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    25 KB Ways you can be inolved in government, without voting Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/22/09(Tue)21:52:22 No.5556293  
    Organizations like "Vote or Die" concentrate on getting more people to vote, without actually getting them involved more in politics, especially state and local governance.

    This election proved that even if you vote for someone that is closest to your political ideology, your candidate will still maintain the country as business as usual.

    Post ways you can be involved in government, without voting. Because the only political activity most Americans do is vote.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:29:26 No.5556697

    No one's going to post any of the ways I'm thinking of because they all involve work, to which 90% of 4chan is allergic.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/22/09(Tue)22:33:29 No.5556739
    Oh, come on now.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/09(Tue)22:36:37 No.5556780
    Ummm..... run for office?

    Or put ads on tv to bias people towards whatever you want.
    >> Ranking Rethuglican !rM5D9CN5EU 09/22/09(Tue)22:37:37 No.5556789
    Running for local/municipal office.

    Really, it's not that hard. I've seen primary elections where there were only 2-20 voters for each party. The idea that you can't throw a picnic of active Republicans and Democrats to get them to vote for you (dual nomination ftw) is only possessed by lazy, socially handicapped people.

    Of course, this idea will probably break your "ways you can be involved in government without voting" because it's sensible that you vote for yourself for the office you're running for.

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