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  • File : 1251722364.jpg-(40 KB, 608x538, reallydammit.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:39:24 No.5283510  
    ITT Shitty Christmas presents

    Those fucking art pencil packs. WE THOUGHT YOU COULD USE IT IN ONE OF YOUR MASTERPIECES.

    I'm hoping for some shocking ones robots.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:40:27 No.5283521
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:40:59 No.5283526

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:41:45 No.5283530
    20" desktop computer

    I wanted 24" damn it!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:42:16 No.5283533
    My sister's boyfriend got used batteries for Christmas once from his mentally disabled, but well meaning uncle.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:42:25 No.5283534

    I love my parents and appreciate everything they've done for me but really? I'm not THAT bad at spelling.
    >> Captain Indigo !aR10YHrTDg 08/31/09(Mon)08:43:18 No.5283540
    My great-great Grandmother, was a fucking stern, Greek lady, dressed all in black, sat in her special chair the entire time lording over people, you know. I never knew her - dead before my time - but bear with me.

    Well, my grandfather, late on Christmas eve, when he was about 10 or so, snuck downstairs and set fire to her chair.

    While she was still sitting in it.

    She was not fucking happy, not one bit.

    All he got that year was a bag of coal. Nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:44:20 No.5283547
    Face masks. I'm a guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:44:54 No.5283554
    A calendar for the same year
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:46:02 No.5283562
    Shitty clothes that don't fit. They make me rage hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:46:47 No.5283566
    They know you are a protestfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:46:50 No.5283567
    Ahahaha, you guys suck.
    I got a sweet present for chirstmas. Want to know what it was?

    Nothing. Now quit your bawwwwwing
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:48:22 No.5283576
    Alzeihmer. But at least I didn't get Alzeihmer.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:49:15 No.5283582

    I go commando.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:49:20 No.5283583
    No, I mean beauty masks that make your skin soft. Also I was 12.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:49:59 No.5283585
    Retarded little board/card games
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:50:36 No.5283588
    A calculator

    Not even kidding
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:50:49 No.5283590
    But were they spiderman underwear?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:51:14 No.5283593
    ungrateful faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:51:20 No.5283594
    Just because very day in Africa is terrible for the littles AIDS babies doesn't mean I can't have a bad day.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:51:37 No.5283596
    Parents died at 14. No relatives or anything so I was sent off to live two middle-aged pricks. You know what I got for christmas for the next four years? Nothing. Lovely story, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:54:07 No.5283615
    Fapping already anon, cheers
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:54:37 No.5283616
    what about some friendship? It counts too. When I say I got a binder, it's ALL I got.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:54:40 No.5283617
    Christams is overrated anyway.
    Last time they bought me a xbox360 but no games. I couldn't even play it!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:56:32 No.5283623
    I haven't really gotten any bad Christmas presents.

    But my Chinese friend keeps getting weird skin whitening cosmetics from her relatives in China. Apparently that's the cool thing to do in China but she doesn't want to
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:57:22 No.5283629
    yep, got ps3 last christmas, though i asked for xbox; those stupid fuckers
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:58:10 No.5283633
    also inb4 someone posts that picture of the ungrateful bitch on deviantart
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)08:59:55 No.5283645
    I had a really cheap asshole of an uncle. When I was 16, for my birthday he gave me a hand held little racing game by Matel or something. It had 2 buttons for left and right, that's it. Later I saw it for sale at the gas station near my house for $2.99.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:01:04 No.5283650
    I remember my whole childhood any box that vaguely resembled a box of clothes from the outside was looked at like a bomb. I would take it, feel the flimsiness of the inevitable clothes box, and open that shit up to see clothes. Oh yay, clothes! Then that shit would be thrown aside, usually never worn, and forgotten.

    My grandma did actually utilize that though and surprise me with a new hot wheels car (they were the shit back then) on top of the clothes.
    >> YOU SHALL NOT PASS !!UQigqeL//yf 08/31/09(Mon)09:01:17 No.5283654
    an external hard drive so i can download more movies for them
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:01:44 No.5283659
    Yeah I'm living here. In western countries we have infomericials for 5 minute abs and to lose weight and shit, here they have..... skin-whitening.
    Works about as well the weight loss shit and the ads are crappy enough to be massive lulz that anyone believes it. Obvious airbrush is fucking obvious.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:01:53 No.5283660
    Every fucking year I get socks. And last year my sister got me cushions for my couch, and my grandmother got me a towel.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:02:47 No.5283668
    15 years old. asked for an xbox. got a slot car track.. SLOT CARS??!! those haven't been popular since the 1980s. and even then they got old after a few days.

    Last christmas i made a very exact list of computer parts i wanted. Got a $100 visa gift card, and about $200 in worthless junk. got a hand vacuum some other things. got a mini tool set from radioshack. went to use it for the first time, first turn of the screw driver and it broke loose from the handle. needless to say i still give my mom shit about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:05:56 No.5283683
    My parents are really, really weird when it comes to gifts. A couple years ago for christmas, I think I was 19, they got me this $350 comprehensive medical encyclopedia of diseases. At the time I was like "what the fuck?" because I really wanted a 360, or you know, pretty much anything fun.

    I've read through big parts of it. It's pretty interesting and I've inadvertently learned kind of a lot about internal medicine from just being bored.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:06:04 No.5283684
         File1251723964.jpg-(344 KB, 640x478, Nude_beach15012.jpg)
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    only 6 chocolate bars
    only 4 bags of candy
    no gift cards to candy shops or anyplace that sells candy
    no gift cards to restaurants
    no new clothes, no computer games, only wii and ps3
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:06:31 No.5283687
    A cheap plastic hairbrush from my neighbour. I came across it one day at the reject shop for $1, realised how cheap she is.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:07:59 No.5283694
    I was 4 years old and had extreme arachnophobia.

    my dad got me a life sized plastic tarantula.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:12:08 No.5283716
    So many of you are selfish little cunts.

    If these are the worst presents you've gotten, you have nothing to be bitter about.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:14:16 No.5283728
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:14:36 No.5283732
         File1251724476.jpg-(171 KB, 780x1200, moar.jpg)
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    i never got moar =(
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:16:45 No.5283746
    This, this is fanatastic! Epic win!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:17:12 No.5283750

    I posted this in /ic/ and they were like "Be grateful motherfucker."

    They don't fucking understand, they're pieces of shit and I have like twelve of them holding up my bed. Who's gonna carry a fucking briefcase around??
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:17:32 No.5283751
    oh i have another! if you're checking trips 3rd post, idc. asked for lego millennium falcon from my aunt. got one of those fooseball/air hockey/pool/mini shuffleboard/ping pong tables. real shitty day.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:18:19 No.5283758
    My great-grandmother gave me a can of sardines for Christmas, couldn't even eat it because the date had expired...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:18:28 No.5283760
    you're holding up your bed with pencils?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:19:59 No.5283769
    >checking trips

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:20:41 No.5283777
    a lot of this would be bad if you're parents or significant other got it for you. but it's some distant relative.

    Quit being selfish, of course your great grandmother won't get you anything good
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:21:06 No.5283779
    what picture? Sauce? I want to see it

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:22:35 No.5283784

    Naw, they're these really shitty "art sets" you can find at any arts and crafts store for like 15 dollars, and if you're lucky enough that you can draw a straight line everyone in your family will buy you one in hopes of being able to say "I encouraged that greatness, therefore I am part of his success!"

    Really, it would be such a bigger help if they invested in, say, ONE fountain pen or a nice sketchbook, or even a book on perspective drawing. But no.

    I guess I shouldn't blame idiots for what they do, but why not just ask me what would help me get better? Certainly not a giant briefcase full of shitty pastels and crumbling kindergarten watercolors
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:23:44 No.5283791
    My parents usually just ask me what I want, sometimes I even go to the store with them to choose it. Other family members just send money or gift vouchers
    >> Magikarp !!6Ek0iVjJ7FP 08/31/09(Mon)09:24:01 No.5283793
    I got a disposable camera for my birthday once.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:27:02 No.5283812
    I asked for headphones (expecting Sennheisers or something) and got shitty earphones from the pound shop that broke within a week
    >> Black ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 08/31/09(Mon)09:30:10 No.5283824
    I got a yoyo and a wallet..

    I was 13
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:30:48 No.5283829
    Whats up with these fucking gift-sets of fucking axe deodorants and body washes and shit yes i am over 12 years old, no i am not a guido piece of shit, yes i still like vidogames idiots buy me them insted. Goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:30:57 No.5283830
    So, we had a table-tennis-table that I refused to use. It got broken. Christmas of the next year, my parents said that they'd organised for my grandparents to get a really awesome gift for myself and my brothers. You guessed it; a table-tennis-table. I tried to be polite, but after they left my parents tried to force me to play. I refused, and they kept at it. Fuck. I mean, it's not the fact that I got something I didn't like that bothers me. It's that my parents knew very, very well that I can't stand table-tennis, and made sure that we got a table-tennis-table, and then tried to make me like it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:31:27 No.5283834
    Those fucking fuzzy color-in posters. God damn, every fucking year.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:31:54 No.5283836

    gonna have ta call you a faggot there, buddy, I'd love to get a wallet and a yoyo this year.

    And I'm fucking 26.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:32:30 No.5283841
         File1251725550.jpg-(272 KB, 1680x1050, gengar.jpg)
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    You guys are all faggots. You should post the "worst" gift you've ever gotten along with the best one you've ever given. Because most of you have probably never spent any real money or time on a great gift for someone in your family yet you expect everything to be perfect for you and if your parents can't afford/don't want to buy a fucking game console you suddenly get all butthurt.

    When I have kids I think I will skip buying serious gifts on christmas/birthdays just so they don't grow up to be spoiled entitled faggots like you guys. Because if your parents were always telling you "you'll get an xbox if you do this and that" you wouldn't feel cheated every time you didn't get the exact perfect shit for free.

    Fuck I raged
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:38:09 No.5283873
    Last year for my 17th birthday my grandmother gave me an egg timer.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:39:52 No.5283890
    No Christmas stories to tell but around the ages of seven to nine I received for my birthdays the following from my brother (or rather his psycho wife running his household):

    a poster of metalfaced Einstein with the caption "Zink big". Probably free handout from the local industry to promote zink in construction or something...

    the book "The Mosquito Coast" - obviously used with cookiecrumbs and fingerprints in it. She didn't even try to hide it, said "It was a really good book!". At that age I didn't read anything but comics as most kids.

    a poster of an expensive racing bicycle to look at. Not sure I even had a bike back then.

    Now I understand she has some severe mental issues but back then it kinda sucked especially since everyone used to say that it's the thought that counts so I was pretty sure she was thinking "Fuck you".
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:40:16 No.5283892
    What about me then? I remember telling my parents that i wanted a playstation 2 for christmas one year and insted they got me six bullshit gifts, like a sweater some facecleaning set and like a new dollar store cd-player, whose total value would have been equal to the price of a ps2.

    Whats up with that?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:41:37 No.5283901
    tons of bad ass shit, thanks for reminding me op
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:42:18 No.5283907
    I got a Mickey Mouse pen once...and it was half used.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:43:44 No.5283918
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:44:49 No.5283926
    what were you expecting you little shit? a brand new car? fuck off
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:49:11 No.5283956
    A swag for my 16th, that I use solely for when my 8 year old nephew stays at our house.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:50:44 No.5283963
    Just the usual stuff like cups and Lynx deodorant.

    I have this neighbour though. She's 88 years old and she was one of the first people to see me when I came from the hospital and she's always been there for me and my family. Anyway, every birthday and Christmas since I turned 11 (I'm 20 now) she has bought me something Simpsons related. It's either chocolate, books, comics, toys, cards, posters etc etc. Last year it was a Homer garden gnome.

    I usually just get her gift vouchers or give her money and I kinda wish she'd do the same, but still, it's pretty much tradition now.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:52:01 No.5283970
    more like a dick in the ass
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:52:17 No.5283973
    When I was 13/14 I got one of those games where you have to move a ring around a wire. It had a helicopter on, it was called "Beat the Bleep". ages 4-8. what the fuck.

    My mum still gets me things like make your own windchimes, make your own necklaces, grow crystals...
    I'm fucking 20.
    >> Black ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 08/31/09(Mon)09:52:21 No.5283975
    >>5283836 aren't understanding.

    That was ALL I got.

    A 1 dollar wallet and a 1 dollar yoyo
    >>   08/31/09(Mon)09:53:43 No.5283986
    after my parents split i got pictures of random things for my Christmas presents i think they are both mentally retarted
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:54:19 No.5283989
    For my 18th my dad got me a stripper. to come to our house. when it was just the 2 of us. and he put on music and yelled weird shit at her for like an hour. it was very very uncomfotable for me, i feel bad for the girl.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:54:47 No.5283992
    on my 21st birthday my parents were just going to take me out to dinner and go to a movie. My dad realized he might not have enough money so i ended up paying for our meal and movie tickets...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:55:04 No.5283993
    I once got a half filled beanbag. With a hole in it. All my cousins and everyone else got more than me, and better stuff </3
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:58:05 No.5284007
    A set of eye blinding Lisa frank stationery.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:00:47 No.5284025
    I got a watering can once
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:04:22 No.5284060
    A couple of my friends were like "come on man, it's your birthday, we're taking you to see this band you really like."

    Only instead of them taking me, I end up driving them the 75 miles to the venue, paying for the gas, paying for THE TICKETS, and paying for the food. Then like a month later, one of them tried to use how "they took me to that show on my birthday" as leverage to get me to do something for them. I kind of blew the fuck up and told them to all fuck off, that they were shitty people and worse friends, and I never really talked to them again. Fucking dicks.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:11:19 No.5284111
    mum got me a pineapple for my 17th bday, yep.

    now every year all my friends get me pineapples. I have more pineapples then i could ever want to eat. fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:11:58 No.5284115

    I want to shake your hand, you sound like you have a great sense of humor
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:12:34 No.5284119
    I was homeless one christmas, and some stranger gave me a cigarette, and I was thankful as hell.

    So you little fucks are sickening me.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:14:14 No.5284139
    You're too stupid/inept/whatever to maintain a place to live, and to top it off, you squander whatever money you manage to get on retarded little addictions. Don't talk to any of us about anyone sickening you.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:16:57 No.5284158
    I once got half a bottle of moisturiser from my down syndrome aunt. She'd stuffed toilet paper into the top to stop it leaking.
    >> Alexander DeLarge !!rEBSBJNiaqe 08/31/09(Mon)10:17:23 No.5284160
    Haha that's hilarious. I know exactly what you are talking about.

    I have a weird aunty who gets weird presents, but it's just expected now and I like the block of chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:19:01 No.5284174
    > fuzzy color-in posters

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:22:28 No.5284190
    I liked all my presents.
    >> !!llG5P/ksV2y 08/31/09(Mon)10:22:56 No.5284192

    I turned that Pineapple into an Midori Illusion cup you dickhole!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:23:15 No.5284195
         File1251728595.png-(513 KB, 370x496, poster.png)
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    I think he means these
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:23:59 No.5284204
    I got a word processor for Christmas one year because my mom really needed one.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:24:47 No.5284210

    it tasted like shit. only good thing was that you nearly cut your hand off making it. next time i hope you slit your own throat open.
    >> !!llG5P/ksV2y 08/31/09(Mon)10:26:46 No.5284225

    Next year your getting a fucking tomato and a tissue.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:27:47 No.5284235
    You just reminded me - My head mistress bought me a mango for my 16th birthday.
    >> !!llG5P/ksV2y 08/31/09(Mon)10:28:50 No.5284242
    ahahahahahaha. A mango?

    .....wait.... why your head mistress.....?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:28:59 No.5284243

    great idea. why not just give it to me this year since my birthday hasnt been yet, you fucking idiot.

    Seriously, id give you a shitty present this year, but i think your too god damn stupid to survive that long. I predict youll get up tomorrow and choke on your porrige. In conclusion, your mothers a whore
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:29:01 No.5284244

    i fucking loved those
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:29:16 No.5284249

    Because most of the people on /r9k/ don't live with their parents and have no life experience.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:29:25 No.5284250
    why are they fuzzy?

    or is that the brand?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:30:35 No.5284260

    >head mistress

    she wanted you. bad. Anyhoo, im the pineapple guy. can we be friends?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:30:38 No.5284261
    I have no idea, bro, but she thought it was hilarious

    ..I went to a "special" school
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:31:55 No.5284273
    The black bits are made from felt, means you can't mess up the poster if you go over the lines. I think it's aimed at 8 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:31:59 No.5284274
    I got a guide on how to lose weight.
    Which is really quite odd considering I'm 6 feet tall, 90kg, and only 7% body fat.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:32:50 No.5284278
    Only if you promise never to buy me fruit as a gift. Deal?
    >> !!llG5P/ksV2y 08/31/09(Mon)10:33:31 No.5284283

    Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elder berries.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:34:39 No.5284295

    Ok. you can give me any mangoes you get. They go for $2 a pop where i live. seriously
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:35:08 No.5284301
    I'm 6' and 65kg

    You probably needed the book
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:35:58 No.5284308
    >most of the people on /r9k/ don't live with their parents
    Oh anon you card.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:40:21 No.5284336

    shut the fuck up shit eater. Oh yeah, wasnt blade in perth this weekend for uni shit? any idea how that went?
    >> !!llG5P/ksV2y 08/31/09(Mon)10:44:36 No.5284372
    eat a cawk.

    he was in town. didnt go anywhere.

    Speaking of shitting presents, we got blade. lulz.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:48:43 No.5284412
    I always knew how my family was doing money so I could decide what to ask for Christmas. If we had mo ey woes I never asked for much, but was always nappy with what I got. Shit, I remember that when I was 11 were pretty broke and all I aske for was some coloring books and shirts, I got it and was happy about it.

    Learn to e grateful anon, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:50:06 No.5284421
    Hi there!
    You must be either:
    a) A retard
    b) illiterate
    c) Severly lacking in reading comprehension skills.

    Read the post again, realise your error, then wash your mouth out with buckshot
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:52:31 No.5284440
    Shitty games for pc or consoles. It just feels wrong to trade them out after you got them as a gift.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:53:09 No.5284443
    He's 6 feet and 65kg
    You're 6 feet and 90kg

    that's an entire 25kg of difference, you fat fucker
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:53:13 No.5284444

    dude go turn them in and get the game you wanted, win win
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:56:52 No.5284460
    The guy specified his body fat percentage at 7%. That's "I have an 8-pack" body fat. Granted, I doubt he's telling the truth, but you're still an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:01:29 No.5284482
    I never get anythig for my birthday or for chirstmas, I just spend time with family. You faggots are a spoiled bunch. BOOHOO I ONLY GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY BUT I WANTED A TRUCK ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:02:46 No.5284491
    One year i received a frozen chicken in an esky. Turned out to be the coolest present ever!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:03:56 No.5284499
    Am I the only one who hates gift cards? Kind of defeats the purpose of gift giving when people go around trading money. Actually, it completely defeats the purpose. Just going through the motions... fuck that. It almost depresses me. A gift should be thoughtful gesture, not a meaningless obligation. No exchange would be much better.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:04:16 No.5284500
    WTF is this? People are bitching about getting free shit? If these relatives told you "oh, I'll buy you an awesome video game this year if you do blah blah blah" and buy you one of those cheap $2 hand held game things from a gas station after you do whatever they asked, I can see why you're pissed, but otherwise, you guys are just getting pissed for getting free shit.

    I honestly can't recall the worse present I got, since I've been pretty thankful for just about everything I've been given. Even those last minute gifts bought from a gas station meant something to me, because it shows that despite them being a distant relative that I've never talked to or have done anything for before, they still seem to care enough to at least give me something for free.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:09:46 No.5284540
    We gave my cousin a $100+ digital photo frame for his eighteenth.
    I got a thirty dollar movie voucher, a little cheap but not too bad...the locations of the cinemas are: Salisbury, Tea Tree Plaza (my aunt's local shop, she really thought ahead with that one) and Norwood. I live at least an hour and a half from each location.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:10:47 No.5284548
    ho ho ho you
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:12:38 No.5284562
    that actually took me a second to catch on, what's wrong with me
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:12:45 No.5284564
    Thank you for having common sense. I'm one of the people that grew up really poor and was at point homeless, so I never got Christmas gifts. We were just glad we could eat dinner together.. and I remember one year someone anonymously donated a Christmas turkey dinner to our family (we got up had the doorbell ring at where we lived, and there was the dinner outside the doorstep from a charity). Best fucking gift in the world to be able to eat that night together.

    You fuckers take your fucking lives for granted.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:13:45 No.5284573
    We all have our moments
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:14:13 No.5284577
    Never had any christmas presents. I'm a Jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:16:05 No.5284589
    I've never gotten a bad gift
    I mean, its free stuff dudes.

    I've never given a good gift either so that kinda ads it out. I got the perfect gift planned for my bro for his birthday though.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:18:32 No.5284606
    It has nothing to do with the actual empirical value of the gift, it has to do with the obvious lack of giving a shit behind it. A $2 gas station video game from an uncle with more than $2 to spare for some random nephew basically says "I don't really give a fuck about you, but I still have to satisfy my socio-familial obligation." No one likes to get slapped in the face with an I-don't-give-a-fuck gift, it makes you feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:26:11 No.5284658
    is this serious? in that case fuck you, so much
    A PS3 is worth more than a xbox and you bitch a moan about not getting what you want.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:34:31 No.5284724
    It's still not something to be pissed about.

    "oh gee, my uncle that doesn't give a shit about me continues to not give a shit about me...but IT'S CHRISTMAS HE'S SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME FREE SHIT EVEN THOUGH I NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR HIM!!!!"
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:36:20 No.5284733
    I once got given a set of spark plugs when I was about 13 and didn't have a car or moterbike or anything. I once got a tartan travel rug when I was 15. When I was 8 I got a cut off plug inside a jagged beer can wrapped up. One year I got the fruit bowl wrapped up but I was told to put it back when I was done with it.

    Yes. Alcoholic Dad.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:43:53 No.5284766
    A plain black T-shirt 2 sizes too small, and a watch that couldn't have cost more then $20.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:47:39 No.5284783

    So did I...

    It was all I wanted. It was the perfect present. I love my watch.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:50:50 No.5284807
         File1251733850.jpg-(23 KB, 387x426, Christ.jpg)
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    It wasn't so much Christmas as much as it was a Birthday-Christmas gift since my birthday happens to be on the 28th.

    Now, my parents don't usually splurge on me, and I'm cool on that. Usually, they take me out to dinner and I'm given a small token of some kind but tends to be inexpensive.

    On my 18th birthday, that didn't happen. Now, my family has never been all that religious, but, this year, my mother kept mentioning how "we really should be going to church" and so forth. On my birthday, I'm handed a small Tupperware box; inside was just a bunch of papers.

    Turns out, those bunch of papers were a bunch of Bible verses my mother had xeroxed and, tapped to the very bottom was a picture of the "real" Jesus (pic related).

    My mother told me that, now that I was an adult, she wanted to give me my own "moral compass" and that I should pray to Jesus for guidance in my adult life. With that, she pulled out a Bible and started reading it to me.

    While I appreciated the meaning behind this gift, I couldn't help but feel a bit, oh, I dunno... jipped. Even more so since I have no idea where this idea came from! Sure, my family never really attended church, and my mother was over the whole "I want to be religious" thing months later, but it wasn't like I was a bad kid. I could understand if I was some hellion that ALWAYS got into trouble and this was her last attempt to put some sense into me before releasing me to the world, but I wasn't. If anything, I was a goody-two-shoes who was afraid to do anything fun because it might be against the rules.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:02:26 No.5284907
    What the fuck are Christmas presents? Every year I hear these stories about some big ol' fat guy who breaks into your house jacks your milk and FUCKING COOKIES, and I that for such a sacrifice this man leaves you shit. I am not a jenovahs witness. To tell you the truth i could never see what they witnessed. Was it supposed to be some sort of miracle or some shit? Anyways never got "christmas" presents, hell half the time my whole family pretended like the fucking holiday didn't exsist
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:05:34 No.5284928
    Cologne. Way to give a hint, Dad.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:14:54 No.5284999
    Resume-building software dated 1995 that I got a couple of years ago; the clear plastic envelope had been cut haphazardly open and the cd rom itself was scratched and had obviously been used. My stepbrother got an electric guitar. LOL FAVORITISM.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:14:54 No.5285000
    I like these little plastic figurines called Crazy Bones, because they look cool on my desk, and on top of my CD rack. So I asked for some for Christmas. In my stocking, I found I had a packet of them, so I was really happy. Then when I went through the rest of my stocking, there was one...two...three...fifteen packets of them. Normally, I'd have been pretty stoked, but the amount of them was ridiculous, I got a shitload of the same ones, and for the price they cost, it could have been two CDs.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:18:48 No.5285021
    Jackets and shirts that I'd never wear.

    Actually, my older sister's boyfriend has been getting at least 2x the amount of gifts from my parents than I have for the last couple of years. Bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:22:37 No.5285047
    this one time my parents gave me for christmas they said it was worth 300$
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 08/31/09(Mon)12:27:52 No.5285088
    Last birthday was good, I got money, a new monitor and a new watch.

    I would be fine with that every year but people have to constantly buy me shit I don't want, like sports bags, useless junk out of mail order magazines, hideous clothes etc.

    I would be happier to receive nothing on Christmas than useless shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:28:03 No.5285090
    Books. So many books.

    I mean, I read a lot of books. But my dad buys me and my sister a handful of books each month anyway. This suddenly stops in November, and I get a bunch for Christmas.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:36:06 No.5285159
    One year for my birthday, I got a CD, $10 and a box of chocolates (which my dog ate when I left the room)

    The same year, my sister got $125 and a camera.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:41:08 No.5285194
    I got a laptop, and a cowon a3 for my last Christmas.
    My friend got a new benz as a gift for passing his driving test.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:42:11 No.5285206
    i already hate you. prick. i got nothing for passing my test.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:43:45 No.5285217
    Oh yeah i forgot to say i got $200 for passing my driver's test.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)13:03:18 No.5285394
    I was 17.

    For christmas I put 200 pounds towards a car that cost 300 pounds for my mum, and I got an iPhone for my dad.

    I asked for either a treadmill (finally decided to start improving myself), or an xbox 360 (I game a lot, this was a must-have), both of which cost about the same amount, the deal was they'd buy one, and I'd buy the other.

    They got me a wii.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:24:20 No.5285976
    Lol, i killed the thread
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:27:26 No.5285992
    A friend of mine got a brand new car ( a good one, I don't remember what the hell it was, this was 3 years ago and I was pretty pissed about it ) from his dad when he and his girlfriend of a year broke up. Rich people.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:30:44 No.5286007
    I got barf-yellow socks. BARF-YELLOW.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:31:13 No.5286012

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:34:14 No.5286036
    My family went to church for Christmas.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:36:12 No.5286049
    You guys remember the glory that is Pokemon cards? Well I asked for them, and got the fucking knock off brand. The knock offs couldn't battle, but still had holographic pictures on them.

    My parents were super proud of themselves when they told me they had collected all 150 different Pokemon. I was disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:38:56 No.5286073
    I got some puzzle game for the Game Boy Color last year. I lol'd pretty hard because my mom thought it was "new and cool!". She meant well and she does this every year so I don't care. Plus, it's her who caused my secret love for shitty, outdated puzzle games.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:42:21 No.5286099

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:56:00 No.5286188
    This one Christmas when I was really young, my parents got me a few presents. I'd opened all except one and while they were all fairly good gifts, nothing spectacular yet. So I open my last present and I discover that it's a video game that I'd really wanted! I was really happy that they had gotten it, but I didn't actually have the console to play it on. I thanked them anyway assuming that they had just gotten it because "it's that thing she wanted and she'll have fun with it" so after that, my dad goes "Wait! I think I see one more thing back here!" and pulls out this box from behind our tree. It was the console. That was actually one of my best Christmas'.

    Thought I'd tell a story about something positive rather than sitting her complain about how 'they didn't get me a CAR omg.'
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:58:15 No.5286204
    Perfume or cologne that smell awefull
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:05:06 No.5286254
    When I was a young girl, my aunt would buy me expensive Barbies for Christmas. I always wanted to play with them because they were so pretty and came with lots of little extras, but I was told to store them until I was much older and sell them.

    It was probably dumb of me to do it, but a while ago I gave some of the better ones away to kids so they could play with them. I'm sure some of those Barbies were "worth a lot", but I'm not sure who would've bought them in the first place. As a kid who didn't have a lot of toys, I hated not even being able to take them out of the box. A kid would probably be more excited to get one than a collector would.

    On a similar note...what the fuck did I just watch?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:14:46 No.5286328
    My worst present was from the year my mom didn't have a job, so we were scraping by, and the most expensive thing I got was a fish-shaped keychain light. It was pathetic but I didn't hold it against her because I knew we didn't have much money and we usually had great Christmases. We didn't even have a tree that year because my mom was so depressed.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:18:08 No.5286368
    Not a Christmas gift, but this reminds me of the worst birthday gift I ever got. I was like ten years old and already reading adult-age novels and a cousin who I didn't see very often got me these Disney books for kids learning how to read. She said "I heard you love to read!" Even for most kids at my age it would have been an inappropriate gift.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:22:20 No.5286407

    Fuck you nigger. I bought my mother a Kindle last year.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:25:45 No.5286437
    I asked for a certain type of pen one year, and they got me a shitty cheap one that was basically worthless. I guess people who aren't artistic don't realize that all writing/drawing utensils are not equal, so I just thanked them for it moved on.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:31:36 No.5286469

    Your Christmas meant something. ;_;

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