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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turns 6 years old

    File : 1254438108.gif-(1.89 MB, 280x234, bee82feb05969bf45b2f6cb22d6508e7.gif)
    1.89 MB Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:01:48 No.5671743  
    Are huge corporations a bad thing? if so why?

    Would the world be better if it was nothing but large corporations?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:02:52 No.5671758
    Would the world be better if it was a feudal state? Some would say yes. Most would say no.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:04:21 No.5671775
    Yes and no. Larger corporations leads to more efficient production and better products. A down side is huge corporations tend to monopolize the market. This lets them have very large control over prices and this can hurt the consumer. :3
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:06:08 No.5671792
    Corporations are beholden to nobody but their share holders. Their bottom line is to make money. Greed is an incredibly bad human trait, and, if left unchecked, will always do more harm than good.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:06:52 No.5671805
    Anything with too much power is a bad thing.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/01/09(Thu)19:09:09 No.5671828
    Corporations are never a good thing. Why should a fat cat who does nothing more than sit in an office profit off the sweat of the working man?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:10:10 No.5671839
    calling Jennifer Government...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:10:13 No.5671840
    That's part of my point though. Most large corporations are centered on being profit maximizers but along with this comes the best products. In order to truly make as much money as possible, everything about your company strives to be better. This will ultimately lead to consumers have better products and sometimes at better prices.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:11:01 No.5671852
    Corporations don't act in the best interest of the most amount of people. They act in the best interest of themselves and generally shit on everyone else. If we could guarantee benevolent corporations (we can't) then, yes, having nothing but huge corporations would be a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:11:47 No.5671868
    Look at american politics. Then note that the two major party's policies are determined by lobby groups funded by big corporations, and corporate donations.

    American 'politics' are why big corporations are dangerous. They pervert the course of democracy.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:13:51 No.5671884
    I said do more harm than good, dumby. I never said they wouldn't make bitchin' shit at reasonable prices. Look at what corporations do in third world countries without labor laws or environmental laws.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:15:58 No.5671916
    >implying the world isnt controlled by huge corporations.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:16:18 No.5671919

    Corporations will do whatever is necessary to preserve or increase their wealth. The actual product is only one aspect of their methods.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 10/01/09(Thu)19:16:57 No.5671929
    How does that tinfoil hat fit?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:17:46 No.5671936
    Yes, because they are a body of power that cannot be regulated or controlled by ordinary people. A government can be crappy but at least it has some semblance of accountability to regular people, who can change it if they dissaprove. Large Corporations do not have it, they are driven only by growth, power and profit and they will manipulate people all they want - especially when they are in a position where they are the only source of food or products. When mine owners owned the shops the workers went to and charged extortionate prices, there was little the workers could do except rebel or make their own socialist shops meant to benefit the common man.

    Corporations become monopolies, and in the process put producers out of business, shut down small shops and ultimately cut off healthy competition, corroding the important fundamentals of capitalism and the playing field in which it is played on.

    This is why you cannot have "free markets", as the only way to keep a market truly FREE for everyone to make the most of with equal opportunity, is with regulation and control by a higher power (government) which is accountable to everyone.

    Undeniable large companies and corporations have their benefits, especially for the poor, common man, but how long can we last with that trust? We don't want to end up in a position where your local Walmart jacks up the prices to extortionate levels, and you can't shop anywhere else because there's nothing BUT Walmart. A fire will keep you warm, but don't let it burn your house down.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:17:52 No.5671938
    More good than bad is a thin line. Since you can't compare the benefit to harm in terms of utility it's impossible to tell.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:18:37 No.5671950
    So as long as you got your PSP for under $100 you're good to go!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:24:01 No.5672002
    Government tyranny > Corporate tyranny

    Lesser of two evils
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:26:18 No.5672025
    What I mean is, your post, >>5671938 is a ridiculous thing to say because we have something called morality which helps us decide between good and bad.

    Even atheists claim to possess this "impossible" morality.

    If a corporation is trashing the planet beyond repair, and employing slave labor, possibly even killing people, what kind of Godsend product are they producing to make the lines of "Good vs. Evil" blurry?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)19:26:41 No.5672032
    We live in a profit-based system which means that things will never get better unless there is some way to make money off of it. Just like diseases, (I know this sounds really fucking cynical and foil-hat) but they don't want to cure them because then that would mean that big pharma would lose a shitload of money.

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