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  • File : 1252166661.jpg-(87 KB, 780x468, ivy_league.95175004.jpg)
    87 KB Ivy League Perspective of the World Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:04:21 No.5341802  
    The following was written by an Ivy League student (see article.) A friend attending the school sent it to me. This "manifesto" was written by a female student and essentially espouses the typical Ivy League student's view of "lesser" people. No, one person's statements doesn't reflect an entire school's, but most of the people agreed with this posting and espouse similar beliefs.

    I know it's a year old, but several students have written similar statements. non-anonymously, for quite some time.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:07:43 No.5341818
    This is why so many of them are in politics. Politics attract people who believe they know more and are better at ruling than "normal" people.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:11:13 No.5341844
    Damn, I got reminded of how I'm a loser again

    Looks like I'm going to have to masturbate
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:11:42 No.5341849
    "Having said that, do not let ANYONE tell you that you are not better than them, because you are. We are the elite, we are the 0.0000001% of the world who have spent the last four years of our lives either blackmailing or working our asses off. There was something that got you here, whether it was daddy's money or your #1 ranking in the nation, you are here and you are better. You have mercilessly beaten out your friends, your girlfriends, your boyfriends, your brothers, your sisters and every one you have loved. Don't apologize for it, revel in it. YOU. ARE. BETTER. Why deny it?"

    Holy fucking shit, what a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:13:08 No.5341865
    I agree on the first article.
    But then I read the second one, and I say the whole thing is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:14:07 No.5341874
    We ARE better you little dumbshit-nigger-with-no-future.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:16:08 No.5341891
    Unless you go to Harvard, Princeton, or Yale, you aren't worth shit, and you're the kind of person Ivy Leaguers want to see suffer.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:17:55 No.5341907
    Princetonfag here.
    This isn't satire. And even if it was, a lot of people agree with it (myself included; she does raise some excellent points, and we really did work harder than pretty much every other student in the country, so we do deserve it.)
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 09/05/09(Sat)12:19:54 No.5341920
    >daddy's money
    >you are here and you are better

    Because having rich parents makes you better!

    Useless cunt. I'd kill her with my own bare hands.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 09/05/09(Sat)12:22:03 No.5341937
    Yawn. Another asshole Ivy League kiddie thinks she's better than me for going to a school that costs 5 times as much as my humble state university.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:24:07 No.5341960
    Harvardite here.

    I have to say, I've met people like that. I can think of three, and one of them died in a drunk driving accident.

    The other two don't actually work.

    Everyone else I met was just as normal as can be.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:24:17 No.5341963
    1. satirical joke, half-truths
    2. she's fat and ugly. guaranteed.

    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:24:46 No.5341968
    Financial aid is a wonderful thing. Princeton's is one of the best providers in the country.
    There's a good chance that, unless her parents made 130k+, she received financial aid. If they make less than 70k, she pays nothing, and really is superior to you in every way.
    Well, she is already, since she'll make more money in five years than you'll ever see in your life.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:25:36 No.5341977
    I think she does make a couple of good points. About life in general. And about YOU being better than anyone else in the universe. However I don't think this message is exclusive to Princeton people. Hell I think that this message goes for <60 IQ point people too. If your only standard is intelligence then you've obviously missed a point somewhere.

    It does however make sense to live life to the fullest because you've only got one shot. So you'd better live before you're dead.

    obvious troll is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:25:41 No.5341978
    Her picture is in the article.
    She's neither fat, nor ugly. She's one of those prissy asian girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:26:15 No.5341983
    What is this infatuation everyone has of being "better"?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:26:58 No.5341990
    I'm trying to post her new manifesto posted on facebook this year, but non-ascii text is fagging it up.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:27:18 No.5341993
    >thinks that picture is actually her
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 09/05/09(Sat)12:27:19 No.5341994
    >superior to you in every way.

    I 100% guarantee I could KO her in one swing.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:27:59 No.5341996
    there are people that are inferior to others, but going to princeton vs going to another reputable, if non-ivy league university, is pretty much the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:28:50 No.5342002
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 09/05/09(Sat)12:29:52 No.5342012
    She's probably majoring in Poly Sci., and won't get a job that pays 100 grand right out of college, thus bitch at the world and be generally more uppity. This will, in turn, cause her to cling even tighter to her ivy league education, and use it to reinforce her vapid superiority of those of us who went to humble state schools making humble wages as engineers and lab assistants.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:30:35 No.5342015
    It is. That's her facebook photo. My friend knows her in real life. That really is her.
    Name is Stephanie Xu.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:30:36 No.5342016
    I wouldn't know or care since I'm an engineering student. And the closest you could get to elitism in such a field comes from students from Cal Tech and MIT. But I have beaten out students form both schools for internships and research opportunities. So I don't really see why paying at least 5x as much in tuition makes someone more elite.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:33:52 No.5342038
    You guys are all getting trolled by the OP of this thread and the operator of that blog. That message wasn't anything about dictatorship or elitism, it was inspiration. It was saying "you've come this far, beaten out everyone else in the country; don't stop here, keep excelling". You're all fucking idiots. I go to community college and got that shit. Way to twist words around, idiots.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:35:00 No.5342044
    Princeton's engineering is actually pretty decent. Their ChemE (my major), is quite good, and many go to excellent Grad schools.

    That said, anyone can succeed at any school if they work hard enough. Also, people who rely upon the name brand of their schools, or who believe that they are superior for simply getting into an Ivy League school, are cunts and should die.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:36:20 No.5342052
    Not who you're replying to but, post a link to her facebook here.
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 09/05/09(Sat)12:36:25 No.5342053
    Also, for someone oh-so-superior, her writing skills seem rather mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:36:37 No.5342055
    Fuuuuck, I really wish I could post her new message for this year.
    It's much worse, since it blatantly tells you to cheat and lie and fuck people over in order to succeed.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:37:32 No.5342056
    It's closed off, but I'll provide a screen shot of her new message. I'll see if I can find a message with a picture too. Give me ten minutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:42:47 No.5342084
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    Apparently a lot of non-Princeton people gave her a lot of shit last year, so she doens't have a profile picture, and her name is not clickable.

    And yet she continues this shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:44:02 No.5342091
    That girl is right.

    Of course, this board is filled with a bunch of welfare losers living in their mother's basement and being online 24/7. It's only natural that most of you will whine at it because it insults your huge egos. But no one really gives a damn about any of you, so nothing you do here will mean anything.

    Carry on with bitching and moaning.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:44:20 No.5342092
         File1252169060.jpg-(21 KB, 520x344, b_spartacus_the_slaves_revolt.jpg)
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    The rise of the proletariat can not be held back by elitist capitalist pigs!
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:46:35 No.5342105
    wow, what a bunch of whiney baby losers in this thread.
    What's wrong, couldn't get into a real college?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:47:38 No.5342109
    Way to explain how she is right you dumb fucking shit. What makes you think anyone gives a damn about her either except from the old laugh ? Get over yourself you daft cunt
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:47:40 No.5342110
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    I attend an Ivy League school and I thoroughly believe -- no, I KNOW -- that I and my peers are more cultured, more clever, more interesting, smarter, funnier, sexier, and simply BETTER than everyone else. I am not trolling. I haven't even bothered to reads this thread before posting this because I already know that it'll just be a bunch of uninformed angry faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:49:39 No.5342118

    And yes I made a typo you worthless faggots. I'm sure by the time I post this, one of you bitter retards will have gleefully pointed this out while eagerly refreshing to see my reaction to being put in my place
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:50:05 No.5342120
    Her Ivy League is better than yours.
    To her, you are shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:52:29 No.5342134
    haha... she got A's in piss easy high school and she thinks she is all that. brilliant. she probably just watches too much TV drama shows.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:53:31 No.5342142
    Man, what a libertarian chick. No wonder I'm a socialist who is for the abolition of all private schools.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:54:00 No.5342148
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    What is this so called greatness that fascinates so many people. You want to be great to satisfy your ego? Is your ego so weak that you have to demean others to sustain it? Instead of trying prove to everyone that you're better than them, be better than them. And I'm not telling you to be a general nice guy. I'm telling you to live your ideals, whatever they might be, not to impress others, but to impress yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:54:21 No.5342149
    4.0 GPA, 2400 SATs, 800 in Math II, Physics, and Biology SAT IIs, >200 volunteer work hours, captain of track and soccer, leader of debate team and robotics team (state qualifier), national honor society, work at job 4x a week, 4 hrs. a day.

    Didn't get into one Ivy league. Went to Ann Arbor instead, majoring in chemical engineering.

    Another guy I knew had a 4.0 GPA, 2210 SAT, no leadership, no extracurriculars, one job (coworker with me), same financial status. Got into Princeton. Majoring in Sociology. The guy's not arrogant like OP's girl is.

    Still, as someone said in this thread, it could all just be motivating speech aimed at (and it is aimed at) Ivy League students.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:55:48 No.5342158

    it is because you are not black.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:55:55 No.5342159
    seriously? you must be a terrible writer
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 09/05/09(Sat)12:56:07 No.5342161
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:56:13 No.5342162
    lol, 'getting in' is all just fucking luck when you've got thousands of applicants with insane GPAs and abilities.

    Going to Olin here, got into U penn but didn't go.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:56:31 No.5342164
    Carnegie Mellon here,

    We're better than the ivy league.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:58:45 No.5342179
    My country has two million people and three universities that are organized on a regional, rather than mutually competitive basis. This protestant world of mad egos and stiff competition is as alien to em as wearing a robe and living in the desert.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)12:58:59 No.5342181
    No. No offense, but no.
    The top schools are as follows (No particular order): Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Caltech, Staford
    Wharton Business school is also top.
    Carnegie Mellon is second tier (still great mind you, but not like the above schools.) It's comparable to the rest of the Ivy League, UChicago, Rice, Duke, etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:01:52 No.5342195
    Before choosing my college, I talked with my grandfather, who was a chemical engineer for ~40 years.
    He told me that when he worked with people from different universities, people from 'good' schools, like MIT, often didn't know their stuff.
    Though this is in the scientific fields, I believe it rings true for the liberal arts as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:03:24 No.5342204
    Care to tell us aspiring Chemical Engineers more about your grandfather? What did he do for a living (as in, what sort of company/projects did he work for/on?)
    And where did he go to school?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:03:35 No.5342208
    No, my essay skills are decent (never got below a 90 on english essays, 12 on SAT which doesn't mean much since it's formulated, made it to quarterfinals on this writing competition in sophomore year). I applied to 3 ivys (columbia, yale, brown) but I guess I was a generic applicant. There's no 100% chance you'll get in, guess I got really unlucky. Plus engineering seems to be pretty competitive, but the Ivy Leagues I applied to weren't even THAT top in engineering (ann arbor has them beat.)

    Michigan has a nice student body though. Universities are really just a label. Most people at Ivy League deserve to be 'elite', but there are still tons of people (yes, don't want to sound like the girl in OP's post, but myself included) who didn't make it in yet are hardworking too.

    Overall, applied to 10 schools: Columbia, Yale, Brown, Michigan, GIT, MIT, Penn State, Northwestern, Tufts and John Hopkins. Made it into all except MIT and the Ivy Leagues. Maybe I should've applied to harvard and princeton too... hmm.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:05:46 No.5342220

    How the hell is that objectively determined?

    Of course more people talk about the big name schools, but beyond that, what is the difference at that level?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:07:27 No.5342229
    Stanfordfag here. Fuck the Ivies.

    West coast = Best coast
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:08:28 No.5342235

    I'm going to agree. Some of it sounds like it came from Courage Wolf. Like this part:

    >You don't like something? Stop bitching. CHANGE it.
    >You've conquered all? Stop wondering. RAISE the bar.
    >Someone beat you? Stop rolling in self-pity. Get back up and OBLITERATE them.

    And this part:
    >Never fear your potential. Never fear your pinnacle.

    That's just good motivational advice regardless of your social class. But then she ruins it with this:

    >Indulge. Enjoy. Fester.
    >> Incredibly Unpleasant !!5rWCl5wkOgp 09/05/09(Sat)13:08:38 No.5342236
    Was the other guy non-white?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:08:42 No.5342237
    that made me lol, I go to Berkeley, and the same companies that recruit in the ivy league also recruit here. She is funny though.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:08:48 No.5342238
    The cunt in the article does not represent the majority of Princeton or even Ivy League students' opinions whatsoever.

    Most people here are humble as fuck, to the point where many even have "Ivy guilt", where they feel as if they either didn't deserve to get in, or they are reluctant to tell others where they go to school, because they don't want to seem pretentious or make others think that they believe themselves to be superior.
    Ironically, the people who feel this way are often the brightest ones on the campus. The snobbish cunts who think they're hot shit are the legacies and recruited athletes, most often.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:08:52 No.5342239
    What major is she studying anyhow?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:09:38 No.5342243
    We are both asian (chinese, specifically.)
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:09:50 No.5342244
    There are millions of people "better" than you, and millions of people "worse".

    What the fuck does it even matter?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:11:08 No.5342249
    To LSU, and he ended up working for the Dupont company.
    He worked in the research department, as far as I know(I never asked him that much about what he did, only when he volunteered information about it).
    I know he has a few patents, but sharing what they're of would reveal a bit too much information, since you could find his name, personal info, in google.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:12:03 No.5342255
    She obviously is very insecure about herself, and finds it of utmost importance to define herself by her level of education.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:16:21 No.5342274
    Too bad people like her are the ones who run corporations and own the banks.
    She is why society is shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:17:11 No.5342281
    I honestly cant wait till she gets raped, that will shatter her ego. Some girls honestly deserve it
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:17:56 No.5342287
    I don't think she's Jewish brah
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:18:14 No.5342290
    We should totally form a rape party and fuck her up.
    Is anyone else in the New Jersey area?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:19:29 No.5342302
    Elle est ici.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:19:49 No.5342306
    most of the time they are

    true fact
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:21:07 No.5342317
    Fuck, that's her? Damn, that small pic on the article tricked me into thinking she was hot. If that's her in that pic (haven't looked much at that site yet) then call off that rape party, get some sticks to beat the ugly out of her.
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 09/05/09(Sat)13:22:40 No.5342329
    Politicians are liars who normally know absolutely nothing other than how to line their own pockets.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:29:09 No.5342385
    i wish i was ivy league boyo
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:39:17 No.5342479
    My Dad's a Thermodynamics Professor at the Engineering Department at Brown, he told me that their admissions is run by recently graduated undergrads and that they mainly accept kids who are just like themselves rather than choosing what's best for the school. This applies to most other Ivy Leagues as well, which is why I'm probably going to transfer to Ann Arbor or go there.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:39:52 No.5342485
    Closing of the American Mind

    >>I attend an Ivy League school and I thoroughly believe -- no, I KNOW -- that I and my peers are more cultured, more clever, more interesting, smarter, funnier, sexier, and simply BETTER than everyone else. I am not trolling. I haven't even bothered to reads this thread before posting this because I already know that it'll just be a bunch of uninformed angry faggotry.

    I definitely agree with this sentiment, but the differences are quantitative, not qualitative.

    She'll definitely have a 1-2 advantage over most over 4 year graduates in the job market. Of course this depends a lot on what she majors in, whether she goes to grad school/or whatever, but the liberal democratic order is totalizing. She is not the Overman, nor is anyone else. There is no essential difference between her and the masses beyond a difference in IQ, health, a good work ethic, and money (in the future). The pathos of distance that once existed between the aristocracy and the people in the ancien regime is gone. People in the Ivy League still listen to pop music, enjoy bathroom jokes, and generally dislike Ingmar Bergman films.

    Even if do ever manage to make it into politics, they'll still be a nerve-wreck for half their lives trying to serve "the people".

    There are huge differences, I've experienced them, but the essence is the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:50:38 No.5342565
    Yay, more for Ann Arbor <3.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:56:14 No.5342613
    I'm working on the essays for the applications right now. I'm riding on the fact that Michigan doesn't look at your freshman year, and that my grades have increased by marginally over the years. Not to mention my Dad and Sister went there :<
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)13:56:32 No.5342615
    UCLA was here, Michigan is for fags
    >> sage Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:01:03 No.5342648
    No, I do not care about your girlfriend, or your sister, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:06:59 No.5342698
    Washington was here, UCLA is for rich asian snobs not unlike the bitch who wrote the Princeton letter. Also, persian guidos fucking everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:07:45 No.5342704
    Face to /r9k/ the people who go to these schools are the elite. They have the power they have because they've earned it, because they deserve it.

    As for myself, I'm just studying computer science at a state school so I can be of use to the elites as a software developer.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:08:07 No.5342709
    Ivyleagefag here. Don't let her give you a bad impression of us. Most kids here are nice and generally pleasant people to be around. There are people like her but they are far from the majority.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:08:25 No.5342711
    lol, ugly cunts.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:09:38 No.5342718
    Ivyfag here for undergrad and law school.

    These opinions are espoused by an annoying, vocal minority.

    I agree that working harder and getting more makes you better. If you worked just as hard and chose to go to a state school, I'm not better than you. Likewise, if you went here because of daddy's money, I'm better than you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:10:46 No.5342721
    ITT: /b/ level trolling tailored to /r9k/'s educational focus.

    Seriously, guys...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:11:29 No.5342724
    >they've earned it, they deserve it.

    Not always.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:13:13 No.5342733
    That article + This thread = Why I am a misanthrope.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:14:06 No.5342740
    You forgot the inability to fit in and crushing loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:18:38 No.5342765
    >implying the entirety of /r9k/ doesn't suffer from that despite not consisting of even 1% ivy league students

    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:24:29 No.5342799
    I'm on 4chan.. those are a given.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:29:48 No.5342819
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    delicious cake how?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:30:18 No.5342821
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    What a charming young lady. If she goes into politics or industry, you can see she'll go far.

    You little people just want to hold her back, to make yourselves feel bigger. Despicable.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:38:21 No.5342882
    I guess this makes me a bit glad I chose to goof off and hang with my girlfriend in high school instead of stressing out about beating out everyone else.

    I'm going to a state university now, and I'm peaceful and happy.

    Just chill out robots
    >> Mikachu !!iRhBKoGiaXV 09/05/09(Sat)14:52:06 No.5343020
    I used to hate egotistical Ivy League students, as I went to high school with tons of prospective douchebags such as the woman the OP references. However, what I've discovered is that these people have wasted away so much of their youths that they need something to convince them it was worthwhile. It tends to be pretentiousness, egotism, arrogance. And perhaps it will help them become rich and/or famous once they graduate. But I don't believe for a moment that they will be happier than the average American. In the end they're going to die just as everyone else will, and their thoughts and dreams will die with them. Happiness is the only thing to strive for, in the end -- and for many, education, learning, and exploration of the unknown is the key to happiness (myself included, when relevant). But I'm not so deluded that I think busting my ass for years on end to get into what people think is a "good school" makes me better than anyone else. I think there are lazy people, motivated people, people I would want to associate myself with and those who I wouldn't. But to say that makes me better than them? Preposterous.
    >> Mikachu !!iRhBKoGiaXV 09/05/09(Sat)14:53:34 No.5343032
    Also, the answer is obvious -- throw head at cake.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:56:48 No.5343068
    >> However, what I've discovered is that these people have wasted away so much of their youths that they need something to convince them it was worthwhile.

    Fuck, I wasted my entire youth playing dwarf fortress, reading comics and in late HS, browsing 4chan, and I'm going to shitty Case Western. How can I justify my existence?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)14:59:03 No.5343094
    Are you happy? If not, ask yourself why. Then ask yourself, what's preventing you from attaining happiness. Then follow through by developing a plan to attain happiness by rising above everything that's keeping you down.
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 09/05/09(Sat)15:00:25 No.5343114
    >How can I justify my existence?

    Did you enjoy it?
    If you enjoyed it, then that is the justification.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:17:54 No.5343260
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    Eat Wheaties.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:20:08 No.5343276
    So enjoying yourself, chasing temporary feelings caused by chemical reactions in your brain, is all there is to life..?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:24:31 No.5343310
    Yes. You must realize how fucking awesome it is. Stop belittling everything around you.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:26:33 No.5343320
    Basically, yeah.

    Since this is /r9k/ I also need to insult you with generic comments, so, VIRGIN FAGGOT MAN THE FUCK UP
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:29:38 No.5343337
    This doesn't prove the whole out look of the ivy league. They fucking posted that article to make fun of that egoistic bitch and show ivy leaguers not to be like that. No doubt she was some rich daddy's girl from New Jersey with an ego bigger than her intelligence. She should be taken into Newark and be raped by gangs to death. Show her how much high class gets her around a nigger with a gun.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:35:10 No.5343369
    I go to Amherst and I can say with complete confidence that my education is far superior to hers. However, they teach humility here at Amherst College, so I would never create a manifesto degrading others because they did not or do not attend a prestigious university.

    Furthermore, I am almost certain that this student is pursuing an inherently worthless degree, something full of bullshit like Poli Sci or Sociology, that she will likely compliment in the future with an equally useless law degree.

    She is in no place to demean others or accuse them of being "lesser" when her degree will land her a dead-end job at some over-sized law firm in New York where she will slowly have her soul-crushed by the harsh reality that awaits her outside her lush Princeton dormitory.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:50:56 No.5343492
    while i do think ivy leaguers probably do feel a sense of accomplishment and they probably do feel better than most people i dont think most of them are dicks about it. most people in this world, whether successful or not, are not such douches as this girl.

    sometimes i get down on myself for not accomplishing what i could have, but its more important to have fun than to be financially successful. although making more money can lead to more fun it often goes in hand with more stress and less time to have fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:56:02 No.5343533
    what would happen to these fucks if there was some kind of apocalyptic even where we all had to survive by hunting down our food, scavenging resources, killing others to defend ourselves? these people are only elite because of this social construct we have created.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)15:56:08 No.5343534
    Absolute delusion. Nothing more, nothing less.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:01:03 No.5343575
    I'll take my West Point over that Ivy League shit anyday.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:08:35 No.5343618
         File1252181315.jpg-(25 KB, 398x600, 34806181.jpg)
    25 KB
    <-- Recommend reading for people ITT
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:29:15 No.5343769
    It's a sort of self-empowerment rather than elitism. It's like if a group of jugglers went to circle-jerk each other over how they are better than the common folk who can't even juggle. It may be true, but the juggler group's definition of success is only juggling. They are the elites, in their own world. You should be the elite in your own world too.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:34:40 No.5343811
    Lol, this girl swallowed Rand hook, line and sinker.

    This article just proves that the university admission process in the United States has very little to do with intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:37:40 No.5343829
    Even though I went to a top tier university, people like this piss me off.

    I learned more about the world by working as a labourer to support myself during university than I ever did in my studies. Most of my classmates were essentially just idiots that could calculate and write essays.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:43:35 No.5343883

    wow, i got into princeton with a 1900, but of course, i won a championship, so that might have factored in
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:45:41 No.5343896
    They could probably tell that you're a boring dork.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:48:07 No.5343910
    what kind of championship? AIso what race are you?

    SATs are fucking bullshit anyways, I got 2200, then 2300 on the practice test, but got only 2160 on the actual thing. 5 questions wrong = major difference. I got lucky on the practice ones (which are probably easier) but screwed upon on the real ones.

    Tons of SAT stories. One guy had like a 2.9 and got 2280, one guy had 3.9 and got 1900-2000.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:48:29 No.5343913
    >daddy's money

    She admitted it herself. That doesn't maker her better. Self-absorbed bitch is self-absorbed. It sucks, but nothing is going to shake her pompous convictions. Just wait til she gets date-raped, then YOU'LL be the one laughing in her face.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:49:39 No.5343925
    >>implying that people at Ivy leagues aren't supposed to work hard and have no lives

    durr hurrr, jealous much? Guy at Ohio State here, that's basically the standard application status for an ivy league applicant. In fact, that guy may have been underachieving their standards.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:52:02 No.5343948

    sports championship, i am asian if that helps (it doesn't)
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:54:33 No.5343973
    >Just wait til she gets date-raped
    Well, I was optimistic about the quality of r9k after a long break, but no, it's shit as ever. If I had more free time today I would totally troll you, you deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)16:56:34 No.5343993
    guy from the original quote here, lol I guess it doesn't help, unless you won a basketball championship or something.

    Too many Asians play soccer/track, and our team sucked anyhow, so since I was the only decent one I was picked captain. But if I went to another school, I would be at lower varsity level.

    What sport was it?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)17:05:09 No.5344057
    Kill the rich.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)17:08:02 No.5344090

    it doesn't matter, being a champion is the best thing you can do for your resume
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)17:11:36 No.5344121
    I can't wait until this planet is consumed by blackness and blood. I want her to die. I really mean it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)17:23:41 No.5344240

    So then they are actually the best at being intelligent, then what are we the best at?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:01:52 No.5345049
    Honestly, that's a pretty crappy book. The author is just as elitist as the pricks he describes in his book, and he's a douchebag to boot.
    Princeton's student body has changed quite a bit in the last few decades. It has among the best financial aid in the country, and a majority of the students are on some form of aid. They've been reducing legacy and sports-based admissions in order to attract even more highly intelligent (yet still well-rounded) students. A lot of the elitism has departed the campus, and although many people still associate Princeton with rich snobs, most students are very nice and humble (except the queen bitch in the article, and a few other self-entitled cunts.)

    I should probably mention that I know people who went to state school and still held similar attitudes about their schools. And it's not even as if Ivies have a greater percentage of snobs; assholes exist everywhere and are always a vocal minority.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:08:38 No.5345133
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:12:17 No.5345155
    any one else find that article "hitleresque"?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:12:44 No.5345160
    Admission into good schools isn't based on intelligence, it's based on accumulating achievements that look good on a resume.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:14:31 No.5345173
    it's easy to pick apart an ivy-league attendee

    just ask what university their lecturers came from then tell them off from having to be taught by someone never attended the ivy league
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:18:07 No.5345207
    This thread is trollsier than the trollsiest political threads. You hit a new high/low, /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:19:37 No.5345216
    Which, to be honest, is much better than distilling an applicant into a single number.

    Initiative should always be rewarded. Intelligence is worth fuckall if you're too lazy to apply it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:22:23 No.5345243
    Because anyone who doesn't accumulate a bunch of resume points must not be learning on their own or using their time productively at all right? The point of education should be to EDUCATE those most fit, not reward people for sucking a lot of dick.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:29:45 No.5345304
    There's a inverse correlation with intelligence and initiative. This is a basic, universal law of physics. I'm surprised you're regurgitating what we already knew and contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:34:29 No.5345361
    Because spending 4 hours a day studying so that you can get straight As shows more initiative than a person who studies 30 mins a day, gets mixed Bs and As, yet spends their free time learning other subjects for the pure enjoyment of it?

    Or someone who plays violin for an orchestra has more initiative than a person who plays guitar in a band?

    Don't be absurd. The kinds of activities Ivy League selectors look for are done purely because the applicants want to get into an Ivy League. That doesn't show they are talented or have initiative - it just shows that they place a very high value on getting into an Ivy League.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:42:54 No.5345449
    How much debt is this ubermensch slated to graduate with?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:46:12 No.5345479
    Your post is confusing as fuckall.

    This is also assuming that volunteering or doing hobbies detracts from appropriate studying time, as well as the opposite, but that is a very bad assumption, because they are not necessarily affected by one another.

    Two people with grades within fractions of each other are separated by the other things on their resume.

    And let's face it. Everyone gets a grade for classes. Volunteering and initiative regarding activities is the best way to make your application stand out, because it is the most diverse part.

    You faggots that don't realize this and cling to GPAs and standardized tests as a sole predictor of performance make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:47:10 No.5345490
    no, you are the troll my friend.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:49:30 No.5345505
    The problem with using extracurriculars as a measuring stick is that intelligent people could be learning on their own with their free time, but that's impossible to quantify and list on a resume in most cases. I don't think there's necessarily a better system, I just think it's stupid to assume that people with tons of extracurriculars have more "initiative" - maybe more initiative to get into a certain school, but not necessarily more initiative to learn or passion for interests outside of academia.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)19:57:39 No.5345571
    Studying in one's own time has its own benefits.

    However, I believe it's more wise to recognize that doing that isn't provable, and provable things are typically (and definitely not always) what you'd want to put on a resume.

    In the end, it's best to recognize that the system uses both resume flair and standard test performance as a judge; I've just been dicking around on the point that they should probably put less faith in the standardized tests scores, because fuck me lateral if IQ has not become a dick whipping metric.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)20:19:36 No.5345745
    I see what you're saying (not who you responded to), but the things is that people who are interested in other subjects usually have tangible results of their interests and exertions. Honestly, anyone can say they've read scientific articles or researched African Colonial history; it doesn't mean it's true.

    Usually, a student who legitimately has an interest in another subject will take the course at a local college or will approach other institutions for research opportunities. If they're really passionate and really legitimate, they will have something to prove this dedication. Maybe they volunteered in a hospital, worked as a lab assistant, shadowed a professor conducting research, etc.

    Saying that a person should be judged based on their assertions that they've read a certain subject with no tangible proof to reinforce their statements is foolish. An admissions officer has no way to verify these assertions, no one to contact for evidence, no school records, etc.

    If a person is intelligent, then they WILL find the opportunities they seek, barring occasional unfortunate circumstances. And even if the student doesn't make it to a top school, he is intelligent and will do well no matter where he goes, so long as he pushes himself. Then he can compete with most Ivy League students.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)20:20:54 No.5345760
    1) It's "uberwench" in this case
    2) None whatsoever, more than likely. With the top tier private universities, either your parents can pay all of the tuition for you, or you're middle class like me and only have to pay for room, board, and books, making the total debt after four years, assuming they took out loans rather than simply paying the couple thousand dollars per semester, $10,000-$20,000 for people in the $70k to $80k ranges, which anyone who has family support will pay off during the school year and leave with $0 in debt. And even if she has debt, she will likely find an excellent job out of college to quickly pay off debts. She's still a cunt, however.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:32:19 No.5348946
    Lol, this bitch is so stupid... here is why:

    1) She posts her thoughts online so that everyone knows what she is thinking and how she operates. Judging from the comments, people who know her say she is absolutely serious. A clever person never reveals their true thoughts and motivations.

    2) She is Asian, which is a tiny marginalized minority in America. Somewhere around 2-3%. Asians also happen to be a minority who have been historically discriminated against in the business world. Once she gets out of college, she will hit the glass ceiling in no time. She doesn't realize that corporate America will never, ever see her as equal to a white person. Sad, but true.

    3) She is female. Again, a heavily discriminated group in the corporate world with a harsh glass ceiling. Women in the upper echelons of the corporate world are never seen as equals to men. Again, sad but true. She will smack into that glass ceiling with the force of an insect hitting the grills of a two ton truck.

    I predict that she will blame her inevitable disappointment on some Ayn Rand type argument. She will absolutely refuse to acknowledge racism and sexism in the corporate world. Then, she will marry some beta white guy, who she will pussy whip to no end just to make herself feel better. It would be extra hilarious if she picked a white guy from r9k with an Asian fetish.

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