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    File : 1247598927.jpg-(17 KB, 385x261, construction_jobs_385x261.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:15:27 No.4749243  
    How hard is it to work in construction if you're a nerd that sits in front of the computer all day? Should I work out first?

    I'm asking because I decided to fuck it all and go away and work manual labour living day to day. I am a terrible drain on my family, they pay for antidepressants, and for everything else. I'm supposed to go to college later this year but I don't think I deserve it. My parents will have to pay for it since I didn't do well enough on the tests to have the state pay for it (I live in Europe).

    So I don't want to go. I just want to move away right now, get a job doing whatever and live alone not having to drain my parents like the parasitic louse I am. I did think about suicide but after all they paid for that would be fucking ungrateful.

    When I go away, I won't really be missed. I got all the shitty genes and my brother got all the good ones. They have one good kid. They won't care if I just up and go away, they'd probably celebrate it.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:16:42 No.4749247
    You need good endurance and should be able to lift at least 60 lbs.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:21:51 No.4749266
    You're a nerd that didn't do well on tests? You're not a nerd. You're just a fucking loser.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:22:28 No.4749271
    you're obviously just depressed and talking shit as a result. you don't actually have any intention to go into construction. Go sort out your problems instead and once you have retained a level head then decide what to do with your life.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:25:07 No.4749285
    Well didn't you make a big discovery. I mean "nerd" in the sense that I don't go out or exercise much. At all. Doesn't really matter. I know I'm a loser.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:27:43 No.4749297
    It's not fun or easy, and you won't be given any slack. If you're not really fit, be prepared for grueling days of labor where you are constantly out of breath. You'll be repeatedly told to lift/move things that weigh 90lbs +.

    I'll be blunt, you likely won't be very good when you start. You'll be a shitty worker, but you'll also get better over time. Also, be prepared to take A

    LOT of shit from the older guys.


    This. Really, the work itself isn't the hard part, imo. The deadlines and pace at which you must keep working is what wears you down. But, once your body gets used to it, you'll be able to work without the strain slowing you down as much.

    PS. Spending weeks on a job site, and then finally seeing it completed after all the work you put in it, is one of the most rewarding feelings you can have.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:30:25 No.4749313
    No I'm not depressed. Not anymore. The new meds are doing wonders for my mood. I got rid of most my negative irrational thoughts through therapy too.

    This is real. I am, very objectively, being a huge drain on my family. Even they admit it. But they will never cut me off as they feel it's a parent's obligation to support their children for as long as it is necessary. Yeah, they're pretty much awesome. Probably the best parents anyone could ask. But I know that eventually I will ruin them emotionally and financially. They can't afford all this shit for too long.

    It's time for me to go. So fine, if construction is unfeasible for me because I'd need months working out and getting in shape first then I'll mop floors. I'll scrub toilets, wait tables, anything short of selling myself on the streets (like anyone would want me anyway).

    So I'll rephrase the question. What jobs can desperate people with just a high school diploma do?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:30:43 No.4749318
    it takes about year to get used to
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:31:27 No.4749325
    Go read sum Hermann Hesse? Steppenwolf helped me pretty much back then. Recommended especially if you're german.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:34:09 No.4749340
    You will have a hard time your first months or so. Just remember to eat well and dont give up. Gain strength you will. You might also break a back or two, but thats ok.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:37:17 No.4749363
    Quit being a whiney bitch. It's not the end of the world if college wont be free. Get a summer job or a part-time job at least and still go to college you'll regret it if you don't later on. And if you care about your parents please dont bail college or you'll drive them insane and make them angry, they don't seem to deserve it.

    Construction work is fucking hard, you take alot of shit and it tears you down pretty bad i used to do it for a little while and it won't kill you but theres many easier things you can do. I'm 20 now and i deliver pizza (summer job) and i get paid minimum wage but i make twice as much from tips. And all i do is drive a car all day around the city or sleep in it/talk with the other guys when there arent any orders. dream job. Don't do anything that involves physical strain, it seems like a good idea at first but you'll regret it.

    Also stop being a negativistic pussy and find the strength within to man up, earn some cash and go attend college it's the best thanks you can give to your folks.

    And stop bullshitting about good or bad genes get some nice clothes a proper fuckin haircut, go to the gym for a few months and really analyze yourself see what needs changing and get to it.

    don't be a bitch
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:51:29 No.4749441
    Join the army. They will train you up for free!
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)15:53:30 No.4749453
    Two things.

    First of all, I worked construction for a summer after freshmen year of college. I'm semi-athletic and have good endurance, and I thought it was a pretty cool job. You're outside all day, working with your hands, building shit and using power tools. It's not exactly fun, I mean, you have to get up at like 5:30 or so every morning, carry a lot of heavy shit around, and depending on where you live, hot days can suck hard. That being said, if you like working with your hands and being outside, then construction is a great job, would recommend. As far as working out, yes you should do this if you aren't currently physically active. Go running for a few miles a few times a week, and start some kind of strength training program with a focus on functional strength. This will make construction a lot easier when you begin.

    Point number two. I think you're just being a bitch, and you should go to college. Your parents aren't wasting money if you are earning good grades, which most people can do if they actually work for it. With a college degree, you'll make way more money that you could in construction, as long as you don't major in literature, philosophy, communications, etc. Then you can pay your parents back if it will make you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/09(Tue)16:44:25 No.4749806
    I'm studying Sociology. I'm fucked.

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