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  • File : 1251948589.gif-(1.41 MB, 400x300, 2mrideb.gif)
    1.41 MB Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:29:49 No.5313514  
    If you've ever wondered why rape, "Nice Guys" and ronery exist, why r9k is such a prudish place or even just felt there was something wrong with the way modern society treats sex, read this:

    We live in a culture where sex is not so much an act as a thing: a substance that can be given, bought, sold, or stolen, that has a value and a supply-and-demand curve.In this "commodity model," sex is like a ticket; women have it and men try to get it. Women may give it away or may trade it for something valuable, but either way it's a transaction. This puts women in the position of seller, but also guardian or gatekeeper. Women are guardians of the tickets, men apply for access to them. This model pervades casual conversation about sex: Women "give it up." men "get some." The commodity model is shared by both the libertines and the prudes of our patriarchy. To the libertine, guys want to maximize their take of tickets. The prudes want women to keep the tickets to buy something really "important": the spouse, provider, protector.

    Read that shit and open your mind homeboy:

    Picture, as always, unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:08:15 No.5315052
    And then there's always the pervasive idea that all men are entitled to a woman/sex, and that if they just do all the right things on some mystical checklist, they will get what they 'deserve' (and then when they feel like they've 'done everything right' but still aren't having sex, it's a huge injustice). Because it's not like women are people with their own ideas or feelings, they're just a homogeneous mass that exists to either provide or withhold sex from men.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:09:37 No.5315064
    Bumping just so the average robot can read some fucking truth for once, and not continue to perpetuate their own retarded ideas about dating and women in general.

    You'd probably have a lot more replies if you had just started your standard "women are whores" thread, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:12:17 No.5315089
    If they want to be seen as real people they should act the part.
    >> BRObot !!X6z69cvOfjB 09/03/09(Thu)02:12:51 No.5315094

    Women are real people, bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:13:52 No.5315099
    You're absolutely right.

    Women stink and do not deserve any form of respect. My mom is an idiot, my girlfriend is insecure, weak, stupid and petty, and every other girl I know is even worse that that on various levels. I have yet to meet a woman of good looks who can match me in intelligence, self-confidence, or athletic ability. If I did, I would not let her go for all it's worth, and I would love her and respect her for the rest of my life. But, until then, I'm going to treat each woman I encounter like all the rest because THEY'RE ALL THE SAME.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:16:03 No.5315118
         File1251958563.png-(166 KB, 1368x748, Picture 1.png)
    166 KB
    If you want the real truth about women and the universe, you read
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:16:48 No.5315120
    >Read that shit and open your mind homeboy:

    >No preview available

    Post an e-book or something you dumbass.

    Also I'm pretty sure I've seen you try to hock this book before, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:17:28 No.5315129
    Definitely perpetuated in the idea that, no matter how hideous or fat or retarded a guy is, all he has to do is keep trying and eventually he'll get laid, but after a certain threshold, women become inhuman (unless they're really hot and really retarded, at which point you just strap on that football helmet and you're ready to go).
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)02:19:00 No.5315143

    woman like typing detected

    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:48:58 No.5317918
    The point of modern society is to enslave us all to the giant banking corporatist oligarchy. so that we have no culture no honor and are willing to 'sell our own daughters' for a buck.

    that is the mentality they are promoting. one with no culture or honor or future. because they don't want people with culture, they want people who will obey and be drones for the corporatist oligarchy.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:55:58 No.5317964
    Agreed. I have always argued that women don't have souls or at least aren't completely human. XX = 100% human, XY = 87.5% human
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)09:58:57 No.5317982

    I'm just glad you bumped this thread wit such a fantastic post!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:01:56 No.5318002
    I lol'd. Self-ownage is always the best.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:03:31 No.5318015

    What you don't realize is that as soon as you(the man) pretend like YOU'RE the commodity, you ignore the cute girl at work, like you're just too fucking awesome to notice how cute she looks, she'll be sucking your dick in no time.

    You put women up on a pedestal they're gonna look down on you and find a guy that won't.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:07:00 No.5318045
    haha, good to see this on 4chan.

    don't think the feminist message will ever get through though. it can't even get through in mainstream society after all.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:08:45 No.5318057
    Protip this only works if you're super attractive.

    You really think average / ugly males ignoring females is going to work?? That's what most of /r9k/ has been doing all it's life (through not having the courage to speak to them) and look where it's got them
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:14:54 No.5318086

    There's a difference between ignoring, and staring at when she's not looking and mumbling every time you speak to her. Girls are fucking experts at reading body language, if your heart is racing everytime you see a chick she notices. Anyways you have to be attractive to the girl you're going after anyways, if she doesn't find you attractive you're wasting your time.
    And don't you fucking start getting bent out of shape BOO HOO VAPID SUPERFICIAL BAAAAAAAAW, the only reason you want to be with her is because 1) she has a cunt 2) she looks good.

    You have two options, stop being a fat neckbeard, or start dating anime watching assburgers having hambeasts.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:14:55 No.5318087

    No, it doesn't work for you because you (and other roneryfags) ignore women and portray yourselves as worthless, so you do nothing but reduce your own social value. If you ignore them and act like you're the prize, then you become the prize. Even ugly guys get chicks this way, brobot.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:15:08 No.5318090

    >We live in a culture where sex is not so much an act as a thing: a substance that can be given, bought, sold, or stolen, that has a value and a supply-and-demand curve.In this "commodity model," sex is like a ticket; women have it and men try to get it. Women may give it away or may trade it for something valuable, but either way it's a transaction. This puts women in the position of seller, but also guardian or gatekeeper. Women are guardians of the tickets, men apply for access to them. This model pervades casual conversation about sex: Women "give it up." men "get some." The commodity model is shared by both the libertines and the prudes of our patriarchy. To the libertine, guys want to maximize their take of tickets. The prudes want women to keep the tickets to buy something really "important": the spouse, provider, protector.

    Meh, in my experience, that's only true if you go after a women who is out of your league. If you go after a woman who is not as attractive as you, the opposite is true.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:17:57 No.5318106

    viewing relationships as adhering to leagues still perpetuates the view of sex as a commodity

    /r9k/ has some really unhealthy attitudes towards women and sex
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:20:01 No.5318116

    leagues are for fags
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)10:21:21 No.5318124
    Shhhh. That shit is way too radical for the average 4channer.

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