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    File : 1251940568.jpg-(33 KB, 292x219, art.stephens.jpg)
    33 KB Stranger allegedly slaps crying child in store Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:16:08 No.5312180  
    A Georgia man slapped a toddler at a Walmart store because she wouldn't stop crying, authorities said.

    Roger Stephens allegedly slapped a stranger's crying toddler in a Walmart store in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

    Roger Stephens, 61, was arrested Monday and charged with first-degree cruelty to children. An incident report obtained from police in Gwinnett County indicated Stephens did not know the 2-year-old girl he stands accused of hitting.

    The confrontation happened shortly before noon at the Walmart in Stone Mountain, a suburb of Atlanta.

    According to the arresting officer, the child's mother said her daughter was crying as they walked down one of the aisles.

    The mother said a stranger later identified as Stephens approached them and said, "If you don't shut the baby up, I will shut her up for you."

    A few moments later, while the mother and the crying child were in another aisle, Stephens allegedly grabbed the girl and slapped her across the face.

    Police said he hit her four or five times. "See, I told you I would shut her up," the suspect allegedly told the mother.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:17:41 No.5312191

    I was listening to this while reading the post. It disturbed me for some strange reason.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:20:24 No.5312213
    As an immigrant I do feel that americans(mostly whites) overprotect their kids. Honestly if you just hit your kids a few times a year for doing shit they wont be such faggots. I have heard faggots deny talking when they were talking in class during HS. That I actually wanted to punch them in the face.

    Beat your kids america so they wont be faggots to others.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:20:40 No.5312217
    Well she really shouldn't have been crying
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:23:22 No.5312234
    This man is a hero standing up against lazy parents everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:23:30 No.5312236
    Whites have been pussified to the extreme in many many areas.
    I'm not advocating hurting children, but some forms of corporal punishment once in a while are OK
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:24:22 No.5312246

    I'm honestly not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:24:55 No.5312253
    why dont they make them all just stop having children/larvae
    just let the world fade out
    one by one
    plug them up
    its so egotistical to want to have children
    they will only bring more pain into the world
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:25:23 No.5312260
    If you hit a child it might affect their ability to be intimate with you.

    If you don't hit a child they'll grow up to be preening, untouchable faggots with a massive sense of entitlement and self worth and an ego that would sink the titanic. They'll consider themself to be important and "right" and "smart" regardless of what they have or haven't achieved.

    Hit away.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:26:17 No.5312267
    > world
    We are brought into this world screaming, and when we leave it we go out screaming
    fade out
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:27:12 No.5312277
    While I may agree with you I still think it's absolute bullshit for a stranger to put their hands on a kid that isn't theirs.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:28:00 No.5312280
    This man was simply doing what the parents were too pussy to do. My parents beat the shit out of me, and I turned out fine.

    So please, America; beat your kids- they'll thank you when they're older.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:32:32 No.5312318
    beat the shit out of me
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:32:45 No.5312320
    Well, this was an assault and should be treated as one.

    I was just agreeing with the poster, since this threads tend to bring the "Youth Liberation"-type crowd
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:35:07 No.5312334

    It's a thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:38:39 No.5312367
    This dude is my fucking hero. I wish I had the balls to punish the misbehaved fuck-trophies of stupid parents who refuse to punish their brat when they need it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:40:16 No.5312379
    This man should be given a fucking medal.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:40:29 No.5312382
    That is completely irrelevant.

    The issue is that you can't parent someone else's kids, unless you are paid to do it, or have permission / authority to do so. This man did not.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:40:56 No.5312386
    You don't need to strike your children to silence them.
    When I was a bratty two year old and would have tantrums in the store, my mom would tell "If you don't be quite I'm going to leave" and when I didn't shut the fuck up, she went into the next aisle. I promptly shut my face hole.

    I turned out OK and I knew my place. The only consequence was that I was afraid of my mom leaving me when I was in the store.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:41:02 No.5312387
    I don't have a problem with physical punishment, but if some dude came up and slapped my child, I would beat the fucking shit out of him.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:42:07 No.5312396
    is that harrison ford?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:43:21 No.5312410
    Wow, that poor child. I'm sure she'll be scarred for life now. In fact, she'll probably grow up to develop severe mental, emotional, and self-esteem problems.

    Man the fuck up, man. I hate parents.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:43:57 No.5312419

    Yeah well that man just did what everybody else in the store secretly wanted to do. If the parents won't raise their children, it should fall to the community to do it for them.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:45:28 No.5312436
    Yeah, but the thing is your parents weren't full of empty threats like 75% of todays lazy parents. Seriously, think back to being a kid and how many times did you hear "Just wait until we get home..." or "If you don't stop I will make you stop." and then nothing happened.

    Kids aren't stupid, they know when we're bullshitting. The problem also doesn't 100% lie in the parents, but other people as well. You punish your kid in public and some nosy know-it-all soccer mom is going to flip her shit and try to call CPS on you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:45:51 No.5312439
    He beat the shit out of a helpless baby who was crying.

    The child wasn't doing anything worthy of punishment-- babies fucking just cry.

    He was a pissed off faggot who went way too far and should be in jail for his crimes against society.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:46:07 No.5312441
    He made the mistake of hitting the child instead of the mother. She's the one who needed it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:46:43 No.5312449
    God, I fucking hate soccer moms.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:47:06 No.5312452
    I am all for hitting children when they misbehave but two years old is to young to be slapping across the face. A little slap on the hand would of been adequate.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:47:40 No.5312461
    Who says the community knows better than you? You? I think you're a retard and a twat.

    Now what?

    See, this is why we have all those laws and shit in place. So people do what they want to do, within reason.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:47:59 No.5312464

    Lrn2 developmental psychology, you immigrant fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:49:19 No.5312477
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:49:35 No.5312479
    Or we should have beat the mother for shitting out some worthless, screaming brat. Being a parent means knowing when and how to handle your child when it misbehaves. Don't take the fucker to the store/movie/to dinner/on a four hour cave expedition (last one I shit you not, happened to me last week) if its going to scream its head off the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:49:47 No.5312481
    >The only consequence was that I was afraid of my mom leaving me when I was in the store.

    So you turned out as a pussy. I'd rather have my parents slap me than turn me into an emotional faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:50:50 No.5312491
    What, poor Americunt can't take it a foreigner is calling out the problems with your society? Let me start a baaaawww thread for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:51:23 No.5312498
    If he hit my kid I would probably hit him, and then I'd be in worse trouble than he is.

    God I love America.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:51:43 No.5312501
    Ugh soccer-moms. They rat on everyone else because they are so bored with their lives.

    They should be beaten.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:51:48 No.5312503
    >beat the shit out of
    >helpless baby
    >2 year old

    Not quite sir.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:52:02 No.5312505

    Nope, brit here. It's just clear he doesn't know a fucking thing.

    Because abused children are known for their amazing social skills, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:52:10 No.5312509
    Guy slaps his own kid? Fair enough, hell, maybe even its a good thing.

    Guy slaps stranger's kid? What the fuck is he thinking?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:52:23 No.5312510
    A sharp slap, not to inflict damage, just a little shock, is a lot better for a kid than a bunch of manipulative bullshit like taking away something of value to the kid or threatening to leave. The latter options will give the kid rediculious issues later in life, like abandonment issues or (like so many kids today) selfishness problems.

    A smack can't ever be misconstrued as anything else other than "What you are doing is wrong and you will cut it out. Now." The kid's never going to look back on being slapped and develop a psychological trauma because of it. If you love your kid, and make sure it knows, but still smack it when it does bad, you're a good parent, because the kid understands then that you're not doing it because you're evil, but because its behaviour is unacceptable in your social group.

    When I have kids, I'm smacking them when they act up. No matter what anyone says, I believe it's the best way for me to parent.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:53:38 No.5312519
    You wouldn't be in more trouble than him. You're just saying that out of spite, you'd probably be held in good light for protecting your baby. The story would be exaggerated to where the man was a violent assaulter who intended to kill your baby before you defended her.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:53:38 No.5312520
    >No matter what anyone says, I believe it's the best way for me to parent.

    And that's why you'll always fail.
    >> Black ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 09/02/09(Wed)21:53:53 No.5312523
    Why someone would think it's okay to hit someone else's progeny beats me.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:54:52 No.5312530
    My mom took me to Disneyland when I was four and I started crying because she wouldn't let me have an ice cream sandwich. After about 30 seconds she bent over me and said "You need to stop crying. Right now." and I didn't.

    She made me go on the haunted mansion. By myself.

    I didn't cry again after that.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:55:11 No.5312533
    >>l turned out fine
    >>I'm on /r9k/

    Hmm... suspicious...
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:55:56 No.5312539
    If you have to hit your children to discipline them, you have failed as a parent.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:56:27 No.5312541
    Leave it to a brit to perceive corporal punishment as abuse.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:56:42 No.5312543
    I'd shoot the old man in the leg, slap my wife and the girl.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:56:42 No.5312544
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:57:30 No.5312551
    >Implying there are other ways that work without fucking up a kids psyche
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:57:36 No.5312553
    Yeah, abused children have waaaay better social skills than those pretentious faggots whom mommy and daddy told they were special and perfect every day.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:57:37 No.5312554
    Also, this guy is completely justified in being pissed.
    They just remodeled and moved everything around so you can't find SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:57:37 No.5312555

    hah, awesome.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:57:52 No.5312558
    ITT child psychologists and parents
    >> pelic0n !FTf9TJPhQ6 09/02/09(Wed)21:58:11 No.5312562
    What a guy..
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)21:59:15 No.5312567
    beating a child is the dumb nigger method of discipline. child does something you don't like? smack it. neighbor looking at you funny? shoot him. niggers are too stupid to solve problems using methods that don't involve violence. advocating this type of punishment shows that you are no better than a worthless, uneducated nigger. any moron who's taken developmental psychology 101 can tell you that behavior can be molded in countless other ways besides beating.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:00:01 No.5312573
    If you don't establish yourself as a serious and practical parent than you are going to end up with a socially retarded teenage angster who will spend all his time on 4chan.
    >> pelic0n !FTf9TJPhQ6 09/02/09(Wed)22:00:26 No.5312580
    The kid had it coming, this guy is a legend among a sea of silent cowering childeren.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:00:31 No.5312581

    >I was there and know for certain that the 2 year old that was crying was definitely being a faggot and deserved to be slapped 5 times across the face by a male adult stranger
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:00:36 No.5312582
    There are other ways. I was never hit as a child and I turned out fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:00:57 No.5312585
    Justify it all you want, deliberate infliction of pain is nothing else.

    Shit's illegal here in Germany.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:01:34 No.5312588
    I c wut u did thar

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:02:05 No.5312592
    You parents must have beat you everyday.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:02:54 No.5312600
    ITT: roney virgins who have never had kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:03:01 No.5312602
    Yeah, but we also don't raise our kids to be massively self-centered, full-of-entitlement-for-no-reason failboats like the US does.

    C'mon, really... the US has shows like My Super Sweet 16.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:03:07 No.5312603
    Yeah, that's why today we drug our children instead of using corporal punishment.
    They end up either as medicated zombies or shooting a mall
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:03:45 No.5312609
    There are a fuckload fewer of them in prison, so yeah, it's true.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:03:56 No.5312611
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    >Implying that 2 year olds can understand any disciplinary means besides fear
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:04:21 No.5312615
    Thats because mommy and daddy pay for and handle all their mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:04:39 No.5312618

    According to who? Yourself? I was spanked as a child and I turned out fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:05:27 No.5312627
    If you think beating a child is a proper form of discipline, you're not fine at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:05:46 No.5312631
    I cite you an example.

    Growing up I had 3 best friends. One were a pair of brothers. Their parents hit them when they did wrong. But they also paid attention to them and spent time with them. Not coddling. Just, including them in activities. Sometimes they'd go overboard and kick the shit out of the kid. Like when one stole another kids gameboy, he kicked him all around the kitchen. He came to school bruised the next day.

    The other kid came from a wealthy background. He was taught manners and a lot of values were insisted upon in his house. His parents disapproved of us, so he was called in after an hour of playing with us "for his dinner". When he did wrong, he was scolded with speeches, long explanations, but despite all this, they usually ignored him, let him do whatever he wanted, so long as it agreed with their complex set of social rules. He was fine, a bit shy until he hit puberty. Then he kept trying to lend us money. "Hey, have a 20, pay me back whenever you want." Nobody wanted it, but he'd force it into your hand, then dog you for interest for the next few weeks. He gobbed spit on the ground and tried to start fights against people weaker than him, but he still kept that snobby "better than you" attitude, and if you'd disagree with him, saying what he was doing was wrong, he'd launch into a long speech, that sounded logical until you examined its points, and saw the kid had no sense of right and wrong.

    Cont'd next post.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:05:50 No.5312633
    So he hit her like 5 times and she stopped crying?

    I mean she must have been like :O what the hell just happened
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06:00 No.5312638
    They might as well be in prison, because they just end up wasting their lives away on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06:11 No.5312640
    Corporal punishment is necessary for children because a child's mind is incapable of reason. It is too simple to understand anything but force. I'm glad my mother smacked me when I was a little shit, as I'm certain I'd have stayed a little shit if I'd not had the shock of physical contact to make me realise I was being an arsehole and needed to stop.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06:35 No.5312643
    Everything I see on MTV must be a reflection of society and not a media scheme to sell stuff to impressionable teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06:39 No.5312644

    Beating =/= smacking/spanking
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06:48 No.5312645
    Of course she was like that... its obvious her mother had never disciplined her a day in her life.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:07:27 No.5312650


    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:07:42 No.5312652
    We only ceased to be friends about a month ago. I got my own place. We hung out like 3 bros for a while, but the brothers would always bring some food with them when they'd come over, ask before drinking my beer or eating my food, clean up after themselves. The other began showing up at any hours, not knocking before he came in, eating all my food, leaving a mess, bullying my girlfreind. When I called him out on it, he insisted there'd been a misunderstanding, and continued pulling the same shit. When I finally told him to get his shit out of my house and not come back, he went on MSN to the brothers insisting I'd got the wrong end of the stick somewhere, and my girlfriend was at fault (everyone but him).

    I firmly believe if he'd been smacked as a kid, he'dve had a better sense of right and wrong. He has manners, politeness, and all the vestiges of decency, but no internal moral compass. No sense of right and wrong. I blame this on the fact that his parents mapped his morals with lofty speeches instead of simple slaps. The other two are decent people, right to the core. I see so many kids like this one nowadays, I just know if they'd had a sharp shock when they were kids, they might've developed some fucking adult decency, but they won't, thanks to the moral brigade.

    Since I know he reads /r9k/ I just want to say, I hope you smarten the fuck up Aaron. Even your own uncle sees the asshole you've become.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:08:04 No.5312657
    >When I was a bratty two year old and would have tantrums in the store

    Your parents failed. I never ever had tantrums in a store. Ever. My parents verified this. I was scared to death of my parents if I ever acted out. Still am.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:08:38 No.5312663
    Even if it IS fabricated, its working, isn't it? How many spoiled rotten kids do you see running around, throwing fits when they don't get their way and thinking they are the greatest things on this earth? Its not only limited to America, but it seems to be the highest there (and in the UK, too).
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09:32 No.5312670
    Same... when I was about 1 1/2 I stopped throwing fits when I didn't get my way. It meant I would get a spanking and sent to bed.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09:55 No.5312673
    >a child's mind is incapable of reason. It is too simple to understand anything but force

    All a young child understands from force is that you are hitting them. Can't reason why.

    >make me realise I was being an arsehole and needed to stop.

    You don't fucking remember that!

    Way to justify your mom's shitty parenting skills, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:10:03 No.5312675
    Maybe true. But the lines aren't drawn clearly enough, and personally, I would rather that the whole thing was illegal. I'm fairly certain it's never truly necessary.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:10:57 No.5312685
    Sounds like a great relationship!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:11:10 No.5312689
    You should rape your child when it misbehaves.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:11:23 No.5312691
    All parents who smack their kids should be prepared to accept one whiplash per smack.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:11:35 No.5312692
    *child does bad*
    Parent: *Smack* Don't do it again.
    *child, feeling the shock, DOES NOT DO IT AGAIN.*

    Your logic is fallacious.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:12:29 No.5312700
    >All a young child understands from force is that you are hitting them. Can't reason why.

    A child understands action = consequence

    You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:12:32 No.5312701
    Why does there need to be any kind of physical blow? I can attest that yelling works just as well for the shock factor.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:12:51 No.5312702
    They failed because they didn't let the kid act like a fucking terror instead of BEHAVING ITS PARENTS?

    Wow. I guess everyone who brings their screaming child into a store/movie/restaurant is the best parent in the world. Fuck courtesy to the others around me, its ALL about me and my kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:12:59 No.5312703
    this man in my hero. some children need a good slap in the teeth. and parents need to start dealing said smacks. maybe there will be less cancer in the world.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:13:09 No.5312705



    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:13:15 No.5312708
    Dude, you're fucking crazy. I didn't do any of those things. You're fucking hallucinating, bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:13:24 No.5312712

    So not only is hitting kids morally right, it shapes them morally.

    Please, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:13:57 No.5312716
    What are you going to yell at the kid? Words can only go so far.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:13:59 No.5312717
    I don't think the question here is whether corporal punishment is wrong or not, it's if another person has the authority to exert that punishment on your children without your permission.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:14:33 No.5312723
    Obviously there are many ways to discipline kids.

    I was slapped and spanked hard as a kid. Often. If i did something ''really bad'' I got whipped with my dad's belt, it left welts. My mom mad me put my hand on the wood stove for using profanity in the house.

    So what, I got so used to it that it was all a joke. OH NO U HURT ME!!HURRRR

    The only thing they accomplished was to create a total lack of respect for them in my eyes for being so fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:14:34 No.5312724
    Well, that question was too easily answered (i.e. no.) So the discussion segued into something else.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:14:41 No.5312727
    Fuck, you guys had some terrible parents. I was never hit or yelled at when I was a child, and I am much more responsible and mature than many of my friends who were beat when they were younger.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:14:54 No.5312728
    Wal-Mart, why have you forsaken me? T_T
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:15:11 No.5312730
    >The girl, identified in the report as Paige Mathews, 2, was not injured, but did suffer some redness in the face. She was treated at the scene and released, the report said.

    >Stephens was charged with cruelty with children in the first degree, which is a felony. He is being held in the Gwinnett County Detention Center without bond.

    this is what's fucking stupid. of course i was not there and am getting all this 2nd or 20th-hand, but based on this info his actions do not seem like something that would have been abuse had the parents themselves done it. so how can it be when he does? not saying they guy shouldn't be charged with aggravated battery/assault (and hopefully get a lengthy strict probation, community service, and anger management), but this kind of overcharging is just wrong, and sadly the status quo in the US legal system.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:15:31 No.5312732

    Your assumption is fallacious. OF COURSE THE CHILD DOES IT AGAIN! Maybe not immediately, but they will.

    What do you do then, hit them harder?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:15:41 No.5312734
    They didn't beat you hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:16:32 No.5312740
    Yeah. Until they get the message.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 09/02/09(Wed)22:16:43 No.5312742

    Yeah, and if your dad fucks your mother, the law is A-OK with that. But when I do it she tries to cry rape.

    You know she liked it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:16:56 No.5312743
    In the early 90's every fucking teenager believed he was part of a counter-culture because MTV made it fashionable

    The Leave it to Beaver and 50's television conservative morals also shaped the way people behaved.

    I don't know if I want a centered and calm but repressed youth or I want the spoiled pieces of shit of today that at least dress like fucking sluts to tease my cock.
    What I don't want back is the fucking "rebellious" and pseudo-intellectual crowd of the early 90's
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17:01 No.5312744

    Wait so you said the kid's parents largely ignored him as long as he followed their set of rules? What happens if the parents didn't beat him and also included him in activities and such? Would things be different?

    I don't want to end up like him...
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17:04 No.5312746

    Yes, a black eye would have solved everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17:10 No.5312748
    Because we want to send the message that vigilante justice against children isn't a good thing, probably.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17:18 No.5312751
    Yes. Kids aren't stupid... eventually they will understand Bad action = bad, unpleasant consequence.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17:42 No.5312754
    Yelling adds words to the mix. Words are NOT concrete. Words can be twisted, the child can forget them, tear loopholes in them. Words are dangerous and in anger, a parent could say anything. A sharp slap is an absolute. A moments pain to say DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN.

    You fucking americans think you should go through life never experiencing a moment's physical pain. You don't understand the power of a small shock of pain to bring someone back to reality. It's primal, ingrained into us as a species. And it is a fantastic tool to use for raising kids, if used properly, and at the right moments.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18:37 No.5312757
    I think you're friend being asshole had more to do with the fact he had rich pig parents who spoiled his ass and by your own words ignored him and let him do what ever he wanted.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18:54 No.5312759
    Perhaps. Do you trust the discretion of average parents to use this properly, if it even can be used properly?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18:54 No.5312760

    Or eventually they will learn to hate you and hide their actions.

    Haha, it's cute how you consider social dynamics to be so simple!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18:59 No.5312761
    If your parents had used any other method of discipline the result would be the same. That's the kind of person you are, the problem lies in you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:19:03 No.5312763
    I'd take that pseudo-intellectuals over the pseudo-brain dead ones of today. It annoys the shit out of me that MTV says "Hurr durr, act stupid and you will be more popular!!"
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:19:26 No.5312767
    Well I was never hit in my childhood, but it was in fact that I was a really shy kid so my parents never had a reason to hit me.

    Now I am completely fucked up
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:19:39 No.5312769
    Or they might learn to respect their parent's word.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:19:41 No.5312771
    Also, it's not the words so much as it is the loudness and the tone.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:20:40 No.5312781
    Wouldn't joke about a black-eye, wouldja?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:21:22 No.5312788

    It's actually American parents who overwhelmingly support corporal punishment.

    More civilized nations can see pointless abuse for what it is and have banned it. Of course you're going to experience pain . . . it doesn't have to come from your family.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:21:38 No.5312792
    Well, I appreciate honesty.
    And besides, girls do dress like sluts this days.
    In the 90's you got fucking Tori Amos feminists showing no meat
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:21:40 No.5312794
    >You fucking americans think you should go through life never experiencing a moment's physical pain. You don't understand the power of a small shock of pain to bring someone back to reality. It's primal, ingrained into us as a species. And it is a fantastic tool to use for raising kids, if used properly, and at the right moments.

    And here I thought Americans were stereotyped as being too violent.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:21:46 No.5312796
    This is the second fucking thread on r9k in the past 2 days that has had bizarre news come from my county in Georgia.

    Gwinnett is actually considered to be pretty much the most afluent/non "south" like area of Georgia, with really good schools and a lot of money etc...

    tldr; Gwinnett is a pretty cool guy, don't get the wrong idea ;_;
    >> feebas_factor !!s91muqR2aOS 09/02/09(Wed)22:21:59 No.5312798

    >>Yes. Kids aren't stupid... eventually they will understand Bad action = bad, unpleasant consequence.

    it's also fairly likely they'll also come to understand that violence = people do what you tell them to do

    good message! are not so stupid that they learn from consequences without learning from example too
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:22:07 No.5312799
    Silly posters,

    If a child misbehaves, the obviously most correct response is rape.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:22:28 No.5312803

    How do respect someone's word if they're too fucking stupid to use them effectively?

    Maybe you'd respect their fist.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:22:57 No.5312806
    What's wrong with being a slut?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:23:27 No.5312814
    Hey man, I'm not complaining about girls dressing likes sluts. :D I'm just saying, I hate that MTV has made being painfully stupid popular. Why can't you be a pseudo-intellectual while showing your tits? If only, if only...
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:24:46 No.5312826
    I know other kids who were like that, and pretty much turned out the same way, but with the addition of an entitlement complex (spoiled brat syndrome). I just find that people I knew weren't smacked as kids tend to have a very poor grounding in basic decency- the complexities of shit you do, and shit you do not do. Smacking as kids creates strong pillars on which you build a set of behaviours, giving speeches and lectures is like building a house of cards. If the kid picks a hole in any of your arguments, it all comes down. This is worth the risk, even if it might mean sometimes the parent might go overboard. The examples I cited are the two extremes, and guess who turned out to be better people? The kids who occasionally took too hard a beating.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:24:49 No.5312827
    This guy is full of fail. Everyone knows the correct form of punish a child is through rape.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:24:57 No.5312829
    Violence does = people do what you tell them. It seems to be pretty effective pretty much everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:25:19 No.5312833
    Nothing at all.
    I was saying I prefer the sluts of today than the early 90's dikes
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:25:31 No.5312834

    Oh, so a child CAN reason, then? At a basic level?

    So maybe they can be reasoned with BY METHODS OTHER THAN PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:25:52 No.5312837

    Don't get me wrong, I love my parents I just won't ever piss them off.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:25:55 No.5312838
    Youre the kind of faggot who lets their kids run around doing whatever the fuck they want. Youll let your kids drink & do drugs at your home cause its safer than doing it outside amirite?

    I didnt say you should beat your kids for doing stupid shit, every kid will fuck up but only beat them if they do something they know wasnt right like stealing/drinking/drugs.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:26:39 No.5312845

    But it also teaches morals, rite?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:26:50 No.5312848
    No, they can reason at the MOST basic level.

    I love how you give no other examples of how to reason with a child.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:26:54 No.5312850
    But the point is, in the past, all kids were punished this way, and the vast majority are well rounded, nonviolent people. It's the spoiled little shits born in the late 80's that are now roving around being useless and beating the crap out of people.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:26:58 No.5312852
    So, you're teaching your kids to never apply any critical thinking?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:28:34 No.5312871

    People weren't violent or useless before the 80s? This thread has reached a new low in stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:29:06 No.5312878
    Not at 3 years old when they can barely speak and still throw tantrums.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:29:17 No.5312883
    Only in a perfect world are there smart sluts, bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:29:39 No.5312886

    Yes, let's all degenerate to niggerdom.

    I was hit as a kid, enough so that my dad got cps called on him because he couldn't get it through his head that sending your kid to school with bruises on his face over or a black eye will eventually get you in trouble.

    How did it get to that point? Well the light slaps did nothing, I got used to it just like I got used to spankings. Pain is momentary. What did I care if he hurt me for disobeying? Small price to pay to have fun, and most of the time the real fun was knowing that his worst was no real threat. At 10 I knew my father was a fucking retard and I had no fear of pain inflicted by his hand or belt.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:31:14 No.5312906
    He did say "pseudo-intellectuals".
    Kids of today are stupid being stupid, the grunge generation was stupid pretending to be smart
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:31:14 No.5312907

    What's wrong with drinking, faggot?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:31:30 No.5312912
    Critical thinking comes later. You can't teach a fucking toddler critical thinking. Instead, smack them til they're old enough to properly understand complex moral questions.

    Most people don't develop proper critical skills until they're about 15 or so anyway. Critical thinking requires understanding every facet and complexity of a situation to the best of your ability, and making an informed judgement based upon that. Children are patently incapable of doing this, so scolding them with words when they do something wrong is unfair- they don't understand where the boundaries are to understand an argument based on them. What they will understand is the simplicity of "If you step outside of these boundaries, you will feel pain." In my opinion, this induces earlier critical development, as it maps a basic moral framework with sold walls, rather than expecting a kid to navigate a pool of bullshit you feed it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:31:42 No.5312914
    two completely different situations. and an implication i support rape. i'd like to be surprised but i know how /r9k/ rolls in the 'debate' department (faggots like you).

    this is often one of the reasons given (not in this case though, and i have no idea where you got the idea from - how serious a problem is vigilante justice against children?), and it's fucking stupid. it doesn't work. that's it. this isn't some debate., the time has been given and the concessions have been made and all that's happened is more and more people are in jail. to the point that america incarcerates more of its citizens than any other nation in the world. this case is just one of countless examples basically any criminal proceeding the highest possible charges that can be sustained are pursued. this is the divorce between the functions of the so-called justice system and the goals it claims to pursue; it's true goal is simply to put people in prison, regardless of guilt or innocence, or the utility of doing so.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:32:19 No.5312921
    I'd still rather take a hot chick pretending to be smart than a hot chick embracing her retardedness.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:32:51 No.5312925
    How did it get to that point? Well the light slaps did nothing, I got used to it just like I got used to spankings. Pain is momentary. What did I care if he hurt me for disobeying? Small price to pay to have fun, and most of the time the real fun was knowing that his worst was no real threat. At 10 I knew my father was a fucking retard and I had no fear of pain inflicted by his hand or belt.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:33:34 No.5312934
    Again, what possible form of discipline WOULD work on people like you who just ignore and grow used to all attempts of a parent to raise a respectful and mannered child?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:33:41 No.5312936
    Not to the utterly feckless degree they are today. In the past, you'd get the poor and desperate committing acts of crime and violence. Nowadays perfectly well off kids are doing this shit, simply because they have no clue about right or wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:34:11 No.5312942

    If you try to be smart, you may eventually learn something.

    If you try to be stupid, you'll never improve.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:34:42 No.5312947
    Then pain can come through other means besides physical, can't it? Loss of privileges and suchlike. Unless your kids don't have any, which wouldn't surprise me.

    It's not a problem now, but encouraging it wouldn't be a good thing. And since he's clearly guilty, there's not much of a problem with punishing innocents here.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:35:43 No.5312954
    But the girl would look like Tori Amos or Alanis Morrissette
    In the 90's I was fapping to scrambled porn. Yes, I prefered sex sounds over a noisy image, not Tori Amos videos
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:36:53 No.5312965

    Because sending your son to school with a black eye is now an 'attempt of a parent to raise a respectful and mannered child.'
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:36:55 No.5312966
    I couldn't fap to Alanis, but I could probably fap to Tori if I closed my eyes so she was nothing more than a blurry, woman-esque figure.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:37:10 No.5312967
    Because depriving them of privileges implies that those privileges have an actual social value, and that getting to keep them is indicative of a higher social status. In other words, you teach the kid to be materialistic.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:37:39 No.5312973
    I still need to see how this generation will turn out.

    My generation ended up with broken dreams in an office cubicle having no critical thinking. Like any other fucking generation
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:38:18 No.5312979
    Since when does pain have a social value either? It's the same cause and effect either way.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:38:48 No.5312984

    Rewarding positive behaviour has been known to discourage negative behaviour.

    Shocking, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:39:49 No.5312997
    herp derp ad hominem
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:40:23 No.5313004
         File1251945623.jpg-(79 KB, 600x728, amos-1.jpg)
    79 KB
    You couldn't fap to this? Nigga, you gay.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:41:27 No.5313017
    i am making the claim that he is innocent, of the charges brought against him. in our legal system we have a huge number of charges for similar crimes, based on degree. Again i am stating quite clearly i am not intimately involved with the case nor the legal system of montana, but "cruelty with children in the first degree" sounds pretty fucking serious (and is a felony). It is reasonable to assume this is, as typical, the highest charge the DA feels can be sustained rather than the charge they feel most fits the crime, which, for the sake of argument, lets say is something like misdemeanor aggravated battery, punished by a years probation with motion tracker, community service, and anger management - a punishment i would say fits the crime. as opposed to, say, 5-15 years in prison.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:41:47 No.5313019
    Why would I reward someone for doing something their supposed to, like not throwing a fit or being disrespectful?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:42:23 No.5313022
    Actually, that's not an ad hominem in the same way that it's not really an ad hominem to say that someone has poor knowledge of science because he believes that his farts cause black holes. It's only ad hominem when the attack is aimed at something unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:42:28 No.5313024
    It doesn't. It's cold. It's not loaded with mental digs or value statements. It's an absolute. The kind of thing a kid needs to build a solid moral foundation.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:43:12 No.5313034
    Because... it'll lead to them doing it more often?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:43:20 No.5313036

    So before the 80s the riches were perfect citizens and it was all those damn poors causing trouble? Oookay then.

    Do you realize that violent crime rates have dropped in NEARLY EVERY WESTERN NATION from that period on?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:43:41 No.5313040
    ITT late teens/early 20's give judgmental parenting advice where people in their 30's still struggle to pick a side of the fence.

    Make a baby and see if you hit it rather then touting your beliefs, because they might just change once you have one of your own.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:44:27 No.5313045
    And uncontrollable, damaging and very possibly physically dangerous. The risks, I believe, outweigh the benefits.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:44:41 No.5313050
    FUNNILY ENOUGH so have economic circumstances.

    What was your fucking point?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:45:40 No.5313056
    Abuse =/= corporal punishment

    His argument is irrelevant
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:46:14 No.5313060
    Already have a kid. It is spanked when it misbehaves (though I take it somewhere private to discipline it in case some nosy goody-goody tries to call CPS claiming I'm abusing my kid) and rewarding it when its good.

    She's a pretty good kid for the most part, turning 4 in October. She knows better to act up in public, else we take her to the bathroom. Last time she had a temper tantrum was almost two years ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:46:39 No.5313064
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:46:55 No.5313068
    Okay, as a proof to this thread.

    People who were slapped as a kid, please cite one traumatic memorable example of this occurring (I don't mean actual beatings, I mean a short sharp slap when you did something wrong).

    Now. Kids who were punished emotionally, please cite one memorable traumatic example of this.

    Now you idiots will see which one really damages the fucking kids and which one they forget (but keep the basic lesson of).
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:47:27 No.5313073
    this thread is a prime example of why a large portion of /r9k/ posters need to:

    A) stay in their basement
    B) keep not getting girlfriends
    C) never have kids

    The guy slapped a stranger's kid. Toddlers cry, this is normal, slapping them is not a solution, and this is only assuming it's your own kid.

    If that guy slapped my kid, they'd probably be charging ME with something after I beat him into a fucking coma with a can of Campbell's thick and chunky.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:47:43 No.5313076

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:48:12 No.5313082
    Sad. A wise choice to hide your predilections from those who'd try to uphold the law on your ass, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:48:24 No.5313086

    You're referring to your child as 'it.'

    Anything else you type is moot.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:48:47 No.5313087
    I was raised by my Grandmother. Once, I acted up in the store, so she left me there, and got the bus home. She used to slap me, and sometimes she got a little out of hand (threw a chair once), but nothing ever got to me the way that shit did. The store was miles from home.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:49:06 No.5313088
    >herp derp moar ad hominem
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:49:20 No.5313089

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:50:08 No.5313096
    Proverbs 13:24
    "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:50:26 No.5313099
    Define "emotional" punishment. You're casting it in vague and broad terms to make it seem like all it encompasses is actual abuse.

    My mother smacked my younger sister once. I (at around age eight, I think) freaked out; I don't think I threatened her, but I did let her know that it was unacceptable. She didn't do it again.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:50:48 No.5313101
    >implying calling something it instead of her/he means you don't care
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:51:48 No.5313106
    Leaving you in the store did count as child abuse. That doesn't count, unless the idiot who made the post you're replying to is saying "which is worse, legal abuse or things that aren't legal abuse?"
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:51:51 No.5313107
    >teenage pseudointellectuals saying "ad hominem' is the 'herp derp' of analytical reasoning
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:52:40 No.5313113
    That didn't happen to you, you idiot.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:52:48 No.5313115
    I was beaten as a kid, and I plan to beat my kid if he deserves it.

    However, if a stranger dares to lay his hands on my child, may Jesus have mercy on him because I certainly won't.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:52:51 No.5313116
    It's not a very good impression, quite honestly.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:53:25 No.5313120

    you're quoting the bible for parenting advice?

    Ok, I was going to make fun of you, but I don't even know what to say... you've read the Bible right?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:54:08 No.5313124
    >Implying that providing no relevant debate is more analytical than pointing out fallacies
    >moar ad hominem
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:56:23 No.5313143

    The answer to the question is ITT.

    You're just being deservedly mocked now.
    >> /\/\/\/\/\/\ 09/02/09(Wed)22:56:32 No.5313146
    Dad died when I was six. I had the whole critical thinking thing down before I turned 7.

    Protip: just kill the parents!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:56:44 No.5313148
    >>>weird passive-aggressive shit with green text

    why don't you two get a room.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:56:45 No.5313150
    WhenI was about 5 or so during the 1940's, in Texas, my mom took me to the store with her to do some shopping. Once there I wondered over to a drinking fountain to get some water and as I was drinking from the fountain, a woman grabed me and spun me around and slapped me. I had been drinking from a "colored only" fountain. She was screaming at me like a total maniac.

    Well, needless to say, my mother being French and not having the same opinions as these upright southeners gave her a lecture that I think she would have remembered for years. In those days you didn't call the police as you do today. Too bad actually as I remember the incident very well so it must have had some effect upon me.

    Today I would have said "Arrest that bitch!"
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:56:45 No.5313151
    This. Dear god, this.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:57:11 No.5313153
    physical punishment is only necessary on really young kids, before they are mentally capable of differentiating the existence of right from wrong. and obviously only once they are able to walk, otherwise what can they really do? i was spanked as a real little kid but can't remember a time (except one, below) past maybe my first few years of school, so like <6 yo. The one instance of physical punishment past that was also the most damning emotional punishment i ever experienced, when my mother slapped me open-handed across the face, at age 9/10 or so, for reasons that are personal but not anything silly "getting into trouble" type bullshit (sick/dying grandfather, me apparently not caring enough). i didn't understand exactly at the time why i had deserved it but it stuck with me, WHICH WAS THE POINT. this is why physical punishment is used, i can't tell you any specific time I had priviledges taken away or was forced to do extra chores, and there were plenty, but this one use of physical force has stuck with me my whole life.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:57:13 No.5313155

    So what if I refer to her as an 'it'. At first I didn't really want to go into what sex she was, but afterwards I figured "this is 4chan, who gives a fuck" and was too lazy to edit my post.

    You wouldn't believe the retardedness other people claim when you have a kid. Earlier this year my daughter got away from my wife and I when we were putting the groceries in the trunk of the car. I guess my wife hadn't buckled her in her car seat securely, because she managed to get out and climb out of the open driver's side door. She runs out into the parking lot as some dumb cunt is flying down the aisle, yakking on her cell-phone. I happened to see my daughter and grabbed her by the arm just in time to pull her out of the car's way.

    This cunt stops her car several feet away, reverses, rolls down her window and starts screaming about child abuse, how I shouldn't be yanking my daughter around by the arm like some doll. She actually threatened to call the cops, took down our license plate number and made such a scene the rent-a-cop had to come over and ask what was wrong.

    Luckily the rent-a-cop thought she was a loon and told her to fuck off.

    You get to enjoy that shit when you have a kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:57:54 No.5313162
    >I learned that violence is the way to solve problems firsthand and will continue in my violence

    Prime example of why not to beat your children.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:58:00 No.5313164

    I feel sorry for both you and your future children, however I 100% agree with the second part of your post.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:00:26 No.5313187
    And the cops would have said "What the tarnation were you doing drinking from the nigger fountain? Blasted idjit YOU outta go to the slamma'. I oughta slap you m'self g'dam furn'er."
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:00:33 No.5313188
    Well, it's a good thing that she didn't catch you in legitimate violence, I suppose. Congratulate yourself for your close shave.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:01:09 No.5313192
    >I won't beat my kids so they can grow up with a huge sense of entitlement and never understand mistakes = consequence
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:02:16 No.5313199
    Can you not comprehend that there are such things as nonphysical consequences?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:03:37 No.5313210
    Spanking a kid when it TRULY deserves it isn't violence. Smacking/spanking it because its being annoying is going overboard, which I would never do. If my daughter threw a temper-tantrum because she wanted some candy and I said no, then yeah, she deserves a spanking.

    If she's crying because she's hungry/tired/sick, then I just need to try to keep her as comfortable as possible, do what I need to do and get out.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:03:46 No.5313211

    Sort of like your sense of being entitled to beat children?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:04:30 No.5313218
    LRN: Beating does NOT equal spanking or smacking when the kid really deserves it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:04:47 No.5313219
    Bullshit. Best you can argue is justified violence.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:05:37 No.5313226
    or raep? :3
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:05:48 No.5313228
    Oh, that's just sad. Surely you're strong enough to ignore her until she learns that this isn't going to work?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:05:55 No.5313230
    >I plan to beat my kid

    was the post I replied to, moron.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:07:13 No.5313239
    What, because I won't let my kid think she's the boss and try assume the role of the authority figure?

    Sorry if you think your kid should be the ruler of the universe, but I don't see it that way. Spanking is a last resort when verbal punishment fails to work.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:08:57 No.5313253
    Of course I do, like I said, spanking is ALWAYS the final resort when everything else fails to work. She's been spanked twice, and she never repeated the same action again.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:09:06 No.5313256
    I congratulate you for your skills at distorting what other people are saying. Perhaps you can pass this on to your daughter along with your love of violence.

    There are other punishments besides physical.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:09:23 No.5313258
    I suppose all of you people think that police shouldn't be allowed to hold down resisting criminals.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:09:49 No.5313261
    Then why the fuck did you say you needed to do so if she had a tantrum over something?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:09:49 No.5313262
    I had a temper tantrum when I was 4 because my mom wouldn't buy me shittily made Ninja Turtle shoes.

    She left the store with me in tow, angry but calm. I also calmed down shortly after. The consequence was I had to wear my old shoes for a few more months. I never had another temper tantrum, no beating required.

    She acted like a rational adult, basically.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:11:04 No.5313270
    Analogy fail.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:11:11 No.5313272
    I'm gonna have to go with this.
    I'd admonish him in front of my child, make sure my child knows that I know what he did was wrong, but do nothing yet. Then take him with me alone into an alleyway and beat him fucking senseless.
    Because I'm a small guy, I'd probably use a length of pipe or something like that to get the job done right.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:11:23 No.5313274
    Yeah, I'm a hardcore lover of violence because I spank my kid as an absolute final resort for misbehaving. Excuse me while I go out and beat the shit out of the next person I see for no reason, then watch some MMA.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:12:47 No.5313292
    Because if she's having a tantrum over something, and my verbal warnings/ignoring her actions isn't working, I would spank her?

    gee golly whiz!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:12:55 No.5313295
    You also can't comprehend irony, it would seem. My comment about love of violence was tailored to be exactly as ridiculous as the comment to which I was replying.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:13:52 No.5313306

    Exactly. What the hell do these pro-spanking / pro-beating people think, if you're not dominated you turn feral or something?

    I was never physically chastised in any way as a kid, and I'm about as respectful and goody-two-shoes as people get, always have been.

    In what scenario is violence against your child necessary? I dunno, maybe if you're both being held hostage and the terrorist really hates kid voices?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:14:09 No.5313307
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:14:32 No.5313314
    Damn. Slapping kids, especially strangers kids, is not good at all (if someone slapped my kid I would seriously be pissed about it but even I wouldn't go to court over it), and although the guy was probably really stressed out at the time (just look at him-he looks like a mean motherfucker, worn down)... first-degree cruelty against children? C'mon, that's not first-degree anything. The guy should have got off with a stern warning, or some kind of 'disturbing-the-peace' fee at the most.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:15:29 No.5313321
    You're correct, I can't comprehend poorly executed irony.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:15:46 No.5313326
    Spanking her in this case is entirely gratuitous. All you have to do is ignore her and she'll learn that this doesn't work, and will probably discourage you from getting anything else. Easy.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:15:50 No.5313328
    look at that man's cruel creepy looking face, that kid is going to have serious neuroses
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:16:09 No.5313335

    I think you're right that degree makes a difference, and I wouldn't say you're a monster or something for spanking your kid occasionally, but it is still violence however you want to cut it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:17:13 No.5313350

    I think you've discovered the 'absolute last resort' that one moron keeps going on about.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:17:42 No.5313353
    I apologize for that last bit. It's just that saying "nigger" is surprisingly fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:17:42 No.5313354

    honestly I think the guy deserves to get beaten into a bloody pulp. I don't think it's worth the legal hassle to punish him otherwise... it's just too bad he didn't slap some bodybuilder's kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:18:59 No.5313373
    One thing I won't teach my daughter is racism. Also, LRN2REED. I have ignored her before in the past... 99% of the time it worked, there have been a few times it hasn't, hence why I had to rely on the last resort.

    I'm not denying it is a violent act... hence why it is the absolute final resort when everything else fails. I don't use belts, or spank her so hard she gets a bruise. Just one firm smack on the ass and thats it.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:19:43 No.5313382
    Maybe your verbal warnings are ineffective?

    Maybe if you'd ignored her a little longer it would have stopped.

    Instead you lost your temper and are now here justifying it as 'absolutely necessary.' I'm not calling you a monster or anything, but you're still wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)23:20:23 No.5313386
    Don't worry, you'll learn when you have a kid and it won't listen to you.

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