07/10/09(Fri)05:35:39 No. 4705764 Really, really don't do this. Firstly,
you're most likely a lazy neckbeard or really close to it if you're
posting on 4chan, and the amount of work needed to build a house that
either doesn't suck or won't collapse in on you in a year is
astounding. I work in remodeling and we come across horrid chop jobs
done by lazy, illiterate Mexicans and rednecks all the time. Secondly,
as far as I know you need to be classified as a specific type of
construction worker to build anything. I know that as a
contractor/remodeler, we're not allowed to build anything on virgin
soil but can practically make a two-story extension to an outhouse. Thirdly,
you will need permits for plumbing, electricity, etc and to get each
one you need to be a certified electrician, plumber, etc and, again,
given that you've probably never built anything bigger than a bird
house in shop class, I'm pretty sure you're going to violate all sorts
of safety codes and have to have the thing torn down anyways.