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    File : 1246970278.jpg-(125 KB, 940x1280, 1232735253164.jpg)
    125 KB Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:37:58 No.4699642  
    Sup /r9k/

    I have an honest query. I'm female, 19 years old, and a virgin. I'm very awkward and bad with people and have never had a boyfriend or many friends. However, I do have raging hormones and will be in a position to have a one-night stand soon. I don't think I would have much trouble getting a one-night stand, being female and at a party full of drunk guys. My question to you is, is it a bad thing to go out and have a one-night stand? I'm really pent up, masturbating to normal porn can't even get me off anymore, I've been sitting here for an hour masturbating to rape and double penetration. Is it a bad thing to finally give in to my urges? Is it silly to put sex on a pedestal or should I hold out and be miserable in the meantime? I realise that a guy in my position would probably take up the offer with no hesitation, but being female makes it different.
    >> Jallanndemeulemeester !!Xu23CkHqeDS 07/07/09(Tue)08:40:00 No.4699678
    Sure, take it...

    What's being able to live with yourself in a world like this worth, anyway~
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:40:04 No.4699680
    aim/msn I'll gladly free you from your state of virginity
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:41:37 No.4699708
    OP is fat.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)08:42:47 No.4699724
    I know what you're saying, but I don't see why I wouldn't be able to live with myself after. It's just sex, and I'm not hurting anyone, just enjoying myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:44:13 No.4699744

    besides the fact that the guys who would pick you up would be shit in general, they would care or only their 5 minute pleasure. its going to suck for a while since you are a virgin, and besides losing your first to a random dude [sentimentalfag here, he wont give a fuck that it hurts you

    wait for that one guy, then crazy intimate sex will be ensued
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)08:45:19 No.4699768
    I'm 5'5, 105lbs. I don't think my looks have anything to do with my virginity, up until now it's been a combination of personal choice/shyness.
    >> The Gay Science !!EMvvyNDhzDm 07/07/09(Tue)08:46:42 No.4699790
    Just take the cawk bitch!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:47:35 No.4699806
    your first time won't be that great. it never is for anyone. its awkward.

    doing it with a total stranger is a real crapshoot. odds are you won't have any chemistry and it may leave a bad taste in your mouth. if you were in a relationship you would have time to build experience and trust and familiarity and could learn what you like and don't like.

    or you might luck out and get a total stud who makes you orgasm just by looking at you. you never know.

    but most chicks prefer relationship sex over one-night stands, because despite /r9k/'s opinion, all women are not whores and generally prefer to have sex with the men they are in relationships with.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:47:47 No.4699809
    Calling bullfuck. Anyway. Go to the party. Find the dude that looks okay but is not very social. Afterward he'll most likely reward you with moar secks. Or just go find a one night fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:47:51 No.4699811
    As a 24 year old male virgin... not by choice... yes
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:48:27 No.4699819
    the only reason for such a thing would be ugliness, sorry
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)08:48:29 No.4699820
    I've given up on finding a "nice guy". Not many guys like girls like me. Maybe on the internet, but in real life they don't. I'm just sick of waiting, and I'm not sure if I have placed way too much importance on my virginity up until now.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:48:47 No.4699826
    So what you basically want to know is, will people view you as a slut for this?

    Some undoubtedly, but there are always naysayers. It isn't "a bad thing" from an objective perspective though. It all boils down to what you want, and I hope you understand that.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)08:52:03 No.4699878
    >will people view you as a slut for this?
    This, basically. I know other girls probably will, but I don't care because I really don't get on with most other girls anyway and couldn't care less what they think. I'm just wondering about guys, I don't have any perspective from this angle.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:52:11 No.4699880
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:52:54 No.4699892
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    >I'm female, 19 years old, and a virgin
    I'm guessing your look NOTHING like this.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:53:37 No.4699907
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    as a non virgin guy (inb4 no non-virgin makes on 4chan) I would honestly wait until you found sum1 who makes you feel special, I've had drunk 1 night stands and I've made love to a woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, wait for it, making love is much better than sex or fucking. just get the most baddass vibrator ever and try to find a nice guy, I know it's not the answer you want to hear but it's the truth.
    >> The Gay Science !!EMvvyNDhzDm 07/07/09(Tue)08:54:11 No.4699913
    post pics and let the gentlemen decide
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:55:04 No.4699930
    Well as I said, some probably will. Although there are a lot of intelligent guys out there who are cool with this and are very opposed to the whole "slut" label. Sort of like the opposite of people on 4chan. To me it seems like the real problem isn't whether people will think of you as easy or not though, but rather you caring so much about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:55:05 No.4699931
    You're either fat or ugly. I don't want to be mean but if you were cute (and therefore could attract high quality guys) you wouldn't have to resort to one night stands with drunk strangers.

    That being said consider the combination of the following:
    - your first time will be pretty awkward and sloppy, especialy with a stranger
    - it'll hurt especialy when the guy doesn't really care about you.
    - guy doesn't know you so he'll just cum and leave. It will never be as satisfying as masturbation (which doesn't even work on you anymore anyway)
    - guy will be drunk so even if he manages to get it up it won't go too nice.

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble OP, but shyness doesn't work as an excuse for girls. If you were decent looking and not fat you'd get asked out by *sober* strangers and friends frequently enough to get one of them to sleep with you
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)08:57:35 No.4699969
    Not really. I'm that thin but my waist is nothing like that. I have the same shape boobs but two sizes smaller. I don't have curves, don't wear makeup or have facial piercings, have unstyled hair, and my face is definitely more "cute" than "sexy".
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:57:50 No.4699976

    moronic logic.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)08:58:44 No.4699987
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    Protip: that mole was made in paint using the paintbrush option, on square.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)08:59:55 No.4700003
    I really don't think my looks have anything to do with it. I think I look okay. I definitely look nicer than most girls I know who have good-looking boyfriends. When I say "shy" I mean crippling social anxiety, having panic attacks leaving the house, crying at the thought of public speaking, etc. I don't have any male friends or I wouldn't be here right now, and I don't really have any contact with strangers/don't go to bars. I'm just an anomaly, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:01:28 No.4700029
    You know that guy that's a really good friend but you are, even now, not considering as a potential fuck buddy because you don't want to ruin the friendship and blah blah blah.

    He wants to fuck you so bad he is willing to put up with being "just friends" knowing he will never get any. Surprise him, fuck a poor sap you have friend zoned.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:02:04 No.4700041
    Just post your fucking aim/msn already and chose one of the suitors.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:02:23 No.4700046
    Her face is fucking disgusting. How could any man look at her during?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:02:27 No.4700048
    ITT: Trolls and virgins.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)09:03:00 No.4700058
    >I don't have any male friends.
    If I did I would fuck him to high heaven and back, regardless of how precious our friendship was.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:03:12 No.4700062
    Well then, there we have it. Your problem isn't whether to fuck a stranger or not or whether people will think of you as a slut or not, your problem is your self esteem.

    Based on this and the personal experience of >>4699907
    combined with my own personal experience, I'd say follow his advice and do find a boyfriend to get it on with and rather buy yourself some decent sex toys before it.

    I know you probably want that feeling of intimacy too, but thing is, you don't get that from one night stands. One night stands are usually just bragging rights and nothing more, even for guys(depending on how drunk we are of course)
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:03:26 No.4700070
    I'm the same way.

    AIM/MSN and we'll chat/cyber/meet irl and fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:04:04 No.4700085
    I'm not gonna say it again:
    post aim/msn now.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:04:09 No.4700087
    >>4699806 odds are you won't have any chemistry and it may leave a bad taste in your mouth.
    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:04:23 No.4700089
    I don't know OP, post your face (you can delete it after 5 minutes). This would really change this conversation. If you're actualy good looking (which most people here obviously find hard to belive) there'll be different advice than if you're not.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:05:16 No.4700101
    You know what your problem is?
    You put the dick in a pedestal.
    You think it's some kind of Greek God called Dickillaia that is impossible to achieve, when in reality having sex is an everyday thing, like masturbating.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:06:42 No.4700127
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:09:42 No.4700183
    Where do you live? Is the question we should all be asking.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:09:56 No.4700185
    Can you not meet guys by proxy to your friends?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:10:09 No.4700189
    whats going down hereererer

    getting jiggy with itttt/?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:11:50 No.4700216
    Post a picture of yourself, OP. You can delete it quickly if you really have to.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:12:13 No.4700225
    girl you must be ass ugly
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:12:40 No.4700232
    Oh god...there is nothing in the world that I find more adorable than a shy girl. I think that female virginity is extremely attractive. I would give anything to meet a girl like you. I've been wishing for the chance to meet a girl like you for my entire life.

    I would love to have a relationship with a girl like you, and it breaks my heart to think that you'd throw away your first time to a drunken guy at a party.

    Whenever I ask for advice on how to get a girl, people tell me to stop being a 'nice guy' since there are no girls out there who are looking for a nice guy. But I keep holding onto the hope that there's actually a girl out there who wants a nice guy.

    I really wish I could meet a shy, socially awkward girl looking for a 'nice guy' boyfriend. She would be my perfect match.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:12:49 No.4700235
    If I was anywhere near you I might meet up with you. I'm lonely and pathetic, just like you. But I'm a little fat too so I'd probably bail out at the last minute.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:14:10 No.4700256
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    You may be tired of being a virgin, but sex with a stranger and having sex with someone that loves you are two completely different experiences. It might relieve some tension now, but 10 years down the road, how will it make you feel to know that you lost it awkwardly to some drunken retard?

    You say most guys don't go for a girl like you- that you've given up on finding a nice guy. You're ONLY 19 for christ sake. Don't give up, just stop trying. He'll happen.

    You seem like a nice girl whose gotten shit luck when it comes to guys. Give it some time.

    I know of my group of friends, if you're a girl that frequents 4chan then that can make up for whatever makes you "a girl like you". It shows that you have a sense of humor, and most likely, shared interests with the lot of us.

    Nice guys DO exist, trouble is, many of 'em are loners that have trouble talking to girls without the guise of Anonymous. Don't think that you'll never find a nice guy.

    Pic related, just so you know.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:14:37 No.4700266
    >being female makes it different
    And now you know what a double standard is. Take the offer.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:15:19 No.4700275
    How to not talk to women bro.

    Anyway, is it just me or did replies double as soon as the first guy started talking about posting AIM/msn? Curiously enough also with the absensce of OP.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)09:19:31 No.4700351
    I really don't want my face associated with this thread. I'm sorry. I know it would make a difference to the thread. You'll just have to assume I'm not stupid enough to ask for advice applying to girls who aren't ugly, while being ugly

    To be honest I wouldn't have any problem doing this with someone from 4chan rather than a guy at a party. But the problem isn't my ability to get a one night stand (I'm certain I could) but rather if having a one-night stand is a Bad Thing.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)09:23:06 No.4700410
    I don't have a throwaway 4chan msn address. I'll make one if that many people want to talk to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:24:53 No.4700443
    Yeah make one already
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:25:32 No.4700452
    Yeah, do it already.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:26:13 No.4700460

    It's such a shame you live all the way out there. If you lived nearby me, I would show up with flowers and chocolate, serenade you, then take you out for a chick flick and romantic dinner.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:26:41 No.4700466
    1. Move to Japan
    2. Enroll into one of the schools and get yourself a cellphone
    3. Join a "Enjo Kousai" dating-site.
    4. Make friends there.
    5. ????
    6. CLAMYDIA!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:27:55 No.4700487
    This folks. A real man.
    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)09:28:26 No.4700496
    AIM= t154676
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:28:55 No.4700509
    I'm nowhere near Anchorage, but, if I was, I'd totally date you, spend tons of money on you, treat you really nicely and stuff..

    As the above poster said, I'd hit it if I could.
    >> dragonmancer 07/07/09(Tue)09:30:07 No.4700526
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    >I don't think I would have much trouble getting a one-night stand, being female and at a party full of drunk guys.

    could be a fat chick, but not sure
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:32:53 No.4700565

    dude, not all "nice guys" are like that

    if you define nice guy as someone who doesnt fuck around with girls and has common respect for EVERYONE, especially girls, then theyre out there, just smart enough to play a persona to make you think theyre hot shots so they dont get hurt. chyeaa
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:33:05 No.4700568
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    Wait for loooove~

    Ahahahhaa thats what they all say. The people who have someone. Fuckers.

    However, I'd say wait OP. Shit like that isn't quite worth it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:34:43 No.4700600
    It seems as if we are very similar OP. I can't get off to normal porn either and I had my first bf with 20.. I finally found an shy, sweet and intelligent nerd over the Internet, one-night stands are nothing for virgins. It will HURT, believe me. And then ist much much better to have someone who cares for you instead of a drunk guy who has no idea.. Wait a bit more, try to find someone maybe over the internet oder somewehre els. But wait. Believe me, you will regret it if you don't.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:39:02 No.4700675
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    These threads always piss me off.

    That's the kind of girl I would kill to have a chance with, because it's just so fucking rare to find a girl who isn't flirty as hell, let alone a virgin. Then you go on about how you want to run to some party and fuck the nearest thing with a dick.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:39:11 No.4700678
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    2 days 22 hours
    On my way ;>_>
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:45:24 No.4700763

    If I was female I'd be doing the exact same thing if I was in her position, though. On the other hand, if I was a female and in my own position, I would've been fucking my best friend since gradeschool.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:45:58 No.4700771
    Get revenge by shooting up your school. You know it's worth it.
    >> Noise !ZOHyI.y3wY 07/07/09(Tue)09:49:23 No.4700814
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    Oh no you don't, fucker.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:50:07 No.4700820
    Do you have a big ass, OP?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:50:35 No.4700826
    Make sure he wraps it.

    Wouldn't want to get AIDS now, would you?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:54:38 No.4700884
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    Well at least I have a head start
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:54:43 No.4700887
    Hey I have some other of that artist. Do you know who he is?
    Fuck I can't post them
    >> ­ 07/07/09(Tue)09:56:41 No.4700917
    k, im a guy but im not going to say "OH do the one night stand it will feel GREAT!" just to get some random guy laid. NO. This is my honest opinion. Don't have a one night stand, get a boyfriend. You don't have to suddenly become overly-social with anyone. Just find a guy who likes the same things you like, form a relationship even if its just a friend you can discuss something with and just see where that goes.

    After a while you may have the insatiable urge to "have some fun" with him. Go nuts, but keep it in reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:57:27 No.4700929
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    Sure, OP. You could do that, but enjoy never having a decent relationship.

    Let me sum up the situation for you. You are probably an average looking person, and you've already said that you have a shit personality. Right now your only appeal is that you could work the shy angle, or you could work the virgin angle. Either might appeal to a potential long term partner. Soon as you go out and fuck some random guy though, you lose all appeal that you might have had.

    So think about it this way. Do you want 10 minutes of awkard and uncomfortable sex, in exchange for no one even giving a shit about you because you would be damaged goods? Not even just damaged goods, but damaged goods with no personality and a fugly face.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:57:50 No.4700936
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    fat chick or not, someone who wants to just go to a party to fuck to lose their virginity with a drunk guy is either very desperate, or too afraid to start a relationship with someone, gives them their first time, only to have them break up later.

    me, i am happily married, my wife was a virgin when she met me, she was shy type and all, took her a little over a year to lose her virginity to me, after her first time she was sore and wasnt sure if she ever wanted to have sex again. but after a few more times, she is more than happy to fuck. what she feared most was both the pain, and worried that i would leave her after fucking her, which never happened. we have been together for about 3 years now, and recently got married. she regrets being so shy and scared about her first time.

    my advice, regardless of whether your first will be with just some one night stand, or someone you think will leave you after starting a relationship, your better off atleast getting the deed done so you can enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:59:10 No.4700954
    Why not hire a gigolo? At least they'd know what they were doing.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:59:17 No.4700958
    ITT: Desperate virgins not answering the OP's question.

    OP, what matters more is what you think of yourself after doing it.

    While I'd say it might be in your best interest to try and work on your social inadquacies so you don't get used and are able to enjoy the experience, the basic answer to your question is no: you shouldn't be viewed as a slut by most men, as long as it doesn't becoming a recurring event.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:59:20 No.4700960
    Honestly, first times for girls suck. Some girls have it worse and some better. If you're lucky it will only hurt a little and bleed a little. If you're unlucky it will hurt like hell.
    Doing it too drunk is not such a good idea also. A friend of mine got really wasted in a party and lost her virginity there. Problem is, she bled EVERYWHERE and later there she was in the bathroom with some girls helping her clean her cunt. She doesn't remember much of that night.

    So, hey, I don't think losing your virginity to a one night stand is slutty or anything, but if you lose it with someone that you like and trust the experience will probably be better.

    Though if you've stuck dildos and stuff in your vagina maybe you'll be alright.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:59:58 No.4700970
    OP if you were someone I knew IRL I think I would lose respec for you even if you were fat.
    But then I don't know you and lots of people probably don't probably the same wat as I do and blah blah

    >> OP 07/07/09(Tue)10:01:38 No.4700988
    I don't know if I would like to be with a guy who has the attitude that having sex makes a girl "damaged goods".
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:02:10 No.4700998
    If I was your friend, I would stop talking to you soon as you did that. You can't respect a person who doesn't respect themselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:03:01 No.4701009

    Fucking the first guy you meet makes you damaged goods.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:03:54 No.4701018
    So having sex makes one damaged good or is it just girls?

    Sir, you are retarded.
    >> Noise !ZOHyI.y3wY 07/07/09(Tue)10:04:01 No.4701021

    Good advice, actually. I've heard a lot of girls give advice to virgins saying that they should consider breaking their hymen with a dildo, that way wen they do have sex with the first time, they don't need to worry about bleeding with/on the person, having to deal with the pain around other people, or just being embarrassed.

    Why the fuck can't you live in north NJ? Seriously, skinny shy girls are cute as all hell.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:04:32 No.4701025
    Ugh. Desperate girls always makes my stomach turn. It's fine when guys are like that, because it's humorous and nerdy. Both amusing and fun to watch. With girls though, it's just creepy.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:04:49 No.4701031
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    All I've got good sir, apologies in advance :/
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:05:02 No.4701033
    Oh man, the sheer weight of the "girls who want sex are sluts and whores OMFG WHY ARE /d/ AND /hc/ DOWN" crowd permeating this thread is hilarious, and the funniest thing is that you slobs wonder why you're still virgins.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:05:16 No.4701041
    Here's a tip OP. Stop being shy.

    What's the point of being shy, all you're doing is just restricting your own movement with needless reasoning and faulty logic.

    And yes, you're putting sex on a pedestal. It's not worth going out there and doing it for the sake of doing it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:05:53 No.4701048
    Do it

    then ask if he wants to try anal
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:07:11 No.4701062
    But it's also not worth holding back if she wants it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:07:52 No.4701073

    You'll be damaged goods both emotionally and physically if you lose your first on some meaningless fuck.

    Emotionally you'll probably despise sex because it'll be so painful you'll never want to try again, and physically you'll have broken your hymen.

    With a man it's different, because physically there's no difference between masturbating and fucking. At least in any difference that you would be able to visually see.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:09:12 No.4701097
    To be honest I know this horny as hell bitch who's good looking too, and she has some fucking thing for me, I dunno why, she's not that smart.

    Nothing really interests me about her, but apparently she is always trying to get close to me.

    But because I am fucked up mentally and I've serious self-esteem probs, I can't even think of her liking a miserable dude like me.

    Has anybody else ever felt this kind of emotions?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:09:36 No.4701101
    Seriously? You think that your personality changes that much on the INTERNET? Christ.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:10:45 No.4701121
    Horny girls are terrible. Only good for one good fuck, but NEVER for a relationship.

    Calm the fuck down and maybe you'll be able to find a relationship. Goddamn whore.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:11:15 No.4701132
    Are you really asking a question like that here? This board is full of neckbearded virgins who consider any girl having sex to be a personal insult, and therefore insist they're all sluts. Hell, I'm amazed your responses so far aren't just SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT SLUT repeated over and over.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:11:16 No.4701133

    Goddamnit, that is some seriously fucked up double-think right there.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:11:20 No.4701136
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    This sums up your attitude OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:13:14 No.4701168
    Things would be better if we lived back in older times.

    Back when women actually respected themselves, rather than fucking everything in sight.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:14:03 No.4701180
    Ask a guy you consider is in your same situation. He'll surely say yes and won't trash you once he's cum.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:14:21 No.4701189
    epic troll
    i give you 9001/10
    i applaud you
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:15:53 No.4701218
    I didn't know they let fat chicks into parties.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:16:16 No.4701226

    Which historical period was this, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:16:52 No.4701235
    >Crying at the thought of social situations and fear of leaving the house

    calling fucking bull on this shitty troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:16:54 No.4701237
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    She wouldn't be damaged goods

    Damaged goods is an outdated pseudoreligious concept that means nothing with the advent of contraception

    OP just go out and do it and stop hanging around on this board. Do it right /now/ even. You could go out and do it every weekend if you fucking wanted. Since you don't have any friends you're at an advantage- you can fuck whoever you want and get really messy without wondering what your frends think of you for fucking this guy or that guy. You could wrap them all around your little finger, get them to feed you, buy you things it's so gloriously easy to do.
    >> Noise !ZOHyI.y3wY 07/07/09(Tue)10:17:18 No.4701246
    That sounds like me about a year ago. I had a girl who was crazy about me to the point where she would leave comments in French on my MySpace telling me this. Yet, I wouldn't give her the time of day. We started to hook up towards the end of the summer and then I got attached, but she moved to the other side of the country. She came up to the area to visit not too long ago (she's still here, inf act), but she doesn't feel the same anymore. After a year of flirting with me online while she's been gone, she comes back and it's as if nothing ever happened. She doesn't care anymore.

    But I still do. I miss her. The old her. The one where we could just lie in my bed and just watch a movie while cuddling or something. Fuck, I'm hijacking the thread now. Sorry, I'll stop.

    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:17:48 No.4701254
    Back when? Back when it was all sex and orgies with the Greeks? Back when during Jesus's time when it was an abomination to have sex outside of marriage? Back when in Victorian times when prostitution was accepted and normal?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:19:05 No.4701273
    The hell are you talking about? Horny girls are great because sex never lacks. Horny girls that cheat is something else, but just horny girls? I'm sorry but they're keepers.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:19:17 No.4701277

    >You could wrap them all around your little finger, get them to feed you, buy you things it's so gloriously easy to do.

    >Implying anyone would give a shit about some fat/ugly chick enough to actually bother with her more than the first fuck.

    Hahahaha, oh wow.
    >> Trex !!IZiirZoy3Ix 07/07/09(Tue)10:20:18 No.4701289
    Do it OP. But chat with that person first, make sure they are cool to hang out with after. The second time with anyone is usually better...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:20:41 No.4701300

    >Horny girl that cheats
    >Horny girls that doesn't cheat

    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:21:14 No.4701305
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    OP if you live in sydney and are attractive I will go down on you ;) you will die of pleasure
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:21:29 No.4701309
    It sure is neckbeard, basement dweller and conservative Christian around here.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:22:42 No.4701328
    Not really. All men are horny. It's like saying all men always cheat.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:23:52 No.4701352
    whoa op, another soon to be 20 year old female virgin here, so it's true we really exist!
    I really don't see the point of going to bar and fuck first first guy you see tho since you want it or not, you probably will remember your first time for years, but then again if you feel it's huge burden for you, do whatever you feel with your hole. I don't see how it will be good tho, as many said it probably will be quite awkward and possible even painful for you.
    Guy probably will be happy to score virgin.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:24:09 No.4701355
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    I laugh at your situation, OP.

    You are like an ugly dog with no legs. The dog isn't very cute, and he can't even run around and play, which would have been the only reason any owner would have adopted him. Just like you, you're ugly and you have no personality.

    See image for your only option.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:26:05 No.4701382

    >Guy probably will be happy to score virgin.

    No. This is not true. Most guys dislike fucking a virgin, because it is very unpleasant. No one wants to hear your complaining and crying when they're trying to get into it, unless they're into that kind of thing.

    If you are ugly and fat to go along with this, you have absolutely no appeal. Break your own hymen if you can, and then you might have a chance.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:26:31 No.4701394
    He means a period of time you jackass not just things that occured in history due to either poverty or social inequalities. I can't believe you used that as a justification for casual sex. The 50's was a prime example of how ladies were supposed to act. Back when ladies actually existed, not what we have now, loose over sexualized sluts who have a few drinks and they're anyones.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:28:07 No.4701420
    Totally correct.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:28:33 No.4701426

    >do whatever you feel with your hole
    >girl saying hole

    Disgusting. You are probably some fat slob, aren't you? Whenever I hear women say things like that, it's almost as disgusting as seeing a woman smoke a cigarette or with a shaved head.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:28:50 No.4701432
    To be honest, consider waiting.

    In the meantime you can work on yourself, start an exercise/diet program and lose some weight, and also work on yourself by getting more life experience, learning new things, etc.

    I lost my virginity to a random at 20 and it felt like shit. Total bummer. Next time I had sex I was 21 and in a committed relationship, and it was about a trillion times better.

    Not that random sex always sucks. Random sex can be AMAZING sometimes. But it's nice to have the confines of a relationship when you're first exploring your sexuality, so you are free to try things in a comfortable / safe setting.
    >> dragonmancer 07/07/09(Tue)10:29:36 No.4701446
    possibly the same person?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:30:22 No.4701461
    Just fuck some guy, no one gives a shit.
    >> Edward Cullen 07/07/09(Tue)10:31:45 No.4701484
    So the nice guys in this thread are saying "OH WAIT FOR HIM [a nice guy] HE'LL COME AROUND" but when has a 'nice guy' EVER come around like that?

    Judging from the 'i'm a nice guy but still virgin wtf' attitude around here, OP's gonna be waiting a looong time.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:32:42 No.4701499
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    >Break your own hymen if you can, and then you might have a chance.

    And just when I thought women couldn't get any fucking stupider.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:33:02 No.4701507
    If you want to lose it, make sure you'll have no regrets.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:34:55 No.4701539
    bald AND smoking a cigarette? fucking sign me up!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:35:29 No.4701547
    Being horny is fine, that's natural. But telling people that you masturbate to double penetration and rape is not natural. You can masturbate to it all you want, but you don't tell people about it.

    There's a little thing called modesty and discretion. These are things that make ugly girls like yourself seem appealing to men who normally wouldn't bother with you. If you are fat, ugly, AND slutty then you have nothing working for you.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:35:45 No.4701549

    Nah, skinny bitch that hardly goes outside, i've just spended too long in 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:38:58 No.4701603

    Fucking this.

    Also openly passing gas and burping is foul. My last girlfriend would just pass gas and laugh about it, or burp in my face when we were eating. It was like dating a fucking pig.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:39:31 No.4701612
    This is how Americans actually judge women
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:41:15 No.4701643
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    legit OP's AIM? just messaged her and no responce
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:41:54 No.4701656

    So how is your imam treating you these days?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:42:18 No.4701663
    Things fat or ugly women should do:

    1. Don't tell your boyfriend about the porn you watch. It makes you seem like a slut.

    2. Try to conceal when you pass gas. Maybe leave the room or cough.

    3. Always febreeze the bathroom after you use it. Smelling something foul coming from the restroom after a fat girl leaves is always disgusting.

    4. Don't act flirty or slutty. You aren't attractive and you just look awkward and disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:43:23 No.4701683
    ITT: Americans discovering for the first time that women have sex drives.

    "Dude I've been getting along really well with my girlfriend lately, but yesterday she told me something that really bummed me out"
    "What's that dude"
    "She told me she's not a virgin dude"
    "Ouch dude she's like only 27 too"
    "Yeah think I'm gonna have to dump her"
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:46:01 No.4701716

    That's not true at all. In America it's rare to find a virgin who is 18, let alone above 20.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:47:52 No.4701748
    It should be illegal for fat girls to be in relationship.

    Disgusting pigs are being encouraged to live that kind of life by being in a relationship. Lock those fat fuckers up in a cage, toss in 1,000 calories worth of food every day and put in a treadmill.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:50:23 No.4701779
    America has loose women, brah. They just like to pretend that they're not by inventing a bunch of stupid rules like "the three date rule" and myths like "your first time is special", etc...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:52:00 No.4701808

    I think that was the point anon was trying to convey
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:54:19 No.4701853
    >OP wont post, war between moralfags and people who dont give a shit, lack of pics of OP, most likely fake femanons posting, this has got to be a troll, a very well played troll. i am leaving this thread now, nothing new or of interest could possibly be posted.

    >if this was a troll, i give you 10/10, you did your job, and you did it well.

    >if it was actually a femanon thats not a land based manatee , then follow the advice posted by anons here, and follow your heart, its the best you can do. its your body, your choice, unless you get raped
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:58:57 No.4701927
    because only men are allowed to have sex drives, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:00:36 No.4701952
    > I realise that a guy in my position would probably take up the offer with no hesitation

    This is if the guy is desperate. If you're desperate, feel free to be a slut. It's what most girls do anyway you don't have to feel bad. But realize that you will never find a guy worth having in this fashion.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:04:04 No.4702024
    I'm pretty sure any guy would bang a chick with no strings attatched if he could, desperate are not. Do you have trouble pissing on your balls when you go to the bathroom?

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