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  • File : 1252350903.jpg-(108 KB, 448x604, ;D.jpg)
    108 KB Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:15:03 No.5368437  
    Hi r9k, I don't visit you guys often, but when I do its usually for extremely bad circumstances.

    First off, the last few years have been great up until I started High School (Sophomore now) but last year I met a extremely nice and cute girl. (I got many pats on the back because she was very beautiful. When I decided to pull my ass together and ask her out she said yes! I was the happiest man on the planet earth. But from then on, my life went down hill. When we started going on dates and such, I couldn't think of anything to talk about! We would just sit there and not talk. I know I'm not the most interesting guy on the planet but I have stuff to talk about! But when I was with her, my mind went blank!
    After a month of dating she broke up with me because I was "boring" and "didn't talk at all".

    Now this year shit is new and I'm looking at other girls but I'm afraid that the same thing will happen.

    I'm extremely desperate for advise!

    Thanks in advanced.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:50:42 No.5368763
    Blamp plex halp
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:52:40 No.5368778


    Go there, and leave here.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:52:42 No.5368779

    The only advice I've got for you is kill yourself anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:53:57 No.5368792 is where our resident experts now field all questions relating to women.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:55:04 No.5368799
    i'll give you on bit of /adv/ice but this is it

    Talk about anything, in relationships people will talk about the most trivial shit known to man...a good conversation can come out of anything
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:55:52 No.5368806
    Is the pic her or just a camwhore, OP?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:59:15 No.5368828
    Take this shit to /adv/ you faggot. We don't take kindly to you folk here.
    >> Pasha !.XnRYi/uFo 09/07/09(Mon)16:03:08 No.5368850
    You're lucky she said yes in the first place. Just talk about anything really.
    >> Discovery !!Q8ekCU6reTI 09/07/09(Mon)16:06:30 No.5368874
         File1252353990.jpg-(30 KB, 491x364, 1251530942307.jpg)
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    >Sophomore in high school

    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

    Go away.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:08:46 No.5368885
    In my experience, the problem is that the chick doesn't want to talk, maybe because she doesn't want to look bad or something.

    Either way, you can't do shit unless they talk. You will have no idea which path of conversation will be "safe".

    SO if they just sit there and are quiet, fuck it. Either make a move and try to tap that, or leave. If you make a move and get rejected; leave.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:11:39 No.5368919
    Where did you get so horrible advice? At the bad advice store?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:13:40 No.5368940
         File1252354420.jpg-(146 KB, 600x788, 1251836569807.jpg)
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    OP, LISTEN TO ME. Women in high school are USELESS. They are uninteresting, passive sheep. It is not your fault that you could not relate to that girl enough to carry a good conversation with her. She was cute and THAT'S IT.

    Want sex? One night stand at parties/no attachments.

    Want a good relationship? Develop yourself and hang out with bros.

    Disregard interpersonal relationships with women completely. They are emotionally immature at this stage and every sign of maturity they give you is just a shallow front. If you pursue a relationship with a woman you will just end up hurt because of her short-comings as an emotional partner. Later in life, experience makes up for this, so shoot for women out of college.

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