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    File : 1246972067.jpg-(43 KB, 350x494, 1242634247001.jpg)
    43 KB Japanese culture vs Chinese culture in the West †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/07/09(Tue)09:07:47 No.4700147  
    This question is for crackas only living in Western countries.

    >Exporting their culture? are you kidding me? nobody except a handful of basement dwellers care about the culture of Japan. China\'s culture on the other hand has actually effected the world.

    In your opinion, which culture is more noticeable, more widespread and has more of an affect in your country: Chinese culture or Japanese culture?

    Give examples to support your stance.

    Which culture do you like better and why?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:19:11 No.4700345
    thai pad thai!
    malaysia go go
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:20:31 No.4700371
    Culture? Japanese, in the sense of pop culture or art or whatever. Also technology.
    Chinese business, merchandise etc is I guess more influential.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:53:35 No.4700871
    Let's compare some areas and see how big is the influence of Japanese, Chinese, and while we're at it, Korean culture.

    * food
    - Japanese cuisine is tasty, healthy, versatile
    - Chinese food is too dangerous to consume, who the hell knows what they put inside
    - Korean food? You mean that kimchi stuff? Ugghhhh.

    * animu:
    - Anime is Japanese animation
    - China: Chinese are only good at painting propaganda posters, and stealing shit from Japan (see OP's pic)
    - Korea: if you look at the credits of any anime series or movies, you'll quickly notice many Korean names - they are cheap in-between animators, especially favored when the series is needs to be rushed out FAST. Screw the quality, we'll fix that for the DVD release later. When the Koreans try to produce their own anime-like series they're fucking horrible. The best anime thing out of Korea I watched was "Aachi and Ssipak", and that's a movie about SHIT, literally.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:55:59 No.4700903

    * movies
    - Japan produces some very nice movies. They never have comparable budgets like top hollywood stuff, and that's better this way. They are able to produce a totally heart-blasting story revolving around just normal everyday life, without any fx, without any non-realistic plots and that's what I love about Japanese cinema.
    - China: being a communist dictatorship makes making any good movies basically impossible, so they have to resort to historical stuff. It all looks incredibly nicely choreographed, and is always full of colors, but the story is always bland. There are a couple of good stuff from Taiwan and formerly from Hong Kong, but that's it. Mainland Chinese movies are crap.
    - Korea: Korea seems to be very butthurt about not having any history, so they always attempt to make some terrific historical movies - ohhh give me a break, it's just some too colorfully told stories about some old-goreyan tribes pummeling each other. There are a few nice horror movies, I liked Yeogo Goedam series a lot, but that's pretty much it. Old Boy was a fucking piece of crap - boring like hell and acting was too exaggerated for the action.

    * music
    - Japan : very versatile music scene
    - China : some light pop at most. Reminds me of contemporary Russian music. Crap.
    - Korea : gee gee gee, nuff said. Feels like chewing on a piece of plastic. What the hell is with you guys? If you want to show us the girls, just make a porn with them. Would be at least somewhat entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:58:23 No.4700941
    Over here there's a show on tv about japanese gameshows. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:58:26 No.4700942
    * games
    - Japan : not much except JRPGs, hentai and casual stuff. But what's there is there in plenty and is very well done.
    - China : cheap copy of a cheap copy. Like everything produced in China.
    - Korea : shitty grindan games. Also some homebrew FPS that rival their grindan games in shittiness.

    * porn
    - Japan : lots and lots of porn in every possible genre. Except CP, but thats only because it was forbidden to produce. But at least there's U-15, and loli hentai stuff. Unfortunately official porn is censored, but there's also a lot of unc stuff.
    - China : LOL BANND
    - Korea : generic crap.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:06:09 No.4701053
    Japan: Anime, Manga, J-Pop, J-Rock, fashion styles... all these have become part of the current teenage generation's popular conciousness.

    China: Hong Kong action movies. That's it, really.

    Japan wins.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:09:33 No.4701100
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    holy fucking weea-fucking-boo

    japan <3 korean bbq and kimchi = you would love it cause you'll suck japanese shit right out of a jap's asshole

    you're also talking about chinese-american take out shit. soup dumplings are fucking godly
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:11:40 No.4701141
    music: BoA, taku from m-flo are ?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:12:12 No.4701147
    Hello IBaP.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:14:18 No.4701188
    I'd say china, just because there are a lot more chinese expats and because they're much more of a global and economic presence.

    Japan is a cultural nonfactor. Outside of a small subculture (nerds, weeaboo's, gamers), nobody knows or cares about japanese fashion, or music, or youth culture, or anime, etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:17:01 No.4701239
    Thai culture:

    Ladyboys (fuck year)
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:20:34 No.4701297
    so do chinese really not have porn there? what do they fap to...imagination?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:22:33 No.4701325
    overpopulated females ftw?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:25:43 No.4701377
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:27:12 No.4701408
    when did ISM get back? i always like his threads.
    >> John Carmack !QUAKE/Ntkk 07/07/09(Tue)10:27:44 No.4701414
    What about all the new cartoons that use animu-ish animation? Or Pokemon, or any of the other shows mainstream channels broadcast?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:33:01 No.4701506
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    >China Japan Korea
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:38:48 No.4701602
    The block system is retarded

    >Japan: Anime, Manga, J-Pop, J-Rock, fashion styles... all these have become part of the current teenage generation's popular conciousness.

    Enough reason to not like japan right here. Who the fuck cares about teenagers except.. other teenagers. Right, sorry, forgot I was on the biggest gathering of underage B&'d board that 4chan has.

    You weeaboo fucks need to wake up and realize nobody over 30 knows shit about japan except ROBOTS. They do know a fucking ton about china though, because those actually affect their daily lives. AS IN DAILY YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER.

    The clothes you wear? Made in China. The shoes you just bought? Made in China. Half of your furniture? Made in China.

    So much mass produced shit comes from China we would barely have so much as one pair of jeans left if it wasn't for them. Japan does nothing for the western world except WEEABOO SHIT for you 15 year olds. Great, because grownups give a rats ass about shitty pedophile cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:41:20 No.4701645
    too bad i only wear am appy clothes and the furniture comes with the apartment.
    Japan has Boris and Mono, and they are like totally hip.

    what's china got?
    The olympics?
    call me when they are relevant/cool. no real art comes from china.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:44:32 No.4701696
    This, you bunch of young cunts.

    Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:47:05 No.4701734
    Well, the computer I'm typing this with was made by a Japanese company, the video game I just played was made by a Japanese company and played on a console and TV from Japan. The car I drove to work in was made by a Japanese company.

    China might have made by jeans and shirt, but they are made in western style.
    At least the Japs have some self-respect to take pride in their culture. The Chinese worship anything that will bring them closer to a Western lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:47:19 No.4701738
    ITT: weeaboos
    japanese culture is like as desribed by the weeaboos very americanized unless in the rural areas
    chinese culture is less americanized but the cultural revolution the communist revolution destroyed some traditions and left the chinese with a mix of capitalism,(free market wins)
    ancient chinese medicine and religious traditions e.g lantern festival and the food there is very very mixed from hong kong's western + asian mix food to the indian border with hakka
    to the western area like tibetian with very spicy food to keep themselves warm in the mountains
    to the more generic food like dim sum
    China has around 50+ ethnicitys each with thier own backgrounds, food etc. though most of these ethnicitys are mostly only in china + has been affected by the cultural revolution

    Korea has been under japenese rule and after the seperation the koreans have been americanized too but they are very connected to the internet e.g the goverment literally gave everyone a broadband connection
    this is how starcraft became so popular
    the food there is good too and no it's not like herp derp only kimchi
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:49:55 No.4701772
    >Who the fuck cares about teenagers except.. other teenagers.

    And marketeers and advertisers, who effectively control the purse strings of most major US corporations.
    They care very deeply about what the coveted 13-35 demographic is interested in, and care a whole lot less about what any other age group thinks.

    >The clothes you wear? Made in China. The shoes you just bought? Made in China. Half of your furniture? Made in China.

    What does that have to do with culture and cultural impact? That cheap shit we all buy is almost entirely Western crap (coming from western culture) made in China. It's not Chinese designs or culture that we're consuming, just their cheap labor.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:50:00 No.4701774
    When it comes to cooking, both Japan and China fail horribly. In fact, pretty much all of Asia has shit taste in food.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:50:53 No.4701787
    all of the smart chinese get the fuck out of there when they can. Fuck dictatorships. Japan has more prominent artistic work.. China... umm.. can't think of much art out of there.. they can mass produce and pay shit wages though!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:51:13 No.4701794
    If you are talking about culture in general probably China but in terms of pop culture Japan is definately more prominent what with small kids watching bleach/naruto and running around and calling each other nee-san/nii-san. Chinese pop culture is pretty underrated, some of the movies by Zhang Yimou, and the Hong Kong/Taiwan stuff are pretty awesome and alot of Jap movies are pretty crap these days except for the arty stuff. In terms of cuisine both are fuck awesome (only if we are talking AUTHENTIC cuisine here, no panda express and conveyer belt sushi crap).
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:00:52 No.4701956
    >You weeaboo fucks need to wake up and realize nobody over 30 knows shit about japan except ROBOTS.

    My 50 year old dad bought the first three volumes of Death Note, because he thought it looked interesting.

    I do wish people would stop saying stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:06:10 No.4702060

    So basically what you're trying to say is "I AM A MASSIVE WEEABOO FAGGOT"?

    Why couldn't you just have written that instead? So much easier.
    >> Lon !1jAlexLT.I 07/07/09(Tue)11:21:35 No.4702384
    I don't give a shit about anything that comes from shortfag-land. With the exception of Animu and Mango and some J-pop(RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY).
    Nip-food, their lolmusic, their 'porn' (groping a teenage underageb& in a train and raping random drugged girls), their Otakus, their gayshit male idols, their toughguy-wannabes and many other aspects of their, their general attitude and their superiority complex are only a fraction of what I utterly despise about their culture. You would think having been nuked twice would have taught them their place, but NOOOOO.

    China gave us Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee so they're cool.

    Korea is a massive lolcow and some of their manwha are actually quite good, so I guess they're also OK.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:28:13 No.4702570

    Did you guys even read OPs post?
    >> Which culture do you like better and why?
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/07/09(Tue)11:47:59 No.4703081

    Your identification of Japan's flaws are fair but any reason why you COMPLETELY IGNORED China's bad points, of which there are many?

    Ironically enough, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are from Hong Kong, which some may consider separate from China.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:49:13 No.4703102

    So, what did you think of Xam'd?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:51:17 No.4703146

    No reason to keep reading.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/07/09(Tue)11:51:52 No.4703159
    testantestan ops
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:52:59 No.4703180
    Duno really. Not that much of an influence from either here in Sweden.
    It's always been Chinese stuff in the past, kung fu movies, food etc. in the past but weaboo shit is on the uprising among the young kids.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:53:31 No.4703192
    The recent Xinjiang incidents have proved that the only thing keeping the billion strong savage Chink horde is state power.

    Thank fuck for the PRC.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:55:59 No.4703238
    Japan art wise by far. China makes everything but i wouldnt consider that culture.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:57:49 No.4703260
    western designed merchandise manufactured in China is not Chinese culture.

    OP's post is dumb.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/07/09(Tue)11:57:52 No.4703261

    Why is Japanese stuff "weeaboo shit" but Chinese stuff, just Chinese stuff?

    I am an equal opportunity racist. Chinese stuff should also be called chinkaboo stuff.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/07/09(Tue)12:02:28 No.4703349

    Green text means I'm quoting someone else, faggot. lrn2/4chan/

    Original post: >>4699938
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)12:03:15 No.4703362
    8/10, I loled. Well done.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)12:11:23 No.4703527
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    >Hong Kong, which some may consider separate from China.
    >Hong Kong
    >Separate from China

    no, not at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)12:11:52 No.4703538
    >Chinese food is too dangerous to consume, who the hell knows what they put inside

    Are you crazy? Stir-frying is like one of, if not the best way to cook vegetables to minimise nutrient loss when compared to cooking them other ways. Like the obvious case with boiled vegetables since the nutrients pretty much all go into the water in this regard.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)12:14:14 No.4703569
    Japanese culture of course. I see people with PSPs, DS, cell phones, pagers, laptops, most of them made in Japan.

    I walk down the street and see a young man wearing a purple headband with a metal plate in it, from japan

    I go to the hibachi restaurant for dinner, watch them throw stuff.

    The brought my country into ww2
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/07/09(Tue)20:29:45 No.4703718

    Your reaction face indicates that you don't know much about Sino-Asian politics.

    Educate yourself and join us in complaining about annoying Chinese nationalists.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)00:09:16 No.4703719
    >One country, two systems.
    >One country.

    Hong Kong is and always will be a part of China. It is in the Basic Law. Lrn2HK.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)01:34:10 No.4703923
    I live in Japan and let me tell you, I used to think Japanese culture was interesting before I came here. Once I arrived to find a society filled with shallow, materialistic retards who live only for the purchase of designer brands, lack basic general knowledge and only ever talk about food and shopping, my view of Japan was completely destroyed (many Chinese kids are alot like this too, but before I came to Japan I thought they would be more sophisticated, guess I was wrong).

    Japan does produce alot of rich culture that I totally dig, from Junji Ito's horror manga, indie films like Twilight Samurai, anime like Samurai Champloo, Detroit Metal City and NGE, indie and punk music, but at the end of the day the average Japanese young person has not heard of or give a shit about any of these things and would rather watch a disney film or the latest piece of shit hollywood trash than Mikee Takashi and has never heard of any Japanese indie or punk bands but thinks Linkin Park and Avril Lavigne is the epitome of underground punk rawk. Also I've never met a Japanese person interested in talking about literature or history or philosophy or anything like that, if any person like that exists im sure they are ostracised for not following the mainstream, just as anyone who is a fan of anime is branded and otaku loses any chance of making friends and so on. Anyway, Japan projects a cool, ultra-modern, hip and quirky culture to the outside world, but when you get here you'll find a stuffy, conservative culture where everyone wants to kill themselves. Ironically, my close Japanese friends all hate the average Japanese person and Japanese culture, mainstream Japanese culture is fucking rubbish, and next time you think Japan is so classy and cool go to Shibuya and just look at the garus, that is the true Japan.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:11:21 No.4704758
    Yeah pretty much this. I still find it highly enjoyable visiting the country now and then, but I would never for the love of God ever consider moving there or living there for an extended period of time.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:29:16 No.4704898

    That's how all young people, regardless of nationality.

    Although I did meet some people like that when I was in Japan, I also met many interesting and well cultured folks too. You probably just hang around in shitty crowds and expect to find neat people in clubs and bars.

    Anyway on OPs topic:

    Japan has had more of an influence on the west than China, culturally.

    China has given us bad food (real chinese food is different, but the shit they sell here is terrible), and kung-fu movies. And "lol made in china"

    Thanks to Japan we have:
    video games, animu, cosplay, karaoke (really a korean thing, but we took it from Japan).
    We've also adopted several of their words like Tsunami, Sake, and Sushi.
    We could just call them "tidal waves" "rice wine" and "bite-sized fish on rice" but we don't, because our culture has assimilated the Japanese words.
    Let's not forget household names we all take for granted:
    Sony, Toshiba, Honda, Toyota, etc...
    How often do you hear people spouting out the Chinese name of their new car, laptop, or video game system? Never.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:31:28 No.4704920
    on the one hand China has relatively cheap fast food that taste pretty delicious and is healthy for you.

    but Japan has those places with the fire and knife-juggling, which I guess is more healthy or something, and also tastes good.

    So whichever of those you like I guess. Everything else (anime lol) is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:34:21 No.4704944
    Gunpowder is from China
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:35:03 No.4704949
    >being a communist dictatorship makes making good movies nearly impossible

    You best be joking. White Sun of the Desert? Only old men go to battle? Mosfilm in the USSR made amazing movies.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:37:12 No.4704967
    Japanese electronics are made in China.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:38:16 No.4704972
    Good job samefagging, ISM. We can still tell it's you without the trip. Nobody else would make 3 long posts about Japanese superiority over China and Korea.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:38:43 No.4704981
    America influences Japan.

    China influences America.

    This is just how things work.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:38:47 No.4704982
    This sounds like an essay topic why am I even responding to this, I HATE ESSAYS!
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:39:35 No.4704988
    >implying classic Disney films are not as good as animu shit

    Wow, what a faggot. Go eat a dick.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:40:17 No.4704995
    >We've also adopted several of their words like Tsunami, Sake, and Sushi.

    You forgot we also got sage from them.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:41:43 No.4705010
    Chinese food made in China: Cheap. Possibly good, depending on where you get it from. Being served cardboard or tiger penis also probable.

    Chinese Food made in the US: Cheap. Deep-fried shit slathered in MSG, salt, sugar, and swimming in vegetable oils.


    Japanese food in Japan: Pricey, but fuckin' good. Usually healthy.

    Japanese food in the US: Pricey, but usually good depending on where you go. Also healthy most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:43:36 No.4705027
    Im yet to see a japantown in australia, though there is are a fuckton of chinatowns in the sydney metro area. I think most major cities worldwide have a chinatown
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:43:56 No.4705029
    >implying grease and salt DON'T make food taste good.

    Sir, have I ever introduced you to my old pal bacon?
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 07/10/09(Fri)03:45:46 No.4705048
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    Whats with people thinking Japanese food is good? I'll take Chinese over Japanese anyday. I found the hardest part about living in Japan to be the food. I don't like sushi, or fish in general for the most part.

    All the flat asses kinda sucked too
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:48:38 No.4705065
    Don't like fish? Then you've got no business in Japan.

    It's too bad though, takoyaki is fucking delicious. And motherfucking 100 yen nikuman... oh man. So good.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:48:48 No.4705069
    Number one thing preventing me from travelling to japan.

    I hate seafood.

    Oh, and I know no japanese.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)03:54:58 No.4705123
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    look at this motherfucker, he rides a giant snail!

    Also, supposedly in china, children shit on the footpaths, yeah,
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:01:18 No.4705176
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    more for your pleasure.

    7899 y799 y699 y976
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:06:41 No.4705218
    Neutral third-party person from China here.

    In terms of culture, there's really no contest. China doesn't export their culture at all, while the US keeps consuming Japanese anime and manga and that kind of stuff.

    In terms of other stuff: Japan makes good cars. They... really don't do much else.

    Not that China's much better. In around the 12th century, China used to be great. We invented gunpowder, paper, the movable type printing press, compasses, silk...

    Nowadays... a Commie government. The Olympics were meh, but they do show that unlike Japan, China actually matters.

    But seriously, people who think Japanese food is better - you should seriously take a good guess at why Chinese food is the most prevalent type of Asian food in the US. It's because it's actually good. And if there's MSG in your Chinese food, you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:14:05 No.4705279
    Chinese food is more common because there are more people of Chinese descent in the US. Japanese immigrants were never as numerous. Same goes for... lots of nationalities. You don't see many Pakistani restaurants either because they didn't come over in droves.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:18:02 No.4705321
    I think if there were Japanese places that did delivery (instead of just hibachi and sushi bars) then it would be as popular as Chinese food.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:20:34 No.4705342
    We have no Chinese culture. Even our Chinese food is barely Chinese.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 07/10/09(Fri)04:22:11 No.4705355

    >real chinese food = US chinese food

    The awesome thing is that the most popular "chinese" food is stuff like orange chicken. Nobody likes your OH GOD WE NEED MORE FUCKING GINGER dog meat.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:23:10 No.4705360
    Lets face it Taiwan is superior a mix of both chinese, japanese and a whole bunch of other cultures
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:23:32 No.4705364
    Truth. Chinese food outside of China is nothing like authentic Chinese food found in it's own country.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:24:49 No.4705374

    then what of all the run by white folks japanese franchise food places
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:25:56 No.4705380
    This thread is full of fat white weeabooos that's for sure
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:28:40 No.4705401

    Wow, if you really think that Japanese food is better than Chinese or Korean food then you are nothing but a terminal Japanophile (and the more I read of your post the more clearly that becomes plain as fact). It's bland, and has no variety (same fucking tei shoku everywhere you go).

    As for the protip, its true to some extent that young people everywhere are like that, but Japan's society has a way of putting down those people who somehow deviate from the norm, and attempting to churn them out as the same. It has little respect for diversity. You know the proverb about hammering down the nail that sticks out? I think that's truer in Japan than anywhere else I've ever been.

    It's true there's some cool people around, but they are relatively few and far between. Meet any Japanese person whos lived overseas and theyll tell you Japan is fucked up. Island mentality, being expected to conform etc. That being said, there alot of good things about Japan, and for the few interesting Japanese people that are out there, I think it is worth learning Japanese in the hope of meeting them.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:30:35 No.4705410
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    Hard working people, nice little island and fineass women. True dat.

    Vivian Hsu related.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:31:59 No.4705421
    Did you even bother to read the thread before posting? What's with the influx of /b/shit today.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:36:24 No.4705442
    simplified > traditional, just throwing that out there...
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:37:19 No.4705445
    I think it's funny how the nerds who love Japan the most are usually basement dwellers. In Japan, hikkikomori become that way because Japan's society is so stifling to them they can't handle it. If you can't handle the US, you definitely can't handle Japan. Also, they are racist so they would hate you extra.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:48:15 No.4705494
    Japan is a cool place, in small dozes. I've been there several times, but I'm actually socially outgoing and not a pathetic weaboo. I usually couch surf throughout my stay, met some really cool people over the years.

    People who dream of going to Japan and actually living there, simply because of their anime obsession are better off just living in their little dream world safe and sound in the US or wherever.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:48:54 No.4705502
    Most noticeable culture nowadays? Japan.

    Most prominent cultural exports in the world? Probably China. Because they've made things (like gunpowder and paper and silk) that have affected the world at large for so goddamn long that they're now mainstream and common.

    I don't know a lot of China's culture, so I can't really make a good stance on which is better. I like some Japanese things-- animu, mango-- but is that really their 'culture', or just something they produce? Television isn't an example of what their life is really like there, and the more I hear from other people, the worse Japan actually sounds. In it's defense, I fucking love temples and old shit in general, so I'm heavily interested in that aspect of Japan.

    But, if I went to any asian country, I'd want to go to Korea. Also, the language seems about eight thousand times simpler to learn than either Japanese or Chinese. And delicious food. Or Thailand, as a second choice.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:53:10 No.4705526
    I agree with Korea, simply because it isn't exposed nearly as much as Japan is. Seems more like an interesting choice, also I've already been in Japan.

    Thailand is meh, nice people and nice country but the sex tourism and massive tourism in general somewhat ruins it for me. Everything Thailand-related seem so watered down, made more accessible for tourists etc.
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 07/10/09(Fri)04:54:09 No.4705527
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    >>People who dream of going to Japan and actually living there, simply because of their anime obsession are better off just living in their little dream world safe and sound in the US or wherever.

    This is a million times true. Girls in Japan will think you're just as ugly and disgusting and nerdy as American girls will. They won't care about your interest in anime
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)04:57:45 No.4705544
    They will probably think even worse of you than american girls for watching anime. Otaku's are the worst possible thing ever in their eyes. It's associated with child molesters and creepy fucks in general.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)05:13:44 No.4705633
    Yeah get this into your head faggots, protip: anime isn't an accurate depiction of reality.

    I fucking hate japanophiles and weaboos who worship GLORIOUS NIPPON
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts 凸(`∩´) !!I9XpXfP4okU 07/10/09(Fri)11:22:47 No.4707411

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