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    273 KB Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:29:11 No.5185202  
    When and why did you lose respect for your parents?
    I think it was around one year or so. I started to see how stupid and ignorant my father really is. Sure, I'm stupid and ignorant, but I'm aware of it. He thinks he's perfect. Fucking engineers.
    And my mother... I love her but she's dumb. But she's a good, modest person, so I have no complains.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:30:50 No.5185225
    I didn't. They are both remarkably shrewd and intelligent people.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:31:48 No.5185236
    my dad is a lazy crybaby asshole
    my mom is dumb

    still love em
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:33:15 No.5185248
    this. both my parents are highly deserving of respect (even though my mom's a republican and religious zealot). I can't imagine anything that would cause me to stop respecting them
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:34:53 No.5185267
    Dude, you just described my parents. Are you me or one of my brothers?

    If you are, then fuck you, Dad is wittier are more intelligent than you think.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:36:11 No.5185280
    I had infant circumcision that fucked up my dick permanently. I can't get a full erection without extreme pain (can still jack it though, after 10+ years of practice).
    It also stunted growth of my cock during puberty. It's about 5" fully hard but I can feel there's at least 2" to go under the skin. I'm too poor and embarrassed to get cosmetic surgery for it.

    Oh yes, I'm a virgin. I've been naked in the bedroom with 4 women, couldn't get it up with either of them. That includes BJs, titty-fucks, anal, everything.

    Is there ANY reason for me to fucking respect them?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:37:00 No.5185293
    I haven't, my dad is a great computer programmer and supports me in what I do, we also play video games when we're together and he brews his own beer in his spare time. My mum is a teacher and one hell of a cook and has always been supportive and loving. Basically, they're awesome parents
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:40:40 No.5185329
    I guess I described a shitload of couples.
    Which is kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:49:06 No.5185415
    mom would drink until she was no longer speaking and dad would dream of all the different ways to die
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:54:59 No.5185469
    I still respect them both. My father is a retired colonel and he has been a surgeon for over 40 years, yet he's still kind, funny, geeky, and supportive. So many guys with his education and background would be arrogant assholes and justified in being so to an extent, but not him. His patients love him too and he's a damn good doctor. I don't know if I'll ever be that awesome. Mom is incredibly crafty, street smart and "tough", as she had to be being a nurse for many years, but managed to be supportive as well. Its mostly because of her I am not a social failure like many on here.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)22:56:09 No.5185473
    I hope you are proud of yourself. Fucker.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:05:30 No.5185556
    Yeah, our parents make mistakes and can seem very dim at times. Everyone thinks they'll do better then their parents when they have kids and they don't, not really. And most people do hate their parents around the teenage years, it's a phase, which you no doubt are passing through being underageb&.

    This is really boring and uninteresting shit right here. Keep your trap shut you silly cunt, no one wants to hear your bullshit about how mommy and daddy are mean and don't understand you. I swear to fucking god, hasn't school started already?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:05:59 No.5185559
    In the 3rd grade, Dad let me drive the golf cart while he lit a joint while he and I were on vacation. Yay visitation rights.

    With Mom...christ, where does one start? I let things slide a lot until I heard her fighting with her boyfriend at the time over them getting married. He said he wanted to move and to leave me with my aunt and uncle- she agreed. I was in 5th grade by then. Extra credit- she had already aborted my half-sibling by this point, and left the ultrasound/paperwork in with some old coupons in a desk. I found out about it when I was 22 when I was cleaning my stuff out to move away.

    Fuck am I depressed now.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:09:11 No.5185588
    My mom was a terrible influence on me. She'd say she was fat when I weighed more and she'd say she needed to lose weight. I had an eating disorder in the following years and then when she found out, she's like, "How could you?!?!?!?!?!"

    Dad is.. meh. He taught me a lot, but he has such a terrible anger.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:11:56 No.5185623
    That's nice Jeff. Gonna come out with a new album soon?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:12:51 No.5185641
    When I was 10/11. My dad got a lot of shit at work and took it out on me. I spent 6 years in the same house never speaking to him and avoiding him, and as a result, the rest of my family. I'd come in from school and go to my room and not come out till he went to bed. I barely spoke to anyone for that time and became very shy and introverted as a result and now have a great deal of social anxiety. Which is also the reason I drink so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:15:35 No.5185670
    are you me

    what the ass

    are our parents hiding the fact that we are triplets? who are you, we must re-unite and surprise our parents
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:17:12 No.5185684
    each one a little more
    than he could dare to tryyyyyy
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:17:40 No.5185690
    My mother told me that getting a good paying job is more important than getting a job doing something you enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:18:27 No.5185697
    Well, I was raised by maids and nannies and such, my parents being as busy as they are.

    But anyways, I once caught my dad on some kind of bondage website. I now think of him as a perverted old man but that is about as far as things go.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:19:35 No.5185707
    I'm not saying they don't understand me, because I don't care if they do. I just realized I don't respect them anymore. I don't see them as elders but as equals. They don't have anything to offer me, intellectually-wise, anymore.
    Also I'm not a minor. I guess you're 30 or something and by some reason you're proud about it. Good for you. Keep it up :)
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:20:37 No.5185718
    My grabbed my mother by the hair and threw her into the fridge. This was after twenty-some odd years of emotional and physical abuse on her, my sister, and yes, myself.

    When my mother's friend called the police on his abusive ass, my father divorced my mother, because "the bond of trust between them had been broken."

    Yeah, my dad divorced my mother because HE ABUSED HER AND HER FRIEND CALLED THE POLICE.

    That's what made me lose the last shred of respect I had for that man.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)23:23:05 No.5185735
    My father was a good man. I never lost respect for him. Probably partly because he was lucky enough to die when I was 13, so I never really had the chance to lose respect for him. Even so, I have yet to encounter anyone who ever had a bad thing to say about him, and his accomplishments continue to effect the world even after his death.

    My mother idolizes Peggy Hill. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had any respect for her as a human being at all.

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