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    68 KB Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:12:21 No.5193534  
    Did you hear that fags are trying to get proposition 8 overturned AGAIN? Didn't these retards get the message the first time around?

    Of course, faggots haven't come up with a convincing reason on why they deserve to get married in the first place. The average fag has something like 500 sexual partners in their life. Why does it matter to a fag if he's taking it in the ass at a meth-fueled bathhouse orgy arranged with strangers from Craigslist wearing a wedding band or not? "BAWWWWW BUT I CAN"T VISIT MY POZ HUSBAND IN THE HOSPITAL WHOSE COLON IS LITERALLY FALLING OUT OF HIS ASS!" Sure whatever, see your husband you're so faithfully devoted to, suck his cock on the hospital bed, then go out and get fucked in the as at a public restroom by a stranger anyway.

    The whole marriage thing is just histrionic poofters crying for attention. This shit my pass in some backwoods shithole like Iowa, but in Cal where normal people are exposed to faggotry on a daily basis in San Fran, people will know better and this shit won't fly.

    Pic related: it's gays being attention whores, as usual.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:15:36 No.5193569
    I support these fags.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:16:59 No.5193579
    What bitch you take it in the ass?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:18:15 No.5193589
    sweeeeeeeeeping generalizations

    minorities representing the whole

    etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:21:08 No.5193614
    Why can't you trolls put at least a little effort into it. You're ruining everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:21:58 No.5193619
    You suck dicks.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:22:33 No.5193624
    What do fagots not understand, their way of life is unnatural and just generally disgusting. There is a reason why people do not like them, they need to get over themselves and become productive members of society rather than flaunting their perverseness all over town
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 08/23/09(Sun)15:24:59 No.5193643
    >Gay males ought to cure themselves by getting laid by a bitch.

    Fixed that for you, homophobic pig.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:25:38 No.5193648
    Perhaps the troll is being bad at trolling. It's working.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:26:16 No.5193650
    Still haven't seen an answer to why gays need marriage.

    Is it because it's more effective to donkey punch a dude while you wear a wedding band?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:26:42 No.5193654
    I looked at the demographics for who voted for Prop 8.

    Those who voted for it were overwhelmingly black.

    Great, we just got a new president of their own race and now everyone can be equal! No, no, wait. Nevermind. Let's oppress the gays for the hell of it.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 08/23/09(Sun)15:28:32 No.5193677
    >Those who voted for it were overwhelmingly black.

    Not really, most of them who voted for prop 8 was Caucasian.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:28:40 No.5193679
    Well, yes, instead of trying to be different, why not be the way they were intended to be all along? Its really not hard to go with girls
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:30:24 No.5193689
    If faggots weren't so IN YOUR FACE about EVERYTHING to do with gay people then we straight people wouldn't be so annoyed by them. But no they don't keep to themselves and think everyone needs to know exactly what every gay person thinks.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:32:39 No.5193706
    I used to rage at threads like these. Now I just smile.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:32:42 No.5193708
    Marriage is supposed to be a religous sacrament. As we all know, God hates fags. So, by getting married they're angering God bringing rapture ever closer.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:33:20 No.5193714
    cool troll brah
    i'd say 4/10
    a little too obvious
    people will still reply seriously despite this post though
    even if i say


    people are quite stupid sometimes
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:33:37 No.5193717
    what did you expect? niggers are the most bigoted, hateful people out there
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:33:54 No.5193720
    >>oppress the gays

    What oppression?
    >> Corinth 08/23/09(Sun)15:34:00 No.5193722
    >so IN YOUR FACE
    You mean kind of like how African Americans were about their equal rights in the 60s?

    Not to say the comparison is 100% valid. They aren't oppressed anywhere near as much as African Americans were. I think every generation will have a minority group that has to battle for its equal treatment and for our generation, that minority group are gays.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:35:50 No.5193739
    his boyfriend dumped him :/ give him space guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:36:20 No.5193742
    Any religious argument in this debate is meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:36:54 No.5193747
    Faggots are disgusting. Homosexuality is a mental defect that should be eliminated. Instead it is allowed to flourish and to corrupt the morals of children.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 08/23/09(Sun)15:40:21 No.5193771
    I agree with this. I ought to stop as well, this troll's mind has already been made.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:41:14 No.5193786
    Comparing gay "rights" to AA civil rights is histrionic as hell. Show me a time in American history where mobs of heterosexuals lynched gays from trees and forced them to pick cotton?
    >> Corinth 08/23/09(Sun)15:46:03 No.5193825
    I said the comparison wasn't 100% accurate. Yes, the descrimation gays face is mild compared to that of AAs, but nevertheless they are the demographic that is being widely discriminated against and oppressed today, and it's the job of our generation to fight for their equal treatment, if we are gay or not.

    Oh, and if you don't think gays have been lynched, then you are naive. Luckily that mess is mostly behind us as a society, it has happened in the past, and happens today ever once in a while.

    The name Harvey Milk ring a bell?

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