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  • File : 1254068942.jpg-(406 KB, 1920x1080, Bueller's sister and Charlie Sheen.jpg)
    406 KB Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:29:02 No.5615500  
    How are you enjoying Fresher's Week, /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:39:24 No.5615592
    I have the flu and have run out of steam with talking to strangers

    It's alright
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:46:05 No.5615672
    Is this Freshers week all over the UK? Or is it a regional thing? It sounds kick ass, honestly, I wish we had it in the US.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:50:57 No.5615725
    When I came in the classes had already started.

    ;____; No fresher fuck fest for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:51:42 No.5615736

    Yeah, it's our repressive commie government allowing us to drink alcohol aged 18.

    Hey, live and let live, you get guns, right?
    >> britfag !!N2FCP0QzUiv 09/27/09(Sun)12:55:14 No.5615780
    I don't even go to uni, but I crashed at my friends uni just for freshers week.
    Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:56:59 No.5615797
    Do you think I was insulting you or something? I said it sounds awesome, damn.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:58:52 No.5615815
    So what are you in for? Drugs?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:59:25 No.5615825
    I don't go to uni. But hooking up with scared and vulnerable girls is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:00:02 No.5615835
    Fuck what movie is that again
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:01:41 No.5615859
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    >Hey, live and let live, you get guns, right?
    Boy howdy do we. I spent yesterday afternoon window shopping for a .357 magnum revolver, and ended up buying a 3" knife with spring assist. That's right, it's got a goddamn spring-loaded blade. Give it a little tap and it pops right open. AMERICA FUCK YEAH!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:02:36 No.5615867
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

    Go kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:02:58 No.5615869
    its Ferris bueller's day off
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:03:30 No.5615873
    What is this Freshers Week thing? Anything like Welcome Week here in the US?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:09:07 No.5615933

    It's a week where everyone is living by themselves for the first time in their lives. This results in a lot of carnage, binging, fucking strangers. Getting sick and on occasion dying of meningitis.

    Of maybe that's just Birmingham Uni
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:09:44 No.5615939
    Yeah, same as Welcome Week then. You guys start school really late.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:10:11 No.5615945
    >>5615672 here
    Apparently we do have it here in the US, but I even live in a college town and I've never heard of it. But its all I keep hearing about from UK friends. Different themed parties every night at different clubs... so jealous.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:16:49 No.5615997

    Yeah it's everyone's first week of university. They give out condoms when you arrive. Then everyday of the week there is a different themed party. Toga parties, 70s parties, etc, etc.

    Afterwards everyone usually is struck down with flu and / or STD tests from all the swapping of bodily fluids or needs their stomachs pumped due to excessive alcohol consumption.

    Being a student in Britain is awesome. Did you know that because they know everyone will fuck around getting drunk, stoned, or fucking in their first year that our first year of university doesn't count towards our actual degree grading? All we have to do is pass?

    Our and we have better healthcare. How did you country become so shit can get overtaken by Europe, America?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:19:24 No.5616021
    That sounds amazing. I really do wish I lived in the UK.

    I know some idiot who has the flu and is puking but continues to goto a party each night during this Freshers week. Common? Or does he have a death wish.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:21:18 No.5616045

    how did your europe get so shit and overtaken by germany?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:23:10 No.5616064
    Why don't you stick your thumb in your butt?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:26:00 No.5616100

    Just irony dude, no offence perceived or intended. "Two great nations separated by a common language..."
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:26:05 No.5616103
    Can't comprehend that last paragraph. It's true though that you only need an overall D minimum to continue to the next year. Well, at least that's how it goes where I'm studying though.
    >> !xyWyVn95HA 09/27/09(Sun)13:27:17 No.5616116
         File1254072437.jpg-(555 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    awh man, they could have made a movie out of just that scene in OP

    imagine their wacky adventures and eventually finding love

    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:27:32 No.5616118
    I went to Northumbria, it was shit. I came back and I'm going to Teesside now. Probably won't bother with freshers week. I can't be arsed. Sounds crap.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:28:25 No.5616129
    Whats with all the meningitis scare?

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