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  • File : 1254326183.jpg-(165 KB, 500x400, 2204782089_9dfa047919.jpg)
    165 KB Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)11:56:23 No.5655482  
    The government said black people no longer had to ride in the back of the bus.

    White people quit riding buses.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)11:58:37 No.5655492
    Buses and public transport became less popular forms of transport as the standard of living improved for the community, and more were able to afford cars.

    Correlation does not imply causation.

    Thank you for a fine thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)11:59:01 No.5655498
    You're doing it wrong. It's:

    The government said black people no longer had to ride in the back of the bus.

    They still do.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:00:34 No.5655500
    The ironic thing is, as I have noticed, black people still always sit at the back because it is the safest place to hit the crack pipe.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:00:48 No.5655501
    Often the rear of the bus is a more comfortable riding position. One is less frequent disturbed by wind when the doors are open, etc.

    Government and race are irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:01:05 No.5655506
    >as the standard of living improved for the white people.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:01:58 No.5655511
    It's like school segregation ending. We ended up more or less re-segregating ourselves anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:02:15 No.5655515
    Clearly you've never ridden a public bus through the Financial District of Boston.

    Whities and iPhones as far as the eye can see...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:02:22 No.5655516
    Perhaps your usage of 'ironic' is misplaced.

    Also, by abstaining from using racial stereotypes in your response, your arguments will appeal towards a wider range of readers.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:03:00 No.5655520
    I dont care where they sit, usually they go to the top deck and hoot out of the windows at women.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:03:35 No.5655524
    Blacks ride the buses, but where do they go? Certainly not to any jobs.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:03:53 No.5655526
    sounds like my idea of heaven
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:04:25 No.5655533
    marta is smarta
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:05:06 No.5655536
    I wish we had double busses here.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:05:09 No.5655537

    Welfare office?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:07:23 No.5655548
    All the cool kids in middle/high school (that don't have a car... which actually makes them lame, so let say the cool kids among us lame faggots with no car) sit in the back of the bus, black people always take the back seats, hence why they are so cool...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:14:30 No.5655575
    No it wasn't learn Engish

    And no it won't learn niggers.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:15:13 No.5655576
    To get more crack.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)12:29:02 No.5655642
    Both valid and likely theories.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)14:07:22 No.5656585
         File1254334042.jpg-(27 KB, 400x281, jim crow.jpg)
    27 KB
    I figured this out a long time ago

    segregation was in fact integration.

    Take this picture for instance. You could say that the white and black are separate, but also together.

    Without measures to promote integration (like segregation) it becomes impossible to live with blacks and both suffer, because whites move out and blacks cannot get the economic benefit of working for whites.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)14:10:28 No.5656611
    I'm a white 19 year old male and I ride the city bus daily
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:14:27 No.5657812
    OMG ur 19 and you STILL use 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:16:44 No.5657842
    Same here, sex, age, and all.
    I ride the bus every day to get to campus and honestly I'd fucking quit riding if I could get a damn car. Takes an hour to get anywhere by bus and there are seriously some real fucking creeps on the bus. I don't want my trip home fucking spoiled by an old crack bum next to me grabbing my shoulders and telling me he wants to give me a lovin' I'll never forget.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:18:34 No.5657865
    city bus is filled with dumb black kids who think they're all smart and awesome for trolling random strangers. kind of like 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:20:45 No.5657901
    yeah, and did people have a choice in the government originally desegregating? lol, no. silly liberals taking away my freedoms.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:22:22 No.5657917

    This. Basing your judgements about black people on school kids who troll you on the bus ride to work is like basing your judgements of white people on the people who hang out on /b/.

    I live in Central London and work in banking in the financial district. I use the underground or buses for my short commute to work. I know well enough to distinguish between the inner city black kids on the buses messing around and my black friends from private school, university, my graduate program, etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:23:20 No.5657927
    Time to whip out the 'ol copypasta

    Liberals believe in stupid things (like racial equality) which are unsupported and even directly contradicted by empirical evidence.

    Liberals believe these things for no other reason than the positive emotions associated with such a belief. Just like a fear of death makes Christians believe in eternal life, fear of inequality makes Liberals believe in racial egalitarianism.

    Liberals are hostile towards nonbelievers. Just like Muslims will punish you for insulting the prophet Muhammad, Liberals imprison people for "hate speech" if they dare to criticize or express skepticism towards Liberal dogma.

    There's no way around the fact that Liberalism is just a modern religion. Religion is not dying off, people are simply migrating to new religions. Just like the change from polytheism to monotheism thousands of years ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:23:45 No.5657931
    Yes I'm white and use public transportation.

    Oh I live in Venezuela.

    Never mind then.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:25:45 No.5657955
    >implying that anyone who isn't white counts as part of the community

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/30/09(Wed)16:26:09 No.5657961
    Plenty of white people ride buses for a variety of reasons.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:27:43 No.5657976
    If you are from Venezuala it means you are Hispanic. Which means you have a mutt mix of injun and sandnigger blood mixed in that brown face of yours. Not white.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:28:50 No.5657995
    Whenever I take the bus, I always see black people in the back anyway. They must like it there. They were just whiners.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:30:29 No.5658013
    That is what your goverment wants you to believe.

    There are european inmigrants here too. My 4 grandparents are german, ergo I'm of german descent.

    Quit believing Mexico represents South America, imbecile American.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:31:17 No.5658024
    What the fuck is wrong with the back of the bus?
    Shit rocks you morons.
    You have a door right there for a quick escape, not to mention old and morbidly obese people sit mostly in the front. And you can open the window without having bitches complaining about the wind.
    Shit's pretty relaxed.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:31:26 No.5658026
    I'm white and I ride the bus every day.

    what's funny is that niggers still ride in the back of the bus
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:50:51 No.5658273
    Oh, a German in South America! Nazi.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:52:39 No.5658295
    What is wrong with the back of the bus?
    Probably that it's where all the creepers and perverts and nutsos sit.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:57:17 No.5658344
    I highly doubt it, as my grandparents escaped the nazi regime because they believed in communism.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:57:50 No.5658351
    The white people in South America who aren't Native Americans, Hispanic or Latino are fucking crazy in the head...

    Suicide cultists, Escaped Nazi officers, Crazed fruitarian hippies...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)16:57:54 No.5658353
    There's lots of non hispanic europeans in Latin America.
    Nice brainwash you got there, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:02:00 No.5658397
    So your family escaped a genocidal totalitarian government that oppressed its people and destroyed individual freedom because they supported the idea of a genocidal totalitarian government that oppressed its people and destroyed individual freedoms?

    That makes a lot of sense.
    >> TuX !K5ttzIYzIY 09/30/09(Wed)17:06:24 No.5658457
    The people elected a black man as a president.

    White people stopped being intelligent.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:07:34 No.5658471
    It's true. :/

    Every time I ride the bus, I'm either the only white person, or in the vast minority.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:07:48 No.5658474
    Black people voted for obama. There's more black people than white, since blacks just reproduce without worrying about how to pay for them.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:08:34 No.5658486
    shut the fuck up yankee swine
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:09:36 No.5658493
    I live in Argentina and my whole family is german too.
    They came here in the 1920's because there were good business opportunities at the time and Germany was broke.

    inb4 murrika is white
    >> TuX !K5ttzIYzIY 09/30/09(Wed)17:09:39 No.5658494

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:11:49 No.5658519
    Blacks still sit at the back of the bus in Seattle. For some reason its cool.

    They just didn't like being told to do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:12:19 No.5658526

    >there is more black people than white people

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:12:33 No.5658531
    >Suicide cultists

    wait, suicide cultists live there?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:13:26 No.5658539


    Not the person you were talking to but that's the whole point about political extremes. They end up resembling one another.

    So the extreme religous right in the U.S actually would find it had a lot in common with the Islamic political parties of the middle east in regards to social policy especially such as pre-marital sex, gay marriage, sex education, divorce rights, abortion rights, stem cell research etc, etc.

    Just as taken to the left extreme you have the historica Communist dictatorships, for example under Stalin; having similar domestic policies to the extreme right Facist dictatorship of Hitler for example.

    Yet they're still opposite ends of the spectrum and you would still see viscious fighting between both; in both the modern example and the historic example.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:15:31 No.5658556
    You must keep in mind that those are only the people reporting to the Census. A black woman isn't going to report her boyfriend, her sister, and her sister's kids living with her, because that's a violation of the section 8 rules.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 09/30/09(Wed)17:18:22 No.5658586

    filthy communists
    >> Anonymous 09/30/09(Wed)17:41:23 No.5658858
    I live down the street from where that picture was taken. It was when it snowed last year, I think.

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