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  • File : 1252274476.jpg-(27 KB, 280x396, Karen-GillanDOCTOR-_814621a.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:01:16 No.5357561  
    /r9k/, what do you think of gingers? Attractive, scary, scum of the earth?

    I'm a ginger (lawl) and the last few girlfriends I've had said they didn't think of gingers being that attractive until they hooked up with me. I guess gingers may not be considered in regards to attractiveness too much, based simply on the fact that you don't see a lot of them around. One of those girls also liked to lick my freckles and call them "caramel", but that's a whole 'nother thread completely. >.>

    So, what's your opinion of my people, robot?

    Pic related - Karen Gillan, super-foxy ginger and new companion on Doctor Who. I would wreck her like a train.
    >> Spanish Flee !!TRanvZl56g3 09/06/09(Sun)18:04:28 No.5357613
    Bright ginger is a little off putting

    but some gingers are flawless.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:05:30 No.5357630
    when you find an attractive ginger they usually are very very good looking or just fugly.

    one or the other, never in between
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:06:32 No.5357637
    >the last few girlfriends
    Get out now and never come back
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:07:26 No.5357646
    my girlfriend is a ginger, im really happy with her
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:07:38 No.5357650
    >>I would wreck her like a train.

    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:07:56 No.5357651
    It's funny you mention it, because I was actually sorta thinking the same thing. Is it possible there are no middle-tier gingers? :O

    lol, don't start getting all butthurt on me now.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:09:02 No.5357665
    Female ginger? If you have a redbush, you're god tier. Male ginger? Sorry fellow.. you're working against probability. There are some attractive male gingers, but way, way less than female ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:10:02 No.5357680
    My first girlfriend was a ginger.. my friend's didnt like her and I was dumb enough to finally bow to their pressure.. She was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:10:07 No.5357681
    I think ginger guys are fucking hot, ginger girls are meh.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:10:40 No.5357688
    My experience, ginger dudes get bullied in highschool, everyone wants to especially bone ginger girls.
    that too
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:11:04 No.5357692
    I feel apathy towards gingers. That and most ginger girls I've known were bubbly and super smily without being stupid, so I thought they were cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:11:48 No.5357697
    Are you, by chance, attracted to men more than women?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:13:41 No.5357718
    all gingers look like Rupert Grint
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:15:34 No.5357740
    That ginger girl from the Kevin Bishop Show is super sexy and she knows it.

    In OP's pic though, she looks like Alana from
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:15:36 No.5357741
    As with any feature, it depends on how it looks like in a context.

    There's no better or worse skin/hair/eye/whatever colours, there's just good or bad looking people. Every colour can look hot and every can be fucking fugly depending on the impression of the whole.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:17:39 No.5357758
    Ginger girls are either the hottest thing ever created or the ugliest thing ever created. No way around it they will fall into one of the two categories.

    Ginger guys I feel sorry for as although they do fall in the same categories (in a sense judging from my straightness) ginger never looks good on any guys ever and they all instantly fall into ugliest guys ever. Only people to have ever out stepped this is the people in the Weasley family.

    I have a slight ginger fetish, yes. My only one.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:21:40 No.5357807
         File1252275700.jpg-(471 KB, 2048x1536, gingercamwhore-1.jpg)
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    There's a ginger camwhore who lurks on /r9k/. I like to think that she's reading this now and fingering herself at the thought that I saved her pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:26:20 No.5357870
         File1252275980.jpg-(3 KB, 111x139, thumbnail.jpg)
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    I found the same thing with girls not really imagining they'd go out with a ginger guy until they found themselves with me. In all fairness, there are a lot of freakish looking ginger guys out there but I'm not really one of them. I still have to deal with the social stigma of the stereotype though. In school it was pretty shit, a couple of years down the line and it's quite different. Make up your minds people.

    Picture related, it's me.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:32:14 No.5357935
    Ginger is a bright vibrant colour and bright colours look best on girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:41:33 No.5358037
    Ginger girls, (the non-ugly ones of course) are the most beautiful in the world, far above pure blooded scandinavians. I'd kill for a ginger gf.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:47:00 No.5358101
         File1252277220.jpg-(4 KB, 118x127, atomicbetty..jpg)
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    Atomic Betty. Another sexy ginger girl.
    *sigh* When willI be able to find an Atomic Betty to call my very own?
    So ronery.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:50:31 No.5358130
         File1252277431.jpg-(336 KB, 1600x1600, atomicbettyhead.jpg)
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    I wish to be Atomic Betty
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:51:46 No.5358143

    This. They are either beautiful or fucking awful. Guys are sub-par, never really seen any that are good looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:54:50 No.5358172
    i've never considered 'redhead' and 'ginger' to be one and the same

    redheads simply have red/reddish hair
    gingers have mad freckles, super pale, etc. and just have this peculiar ginger vibe to them
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:56:37 No.5358199
    Gingers can either be smoking hot and incredibly fun to hang out with.

    Or incredibly dull and boring.

    No middle ground. Ginger artsy chick = best chick you'll ever date. You best just hope she's the drama free artsy kind.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:56:40 No.5358200
    If you're ugly it's ginger, but if you're hot it's 'redhead'.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:57:57 No.5358208
    Ginger guys can be hot too.
    You must be a girl to understand that though.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)18:59:10 No.5358222
    This is another example of how girls have got it easy.
    If a girl is ginger, then hey that's sexy!
    If a boy is ginger, nooo thats baad!

    Yet more evidence that being born with a vagina is to have won the lottery of life.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:00:24 No.5358237
    >Ginger artsy chick
    Trouble is they only seem to want faggots.
    Lisping, arm shaving faggots. And they get them.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:00:48 No.5358243
    Someone please explain the etymology of the term ginger and its relation to those with red hair.

    My girlfriend has red hair and she's hot. But anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:02:14 No.5358255
    my friend's going out with a freakish looking ginger male. It's always awkward when she asks me what I think of him. He's pretty dull as well, so he doesn't even have personality points.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:03:02 No.5358263
    It's just that most people on 4chan are males.
    Believe me, girls have a rather different view on that matter.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:03:29 No.5358268
    all redheads are massive cunts prove me wrong
    >> MY+DICK+IS+SO+HARD !SfAZRaX/E.!!Bh6nN7OrThn 09/06/09(Sun)19:03:41 No.5358274
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:04:29 No.5358279
    Red hair is fake dyed.
    Ginger is natural born.
    >> MY+DICK+IS+SO+HARD !SfAZRaX/E.!!Bh6nN7OrThn 09/06/09(Sun)19:04:38 No.5358282

    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:06:32 No.5358302

    I'm a cunt because you're such a fucking tool.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:08:31 No.5358321
         File1252278511.jpg-(21 KB, 210x168, trollface.jpg)
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    butthurt obese ginger detected
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:11:17 No.5358350
    Great for girls, but for guys? Kill yourself. Or dye it, whatever works for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:11:29 No.5358352
    Natural redheaded female here. I think most men want to fuck redheads just so they can check off one more item of their fetish list. I have a hard time keeping a man around ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:13:00 No.5358373
    Chicks: Hot

    Dudes: Creepy

    Just one of those things. Sorry gingeranons.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:14:29 No.5358391
         File1252278869.jpg-(184 KB, 500x753, nicoleroberts483446jlg4.jpg)
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    The ginger one from Girls Aloud. mmm
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:15:13 No.5358394
    Dude she's really hot.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:16:16 No.5358402
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:16:26 No.5358406
    most likely because they realise you are BATSHIT INSANE
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:19:37 No.5358426
    I'm a redhead.

    I get into fights over whether I classify as a ginger or not. No freckles but lightly on my shoulders and arms (and even then, I live in Florida, so everyone has that), moderately athletic, pale as fuck regardless of how long I stay in the sun, red/dark hair, not orange, etc. Oh. And firecrotch. But it totally like a color gradient, it isn't all red! I swear!

    Also fit the typical /r9k/ user of BAWWW relationshit, etc, so being a redhead hasn't really worked for me either. Then again, maybe I'm just ugly!

    That said, I fucking hate gingers myself.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 09/06/09(Sun)19:20:55 No.5358445
    Gingers make my penis hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:29:37 No.5358523
         File1252279777.jpg-(43 KB, 577x317, 70064.jpg)
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    What in blazes are you on aboot?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:34:00 No.5358567
    That's how I feel with really whorish girls. The same kind who want to fuck someone with a name starting with a different letter of the entire alphabet each time.

    Except I'm a ronery virgin. I'm just talking about girls online.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:37:16 No.5358595

    Sounds like your hot, but a crazy annoying bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:52:59 No.5358765
         File1252281179.jpg-(124 KB, 900x675, gingercamwhore2.jpg)
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    Here's another picture of that ginger camwhore I have in my collection. I hopes she's reading this and is inspired to post more pics.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:56:47 No.5358807
         File1252281407.jpg-(113 KB, 599x479, 1239824742879.jpg)
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    Pic very related.

    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)19:57:56 No.5358825
    only certain gingers are hot, less so then other hair colors.

    but when they're hot, they're smokin.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:03:22 No.5358895
         File1252281802.jpg-(35 KB, 400x600, altohhai.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:12:30 No.5358989
         File1252282350.jpg-(441 KB, 1536x2048, karengillan-1.jpg)
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    Pic from Karen Gillans personal Facebook page. Yeah, I know her ;)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:16:20 No.5359029
    Gross. Mostly.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:17:21 No.5359041
         File1252282641.jpg-(450 KB, 1536x2048, kGillan2.jpg)
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    What lovely freckles she has! And also, nice yellow fingernails.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:18:03 No.5359050

    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:21:42 No.5359096
         File1252282902.jpg-(132 KB, 900x675, gingercamwhore3.jpg)
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    Here's another photo of that ginger camwhore girl. She looks somewhat "different" in this photo compared to the others. Can you tell what it is that's "different" about her?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:23:25 No.5359112
    I seriously don't understand the hate for 'gingers' some people have. Hell, I never even hear them called that except on the Internet--I understand it's a UK thing? I have never heard anyone in the US express any sentiment worse than "meh" regarding redheads, freckles, etc.

    Personally, I think the hair is exotic and attractive, and the freckles are cute. The pale skin, meh.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:26:50 No.5359149
    I saw a tall pale redheaded woman at the beach in Florida. She was hiding under a giant umbrella reading a book :3
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:27:43 No.5359161
    Judging by her jawline? She's a man.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:35:01 No.5359256
         File1252283701.jpg-(58 KB, 453x604, kgillan3.jpg)
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    OP, LOOOK! It's Karen Gillan getting wrecked on a train!! Boom boom!

    Do you see what I did? Lol, I know. I'm so funny, aren't I?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:39:33 No.5359313
    Being called a ginger is a US thing, if anything at all. Blame South Park. I got so much shit in high school the day after the episode came out, and it still continues to this day.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:43:11 No.5359353

    So, is she a trap or a butch lesbian?

    In favour of her being a real born girl butch lesbian:
    -Girly coloured bedroom
    -Nobody suspected in her other pics
    -Masculine body language, open legs etc, surely a trap would try to hide this
    -Can't see any facial hair

    In favour of her being a trap:
    -Hiding her jawline with hair
    -Looks like a man in 3rd pic
    -Masculine handwriting
    -Posting on 4chan
    -Suspicious t-shirt

    So robots, what do you think? Is ginger-camwhore a boy or a girl?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:46:15 No.5359388

    No it fucking isn't. People were getting made fun of for being ginger in the UK long before Trey Parker and Matt Stone did it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)20:49:28 No.5359423
    Those eyez
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:00:51 No.5359547
    trollan motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:06:12 No.5359600
         File1252285572.jpg-(14 KB, 209x395, r9k-ginger.jpg)
    14 KB
    Here's another ginger girl from /r9k/ that I've got saved in my collection. I'm pretty sure this one is a real girl this time and not a butch lesbian or a trap like the other one.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:09:26 No.5359638
    Find a redhead guy, problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:22:48 No.5359769
         File1252286568.jpg-(81 KB, 800x682, 16.jpg)
    81 KB
    I'm 16 and you wanna touch this?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:26:18 No.5359812
    I want to rape it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:26:36 No.5359817
         File1252286796.jpg-(37 KB, 352x354, 1244511912827.jpg)
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    Yes plz

    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:27:06 No.5359822
    I'm bi and I like ginger girls but not ginger guys. Ginger girls are hot, ginger guys are just kind of lanky looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:33:43 No.5359872
         File1252287223.jpg-(3 KB, 143x143, atomicbettysuit..jpg)
    3 KB

    Will you dress up as Atomic Betty for me? You look just like her!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:35:04 No.5359885
    >blatant dye job
    No thank you.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:35:58 No.5359899
    Could just be the flash, I knew a girl with hair color very close to that before.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:44:37 No.5359983

    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:49:47 No.5360036
         File1252288187.jpg-(83 KB, 640x480, borderline.jpg)
    83 KB
    Another /r9k/ girl from my fapping database. I'd say this one was probably ginger when she was younger, but turning darker and browner now. But still has freckles on her face.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:53:49 No.5360083
    Ginger here. Most gingers disgust me. I especially can't stand the ones whose skin is basically red, horrifically splotchy freckles, and eyebrows so light it's not like they are even there.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:54:09 No.5360088

    Trap detected. That's why he's hiding his chin with his hand. Unless further pics can prove otherwise...
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:55:00 No.5360100
    I hate people who die their hair red. It's not a fucking accomplishment, it's a curse.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:56:24 No.5360114

    Location? I could change allll that for you.


    Tall Ginger = God Tier
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:00:37 No.5360160
    >fapping database
    >post a pic of a 5/10 at best

    you be trollin.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:00:40 No.5360161
    Wow, you must be fucking blind to think its a boy.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:01:54 No.5360173
    I think the secret of whether a ginger haired girl is attractive or not lies in the length of her hair. If she has really long ginger hair then she is attractive, but if she has short ginger hair, or has it in a pony tail, then it is unattractive.

    Atomic Betty is the only girl allowed to break this rule because she is a cartoon character. But for real life ginger girls, the longer the ginger hair, the better.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:02:41 No.5360179
    Nah, just a neckbeard who has never seen a real girl before.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:03:42 No.5360186
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:04:41 No.5360194

    Have you ever seen a 9/10 post her timestamped pics on /r9k/? No of course not. That girl was one of the best to have posted pics on /r9k/ and that's why she's in my fapping database.

    If you have any better /r9k/ girls in your fapping database, then feel free to post them
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:05:17 No.5360200
    You are now aware that ginger is nigger with the first n and g switched.

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