So what are us socially inept nerds going to do when college starts (if it hasn't yet)? Obviously I doubt we'll be sprouting wings and getting girlfriends, so tell me what you guys expect...Me? Uh. A lot of sleeping, weed, occasional eating, daily classes, daily school work. But I hope I can get more sleep than anything else. No social aspirations whatsoever, I give up.Pic related - GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK is always related.
I sleep, do nothing, listen to music, watch movies on the internet. I do minimal class work, get mediocre grades. I really just don't care. Wee... college.
Aside from working my ass off I'll probably be holed up in my room playing more Team Fortress 2 and maybe going to the gym.
I have my last year of high school starting now.. what I like about this year is that everyone is at least now used to each other, I can relax better and I've learnt quite a lot of social interaction so I can also relax knowing I won't do anything too retarded. I also learned not to bother my mind with "awkward silences" between acquintances. ..this is way off-topic
Go to class (but only if it is sunny and between 60 and 80 degrees fahrenheit), work out, masturbate. Repeat endlessly.
>>5117240You get off easy, OP has to wait until November before any entertaining games come out.I'm basically in game stasis at the moment... just music.
new things in your life at college - working out is GOD TIER. Becoming athletic while everyone else gets their freshman 15? fuck yeah.
Drink and study. Alone. Maybe some vidyas, though with WoW FUBAR not sure what would I play. Maybe even try to get a social life.
Belegarth, World of Warcraft, studying, finding time for the girlfriend, finding a job.
I'm starting a game of Humans vs Zombies on my campus and a wiki for my university. I also hope to stay involved in the Political Awareness Club and go to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Federation more often to get some fantasy warhammer play in. I have a lot of goals, lets see if I accomplish them. Oh yea, I'm starting the one hundred pushups challenge
fuck every 14 year old bitch from my old high school before i turn 18 next month, i just tell them i got a car BHAM! PUSSY!i tell them i got money BHAM! PUSSY!i tell them i have my own pad BHAM! PUSSYi get to live in a studio apartment literally so close to my high school fuck yeah
When college starts? You fucking kids.I finished college years ago, and I remain a socially inept nerd.
DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES (alone) YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. just force yourself to do anything else, they're the biggest waste of time
Occasionally go to classes and study as little as possible while sleeping as much as possible.I think a 3.2 shows a lot of character on my part.
>>5117451>and I remain a socially inept nerd.Hearing stuff like this is depressing.
>>5117451OP = 19 and heavy on the procrastination.>>5117469I have time to waste, sir.
>>5117487then waste it on working out, or pursuing some sort of hobby, or anything other than video games.
I'm really going to try to push my comfort zone so by that, I really am going to meet as many people as I can or want. I'm going to get the area of my life figured out, women/girls. I want to do good in school, probably some parties, some weed, good sleep and yeah, going to classes and whatnot.
>>5117486Yeah, well life is depressing, and nothing really changes.
>>Me? Uh. A lot of sleeping, weed, occasional eating, daily classes, daily school work.lololol @ your gpa
Starting a new degree as an engineer.Expecting to see lots of neckbeards and 2 ugly girls.
Finish my last 2 quarters, go to work.
Most of first year of college I was extremely depressed but only because I had met a girl and she refused to return calls/texts at random times and was also much closer to her floormates whereas she was one of the very few people I had met that yearI'm going to start my second year without seeing/thinking about her much (I was happiest when she was never around last year) and see how it goes
>>5117222How'd that fucker get a Rainbowbadge? I guess this means he crossdressed too.
Year 3 should be fun. Done with GE shit, ready to take delicious upper division courses.Less sleeping, more studying, more fun (hopefully), and other stuff.We'll see.
I will attempt to not completely lose touch with the friends I met in residence last year now that I'm not in the same building as them any more.I will probably fail. Oh well.
Classes in the morning.Bio research in the afternoon.Goddamn Best Buy at night.
>>5117521GPA in high school was 3.7. I was also following the same pattern in those days...
wtf you don't even need 10 badges, gary!
>>5117672So you're expecting college to be as easy as high school? I've got some bad news for you, bro...
>>5117724it is for the first year or so when you're only doing gen eds
Social retard college grad here, I stayed in my room and watched animu or played the vidya.
College will not turn you into a social butterfly
3.5 years so far, and no friends.
I wish university in Australia could be what it is in America. At least similar to what I see in movies.
Hate to break it to you, bro, but if you were a loser in high school you'll be a loser at college.This is especially true if you major in science or engineering - you can expect to stay a virgin for another four years.
>>5117740Actually, GE is where most people FUCK UP their GPAs.You're in for a wake-up call your first two years when you're getting those out of the way.
>>5117875I've a 3.9 and all I've taken are gen eds
If you commute you'll be going to classes and then immediately going home, it's what I did for 4 years.
Fuck you, OP.I wanted to respond to this thread helpfully, but I realize you're a self-defeating sack of faggot. Enjoy your girlfriendless college experience.
Classes, 4chan, find job, keep job, 4chan, save money, 4chan, social life, vidya, 4chan.Not in that specific order.
>>5118666I'm a bit different than most here; I enjoy being alone. It's not that bad when you enjoy it. It took so long to learn it because society told me I needed a girlfriend.Then I realized I never cared about society anyways and got happy!
I'll do what I did last year in college. Sit in the back of class saying nothing, futher solidifying my call as THAT guy. Then I'll come home and play my video games and get those bullshit essays out of the way. I'm not excited about college at all. Fuck, I don't know why I'm going. I'm not going to get any friends this year, so I might as well cut to the chase and just play my video games.
>>5117699What's weirder is that he skipped two gyms (Sabrina's because she was still psycho and Giovanni because lol Mewtwo) and still somehow ended up with 10 badges. Hacker.
Daily classes, evening classes, personal projects.Drinking, sleeping, gaming, HAVING SEX with significant other when I get tired of all the intense work.And the cycle starts again.