07/10/09(Fri)01:34:10 No. 4703923 I
live in Japan and let me tell you, I used to think Japanese culture was
interesting before I came here. Once I arrived to find a society filled
with shallow, materialistic retards who live only for the purchase of
designer brands, lack basic general knowledge and only ever talk about
food and shopping, my view of Japan was completely destroyed (many
Chinese kids are alot like this too, but before I came to Japan I
thought they would be more sophisticated, guess I was wrong). Japan
does produce alot of rich culture that I totally dig, from Junji Ito's
horror manga, indie films like Twilight Samurai, anime like Samurai
Champloo, Detroit Metal City and NGE, indie and punk music, but at the
end of the day the average Japanese young person has not heard of or
give a shit about any of these things and would rather watch a disney
film or the latest piece of shit hollywood trash than Mikee Takashi and
has never heard of any Japanese indie or punk bands but thinks Linkin
Park and Avril Lavigne is the epitome of underground punk rawk. Also
I've never met a Japanese person interested in talking about literature
or history or philosophy or anything like that, if any person like that
exists im sure they are ostracised for not following the mainstream,
just as anyone who is a fan of anime is branded and otaku loses any
chance of making friends and so on. Anyway, Japan projects a cool,
ultra-modern, hip and quirky culture to the outside world, but when you
get here you'll find a stuffy, conservative culture where everyone
wants to kill themselves. Ironically, my close Japanese friends all
hate the average Japanese person and Japanese culture, mainstream
Japanese culture is fucking rubbish, and next time you think Japan is
so classy and cool go to Shibuya and just look at the garus, that is
the true Japan.