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    File : 1248965692.jpg-(30 KB, 286x285, bully.jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)10:54:52 No.4908889  
    Can we try this /r9k/?
    You post memories of being bullied that you will probably never forget.

    I was walking home one day from school (7th grade) and just as I leave the school grounds someone sneaks up behind me and takes my cap. I turn around and it's my nemesis Asshole. Asshole grins at me and starts running in front of me taunting at me to get my cap back. I was a chubby kid and he was one of the fastest runners in the school, so I didn't have any chance of catching up really.

    So basically me trying to get my new cap back and him throwing all the verbal abuse he could on me for about 5 minutes, until our ways parted and he picked up a piece of dogshit with the cap (like you would with a bag) and smearing it on the inside. He went home after that and I had to walk the rest of the way with my ears fucking freezing. Haven't recovered from that yet, even if it doesn't sound so severe to you.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)10:56:07 No.4908901
    I remember these kids took my toy agumon and burned him up when they "went to bathroom" in class. I'll never forget you agumon : (
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)10:59:17 No.4908932
    In gradeschool, i had an alakazam card and this bigger kid wanted it- so he pushed me down and tried to take it. I tripped him while running and punched him in the face. Fuck yeah alakazam.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:00:03 No.4908939
    i remember a kid ust to slag me about my hair. it went on for months. one day before class we were all in the canteen (where you waited if you had gotten in slightly eirly) he was slaggin me and i fliped out. i stood up, shoved the table infront of me out of my way fucked his table out of the way, picked him up by the scruff of the neck and held him up agesnt the wall, i told him if he didnt leave me the fuck alone i would fuck him up

    i only i coulda done that to all the other bullies through out the years *sigh*
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:01:56 No.4908957
    Well there's a million incidents. One was there was this asshole kid who was talking shit and I tried to ignore him. Then to get my attention he ripped and broke a necklace my mother had gotten me for my birthday. Then I grabbed some windex from the janitor cart near the bathrooms where we were lined up and sprayed him in his eyes. Needless to say I was the only one who got in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:03:27 No.4908970
    >Needless to say I was the only one who got in trouble.
    Fucking this, why did this always happen?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:04:49 No.4908984

    Who knows. The bullies were always the ones who got away with shit. The kid who fought back to defend themselves always got in trouble and was made to look like the bad guy. While the bully was always such an innocent victim.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:06:28 No.4908999
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:07:01 No.4909003
    There was this one Latino in my high school, probably the only one as I went to a good Catholic school that I gather wasn't cheap for my folks. He used to try and start shit with me and my friends, talking mean, getting up in our faces and all that. We just stood our ground and he gave up after about ten tries or so.

    Later that school year in the parking lot I found a torn up handwritten note and out of curiosity I picked up the pieces and read it. It was written by a girl to the Latino guy, saying she didn't want to go out with him. Where this gets epic was in the cutesy-insulting bitchy way she wrote it (women!). She referred to him as "my sweet little Mexican" at least twice. I laughed, felt a bit sorry for him and that was that.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:07:24 No.4909004
    yea! fuck that shit! if i become a teacher im gona punch the 'innocent victim' in the face
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:07:41 No.4909008
    When I went to preschool, most of the boys in my class used to take my shoes and play monkey in the middle with them.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:08:32 No.4909013
    I remember in elementary school standing in line with the rest of my class and this kid behind me, Austin was his name, kept taking a blowpop out of his pocket, hitting me over the head with it and then quickly hiding it and looking away before I could look behind me. OVER AND OVER. Shit really hurt and I was too much of a pussy to say anything.

    Also at recess random black kid, I think his name was Michael, just comes up to me out of nowhere and fucking slams me onto the ground, then smirks and walks away. I teared up. Fucking niggers. But then a nice black girl named Jasmine asked me if I was okay and restored my faith in the black race.

    I was a super nerdy kid in school but surprisingly, bullying incidents were extremely rare. I was really shy and quiet so I guess people just left me alone.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:09:48 No.4909025
    I had a banana smushed into my back.

    I was eating one of those tubed yoghurt things, had it in my mouth like a dick and this bully comes up and squeezes it so my mouth is full of it and it spurts out of my mouth onto my bag and shirt. Had to go home. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:11:53 No.4909039
    Sounds harsh.
    For me things cleared up from 10th grade and onwards, I guess bullies had to mature as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:12:44 No.4909046
    I was riding my blue bike around the neighborhood when I was about nine or ten. I pass a cul-de-sac where this boy named Chris and his friends were playing on the lawn of his house. One of my friends is in the group and stops me to make some small talk, when Chris and his friends decide to walk up and hassle me about the color of my bike (Kids are fucking retarded.)

    Chris bounces a basketball off of my head and my glasses fall to the ground, he steps on them, and his friends call me names and stuff, all within earshot of trash mother, who does nothing and still talks idly with the parents of the children, who are also lounging on the lawn.

    They start throwing more shit at me, so I get off my bike, stride quickly over to him, and as he's in the process of saying "What are you gonna do?" I grab him by the neck, slam him to the ground and punch the fucking shit out of him while his friends watch quietly and his mother screams and the parents shout at me.

    I slam his head into the ground a few times by the time his mother comes over and slaps me across the face, which is when I gain control of myself and take my bike and speed home while he's curled up on the ground crying.

    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:12:47 No.4909047
    Lol, that reminds me of "The Principal" where the principal kicks the shit out of the bully. Funny stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:13:11 No.4909050
    Lol'd at the black guy just practicing his judo on you.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:13:25 No.4909052

    On the way home I tried to make it look like I came from the opposite direction of the cul-de-sac so if my mom saw me she didn't think I just came from there (she knew I hated that kid). She was out front having a smoke, asked me where my glasses were, and I told her I fell off my bike and couldn't find them when they fell off. She saw through my bullshit, screamed at me when she saw the hand mark on my face and demanded I told her who did it, but I didn't.

    I went inside, curled up on the bed, and after a few minutes the doorbell rang. It was Chris and his mom. My dad had to literally hold my mother around her waist to keep her from clawing his mom's eyes out. Mom threatened to call the cops for abuse, his mom threatened to call the cops on me for wrecking her son, and while they were fighting me and Chris made up since we were both afraid of our moms going to jail.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:13:57 No.4909059
    lol my time in school was uneventful.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:14:39 No.4909067
    I have a feeling this will be a long thread
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:14:45 No.4909068
    Fuck chris.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:14:56 No.4909073
    I've never really been bullied straight up, but I have a few instances.

    The earliest was when I must have been about 6 years old. There was this South American kid (Brazilian I think) who just started pushing me around one day for no reason. I basically stood up and called him out for being black and he got all crybaby about it. Our parents got involved and we basically ended up being really good chums. Also, his mother was a stone fox.

    I moved schools at 9 and was pretty much passively bullied right up until I left primary. It was a peer group thing, I basically had to change my entire personality from a naive but adorable country kid, to a cynical and far too adult urban boy in a few months. I spent several years spending every waking second trying to fit in and appease my peers. Strangely enough I was one of the most popular kids in the class ('dated' pretty much every pretty girl, three at the same time even). My lies and fake persona caught up to me and the entire group cussed me out at the end of our last year. The people who I thought were my friends turned around and told me they hated my guts, it felt pretty bad.

    After that the closest anyone came to bullying me was one time when a kid kept kicking me in the back of the leg on the way up to a class and calling me names. I basically flipped, launched myself down a 10 flight of stairs onto him, and smacked him around for a bit... never got messed with again.

    To be honest, I've done much more bullying than I have received it. Mostly this came about as a way for me to seek approval with peers, but sometimes I was just a cock for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:15:12 No.4909076
    thanks for the yogurt visual. i lol'ed and my rabbit sprayed me.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:15:46 No.4909084
    Delicious pasta, reminds me of another incident with being bullied.

    I was riding home from a friends house on a saturday and I pass a house and I see that it's some guy from the class above me and they all start throwing tennisballs at me. I had to bike out of there in a hurry.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:16:58 No.4909089
    Oddly enough the guy I wrote about above (the "sweet little Mexican" bully) was named Chris too.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:19:44 No.4909111
    It's not pasta, I deprived myself of sleep and wrote it just now. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:19:52 No.4909112
    Fuck, are you guys telling me you've never bullied anyone before?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:22:46 No.4909143
    I had liberty spiked growing up and one year some jocks decided to chop one off with scissors when i was sitting in front of them. I took the scizzors and said i'll fucking kill you then walked out. Kid was a total D bad
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:23:52 No.4909152
    lol liberty spikes? I'm siding with the jock on this one.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:25:10 No.4909163
    Eh, worst thing I can recall was that some kid put a worm down my shirt. I fucked him up after that.

    Another incident when I was in first grade, there was this kid who punched me in the eye. I ran after him, battled him down, kept him under me and kept delivering him punches until several teachers had to part us from each other.

    Another time was when some kid made a rude remark, and I threw a chair at him.

    My main problem now is that I've moved to a country where people in general are taller than me, and I kinda stopped growing when I was 14. fffffffff shortness
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:25:19 No.4909164
    I was sitting in the mid-back of the school bus one day in 7th grade. I guess I was sitting to close to the "cool kids" because the biggest one of all came over and told me to "get the fuck out of his seat." I refused, school especially sucked that day, can't remember why. I was always stubbornly outspoken, so I called him a "fat ass pig," and that he only picked on me because he was insecure about his weight. This was probably not a good idea, because he said if I didn't move he was going to punch me, to which I replied "Bring it, bitch." He girl-slapped me, and everyone on the bus laughed. It didn't hurt at all, but the girl I liked was watching and started laughing too. This brought me over the edge and I broke down in tears (lol, I know I was a pussy).

    On my way back home I told my friend I was going to murder the bully, which freaked him out so much he had to tell the principal. Why, I have no idea, but I'm the one who got in trouble, for making a supposed death threat. Oh well, didn't amount to much, just a verbal warning, although shit was cash because I did look more bad ass as the dangerous kid.

    TL;DR: Be a man, don't cry.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:25:28 No.4909165
    I was in the 5th grade and these kids were merciless. Classic bullying techniques, physical and verbal abuse the whole 9 yards.

    What they didn't know was that my older brother who was in high school was a huge drug dealer and a well connected one at that.

    He paid one of his "customers" (e.g. a huge junkie) to go into one of the kids houses and mess it up.

    We ound out later that the junkie had broken in, murdered the kids dog with a kitchen knife and then smeared blood and intestines everywhere around the house.

    I still got picked on every now and then but the kid whose dog it was basically dropped off the map.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:25:29 No.4909166
    Actually, yeah, I've never bullied anyone. I'm a pretty nice guy, but I don't take shit so I didn't really get bullied either. The one time someone tried it, I slammed him into a locker and told him I'd beat his ass if he did it again.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:30:05 No.4909190
    i was the bully
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:30:06 No.4909192
    [Insert "I'm a drug dealer at my school" copypasta here]
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:30:59 No.4909200
    Oh fuck, I lol'd heartily.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:32:25 No.4909211
    I remember there were some fatty looser i used to bully. I took his cap once and filled with dogshit. The little bitch cried all the way home. Those were the good days!

    Now i think he is the same fat looser he used to be. I am a self made millionaire and fucked 100 women in the ass. Life is good.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:32:51 No.4909217
    I was the bully back in high school. Felt good, man. Except I only picked on kids I knew would never fight back. Brought me many lulz during those 4 years, though I regret doing it to this one kid because he often went to the crisis counselor after school. I think I fucked him up in the head.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:34:16 No.4909237
    The only reason I didn't get physically assaulted in High School (they kept it verbal) was that they tought I would murder them if they did. Columbine was not long ago and they tought I was nuts. It didn't exactly help my social life but it kept me relatively safe at the same time. Fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:34:28 No.4909242
    ITT: Everyone saying he was the one who bullied lies and is a fat pig wanting attention
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:42:50 No.4909304
    i can't help laughing sorry
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:43:22 No.4909314
    I used to get bullied for being chubby, having glasses and being clever. This went on for a couple of years until I nearly took a cricket bat to the person who was doing it. Seeing the fear in his eyes as I raised the bat above his head was just enough to stop me from bringing it down. He never told and didn't dare carry on after that.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:47:09 No.4909351
    I don't mean to be an internet tough guy this this is my short story of the only instance I got "bullied(?)"

    I used to go to an all-boys catholic school, and we were having mass. During that time, this "cool kid" kept kicking my friend's chair and kept blowing into my hair with his filthy breath. Being sleep deprived and not very tolerant, right after mass was over, I found the kid, punched him in the face three times, kicked him down, and kept kicking him until one of the Fathers came to stop me. I got lectured about being violent JUST AFTER THE MASS (which I didn't care about).

    Luckily for me, that kid still didn't stop messing with me (he thought that I wouldn't fuck him up again because I was the kind of nerd guy that didn't want to get into trouble), so I gave him a quick punch in the face just IN FRONT of the Father's office. Then he learned his lesson and never came near me again.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:48:41 No.4909365
    I was never bullied but when i was 10 nobody liked me.

    A guy i used to walk to school with just stopped knocking at my door to come and walk with me.

    Fuck i forgot how much that hurt ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:58:33 No.4909464
    once some ghetto girl punched me in the face in the locker room. i'm not really sure why. i think she just had anger management problems.

    other than that, i mostly got verbally bullied for being ugly and stuff.

    it was all horrible until high school, when i got 'pretty' and suddenly everyone was nice. that's why i only trust people who know me well.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:06:09 No.4909542
         File1248969969.jpg-(63 KB, 500x423, 408806422_3d00719562.jpg)
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    This is a wee bit off topic, but I'll never forget it.

    It was 2nd grade. I was a little blond tomboy, and one of my best friends was this shy nerdy boy. He was a real sweetie. It was during daycare, and we were playing some awesome imagination game with dragons and elves and shit. (Remember those? Those games were just too much kickass. I see why people LARP. Anyways.) A couple of girls pushed him off of a slide as he was pretending to slay some evil monster. He fell into the bark chips from about ten feet up. (This was a pretty bitchin playground.) You all know how much those chips can hurt. He crawled away a little, under the tire swing. The girls jumped at him. They kicked chips in his face and laughed and called him names. I don't remember what they called him. I don't remember why they attacked him. I just remember one of the girls pushing me away, and that I was too scared to fight them off. When they left him, crying and dirty, I pulled him and washed him off at the drinking fountain. We never told any teachers or anything. Like they would give a fuck.

    So yeah. That's why I flip shit when someone picks on a friend of mine. I let one person get terrorized in 2nd grade. I can't stand to let it happen again.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:08:27 No.4909563
    When I was in first grade, this kid in my class drew a big green circle and said, "Look, it's Anon's booger!"

    I just looked down and developed an anger management problem.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:15:29 No.4909624
    bunch of guys were giving me shit for ages when I was new at school, got the point where I flipped out and punched one guy in the face and choked another, I was a pretty psycho 14 year old.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:24:32 No.4909733
    lol all you nerds getting bullied

    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:29:58 No.4909781
    >I took a feeble swing at one of the bullies and completely missed his face. I was then shoved into a garbage can. I was a pretty psycho 14 year old.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:33:40 No.4909816
    Three girls cornered me and all called me fat and ugly for like 20 minutes when I was 11. I still have a deep hatred for women to this day.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:36:13 No.4909834
    I never got bullied. I was athletic and smart, so in elementary school I was cool shit. In fact, I bullied quite a few kids. Yeah, the usual suspects. The poor kid, the retarded kid, etc. My friends and I would also mess with the normal football games at recess... stealing the ball and running off with it. Okay, that was actually pretty funny.

    By middle school I was smoking weed everyday and realized how shitty it was to bully people. This is where I atoned for my sins. I'd always stand up for people that were getting bullied, either by reasoning or acting like a hardass. And at that age, everybody thought I was hardcore because I did drugs so nobody dared fuck with me.

    I am in no way a hardass, and now I'm actually very timid. But I was never bullied. Fuck. Yeah.
    >> I Will Give you Unwarranted Advice, and You Will Enjoy It !!SOCKNu/qi6S 07/30/09(Thu)12:40:28 No.4909875
    This ginger in my 5th grade class always threatened to kill me, beat me up, call me names, etc.. All the other kids would make fun of me too. The only friend I had would actually make fun of me whenever he was in class (we were friends in this daycare program). It turned out the ginger's mom was a high ranking board member in the school district, so the teacher didn't want to look bad, so she never did anything to the ginger.

    Shit scarred me pretty bad. I hate the government, don't trust "the system", and I was really shy until my senior year in high school.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:41:49 No.4909881
    I think this is what happens to most normal people. People will think you're lying because everyone on /r9k/ is a basement dweller or a mid-20's college hipster.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:43:26 No.4909898
    I was in high school, and this kid I thought was my friend started telling people was a pedophile, for no reason at all. Feels bad, man.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:44:54 No.4909914

    Heh, funny enough I now am a basement dweller. Go figure?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:45:05 No.4909917
    I knew these kids named Addison and Eric when I was a kid. They bullied everyone in my class, but had it out for me and two other kids They would often play with their dicks in the back of the bus and try to get me to show them mine, and when I refused they called me a faggot.

    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:45:27 No.4909921
    >shy until my senior year in high school

    I fucking hate people like this. I met one of my best friends in senior year because I had never knew he even existed. Fucking idiot never talked all throughout high school so I never knew who he was.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:45:58 No.4909928
    I was bullied occasionally up till high school, but nothing that scarred me or was serious business.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:48:13 No.4909946
    When I was a kid I had a hard as shit time with pronouncing the letter R. I still do, actually. Anyway, one time in 2nd grade, while talking to my friends, I said something and the R sounded like a J. So some people next to me laughed and mocked me for it. They kept asking me occasionally to repeat what I said that time, until middle school ended, and we went to different schools. The ridiculous thing about this is that they were Spanish and Middle Eastern immigrants, and they mock me for mispronouncing.
    They are probably one of the main reasons for my social phobia, and even though they turned to be ok people, I still hate them for this.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:52:47 No.4909971
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:52:52 No.4909972
    In grade 8 I was walking home alone, which was unusual, since (unlike the majority of rowboats) I had a decent amount of friends. Three niggers come up and start walking behind me, they start throwing pine cones at me, etc. I try and brush it off, telling them how bad aim they had etc. Tryin to act cool and shit. Anyway this went on for a good 30 minutes since I lived really far from home, and all but one of the niggers lived in the same apartment building as I did.

    May not seem harsh but it was fucking horrible at the time. And to be fair I really never got bullied much because I've always been a good 4 inches bigger than everyone my age.
    >> I Will Give you Unwarranted Advice, and You Will Enjoy It !!SOCKNu/qi6S 07/30/09(Thu)12:56:46 No.4910010
    Yeah, I agree. I wish I could have come out of my shell sooner.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:57:23 No.4910014

    Actually, I don't have much problems with English, because the R is usually pronounced a bit different. But "Fried rice" is FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:58:49 No.4910029

    Are you tongue tied? You know, they can snip that shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:01:42 No.4910045
    Believe it or not I got "bullied" by a gang of middle school boys while I was leaving a store (I'm in college). They followed me to my car, surrounded it when I got inside, and started throwing trash in through the open window because I dropped my receipt leaving the store and they thought I was littering.

    They skateboarded off after I told them I had no problems with running their asses over, and I started to back my truck up towards the one behind me.

    More WTF than scarring, but it still hurt a little. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:01:58 No.4910048

    I think the problem might be my teeth. They are completely fucked up, and it feels like speaking would be much easier if they actually were where they should be.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:03:06 No.4910063
    Middle-eastern kids... fucked up teeth...

    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:06:15 No.4910085

    Not really. Try again.

    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:08:13 No.4910104
    I was a bully when I was a young kid.

    Contrary to the popular opinion created by TV sitcom writers (Who were all probably bullied as kids.), I don't have any special emotional issues nor did I bully people because of some personal flaw, and if someone stood up to me, I'd beat his ass instead of realizing the error of my ways and running away.

    Anyone has any questions, btw?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:08:15 No.4910105
    Not sure if this counts, but here goes.

    A year or two ago, I used to live in the projects. It was mainly a black community, just us and another family were white, but all their children were clinically retarded. But anyway...

    Once my brother was riding his bike around, just for fun, and this black kid stuck a stick in the tires and my brother flew off and broke his arm. The kids laugh - it was a pseudo-gang of black kids, aged 13-16 that were assholes all the time - as my brother walks home.

    He gets there and tells me what happens, and my mom takes him to the hospital. I opt to stay home, because I have a personal vendetta against these bastards.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:09:54 No.4910116

    Previously, they stole my bike not once, not twice, but three fucking times. Same bike. First time, they stole it and I spotted the kid riding it, so I clotheslined him and took it to my friend's house, and chained it there for the night. Next morning, the chain's been hacksawed. I walk home, and on the way I see it in this kid's front yard. I go to get it, his parents sitting on the porch, and he comes out to tell me I can't. His mom tells me she bought it for him, and I show her my initials under the seat. She tells me they all come with that, it's the brand, and I say bullshit and ride off. The next day, they steal it and throw it in the creek.

    But after hearing this, I'm pissed. I go in my room and find a suitable metal bar. I march down the street with it in hand. A bit past the end of the street is a large pile of dirt, which this "gang" calls base. I head there, and there they all are. They call down to me and ask what I'm gonna do. Ignoring them I start to climb it. They begin to throw rocks and dirt clods at me, but I ignore those too, in my barely controlled rage.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:10:15 No.4910123
    And the next thing I remember is waking up in a ditch with a perforated anus.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:11:25 No.4910132

    Reaching the top, the biggest goes for a punch. He misses pretty wide, and I hit him in the nose with the bar. It emits a very satisfying crunch, and he falls to his knees and cries. The others look at me in I suppose surprise, and I take the opportunity to beat down another. The remaining 4 try to run, and I trip the nearest. I learn later he broke his neck. The other three get away, and the self-proclaimed gangsta who put the stick in my little brother's tire pulls a knife on me. He tries to stab me but comes up pretty short, and I grab him by his neck and I throw him down and start beating him. After that, all I remember is being dragged off by the cops, I suppose one of the boys called them. Fucking hypocrites. This was a while later, and I look back as they throw me in the vehicle, and the boy isn't moving. The bar's next to him, covered in blood, and his body's bloody and bruised. Shocked, I stopped resisting them. I recently got out of juvy for all that.

    So...I suppose maybe I'm the bully. Huh.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:11:33 No.4910133
    How does it feel to be a faggot? Shall I come by and kick your teeth in?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:12:53 No.4910151

    Okay. Why'd you do it
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:13:38 No.4910156

    They were just trying to be environmentally conscious, man. Give them little shits a break.
    >> Solve Et Coagula !!LUqmBE/5/Jt 07/30/09(Thu)13:13:43 No.4910157

    Good job. Seriously, good job.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)13:13:48 No.4910158

    Prison for that? If I were a cop, I would have told you that you gave them what they deserved, and maybe I'd taken them to a hospital if I felt like it.

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