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  • File : 1251121537.png-(509 KB, 677x598, Picture 9.png)
    509 KB Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:45:37 No.5204217  
    So pretty much the deal with asperger's is it's a disease where you act like a douche and can't get laid?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:46:48 No.5204231
    It is a fictional disease where socially retarded people can pretend to be victimized and have an excuse for not changing.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:47:30 No.5204236

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:48:46 No.5204246
    Okay, I think the thread's over now.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:49:39 No.5204252
    man, i wish i was as cool as you
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:49:46 No.5204253
    Spergers can get laid, at least occasionally. I don't imagine they're that common on /r9k/ - their problem is that they are not self-conscious ENOUGH.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:53:24 No.5204269

    How many times have you heard people saying that they won't get help from shrinks and go to doctors because they have a self diagnosed "aspergers disease." Me cool or just being logical?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)09:54:27 No.5204279
    It's a social dysfunction where you are not able to "naturally" develop a normal exchange with other humans. If you are smart enough, you can figure out how you are supposed to react and eventually make those reactions nearly automatic. 8 years ago I would have be classified as having this, but now I would not be because of consistent efforts on my part to behave normally for whichever social situation I encounter. It has gotten me sex, etc, and is worth the effort.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:00:16 No.5204335


    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:02:42 No.5204352
    People lie about having aspergers, therefore aspergers doesn't exist.
    People lie about having girlfriends, therefore girlfriends don't exist.
    At least /r9k/ is being consistent tonight.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:03:23 No.5204358
    When I was a kid my parents thought I had it. Nowadays I'm just an extroverted smartass.
    >> Pretentious. You Illyrians make me sick! A fine tripfag of Slavic descent. !nzcH8FLamA 08/24/09(Mon)10:07:41 No.5204394
    Dear asspies who can get that just happen to be browsing /r9k/ at this very time.Do you plan on having children?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:24:10 No.5204520
    Someone make a male tier please, I'd like to know where i'm at.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:26:31 No.5204530

    God tier
    Air male

    Medium tier
    Priority male

    Shit tier
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:30:28 No.5204555
    Real aspies are like normal folks with a touch of autism. From what I've seen; most of them are very capable of getting laid and acting less douchey than most of /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:45:22 No.5204651
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    i think that the foundation of alot of the douchbagery has alot to do with psychosomatic behavior. being the socially challenged bastards that they are usually over or undershooting but never really right on the dot keeps them at a spaz like state. ive seen alot of them. i think theyre kinda cool but at the same time its hard to see them function like that.......
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:47:36 No.5204667
    Spoiler: Aspergers have lamesex with asperger girls all the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:54:14 No.5204710
    My therapist tried to tell me I had aspergers, but I calmly explained to her that only people that get laughed at on the internet have aspergers.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:57:40 No.5204735
    is it wrong that i read the OP in the pic's voice?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)10:59:12 No.5204742

    It is, because that means you watched that shitty movie. Or that you admit it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:03:35 No.5204776
    actually... I think what is happening is anti social humans are breeding together and this is causing their offspring to by hyper-anti social. Socially defective people are that way because of genetics. Ultimately this breeding process results in autistic offspring.

    brains are complex things...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:11:37 No.5204823

    Yeah, pretty much the same with me. Just replace "8 years" with "10" and "it has gotten me sex" with "I could've had sex but have opted not to due to the fact that I'm essentially asexual." Anyways, yeah, it's basically a legal excuse to act like a dickhead, as far as I've seen.

    Case in point, I knew one particular jackhole asspie who went around groping/sexually harassing/stalking a couple of my friends some time ago and tried with me (why, I don't know since I'd made it very clear I wasn't and am not interested in anyone and that it probably wouldn't go over well for him if he tried), and nobody called the cops because, in the words of my own dad after he tried stalking me, "he has AS so it's not his fault. Why don't you try and make friends with him?"

    I almost punched him. There's no excuse for being that socially retarded and not trying to change. Ever.

    tl;dr: Yeah, pretty much, OP, because most of them just say that it's a reason for them not to put any effort in to improve themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:16:10 No.5204853
    I hate all these little bullshit disorders. My brother is a fucking idiot who everyone ends up hating. However, since my parents refuse to take him to a shrink and get a 'diagnoses' (and rightfully so), he's that and nothing more: a normal person who acts stupid and that everyone hates. If he had some kind of disorder he could make people put up with his bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:18:25 No.5204865
    Aspergers is a mild form of autism, meaning that those that have it are basically retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:19:48 No.5204870
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    Yeah, Psychologists are full of shit. Also, Ed Gein was just a pervert that should have manned up and got the fuck over himself.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:22:59 No.5204895

    Your parents are bad parents, and you're a bad brother.

    What you're saying is exactly equivalent to:

    >My brother has enlarged lymph nodes and has recently started coughing up blood. However, since my parents refuse to take him to a doctor and get a 'diagnosis' (and rightfully so), he's that and nothing more: an extremely sick person who has excessive fatigue unusual weight loss, and chronic bone pain and who everyone recognises has something wrong but aren't qualified to make a diagnosis. If he had a cancer diagnosis he could engage medical professionals and his support network, including family and friends, to assist in fighting/coping with the disease.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:23:53 No.5204903
    I doubt most of them are even aware their condition has a name. Though, the last 5 years or so has seen a huge number of self-"diagnosed" cases.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:32:18 No.5204983

    It wasn't just my dad who gave me that crap, but the douchebag himself... "I have AS!" like it's a badge of pride. Told me he was diagnosed by a shrink and refuses to change because of some shit about "I don't want to have to hide who I am."

    And yet, he's 24 years old, lives in his parents, refuses to leave and gropes and verbally sexually harasses 15-17 year old girls. The friend of mine he groped, he groped IN FRONT OF RESPONSIBLE ADULTS. Cops were not called, he got off consequence free. And her mother, even now, makes her socialize with him out of pity. Even though he groped her daughter in front of her...

    I came to a conclusion after that, at the age of 17.,. One, these adults need to extract their heads from their asses and two, someone needs to call the fucking police.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:38:01 No.5205045
    That's bullshit. Someone with aspies is capable of learning not to grope people (and even more capable of learning that it's wrong).

    Asperger's is real, it has side effects that make one socially awkward, but it's not an excuse for any and all anti-social behavior.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:48:59 No.5205127
    I've met diagonsed aspies who've grown up, got jobs, got married have kids, seem mostly normal.

    They can do it; people who don't are either coddled or don't want to put in the effort.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:51:37 No.5205150

    I... Wouldn't be so sure. Currently,I have some other retarded asspie fucking stalking me at college.

    I dunno why I get them stalking me, probably because they're too oblivious to realize I'd really prefer to be left alone.

    But Captain Social Retardation follows me around asking me about my political beliefs, which I do not discuss ever since that tends to end in screaming matches, and trying horribly to make small talk, which with him tends to involve trying to discuss how bad the people at the school district we both went to are/were. Last time I saw the bastard the conversation was 'were you TEASED in school?"

    I think my problem is I've been too polite and was trying to spare the idiot's feelings and was hoping he'd get it when I'm talking to my friends and pretending he doesn't exist. Next time, I'm gonna go all-out blunt... "Go away and let me listen to my iPod for fuck's sake" will hopefully do it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:52:43 No.5205161
    im telling you these people just cant escape themselves, theyre basically ruled by a schizo like where as their temptations and common sense collide and form their own logic thus......schizo like symptoms guide them and theyre "big picture" is just a long fucking movie.

    what a way to fucking live eh? a sociopath with feelings.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:53:53 No.5205172
    if you sit down with the DSM-IV (which is basically a big bad book full of mental disorders) you can probably self-diagnose yourself with HALF THE GODDAMNED BOOK.

    Seriously, look on it less as a medical condition and more as a set of attributes on a sliding scale.

    It's a disease, it's a symptom of how your brain grew and the experiences you've had. Work with it rather than just labelling yourself as some kind of emotional cripple.

    You're not.

    Now man up, find a courage wolf and get out there!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:56:50 No.5205194

    That sounds like full-blown autism, not Aspergers. My little bro has full-blown autism and he's so fucked in the head that he mixes up his gender pronouns. How can you seriously expect someone like that to learn that touching other people's tits is wrong?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:58:09 No.5205201

    He has Aspergers you stupid woman, he is INCAPABLE of "getting it." You should have been blunt the first time.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)11:59:14 No.5205213
    >How can you seriously expect someone like that to learn that touching other people's tits is wrong?

    If he can get away with this, citing a mental illness, I would not blame him at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:00:24 No.5205221
    No, he's just very loud and always ends up saying the wrong thing. He also can't take a hint when people don't want to deal with him.
    He doesn't have some kind of disorder, he just doesn't care.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:04:29 No.5205253

    I've interacted with a lot of autistic and AS kids due to some seriously fucked up shit that's gone down thanks to parents and shrinks. Trust me, I know the difference.

    He's definitely not your classic autistic case. He's not wrapped up in his own little word, he's verbal, he's perverted and he's spoiled shitless and his parents never taught him, apparently, that sexual harassment is bad. I know his parents, too, and his dad doesn't care and his mom lets him walk all the fuck over her. He's basically a pathetic, spoiled little brat who thinks he has every right to get everything he wants because "I HAVE AS!" (I took pity on him at one point and invited him along to a sports event with my dad and myself... Basically, he tried to make me carry his food to our seats for him, when I had a sprained ankle and was on crutches, tried to help himself to MY food, tried to help himself to the seats of some friends of ours and complained about the noise at every chance. It's a fucking hockey game, not a funeral.)

    tl;dr- If his parents gave a shit and beat some sense into him however possible, he'd know that grabbing the tits of jailbait is a bad, bad idea. As it is, they haven't, they didn't and he doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:06:11 No.5205260
    i may have seen an aspie the other day.

    stuck out like a sore thumb yet he was so subtle and quiet almost eerie how ghostly he was, barely spoke and had a quiet tone.

    how can you gain any pleasure in life being so seemingly emotionless
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:07:32 No.5205270
    I am friends with a guy with hardcore aspergers.

    He kissed a girl once.

    The dude is a great guy, but is socially retarded so everyone thinks he is a dick.

    I'm going to figure out a way to "fix" him eventually.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:09:31 No.5205289

    Not all pleasure is emotional.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:11:33 No.5205304

    >> jailbait

    Underaged B& if you don't post some fucking tits I'm gonna have to ban you.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:11:42 No.5205305
    Same here. Up until I'd say...7th grade or so I was a fucking social retard. After that I slowly just learned how to react to stuff. But hell, that may just be me being a social retard and not having Aspergers. So whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:11:43 No.5205306
    In about 3rd-5th grade, my best friend had AS. I didn't realize it until years later, I always thought he was just a nervous little fucker. kind of eye-opening
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:17:50 No.5205344

    well what i meant by that was the fact that this kid seemed to mock the ability to just be, the kid seemed so down and sloth like with many aspects in contemporary to everyone else.

    also his eyes were so weird and piercing made me uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:19:21 No.5205355
    I can't say I disagree with you but, damn.. You shoulda seen what he grabbed, though... An emo, manly-looking scrawny flat bitch. On a scale of 1-10, she's a -30.


    I'm stupid, but you're the one defending a bunch of bullshit psychobabble spewed forth by the shrinks who're paid to come up with these non-existent disorders, and basically making excuses for socially retarded stalkers.


    People let him do whatever the hell he wants. I've gone to professors, my parents and even counselors in desperation. The first and last know him, and they just tell me to let it slide. My parents gave me some tips but he fucking follows me everywhere. It's fucking CREEPY, and he looks like a hobo and it's pissing off my friends greatly, and they've tried the blunt thing. Bastard still won't go away. It's making us all rage a bit.

    Hahahaha, you really think I'm jailbait? One, this incident happened just after my birthday in 2007 and I'm turning 20 in a bit over two weeks, read: I was of age even then. Two, trust me on this, you don't wanna see my tits. I'm not remotely attractive, so that won't happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:20:35 No.5205363
    >in contemporary to everyone else
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:24:28 No.5205385
    The developer of Bittorrent has Asperger's and he's a normal person.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:25:57 No.5205399

    What did the rest of him look like? I.e. what color were his eyes, his hair, skin, etc...
    >> sage 08/24/09(Mon)12:26:57 No.5205406
    This is partially true.

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:29:53 No.5205424

    well he was slim, curly hair (small fro), not bad looking,
    mexican i assume, dark brown eyes,
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:40:41 No.5205503

    There is such a thing as piercing brown eyes? Really?
    >> Paco 08/24/09(Mon)12:45:06 No.5205539
    Aspergers is the scapegoat of all stripes of internet weirdo. It's a real disorder, but its urgency is diminished by fuckheads who can't accept the simle fact that they are a sane person who likes to yiff/molest kids/get peed on.

    Compare to "bipolar" circa 2001, and "ADD" circa the late 90's.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:45:36 No.5205542

    well it wasnt the color of his eyes it was the way he wore them, looked like a owl mad dogging you.
    lol almost as if he saw my inner thoughts.
    but lets not get all passions of a gay man here this guys eyes were not like anyones eyes ive ever seen i couldnt look him strait in the eyes for long.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)12:54:49 No.5205620

    If he was seeing your inner thoughts, he wouldn't be an Aspie, because a person with Aspergers' syndrome by definition has no empathy and in many cases will not even see you as a "person"; only an object. That is the source of an Aspie's social difficulty - they are unable to guess what you are thinking and feeling. They cannot read other people and have no actual conception of empathy except in the abstract.

    I think you just saw a sociopath, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:08:56 No.5205737

    not literally i mean the guy prolly was a sociopath cuz he looked like he didnt give a shit enough to just bare himself like that like he was so artificial or something.
    but it just seemed like it was so fake like at any moment he was gonna be like bah! and do something erratic.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 08/24/09(Mon)13:18:33 No.5205805
    How much would it suck to actually be diagnosed with this shit - you'd be roped in with all the emo fucktards who say they've got the shit to be 'deep'.
    >> Goatsetronic !!ab+S7Qr5taM 08/24/09(Mon)13:26:51 No.5205869
    Pretty much. I've been diagnosed with it myself; over time I've managed to improve my social skills quite a bit so people don't notice, and so I tend to avoid ever telling anybody.

    I'd rather be judged for myself, rather than based on a label. If I come out and tell someone about it, I'm inevitably treated based on the stereotypes they get from the media, or, even worse, based on their encounters with self-diagnosing fucks.

    Seriously, I can't fucking STAND the people who self-diagnose because they're a bit ditzy, or, even worse, the people who act like total neckbeards and douches and then claim asperger's as an excuse. They're only making things that much harder for those of us who really have to deal with it.
    >> Goatsetronic !!ab+S7Qr5taM 08/24/09(Mon)13:30:51 No.5205906
    >a person with Aspergers' syndrome by definition has no empathy

    This is just blatantly false.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:31:23 No.5205907
    Yeah, pretty sure he's confusing sociopathy and asperger's.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:35:21 No.5205932

    ... So, you can't stand yourself, huh?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:40:50 No.5205979
    He's confusing sympathy and empathy.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:42:43 No.5206004
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    I haet u for typing what I was gonna say.

    Self diagnosis and treating it as an excuse for LOL I GRAB UR TITAYS DONT SLAP ME I HAS AS!!!11
    Sorta diminishes genuine suffering.

    Not that I'm gonna go all emo and say every day is a struggle, I have a good life, and I have feelings (really), I just have trouble expressing them or following invisible bullshit rules.

    Like meeting new people in a place of work is difficult for me, I don't know how to engage them if I need help or a favour or shit.
    >> Goatsetronic !!ab+S7Qr5taM 08/24/09(Mon)13:43:24 No.5206010
    Well, there's an idea that's been propagated of people with AS being emotionless robots. Which is something that is apparently true of some of us, but many of us are basically the opposite of that, and regularly experience their emotions as very powerful, overwhelming waves.

    That seems to be one of the major reasons many people with AS often have difficulty taking minor criticism and tend to break down under stress - they get emotionally overwhelmed by what ought to be a minor thing and can't handle it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:43:26 No.5206011
    Don't sociopaths have a sense of charm and tend to use other people all while faking any sense of emotion as it were a mask, all while lying, cheating, and stealing?
    >> The Ace of Spades !!7vJu1Td3TTf 08/24/09(Mon)13:50:48 No.5206084

    That sounds more like narcissism.
    >> Goatsetronic !!ab+S7Qr5taM 08/24/09(Mon)13:58:30 No.5206156
    Yeah, pretty much. Nowadays the main problems I have are a lot of difficulty figuring out unfamiliar situations and approaching new people, and a lot of difficulty keeping my life organized.

    I find I just don't know what to say or do or how to respond to a situation and so I just freeze up.

    I was a hell of a lot more screwed up when I was a teenager, but even then, I knew not to grope, stalk, or harass people! Used to stare at people, though...

    On the other hand, apparently I'm a pretty mild case. I went to a support group for a little while and most of the people there seemed pretty fucked up, a lot of them had really severe self-esteem issues as well.

    I've got my share of problems, but overall I'd have to say life's pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:59:07 No.5206166
    Yea, Aspergers can feel all the emotions that we do--"interest", "boredom", "anger", "happiness", etc. They just are unable to tell what other people are feeling, so they will babble on about shit you don't care about, throw tantrums, say awkward shit.

    They are more "social cripples" than "emotional cripples". My younger brother is a handful for sure, he has aspergers--gets decent grades in school but acts downright retarded and embarrassing when it comes to social situations.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)13:59:49 No.5206173
    wait a sec, this guy sounds exactly like me,
    where did you see him?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:03:19 No.5206199
    God...There's a aspie who goes to uni, who runs around campus acting like a complete faggot. Today in our Computer Science lecture, the professor brought up something about HTML, and the faggot blurts out, "I USE HTML ON VAMPIREFREAKS." and a few minutes later, something about foreign languages was brought up, and he bellowed, "BINARY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A FOREIGN LANGUAGE, AMIRITE?" I facepalmed.

    This fat neckbeard makes ChrisChan look like a normal member of society.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:04:07 No.5206208
    Sociopaths generally lack a sense of morality and a conscience, so they do whatever they feel like doing/what is in their best interests with no regard for the wellbeing of others. This includes stealing, lying, murder, and all manner of criminal behavior. They are smart enough to fake civil behavior and they eventually become very skilled manipulators because they have to practice proper interaction constantly.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:04:17 No.5206209

    you better not be the bloke i saw id be really freaked out. haha

    at a friends house why what state do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:10:38 No.5206255
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    I never got a support group, I was diagnosed when I was five but wasnt told about it till I was twelve.

    Once in the loft I found box of myold stuff from my "special class" basically speec therapy and teachning me how to make friends and things. I dont know how to feel about that- it's confusing.

    Pix unrelated- I just find they make good placemarkers.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:16:52 No.5206300
    I live in Texas
    though I doubt I'm that guy since its been quite a while since I've been coerced into a social gathering.
    Though the guy sounds a lot like me, even down to his appearance.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:19:38 No.5206323

    my god mate you might just be that very guy, what city?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:28:27 No.5206384
    I live in San Antonio,
    but I don't think I'm him, the only time I'm around a lot of people is at school or at the gym, its been months since I've been at a social gathering with lots of strangers.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:31:15 No.5206398

    OMFG whats your name??? is it henry or i think thats what it was.... northside district?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:31:47 No.5206403
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    I had issues with making friends with people when I was younger, I'd compulsivley avoid people in case I 'got things wrong' but I was really lucky I had one good friend at the time.

    One thing is being told out of the blue you hve X-, this is why you act like Y-, fucked me up for a bit- I knew I was offbeat- but to be tol your personality is the product of a genetic defect is a little bit existential crisis.

    I'm sorta over it now, after taking a courage wolf approach to this sorta thing
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:33:43 No.5206416
    My name is Ed,
    I went to a north side district school if thats what you're asking.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:37:01 No.5206432
    I'm the only one who lol'd at this?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:38:20 No.5206444

    well what side of town? i met the guy by marshall district.
    this is such a coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:39:22 No.5206448
    I was a complete social retard at the very bottom of the pile till my junior year of high school. Always anxious, sweaty and never knowing how to react or talk to people. Finally, after enough bullying something snapped one day and I went ape shit on a couple guys in my class. Ever since then I haven't had any serious probs, shit just kinda fell together after I snapped out of w/e shell I was in.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:39:54 No.5206455
    I live in the north side of town, near helotes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:42:22 No.5206467
    I know it's hip with the cool kids to call Asperger's a fake syndrome, and I'll admit a lot of recent diagnoses are probably bullshit.

    But take it from someone with a very, very genuinely Asperger's brother, trust me, it exists. And it's not fun. For him or the people around him.

    I love him, but I'll always regret never being able to get very close to my brother because of his condition.

    There's a good kid under there, but what he goes through just hinders him incredibly.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:42:43 No.5206469
    same thing happened to me, except I beat the guy with a chair, and things got worse since een though I wasn't bullied no more , people became scared of me, as a result I spent most of highschool friendless
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:52:11 No.5206548
    I"m an aspie I'm smarter than you .
    I don't need instinct to talk to people right although It's like a second language to me but i'm smart enough to have it down to basic details you don't understand because you are overtaken by fake gestures etc.

    I'm not a fake aspie because I pretty much only have it on paper and never talk about it with anyone . hence none to fake to.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:58:25 No.5206590

    what if i started throwing punches at you and screaming why did you rape my sister!! would you be able to talk your way out of it with the police?

    or what if i see your bullshit skeem to try and intimidate people how would you know that i would react in such a way or why would you want to try if you dont care cuz you cant care.

    your just a fucking cripple
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)14:59:46 No.5206600
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:00:26 No.5206606
    ummm with that kind of loud unprovoked outburst in public , the one needing to talk their way out of it wouldn't be him.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:13:02 No.5206698
    here's one for you-

    You're a dick. a massive pulsating veiny cock.

    That is all.

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:19:01 No.5206746
    Actually you would be taken to interrogation and cool story bro'd
    maybe taking the longer route through the hospital treating your collapsed sinuses / mess of a face
    It would be impossible for me to avoid trouble but unless your some cumdumpster crying rape (no escaping this one for any male aspie or not) you are likely to compensate anyway according to my local legal system (not amerifag)

    this being said it's not a typical situation unless there are drama spinning cumdumpsters involved in which case it's an example of why feminism is a lie.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:42:27 No.5206940
    what are you saying? you can beat up a nigga who know how to eat. im sorry but ill make you reach a level of autism only forest gump and radio have reached. ill fucking rock you boy.

    then id run up on a cop screamin 187.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:45:12 No.5206962
    I'm diagnosed with Asperger's but I try not to talk about it much and consider it a source of shame, mostly because of the other people with Asperger's I've known.
    Now that I think about it I've been glad that I've met other people with Asperger's because they've given me a very good example of how NOT to act in real life.
    For instance, one of them thought he was a four thousand year old dragon and sometimes he screamed went on these crazy rants about how one day he would unleash his dragon power and kill his classmates. Later he just changed to threatening to kill his classmates Columbine style but he still kept his creepy obsession with being a dragon.
    Another was a Neo-Nazi skinhead who yelled long, crazy threatening rants in a high pitched voice and would walk around showing random people his steel-toed boots and bragging about being good in a fight. He was expelled from my high school after about his first month there.
    Another was this fat morbidly obese emo furry slut who would randomly walk up to boys and put her big blubbery hand in their pants. Another was a huge blob who never did anything but eat pizza and play with his GameBoy all day.
    I also once ran into this boy who had Asperger's who was obsessively stalking one girl we both knew and telling her things like how much he wanted to jizz on her belt buckle.
    All of them make me glad I'm just a mild case.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:51:34 No.5207030

    fuck you im a gundam!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:55:48 No.5207070
    your a pink box with brown text , you ain't no nigger.
    I tend to think since aspergers stretches contrast in intelligence those are just retards who would other wise be in line by instincts they don't have.I assume about half of the real aspies are either undiagnosed or don't talk about it thus there not officialy aspies and aren't an example of one.

    I mean theirs a lot of rancid shit "normal" retards of "average" intelligence produce it's just considered normal and not salient but it ain't no worse than the skinhead... and FYIdragon
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:55:50 No.5207071
    I have symptoms of aspergers however I am very reluctant to call it that. All through school I had trouble making friends. To this day I am virtually incapable of making casual chit chat with people. Work can be very awkward and frustrating because I have to talk to people. I just cant think of anything to say, and therefore I say nothing. Labeling somebody with aspergers is meaningless in most cases. It doesn't help them deal with it and it justifies bad behaviour. Dealing with severe social stupidity is very hard. It really is a struggle to do many normal things and it turns average situations into very awkward moments.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:57:48 No.5207090
    whats wrong with pizza-tan? he's never hurt nobody.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)15:59:54 No.5207106
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    OP, you are awesome. Here is a reward.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:00:14 No.5207109
    and theirs the other side of the coin.
    savant skillz, superior perception and memory along with insanely high spatial acuity and general intelligence. (asperger diags are blocked if someone has an IQ of 90 along with the fact that since were not the general population our IQ does not follow the bell curve if you need proof ofthat)

    like I said you can be shit severely spergin and get sensory overloads and stim the fuck 2 hours daily but have normal or above normal social skills by the age of 20~
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:01:00 No.5207120
    anyone has the set?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:02:21 No.5207134

    Bitch tell people how you feel and stop being socially retarded.

    No one is going to try and read your subtleties, FUCKING TELL THEM.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:06:21 No.5207170

    Depends which way you look at it bro- a diagnosis and therapy can help, but it depends on the person.

    There are a lot of dicks out there (who I don't belive actually have AS) who use it to justify their behavior- but I don't think that's really what a diagnosis should be.

    AS can't be 'cured' but a diagnosis does open up avenues for self improvement.

    that is. IF you actually have it- you could jut be akward.

    What a lot of people forget is the pepherial symptoms, people with AS tend to think about things in a different manner, and have problems with filtering out background noise- but all the internet 'tards see is LOL SOCIAL RETARD DISEASE I TTLY HAS THAT.
    >> Sage !!R2or0pgu6DC 08/24/09(Mon)16:07:33 No.5207177
    /r9k/ - retards and women
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:08:19 No.5207183
    No, I hate children.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:08:31 No.5207186
    tl;dr if someone does stupid shit it's cause he has some emotional / stress issues or is "just fucked up"

    if some aspie does the same shit it's "all the aspies are that stupid"

    you know what? it's your social genius at work here. this is exactly an example of what aspies lack and you have. you know why? because social evolution made you that stupid so you cooperate better in your little tribe/group/highschool label and have a higher chance of making more ilegit kids with your genes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:12:51 No.5207228
    No, of course not. Having children would be contributing to overpopulation. There are way too many people alive on this earth as things stand.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:16:26 No.5207257
    overpopulation is a fucking myth, we are no where near to using up this planets resources.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:16:26 No.5207258
    ITT: misconceptions of psychiatric disorders.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:23:05 No.5207314
    Feeling a little eugenic?
    I think i will go to the local sperm bank , demand there is high. I'm perfectly healthy at the moment. my diag is confidential so they don't know it and can't drop my shit in the back room.

    p.s I think you fuckers can't comprehend a simple idea or just don't want to . aspergers or anything will be used in excuse proportional to the amount of fuck ups that need one. despite the fact that the "lots of small neurons and cortical columns with low-reletive associative and projectional connections" phenotype is within a much narrower range.
    to drop the hammer again on your retarded ignorance I would point out again to

    >I mean theirs a lot of rancid shit "normal" retards of "average" intelligence produce it's just considered normal and not salient but it ain't no worse than the skinhead... and FYIdragon

    people in general are stupid and do insanely retarded things on daily basis. many of which aspies don't do as much or at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)16:24:40 No.5207324
    but I might actually raise a kid in a family etc when I'm about 40-45... which is 20(5) years from now.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:03:34 No.5208290
    this is a very bad thread and you should feel bad for it
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:04:25 No.5208300
    slef-diagnosed aspie here ,yes I am that which arcanine hates most of all. >:)
    in all seriousness though Im 20 and my life has been pure shit.
    When I was little I frequently bit other parents solution to this wasnt to take me to a doctor.they threatened me by screaming at me and threatening to beat me. When iwas in first grade a school administrtor called aconference or something and said i was ADD .While not taking stuff at face value is always good, my parents felt they were better qualified to diagnose me than a psychologist was so no treatment. I had no friends from elementary school to about tenth grade. I finally got just socially adept enough to make friends.but I never got close friends and never dated because the damage was done.Im ajunior in college now and last year got busted for the stalking thing . Ive had severe social phobia since college started and fuck I dont see my life getting better. I think Im seriously going to end it if i cant be a doctor.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:12:55 No.5208362
    WOW, she is cute, but for some strange reason i really don´t want to fuck with her

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:15:59 No.5208382
    >last year got busted for the stalking thing

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:39:47 No.5208539

    Being emotionless is not synonymous with not having empathy. I meant the latter.

    >They just are unable to tell what other people are feeling

    That is a lack of empathy
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:41:41 No.5208551
    >/r9k/ - retarded cumdumpsters

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:45:04 No.5208577
    I just meant it seems to be astereotype that aspies stalk.

    I was determined not to screw up in college so I barely opened my mouth .I had aroomate though and networked through him and made some friends.

    When i was a sophmore I saw a girl who was really pretty and wanted to date her but had no confidence/game/esteem. I got major depressed for about a month and a half .it finally got so bad that i went to therapy about twice. It didnt help so I finally tried talking to her. I talked to her one night and felt better than I had in YEARS .I was seriously happy when i was with her. this lasted for two weeks more or less. one night we were haning out and she went to eat late at night with some friends. I only saw her for a little bit.later I went to her room to talk to her -which i had done before. I knocked and when I didnt answer I opened the unlocked door. she said she was busy so I left.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:50:30 No.5208618
    aspbergers is a real condition where the brain has not fully developped and causes people to be unable to socialize properly (they jammer on about shit only they care about, never know when it's their turn to speak, don't understand that their company is not wanted)

    then a bunch of pussy nerds who are a bit too shy started to capitalize on it and start pretending they have it

    you can tell if someone is a true aspie or just a faggot dork. a true aspie is pretty much exactly like the kids in school who are mentally retarded, except that they are not put in special classes because they are capable of actually learning the material that everyone else is capable of learning.

    a fake aspie is just your typical "BAWW IM SO RONEREY /r9k/ fatass neckbeared waste of flesh"
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:55:40 No.5208656
    >>5208577 CONT.

    The next day the same friends proceeded to drag her off which seriously ticked me off even though I didnt express it. I was pacing in her hall around 330 am and apparently some random bitch saw me and it creeped her out. The next time i saw her she told me when I opened her door it made her mad and told me not to do it anymore. I said ok . I left for home over the weekend but felt really bad about it. when i came back the next week I tried to apologize. I tried for around 3 days around the time we usually hung out . the 4th day a bombshell. she schedules a meeting with the dorm head to say she wants nothing to do with me ever again and not to contact her. serious emotional pain ensues.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)18:58:12 No.5208682
    Wrong, it's like a weak for of autism.

    When you idiots claim to have it, yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:08:49 No.5208803
    seriously wtf?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:09:28 No.5208808
    >>5208656 CONT.

    I spent around 3 months~ in serious depression but I didnt tell my parents because it was none of their fucking business. At first she was very scarce but later she started hanging around on my floor more and more-almost mocking me. One time she is with another girl and appaently the reason she is so hypersensititve is some shit with aguy with abox cutter knife a while ago...blah blah...anyways the guy was in court and she was called as a witness. I knew she probably hated me but some part of me still cared for her. I sent the girl she was talking to a facebook message with alegal advice hotline. I specifically told her not to show the girl but the bitch did anyways. All hell broke loose , i was brought up on charges by the university displinary comitee.I was made to ove out mid semester. I was also told to never set foot in my old dorm ever or the police would arrest me.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:18:35 No.5208918
    >>5208808 END.

    I guess no one cares but here it is, now Im a junior all the old frineds I had have graduated or gotten apartments or are in my old a110 on the leibowitz social anxiety scale so making new friends is hopeless.

    I can honestly say i really truly hate my life with suicide seeming to be the only escape.

    I only hope the world is as viscious to some of these fucks as it is to me.

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:24:40 No.5208977
    ok just a fun fact for you faggots .
    a true aspie is a fag that if you take a slice of his brain cortex and kill some bum and take a slice from the same place and put them under a microscope you will see shit called cortical columns which is a circuit of neurons that processes some unit of information like a point in your visual field. aspies have many more more densely packed columns with smaller neurons (which are organized into regular columns with 80 in each total 2mil in the human brain) while your typical joe has less more sparse larger neurons that make more long connections (aspies have more short distance connections) it's basically genetic so therirs other stuff in the body as well that's hardly pronounced like overall lower cortisol and weaker day/night cycles....

    it's not They are like the retarded kids hurr dur.
    >typical r9gay e-psychiatry

    tl;dr 1 - there is a qualitative structural change in neurogenesis in aspies thus you also have to read my other posts here starting with >>5206548 they are linked to each other.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:34:44 No.5209066

    I also should add , we do live in a world made for instinctual humans and we take a lot of shit for granted . hence aspies have harder time many of us can learn to draw photorealistically by age 8 but we can't deal with the simple things like being bullied by "normal" kids not for being a weird stalker but just being the jackpot next in line after a few failed attempts by said "normal" kid we probably would react the same if we had told in a few words how to act in this situation or observe a similar event from a distance ... it's not like we are lacking complex thought. we are lacking things you normals share the complexity of with fish and lizards for god sake.

    so yeah it is a hell of an exuse and you can't blame US to have some people who let's say would fail diagnosis by some standard or your simple stereotypes we have it harder in life because of YOU. you have stalkers bullies and murderers among you.

    and guess what /r9k/
    most of you are fucking relations obsessed beta males and whoring cumdumpsters having the world custom built for YOU what is your exuse
    I mean in our case it's not even granted we fail we just have it harder but by your butthurt writing I assume you are?

    we are socially "retarded" (lacking simple reflexes) you are generally retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:41:53 No.5209137
    A quesiton for aspies here:

    Do aspies ever feel lonely? I mean, since you don't really understand other people or their motives (from what I gather), do you really like being around them?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:44:06 No.5209159

    The world is not "custom built" for us. It is simply that you are inadequate to function in it. Do you think we consciously evolved our society just to fuck you guys up?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:49:02 No.5209207
    Does Asperger's often go undiagnosed?

    I am sure someone I am close with has it.
    She has very poor with eye contact, very shy, easily overwhelmed by large or new groups of people, gets frustrated when people can't understand her or she doesn't understand them and has tantrums, doesn't understand when people are being rude to her or she is being rude to them, awkward as fuck sometimes, has narrow and intense interests that few girls have (builds computers)
    However, I don't want to confront her about it or anything unless it's very likely. I do think she has a hard time sometimes because of her poor social skills.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:52:51 No.5209234

    or as cool as teh op xD
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:54:39 No.5209249
    No, it's where everyone thinks you're gay and you tell them you're gay and they're dumb enough to believe it. That's clinical Asperger's.
    >> Obi 08/24/09(Mon)19:58:17 No.5209282
    Aspies can get laid, OP. I'm fucking one right now. well, not this moment, but I did recently, and plan to again, probably Wednesday.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)19:59:21 No.5209288
    I am an aspie, and I have already married and reproduced with a socially normal woman. It helped that she's also got a doctorate in bioengineering so she can at least relate to my vocabulary.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:02:13 No.5209304
    when I wrote the world I meant society .
    when kids aretought math and not tought social gestures
    while aspies can learn math on their own and not learn social gestures on their own it pretty much means what it means and you being a mantra chanting retard.

    everyone who participated in the slightest most indirect research involving aspergers or has worked with aspies will tell you what I wrote above I am sick of repeating since it's pretty much copypasta from some article in a newspaper.

    tl;dr possible fail abusing nihilism?
    I don't some do , overall less since it's just a happiness thing in he brain and its weighed down probably cases where one does not feel lonely only manifest in extreme cases of social anxiety which are not typical of the aspie personality in general in a significant amount more than the general pop.
    it was completely undiagnosed for super obvious cases as late as the 80s in msot of the world. it's not completely diagnosed now.
    diagnosis itself is hard I got diagnosed with it after a depressive episode actually the whole "you know more words than urr and durr so your a fake aspie" is pointless in any serious setting.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:05:46 No.5209328
    Aspie here, telling you this is SO fucking true. They used to make the smart kids hang out with the retards back when I was in grade school in California. I related a lot better with them than the normal kids. (I REALLY FUCKING HATED most of the normal kids.)
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:06:25 No.5209337

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:11:18 No.5209374
    Well like I wrote earlier most deficits in aspergers like maybe 70% to throw a number are associated with things which lizards and heck I saw even flat worms on national geographic(the hemo ones with the two dicks ) are as complex.
    it delays learning certain things which others take for granted and thus think they are social geniuses I didn't know what the fuck were nonverbal gestures other than a smile and a frown etc. I had to learn eye contact from a book I warzed randomly off the net but come on you don't even control your eye contact unless you try, it's an instinct. maybe a reflex. so don't go off as some smart guy .

    that being said there are sensory issues and "sameness" it's hard to ignore things.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:12:30 No.5209390
    what was the name of the book
    the eye contact book?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:14:04 No.5209399
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    yall niggas need this
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:15:11 No.5209412
    guess what I fucking hate retards.
    speak for yourself.
    part of the reason I don't tell people I'm an aspie is that strangers who know this start talking to me slowly in simple language which is extremely annoying.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:16:53 No.5209423
    12,2 is classic
    and wtf i get muted for this shit
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)20:29:57 No.5209532
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    basically I'm out since r9k is composed mainly of /b/tard basement dwellers on their period and beta hipsters (actually made a post about it with this guy in the pic and most of the replies confessed) being too insignificant to affect anyone opinion and my posts aren't good for storing copypasta I'm out . Ive made my point thrown my two cents in your eye and you still move. I think i need to pick up back my tripcode or make another one so if your still on your period tomorrow you will know what I wrote
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:34:36 No.5209564
    Garden-variety Asperger adult here.

    Asperger Syndrome is not a disease, it is a Developmental Disorder (or Disability.) Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant or a ableist.

    I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome when I was in the 9th grade. I was severely bullied for three years at various public schools. The doctor who diagnosed me with asperger sydrome told my parents that I need help coping with it. So they enrolled me to a non-public school that the public school pays for, I gotten good grades, and I got into college.

    Right now I'm attending my fourth year of college as a junior. I do have a social life which involves campus events, and anime club, and anime conventions that I go to once a season (that's includes Otakon and Katsucon) (Yes I am Otaku, aren't a sizable majority of 4chan are anime/manga fans, no?).

    Problem is that with Asperger's Syndrome, you'll have difficulty getting hired, because getting and holding onto employment involves networking and ass-kissing skills (sad truth).

    So what if people with asperger syndrome will not get laid or get married, plenty of them do.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:41:08 No.5209616
    >blah blah blah no idea what am talking boot blah blah underestimation blah blah he didn't say it so he didn't notice it before blah blah am so smart blah blah blah

    that's most of what i saw. there was something about a book on microfacial movements in there, but the above was far more important.
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)20:45:41 No.5209662
    if you can't read don't post.

    you are not proving any point, showing up your opinions (since you post without an identity and it's pointless) but merely taking up space with generic flamewar bullshit.

    also pretending to be stupid?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)20:47:01 No.5209677

    Actually, I'm in complete control of myself when I'm making eye contact. It's when I'm not in complete control of myself that I avoid it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)21:03:06 No.5209856
    I probably have it, never did anything with it and it's far too late.
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)21:07:21 No.5209914
    the problem starts when people make a personality disorder out of it like ana or whatever.
    or yes some kind of pathological mental retardation.

    >Problem is that with Asperger's Syndrome, you'll have difficulty getting hired, because getting and holding onto employment involves networking and ass-kissing skills (sad truth).
    that's an issue. but yet again said networking skills is just mumbo jumbo set by people not doing anything functional involving some though or processing in the mind.

    IE aspie kids don't behave the same way as the rest of the kids and it's likely some won't be better as adults. however social retardation would mean for example we wouldn't be able to use complex language well autistic kids have hard time with it so they pretty much can't learn anything else but still in the end theirs no net loss of cognitive ability in aspies were just better in other's the only disorder to have above avg mean IQ of it's beholders.
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)21:11:35 No.5209967
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    also the mundane chips comic shop

    I was eating chips and asking /b/ when to stop using this comic and some faggot posted shops of it with "untitled-x" in the filename I felt bad about it not being reposed since there rather funny:/
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)21:12:38 No.5209978
    >we wouldn't be able to use complex language
    >avg mean IQ of it's beholders
    >lack of capitalization and short, simple sentences

    Really now? You don't have problems with complex language?
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)21:13:55 No.5209990
    Yeah because mundane shift key holding is an indicator of IQ.

    like I wrote generic flames never got any lamer as far as I was involved.
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)21:17:31 No.5210018
    also I might assume this was all you could bring up.
    to sum it up:
    1. pretending to be stupid
    2.Pretending to be unable to read.
    3.helping your uncle jack off a horse?.

    general retardation might seep to social interactions ohwait except for cretinism it always does.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)21:20:06 No.5210033
    pretty much the deal with Asperger's is some guy named Asperger wanted a disease named after him, so he made up a fictional disease and named it after himself.
    >> Socialy.Retarded.Aspie.Kike.Conservative.moralfag.atheist.hurr2[durr] !oSSVud5yf2 08/24/09(Mon)21:24:02 No.5210064
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    worked out pretty well eh?
    should have been alzheimers... it's a cool acidic name with a z and all austrian ... if only he would tolerate less the elderly and be a pedo less people would curse his name?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)21:29:41 No.5210117
    I hate asspies.

    They are hopeless drains on society, I wouldnt even hate them so much if 90% of them werent just losers who self diagnosed themselves so they have an excuse to be a sack of shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)21:30:41 No.5210123
    i was clinically diagnosed with "dysthemic disorder" (prob not correct spelling)

    basically i view everything negative or pessimistically.

    my response to that news was - yeah ok so um is there anything else? i want to go.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)21:32:48 No.5210146
    hurr, I need to proofread fffffuuuuu


    Did I say that capitalization had anything to do with IQ?

    Look, I'm just saying that if you're going to post about your disorder it's not going to help its already abysmal reputation if you're going to say something and then contradict yourself with everything else you do. Actions speak louder than words, my boy, and I can tell by reading your posts that you do indeed have trouble with language.


    The "help your uncle jack off a horse" thing is a blatant example of this. What if the reader of your post was not familiar with that particular example of ambiguity in the English language? Thankfully for your point, I am familiar with it, and I see what you're getting at. I think. However, your statement on cretinism makes absolutely no sense at all and I don't see what you're getting at. Whether this is directly a problem with complex language skills or simply a case of bad writing skills and lack of proofreading is not something that can be discerned over the internet, much less by me, but I highly suspect that it is the former.

    Language is more than words. Language is about communication. Aspergers' syndrome is a communication disorder fundamentally. If you cannot communicate effectively, you have problems with language. I have observed that you have problems communicating effectively, therefore you have problems with language.

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