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  • File : 1253398481.jpg-(1.33 MB, 3072x2304, 100_1061.jpg)
    1.33 MB Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)18:14:41 No.5513284  
    Ask a dude who was a foreign exchange student in Japan for a year anything.

    Also, while I know this will make no one actually ask me anything, I'll get this cleared up now. I did not do anything illegal, I didn't have sex with anyone, I didn't do any drugs. I was under 18 at the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:15:47 No.5513295
    Were you the subject of any racial prejudice?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:16:17 No.5513301
    Did you do drugs?
    Did you have sex with anyone?
    Did you do anything illegal?
    Where you over 18 at the time?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:18:09 No.5513317
    did you meet any other exchange students who were fucking weaboos?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:19:11 No.5513335
    did you make any friends?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:19:47 No.5513344
    How much did the immersion contribute to your Japanese language skills? How were your English skills affected by this?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)18:20:25 No.5513357

    Only awesome racial prejudice, if you could call it that.

    White people are incredibly rare in Japan, and while there is SOME awkward staring or purposeful distancing, there's very little compared to the awesome popularity.

    I was a celebrity in all of my classes among all of my classmates, except one guy who started out pretty cool, then randomly started loathing me a few months later. He absolutely despised me. I couldn't get an answer out of him as to why, and all of his friends would just say that he's being stupid whenever I asked them about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:20:50 No.5513361
    well i don't really care then.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:20:57 No.5513363
    you pretty much fucking suck, you did nothing while you were over there
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:22:21 No.5513381
    >Implying that a social reject will do a 180 as soon as he goes to weaboo-land
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:23:47 No.5513394
    alright I got nothing against that, good job sir
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:26:06 No.5513421
    where the fuck did you stay OP? as in city
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:27:57 No.5513435
    Japan is overrated enjoy your subway groping.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)18:28:26 No.5513439



    What do you mean, "other?" None of us were like "OMG KAWAII" or any of that shit. Studying abroad is pretty intense regardless of the country to which you go.


    Yeah, being the only white dude in all of my classes made me friends with just about everyone instantly. I was incredibly popular; all of the guys wanted me to hang out with them, and all of the girls wanted to hang out with me.


    No matter how much you study for a foreign language, it all amounts to SHIT when you actually get there. I studied Japanese for a year at a university prior to going, but I couldn't actually converse well with anyone in Japanese once I was over there.

    Two months before the exchange was over, I was actually thinking in Japanese. I could actually discuss things and tell stories with other people. I still couldn't understand ANYTHING said on TV though.

    My English suffered greatly. I forgot tons of words, and my phrasing and grammar were way off. It was actually pretty interesting failing so hard at English.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:29:46 No.5513454
    is your name Jamie ?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)18:30:44 No.5513464



    Japan was fuckawesome, if ONLY for the trains. Good lord the trains made getting around so easy. They were comfy, air-conditioned, and efficient.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:31:59 No.5513476
    Man, I should move to Japan. All of "accidentally" rubbin' up on loli schoolgirls, gettin' love just for being white.

    Jeez, this is sounding better all the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:32:27 No.5513478
    did you get wild stares in public (outside of school) and shops refusing to serve you?

    (i realise this is all very stereotypical but i are curious)
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)18:32:44 No.5513484

    Nope. I have a friend named Jamie at my current university though, and she was incredibly excited when I told her about various things about Japan. She was mostly excited about the porn that was EVERYWHERE. She's a strange girl.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:32:50 No.5513486
    I WANT MORE STORIES! As in cool ones? Any cute girls? Did they like you because you were white (the girl I mean)?

    How big were the guys physically?

    I'm guessing that they aren't all manga-reading weeaboos like most of us sterotypically picture them right?

    The coolest thing that happened to you there?

    The weirdest, awkward thing that happened to you?

    Who did you live with? What did they think of you?

    Did you sleep in beds etc? How was the food? Did you get used to it...

    I can go on for a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:34:05 No.5513494
    >about the porn that was EVERYWHERE

    good sir, go on
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:41:59 No.5513553
    oh and this too O_O
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)18:43:05 No.5513562

    I never saw or heard of any groping.

    Though some of my friends made sure to make sure no one was behind them if they were going upstairs; there ARE a lot of creepy old men, and they would deliberately walk slowly on stairs while ducking down a bit, to try to look up girls' skirts as they walked up.


    Some stares, but good lord people were discreet about it. I actually don't know how much people stared at me; the people who I caught looking at me I only BARELY caught.

    No one refused to serve me.


    There WERE cute girls, and they DID like me because I was white.

    Guys were generally a bit shorter than in the US, but they were taller than I thought they would be. About 90% of them were still taller than me.

    "Weeaboo" refers to white people, usually Americans, who are obsessed with Japanese stuff. So no. Manga was common though.

    I can't think of the coolest thing that happened to me; it was all pretty amazing.

    The weirdest thing was probably when a college-aged looking guy I didn't know tried to grab my penis.

    I lived with various host families who had various opinions of me. Although one host family hated me and actually kicked me out, sending me back to a previous host family.

    I slept in beds, the food was soy, and I got used to it, as it was almost all delicious.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:45:35 No.5513588
    >Although one host family hated me and actually kicked me out, sending me back to a previous host family.
    Why did they hate you?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:46:02 No.5513589
    You were in Osaka and you say White people are rare? I mean sure we're in the minority, but still. You see whitey everywhere.

    But what did you think of being functionally illiterate when you first got there?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:48:23 No.5513609
    >>5513589 did you manage to get around?

    I mean I only took one year of Spanish in college and for god's sake I would be hard pressed to do even the things we were getting taught (saying "how are you", small conversations, buying stuff etc.).

    Japanese writing is COMPLETELY different. I would have felt debilitatingly lost.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:54:01 No.5513662

    If he studied for a year prior, I'd figure he at least knows hiragana and katakana.

    Of course, that'd be great and all, if he spent his whole time reading children's books or something.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)19:07:03 No.5513798

    Have you heard of Akihabara? It's a huge anime/electronics area in Tokyo.

    Osaka has a version of it near the Namba train station, and a female friend of mine, a fellow American exchange student (from a different state), wanted to me to go there and hang out with her for a day. She was really into anime figurines, DVDs, and so on. She was actually the first person I ever met IRL that I knew visited 4chan.

    In the first store into which we went, which was a small anime DVD store no bigger than your mall GameStop, I noticed that there were some porn DVDs there as well. I figured they just had the merchandise there, a bit unusual, but I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to mess with it.

    Then, as we went to more and more shops, I noticed that they ALL had porn. Not only that, but they made NO attempt to hide it or prohibit anyone from looking at it.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)19:07:44 No.5513807

    And when I say they ALL had porn, I mean it. We spent the whole day going to stores in that area, and only ONE of them didn't have porn. Heck, some of the stores had porn OUTSIDE of them. For example, you know those machines that you put in 50 or 75 cents, you turn the handle, and you get a small plastic case that had a sticky hand or a fake tattoo or something? They had one of those for porn figurines outside of a store. I was actually going to get one for comedy purposes, but since it cost the equivalent of $5, I decided against it.

    But yeah, porn figurines, hentai body pillows, hentai DVDs, hentai posters, hentai comics, and hentai magazines GALORE, with either no or pathetic attempts at censoring. For example, there were hentai body pillows displayed on a wall in clear plastic bags, with yellow tape covering the naughty bits. Except the yellow tape was on the plastic bag, not the pillow, which means if the bag moved at all, nipples and pussies were exposed. And they were.

    Some of the larger stores had entire FLOORS dedicated to porn. For example, a three-story building we went to had its second floor dedicated to porn. However, on the escalators going floor to floor, they would have posters advertising what would be on the next floor. You could have the purest of intentions, just going to the third floor to buy some anime DVDs, but you'd still inevitably pass a fuckton of hentai posters along the way.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:17:08 No.5513913
    Hey OP, taking my first year of Japanese next Monday, is it worth it/how hard was it to learn? I also want to go and do an exchange thing, but maybe in my second/third year.

    What was the best/worst thing about the exchange?

    Any other nuggets of wisdom?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)19:22:05 No.5513957

    In Japan, rules are so heavily restated and reinforced that by the time you're in your mid-to-late teens, you're expected to know all of them.

    If you break a rule or do something rude, they expect you to know what you did was wrong, and so they won't punish you for it, and they'll laugh it off. However, they'll laugh it off to the extent that, if you didn't know the rule already, you wouldn't know that a rule was broken. Therefore, if you break a rule or do something rude or wrong repeatedly, they think you're being deliberately incompetant, insulting, and lazy.

    It was a myriad of those sorts of things that made my second host family hate me to the point of kicking me out. At my first host family, I would ask to help out with things, but every time I'd ask, they'd just sort of look at me funny, and then tell me that no, there was nothing I needed to do. So I stopped asking.

    At my second host family, I didn't start asking to help out. My second host family was extremely similar to my first host family, so I lived the same way I did at my first host family.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:24:32 No.5513973
    god I hat japanese people and weeaboos
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:26:05 No.5513989
    You hat them with nice hats I hope?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:30:15 No.5514023
    Been taking Japanese for four years - think I can survive a semester there? I'm hoping to study abroad in the summer.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:30:41 No.5514030
    Dude, you were being inconsiderate. You can't assume that all Japanese families work the same.
    When I was an exchange student, I had to sneak off away from my host family when we went on "family outings" so I could use my own money to buy my family gifts. Just because they offer to do everything doesn't mean you should have let them. Most of the time, you have to be forceful in your thanks.

    Ever seen a Japanese bow-off? You ALWAYS have to be the last one to bow (especially if you're the lower rank). Always.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:32:41 No.5514046
    Is it true that they'll assume you're a criminal/mafia member when you're tattooed?
    Is it true they won't let you use swimming pools etc. when a tattoo is visible?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:33:01 No.5514053
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    what is this? it's an ad outside of a store i assume is somehow pornographic, but what the hell is it?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)19:36:44 No.5514082

    Uhm, we were really rare? I mean, sure, if you hung out at the Midosuji line in Umeda, you'd see couple of white people, but really, unless you go to the super duper touristy places, you'll hardly ever see a white person.

    And good God, not being able to do anything or say anything or understand anything or even READ anything was Hell. I felt helpless and so stupid.


    Fortunately, my host father spoke a good amount of English. If I spoke slowly, he could understand me perfectly.


    Exactly. I was hoping that Kanji wasn't used TOO much, on account of it not making any sense and being really fucking hard.

    Instead I might as well have studied absolutely nothing, as I was still completely illiterate for trying to avoid that bullshit system.

    And yes, I know that if you study through it and just go through memorizing shit, it's actually incredibly useful and easy once you know it. But damn it, learning it looked like such a pain in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:38:41 No.5514097
    interesting thread is interesting
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:41:03 No.5514119
    How was it to live without broadband in your home?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:43:41 No.5514144
    Been learning moonspeak for a year and half now. Is it any useful for an engineer? Would I (brazilian) be accepted to work there? I thought every moonpeople hated foreigners, but you make it sound like they actually open to us.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:47:00 No.5514183

    If you are white.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)19:47:37 No.5514190

    How hard Japanese is depends upon how you think. If you use logic, orders, patterns and whatnot, it makes an incredible amount of sense and is really awesome. Sentences have specific parts, conjugations are simple and sensical, and exceptions to rules are very rare. On the other hand, though, the phrasing is very different from English, and its a bit hard to get your head around some things. Some verbs in English are actually adjectives in Japanese, if that makes sense.


    I don't know, honestly. I studied for two semesters and felt like I knew absolutely nothing when I got there.


    Yeah, I know that NOW. That was only a few months in, and the thing is I had no warning that things were going to happen. It was a bit of culture that I hadn't encountered yet.


    To an extent, yes to both. Tattoos are usually associated with gangs, and even if they aren't, they're considered extremely shameful. It depends on the tattoo, how big it is, the area, and whatnot. If you're a girl and you have a pink heart tattoo on your ass, they're likely not to care TOO much, though it still wouldn't be a good idea.

    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)19:53:26 No.5514261

    I honestly have no idea. That's some freaky shit, man.


    Every host family I lived with had broadband; what the fuck are you talking about?


    I don't really know, but probably. But yeah, they love foreigners. Though it CAN depend on the area. Osaka is a very relaxed, easygoing place. I've heard from various people that nearly all Japanese comedians come from Osaka.


    Not necessarily. In Osaka at least, they love all foreigners who aren't Asian. If you're Asian they'll probably act indifferent to you.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:55:23 No.5514286
    I thought they hated foreigners and were xenophobic due to influence western culture has had.

    You make it sound like the reverse, I am confuse.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:56:28 No.5514302

    There is groping everywhere. i groped on the train a few times, was groped at least once. several of my friends had been groped.

    kids and some old people stare

    girls are exceptional, lots of the type you think are there, are there. there are also plenty of girls that are just average. height was generally similar to us.. i was easily the tallest person on a bus in kyoto though.

    dick poking happend by a kid. also went around for some butt poking.

    my host family was some of the nicest people ever met. ate meat/seafood all the time. of course differetn popele are difeertn
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:00:24 No.5514342
    So Osaka seems like the one place where you won't be a PIG DISGUSTING FOREIGNER WHITE DEVIRR then?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:00:49 No.5514352
    What exchange program were you are part of, and was it hard to get accepted into?

    What kind of grades did you need to get into it?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)20:11:06 No.5514472

    I actually heard that rumor a bit as well, but yeah, it's completely wrong. There are a lot of rumors that are completely wrong, actually.

    Have you heard that Japanese schools are really tough, and people are always focused on studying? That's actually bullshit through and through. It dumbfounded me. In the first class I attended, there were multiple people openly asleep, and no one said anything. The teacher didn't try to wake them up, and just let them sleep.

    It turns out Japanese school is really fucking relaxed. There are seven 45-minute classes, 10-minute breaks, and lunch is something like 40 or 50 minutes long. It's the teachers that move classroom to classroom; not the students. Sleeping in class is generally perfectly acceptable. Textbooks are really fucking small. You can eat lunch in class, and you can eat in the classroom during the breaks. There's no real punishment for coming into class late. There are a FUCKTON of holidays, breaks, and activities that get you out of class.

    The downsides to Japanese high school is that, since classes are so short with longer breaks, you don't get to leave during them. No going to the bathroom or anything like that. Also, you don't get to choose your classes; they're assigned, since everyone in your classroom stays as your classmate throughout the day. There are some other tough bits as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:13:01 No.5514494
    Here's what I've heard about japan. Typical conversation:
    "Oh herro, how u rike nippon?"
    "Its kewl."
    "Great!.... WHEN DA FUK U REAVING!?"

    And law enforcement will do everything in their power to see to that you're outta there as soon as possible. ANY minor indiscretion would be dealt with harshly. If they even IMAGINE you're up to something, they will bring you in.
    I was told about a guy who was talking to a girl over there, and 2 officers came over to him and brought him in because they suspected he was going to rape her.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:15:20 No.5514518
    Maybe Osaka is the ONE laidback place.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:17:03 No.5514541

    Yea, as I recall the Japs don't force you to pay attention in secondary school if you don't want to. However, you really do got to study a shit load if you want to get into a decent university / private high school. I few people I've talked to say they used to be at school until 7-9 PM because of their afterschool-schooling. I think it is called cram school.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:18:39 No.5514563
    I just watched a really cool movie about Japan called "The Great Happiness Space" it's about male escorts in Japan. You should probably watch it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:19:43 No.5514571

    Where in Osaka? I did two months in Higashi-Osaka earlier this summer.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:23:37 No.5514598
    Hey OP. So is it tough getting by financially over there?

    I've been thinking about going over to do the English teaching program since I am so bored right now.

    I am also afraid of long-term commitments. Does it suck being over there? I'd hate to get myself into something that sucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:39:08 No.5514777
    This is of interest to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:39:50 No.5514785
    my cousin went to korea. now those fuckers are pretty xenophobic apparently
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)20:39:56 No.5514786

    No, pretty much everyone in Japan loves white people, especially Americans. It's weird, really, considering the nukes and all.


    I went with Rotary Youth Exchange. Rotary is a huge business of really fucking nice people, and their name is recognized throughout the world in various circles. There have been various instances where stating that you're with Rotary will get airport/embassy people who are giving you a hard time to stop pretty much immediately.

    Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is just one of Rotary's ways of giving to the world; its an incredibly cheap exchange, especially considering that Rotary actually gives you a monthly allowance during your exchange.

    As for difficulty getting into the program, you have to realize it isn't an automated system that looks at grades or essays that you turn in. There is a massive application, of course, but that's to be expected, since they're transporting a human life to another country to be cared for by different families.

    They will look at you, individually, and talk to you and speak with you. They will get to know you, to see how you are as a person. They're sending people, after all, not data. There will be a fair amount of events about the exchange that you have to attend, and various interviews they'll have with you as well.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)20:47:42 No.5514861

    Honestly, I'm not the person to ask about this. I was living with families who fed me quite well; I wasn't paying any bills, except for train passes, bus passes, personal things/souvenirs, or food outside of regular meals (One host family, because of the work schedules of most of the family members, didn't have dinner until 8:00. I bought my own snacks every day to tide me over until then.).

    I was also in a very different situation than a specific working program. I'm really not the person to ask about this. It should be easy to find information about what you're looking for though.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:49:08 No.5514877
    OP, with all the attention that was given to you. Are you to tell us you never scored once with a girl?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:51:10 No.5514891
    you're full of shit. They love white young people with blond hair. Brown hair is all right, but they're scared as shit of black people, which I don't blame them for.

    But, in any case, as long as you can speak Korean (marginally) and you're not a nigger, they love you. But, of course, if you're American, it's asking you far too much to learn basic conversational korean before you go to that country. So continue to think they're xenophobic because they don't all rush up to you speaking English with perfect American accents.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:53:18 No.5514904
    Koreans are the Mexicans of Asia
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:53:29 No.5514907
    This thread is still alive, right? Right?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:54:46 No.5514919
    another thing i dont get about koreans is their sense of national pride. it seems like what i said made you feel like i insulted your entire fucking country.
    also my cousins a little brutish looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:56:50 No.5514936

    I got by alright I think. 2 years of University level study prior, and I was there for a year doing language study (Chances are you can narrow down who I am) so I managed. The fact that most menus (outside of traditional restaurants) have a lot of photos is also nice, though I don't think I ever really had to point and order too much.

    Still it was a shock at first and it took me a bit to adjust to it all, that's for sure. And gradually becoming literate was a good feeling.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:58:25 No.5514955

    No those are Flips. Korea is more like Puerto Rico
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:59:59 No.5514968
    I hear some shops sell magic mushrooms
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:00:38 No.5514978
    I live in Japan right now. Ask me anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:01:02 No.5514984
    i'm not korean, i dont even know any korean. I just know a liar when I see one. Setting the facts straight is my job. I'm an r9k troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:01:07 No.5514985

    Can you fuck off right now?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:04:04 No.5515007
    This thread is now about how lame Korea is.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:04:29 No.5515013
    Well, I can try my best, thats all anyone can really do.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:08:19 No.5515057
    Did you use any used panty dispensers?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)21:10:02 No.5515073

    I'm still here, if that's what you mean.


    Rotary talks about its four big rules of the RYE, the "Four D's". It means no Drinking, Dating, Driving, or Drugs. The main teacher in charge of international stuff at the school I attended in Japan was involved with Rotary, and the girls in Japan are even more social than here in America. If you whispered something to a girl in a corner of the school, the girls in the opposite corner of the school would hear about it before you could run to them. Word spread THAT fast. I didn't want to fuck a girl if it meant getting sent back to the USA for it; I was enjoying the exchange far too much.

    On a sidenote, a lot of Japanese girls really aren't that good looking. In fact, a lot of them are pretty unattractive. Here's the way I look at it.

    The regular girls in Japan are uglier than the regular girls in the US. There are fewer hot girls in Japan than in the US. But the hot girls in Japan are fucking beautiful. Unbelievably cute. SO much better than a lot of the hot girls in the US. However, there are SOME white girls that are just as hot as some of the hot girls I knew in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:10:08 No.5515075
    then why the fuck do we care what you have to say
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:11:48 No.5515098

    That's all I'm asking for really.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:12:02 No.5515102
    Fuck that shit, whats their reasoning for not dating? Is that a universal policy or just RYE?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)21:12:38 No.5515110

    I neither used nor saw them. However, I have heard of them so many damn times that I have no doubt they exist. They're probably in certain parts of Tokyo.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:13:16 No.5515119
    OP I'm white half filipino except culturally I'm %100 white. I look a little Chinese, but you can tell I'm white-ish. Will I be persecuted for the fact that flips are seen as the mexicans of asia?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)21:13:58 No.5515131

    Because if babby formed it would be a legal mess?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:14:30 No.5515141
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    Maybe its just the japs in America that I have met then. But the ratio ive seen is better then what you've said
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:15:36 No.5515153
    Condoms mother fucker. And other contraceptives.
    btw couldnt you meet a girl from outside your school?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:16:11 No.5515161
    BR? BR?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:20:02 No.5515202
    Brazil = Portugese
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:20:38 No.5515208
    Op you said you were kicked out of your second home and had to go to your first one correct? Why did you leave the first home to begin with?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:26:33 No.5515281
    Did all of the kids in your class have to go to cram school?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:26:56 No.5515286
    Why the hell would they disallow dating? That's just a normal thing. What are you from church?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:28:02 No.5515304
    Sounds like racism. Why let a foreigner fuck their woman?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:34:39 No.5515363
    what would you say to a black or indian person going to japan?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)21:38:17 No.5515395

    It's safer for Rotary to just prohibit the whole sex thing altogether.

    And no, I couldn't get with a girl with whom I didn't go to school. Society is different over there. For me, and for most people from what I hear, school is your life. Not necessarily that your life revolves around school, but that all of your social happenings are at school.

    School goes from 9:00 to 3:30. Your club (school clubs are MUCH different there) goes from 4:00 to 6:00, or 6:00 to 8:00. From there, if you're doing anything, it's probably going out with a bunch of people from your club, but club is probably the end of your day. You head home to eat dinner/study, or you might go to work or something since some students have jobs.

    School clubs are two hours every school day, and two-and-a-half to three hours on weekends.


    With RYE, you live with three or four different host families, moving on to the next one about once every three months. The idea behind this is that each family has a different living style, and living with just one host family won't give you as good a scope about life in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:41:07 No.5515420

    That reminds me, what would they think about people with beards?

    Did anyone have a beard over there?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:41:38 No.5515427
    Tell us the top 10 things you've learned and would transport through time to yourself at the beginning of the trip.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:43:39 No.5515446
    Didn't you get in trouble with Rotary when you got kicked out from the second host family?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:44:10 No.5515450
    how old were you when you went there anyway?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:44:13 No.5515451

    Can you elaborate more on clubs? Were you in one?

    Do they really have school festivals with haunted houses and maid cafes?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)21:48:29 No.5515496

    To be honest, I never heard anything about cram school while I was over there.


    I answered this already, you fuckwits.


    Have fun? You might get a little different reactions, but you'll still be a popular person. You just might have to deal with certain stereotypes.

    Japanese people learn about American culture through Hollywood and MTV. If you're black, they might call you nigga, but you can't really blame them, as they think that's what you're supposed to be called.

    Think of it this way. How many movies portray aliens as technologically advanced creatures that arrive only to take over/kill everything? We do this because we've never actually seen any aliens in real life. It's a similar concept with black people; a lot of Japanese people have never actually seen a black person up close, or gotten to know one. They'll probably have a bunch of stereotypes about you, simply because they've never had any evidence to the contrary. If you walk up without being all gangsta 'n shit, you'll probably surprise the hell out of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:50:20 No.5515514
    The policy just sounds like subtle racism.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:53:11 No.5515536

    Half filipino person here. Do they care about personality or are they heavy on stereotypes?

    I'm white but I'm not white...
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:53:36 No.5515543
    Live in Compton, all niggers act the same way.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:05:18 No.5515664
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:13:56 No.5515756

    This this this this

    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:21:10 No.5515827
    How expensive is stuff? Food? Transportation? Taxes?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)22:22:11 No.5515838

    I think they think of facial hair as generally silly. A relative of my first host family had a goatee. It scared the shit out of me, because he looked exactly fucking like an Asian Gordon Freeman. His family lightly teased him about it.


    This is a tough one. Hmm.

    Always make an effort to study in your spare time, it helps out in the long run. Be responsible. You can't keep everything, throw away shit when you know you won't be using it again. Prepare for stuff WELL in advance. Don't stress out over things. Go ahead and pursue the girl, and handle shit that comes your way as it comes. Never assume anything; always ask. Figure out what you want out of the exchange, and don't compare to others about it. Make a list of what foods or types of food you do or don't like; EVERY host family will ask you what you like, so you better have an answer. Sometimes people will have unreasonable expectations of you; don't feel bad if you don't live up to them.


    I was on hella thin ice; they were none too pleased with what happened.


    Sixteen. Most of the other RYE students I met were 16 or 17, though some were 18.


    Sure! I was in gymnastics club, since I had been doing gymnastics for 12 years. That club, in addition to a healthy diet, made me super fucking fit. I was 5'4", 140 pounds when I came back to the US. I was Muscular, but tight. I was SO sexy. But I stopped doing anything physical and whoops, now I'm just under 160 pounds, my six-pack is gone, I have some fat on my belly, and my muscles don't bulge like they used to.

    <Field too long; to be continued.>
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)22:22:55 No.5515845

    In terms of clubs, they had everything. Kendo club, boxing club, and gymnastics club were the ones I personally witnessed. I'm not sure if some of the sports things I saw were sports TEAMS or clubs, but I think they were clubs. I don't think the school has an official orchestra, so I think the orchestra stuff I saw was a club as well. I know there was an English club, and I'm pretty sure there was a myriad of other clubs, but I don't know the specifics.

    Pretty much, though, a school club is what you do with your friends after school, instead going and hanging out at the mall or something. I think it was something like 90% or more of my school's student body was involved with a club, and that's what it's like for all high schools.

    And yes, there are some wacky school festivals. I had to cross-dress for one of my school's festivals.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:23:42 No.5515852
    Did you just compare black people to aliens?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)22:25:37 No.5515868

    Har har.


    If you're white, they'll be excited to get to know you, but they may have a lot of stereotypes in their heads. They won't object to you correcting them about those, though.



    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:28:22 No.5515885
    Aren't half of the teenage boys there very metrosexual?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:29:55 No.5515896

    Ha ha ha, it's alright guys, we can ignore his opinions because he's a fucking midget.

    6'3'' dude here, I'd probably fuck all the Japanese women I wanted to if I ever went over there unlike you.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)22:30:10 No.5515899

    To Japanese people, they might as well be the same thing.

    On a sidenote, here's what I've gathered about the Japanese view of the world.

    There's Japan, where everything is. You know, it's home.

    There's America, gosh they're cool.

    And uh, there might be some other countries I think? I think there are, but I dunno.
    >> /fit 09/19/09(Sat)22:30:49 No.5515909
    >super fucking fit.
    >I was Muscular
    >I was SO sexy.
    >5'4", 140 pounds

    some pretty powerful delusions of grandeur there smallfag
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)22:33:11 No.5515926


    ALL of the teenage boys there are metrosexual. All of the boys over there are extremely pretty, and have incredibly badass hair. They're like anime characters.


    My lack of height only brings my fist ever so closer to your balls.

    Have fun feeling the rain first, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:35:52 No.5515952
    They don't have an opinion on the Chinese?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:37:13 No.5515971
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:38:13 No.5515980

    :3 Shortfag be graspin at straws. If more than 5% of Japanese people are taller than you, know that you have failed at life.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/19/09(Sat)22:41:26 No.5516019

    Probably, but I never heard it. All they talked about was Japan or America.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:05:03 No.5516270
    Aren't japanese one of the most well traveled nations, to the point where we all recognise the stereotype of camera wielding tour buses full of them?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:05:53 No.5516275
    OK, here's something I'm a little curious about. Was there any noticeable number of imported cars? If there were, where were they from? I've heard that the Japanese look down on any foreign vehicles other than antique American cars.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:07:01 No.5516284
    I've heard Japan and Korea have a sorta USA vs. Europe thing going on. Can you confirm or deny this?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:34:38 No.5516599
    haha, that was one of the best comebacks I've heard in a while (well from shortfaggs at least).
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:40:42 No.5516678
    >My lack of height only brings my fist ever so closer to your balls.
    >:3 Shortfag be graspin at straws

    Dude, you just called your junk a straw. Also, I made >:3 face with a legit quote.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:42:22 No.5516707

    Did you meet any famous manga writers? Meeting Naoki Urasawa would've been pretty boss.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/20/09(Sun)00:30:03 No.5517228

    Probably not.


    I wasn't paying attention. Trains are where it's at, yo.


    Nope to both.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:44:06 No.5517345
    I too spent a year studying abroad in Japan, but I chose to go to Hokkaido. This was well over 2 years ago and I still remember it quite well. I didn't/don't like anime, porn, manga, J-pop, or anything Japan shits across the Pacific to us in America. I studied Classical Japanese for a long time and I mean, a REALLY FUCKING LONG TIME before I actually went to Japan. I could read almost everything in front of me. I knew around 2,500 - 3,000 kanji and was a confident fuck. However, my speaking and listening was shitty. I could never get that part down. Oh well. It was nice being able to read and understand everything on a Japanese menu but not understand what the chef says to me...

    Sapporo >>>>>>>> every other city in Japan. Especially during the winter.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:52:35 No.5517424
    Hey nobody gives a shit what you think, you're shorter than the average girl. Seriously, I'd just laugh at you if I saw you in real life.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:53:36 No.5517438

    Is this really what passes for comebacks with the midget population? Sad, really.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:54:25 No.5517450
    TALLFAGS STORM THIS THREAD. Let's insult the shortfags like we do in real life
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:56:35 No.5517482
    Does anyone in the 150-200 cm range really give a shit about height? Really?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:56:56 No.5517487
    The other day I was walking down the street (as you do) and I saw some short cunt walking towards me and it seemed like he wanted to play chicken because he's an insecure faggot. Short story even shorter (haw haw), I walked into him and he got slammed into a wall. Felt good.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:57:41 No.5517497
    >Is less than 180cm tall

    Hey, cool opinion bro.
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/20/09(Sun)00:58:26 No.5517507

    No you wouldn't.


    Anyone who seriously whines about being short is a faget, really.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:59:39 No.5517521
    Junior tallfag here I'm only 6'1''. I'm like a lanky piece of shit and have an abrasive personality but I still get far more and better looking women than any shortfag I've ever met.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:00:24 No.5517528
    >No you wouldn't

    Oh I disagree.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:01:58 No.5517548
    Am I the only one who finds it absolutely hilarious that a midget who couldn't get pussy in his own country became a weeaboo, went to Japan and failed to get pussy there because everyone was STILL taller than him?

    But no wait, I'm sure it was the "rules" which kept him from scoring.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:03:54 No.5517574
    I think we can safely say that OP got fucking told after he revealed his height.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:06:11 No.5517605
    Er, yes, women. I know of not one single female who looks forward to a life of never wearing high heel around her shortfag potential mate because people would laugh and point.
    188(6'3''?), reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:07:13 No.5517610
    Tell us some stories. What was your favorite part about the trip? what was your least favorite?

    Any hilarious verbal fuckups?
    >> Japan-san !bMAVf8U0jw 09/20/09(Sun)01:07:53 No.5517616
    Wow, fuck. This was unexpected.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:08:12 No.5517621

    Really high five, bro. That way that shortfags can't reach it.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:09:47 No.5517639
    I fucked your girl. enjoy your height
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:12:04 No.5517659
    Holy shit, I've never laughed harder at this late at night. Oh, fuck.

    How did this go from a nice thread to a tallfags trash talking shortfags? I'm 6 feet even and I could careless.

    Well played, though, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:12:41 No.5517668
    who the fuck cares man this is 4chan. this whole thread has been very interesting.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:15:23 No.5517699
    Tall people need to rag on short people to convince themselves that they are really superior. Don't mind them.

    Please clarify this for me. Do Japanese schoolchildren actually go to class on Saturday, or just to their clubs?
    I've heard a lot of conflicting, confusing information.

    The second family, the one who kicked you out. What exactly were they expecting out of you?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:16:04 No.5517709
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    I'm 4'9"

    And I think you motherfucking tallfuckers are ruining the thread. Nobody gives a shit how tall you are. When I see tall people I don't think 'sexy' I think jesus fucking christ who let Goliath in here?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:16:49 No.5517717
    >Shortfag lying to himself


    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:17:59 No.5517737

    And we tallfags don't think much about you because we can't see you down there.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:19:25 No.5517753
    >I'm 4'9"

    I was taller than you when I was 12. Hopefully you never get to spread your inferior genes.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:20:11 No.5517765
    5'4 is midget? Fuck... I'm only an inch taller.

    Damn non asians.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:22:30 No.5517795

    Back in high school there was this short asian dude who used to think he was tough shit. Would come up to us and start talking about how a low center of gravity gives him an advantage in a fight. One day, my friend was pissed off because his girlfriend was giving him shit so when the asian kid came up with his usual routine my friend punched him straight in the face. Asian kid got his nose broken and cried a little.
    >> Edward Cullen 09/20/09(Sun)01:22:40 No.5517797
    Hoooly shit I'm taller than this faggot. Lmao!
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:24:05 No.5517811

    Wait, you VOLUNTEERED to go live in Japan? A land of racist collectivist midgets where you have to sell a kidney to afford a packet of ramen noodles.

    And I thought the castration fetish people were masochistic.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:25:30 No.5517829
    ...aaaaaaaand the original thread is now dead. Well played, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:25:54 No.5517832
    I'm sure many other tallfags will be able to relate to this, so here's a list of tallfag minigames:

    -Standing close to short people so you loom over them
    -Not moving out of the way when walking in public
    -Purposely looking over shortfags and ignoring their existence in social situations
    -Placing things shortfags need on high shelves. You gotta do it casually though, so you can go "Oh sorry bro, didn't think. Here let me get it for you" and get the bitches wet
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:27:27 No.5517849

    Shortfag here. The last line made me rage so fucking hard because all my friends do this to me. The girls end up laughing at me and it makes me want to die inside.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:27:59 No.5517859
    Why didn't you have sex with the kid that poked your butt and guy that grabbed your penis?

    Nevermind, who cares. I'm so fucking tall it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:29:07 No.5517871
    I'm curious how they treat famous people and athletes. Is there celebrity worship? Are "jocks" the cool kids? I'm also curious how popular boxing is over there, did you ever see it in the news or anything?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:30:25 No.5517882
    So what were the noodles lik...shit gotta go fuck all the hot women due to my height. Please continue your story when I get back because it's a good way to wind down after sex.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:30:27 No.5517884
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    sooo yeah
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:30:31 No.5517887
    Tallfags can smell your fear. They feed on it, like vampires or some shit I don't even know.

    When tallfaggotry occurs, just put on your coolface and remind yourself that you're at eye-level with all the pretty girls while all they can do is stand around, looking lanky and awkward.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:31:33 No.5517899

    You've still got inferior genes. Contrary to what a lot of weeaboos and shortfags will have you believe, being incredibly short is not a useful genetic trait. 5'3''+ makes for a decent woman.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:32:58 No.5517911

    Except all the pretty girls don't want to be looking at your straight in the eye. They want to be looking up at your tall, manly body while you fuck their assholes.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:33:37 No.5517917
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    I have a genetic disease friend and I'm sterile cause of it buddy. I don't want children anyways.

    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:35:05 No.5517939

    : D All good then. Glad to see natural selection hard at work.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:36:12 No.5517952

    Take it from a shortfag; this man speaks the truth. I hate him for it, but not much I can do.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:37:56 No.5517963
    Tallfag here, 186cm. When I walk down the street and glance at hot women, they blush and look down 9 times out of 10. Damn it feels good to be superior.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)01:40:52 No.5517993
    Damn it feels good to be a tallfag.

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