rocks
    >/b/ has officially gone to hell.
    >It is impossible to buy a car from a pot head. Not that they don't have one, It's that it's impossible to get any information at all from them for the car. Bin number, insurance forms, etc.
    >No one wants to care about a nice guy, and if you're a romantic, it means you're going to never have someone to care about.
    >Irony sucks ass, see above.
    >I bust my ass too much at work.
    >If a girl says they care about you, it actually means they're going to do something to make your life that much more miserable in about 2 months.
    >Oatmeal creme pies do NOT a good meal make.
    >Trust no one.
    > profit
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:15:50 No.5811797
    >/b/ has officially gone to hell.

    >Black people are one of three catagroies; Shimshamwangalanga, niggers, and black people.
    >x-y2(z) + niggers=xy.5
    > profit

    You killed it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:24:11 No.5811893
    "(blank)" is the cancer that's killing /b/" Why hasn't this meme died yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:25:03 No.5811905

    What do you hope to achieve by posting these pictures on /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:28:26 No.5811940
    >>i will probably be a virgin forever

    Given this vital piece of information, its likely that you are a retard and therefore have a completely invalid opinion about anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:39:17 No.5812083
    things i have honestly learnt;
    > Don't bother with people too much
    > learn to amuse yourself
    > have a fight or two, but know the risks and consequences
    > dont get into trouble with the law, shit's scary
    > Smoke weed it's the only thing i look forward to now adays
    > make a move on girls quickly, to avoid wasting time
    > don't take anything seriously
    > everything is pointless in the end, just go for short term pleasure
    > people don't care about you unless you are a girl and they want to fuck you (true story)
    > Life is mostly boring, optimistic people are deluded and can fuck off
    > Be quiet, don't be loud in social settings. Think of a witty comment preferably a sexual innuendo, and say it like a cool guy... people like that
    > always be fake, don't be yourself, because no one likes YOU, apart from that dickhead in the corner wearing the death nore hoodie and cat ears.
    > don't be disgusting and pull your pubes out in the middle of class and throw them at people, girls dont like that
    > sex is overated and not that much better than wanking, especially considering girls aren't horny all the time
    > don't take things seriously (cant stress this enough)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)18:55:20 No.5812244
    >>especially considering girls aren't horny all the time

    They ARE horny all the time, they're just clever enough to hide it :(
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:31:18 No.5812603
    >Making friends with teachers and whoever is in charge makes everything x100 easier.

    Fucking this. I did it naturally, I genuinely liked learning. (If the social scene worked out, so much the better. If not, above saved my ass more than a few times.)

    >Even if girls like you and you have tons of friends, no one will ever approach *you* to ask you out.

    >If you ask someone you like out, you will not only find they don't like you, but that at least two girls who did like you have now placed you in the friend zone...and tell you this without consideration that HEY IT COULD BE DIFFERENT SHE SAID NO but no it's weird now.

    >Smoker's Corner is just across the street. Enjoy flagrant illegality without consequences. :D
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:31:59 No.5812612
    >Thick trenchcoat = blanket for naptime classes.

    >Even with awesome male friends, female friends help you keep an emotional balance. Even the ones who friendzoned you.

    >If you're really burnt out and your parents are still riding your ass, fuck it and relax. The "consequences" do not really interfere with the chillout that slacking off enables.

    >Acne sucks, find another distinguishing physical characteristic and no one will care. (I had/have long hair with nothing but compliments from all around; other people dress flashy or stupid-but-funny.)
    >> Yes, samefag as last two posts. Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:32:32 No.5812619
    >Don't worry about relationships, but if you can, find someone to fool around with or even just make out with. Keeps the hormones and the "rawr no relationshit" angst in check.

    >Take theater. Even an intro course, where everyone treats it like shit 'cause it's an easy "A." Even if you're not really into drama, everyone is chill and accepting and weird and funny, and you get away with a lot in the name of expression and fun. Good place to vent.

    >Run software off a flash drive. If you "must" install, bury it deep and do NOT leave original folder names, nor leave icons on the desktop. *facepalm*

    I lol'd. Also, discovered I didn't give a fuck about gender when I crushed on a boy in my religion class.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)19:47:21 No.5812781
    Things learned in hs:

    >music taste
    >most people suck
    >you don't remember anything you learned in class
    >there is nothing to do in the suburbs
    >don't waste too much time on women
    >you will not learn anything you are interested in

    Things learned in college:

    >every chance you have to try a drug; take it
    >watch as many movies as possible
    >you can learn the things you ACTUALLY like
    >the body needs minimal sleep
    >most people don't suck even though there are a *few* douche bags, but you can ignore those very easily
    >nothing is sacred
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 10/12/09(Mon)19:52:18 No.5812833
    You guys actually learned things outside of class?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:14:03 No.5813036
    >Weed is one hell of a drug. Salvia is not to be fucked with.
    >Women are not to be trusted.
    >Fat does not mean easy. But it does mean insecure.
    >I am probably bisexual
    >Racism is for the weak-minded
    >Religion doesn't do shit for the advancement of the world as a whole
    >The only thing worse than acne is bad acne medication
    >Providing a girl with the proverbial shoulder to cry on is perfectly acceptable, so long as she does the same for you.
    >Even the most modest of girls turn into freaks when you grind on them.
    >Girls with the ugly duckling syndrome are the best kind.
    >There's always someone more sheltered than you are.
    >Younger girls are instinctively more attracted to you than to male peers of their own age. Take this as you like.
    >Atheists, Bisexuals, and Republicans are not to be taken seriously until they hit their twenties.
    >Just because she's ugly and fat with a sweet personality doesn't mean she won't give you herpes.
    >Sometimes it's acceptable to throw a punch at a person who deserves it.
    >That loser fat kid might just transform into a hotshot douchebag, screw you over, and fuck your best friend while he's at it. But don't feel bad, she says he's a premature ejaculator with a short dick. And buck teeth.
    >Being a nice guy gets you no where, but it doesn't hurt to be polite every once in a while.
    >Being a well-dressed jerk has the potential to take you further than you've ever gone before.

    High School was alright, now that I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:16:52 No.5813072
         File1255393012.jpg-(10 KB, 180x180, pot_calling_kettle_black.jpg)
    10 KB
    >I secretly hate disabled and special ed people.

    >highschool is where trolls are born
    >if your going to be bitter at the world, hurry up and get it over with
    >If you're not, then just know it'll all blow over eventually

    >girls= drama and will drag you into it.
    >cooties are a damn good thing
    >sports team. get on it.

    >I learned that the person sitting next to you could be really cool, talk to them.
    >Intentionally fail sometimes.
    >beaten up by a girl and everyone knows it... those are still badass battle scars.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)20:31:12 No.5813234
    >Use everyone. It's the only way to be successful. Use girls, teachers, friends, enemies, cops, whatever.
    >Do not have children. Get a vasectomy on your 18th birthday.
    >If you're naturally smart or good looking, do not worry about ANYTHING. You will almost definitely succeed in life.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)21:13:49 No.5813746
    Actually now that I'm in college and have later classes, I'm getting at least seven and a half hours a night and am feeling a lot better for it. I used to sleep through half my classes to compensate (can't afford to do that now, there's actual OC), and dealt with muscle spasms/twitches and balancing rapid caffeine tolerance. More chill about shit, too.

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