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    File : 1249172595.jpg-(162 KB, 840x1160, Honoka-03.jpg)
    162 KB Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:23:15 No.4932788  

    I have a problem. I am a chronic masterbater and it is hurting my potential as a human being. I spend upwards to 5 hours a day, every day, masterbating. I have never had problems getting women and currently even live with my girlfriend. That means I get pussy whenever I want, but I still sit at home and masterbate for hours every day while she is at work. I feel I need to find a way to stop this bad habit, but I dont know how to stop. Can a brobot help me out with some tips or advice about how to stop masterbating so much, or even at all? Thanks.

    tl;dr: I masterbate too much, how can i cut it down?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:25:13 No.4932812
    ITT: not a problem
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:26:42 No.4932830
    Superglue your dick to your balls
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:27:41 No.4932844
    Get some self control you pussy.

    Fucking faggots wanting me to do all the work for you, you want me to come over and jerk you off too? I'd rather bite it off.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:27:59 No.4932849
    Cold turkey.
    Didn't you see that guy that kept a diary on it on 4chan?
    2nd day was the hardest, 3rd was still hard, and 4th through about 9th he said were no problem. It improved is quality of life by a great amount.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:28:03 No.4932851
    Start doing it less each day, one masturbation session less every day. Then when you are at 1 masturbation a day try to keep it like that for a week or so. Then start with 1 time in two days, then once a week and keep it like that.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:29:40 No.4932870
    Anyone on here ever successfully stopped masterbating?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:29:53 No.4932874
    I don't see anything wrong with that. 10 hours might be excessive but 5 is OK imo.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:30:40 No.4932881
    >you want me to come over and jerk you off too?

    Is that a serious offer? I'll take it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:34:36 No.4932914
    The problem is that my up to 5 hour masterbation sessions is only one time. I only come once in that 5 hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:40:43 No.4932968
    Why would you want to stop? I don't mean to decrease the ammount of times you masturbate, but to stop it at all, why?

    Anyway, OP, get something to do, right now I'm on summer vacation from college, I have nothing to do so I have 2 to 3 times per day, during classes I usually fap once or twice per week, get a job or something, you lazy fatass
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:44:44 No.4933014

    give your girlfriend the key
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:52:49 No.4933081
    >while she is at work

    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)18:02:49 No.4933189
    Play videogames.
    Have your hands busy all day
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:12:12 No.4933202
    Stop masturbating and reap the benefits. :)
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:13:55 No.4933212
    That's 5 hours a day you could be spending on something more meaningful.

    Find something else that you really want to do, and your problem will slowly go away.

    Good luck finding something though
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:19:11 No.4933241

    wouldnt wearing that thing hurt if you got a boner?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:20:45 No.4933252
    The penis would run out of room and stop growing. There is no pain. :p
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:25:18 No.4933280
    get a hobby jerk off
    >> Corinth 08/01/09(Sat)19:26:01 No.4933288
    I heard one way to rid oneself of 'chronic' masturbation was to sit in a tub of ice water whenever you got the urge to masturbate, and remain in it until the urge subsides.

    I have no idea if there is any truth to this. It pretty much like basic Pavlovian conditioning, so I imagine it would work.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:27:57 No.4933295
    Every time you get the urge to masturbate, jam a pencil into your leg as hard as you can.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:36:20 No.4933370
    When you want to masturbate do something else that'll take focus and is completely unrelated. Get your mind off of masturbation and realize "oh hey I felt like jerking it but now I see that I don't need to, so I won't. It's just one of my many many options of things to do. I think I'll keep doing this other activity. woooo."
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:40:00 No.4933394
    I think you should masturbate as much as possible to get it out of your system. Ramp it up to 10 hours a day.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:40:39 No.4933401
    Jesus Christ, the only misspelling I can't stand is masterbation.

    Just remember, there is no masturbation without "u"
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:47:21 No.4933455


    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:49:12 No.4933480
    Op here. Thanks for the spelling correction...

    I suddenly feel like masturbating again. My girlfriend is due back in four hours. What should I do to tide myself over until she comes back?

    I am really worried
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:51:36 No.4933509
    Vidya gaems.

    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:55:15 No.4933547
    le fuck... i dont know if i can make it
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:59:29 No.4933582
    Seriously, go run, jump up and down, etc. etc. Doesn't matter where or how, just get yourself damn tired and sweaty. Then go take a cold shower. Kills the sex drive dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)20:01:00 No.4933597
    going to give this a try now.

    gonna do an hour of boxing then lift weights and stuff. thanks for the good advice anon, i love you
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)20:02:23 No.4933610
    go put yourself in public.

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