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    111 KB Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:03:48 No.5586528  
    S'up /r9k/

    How many of us here think that we're going to die alone?
    How many of us here have been close with girls, perhaps even had one tell us that they liked us back, but then went on to go fuck some douche(that isn't you)?
    How many of us here haven't even had that joy?
    How many of us here have been friendzoned?
    How many of us here know WHY this happed to us?

    Pic related, they're tits, and they're usually connected to a girl.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:05:53 No.5586543
    I had sex with some girls. Feels good man, but is sometimes not really worth the following drama. WHY do they always turn out to be crazy whores? Oh, because they all are crazy whores.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:05:56 No.5586544
    This is a wholly original topic for /r9k/.

    Thank you op, for posting something we rarely see or discuss on this board.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:06:19 No.5586548
    All of us. All of us.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:07:18 No.5586554
    Protip: OP was asking people if they knew why it happened
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:07:37 No.5586556
    BAAAAWWWWW thread at its finest.

    (lolled because my comment wasn't original)
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:09:31 No.5586565
    Protip: Every aspect and permutation of these questions have been asked and answered ad nauseum.

    But let's re-hash it anyway hmmkay?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:09:44 No.5586568
    Die alone? Yes.
    Been close with a girl? No.
    Have females friends at all? No.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:11:42 No.5586581
    >Priority: Women
    that's the problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:12:15 No.5586586
    women aren't my priority, they just make me sad :(
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:12:27 No.5586589
    It happened because we aren't rich/handsome/socially competent enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:13:50 No.5586595
    PROTIP: everyone dies alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:17:52 No.5586633

    All of the above.

    shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:19:42 No.5586651
    Shut up. Faggy shit like this is the reason you will die alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:21:42 No.5586662
    Because he will die alone, he does faggy shit like this.

    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:21:56 No.5586665
    No, no, no, yes, she turned out to be gay.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)08:32:35 No.5586723
    because what I do on an anonymous website totally has any bearing on real life
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)09:42:09 No.5587100
    None of that has happened to me for any reason that was my fault.

    also inb4 "Everyone dies alone"
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)09:46:13 No.5587124
    How many of us here think that we're going to die alone? Certainly
    How many of us here have been close with girls, perhaps even had one tell us that they liked us back, but then went on to go fuck some douche(that isn't you)? Once
    How many of us here haven't even had that joy?
    How many of us here have been friendzoned? Frequently
    How many of us here know WHY this happed to us? i'm disabled and lack self confidence.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/09(Fri)09:50:04 No.5587138
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to die alone. At first I was just kind of thinking that I was going to, then I realized I don't like that and tried to change, only to find out that no matter what I do, I can't get people to like or accept me.

    I've had sex once - a drunk one night stand.

    I had a long-term relationship with a girl who was going out with an alpha male jock.

    I have been friendzoned a few times.

    My mother got diagnosed with BPD when I was 10 and got prescribed some drugs. These drugs went into my food. I was on those antidepressants or whatever until I turned 17 and moved out to go to college. Losing weight was as easy as getting a gym membership. Getting social skills... well, I gave up on that.

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