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  • File : 1253136973.png-(455 KB, 1680x1050, 4chan.png)
    455 KB The 4chan Mentality Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:36:13 No.5474745  
    Does anyone else feel that since they have started reading 4chan they have had their social skills dulled, had a change in their everyday sense of humor, or changed the way they view women (i would say or men but no girls internet etc)? All of the above maybe?

    I can't be the only one, don't let me down guys.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:38:18 No.5474769
    no I am pretty much the same. I do have more fetishes though. Also sometimes the word 'chickenz' passes through my mind when I see black people eating KFC.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:39:37 No.5474786
    Not really. If anything, I kind of...added more to my humor arsenal?

    I think the problem is that you might be a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:39:40 No.5474788
    Ooh there's a new chapter of Yotsubato out
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:39:48 No.5474790
    Nah I'm the same. But sometimes a "this fat loser surely goes to 4chan" crosses my mind.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:40:29 No.5474803
    mostly same here, though when I walk by people in my computer lab i take a peek over their shoulders to see if they are on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:40:48 No.5474808
    no I do not let some website change who I am. I am not retarded.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:40:50 No.5474810
    Maybe I always had a cruel sense of humour, but I often laugh at things other people find appaling.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:41:06 No.5474815
    I get pissed off at people who act like their life is horrible and shit.

    Like a friend who complains that he has a shit job, and then I find out he gets play over 20 bucks an hour and he does nothing but sit at his cubicle most of the time. And how he complains his life is worthless and shit.

    After seeing all the shitty lives of people here, I just can't sympathize with normal people problems anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:41:34 No.5474822
    Right before I discovered 4chan I started talking to my friends less and becoming depressed, and then I found it and my downward spiral became a nosedive.

    I am now a hermit who only emerges from his room for classes and can't talk to anyone except over the internet.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 09/16/09(Wed)17:41:36 No.5474824
         File1253137296.jpg-(2 KB, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    i saw a fella with a popped collar yesterday and thought of you
    >> The Underachiever !cO3BQqwQIo 09/16/09(Wed)17:41:58 No.5474831
    4chan hasn't changed me aside from hating public meme usage.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:42:09 No.5474833
    >implying you have control over what influences you over time subtly
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:42:37 No.5474839
    Things 4chan did to me/I learned:
    1- Virtually nothing grosses me out any more.
    2- I've become aware of how easily people will shit all over some one else's freedom of speech just because they're a little butt hurt.
    3- People are so sensitive that they'll call out others as trolls, even when they're not trolling.
    4- Human depravity knows no end.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:42:40 No.5474841
    I find that I feel a lot better by comparison, while seeing that some people have the same personality and behavioral characteristics that I do.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:43:03 No.5474848
    All in all, 4chan's just made me more stoic. If someone tells a joke that I don't find funny, I'll just stare at them and say Ok, the same applies for complements and criticism.

    My social skills have dulled around some girls because I can't stand when they say "FML", "Fail", or "Epic" and talk about twitter.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:45:03 No.5474879

    FML causes instant rage within me. Even before it became a popular phrase, the very first time I heard it I was annoyed as shit. The only thing that ticks me off just as bad is the use of the word" lawl" in IRL.

    Everything else not so much.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:45:34 No.5474887
    OP here


    Same sort of, well, same circumstances at least. I started reading 4chan right before i graduated highschool, once I hit college depression kicked in and I fell deep into It. Honestly its more likely that I'm blaming 4chan for my social deficiencies instead of taking responsibility for my insecurity and shyness.
    >> Dr.Anon 09/16/09(Wed)17:45:38 No.5474888
    4chan taught me life lessons that I would have otherwise never have learnt.
    Mainly the concept of dominance, and that idealism is for fags.
    But I was always a misanthropistic lad with a childish sense of humour.
    >> scarletisred !MKM8khrWko 09/16/09(Wed)17:45:49 No.5474891
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:48:04 No.5474911
    anyone who ever says "epic" EVER deserves to be shived in the eye
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 09/16/09(Wed)17:49:16 No.5474926
    Everything I know about human contact comes from 4chan.
    >> Edward Cullen 09/16/09(Wed)17:49:20 No.5474927
    It taught me that cynics are just negative idealists.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:49:45 No.5474935
    No because I was on the internet all of the time anyways before I found 4chan, I was used to it. I also take all of those things as jokes and have my own opinions about how I view women/etc
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:51:17 No.5474953
    i love it when people show me gross pics and im like meh.....

    freaks them out..

    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:51:43 No.5474960
    Actually, since I've been on 4chan, overall I've improved.
    I've realised that you actually have to make some effort in order to be attractive, ,adn being attractive is just about everything in todays society, people can't *see* your personality.
    I've started going to the gym, and my posts in all forums have become a bit more coherent and less rambling, I don't say anything unless I'm 100% sure that I know the correct definition of the word/phrase, I don't feel the need to end every sentence with 'lol' or a smiley face, because i have nothing else.
    I've found some awesome new webites here, and the 'life hack' threads are fucking invaluable (although saying 'pineapple' loudly in a bus is quite embarrassing).
    I've found tonnes of new, good anime, movies and music, and I'm pretty sure I know a bit more about the human psyche (mostly of peadophiles and mysoginists) because everyone's anonymous.
    I also loads of points for discussion for debates of just about any topic.
    My social skills have gone to shit, and my sense of humour is now much darker, but those are the only cons I can think of.
    OH, and the relentless images from this board that keep popping up in my head just as I drift off to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:51:44 No.5474962
    This topic has been made countless times. My answer is always the same.

    I did not change because of 4chan. I have been a social recluse before it was the trend.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:53:00 No.5474976
    Due to the constant trolling here I have became much harder to offend.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:55:21 No.5474998

    THIS. I'm >>5474935 and before I became a hardcore 4channer I was extremely butthurt, but now I see all these healthcare troll threads I don't even bother to post in them, or the "x nation is better than the usa" threads etc...
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:59:22 No.5475047
    I understand women better, I think.
    And my sense of humour has expanded massively; I find a lot more things funny and have generally gotten a more positive outlook on life thanks to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:59:58 No.5475053
    I now win all arguments and make people look like idiots by using hurr durr statements.

    It works so damn easily against people who don't go on 4chan and are used to them.

    Also I guess i'm better at posting my opinion on a topic or defending myself. It's an acquired skill when you have anon constantly looking for shit in your posts to bag you on.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:01:10 No.5475064
    I'd speculate that 4chan has hardly had any effect on me.

    Maybe that I find most people's conversations boring and pointless more often than before. And I won't put any effort to laugh at someone's lousy jokes anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:03:28 No.5475090

    I'm with this guy. Often times I remain unoffended when I guess I should be. It has started to affect communication with people I am only "sort of" friends with.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:09:29 No.5475149
    I try to greentext in real life.

    I find myself trying to figure out whether people I see go to 4chan.

    I'm more open about my prejudices with people.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:10:28 No.5475158
    Because of 4chan I forgot what I used to do to pass the time. If I quit 4chan now I will have whole days of free time and nothing to do with it.

    I dun play vidya anymore and I can only stand watching a few episodes of anime at a time.

    Also being an introvert, going out all the time is mentally exhausting so that's a no go too.

    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:11:35 No.5475167
    >won't put any effort to laugh at someone's lousy jokes anymore.
    This happens to me too.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:14:56 No.5475205
    >implying green text is a good thing
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:16:22 No.5475217
    >implying it's not amusing even when spammed

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