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08/24/09(Mon)12:04:29 No.5205253>>5205194
interacted with a lot of autistic and AS kids due to some seriously
fucked up shit that's gone down thanks to parents and shrinks. Trust
me, I know the difference.
He's definitely not your classic
autistic case. He's not wrapped up in his own little word, he's verbal,
he's perverted and he's spoiled shitless and his parents never taught
him, apparently, that sexual harassment is bad. I know his parents,
too, and his dad doesn't care and his mom lets him walk all the fuck
over her. He's basically a pathetic, spoiled little brat who thinks he
has every right to get everything he wants because "I HAVE AS!" (I took
pity on him at one point and invited him along to a sports event with
my dad and myself... Basically, he tried to make me carry his food to
our seats for him, when I had a sprained ankle and was on crutches,
tried to help himself to MY food, tried to help himself to the seats of
some friends of ours and complained about the noise at every chance.
It's a fucking hockey game, not a funeral.)
tl;dr- If his
parents gave a shit and beat some sense into him however possible, he'd
know that grabbing the tits of jailbait is a bad, bad idea. As it is,
they haven't, they didn't and he doesn't. |