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    File : 1322729725.jpg-(73 KB, 400x400, THIS nigga.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)03:55:25 No.571650  
    Why were you so quiet in school?

    Low self esteem?
    >> Seriana !!ooPPuqnTfWS 12/01/11(Thu)03:56:43 No.571659
    If I ever spoke people got angry. If people got angry then violence would ensue. And it was always smart not to make other people angry.

    I usually daydreamed through classes anyway. Don't think a teacher has ever taught me anything a textbook already didn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)03:57:41 No.571661
    No, lack of interest in trivial every day bullshit.
    Why were you so loud in school?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)03:58:23 No.571665
    I didn't have much to say nor did I ever participate in social regulations.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)03:59:21 No.571669
    I never felt like talking, also when I do talk it's usually derogatory. I don't like it but I can't help it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)03:59:56 No.571673
    I'm a 'drifter' I've never had a set of friends, I always preffered to hang around with whoever I felt like when it came to it. Unfortunatly, even though I've got a few friends in my college, and am on good terms with almost everyone, I no longer have anyone to hang around with due to conflicting timetables or people leaving.

    I don't care though, it's no as if I ever have to sit in school on my own due to my timetable allowing me to go home.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:00:25 No.571676
    We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak

    >> Derefts !x3TitsVCok 12/01/11(Thu)04:00:53 No.571678
    Dude, I jerked off in second period everyday. No clue what you dingleberries are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:01:23 No.571682
    Too nervous.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:04:57 No.571705
    I would always see the loud, annoying, kid who wanted all the attention focused on them as having negative personalities. I made a mental note to myself to never act like them because of the dumb shit they said and did. As a result, I was the nice, yet humble and intelligent kid in school so it worked out well for me. Sure I wasn't everyone's best friend but at least I had my pride and the knowledge of knowing I wasn't some fucking clown for everyone else's amusement.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:06:18 No.571713
    I was always able to participate in class but was never able to talk to people my own age.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:07:26 No.571717
    Looks like you have two legs and one brain. Looks like you should stop thinking too much and go fuck off.

    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:09:07 No.571723
    i couldnt connect with the people in my grade level. when i was a junior in hs and my brother went to my school i chilled i met younger kids through him because i was not as mature as the other people my age. it wasnt so much me being quiet as it was me not having shit to add to the conversations
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:12:10 No.571734

    I'm the one who posted the Epictetus quote.


    But still. OP is a faggot who should be glad he didn't open his nigger mouth and listened.

    University isn't the place to mouth off, you petulant children.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:12:12 No.571735
    I always answered questions and raised my hand in elementary school.
    In middle school they kicked me out of the school system despite getting great grades and never misbehaving. I was hospitalized and missed too much school. My friends I had since kindergarten moved to another school and stopped talking to me. I talked at the school they moved me to. It was a sped school I didn't belong in. I found out I had the highest MCAST grade in the entire school by a fair amount. So I talked because I felt smart. I did genuinely like that school. I came back to public school in freshman year of high school when my family moved. I talked for the first year in my college prep classes. The school was afraid I would be a total failure and only let me take college prep. I got straight A's and was allowed to move to mostly honors classes. When I moved to those I felt less than everyone else. I don't know why. I had a 3.8 GPA and was just as smart. I developed social anxiety. I was terrified of rejection. It took me a long time to meet friends. I have a giant inferiority complex. So that's why I never talked in my high school classes. If I wanted to talk I'd get very nervous. My stomach would feel twisted. When I would talk my voice would lose control. I would always feel embarrassed after.
    It was the same in college till I got a girlfriend. My confidence went way up. My classes are split between ones where I feel too much anxiety to speak and ones where I feel like I can talk. I've always had a good amount of friends since somewhere in sophomore year of high school, but having someone love you is a huge confidence booster.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:12:20 No.571736

    I was the opposite and thought I was more mature (lol now that I look back on it) than my peers and thus always tried to talk with older people (mainly teachers)

    now those less mature peers are living life and I'm here at 4am on 4chan, real fucking mature.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:12:33 No.571737

    You somehow made that sound cool and not boring, good shit
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:13:33 No.571739

    I once tried to overcompensate for my shyness by being like that...looking back I was the biggest fag every during that time
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:14:11 No.571742
    Also to add to my post. A lot of time in class I feel like there is only so much to say. I don't feel the need to be the douche who has to say it to look intelligent. I usually only talk when no one else will.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:17:06 No.571753

    I had a phase like that, always said the off color thing or the risky joke, nobody liked it or me. My mindset was that if they are going to laugh at me it might as well for something I actually did rather than what they normally laughed at me for.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:28:50 No.571809
    Shallow Hal is such a fucking awesome movie
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:33:06 No.571828
    >that feel bro

    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)04:45:33 No.571872
    I was the loudest of them all!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:09:27 No.571963
    I went to a zoned high school my freshman year. It was probably the worst place for me to be. I was awkward, quiet, the /r9k/ standard. I did something I still regret: try to fit in with the niggers. I mean I'm black so how hard could it have been right? Spent at least $500 on shirts with money signs and diamonds all across it, nikes and jordans, hats, getting my hair cornrowed, etc. Then I had to cover up my gay voice by learning to speak in the local dialect. Then I got into a fight (and my mom got scared) with some small mexican kid and lost MISERABLY. If there were a punch count it would probably be some crazy number like 50/3. It was bad enough to even have the dean say "I know you lost but I still have to suspend you." That wrecked my already pathetic attempts of being social (and with people I don't even want to talk to in the first place). Every fucking day in every fucking class it was "AY YO NIGGA, YOU DAT BOY WHO GOT FUCKED UP BY THAT MEXICAN? YOU SHOULD JUST KILL YO SELF, YOU'RE USELESS." Then just to rub it in, the mexican kid got a bunch of friends together and jumped me on the last day of school.
    >"See you next year, faggot"
    The next year I auditioned for a performing arts school and gained my rightful place as oreo of the fucking century. People get my jokes, being nice is actually a good thing, I don't have to act like an animal to get respect, I graduated with friends I'm still really close to, and I didn't get made fun of for playing the violin aka "bitch instrument" to the people of my old high school.

    TL;DR: Underage B& who are surrounded by you hate, go to a performing arts school. It's a refuge to our kind. No matter how awkward you are, you'll find your circle.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:14:22 No.571996
    Can't be bothered to speak, i'd rather listen to my ipod.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:14:33 No.571997
    I was during middle school, but only because these faggots kept bullying me. Otherwise, I was fairly popular in elementary school, and High School. Heck, I was in even my High School's choir.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:15:57 No.572002

    I would have loved to have gone to special school, I played violin from 3rd grade on to 9th, and was horrible, second to last chair though I never practiced and only played due to my grandma.

    I was only good at the rote memorization of grade school, if I actually have to think and not just parrot what the professor/book says then I'm lost.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:22:44 No.572029
    I wasn't always. Up until late middleschool I talked all the time. Somewhere around there I began to realize that while I wasn't super genius level intelligent, I was a fuckload more intelligent and perceptive than most of the people around me. Relating to them became difficult, and in some cases impossible. I'd see people making decisions so goddamn asinine that I STILL find it hard to respect anyone.
    I know it sounds like I felt superior to other people but that wasn't even really the case. The times when I did just branch out and speak to people it'd always go well at first, but then I'd say something or do something to piss them off/upset them somehow. Never really understood what it was that'd set people off and it started making me self conscious. I over thought things so much that I decided it was better to just stay quiet and only speak to people I already knew.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:26:57 No.572047

    oh god this fucking feel, watching people do something retarded then be genuinely surprised at the consequences. Like watching a fucking train wreck.

    I also manged to piss off a lot of people without realizing it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:32:13 No.572069
    Because I was molested as a little boy and I didn't know how else to speak to other people until I was in middle school.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:48:36 No.572160
    Had a buddy who told me he was going over a girls house for some "fun". Offered to give him a few bucks for condoms because I knew his ass was poor as fuck. "Why would I wear a condom?"

    Few weeks later him and the girl disappear for a couple weeks. He shows up at school a month later, won't talk to anyone, looks miserable as shit. She shows up a few weeks after he did. They're married, shes pregnant.

    When he does finally talk to people its just so he can lament on and on about his terrible ass luck and how now hes stuck with her insane, overly religious ass.
    I tell him its entirely his fault, he tells me to shut the fuck up. What the fuck ever, man, I'm still right. He throws a punch, we stop talking entirely.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:50:09 No.572168
    I don't really talk to people unless they share an interest with me. If not I don't really go for small talk much, I'm happy just not to anything at all. I guess it goes without saying I'm pretty much a loner.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:52:47 No.572178
    Bad genetics, mainly. Low self esteem is a factor stemming from my bad genetics.

    Honestly, if I was a 7/10 or better, and not a 2/10, I would most likely be a more sociable and friendly person. I got dealt the shitty hand and now I have to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:54:05 No.572185

    How are you guys quiet when all you do is complain about how lonely and insecure you all are? You're all just talking out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:55:35 No.572193

    >implying an anonymous internet forum is somehow comparable to a real life situation

    Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:56:13 No.572195

    we don't complain in real life, just on the internet where we anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:59:07 No.572207
    I Really don't think you're a 2/10. Presumptuous, I know, but I was the same way. It's probably all in your head.
    And even if you are, just try being social. Probably the most captain obvious advice ever, but just speaking for myself I would never not talk to someone based on their looks.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:00:07 No.572209

    then how do you people act in real life?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:03:08 No.572224

    We act quiet, nigga. Why the fuck do you think this topic was created?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:09:04 No.572244
    my parents probably did something wrong. I blame them.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:09:22 No.572246
    I was actually pretty friendly and outgoing.
    But I was too nice and beta so people walked all over me. It got to the point where I was invited to things that weren't actually happening, and when I set up a date with girls they wouldn't show up. Parties I went to felt so empty to me, because I didn't like anyone there and knew I didn't belong.
    I'm quiet now actually. I have very few, good friends and any ladies I set up dates with wouldn't dare not show up. They know I'd drop them ten minutes after they were late, and never want to speak to them again.
    And it's weird, but the meaner I am and the less I care, the more girls want me. What the fuck is this reverse psychology bullshit.

    (First post on /r9k/ since it came back. Nice to see you guys again.)
    (Edit: Apparently you can't use reaction images. What the fuck.)
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:10:57 No.572252

    You can't use images that have already been posted at some point. A good way to get around that is just to open one in Paint and color a single pixel black or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:10:58 No.572253

    I'm ugly but I do fine socially. Though to be fair, I went to an all boys school.
    >> Ban Me Faggots, I need to get out more. !9SfEhMDeH. 12/01/11(Thu)06:14:30 No.572271
    Burning self hatred / nothing in common to talk about
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:17:04 No.572287
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    I wasnt quiet at all in elementary or middle school, it was only until high school that I became very introverted. I'm not overweight or any of that stuff, I'd say im good looking.. or at least okay. lol. I got really into skating and being a hardc0re metulhed dood.. so i was always either listening to music, high with my head down, or asleep. high school sucked, 4 most boring years of my life. although, the social interactions i wouldnt trade for anything.. yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:18:10 No.572290
    >be popular at first, but only because I knew most people
    >friends slowly start to dump me for other girls
    >make friends with anybody I could so I didn't have to sit by myself
    >end up with only three people to talk to out of about 800 people at the school
    >realise I'm ugly
    >lose the confidence to even talk to "unpopular" people
    >cried every night
    This is how foreveralone females are made.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:20:30 No.572294

    I've been consistently told by women that I'm a 2 or 3/10. I get funny looks in public. Kids point at me. One guy even spat on me when I sat down on a park bench.

    I've tried to be social. I've tried to be "normal". I fucking tried.

    It's better for everyone around if I just not say a fucking word, and be quiet. My only chance to be successful in life is to get surgery, but I can't afford that because I can't get a job (take a guess why I can't get a job).

    Fuck this shit. I didn't want to be a whiny little bitch, but I feel a little better after typing this.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:25:04 No.572317
    Never feel the connection or the need to talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:28:58 No.572328
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    Goddamn, people can be assholes.
    >My only chance to be successful in life is to get surgery
    This, however, I don't buy. Ugly people become successful all the time. Don't hold yourself back anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:33:30 No.572358

    >One guy even spat on me when I sat down on a park bench.

    lol'd so hard
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:36:00 No.572372
    you're a wanker and I bet your shit eating face is no better looking than that man's.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:41:25 No.572397

    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:45:26 No.572415
    Every word that came out of my mouth was a reason to make fun of me.

    Or just didn't have anything good to say.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:49:10 No.572432
    > Be class clown, apparently it's unusual and "not nice" for girls to be class clown
    > Everyone tears me down whenever I say something
    > Stop saying anything, hear popular guys stealing my jokes
    > Transfer schools
    > Quiet at first
    > In one class, I start making jokes
    > Everyone laughs
    > Become new class clown
    > Hear people saying "That girl is the funniest person I have ever met!"
    > Finally come out of shell in 12th grade
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:50:49 No.572439
    I was actually noisy as fuck, took the role of the class-clown to hide my low self-esteem.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:52:25 No.572454
    >That feel when "Anon you're so funny, why don't you have a boyfriend?"
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)06:55:15 No.572463
    So, what defect do you suffer that made you develop a sense of humour as a girl?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)07:00:46 No.572484

    I don't know, you'll have to ask everyone. In my experience, if a girl does the same thing as a guy, humorwise, everyone looks at you in horror. I got called a slut for enjoying the first Jackass movie. High School logic bro
    >> Funhouse 12/01/11(Thu)07:10:23 No.572523
    I was a generally liked comic until about 9th grade, freshman year. I wasn't a class clown, really. The responses that I had were just... fuck I don't know.

    About 9th grade I started getting quiet in class. I occupied the time that I could have spent talking by writing horror stories. I don't have a low self esteem, I just didn't/don't like talking to people in my class. They're all immature, obnoxious, stupid fucknuts.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)07:15:59 No.572542
    It gets better when you're out of the angsty insecure teenage years when few has developed a personality so the most cliche constructs are all they have to cling to.

    As I guy I only go for girls with humour since it's a sign of many traits I find appealing, quick thinking, intelligence, situational awareness, social competence and most importantly a positive attitude and view on life. Looking at my bros, all successful hardworking "quality" guys, they've all picked girls they can laugh with and enjoy happy stable relationshits.

    It's better being an outcast in high-school and liked for the rest of your life than the other way around. By far.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)07:20:09 No.572553
    I was the goofy but funny kid and was good friends with the popular kids, hottest girl in school used to willingly sit next to me.

    Then i got a crazy ass gf and went all serious and quiet and nobody liked me anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)07:55:18 No.572701
    I was the nigger in the white school.

    Beat that.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)13:00:15 No.574336
    anyone else here still pretty much a mute with no friends?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)14:48:44 No.575353
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)14:50:21 No.575373
    I only talked to make people laugh, to share informtaition, or to have a good conversation. Talking for the sake of talking is pointless, and yeah, it made me look introverted as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)14:51:34 No.575394
    I never talked to ANYONE from grades 8-12, do I win an award?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)17:13:37 No.577017

    assuming you talk to people now? Or what? I wish I was you.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)22:00:14 No.580078
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)22:02:09 No.580089
    Fear of rejection and habit.

    Brutal teasing from grade 6-9 left me weary of trusting anyone and always thinking everyone had an ulterior motive for talking to me.

    Still like this today.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)22:05:36 No.580121
    I was really alpha in high school until I got acne and my parents kept mentioning it. Then I just became a really sarcastic class clown. Now I'm just really shy. I realized today that I have never smiled at a girl I did not know personally. So, even with clear skin, a good fashion sense, a nice body, and decent face and height, you can still be a 21 year old virgin. Like me!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:20:43 No.582919
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:21:54 No.582931
    because i'm not a black girl
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:23:23 No.582949
    wanna bang?

    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:23:41 No.582951
    I just simply dislike people. I don't wish to befriend anyone. If I find someone I like I'll talk to them. I never found anyone like that when I was in school.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:31:33 No.583009

    Are you a friendless virgin even today and in the future?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:36:45 No.583034
    Because it just didnt occur to me to do so that much.

    Conveniently, thats what I remember it being, and so do the rest of you.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:48:25 No.583110
    I was quiet.

    I did not talk much because most of what my peers had to say did not interest me.
    >Fuck teenage drama.
    >Fuck drugs.
    >Fuck the party that kid has last week.
    >Fuck what others thought was "hip" or popular.

    by 12th grade:
    >I had a car.
    >I had a well paying job.
    >I had a girlfriend (now married.)
    >I had beaten the shit out of every asshole who dared start a fight with me because I was too quiet.

    What were my peers left doing their 2th grade year?
    >Trying to make up classes they had failed.
    >Trying to find a job.
    >Still riding the school-bus
    >Still wasting time will "teen drama."
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:50:39 No.583119

    I am satisfied with my amount friends and I have had sex 3 times.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:52:28 No.583132
    Couldnt care less to talk to people in my school, most of them were morons.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:54:44 No.583149
    I wasn't quiet until high school started. In fact, I was a pretty normal, optimistic, outgoing kid. I had no problem socializing and making friends. Then I started being bullied for coming across as gay (which I am). The bullying didn't stop. After a few months, I stopped talking to people. The bullying still didn't stop. I got beat up a few times. Then I started developing nervous twitches and started having panic attacks when people were around me. Eventually I gave up on socializing completely.

    Now I'm on Prozac, and Xanax, so I am mostly normal. But I still don't talk to people. Unless I have to. Sometimes you have to. I still don't have friends or anything. And I don't really care anymore. I'd rather just lay in my nice warm bed than bother with people.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:00:29 No.583192
    This describes my sentiments precisely.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:03:31 No.583215
    >>10-13 years old
    >>Stricken with severe medical issues
    >>Family forced to leave country because of it
    >>Feel like I've burdened my family
    >>Diagnosed with selective mutist after not speaking for months
    >>Get healthy begin to speak mid/late middle school years


    >>Get girlfriend
    >>Constantly ridiculed by her every day
    >>Slip back into no longer speaking for a while
    >>Move on thanks to friends, get new girlfriend, life is good.

    Also, I hate a lot of people. Silently judging them, I know its wrong but I cant help it.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:07:35 No.583245
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    >posting on r9k and claiming to be alpha
    >got bullied
    >skipped easily the most fun part of his life for work
    >is married now
    >brags about things on an anonymous imageboard
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:07:37 No.583246
    Extremely low self esteem.
    I was constantly afraid that people generally didn't have anything in common with me, or just didn't want to hear anything I had to say. Therefore, I didn't want to say anything for fear of being disliked for being different. I would either say nothing, or just be an obnoxious class clown.

    I am now 21, and I just got informed by my supervisor that everyone I work with hates me and thinks I have an attitude. Looks like 15 year old me was right!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:14:23 No.583289
    all of my coworkers are women my age who I don't talk to because what does a skinny black stoner/nerd have to say to rich white sorority girls?

    fucking nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:27:27 No.583379

    I can think of something!..... "Wassup Ladies?"
    >> Blu ­­ !4chanG55Gs 12/02/11(Fri)04:32:00 No.583411
    Your gender?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:33:19 No.583419
    Hated everyone. Just never liked any of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:37:11 No.583436
    Low self esteem.
    I was always paranoid that everyone was constantly looking at me and talking shit about me behind my back. And I felt like I had to be as nonintrusive as possible to avoid getting their attention. So I would just do my work or read books or listen to music or sleep.
    Although sometimes I felt like I was becoming more noticeable by trying so enthusiastically to avoid being noticed. And those days were even worse.
    Fuck, high school was just horrible.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:38:44 No.583452
    I was an odd kid, schizoid coupled with aspergers would be the way to describe it. I made friends by chance and only got on with kids my age until 6th grade.

    I think it's genetic, I have a small head but a HUGE forehead. Increased cranial capacity.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:39:44 No.583458
    Nothing much to say really.

    ISTP through and through.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:42:37 No.583481
    I didn't become really quiet until the time I accidentally asked this girl out and then she revealed to me that she self-harmed by saying "I cut myself because we started going out"

    best first kiss ever
    sometimes I wish I was actually a kissless virgin
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:47:03 No.583516
    In highschool
    >>social person, makes friends
    >>be in wheelchair w/ low self-esteem around girls
    >>get by just fine

    In Uni
    >>socially awkward
    >>barely talk to anyone, let alone members of the opposite sex
    >>even lower self-esteem than in highschool

    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:00:00 No.583618
    Raised by a feminist mother, rarely saw my defeated father. Had no male role models during my upbringing. Believed everything my mother taught me. All my experiences (female teachers, no church, sports, male social contact) re-enforced the same behavior.

    I've recently began to fix myself at age 25... A high fat diet, 10,000IUs of vitamin D3 a day and plenty of manosphere reading.

    A few weeks ago I suggested to my 50 year old mother, that after having 100~ boyfriends in the last 20 years who were not good enough, perhaps her standards are too high? Perhaps the crushing sense of loneliness and her constant depression are not worth bearing to 'hold out' for the perfect man. Take her current boyfriend, let's call him Paul, I don't know if that's his actual name but they're all called Paul at the end of the day. Paul earns a shit ton of money, which is good for a man. I understand a man's desire to make a lot of money and a women's desire for a man who has a lot of money, security and all that. My mother's complain is that he doesn't do enough around HER house. Like he's suppose to come and mow the fucking lawn. I told her, this guy likes you, for some strange reason, marry him, you've both had kids already, let him go to work, you work part time and take care of the house, hell you've done that all you're life while working fulltime! It will be so much easier when you don't even need to work, actually build up some retirement savings of which you have none, enjoy the 4 odd vacations a year he seems to have and try to be happy. Stop finding faults. Maybe start looking forward to grandchildren or something?

    Sorry I'm ranting. The Western world is all kinds of fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:05:07 No.583672
    So, I was raised by a feminist mother, rarely saw my defeated father. Had no male role models during my upbringing. Believed everything my mother taught me. All my experiences (female teachers, no church, sports, male social contact) re-enforced the same behavior.

    I've recently began to fix myself at age 25... A high fat diet, 10,000IUs of vitamin D3 a day and plenty of manosphere reading.

    A few weeks ago I suggested to my 50 year old mother, that after having 100~ boyfriends in the last 20 years who were not good enough, perhaps her standards are too high? Perhaps the crushing sense of loneliness and her constant depression are not worth bearing to 'hold out' for the perfect man. Take her current boyfriend, let's call him Paul, I don't know if that's his actual name but they're all called Paul at the end of the day. Paul earns a shit ton of money, which is good for a man. I understand a man's desire to make a lot of money and a women's desire for a man who has a lot of money, security and all that. My mother's complain is that he doesn't do enough around HER house. Like he's suppose to come and mow the fucking lawn. I told her, this guy likes you, for some strange reason, marry him, you've both had kids already, let him go to work, you work part time and take care of the house, hell you've done that all you're life while working fulltime! It will be so much easier when you don't even need to work, actually build up some retirement savings of which you have none, enjoy the 4 odd vacations a year he seems to have and try to be happy. Stop finding faults. Maybe start looking forward to grandchildren or something?

    Sorry I'm ranting. The Western world is all kinds of fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:06:45 No.583681
    She's stupid. If she wants money, she can just marry and divorce these rich guys. Then she'll be set for life. She won't even have to work
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:28:09 No.583797
    As an outcast in school you either have to shut the fuck up and try not be noticed or be devoured by those much higher on the social ladder.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:30:23 No.583809

    >plenty of manosphere reading

    such as ?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:42:44 No.583860
    I had nothing to say most of the time. That's all. I speak when I'm spoken to as well, and most of the time people did not speak to me.

    I was one of the guys who'd raise their hand to answer questions often in class, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:02:11 No.586854
    right so am i the only mute here on /r9k? I don't even talk to my parents or anyone online despite foreveralones.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:04:16 No.586879
    self-hatred, paranoia
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:06:24 No.586908
    In the beginning, I was a class clown. Would constantly talk and never shut up. Then in middle school, I kept getting in trouble and got a stern talking. I couldn't stop it, and kept talking but it slowed down. Once I reached high school, it stopped completely. And I've been quiet in school since.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:13:20 No.586973
    Depends on the class. If I don't feel like saying shit I won't say shit. If I want to engage myself I fuckin talk to everyone.
    It depends on my interest in the class, the time of day it meets, what the atmosphere of the class is like, and the teacher.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:14:00 No.586982
    i was massively paranoid in high school
    i was also a compulsive liar
    i kept to myself and my music most of the time
    i'm 99% sure i was crazy
    i'm not saying i'm better now but it's not as bad
    my parents kept me away from any doctors and medications because of how having a crazy kid would look to their friends

    i used to draw pictures of the monsters i saw in dreams
    was sent to the counselor many times because i scared other students

    i didn't bother other people and they didn't bother me
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:42:39 No.587256
    Couldn't speak the same language as well as everyone else. Had to learn another, "easier" one almost exclusively due to hearing problems.

    Everyone was bilingual but I kept fucking up with the more common and expected language, I couldn't even keep track of simple grammar rules like keeping genders of nouns and adjectives in a sentence consistent. I'm pretty sure that's the root cause of almost all of my problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:44:39 No.587269
    I can't even use "shyness" or "anxiety" as an excuse. I was/am just an outright dick head.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:45:58 No.587283
    The people who are usually the loudest in school have nothing of value to say most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)14:46:47 No.587289

    Which music do you listen to?
    >> Johnny !qpBl.gJsqo 12/02/11(Fri)14:49:04 No.587311
    Fear. Also, nothing of any interest to say to my peers.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)15:05:20 No.587433
    >i was also a compulsive liar

    Haha I've heard that one before.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)17:28:26 No.588844
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)17:31:31 No.588874
    Because I was a fat piece of shit and nobody wants to talk to landwhales.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)17:35:47 No.588912
    >bullied due to being cleverer than other people
    >ended up stunting myself due to this
    >now only a lot above average.

    Could've been cleverest person in that year by far.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)17:37:02 No.588928
    >younger by 1+ years
    >late bloomer
    >bad vision
    >obsession with vidya
    >skinny fat and weak as fuck
    >> rob !QhBIgrobYw 12/02/11(Fri)17:48:37 No.589054

    Are you me???
    Besides the fight you and I lived the same life, jesus christ

    >40 minutes late
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)17:49:51 No.589076
    Pretty much both of those, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)17:54:57 No.589119
    >Why were you so quiet
    >Implying I wasn't one of the douche bags who walked around the halls being loud as fuck, sat at the back of the class yelling obscenities, etc.

    >That feel when you used to think girls would fuck you if you were a douche, but then realized they only fuck the good looking ones

    Feels bad, all them wasted years.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)22:43:26 No.592629
    i was never really social.

    anyone else here a fuck up?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)00:56:10 No.594209
    anyone else here still a complete reclusive shut in loser?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)00:59:56 No.594247
    Never had much to say, didn't know how to respond to certain conversations.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:00:13 No.594252
    I seriously never cared for any of the people that I went to school with. If I ever met someone that I did care about, I would skip school to hang with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:03:00 No.594279
    A combination of both coupled with the fact that everyone was shallow as fuck and I started not to care.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:04:08 No.594291
    I was actuallly a loud and obnoxious lunatic in high school.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:10:00 No.594348
    >Went to a magnet high school
    >Everyone was super friendly
    >No bullying, verbal/physical abuse, etc. EVER.
    >Was able to take tons of classes that interested me
    >Teachers loved it when you would speak out, asked questions that challenged their knowledge of the subject, and when you wanted to know more than what they were supposed to teach, etc.

    I had no reason not to be social and be heard.

    It fucking rocked, man. I feel bad for you guys who didn't go to schools with such a welcoming and free-spirited environment.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:12:29 No.594371

    I was the mexican in an asian school
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:17:28 No.594427
    >Went to magnet schools all through my schooling
    >Everyone was always super friendly and welcoming
    >There was NEVER any bullying, verbal/physical abuse, etc.
    >Kids actually wanted to be at school
    >Was able to take tons of classes that interested me
    >Teachers actually really enjoyed teaching and what they taught
    >Also loved kids asking questions, challenging their knowledge of the subject, and showing they wanted to learn more than what they were being taught

    I had no reason not to be social and be heard.

    For someone who was always kind of introverted, socializing was pretty damn easy when in such a warm, welcoming, and friendly environment.

    I feel bad for you guys who didn't have such an experience with their schools and the people in them.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:19:13 No.594441

    Sorry about the similar posts.

    4chan said it didn't post so I typed up another one.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:19:53 No.594448
    cause i was fat and poor.

    just poor now.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:20:25 No.594456
    Because I didn't have friends, so going on the spot to say something without friends there to back you up is a HUGE risk.
    >Think up something
    >Want to say it
    >Oh god I want to say it
    >Say it
    >Nobody reacts or they ignore me
    >God fucking damn it

    Oddly enough I was getting in trouble pretty much constantly in elementary and early middle school for cutting up in class, but highschool was basically the incarnation of hell. At that point I remember thinking how cool the grimdark toughguys who rarely talked were so badass and how I wish I could be that sullen.

    Boy was I stupid
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:21:16 No.594466
    "at that point" referring to elementary/middle school of course
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)08:01:22 No.597448
    so is anyone else still a friendless virgin with no life here?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)13:01:12 No.599498
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)13:04:34 No.599529
    >implying i was

    inb4 projecting neckbeards
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:59:03 No.601375
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)16:00:20 No.601392
    I remember this thread from like 2 weeks ago

    Why is it here again

    Is the robot broken?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)16:01:09 No.601406
    I wasn't quiet. I raised my hand everytime--dammit. i stuck my nose in everybody's business. So what, if they didn't like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:41:40 No.603236
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:42:57 No.603249
    I was only for the first few weeks. Then I made friends.
    If they're not around though, I'm the kinda guy who just sits back and doesn't say a single word to anyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)23:26:12 No.606281
    nothing ever goes right for me so no I didn't talk much. bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)05:33:19 No.609347
    i wasn't quiet, i wasn't even at school to be quiet.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:23:39 No.612121
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:25:27 No.612139
    my father is also a quiet person and i think i have inherited his trait. and then as a kid, i have received compliments for being quiet and not casuing problems so this is how i became the way i am.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:27:11 No.612152
    I was a loud cunt.
    >> Zarko !AxpR6cqOxA 12/04/11(Sun)13:27:23 No.612155
    I always thought I was an awkward piece of shit in school because I rated myself on how good I was with girls, and obviously im not. I had a pretty good teenage life to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:29:02 No.612177
    Because i didn't care for a social status enough to talk to retards.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:29:31 No.612181
    Because out of thousands of students,a one digit number was worth talking to.Fuck this world.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:30:43 No.612196
    When I did talk my mouth usually got me sent to the office
    >> deutschritter !GSoLWtAXn6 12/04/11(Sun)14:00:44 No.612479
    Genetics. My sister is the same. Strangely enough my parents are quite loud. hm-hm.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:05:56 No.612519
    Only reason why I'm barely social in high school.
    Currently in senior year though, I'm actually glad I wasn't social due to the complete tards I'm seeing now.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:07:06 No.612530
    do yourself a favour and go have sex with your sister
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:15:32 No.612611

    She seems to be very anti-sex somehow. She freaked out when I added her friend on facebook. What the fuck sisters, wuts wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:16:53 No.612625
    Genetics. Never were interested in the other kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:20:13 No.612651
    I don't see me benefiting from having pointless interactions with people I do not care about.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:41:01 No.612813

    how many of you never talk now and are always alone 24/7 other than with parents?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)15:10:22 No.613147
    >low self esteem from being fat
    >always thought I had no personality

    Until I went to highschool and discovered the open gym/weight room. (I'm a female)
    I'm still pretty shy though. I can't talk to people I don't know without feeling like I'm going to cry or mess up.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)15:14:39 No.613202
    was cool in elementary school, then went to a middle school away from all my old friends cause i moved, got teased all the time, gained weight, lonely loner, brought a gun to school and got expelled, hs dropped out my first year, became alcoholic, loner, suicidal, used to burn down houses and break into places and stuff, body covered in a lot of scars, shit health, 25 now, no friends, job, virgin, doubt any guy will ever want to date me. no im not girl, im guy and gay

    tl;dr - people should leave people alone, you don't know what kind of life they have at home.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)15:18:09 No.613242
    No one was very interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)15:24:05 No.613299
    I ended up getting called up to the office and interrogated by the police for a supposed bombing threat note found in a bathroom stall. All the quiet loners and outcasts in the school were also there.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)15:26:41 No.613333
    because i hated pretty much everyone and i knew if i opened my mouth i'd say mean things so i just kept quiet.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)15:30:41 No.613388

    >no im not girl, im guy and gay

    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)16:26:06 No.614135
    An overinflated sense of self worth. I basically thought that the peons around me were not worth talking to which is funny because I have no reason to have been that prideful since I am not that smart and wasn't good at anything. Probably a defense mechanism preventing me from despairing about my own worthlessness.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)20:47:37 No.618001
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)02:33:19 No.622133
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)03:10:06 No.622391
    i hated people there. i hated school also. i was also always quiet person.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)03:12:17 No.622405
    Low self-esteem, mostly. Also, whenever I said anything someone would pipe up with "Shut up, faggot", so.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)03:12:32 No.622409

    I like how your genes can make you beta.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)03:19:12 No.622452
    If i were to speak out, the class would know i'm one of the smart kids. They would take advantage of me and try to get homework, project, and test help in any form they can. They would pester me to proofread their retard essays and bug me to be their partner for whatever it is. Fucking sophomore and junior year is when everyone pissed me off, so i learned to shut my mouth, act dumb, and fail those faggots on purpose.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)10:02:35 No.624575
    Are all of you lying to use or are you simply alone and dead on the inside?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)10:10:18 No.624607
    I didn't want to open myself up to rejection.

    Honestly, I think I can overcome this fear.

    But i haven't, YET.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)10:16:20 No.624637
    Low self-esteem and general social anxiety.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)17:06:56 No.627404

    how many of you are completely friendless and mute even now?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)20:26:33 No.629289
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)20:34:07 No.629369
    I don't know... I'm taking a medication that makes me very anti-social so I can do school work in college. At the same time I'm taking one for epilepsy and it makes me forget some words(I feel so retarded at times) and I'll literally sit for a minute thinking of the word(It's a side effect). I'm glad I have a gf and friends who understand why I suddenly changed from being really loud-mouthed to quiet
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)01:26:27 No.632655

    my school life was all fucked up, I'm surprirsed i even graduated without killing myself...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)10:59:16 No.635678

    because i never had anything interesting to say and still don't./..
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:30:50 No.638104
    I'm not funny and I'm very quiet and retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:32:48 No.638127
    i basically hated everyone

    i talked to them if they talked to me though
    i even went to a few parties
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:45:32 No.640240

    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:47:56 No.640268
    I have autism and to this day children's voices are the most painful sound in the world for me. Also they smell.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:49:30 No.640286
    I really shared no interests with anyone (that I knew of) during highschool except drugs (which just about all teenage boys were into). The only thing is I didn't have cool stories because I did them by myself or with one of two good friends of mine.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:23:50 No.644190
    that feel when you never even had a friend in high school and still failed miserably...
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:27:13 No.644749
    low self-esteem stemming from body image issues (i'm a guy btw), inferiority complex over my mixed race status, a bit of genetics. i was an only child and my dad was a huge beta introvert, so that didnt help.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:46:52 No.644866
    nobody was really interested in video games i don't think.

    i still think this that i might have been that person that nobody liked. you know, everyone knows that one person that nobody liked in class, their job, anywhere in general.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)04:34:07 No.645181

    Are you completely alone with no friends even now? What else are you doing with your life?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)04:44:06 No.645243
    I would I only talk to people that would talk to me first.
    Practically no one talked to me so I hardly ever talked.
    I didn't have much to say anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)04:47:57 No.645261
    I think it's just cause I don't talk "just because I can". That and I'm a Scorpio, it's the way we are

    Also I thought I was surrounded by dumb people, and it was kinda true since my school (private catholic, just girls) was known for having lots of airheads
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:45:07 No.646381
    no one ever talked to me, ever...feels bad man.jpg
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)10:08:40 No.646829
    i wasnt quiet. I talked with people and always contributed to the discussions. I just could never get close/intimate with people because I'm an awkward beta pussy faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)13:17:02 No.647890
    nbumpan for lonerbro...yretyty
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)16:31:44 No.649685
    that feel when you're at the bottom of the food chain
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)20:40:16 No.652428
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)02:17:18 No.655891

    that feel when your computer blue screns and you lose all of your system date...
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)02:20:59 No.655930
    I was busy reading a book in my lap or doodling. Class was boring.

    That feel when I'm fine socially.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)09:14:15 No.658090
    that feel when you fucked ypu your entire life...
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)09:15:15 No.658095
    i was too loud in school, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)09:25:05 No.658145
    low self esteem
    being hated for being one of the only white kids
    got ass kicked daily for it
    (was hated for fucking up the grading curve 100 on every test)

    in highschool
    >made friends with big ass black kids on football team
    >also many gangsters
    >banged black and spanish bitches
    >was awesome long haired metalhead

    thats how ya do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)09:34:49 No.658191
    Low self esteem, definitely
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)09:45:20 No.658245

    great way to remedy this is do what i did.

    to all omega faggots - start smoking weed and poppin pills with large black football players and gangsters, they are very accepting people. also that black chick you banged on friday gets pissed you gave her a random 7 digit# and finds you, you can hide behind the linebacker while she tries to kick your ass. also drama kids are cool too and make great friends.

    follow these steps to a successful beta lifestyle(lets face it, we'll never be alpha).
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)13:52:23 No.659845
    Why would it be low if I was quiet?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)13:58:13 No.659887
    What's this 'self.esteem' you speak of?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)15:03:24 No.660435
    Well, i just dont give a fuck about most people. Back in middle school all i did was talk with friends. HS came around and i just talked to my friends from middle school. I did make several very good friends, then junior year i switched schools (just to a public school, still close to all friends) let the quietness commence. I legit didnt talk to more than 3 or 4 people that year, socializing that is. They were good friends from years before. Im a senior now, and i still dont talk to anyone but them and some stoners in my shop and guitar class. But fuck people bro, i dont find what anyone talks about to be interesting.
    >derp, that party was so fun
    >guise i caught a hugeee fish
    >blah blah blah smoke blunts erry day
    I honestly have NO IDEA of what people think of me. I dont talk to them, they dont talk to me, we have a mutual understanding. Ive never been bullied or made fun of because of this, lifes good. Yeah, i eat lunch by myself most of the time, and i dont give a fuck. Coming from a long line of doctors, i just like to look around at all the kids at my school and try and guess what they will be later in life. Its not that i feel superior, allthough sometimes i do, its just that ive never really been exposed to the general population much before. Im smart, but i dont do shit, get all Bs n Cs (ap bullshit) but yeah, thats me. Oh and recently i found out im a decent looking guy, which ive always been unsure of.
    >going to library like a do erryday
    >sit down, look over to see chick staring at me
    >do meh physics hw
    >before the bell her and her friend leave
    >as they walk out the door i hear "omg that kid with the orange backpack is so cute"
    Good self esteem boost hehehe
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)18:33:20 No.662606
    incoming loser bro reportan in.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)18:35:12 No.662628
    My step-dad beat the shit out of me a lot when I was younger. So I hated myself and didn't trust anyone
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)19:29:55 No.663228

    Damn man, how are you right now? Social?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)22:53:58 No.665586
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)04:34:51 No.668599
    I had nothing of imporatance to contriubte...
    >> ­ 12/09/11(Fri)04:36:27 No.668615
    Everyone was so retarded like holy shit

    It's like we only had popular kids in my school, everyone was dumb as shit and wore brand clothing

    Why would I want to hang out with them
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)05:18:49 No.668900
    Because only a fool talks all the time, OP. I made a lot of money at High School and was highly respected.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)12:42:26 No.671292
    I'm a fucking loser, come at me bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)12:59:13 No.671450
    All my friends were in other classes

    Low self esteem

    Came from decent background and most kids in my year were from scumbag areas
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)16:54:19 No.673308
    i never liked to talk back then or even now.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:49 No.675576
    it's all fucked up for me....
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)01:23:42 No.679193
    I never had friends back in scoholl, come at me nerds.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)09:39:27 No.682351
    low self esteem, bad social skills, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)09:41:10 No.682365
    >Low self esteem?
    Yes, exactly this.
    I seperate myself from the group because I don't want to bore the fuck out of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)09:42:11 No.682375
    When I talked to a girl I liked, it would go pretty normally.
    When I talked with anyone else I would go all-out retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/11(Sat)12:43:17 No.683846
    im a kissless virgin aswell, but wallowing in self pity all day and night is just fucken pathetic. youve got 1 life, thats it. do you want to spend it crying onto a keyboard to people just as sad and pathetic WHO DONT EVEN GIVE A SHIT ANYWAY all day for the rest of your life?
    cos i sure as fuck dont.

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