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09/27/09(Sun)13:03:33 No.5615877  I was thinking about the irony last night.
from any country in the world are given the freedom to use this
powerful forum where free speech is valued above all (of course if you
don't speak English it doesn't do you much good) and where you already
have a huge user base to speak out to and argue with, where you can say
anything you want and have little to no repercussions, etc., etc., and
instead of talking about something important like problems in different
parts of the world, wars going on, injustices being done that no one
seems to care about, how our rights and liberties are being violated
every day, fishy shit that governments pull, etc., instead of all that
and more (fuck, anything that really matters would be nice)...
of all that, we get people talking about Kayne West, trolls, retards
spewing memes (like op expressed) and a thousand different forms of
mundane, trivial, vapid, meaningless bullshit. When you give people the
privilege to use a medium as powerful as this, you really start to see
how fucking stupid the average person is and how they really don't want
to think about anything better then the latest celebrity scandals.
imagine that in the future there will be a place where intelligent (or
at least decent) discussion can be held, where issues that matter will
be brought up more frequently and so on, a la Ghost in the Shell. Well,
anonymous, 4chan is it. And until there's a decent way to prove that
you're 18 or older (21 or older would be better, 18 year old's aren't
that smart either) without invading any privacy, this place will
continue to be the mediocre shit it is. Oh, sure, there's some decent
discussion going on right now, but no one will pay much attention to
any of it and it'll probably die before long. |