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  • File : 1252201809.jpg-(49 KB, 479x361, 1197173398210.jpg)
    49 KB Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)21:50:09 No.5346691  

    for those of you in the PDX area that were unaware, this weekend is Kumoricon (
    At midnight tomorrow at the downtown hilton there is a two hour event "THE RANDOMNESS OF THE INTERNET". I expect to see you there.
    If you see me (dressed as Kimura-sensei with my Chiyo-chan hugging pillow), say hello lurker and i will give a GENTLEMEN's mouthful of pocky.

    >> QuoteAndCurly !fIV3r.MVEE 09/05/09(Sat)21:51:23 No.5346707
    Yay, Oregon.

    Though I think the downtown Hilton will be the last place I'll be tomorrow, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)21:58:33 No.5346782
    This con is win, i had buttsechs with Haruhi this afternoon.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:02:22 No.5346818
    That con sounds like it's going to be filled with faggots.

    And it most likely will.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:05:39 No.5346846
    This con is win, i was dressed up as Haruhi and I had buttsechs with a /b/-tard I met.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:06:56 No.5346855
    I don't like this con very much, I was a Haruhi costume and this nerd was having buttsechs with someone wearing me.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:07:29 No.5346859
    It sucks, because I was going to be there, but my friend has some lame "job" thing. I don't understand. Anyways, he was kinda busy, so we're not in Portland. Should I drag him anyways?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:08:42 No.5346870

    Just dress up as Haruhi and have buttsechs with your friend. Same thing as attending.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:10:37 No.5346895
         File1252203037.jpg-(74 KB, 600x480, motivate_otaku.jpg)
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    oh god anime
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:17:22 No.5346981
    I like this con, I was a butt attached to someone wearing a Haruhi costume and this /b/-tard was thrusting his cock up me.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:20:52 No.5347008
    I like this con, I was a nerve ending attached to the cock of this /b/-tard who was thrusting me up the ass of this person dressed as Haruhi and it made me release neurotransmitters.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:24:02 No.5347031
         File1252203842.jpg-(395 KB, 1000x800, 1199915181067.jpg)
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    i want to buttsechs a haruhi :(
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:26:15 No.5347049

    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:31:27 No.5347089
         File1252204287.jpg-(84 KB, 450x675, meow.jpg)
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    I want to buttsechs this particular Haruhi.

    This is now a otaku buttsechs thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:33:44 No.5347108
    I like this con, I was a vesicle in a neuron which was part of a nerve ending attached to the cock of this /b/-tard who was thrusting me up the ass of this person dressed as Haruhi and it made me exocytose, releasing my neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:33:58 No.5347112
    That picture seems terrible because the camera's closed.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:34:40 No.5347116
    I like this con, a girl looked at me.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:39:34 No.5347169
    This win is con.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:41:22 No.5347188
         File1252204882.jpg-(82 KB, 406x445, harooooooheeeeeeeem.jpg)
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    It's spelled buttsecks.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)23:39:36 No.5347694
    "Kumori" means "Cloudy".

    It is funny because it rains in Oregon.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:52:29 No.5348481
         File1252212749.png-(293 KB, 1137x402, Screen shot 2009-09-05 at 9.51(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:59:21 No.5348560
    I live in Portland and you would have to pay me to go to that stupid shit
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:00:16 No.5348568
    You've been?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:01:21 No.5348581
    Kumoricon? More like Kufagicon.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:12:59 No.5348734
    That's not REMOTELY clever.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:14:31 No.5348752
    do you experience any self-loathing because you are a weeaboo, op? because you probably should.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:16:39 No.5348781
    I like this con, I was a neurotransmitter waiting in a vesicle in a neuron which was part of a nerve ending attached to the cock of this /b/-tard who was thrusting me up the ass of this person dressed as Haruhi and it made my vesicle exocytose, releasing me and some more neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:18:10 No.5348802
         File1252214290.jpg-(237 KB, 768x1024, IMG_4272.jpg)
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    FFFFFFFFFdont remind me, i couldn't make it this year cause school starts a week too early, here is a pic of me & my BF from last year
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:26:58 No.5348893
         File1252214818.jpg-(281 KB, 768x1024, IMG_4270.jpg)
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    moar FFFFFFFFFFhere is my sister from last year's con, she gets to go this year.
    she doesn't ever look at 4chan, cause she says there its not really an otaku site other that the the name, BUT IF YOU'RE READING THIS I'D BETTER GET SOME PICS
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:29:07 No.5348912
    you boyfriend has nice tits
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:31:31 No.5348939

    You're great at sucking pocky.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:32:32 No.5348947
    this seems nightmarish
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:36:04 No.5348978
    I'd give your sister the best backrub she'll ever get in her life.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:36:35 No.5348988
         File1252215395.jpg-(1.67 MB, 2736x3648, lengthycat.jpg)
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    kumoricon is awesome, last year there was these two elongated cats.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:40:43 No.5349017
    crossplay experten, do not fuck with them

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