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  • File : 1250995846.jpg-(65 KB, 600x800, cass.jpg)
    65 KB Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:50:46 No.5185427  
    hey rowboats, I was wondering if you can help me find a place to live, pic related, is me (taken with my dad's cell couple of weeks ago)

    long story short, my dad just got arrested again, this time he's in for 50 ounces of coke, that translates to a long time behind bars (like he was spending most of his time IN bars anyway). He is rarely home, and never cared for me or cares about me. Now I am officially without a legal guardian, and I do not intend to find one. I am a big girl now and I can take care of myself... well, sort of

    I just dropped out of high school and I'm really sick of the town I'm living in. Everyone seems to be pointing fingers at me because of my stupid dad, and seem to spreading rumors of me being a slut because of the way I dress, which would quality as regular teenage clothings in any post modern city. And I have way more style than those American Eagle wearing sheeple. I want to get out of this dump for a while.

    I'm looking for a new place to live, anywhere in the US or Canada. I have enough money to buy a greyhound bus ticket and buy food for a while. I would prefer someone with a XBOX360 or a PS3, I'm a huge gamer XD, my favorite are Halo and Guitar heroes, I also have a level 72 undead priest on Kil'Jaeden.

    as payment for my rent, I will do chores, and maybe cook you some food (I'm a pretty decent cook after being alone for a long time). We can hang out and I'll pretend to be your gf so you can show me off to all your friends, I know most of you good hearted guys probably never had a girlfriend. And if you are nice enough to me, I might even suck your cock. And no, even though my life sucks right now, I am hardly emo, I'm spontaneous and funny and get along with just about anyone, except maybe the macho jock types...yuck

    So yeah, give out some contact info so I can get in touch with you if you're interested
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:52:13 No.5185443

    It may seem like a stupid idea to look for a place to live on 4chan, but let me tell you, the REAL creeps don't go here. Most /b/tards are bored and intelligent young adults from mid or upper class families. You'll be surprised how many creeps will start to stalk me if I posted this on, like, craigslist or something.

    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:53:22 No.5185451
    Do you have the whole set? I remember seeing it before. I should have saved it the first time I saw it. MOAR PICS PLZ!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:53:38 No.5185453
    haha this is some pimp copypasta
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:54:29 No.5185462
    6/10, started off well but unravelled towards the end
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:54:49 No.5185466
    OP is a whore


    moott bloxxxxxxxx
    >> Tab !Hi/G/.FcP. 08/22/09(Sat)22:56:20 No.5185474
    why would anyone ever believe this

    fuck get a real girlfriend guys it's not that hard
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:56:35 No.5185476
    Full set please.

    If you used an image that people didn't see often it would of been believable, but I guess you tried. 1/10
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:56:56 No.5185480
    OP here, I assure you it's not copy pasta... the picture is the only one of me on the interwebs

    um... If you don't believe me, just move along

    But if you do have the resources, please give me a chance, we may share a great time together, maybe even fall in love
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:57:42 No.5185485
    >give out some contact info
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:57:52 No.5185487
    even though the op is copypasta, things happen like this in real life

    the girls end up as drug addicted whores. They either die of an overdose or a homicidal john cuts them to pieces.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:59:13 No.5185495
    >a long time behind bars (like he was spending most of his time IN bars anyway).

    HA! Good one.
    >> Tab !Hi/G/.FcP. 08/22/09(Sat)23:00:18 No.5185505
         File1250996418.jpg-(8 KB, 148x128, joker.jpg)
    8 KB
    >maybe even fall in love
    >We can hang out and I'll pretend to be your gf so you can show me off to all your friends, I know most of you good hearted guys probably never had a girlfriend. And if you are nice enough to me, I might even suck your cock.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:00:38 No.5185508
    Sheeple? Sexually appealing picture? 72 undead priest when WTLK has an easy to reach 80 cap?

    Come on, try harder.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:01:50 No.5185522
    If the girl in OP's pic came to live with me, I would never let her leave.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:04:10 No.5185543
    she would be in little, meal sized packaged in my freezer so she couldn't leave
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:05:35 No.5185557
    I'd cut her legs and tongue off instead
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:06:14 No.5185562
    I know this is r9k but I thought the stereotypical guy who has never had a girlfriend is also the one who never leaves his parent's basement. I'd say most people who are old enough to have their own place are old enough to drink, so even the shyest of guys can get hammered, and socialise with some girls and take it from there. So assuming most of the guys here have never had a girlfriend and will take you on just because you hinted you'll suck them off is just naive or trolling. If I lived in the US I'd probabaly actually consider it if it wasn't for that part. Having someone round the house would be fun even without the sexual side of things, but being told I'm probabaly a virgin who's never had a partner before is a good way to shit all over things before they even begin.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:06:44 No.5185568
    Come on, OP. I've seen that picture before. A picture like that is pretty hard to forget. Now give me the full set, you selfish cunt!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:07:31 No.5185576

    I lol'd.

    But this is a 3/10 cause I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:07:54 No.5185578
    >> post modern city
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:09:20 No.5185592
    I'm pretty drunk right now, so I'll bite. njfag here..Been thinking about getting a roommate since I got my own place.. I wouldn't dream of asking you to suck my cock nor even do chores.. however, I would want some cash so I could buy drugs and booze.. money is fucking tighter here than a 5 year old's vagina.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:09:21 No.5185593
    come to las vegas baby. I'll show you a good time.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:10:27 No.5185610
    I knew this feeling of dejavu as I was reading it wasn't just my brain playing tricks

    ITT people responding to year old copypasta

    the last paragraph gave it away
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:12:12 No.5185627

    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:12:26 No.5185635
    If you're serious, e-mail me, we'll talk more about it.

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