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  • File : 1251016905.jpg-(272 KB, 1280x847, library-books.jpg)
    272 KB Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)04:41:45 No.5189083  
    Dear /r9k/,

    What if I major in Library Science?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)04:43:20 No.5189107
    Forget that shit. Become a dealer in used and rare books. You won't make any money, but everyday is an adventure.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:11:36 No.5189424
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:13:31 No.5189437
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    I guess I'm gonna bump this.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:14:12 No.5189443
    Prepare for poverty!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:14:45 No.5189450

    my mom actually did that. back in the 70s though.
    today i would imagine everything is done on computers.
    you want to major in a computer course? sounds like a good idea to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:15:08 No.5189454
    why? Why waste thousands of dollars in college to get a job that pays no greater than janitors? You can make like 3x that much if you choose a different major.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:21:22 No.5189504
    Actual running of a library isn't really challenging; you'll be getting a degree in nonessentials. Honestly, I expect you'd be better off majoring in another field and spending your college years working at a library.

    ...Come to think of it, the Librarians I know are an English and a History major.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:23:42 No.5189529
    My brosef majored in Library Science, he now works a sweet job sitting behind a desk of a Government Department's private library surfing youtube all day.

    Basically it pays off if you land a management job, if you don't shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)05:25:01 No.5189543
    I'm not a librarian I'm a library scientist!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)06:46:06 No.5190091
    you'll still be a faggot, john
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)13:14:14 No.5192573
    bumpin because i know a guy who wants to major in library science.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)13:15:47 No.5192584
    why not logistic instead?
    >> Black ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 08/23/09(Sun)13:17:09 No.5192596
    this is worse than art and english fags
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)13:22:39 No.5192631
    >Basically it pays off if you land a management job, if you don't shit sucks.

    Perhaps the same could be said of all undergraduate majors.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)13:25:14 No.5192650
    all the librarians i know are disgustingly rich
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)14:15:57 No.5193002
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:04:25 No.5193457
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:09:48 No.5193498
    You words are as empty as your soul. Undergraduate majors ill need a pessimist such as you.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:09:56 No.5193500
    if you're talking undergrad, don't bother. To make any use of a library degree you need a master's, with which you can become a real Librarian and make a lot of money. For undergrad just take something interesting.

    I got my BA in philosophy and I'm working in a library now. Once I make full time I'll be making a nice comfortable living. If I ever went back to school for an MILS I could make like twice as much.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:15:23 No.5193567
    Yomiko Readman does not exist, sry OP.

    Her voice actress, though... Her voice is really cute!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:16:12 No.5193572
    why don't you major in soemthing useful?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:16:50 No.5193575
    wrong thread, bro
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)15:20:53 No.5193611
    ok, I'm not OP, but I have a coworker who's in his 40s and studying at a state school for a library science degree while working with me at retail spot in San Francisco.

    here's why he wants to be a library science major (this is for all you naysayers in the thread):

    He love doing research, and he loves helping people do research. He loves helping people accomplish tasks (like finding research). Currently we work in San Francisco's last thriving CD/DVD/vinyl store, and he's worked there for like 8 years, as a floorperson, so he helps people find cool CDs and makes recommendations, etc etc.

    So, for him library science is a smart, logical move, since CDs will die out soon (before books do, anyway)

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