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    File : 1249316770.png-(19 KB, 600x600, 124893464919.png)
    19 KB Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:26:10 No.4949706  
    10am Woke up to phone ringing. Parents machine catches it- it was no one apparently. got out of bed.

    10:15am went downstairs to get some grub, only thing in there is chinese take out from friday, and my last Guiness. Breakfast of champions

    10:30am watch the end of the View, and realize that my Dish DVR wiped its self again- was recording from a movie channel all week cause i was out at my mates and looking for jobs.

    !0:40am Realize that my parents got me a Houston Chronicle (its like the times for houston) to help me find work. I realize how shitty my situation really is. Broke, 21 and at home. Got laid off previously btw. Fuck the economy- you could be a saint and noone would call you back.

    11am: look around at my email and shit, hoping for some reason that some business contacted me there.Nothing. Myspace hottie messaged me, Facebook has nothing. I read the classifieds a bit. Nothing really in there.

    11:20am: Get on /r9k/ to see if anything will cheer me up.

    11:25am now, reaching out to other humans.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:27:01 No.4949716
    Nice one fag.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:30:12 No.4949740
    5am woke up to do my laundry

    6:30 finished laundry and jumped in the shower

    6:45 eating Cap'N Crunch naked in the kitchen over the sink fresh out of the shower, watching old Superman cartoon DVD


    9:29 Been watching DVDs and lurking 4chins for two hours because I can't fucking go back to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:31:28 No.4949751
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    lol unlucky broski mewtloxbay
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !y/GFuckers 08/03/09(Mon)12:36:22 No.4949809
    I've been looking at porn and pirating games since 5pm yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:40:03 No.4949849
    5 PM ish: Woke up, played some Katamari Damacy.

    6 PM: Started playing shitty flash games on Kongregate.

    9 PM: I don't know, YouTube videos or something?

    10 PM: You know by now I'm probably catching up with Pro Starcraft matches; the OSL round of 8.


    2 AM: Random nonsense on Hulu. Need to finish this Mushi-shi anime by the 15th.

    5 AM: Should porn before the sun rises.

    7 AM: I'll go talk to the family about shit I read on Slashdot.

    9:36 AM: This thread looks retarded. This isn't Facebook you faggots.

    9:38 AM: ...Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:00:40 No.4950086
    6:00 am Woken up by the dogs next door barking.

    6:30 am Raged and got dressed

    7:00 am Eat breakfast, clean the downstairs rooms, shower and shave

    9:00 am Dogs are STILL barking, browsing BBC news/Porn updates/Youtube

    11:00 am Played vidya

    2:00 pm Took my supplements/vitamins/brushed my teeth and realize how horribly depressed I am

    3:00 pm Browsed /v/. Closed the instant I saw a reaction image thread. Moved to /r9k/ for 2 hours and am now posting in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:03:31 No.4950110
    9:00am-6:00pm - Agonizing depression

    6:00PM-Present - Alcohol
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:09:58 No.4950163
    1am - chilling on r9k
    2am - chilling half asleep on r9k
    3am - asleep on r9k
    9:00 - woke up. worst event of every day.
    9:30 - coffee and facebook. nothin.
    10:00 - r9k and graffiti on facebook. this post.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:13:27 No.4950207
    8.30am - Mom came into my room and woke me up and bought me a cup of tea (Britfag here)

    10am - Went downstairs and ate some cereal and played acoustic guitar for a while

    10.45am - Shower etc

    11.15am - Check facebook, emails, post relationshit on /r9k/

    12pm - Fapped to milf porn on Spankwire

    1.30pm - Ate a baked potato

    2.30pm - Fapped to more milf porn

    3.00pm - Post relationshit on /r9k/, look at travel websites fantasizing about travelling the world

    5.30pm - Chinese for diner

    6pm - Back on 4chan, about to fap once again
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:14:47 No.4950226
    You actually watched The View? You are indeed a failure.
    >> eastern standard time, east coast, USoA i like telling anecdotes and having memories triggered 08/03/09(Mon)13:23:13 No.4950341
    5AM - 8AM HALF half conscious, beer hang over

    8:49 EAT A MANGO, WAFFLE, CUP OF GREEN TEA, TRY NOT TO CRY, browse r9k and and (sunny without clouds - fuck)

    10 am brew EARL GRAY to hopefully take a shit, which insists on teasing my colon and rectum, this eventually succeeds around 11, my chest and bowels ache with sadness, physical sadness

    11+ MOM WAKES UP, I ASK HER WHAT SHE IS GOING to do with her day, spend about 10 minutes talking with her and trying not to cry (she doesnt know, im not trying to be coy, the suffering is private)

    12:30 MOM COMES HOME FROM TRADER JOES, i eat a cup of greek yogurt, some buffalo jerky, i try not to cry while i sit there with mom, who eats bread with katamal olive hummus (oh, trader joes! you can make any old idiot feel like a discerning gourmand!)

    (i found it on Seth Stevenson's twitter, my favorite writer [i hate twitter] )

    i want to do some pilates to work off the 6 Negra Modelo beers from last night that are coagulating around fat centers but i when i get up to walk i want to lye down and cry

    i am reading a lot about Jake Lloyd right now
    >> i like telling anecdotes and having memories triggered 08/03/09(Mon)13:26:31 No.4950394
    oh yeah Houstonian OP I used to live in Kingwood Texas

    fucking miss that place man

    Is it true that there are lots of Katrina niggers wrecking H town and the suburbs around there?

    the picture you used for this thread is a fantastic match by the way
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:37:55 No.4950547
    1:30pm - Got out of bed.
    2:00pm - Made pizza. Ate pizza.
    2:30pm - Played some CoD4.
    3:30pm - Went down to the dilly to check out the scene.
    3:45pm - Ended up on the Old Main Drag.
    >> AnonAbolic !!C5l09PYwXTX 08/03/09(Mon)13:38:13 No.4950551
    5 AM - Wake up and take a shower
    5:30 am- get started on dishes
    6 AM - Take wife to work
    8 AM - Make breakfast for me and my son
    9 AM - Do dishes from breakfast
    11:30 AM - piss around on here for now (ATM)
    12:30 - Go tanning
    1:30 - make lunch.. I'm thinking bratwursts
    2:30 - Go jogging/ play around at park with son
    3:30 - Leave to get wife and go to gym
    6:00 - get started on dinner... BBQ Chicken thigh fillets sound awesome
    8:00 - put son to bed
    8:30 - play xbox
    10:00 - put wife "to bed"
    10:30 - pass out

    The life of a stay at home dad
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)13:48:20 No.4950648
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    8am Wake up and take shower
    9am Leave for job interview at some place downtown
    9:15am Realize I don't know my way around town
    9:20am Begin screaming "Fuck cats" repeatedly as I try to find this place.
    9:25am Pull into interview spot still screaming "fuck cats"
    9:30am Have a kick ass interview with these cool kids, get to go back for another one.
    10:11am get a coke slushee
    10:30am arrive home
    10:30-present dick around on the internets

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