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    787 KB Daily Jew Tips #6 Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:08:50 No.5368369  
    You can go for a day without spending a dollar. Just hang out at home, or go to your friend's house and hang out.

    That was your jew tip of the day.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:10:29 No.5368388
    So don't eat out, and don't spend money.

    You'll feel great at the end of the day. :)
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:10:36 No.5368390
    yes i can but why the hell would i
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:11:59 No.5368411
    Steal money from hard working Germans, they are too pussy to do anything about it I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:13:31 No.5368423

    Fuck off you stupid jew.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:14:11 No.5368428

    yet the germans took the jews stuff and killed a lot of jews during the wars. the jews did nothing about it. pussies.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:15:03 No.5368438
    Fly towers into 9/11.

    This was your Jew Tip Of The Day.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:17:35 No.5368469
    Jews did that?

    >> Proud_Christian_American !XDT2jixfZY 09/07/09(Mon)15:19:14 No.5368489
    Daily Christian Tip #2:

    Always donate at least 10% of your total income to a church or charity that you feel would benefit the most from the money. Not only will it make you feel good, but more than likely that money would have gone to waste anyways.

    For extra credit, do volunteer work as well with said charity, most of them are always hurting for extra help.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:19:33 No.5368494

    Yup! The amerifags did it so they had a decent reason to attack ragheads A because they're protection ragheads B.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:20:41 No.5368507
    Serious question: You said you were a black man who owned a company. What makes you want to browse r9k?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:21:06 No.5368509
    I love you, Daily Jew Tip.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:23:20 No.5368537
    Protection ragheads are the worse.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:28:19 No.5368579
    Anyone here like the picture of my room :D
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:30:48 No.5368608

    >> sage sage 09/07/09(Mon)15:34:45 No.5368642

    Real jews wouldn't spend money on anime posters.

    >> Proud_Christian_American !XDT2jixfZY 09/07/09(Mon)15:35:02 No.5368647
    My original coming to 4chan was from a complaint a boy from our youth group made about the site being hateful towards Christians. Me and a few others decided to help brighten up the boards by promoting Christianity and by offering genuine advice for those seeking answers. I was banned by the moderation staff for a little over a year and a half back in 2007 and quit coming to the site. The ban was lifted for some reason a few months ago and I was drawn back.

    I do have a happy and enjoyable life with a wife and two daughters along with a business that is flourishing in this economy. I just happen to be online a lot watching certain stocks and this helps kill time. The random board is too chaotic at this point and /x/ is nearly beyond help, so logically /r9k/ makes for a good home.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:38:54 No.5368677
    as oppose to what, relationship threads?

    jews rule the world :D
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:40:56 No.5368686
    >Nigger Jew

    Where's my Nigger tip of the day?
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:42:14 No.5368692
    Dear Christian Black Man.

    Thank you for contributing to R9K.

    I'm going to incorporate my business soon.

    How much do you pay for accountants to do your tax?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:42:14 No.5368693
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:42:28 No.5368694

    since you believe in a imaginary deity, and promote the idea that people can help themselves by chanting prayers and preforming rituals, I can't help but wonder why you consider yourself qualified to help others.

    Because, frankly, it seems to me that someone who preforms this behavior is the one in need of help.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:44:28 No.5368712

    That's one of the dumbest stories I've read in a while.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:44:46 No.5368714
    Good for you son. :)

    >> Archmagister !!al/n6992YyC 09/07/09(Mon)15:45:37 No.5368721
    it reminds me if mine! a desk next to anime posters.. but then I have alot of death/black metal pictures and an Iron Maiden poster as well
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:45:51 No.5368724
    Guys let's keep this about being Jew not religion
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:46:59 No.5368734
    A jew owns netbooks since it's cheap ($250-400 range)
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:50:52 No.5368767
    When doing the groceries, want something real bad but do not buy it; you've just saved money.
    >> Nigger Jew !HQFYLTpGvo 09/07/09(Mon)15:53:46 No.5368789
    Don't buy junk food -- you'll save $100,000.00 durnig your life time if you follow this tip
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:55:58 No.5368808
    how in the hell is being lonely a tip
    >> Archmagister !!al/n6992YyC 09/07/09(Mon)15:57:15 No.5368820
    Only buy Ramen and water.. Get a fridge with a water dispenser!
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)15:57:23 No.5368821
    Have friends just don't go to the bars and drink
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:05:53 No.5368868
    Use baking soda as shampoo and cleaner.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:05:57 No.5368869
    Look people!
    Its the 1950s! And Jew Jokes are funny! Almost as funny as Nigger Jokes! Those silly niggers will never run this country. Now lets go home and beat our wifes, Shall we!
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:09:02 No.5368887

    I'll point you to my reply in another thread about foods.
    NOTE, another thread.

    You can make so much with very little base foods, mmm.
    Experimentation with food just makes things so much better.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:09:19 No.5368890
    I clean my place with baking soda, water and stolen napkins from public washrooms :)
    >> Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)16:12:42 No.5368928
    this is fucking retarded. why do you keep posting

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