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    File : 1246951943.jpg-(163 KB, 580x579, phpVB.jpg)
    163 KB Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:32:23 No.4697413  
    whats the most effort you've ever put into a post on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:34:30 No.4697436
    I took two pictures and zoomed in on their eyes over and over and then made a punchline at the end.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:34:38 No.4697438
    I wrote a piece of erotic Wall-E fanfic that was fucking pages long. I've also spent significant amounts of time shooping various shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:36:07 No.4697446
    I go for incredible combo's.

    Like today during the /b/spam I posted all the congratulations from eva. I got all but three b4 the breaker.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:36:12 No.4697447
    i trolled a 2nd amendment thread
    >> Meta-Troll !LR.12jgayE 07/07/09(Tue)03:38:58 No.4697476
    I wrote a 5 paragraph thesis on trolls and by the time I was done, the thread was fucking deleted.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:40:09 No.4697486
    I killed my hamster and fucked it.

    But that was because this one girl said she would give me anal pleasure if I did so.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:46:17 No.4697533
         File1246952777.jpg-(331 KB, 2048x1536, phpoE.jpg)
    331 KB
    I've started a thread where I tried to stop the effects of the alcohol with my mind. I drunk like a fifth of whisky why posting the effects after every shot. It took me whole night and I felt like shit but I did the whole bottle.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)03:53:49 No.4697590

    FUCKING LOL. this thread gets awesome about halfway through. Good job anon also congrats on having no life and drinking yourself to sleep alone the day before christmas.


    >0,65 litres of whisky drunk

    >If I try hard enough:

    >I can just lay onmuy bed. I eat everything i can reach with my hand witout getting up

    >I cannot get up from my bed period. IO just rolled off rit tooo pour myself antouthe drink,.

    >I don't thinkn I can spea. whenk my friend welcomed me in the door whyile Icamw backe from unsucesfruel vomimniting I barelky communincated with hrer.

    >I don't felel dizzy - the ceiling os foolling on ,me. great, i nerweed to dferonig some wqater.

    >I can bareluy write as rypou can see, thoug I hope you anons undersrand me

    >See you in another couple minutes , I tjonk of finninshing the botle. its likex1-2 drinkns more.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)04:52:44 No.4698128
    Well, shit. The second one from the bottom rhymes. The rhythm is off, but it works.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:41:54 No.4700710
    I did a thread over in /b/ where Pedobear gets a Death Note
    >> Warren G. Harding !!h+45172/AgT 07/07/09(Tue)09:43:51 No.4700738
    I'm enduring a long and hard quest to make /v/ a politer place.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:47:10 No.4700785

    Answer: Most of the thoughtful posts I make are attempts to have another poster download animal porn.

    Related comment: If you have animal porn to share, please do. I only have a couple links to deceive with.

    File related, it is an awesome vidya game that I think you will enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:53:17 No.4700867
    Hey, fuck you buddy, /v/ is fine the way it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:53:49 No.4700876
    i made a movie quiz, with 10 questions ending with everyone losing the game

    also, the game
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:54:16 No.4700880
    Lol, nice one, I'm quite tempted to do that myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:54:54 No.4700891
    Sure it is
    [spoiler]ps3 has no gaems[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:55:38 No.4700901
    Heh, and when I'm on /v/, I can't see you.

    Filter and all.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:56:50 No.4700920
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:57:37 No.4700931
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:59:12 No.4700955
    Back in the good ol days of /b/ I used to shoop a lot of stuff, but I've pretty much given up on it at this point. In /b/ everything's gone in twenty seconds for the most part; here on /r9k/ no one really cares and you have to produce better quality than the usual "sort of retarded" material. I also don't tend to spend as much time here so, the idea of sitting with 'Shop open, waiting for a good topic/pic to come along just feels like a waste of time anymore.
    >> bagel !fURFaGCuMs 07/07/09(Tue)10:00:24 No.4700973
    Nobody will believe me of course but I once managed a 23 hit combo on /b/ a couple of years ago.

    On the subject of effort into posts, I sometimes but a fair bit of effort into my posts on /v/ if there is an actual discussion going on, but outside of that not much effort at all.

    I've kinda been wanting to make a long winded post here on /r9k/ for a while but I'm holding off on doing so because someone I know might read it and realise its about them.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:04:35 No.4701027
    I posted on /trv/ about my trip to china, including pictures I took. Took me a few days to write it all up, then I had to split it up because hur dur character limit. The thread was archived which was pretty cool. I mostly post on /v/ which is too fast for that kind of thing, and is the reason I am posting here as the board is being raped.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:06:52 No.4701059
    I made some 15 minute shoops in paint for pew pew pew guy.
    One time I drew a bear in paint with my eyes closed.
    One time I trolled someone slightly on purpose.

    I'm single handedly improving this board in no siginficant way whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:10:12 No.4701109
    I remember that thread, you are a true patriot and part of what makes this site awesome.
    >> Warren G. Harding !!h+45172/AgT 07/07/09(Tue)11:32:41 No.4702700
    this is why it's not a good idea to jump to conclusions about tripfags.

    Why not ban certain tripfags that you don't like at all, like lanced jack and nigba. I'm not forcing you to do anything, but rather, i am giving my own suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)02:47:26 No.4704533
    this is my feelings on the topic as well

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