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    350 KB Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)21:48:06 No.5800436  
    austinite here approaching college age. My parents are making me go to college in-state or they won't pay for it. I don't have the grades to get into UT probably and A&M is a redneck death cult. What other good schools are there?
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)21:49:37 No.5800463
    Look into the billions of schools down here in SA.

    Also, U of H, Tech, and UTD are decent choices.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)21:54:51 No.5800537
    UTEP is filled with beaners, but it's actually a good school. Just don't go out anywhere at night or stray bullets from Juarez will kill you.

    Also, look at NMSU and UNM, they have deals where they'll charge in-state tuition to Texans.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)21:55:53 No.5800557
    Go to a card-dealer school, if there's any nearby.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)21:56:09 No.5800561
    UTD. I love Dallas.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:03:41 No.5800663
    is UNT any good? I was kinda under the impression it was a faggy liberal arts and theatre bastion.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)22:04:19 No.5800673
    I would only go there if you want to major in music. If not, then I would pass.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:06:14 No.5800699
    if you have any chance of leaving texas at all, do it. tired of this shithole
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:07:33 No.5800718
    incredibly unpleasant what school do you go to?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:10:08 No.5800741

    UNT is shit, go to UTA or UTD, probably UTA if you want to major in engineering/comp sci
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)22:10:11 No.5800742

    I had the grades and scores to go to Austin, but I wanted to save some money.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:11:09 No.5800753

    by UTA i mean UT Arlington
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:12:18 No.5800777
    Dude, seriously, your parents are right.
    There is absolutely no point in going to an expensive university over a cheap in-state one. I am in my fourth year at a private school and while it's been fun, I regret it every day. I could have gone in-state and had no debt.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:14:08 No.5800800
    God, the sky is sooooo fucking blue. It's a fucking sapphire. First time I've missed Austin in a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:16:26 No.5800826
    >I had the grades and scores to go to Austin, but I wanted to save some money.
    i hear that. UH fag here.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 10/11/09(Sun)22:17:19 No.5800836
    >Implying college is worth the terrible debt and time wasted you could've been accumulating work experience if you're not a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:18:54 No.5800861
    Go to TAMIU. Meet lots of Mexifags. Feel superior.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)22:21:41 No.5800900
    I can give you the DL on a few of the schools in San Antonio, OP.

    But if I were you, I would go to ACC for two years, then transfer to Austin. Just commute and save yourself major monies.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:24:06 No.5800932
    Youd be pretty stupid to not go to a in state college since shit is expensive as fuck if youre an out of state kid. Shit I go to a community college & for out of state kids its around 5K a semester.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:26:41 No.5800970
    what are the chances of someone who is on the edge of top 25% and mostly B's in high school with a 1800 out of 2400 SAT getting into UT?
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)22:28:40 No.5801006
    80% of their undergraduate class is kids in the top 10%.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:30:51 No.5801048
    god damn it. what can I do to improve that then? thanks
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)22:31:42 No.5801061
    Nothing. Write a good essay, say a hail mary or two, and apply to a few mid-tier state schools.

    I'm here to help you if you are interested in coming to SA, OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)22:50:49 No.5801295

    yeah man, i've considered going to UTSA. I've got an interesting educational background, I was homeschooled until high school so my english and grammar skills are fucking unprecedented while I am cripplingly bad at math and most science. I don't know what that leaves me in a college environment but I'm open to suggestion.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)22:56:28 No.5801374
    UTSA is really chill. Make sure you get into the Honors college though. It's totally worth the effort -- trust me.

    UIW is alright too. They are pretty kind with scholarships, and the campus is nice. Trinity is a little tough to get into, but it's a really nice school (dorms are really pimp too). I can't talk much about OLLU or St. Mary's though. OLLU has a nice campus, but that's about all I know.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:02:17 No.5801431

    i probably wouldn't dorm if I went, I've got some buddies I would probably apartment up with. What's your major?
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)23:04:20 No.5801454
    Most of the private universities will require you to dorm. If you go to Trinity, then it's a good thing. I kid you not: the dorms are partially 4 star suites.

    I'm a sociology major, but was once a bio major.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:10:07 No.5801521

    you don't know anybody named brad, do you? long shot.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:11:12 No.5801541

    >sociology major

    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)23:12:01 No.5801558
    Nope. I do not.

    Shit's cash, brosef.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:15:07 No.5801605
    It really depends on what you want to major in... My brother just graduated from SHSU.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:16:19 No.5801618
    UT Austin is difficult to get into freshman year b/c of the 10% law. (The top 10% of every HS in Texas get automatic admission into all texas public schools... *eugh*)
    One option is to do community college for two years, then transfer. Easier to get in that way.

    There's also Rice. If you work the diversity angle enough you can get in (you don't have to be diverse, you just have to be able to talk like you are).

    I'm also told U of H Honors is decent.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:17:59 No.5801639
    isn't baylor a decent school?
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)23:19:35 No.5801661
    It's another one of those private, ritzy, Christian schools. It's particularly known for it's female population, who are suppose to be major sluts. But academically, it's alright. For some reason, I think the biology department is really nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:47:56 No.5802091
    A&M isn't bad. Yea, there's rednecks and nothing to do sometimes, but as long as you come for engineering and do well, you'll get a job, and avoid the rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:55:51 No.5802229

    i'm bad at math. I don't see engineering in my future...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/09(Sun)23:59:20 No.5802278
    >My parents are making me go to college in-state or they won't pay for it.

    Tell them they're fucked up control freaks.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/11/09(Sun)23:59:55 No.5802292
    Then look into a liberal arts school. St. Mary's, maybe?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:00:34 No.5802308

    i'm tired of christians, friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:01:05 No.5802312

    If you think A&M is a redneck death cult, you might wanna avoid Rice entirely (plus it's fucking crazy expensive).

    Texas State, or whatever the fuck they're calling it now, in San Marcos has pretty good liberal arts programs. I've also had friends go to UT-San Antonio or UT-Arlington after being unable to get into UT-Austin. Plus, UTSA is quite the party school.

    Waco SUCKS A BAG OF DICKS. It's a boring, dirty, decrepid, soulless, crime-ridden shithole of a city, so I'd personally avoid Baylor.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/12/09(Mon)00:04:48 No.5802373
    UTSA is a party school? Man, I think you are getting it confused with Texas State.

    UTSA is a dry campus, brosef.

    They are nice institutions. You are really missing a chance if you don't apply to some.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:08:24 No.5802424

    i'm thinking about getting a BA in sociology or english and then going on to get a masters in either english or teaching. I kind of want to teach high school.

    don't know if that changes anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:09:40 No.5802446
    I would say TCU but Fort Worth is a fucking dump and it's expensive.

    Have you heard of Austin College in Sherman? It's supposed to be really good. My aunt went there and she got mainly Bs in high school, her parents weren't exactly rich or poor, but she said that she loved it.

    Check that out.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/12/09(Mon)00:11:22 No.5802466
    UTSA's sociology department is very small. All the professors fucking kick ass, and because of the size, you really get to know them well.

    I can recommend it, but don't be afraid to look into the private schools for English. I am certain their programs are much, much better than UTSA's.

    Also, A&M. C. Stuart Mills started his undergrad at A&M, but finished at UT.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant: Communist ☭ Revolutionary !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/12/09(Mon)00:12:44 No.5802490
    C. Wright Mills, excuse me. I always confuse him for John Stuart Mills for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:13:02 No.5802500
    >Fort Worth is a dump

    Amen. I'm stuck here for the rest of the year til graduation then I have to get out of here. DONT COME TO FORT WORTH IF YOU GO TO COLLEGE IN DALLAS, YOU WILL REGRET IT. Less soul than a bag of rocks, drilling for gas in a huge city, no art at all, ultra conservative (it makes Dallas look like Berkeley). Stay away from Fort Worth, Texas
    >> Chuck Norris !NugS0SRrOU 10/12/09(Mon)00:15:19 No.5802527
    well shit. I come onto here and see a thread involving two colleges I'm applying for.
    My two main options are Texas State down in San Marcos, and A&M in Commerce. I live within an hour of Commerce, and my sister went there...also a lot of my friends are going there.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:15:40 No.5802534
    I went to Austin College! Best 4 years I ever spent
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:18:33 No.5802571
    I would like to second UTA (in arlington), or UTD.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:19:41 No.5802585
    *John Stuart Mill

    You should actually go to class sometime.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:20:27 No.5802592

    I like Fort Worth, actually. Not nearly so good as Austin, where I lived for a while, but definitely serviceable. Helps that I'm banking instead of going into debt, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:26:10 No.5802679
    went to UTA for 2 years and transferred to UT here,

    On the subject of uta, if you're going to go there, don't fucking commute live on / as close to on campus as possible, theres a ton of cool people and arlington is pretty damn down to earth and can be fun.

    Whatever you do, look up the CAPS program, you can get into UT with the grades if you want and tuition is only 4300, as long as your parents aren't HOLYFUCK rich you can probably pull at least 5k out of fagsfa
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:26:47 No.5802693
    Texas Tech is the only way to go.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)00:28:59 No.5802729
    go back to bed spencer

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