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  • File : 1254068248.jpg-(56 KB, 432x500, flog-webready.jpg)
    56 KB Does anyone else like 4chan but hate the users, especially IRL? Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:17:28 No.5615407  
    For example, on m first day of computer networking class at my college I witnessed this.

    A fat sweaty smelly nerd faggot in the front row looking up "pools closed" videos on youtube and laughing while his chin flab jiggled.

    The next day him and some other faggot were saying "were r legion we do not 4give HEHEHE" and laughing because almost no one else in he class knew what they were talking about, I did but im not a fucking faggot so I didn't say anything.

    Basically what im saying is I have a class with all the faggots from /b/ laughing about their gay little unfunny memes, please kill me.
    >> cptn_ 09/27/09(Sun)12:20:13 No.5615430
    i hate the userbase of /b/, both online and IRL

    the rest of 4chan are pretty cool bros, albeit depressed and twisted.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:20:24 No.5615432
    It's me, I'm the one that hates you IRL.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:23:26 No.5615454
    I used to do that kind of stuff because I knew that there's a /b/ user somewhere and he will be pissed. I wrote essays about 4chan, /b/, everything. I did presentations about memes to my class. Of course they think I'm insane but WHO'S UNEMPLOYED NOW HAHAHA oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:23:51 No.5615457
    One of the cooler guys I know is a /b/tard.

    Then again, he's just one person.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:24:33 No.5615462
    I have been going to the same schools as these two nerds for 6 years (it's a small town). They are the only people who I have ever heard made meme/4chan references. One of them is a metalhead with anger issues, thinks he is the smartest person who ever lived, he's also a weeaboo. The other is a complete freak, like one of those don't-make-eye-contact type freaks.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:26:07 No.5615476
    I met up with someone from /trv/ in Iceland before. Cool, cool guy. Yes, this was arranged on 4chan. I've also played the vidya with /v/irgins at an LAN "party" a few states over. It was difficult to play a full game since about a quarter of them would rage quit every fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:26:43 No.5615482
    >complete freak
    Tell me more about this guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:26:49 No.5615484
    At my high school, "the game" is starting to become popular, which has to be the stupidest meme. And some bitch that couldn't have been more than a sophomore had a white t-shirt on that said "The game!" and then in small letters "You just lost it."

    I fucking hate the people at my school.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:29:40 No.5615507
    I saw a guy with an awesomeface t-shirt. Also there's a group of weirdos who hang around in the cafeteria who I think are 4channers. Back in highschool there were a few obnoxious people who mentioned pedobear and stuff.

    I just facepalm.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:29:46 No.5615509
    In my I.T class, this faggot wrote up on the whiteboard. I raged.

    Then once in business THE GAME had been written on the board.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:29:55 No.5615510
    I don't mind 4chan but kindergarden level trolls who post single word responses and are endlessly antagonistic ate this place
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)12:30:09 No.5615515
    4chan produces great humor sometimes...

    but most of the users are profound idiots and misanthropic crippled man-children.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:30:51 No.5615519

    That was popular about 5 years ago when I was still in High School.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:32:09 No.5615533
    I guess I lucked out and never came across any of the idiots that like the spew memes. I mean I know at least one or two people who browse /b/ but they don't do that shit.
    >> Erogenous Jones 09/27/09(Sun)12:32:21 No.5615536
    I have friends who lurk /b/ all night. They make cracks about hating niggers and one hyperactively talks in lolspeak.
    Makes me like them less.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:32:42 No.5615540
    I sympathize. I hate most of 4chan's current users.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:32:52 No.5615541
    see this is the shit that pisses me off, leave it on the internet
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:34:59 No.5615558

    "the game" predates 4chan.
    I remember playing "the game" back with my friends in the early 90s, when I was a child.

    On topic: I only know two people that go to 4chan (read: /b/) and both of them are normal people. But I'd hate to meet your average 4chan poster IRL. Especially if he's posts on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:35:08 No.5615559
    I only knew one /b/ tard from my high school. I knew about 4chan when I was like 15, but didn't actually start browsing it until I realized it had a /fit/ness board. I became acquainted with all the memes of course, but I didn't think they were funny. Anyways, this kid had been going to same school as me(town of like 10,000 people) since at least first grade probably. He was probably the biggest loser besides the autistic/downs kids and with good reason. Take away his flabby, pasty, acne-ridden skin and he'd still be ugly. Take away his greasy bowlcut and glasses and he'd still be ugly. Take away his skinny-fat moobs and he'd still be ugly. Have everyone forget the times he spazzed out in elementary school and the fact that he did nothing but played video games and he would still be undesirable. He was just a genuine loser, born and bred. One day in class I'm sitting there with my head down and I hear him talking to the only kid uglier than him in the school(I really wish I had pictures) and he said something along the lines of 'shoop da whoop' or 'mudkipz' or something. I can't really remember which stupid meme it was, but I just turned around and said "anon did you just say _______?". He just laughed and said "yea". I don't really give a shit, he was keeping to himself and I was the one eavesdropping. I hate online /b/tards though. Holy fuck what a group of delusional retards.
    >> fookin prawns 09/27/09(Sun)12:35:09 No.5615560

    I saw an awsomeface shirt wearing dude at uni the other day too. I'm glad I never wore a meme tshirt in my early years. Its not the 4chan way, is it?

    I sometimes scrawl memes (longcat in portals, etc) on toilet walls and stuff, but only because seeing the response is sort of cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:37:49 No.5615580
    I always know when someone is from 4chan because they're a skinny nerd who calls people "fag."
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:37:54 No.5615583
    Okay, he wears shirts with Yu-Gi-Oh and dragons and shit, usually really tight which is hilarious since he's pretty fat. He has glasses and terrible acne. He competes in local Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments. He's not that dumb in the conventional sense but socially he make the average robot look like James Bond. He's very quick to anger and I have many stories regarding this trait. For example he once flipped a table at lunch because someone told him that dragons are gay, he then attacked this person with a knife who pushed him over, he then got up, cried, and ran away. He will not hesitate to hit people, including girls, so he has had the shit beaten out of him many times, he once hit this dudes girlfriend because she said he was spotty, he ended up tied to a tree with gallons of cow shit (yeah, rural community) poured on him and bruises all over him, I felt sorry for him, bitch deserved it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:39:28 No.5615594
    i hate the casual browsers of 4chan who still think lolcats and mudkipz is funny in any way.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:41:33 No.5615616
    I have seen lots of 14 year old geeky kids saying "fag" as an insult these days. This is in Britain, where "fag" means ciggarette. They are usually the same kids you hear saying "epic" "pwned" chuck norris jokes etc...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:43:12 No.5615634
    Go up behind him one day and whisper "the game."
    Also, I totally concur with you OP. I like 4chan, hate most people on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:44:17 No.5615649

    4chan used to produce great humor because a higher percentage of the user base was actually smart people acting stupid.

    They've mostly been driven out by genuine stupid people and high schoolers though, so there hasn't been much humor in a few years.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:45:07 No.5615657
    I know a fat faggot whos annoying and goes on and on about 4chan irl. hes a pathetic loser who made up some lie about fucking some girl I know and makes lots facebook posts about 4chan shit. should I post his picture here!?

    another guy I know who I think might come on 4chan occasionally is actually a really fucking cool guy if a bit of a hardcore commie but I fuckin' love him anyway.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)12:45:42 No.5615670
    One of my best friends is a *Channer... We both were often on other chans... Another was the boyfriend of an ex... He was actually crazy... You see turns out he and I went to the same preschool and kindergarten... Apparently I used to be a bully when I was that young and I bullied him and beat him up. Later on he gets kicked out of his school for porn on the computer and gets sent to mine. I was popular in HS and in the advanced education classes... IB if you know it. He was enraged that I was popular and would stalk me from time to time. He never made any friends really and he was so unpopular that the yearbook when he was a senior, put him amongst the juniors because nobody knew him. Fast forward, my GF goes crazy starts stalking me at our university and eventually drops out. She goes back home but stays in love with me whatever... She ends up to begin to date him but calls me from time to time. Turns out the kid REMEMBERS me on account of his burning hatred and starts cyberstalking and harassing me over AIM, MSN and facebook. In response I sabotage his relationship, cockblock him and end up fucking my ex which he was never able to do. She breaks up with him, I turn her down again... and I never hear from him again.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)12:46:30 No.5615676
    I remember... I've been a fan of 4chan for 5 years now... it seriously is a shadow of its former self.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:47:03 No.5615685

    Post pictures and link to facebook.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:47:58 No.5615696
    More on this brave anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:48:50 No.5615703
    I know a guy who says 'lol lol lol' instead of laughing. It can get annoying.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:51:16 No.5615734
    I uphold almost religiously the concept of Anonymous.

    I genuinely believe that a difference should be made between real life and the internet, especially, ESPECIALLY 4chan.

    I've been coming to this site for years lol, I love it and I don't think you would suspect it if you ever knew me or talked to me. I'm not a fucking freak, metalhead or whatever.

    It's complicated because I AM a fucking misanthrope on the verge of insanity, but good looks and drugs keep me going through the day and getting me laid. Life is good.

    Anyway, back on topic, I would never mention 4chan in real life, I've only done this once, to my college roomate, who constantly hears me laughing like a maniac, alone, in my room.

    But I also know this stupid, stupid bitch who undoubtedly discovered 4chan a few months ago and has started posting memes on her facebook page... This, to me, is the fucking worst thing. Trying to be "lolrandom" on a fucking social site. WHY? WHY WOULD SHE FUCKING DO THAT? I don't get it. Honestly every time I see that shit I just wanna break her bones with a baseball bat. FUCK. Goddamn I'm raging so hard right now thinking about it. What an idiotic little shithead.
    >> Butterfly !xlgRMYva6s 09/27/09(Sun)12:51:43 No.5615737
    I remember some idiot sat down next to me, spotted i was browsing zip (/g/ or something) and went 'OMFG 4CHAWN LAWLZ LET ME SHOW YOU THESE VIDEOS'. Then proceded to show me the van explosion fox news shit and was all LEGION. I hid my tripcode and then gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:52:51 No.5615752
    4 years myself. I know what you mean. Stupid fox news brought so many idiots here.....
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:54:38 No.5615769
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    I saw a kid yesterday playing in a card tournament and, i shit you not, he dyed himself in a blue hue, kinda like a smurf. He kept shouting "Im firing my lazer!!!!" at every single opportunity, which was at least twice every five minutes. God I hated him so much.

    Pic related, his skin was kinda like this.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:57:11 No.5615801
    Hate to break it to you, OP, but

    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:57:16 No.5615802
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    I was at a Halloween party and this one asian dude only talked in memes. Nothing intelligent came out of his mouth the entire time.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)12:58:14 No.5615809
    You mean the fox news 11 bit? Yeah... I think it was lolcats too... people found out where it was coming from... most of us oldfags have fled, but I've kept around because trolling 4chaners is just so much more fulfilling. Especially during the times when they try to DDos other chans.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:58:18 No.5615810
    All the people who I know/assume lurk /b/ are your typical losers/socialy awkward and I don't really associate with them. I'm not saying I'm above them, but if you were to see me in real life you would have no clue I lurked 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:58:59 No.5615820
    this guy is a massive faggot. went to the same school as him and hated his guts.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:59:35 No.5615828
    I sometimes yell memes out in class just to piss off other people.

    It works very well, lemme tell ya.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)12:59:45 No.5615830
    I think the fall of 4chan was the whole legion mentality and the nail in the coffin was Scientology raids.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)12:59:50 No.5615831
    It is a bit annoying that I get limped in with the anonymous is legion idiots because I am relatively new to the site.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:00:38 No.5615847
    I went on TF2 the other day, and just picked a nice 2fort server. First thing I'm greeted with is an option box saying "r u a /b/tard?". Loads of people in the server were like "wtf" and the 13 year old admin was like "the currect anser is yes XD". I turned 360 degrees and got right the hell out of there.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:00:48 No.5615852
    Come on now guys, it's just their interest. It's like you getting pissed at people watching star trek parody videos and spouting w/e trekkies spout. I mean if they are loud and shit, that's fine to be annoyed, but pissed because you get the "inside jokes" and hate the fact that someone like him does too? Maybe the fact that you and him do the same thing when they're at home?

    Whenever I see /b/tards I just laugh at them, no hint of rage whatsoever. They're making fools of themselves, why would you get mad?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:03:06 No.5615870
    4chan went down hill right around the time of the Hal Turner raids.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:03:10 No.5615871
    Fellow oldfag here I don't think we left its just that there are so many more new fags than us oldfags that it just seems like we dissapeared. On old /b/ you could post a thread and it'd still be on the first pages even after you'd f5'd these days its on page 3 seconds later.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:03:30 No.5615874

    Protip: "anon" is a meme.

    People like you are the cancer killing /b/. Almost as bad as the newfags and underageb&s.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:03:33 No.5615877
    I was thinking about the irony last night.

    People from any country in the world are given the freedom to use this powerful forum where free speech is valued above all (of course if you don't speak English it doesn't do you much good) and where you already have a huge user base to speak out to and argue with, where you can say anything you want and have little to no repercussions, etc., etc., and instead of talking about something important like problems in different parts of the world, wars going on, injustices being done that no one seems to care about, how our rights and liberties are being violated every day, fishy shit that governments pull, etc., instead of all that and more (fuck, anything that really matters would be nice)...

    instead of all that, we get people talking about Kayne West, trolls, retards spewing memes (like op expressed) and a thousand different forms of mundane, trivial, vapid, meaningless bullshit. When you give people the privilege to use a medium as powerful as this, you really start to see how fucking stupid the average person is and how they really don't want to think about anything better then the latest celebrity scandals.

    People imagine that in the future there will be a place where intelligent (or at least decent) discussion can be held, where issues that matter will be brought up more frequently and so on, a la Ghost in the Shell. Well, anonymous, 4chan is it. And until there's a decent way to prove that you're 18 or older (21 or older would be better, 18 year old's aren't that smart either) without invading any privacy, this place will continue to be the mediocre shit it is. Oh, sure, there's some decent discussion going on right now, but no one will pay much attention to any of it and it'll probably die before long.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:03:47 No.5615879
    >I genuinely believe that a difference should be made between real life and the internet, especially, ESPECIALLY 4chan.
    >But I also know this stupid, stupid bitch who undoubtedly discovered 4chan a few months ago and has started posting memes on her facebook page

    Doesn't know Facebook is on the internet
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:04:49 No.5615888
    op here.

    This is the shit im talking about! The faggots who just found 4chan 2 days ago through encyclopedia dramatic and wont stfu about being anonymous. jesus christ /b/ is the worst thing to happen...ever...the occasional funny meme it cranks out aren't nearly worth the hassle.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:06:08 No.5615904
    I'll fucking drink to that. I fucking hate it when people bring internet into real life.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:07:04 No.5615913
    Most /b/tards are fucking shitty cancerous faggots IRL.

    /r9k/fags tend to be a good bit better IME. More like your garden-variety loser/nerd, not like your underage /b/tard.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:07:43 No.5615919
    I hate to admit that I bought and still own a shoop da woop shirt
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:08:29 No.5615925

    People spend their everyday lives lying and putting up a facade in front of others so they have their place in society, seem normal. They use this place to let out all the crazy and chaos in them, they can do w/e the fuck they want without an repercussions.

    Or they're just pop collared faggots who come on here with their buddies behind them and doing shit like "look look, ima make these guys rage, watch me guys."

    /r9k/ is the closest place you can find to get serious discussion but even then it's very few compared to the all the baww and relationshit. Personal problems > world problems.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:09:05 No.5615932

    Go talk about mudkipz to your retarded 12 year old clique, faggot. It will make you much cooler, I guarantee it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:09:07 No.5615934
    Jesus fucking christ, there's a fucking survey thread going on with 200 replies. Are you people that desperate to give out all of your personal details to advertising companies or random anons just for the momentary hope that someone will comment on you and false, hollow feeling of being accepted and fitting in? You're anonymous, shut the fuck up, no one cares your hair is brown. You dipshits are the same people are feeding information to spam mail organizations, you realize this?

    We need /n/ back, the trolling was fucking everywhere but at least you got to see a decent amount of news, as long as you just looked at what facts were posted (usually contained in the source) and ignored the chucklefucks trolling every following post.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)13:09:51 No.5615940
    It was no where NEAR as bad though with Scientology... I think if that we could wind the clock back most of us would have shunned all idiots who tried to raid other sites and kept 4chan generally pure and limited to the gaiafags who would find us from time to time...

    Fuck I would welcome gaiafags if it meant we didn't have to deal with 4chan becoming mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:12:02 No.5615960
    making it over 21 would not solve anything, it would just criminalise the demographic that originally made up most of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:14:47 No.5615978
    I think you are a db and you don't know what you're talking about. Oldfags don't give a shit about 4chan becoming mainstream. It's a fucking website. If you were smart and truly an oldfag, you and your from from irc would have found another imageboard to migrate over to.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)13:15:00 No.5615981
    God I fucking masturbated while I trolled /n/ so hard. I still troll other /n/ and especially 420chan...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:15:24 No.5615986
    you and you friends* rather
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:15:33 No.5615988
    /b/ was 18-21 year old CS students.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:16:06 No.5615992
    are you always such a little bitch?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:16:57 No.5615998

    I'd never really thought about that... fuck me.

    Gotta meditate on this shit and its implication for the world.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:17:47 No.5616003
    I laugh at some of the crap on here but I don't go round making it obvious I come here. I definitely don't come on here anywhere but at home.

    As for the legion shit, I don't give a fuck.
    >> Axxess+ !cTV/UQRIx6 09/27/09(Sun)13:17:55 No.5616007
    4chan actually went down shortly after bawksy.
    Horrible bitch.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)13:19:41 No.5616026
    I don't just stay on 4chan you tard... I've mentioned that numerous times. Yes we do care about 4chan becoming mainstream... When something goes mainstream the quality goes down. The old 4chan was generally way better... where you could have Nurse-Kun threads and various other quality threads...

    Now I see the same fucking picture posted 5 times a fucking day and it's always some fucking new "queen" or WHO IS THIS CHICK /B/?!

    Mainstream=death of quality. I am still nostalgic about 4chan. I will always stay.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:22:23 No.5616057
    I saw a guy the other day with a Philosoraptor shirt on. he had crutches and a fuckered ankle. he passed me in the crosswalk.

    I don't know why but I raged. I was tempted to kick his fucking crutches.

    conversely, I'm going to be "Anonymous" for Halloween. I'm going to wear a green mask and a black suit with white shirt and red tie. or possibly black tie.
    >> ProudSocialist !q.oRkDuzU2 09/27/09(Sun)13:23:15 No.5616066

    4chan was long dead before the dream of boxxy could have been imagined.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)13:24:33 No.5616078
    Fuck that, go educate yourself. And no, I do not mean go to school--going to school (prepares you to) integrates you into the workforce.

    If you want to educate yourself, you go read. Go read something important, maybe some Richard Dawkins (first thing that came to mind, and his earlier work is better btw)

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