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  • File : 1253121276.jpg-(49 KB, 233x350, 188.jpg)
    49 KB Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:14:36 No.5472509  
    Ever been attracted to a black girl? It's only happened to me once. In college there was a student from Africa. Big beautiful eyes, perfect lips, big curly hair, amazing body. The kicker was she had a soft and feminine personality, not bitchy and sassy.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:17:03 No.5472531
    sexually, all the time.
    past that, probably only once, or a few more if we're counting halfbreeds.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:17:03 No.5472532
    Im attracted to black girls on a daily basis. Just not American ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:17:25 No.5472535
    Mmmm, sounds really good. I don't think I've ever been attracted to a black male, but a black girl like that one sounds really delicious.
    >> CranberryJam !!vyIcOS/sRmh 09/16/09(Wed)13:18:35 No.5472549
    Black girls are exactly like chocolate. And we all know that only fags and kykes don't like chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:21:00 No.5472567
    i'm attracted to skinny black girls, by skinny i mean white girl skinny. most black girls have a HUGE booty. thats fucking disgusting
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:21:27 No.5472573
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    I am a straight, white female (but I guess not really because of this...?) and this chick turns me on, I don't even know wtf

    This is a terrible photo, she looks better without makeup and when you see her talking. Ah, and something about those raspy voices...
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:22:50 No.5472587

    I'm pretty sure it's not the nose, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:22:59 No.5472589
    Yes, every once in a while I'll come across a black girl that I'm attracted to. More often than not I lack the balls to talk to her though.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:23:52 No.5472594
    I was attracted to my French teacher, who was from Africa. She had the most beautiful eyes, smile, her voice was fucking sexy, her hair made me smile... I really loved her.

    Shame she was my teacher, and it was kinda out of bounds... and she was married.

    And left after 6 months...

    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:30:08 No.5472646
    I have a black girl in my school, I swear she is one of the hottest women ever to walk the earth.
    She has a very nice face, a very nice personality, and her body is out of this world, just a tad to thin(she has fucking crazy titties though)
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:31:27 No.5472657
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    I'm very partial to black girls but since I'm Asian they always reject me. Dated white, Asian, Pacific Islander, Indian, Latina... but black chicks pretty much dismiss me on sight. They always give me that, "Are you for real?" look.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:31:51 No.5472659
    myself and my fiancee are white and we had a threesome with a black girl. shit was SO cash. she was gorgeous, fit, and had some tig ol bitties. fucking loved it.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:33:21 No.5472667
    Holy shit, an Asian that likes black girls?
    I never thought I'd see this day.

    I want a blasian baby.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:33:24 No.5472668
    I read that as "ever been attacked by a black girl?"

    Yes, in fact I did, in 5th grade no less. Her skin was pretty fare for a black person and I didn't know her personally. The end.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:43:55 No.5472770
    Keep it up Anon, and work towards populating the world with delicious Blasians.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:45:33 No.5472788
    Threesome, aye? Something tells me your marriage isn't going to last.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:46:24 No.5472794
    I'm asian too and guess what ? I have a black gf.
    just try to find a weeaboo one, it really does exist. In fact SHE made the first move, believe it or not.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:48:00 No.5472805
    Here in the American South, black females are like aliens from another planet and are best left alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:48:47 No.5472809

    Naw dog, it's rock solid. All the limited group sex experience wasn't for intimacy, it was just for fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:51:02 No.5472832
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    Blasian kids are the best no doubt but how to find a black girl that likes Asian guys... the road ahead is a bumpy one. I think in the end it's going to fall on the black men to hook up with Asian women. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)13:52:59 No.5472847
    A few celebrities, but none of the black people I have ever personally met.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:00:42 No.5472906
    Africans are homo eructus/homo sapiens hybrids. Having sex with one would technically be bestiality.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:01:17 No.5472911
    Nooo, they're out there! You just have to find them.

    Be strong.
    Find meeee ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:03:35 No.5472926
    Africans from Africa are delicious. African-Americans are the ones that are fucking horrible - 99.999% of the time, they have shit personalities, no semblance of class or grace or manners, are gold-diggers, and/or are horrifically ugly.

    Even The Messiah (Obama) is actually native-African as opposed to African American. Shows how shit African-Americans are, that the first black president has to come from another country.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:04:59 No.5472936
    nigger loving scum
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:07:13 No.5472946

    I will try (seriously). It's becoming one of my missions in life. Sigh. Someday.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:12:51 No.5472997
    All the time and you're a faggot if you say anything otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:17:58 No.5473032
    I've fucked a black girl, a full on African immigrant. Holy shit, the best fuck of my life

    I was working with her doing a temp job in a factory. She had DAT ASS and big tits. She was flirting with me loads and one day I just grabbed her huge booty and started slapping it. She just laughed and gave me a look as if to say "I can't wait to suck your cock, white man" I drove her back to my place after work and fucked her all night long, she was truly filthy and let me cum all over her face and fuck her up her black pooper. She got a pissed off though when I wouldn't see her again. She started saying she wanted us to get married. Basically, it is the ultimate dream for an African girl to marry a rich white man and get permanent residence in his country. Well fuck that, I'm not marrying to nigger. She stunk of B.O too
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:20:08 No.5473045
    I don't think all African-American women are bad. I think there's plenty of well-spoken and educated ones. You just have to look in the right places and ignore the bad. And there is a lot of bad, regardless of skin color.

    And blasian kids really are the best. Sometimes I wish my boyfriend were asian.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:27:53 No.5473110
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    There's nothing wrong with them whatsoever, anymore than people of any other color anyway. It sucks the sort of shit that flies around here. I feel like I'm being trolled or something because I just don't get why black women aren't the most desired women on the planet. Perfect skin, perfect lips, perfect eyes, perfect curves...

    God. Damn it. If there's just one out there that's into Asian men, I will find her.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:41:10 No.5473201
    There's plenty of black girls out there into interracial dating (I know I'm one of them) and I'm sure there's a whole lot who enjoy asian men. =) You'll find one, just keep looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)14:59:05 No.5473308
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    I know, I know. I just can't help it, even seeing OP's pic makes me put on a stupid azn grin (pic related).
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:11:00 No.5473376

    hate to burst your bubble, but black women are genetically designed to be fucked by huge black dicks, your asian penis will never satisfy the huge labialipped black vaginas out there.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:15:32 No.5473407
    >has never seen a vagina IRL, let alone a black one
    >believes that all black men have large penises
    >simultaneously believes that all asian men have small penises
    Take everything you think you know, and then go outside and see the world.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:16:01 No.5473412
    FACT: black women have more STD's on average

    ANOTHER FACT: you just lost your boner
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:17:34 No.5473426
    >see the world.

    you mean go and investigate multiracial genitalia? yes maam
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:17:40 No.5473427
    black guy here
    I actually do find black girls attractive. However they have to fit a certain type. They need ghetto huge booties, big lips, caramel(not burnt) skin, and their height can't exceed 5,7
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:17:57 No.5473431

    I too worry about this sometimes but I had the good fortune of escaping "the curse" as we in the East Asian community call it. At 7 inches, I might not be as big as the average white or black guy but I think I'll get by. Just the stereotypes I have to overcome at this point I think.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:18:53 No.5473437
    FACT:White women are the most promiscous women. They have the most sex partners overall.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:20:14 No.5473445
    > implying that dick sizes among the different races are different

    pro tip: they aren't, at least not significantly.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:20:53 No.5473451

    That's purely because people want to sleep with white women. It has no reflection on the desires of non-white women.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:21:26 No.5473454

    Dude, 7 inches is larger than the average white guy by a reasonable margin.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:21:52 No.5473458
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    if this were true, we would see an AIDS ravaged Europe and North America

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:23:01 No.5473463
    So people have different sized lips, eyes, butts and everything else along vaguely racial lines but penises are the one exception?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:23:30 No.5473466
    No it isn't. Third world countries(which are non white) have far lower rates of promiscuity than western countries. White women just have more sex, practice less discrimination in their sexual partners, and are generally sluttier
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:23:43 No.5473467
    I saw a really interesting documentary called "Diary of a tired black man" check it out. it goes over the whole "angry black women syndrome"
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:24:40 No.5473473
    Black men are showers, white men are growers. Erect size is the same on average.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:25:18 No.5473478
    You sir are retarded. White women have sex more and therefore use more sexual protection. Really the only thing that seperates black women from white women is that white women are sluttier and have a lifestyle that fits that slutiness
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:25:31 No.5473481

    Seriously dude, this >>5473454

    Need proof?

    Go to 0:30. Laugh hysterically.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:25:49 No.5473482
    So people wanting to sleep with you gives you permission to be a slut? Really?

    At least try to make a reasonable argument. It's no fun if you're just bullshitting.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:26:10 No.5473484
    I have had a lot of penises in me in my time, and that does not seem to be the case.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:26:50 No.5473487
    black guy here
    I am NOT a shower by any means. I have a growing penis.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:27:17 No.5473492
    nah just that black women would go for it more if there were more takers. a fact I have not failed to capitalize on.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:29:04 No.5473501
    Less arguing, more posting of Black chicks. Hell I'd even prefer a picture of East Asianon's penis to the bullshit this is shaping up to be.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:29:14 No.5473504
    YOU have to prove your point. White women have more sexual partners. Just because everyone wants to fuck you doesn't mean you fuck everyone. That would make you a slut.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:29:35 No.5473505
    False. If a woman, ANY woman, really wanted sex, it's not all that difficult to find.
    Doesn't excuse your women from being dirty whores, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:30:24 No.5473510
    14 of the 15 most promiscuous countries are predominately white
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:30:47 No.5473512
    Where is the proof in that? =\
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:35:58 No.5473541
    Not the same guy but just try looking at the sizes of some genitalia.

    Black men have huge cocks so black women have huge vaginas.

    Asian men have tiny cocks so asian women have tiny vaginas.

    Whites are somewhere in the middle.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:37:34 No.5473554
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    Not that guy but how about some sunlit Asian dick?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:39:44 No.5473568

    White girl here. Having lived in Southeast Asia, I can tell you that, at least over there, they're anything but "tiny." Stop getting all your information from Japanese porn. Japan =/= the whole Asian continent.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:41:26 No.5473575
    kthxbai slut

    enjoy dem dicks
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:41:36 No.5473577
    hello chinkyboy
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:43:56 No.5473596

    Absolutely incorrect. Just like cock size has nothing to do with race, neither does vaginal size. Wnat to know why most say that asians and some other groups are said to have tight vaginas?

    If their culture involves some reason for kegal to be taught from mother to daughter, most of those women are going to be practicing kegals and therefore have more control over their vaginal muscles. That's all. When men from a culture (like most whites) that doesn't talk about such things and their women aren't taught to kegal or learn about it and choose to do it on their own en masse (its in the kama sutra, and a number of other sex manuals throughout the ages), then they're like "OMG TIGHT PUSSIES THAT GRIP MY COCK" and think its something race related. Its not.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:44:14 No.5473599

    really doesn't change the fact that black women have more STD"s than white women...sorry :(
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:45:21 No.5473614
    >Just like cock size has nothing to do with race, neither does vaginal size

    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:45:27 No.5473616

    blacks as a culture talk about sex all the time. but you don't see them being infamous for having tight vaginas. if anything, its like sticking your dick in a bucket of warm water.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:46:17 No.5473627
    But black women have bigger pussies. Why, anti-kegals?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:47:37 No.5473640

    If true, it's more likely because of shared needles, which correlates with drug usage and lack of education that's to be expected below the poverty line.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:48:46 No.5473648

    My black gf is tight. Most of the black women I've been with were tight. In fact, the most gaping pussies were often white women. What sources are you citing, virgin?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:49:05 No.5473653
    It's all the marijuana and malt liquor.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:49:32 No.5473660
    Too bad, because my friend has a thing for Asian men.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:49:58 No.5473664
    The first thing I ever saw in this world was a big, loose black pussy. I came out of it headfirst.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:51:07 No.5473670
    >shared needles

    so black women are all heroin users too? fail
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:52:33 No.5473677
    You've got to get past that shit. the correct response is a "hell yeah I'm for real" look
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:53:51 No.5473688
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:56:14 No.5473709
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)15:59:17 No.5473734

    This is what honkies ACTUALLY believe.

    Anywho, as a "honky" myself, I believe black women are superior in beauty.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:06:26 No.5473798
    I had sex with a black chick once, and her pussy was extremely tight. Took hours of oral/fingering before I could get my slightly thicker than average penis in.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:09:01 No.5473824
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    Amen. I troll a lot but at the end of the day, black women are fucking exotic. Many are fugly as hell but the most beautiful ones are hands-down the finest, hottest women on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:12:22 No.5473854
    For the men who do enjoy black women, what are your thoughts of their hair? Do you prefer when they have it natural, or rather it chemically straightened/weave/wig/etc, or just have no preference at all about it?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:16:16 No.5473883
    It looks too weird if they try to straighten it. Best leave it natural.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:16:47 No.5473888
    afro, fuck yes.
    but it's not a requirement.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:18:42 No.5473911

    I think it's hottest when they keep it natural. I hate that Halle Berry shit with the straight and dyed hair, that's just retarded. I prefer a black girl with an afro to that.
    >> ♂The Gay Science♀ !!EMvvyNDhzDm 09/16/09(Wed)16:19:48 No.5473924

    OP's pic is a beauty.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:24:18 No.5473972

    That's what science says. As others have cited, all legit studies show that bone pressed erect length and erect girth are the same average, length 5.25 inches or so, girth 4.5 in in circumference. Vaginas are known to have aroused depths of about 3", but are stretchy, in every race as well

    If you think about it all those other aspects were developed in relation to external stimulus. Asian eyes allow for better sight in conditions that would otherwise lead to snowblindness, black skin protected from hot, harsh sun etc... we've had thousands and thousands of years of human mating and penis and vaginal size have been mostly the same the world over. Now, black men are more likely to be "showers", likely because of it being hot as hell in their native climate and thus don't have to worry about maintaining bloodflow to something hanging out there or it getting frostbitten, similar to how whites (and asians) are more likely to be growers because of cold ckimates, where when the cock wasn't in use, it needed to be kept close to the body and minimal bloodflow would be necessary to keep it alive.

    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:25:11 No.5473980
    Straight hair > nasty nappy hair
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:26:30 No.5473999

    Afros: friends
    Straight haired blacks: girlfriends
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:30:39 No.5474048
    I would sooner fuck a gorilla.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:31:51 No.5474067
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    Natural all the way. No contest.


    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:33:51 No.5474084
    I stand by my statement regardless of your perception. I get to be picky into who I invest my time.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:34:48 No.5474094

    don't worry, once it becomes possible to directly change your genetic traits, black traits will become a thing of the past. everyone will be white! its already happening with the asians.....
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:34:58 No.5474099
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    Oh how I wish more black women looked like this....
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:35:04 No.5474100
    Black women are actually men.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:38:40 No.5474137
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    So you want them all to be white women with heavy tans?

    Fail. I prefer them as natural and as proud of their heritage as possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:38:58 No.5474141
    man fuck you I'm turning blue
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:40:59 No.5474158
    the one in your pic is fucking pale. hypocrite
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:43:53 No.5474182

    Interesting! I keep hearing of how people of other races are more likely to like natural black hair than black people themselves. I'm in the process of transitioning from relaxed hair to natural and it's kinda crazy how my black friends react to the idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:44:27 No.5474189
    Enjoy your Loretta Brown.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:45:15 No.5474199

    There are plenty if you are looking in places other than the TV show COPS.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:45:46 No.5474207
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:46:50 No.5474215
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    ....... wait, I thought this was 4chan? Isn't everybody supposed to be racist here?
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 09/16/09(Wed)16:53:15 No.5474284
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    yeah, but only inna hip ironic kinda way
    anon's very post-postmodern liek that
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:56:00 No.5474305

    black girl weeaboos are common on the east coast (at least from what I have seen at cons)

    try otakon IMO
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:58:48 No.5474330
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    I hate that the media is essentially making you think you have to be lightest skinned with the straightest hair, essentially conforming to the Eurocentric standard of beauty. The most beautiful women are the ones who stay true to themselves.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)16:59:06 No.5474334
    ebony taylor from america's next top model. i don't know her from the show tho, she is a collegiate debater and so am i :)
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:00:03 No.5474343

    The majority of nerdy/weeaboo black girls that I've seen have been extremely hot or cute.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:01:22 No.5474361
    how can you be proud of your heritage?
    that shit just happened by chance, one in a fucking million.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:06:29 No.5474414
    Thai guy here. Saw another Thai with his black American girlfriend on the Bangkok skytrain one time. So perfect, I almost couldn't believe it. I wanted to beat him up just so he couldn't have her. Never felt that strong for a woman before. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:13:03 No.5474474
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    <-- She wants some asian cock. She has a myspace page and a blog on >>5474343
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:19:32 No.5474561

    Looks okay but not my type. I'm only about 145 lbs so I'm looking for someone about my weight or less.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:25:54 No.5474640
    Nah, go fuck her, she looks fantastic! She deserves asian cock!
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:27:30 No.5474650
    I'm curious what you call a black weeaboo.
    Just a weeaboo?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:27:51 No.5474656

    Hm. Well okay.
    >> Hannah Lee 09/16/09(Wed)17:28:13 No.5474664
    You guys are sick.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:28:32 No.5474667
    black girls are fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:29:05 No.5474671
    So, you guys are really attracted to fat chicks?
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:43:07 No.5474853
    People are attracted to all sorts of different women.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)17:55:22 No.5474999
    But her? She had a blog on and threatened suicide on her myspace when noone contacted her on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:00:06 No.5475056
    I'm only racist to asians (in the context of women).

    Blacks and latinas are fucking delicious.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:00:11 No.5475057
    if you live in michigan then you have to fuck a black chick.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:02:25 No.5475078
    And then there is a thread on /r9k/ dissing girls who are three times or more hotter than her. Not buying it. I think she is objectively and irrefutably ugly by all standards.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:04:20 No.5475097
    I have never met a black girl in real life who I have been attracted to.

    The only black girls I've ever felt attracted to are a handful of black celebrities and porn stars, most of which don't look very black at all. Most black women have flat, wide negroid noses; pubic hair on their head and generally look nearly inseperable from black males aside from their breasts and wide hips.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:04:48 No.5475103
    Why is 4chan full of faggots who love submissive bitches? I figure because you're all closet pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:07:23 No.5475128
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:15:14 No.5475209
    I fucked a sassy black chick. She was a straight hood-rat with no class, but sexy as hell. She acted all slutty before I did the deed (Jerking me off in public places, mounting me on benches and such) but then, after sex, she fell in love with me.

    I GTFOd from that shit. She has a kid now with a Latin King who's in prison for dealing coke and stabbing a Mexican to death.

    I win.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:17:58 No.5475235
    Yes. Lots of black girls are hot. Same with every other race.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:18:20 No.5475238
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    Negroid features are disgusting (nappy hair, wide nose, man faced women etc) but when they have been softened down by mixing with other races negro women can be somewhat attractive (halle berry, beyonce, alicia keys etc)

    So in conclusion; Negresses = disgusting beasts but mulattoes can be attractive.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:22:56 No.5475292
    I have only seen 3 black girls in my entire life.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:22:57 No.5475293
    Black girls are like all women, you just need to tell them what to do and they'll be on your nuts.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:25:08 No.5475319
    Because, goddamnit, they do what I want them to do. I say "Bend over" they better fucking bend over or that's a spanking.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:27:07 No.5475348
    Not really.

    Last week, I fucked a black girl a few times. It was nice.

    I don't expect it to happen again. But it was nice.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:28:40 No.5475360
    Racist here. I'll agree with that.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:34:29 No.5475415
    Only a rare occurance for me, and always exactly like OP stated.

    Big eyes, curly hair, awesome body, and feminine. Bitchy and sassy = GTFO
    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:38:50 No.5475458

    >> Anonymous 09/16/09(Wed)18:45:36 No.5475535
    Who said anything about white chicks? This is a black girl thread, you racist!

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