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  • File : 1254339243.jpg-(60 KB, 608x457, SA.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:34:03 No.5657351  
    Any South Africa or any other Africafags?

    I'm a black American, and I want to visit the continent of my ancestors. Im trying to find out more about the realities of modern day Africa. Naturally, I'm not sure where in Africa my enslaved great great great+ grandparents came from, but I saw this thing on PBS where they did the blood type thing on several black celebrities to determine where most likely their forebears were from, so I'm gonna do that. I priced it and its about 200 bucks, give or take.

    As a black man who has lived in America his whole life, its a trip to think about how there are whole countries where blacks are the majority. Of course, most of Africa is very, very poor and it is nothing like America at all. But I think, for personal fulfillment, that I need to visit the motherland, and soon. I need to see the lands where my family's people came from.

    But mostly I want to experience what its like not to be seen as a minority. To walk down the street and look just like everybody else for once instead of always standing out and being "the black guy". To be the norm and not have to constantly prove to people I'm not going to rob them just because I'm black. To be just another guy.

    God, that'd be fucking great.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:34:53 No.5657362
    Go to Harlem.
    No white people anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:36:15 No.5657375
    learn to gentrification motherfucker
    white people EVERYWHERE
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:39:07 No.5657404
    Personally, I think you'd be disappointed in Africa. You will never be just another guy there, because to them, you are American.

    If you want to find your roots, you should still do it, though. Good luck!
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:40:56 No.5657433
    they'll see you as a rich american, not as anything else. They'll beg from you. You won't speak their language. You will be just as much a minority.

    Your mother country is almost more scotch-irish from the slavery experience. Seriously! Modern negro culture is basically the same as scotch-irish rednecks who enslaved them. Gaudy clothes, shitty house, sweet ride, fucking, doing drugs, and beating asses.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:42:33 No.5657452
    >You will never be just another guy there, because to them, you are American.
    I have the same problem, only I'm of irish descent. Shit sucks, but you're stuck with being an american, bra.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:42:55 No.5657457
    dont forget to participate in some psychedelic rituals while youre there
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:43:56 No.5657472
    lol niggers and their "heritage"
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:44:14 No.5657478
    IS this a joke thread? Why do you think you won't be seen as a minority? You will be. You'll probably get robbed if you go alone with this mentality. Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:45:18 No.5657490
    umm yea, that 200 dollar thing is a fucking scam. just get a map of africa and throw a dart in, go there. btw, africans hate afroamericans. and they are having problems ther cuz there is white ppl there too. good luck!
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)15:55:23 No.5657579
    ITT: niggers, niggers and more niggers.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:03:34 No.5657666
    enjoy ur utter lack of civilization, AIDS, crime, starvation, poverty, and niggers
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:08:24 No.5657732
    Sounds like the United States of America.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:11:54 No.5657783
    Fuck you OP. Fuck you in the ass with a big rubber dick. My 85-year old grandmother was born in South Africa and can't go back without getting robbed, murdered, and possibly raped.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:13:17 No.5657798
    As a venezuelan cunt, I visited my Grandparent's land, back in Spain.

    Honestly I felt proud of being of spanish descent.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:17:51 No.5657858
    Go to West Africa bro. Somewhere like Nigeria.

    SA's not really appropriate.

    OP's idea is pretty reasonable.

    You always see fat Americunts wondering around Ireland and Scotland trying to find their roots.

    I don't see why black people shouldn't.

    You're all Americunts to us. We don't see black or white.

    We just see the fat.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:20:38 No.5657900
         File1254342038.jpg-(200 KB, 1200x900, Cape_Town_Beaches_01.jpg)
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    LOL, I realize that being an American will taint the experience, but it wont stop me from seeing and observing the land. Still, no one will know I'm American until I speak anyways.

    Its almost impossible to track down any records, assuming any would have survived to the present day. Though I know my mom's side of the family is from Georgia and their name is Redding, which is English and signifies an Englishman as my family's "owner" (I saw a few years ago there's a Redding in the House of Lords in England). Most slaves were taken from West Africa, though African tribes sold prisoners of war from other tribes into slavery from god knows where.

    Still, youre right, west Africa is my best bet.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:21:38 No.5657908
    OP here,
    Uh, what the fuck does that have to do with me? Im not the fucking President of South Africa.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:24:17 No.5657940
    Enjoy Euraids.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:24:30 No.5657945
    OP why would you want to go to South Africa?

    South Africa is the most successful African country sure, but only because it was strictly controlled by white people for so long. Look at what has happened to it since black people have been in charge.

    I suggest you go to Nigeria. Nigeria is black people at their finest. You will be robbed or scammed within an hour of getting off the plane.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:27:18 No.5657975
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:28:00 No.5657983
    You will go to Africa, see the mess black people make of their countries, come back to America and start ranting about slavery.

    Although by the looks of it you do enough of that already.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:30:23 No.5658012
    Enjoy being murdered and eaten by starving africans who maim each other over the stupidest things.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:30:36 No.5658014
    >Nigeria is black people at their finest.

    I guess they are doing well for themselves then, since they are the 40th richest country and only 2nd on the continent.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:31:17 No.5658025
    Yeah like I said, I know that Much of Africa is very poor, which breeds the worst types of people in any country. I'm not over-romanticizing it in my head, I know the perils and problems that I'm likely to face if I'm careless. I realize life is cheap in much of Africa.

    But I still want to see it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:32:46 No.5658044
    You know what Nigeria's biggest import is?

    Elderly Americans' pension funds that they have managed to scam from them.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:35:33 No.5658075
    Places to go in sub-saharan Africa that don't totally suck:
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:36:58 No.5658087
         File1254343018.jpg-(42 KB, 386x439, genevieve-nnaji.jpg)
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    As an American in Africa pussy will get thrown at you like rice at a wedding.

    You have to remember though, how rampant AIDS is, and be fucking careful.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:37:39 No.5658095

    I'm from the Caribbean.
    Good luck in your shitty Africa. I'll be here, on this tropical island, laughing at you, smoking weed, eating saltfish and plantain, drinking rum and listening to soca with others of African descent, in a majority.

    Enjoy your wallet being stolen, your bank details mysteriously gone, and your AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:38:47 No.5658106
    Everyone loves the Gambia.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:39:01 No.5658109
    Shit, seriously?

    Americans sure are dumb then. I guess the Nigerians have taken capitalism to heart and rip off retards just like they should.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:40:10 No.5658124
    OP here
    Wow, cool..actions.. bro.
    Enjoy yourself!
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:42:34 No.5658157
    I was working on a floating fish processor in Alaska with a lot of Sudanese and Ethiopians, and when we had downtime and were just kicking back they would be joking around with each other and apparently amongst Africans, or at least Sudanese and Ethiopians, its an insult to refer to someone as Gambian.

    I never gt an explanation as to why, either. it was kinda funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:42:38 No.5658158
    i love black people they have awesome hair. do you like bob marley?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:44:01 No.5658189
    SA eh?

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:44:09 No.5658190

    In my head that is how Barack Obama talks to other black people.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:52:48 No.5658297

    Yeah Africa's the world's biggest continent. It's pretty diverse place.

    I don't like the the term race or how we use it. It's such a misnomer. There's no single black "race" or "white" race for that matter. For example some Irish pig farmer has nothing in his bloodlines that involved building Rome. Just as unless you create a fake cultural identity what do a Eastern European Pole and Scotish person have in common in regards to culture or genetics?

    People across Europe and Asia are very different there are hundreds of different cultures and ethnicities.
    In Africa even more so. North Africas are very different to East Africans (like the current POTUS' father) who are very different to South Africans who are very different to West Africans, etc etc.

    I'm not black but I've mixed with black people of African-American descent, Afro-Carribean descent, West African, and East African descent. The West African's especially the Nigerians resembled black African-Americans the most in regards to their appearance.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:56:31 No.5658333
    >Africa's the world's biggest continent.

    don't think so kid
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:57:57 No.5658354
    Nope, you are confusing 'race' with 'ethnicity'/'culture'/'nationality'. There are only 3 races, black, white, oriental.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:58:22 No.5658361
         File1254344302.jpg-(77 KB, 604x786, Africa.jpg)
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    A lot of people underestimate how HUEG Africa really is.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:59:16 No.5658370
    Hey OP, you wont get thought of as a robber or a rapist when you walk down the street in Africa, but everyone else will rob and rape you anyways.

    So you'll be the exception to the rule- in both countries.

    *pats you on the back*.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:59:41 No.5658373
    So then what are Polynesians?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:00:01 No.5658375
    pic implying africa is a country.
    >> Black ✭ Star !gbLack2YmE 09/30/09(Wed)17:02:00 No.5658398
    you would have a point if it didn't paste europe over it as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:04:14 No.5658423
         File1254344654.jpg-(28 KB, 346x344, capt.240a1c8b64c74f42831b734d1(...).jpg)
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    North East Africans look different, look at this former Somali president. They got straight hair and finer features.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:04:17 No.5658424
    I didnt "imply" anything, I said a lot of people fail to reallize how HUEG Africa is. I didnt say "the country of Africa"

    if you werent so eager to seem LOLSMART by correcting people who call Africa a country, you would have seen that.

    I bet you been sitting here just fuckin WAITING for someone to say that Africa is a country, huh you sorry ass motherfucker.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 09/30/09(Wed)17:05:00 No.5658434

    no they aren't, a white guy from russia and a white from france don't have a single thing in common GENETICALLY SPEAKING
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:05:39 No.5658444
    If you do come to South Africa, come to Cape Town.
    Other cities are fucking boring.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:06:03 No.5658451
    Well, east Africa is right next to the middle east, so of course theyre likely to have mixed features.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:07:03 No.5658467
    A bit o' black, a bit o' oriental.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:17:53 No.5658581
    Thats bullshit, you dont know what the fuck your talking about
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:19:48 No.5658603

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:22:00 No.5658616
    All the South African's I know are incredibly racist twats.

    Also: you're nowhere near a pure-blood, most likely. You'll be singled out there as well (._.)
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:23:17 No.5658629
    Go to Ghana. I went there this summer. Shit's good there, no chance of getting robbed, no genocide, only malaria and heat somewhat. Civilized, almost modern, (they're not as good with electronics as we are), Healthcare is not too bad, but other then that. it's all good.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:24:39 No.5658645
    Go teach some of the poor dirt farmers how to build windmills or cisterns or water pumps etc.

    Seriously. I kind of want to go help after hearing about that young African who read about windmills and went the fuck out and built one to give his town electricity. That kind of shit is AWESOME, and any country should be proud to have people like that.

    I am an engineer, and that fills me with happiness that such people exist. That one guy redeemed Africa in my eyes. The only problem is, I think I would get my dick shot off if I went around helping people there.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:29:34 No.5658706
    OP here,
    Im the complexion of the kids in the OP photo, I'm not some diluted super light half breed or anything. Like I said, if I didn't speak they'd never know I was American.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:32:08 No.5658733

    This. If you really want to connect with your roots. The best way is to do volunteer work (engineering, medicine, teaching, etc).

    I don't know if Americans do it but in Britain we have the concept of a gap year, where before or after university you spend a year doing something often abroad. Lot's of people use it as an opportunity to do volunteer work in Africa or Asia.

    Doing something like that in somewhere like Ghana for example would be a much better way to connect with your African roots then, the typical American thing of wondering around Dublin or Edinburgh with a loud tee-shirt, complaining about the size of the meal portions, taking lots of pictures, and generally being a loud annoying tourist.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:38:20 No.5658819
    OP here,
    Funny you should mention that, I was thinking about joining the peace corps and was watching videos on it, which is what started me thinking about this whole thing. I have a working knowledge of several languages, so I was thinking of doing something related to teaching.

    bu yeah, helping out a village or something would be really cool
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:44:18 No.5658890
    God damn you almost trolled me.

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