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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1321936098.jpg-(14 KB, 351x266, nerds.jpg)
    14 KB Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:28:18 No.465564  
    Why do you hate people who call themselves nerds so much, /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:29:41 No.465577
    because they're using the word incorrectly
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:30:26 No.465585
    Because they like what /r9k/ likes while also having friends at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:31:35 No.465601
    i once considered myself a nerd when i was a shut in and did nothing but play video games, i do neither of those things now
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:31:50 No.465602
    Same reason I hate all other retards.
    Because they're retarded.

    They also give me a bad name.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:32:07 No.465606
    except they don't like it, they stick labels of it all over themselves but when asked deeper questions they will know nothing about the subject matter
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:32:37 No.465614
    Because they're doing it for nothing but attention and to look "unique"
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:34:28 No.465629
    It's insulting to actual nerds.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:34:42 No.465630
    Do you like it when someone takes something and shits all over it?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:35:14 No.465636
    fucking big bang theory
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:35:30 No.465642
    I don't really consider myself a nerd.

    Sure, I was awkward in high school.
    Sure, I was the kid that screwed around with computers.
    Sure, I was the kid that shot down a rave to play vidya.

    But you know what? I don't look like a 'nerd' anymore, my shirts are not of popular vidya, but of Death or Sodom, I spend equal time playing music than playing games. And I am a lot more confident.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 11/21/11(Mon)23:35:42 No.465646
    >Call yourself a nerd
    >35 year old virgin with acne asks if you can name all 8 of the Mario 3 Koopas
    >Uh... that crazy eyed asshole... the girl...

    I don't care because I don't wanna be "that guy".
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:36:49 No.465655
    They talk about my sekrit club ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:38:07 No.465663
    I guess I traded one girlfriendless life for another, eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:38:17 No.465666
    >see person with nintendo shit or something like that
    >immediately lose all respect for them
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:39:50 No.465679
    because being a nerd is a mindset, not a ''trendy'' fashion template. most of the people who claim they are nerds are usually doing it to garner attention from other people who also dress and act nerdy to be trendy.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:40:10 No.465680
    It's just obnoxious to see an attractive girl with a "I <3 dorks" shirt she fucking doesn't! She likes styling trendy popular people, not gross nerds with poor hygiene.

    It's not that I care about nerd cred, it's just that it's such transparent bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:40:16 No.465682

    Just watch this movie trailer. Does a decent job of summing it all up.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:40:18 No.465685
    >GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6

    You shit packing faggot.

    I'd shoot you just to see if you bleed chocolate milk. Go troll /adv/ and get the fuck out of here.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:40:46 No.465689
    They pretend to like shit just to look different, when in reality it's just another round of emo/goth/scene bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:40:56 No.465692
    Shit's like black face for nerds.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:41:32 No.465699
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    Where I live, being a nerd has shit to do with your "look", but rather with what goes on upstairs.

    These people barely have anything upstairs, and what is there, I doubt even works.

    Saying your average Joe is qualified to join MENSA is a direct insult to actual MENSA members.
    Same applies here, to pretty much the same degree, because these people are literally so dumb I wonder how they don't forget to breathe, while a nerd would be someone AT LEAST above the average level of intelligence.

    It's not so much that I hate them, as that I'm insulted that these people who can barely tie their own shoelaces call themselves geniuses.
    >> GADSPULD YOO! BLERK OOMPORIR !!NW3Kr7Q/VBs 11/21/11(Mon)23:41:59 No.465701
    >nintendo shit or something like that
    Nigger, at least elaborate a little. If you're going to insult someone, just calling them a knee-jerk term won't mean shit. Fucking plebian.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:43:54 No.465713
    >that person with pins all over his backpack and a small pikachu plushie dangling from it
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:44:42 No.465721
    I blame shit like big bang theory and scott pilgrim.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:45:00 No.465722
    I tried explaining it to my friend just how shallow people like that are, she's still diluted into thinking they're any different then what was the norm before them.

    Being aware is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:45:30 No.465724
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:47:44 No.465740
    I look like the dude on the left. I'm also probably smarter than you, nerdier than you, and generally just better in every way. Deal w/ it, virgins.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:49:55 No.465751
    I guess it's kind of like being mad because a person calls themselves well-read, despite only having read Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Twilight. Or because someone calls themselves a manga enthusiast while only ever reading Naruto or Bleach.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:50:17 No.465756
    >He writes poetry about his blackened soul.
    >He knows only 3 chords on the guitar.
    >His pants make him sing like Justin Beiber, but still pitchy.
    >He prefers consoles over PCs.
    >He thought that Between Buried and Me is 'Metal'
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:51:35 No.465764
    LotR is legitimately my favorite set of books and people just assume I'm just some unread faggot. Feelsbadman.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:52:08 No.465772
    what is scott pilgrim?
    I've seen shit posted all over facebook that simply states 'scott pilgrim'
    wtf is it?

    what pisses me off is 'zelda nerds' the ones that played twilight princess and maybe ALTTP
    bitch please, I do speedruns of OOT, yet you don't see me fagging the place up with 'I <3 ISG' or 'HSESS > ESS' and shit like that
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:52:09 No.465774
    Most people who are upfront about the nerdy shit they like are more often than not indulging in the attention they get from it, rather than being really passionate about the things they like.

    At least, that's why I rage at faggots like in the OP.

    >be well dressed/hygienic
    >work out
    >be sociable
    >watched 200+ anime titles
    >play RPGs and several online games semi-competitively
    >largest driving force behind my field of study is due to obsession with super robots/mecha
    >nobody knows
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:52:10 No.465775
    PC and console gaming doesn't belong in this representation.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:53:32 No.465783
    how is this even possible
    lord of the rings was boring as hell
    even the silmarillion was better
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:53:38 No.465785
    You sure? Not knowing how to put together your PC is a big difference.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:53:48 No.465787
    i feel like they are hijacking my identity and perverting it into some empty style thing

    i do not know if that is really the case but it feels like it is
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:55:40 No.465800
    The people that act like nerds piss me off. They wear those huge fucking hipster glasses and say they are a nerd when in fact nobody except hipsters wears them. They also are always stupid, and think that wearing a Nintendo shirt or playing COD makes them a nerd. They are also intraverted

    Also, I think a "nerd" is a person with above-average intelligence, not someone who wears glasses or plays vidya.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:56:08 No.465804
    scott pilgrim is a 6-book manga series about this slacker "nerd." Its essentially an egofiction by its creator, a canadian loser who was in an indie band
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:58:21 No.465821
    >imma nerdy gurl gamer who loves retro mario. am i cool yet ;) XDD

    pretty much this
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:58:58 No.465822
    oh, I forgot how mangafaggot not is synonymous with nerd
    shit, this new-wave nerd shit is ridiculous
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:01:12 No.465840
    Well, yeah but you said console gaming. I'm a SEGA fanboy. Fuck yeah, Guardian Heroes, fuck yeah NiGHTS, so i'd prefer consoles. I just don't think it adds to the discussion.

    Also, what is a nerd? Is it intellect? Passion?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:01:46 No.465843
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    Fuck everyone, if you can't slap together a computer when provided the parts, you have no right to call yourself a nerd.
    Or intelligent, for that matter.

    Tried discussing Lovecraft with someone who says they're a fan?
    THAT, my friend, is suffering.
    Fuck people.

    >manga series
    Might have commit murder here.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:02:11 No.465847
    mfw nearly every person in this thread is confusing a nerd with a geek
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:03:45 No.465856
    This lingo is killing me. Where do the dorks stand?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:03:52 No.465857
    Tell us the difference then, O Enlightened One.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:05:54 No.465868
    nerd- high intelligence
    geek- plays vidya, watches/reads anime
    dork- awkward, may appear as a nerd, but is stupid
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:06:16 No.465873
    Lord of the rings is fucking awesome! I can't remember how many times I read all three book and the hobbit. The movie made me cringe when tom wasn't in it!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:06:38 No.465876
    I just wish this shit would end already. It's why we have faggots shitting up some of our favorite places on the internet, its why we have kids going around spouting memes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:07:06 No.465881
    It's not just self-proclaimed nerds. It's anyone that grabs a label and decides to live by it. They're denying themselves any chance to be anything unique and just choosing something deemed acceptable and relateable by the masses. It stifles you as a person. It frustrates the people you're imitating. It's lowly and disgusting and the only reason they're doing it is to achieve some semblance of a social standing. It's sad, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:07:27 No.465882
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    because I think it's important we call ourself men again and chop some motherfucking wood. nerds are the thing now? srsly? how much more of a pussy can we get? well, we will see... some people never give up.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:07:32 No.465883
    I only like tommy boy b because of his appearance in B4ME2
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:10:06 No.465901
    I for one, welcome it. We, as a group, were growing too mature for that me gusta shit anyway. Also, back in high school I fit the comic nerd archetype. By wearing a Batman Beyond shirt and not wearing the normal overworn hero shit everyone else had- - I was sorta being a hipster in my own right. Feels weird looking back.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:10:19 No.465903
    Oh look, yet another neckbeard who wants 4chan to be his secret club.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:12:33 No.465917
    it's a fed that will end soon.
    does anyone remeber emo?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:13:28 No.465922
    Yeah, but at least it didn't piss us off as much.

    I get the feeling this fad will only grow into something worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:14:48 No.465937
    I can't even remember when this whole thing started. Had to have been sometime between 2006-2008, right? Maybe even earlier...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:16:18 No.465951
    meh, in the end it's about clothes anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:17:27 No.465962
    >I've seen "I love nerds" shirts all the way back in 2004.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:18:15 No.465970
    >that feel when you greentext without knowing it
    Damn you 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:18:47 No.465974
    you should only worry about that if you go on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:20:49 No.465989
    Or real life. I know this is /r9k/, but some of us do go out in public for one reason or another.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:24:20 No.466003
    >Tried discussing Lovecraft with someone who says they're a fan?

    Yeah, it can be pretty terrible, especially when they're not even sure what's Lovecraft and what's Derleth
    >> Snickers 11/22/11(Tue)00:26:55 No.466021
    Agreed. It feels bad when people use memes without knowing the origin.
    Dem mindless sheep.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:29:16 No.466033
    I hate them for the same reason I hate all of those sorts of subcultures. They're obnoxious whores who label themselves just to try to be cool. Emphasis on obnoxious.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:44:40 No.466175
    I have to confess I never realy liked nerds. not the real ones, not todays pretenders.

    in my book nerds are no fun to talk to, they are smartasses, everybody gets annoyed by them realy quick but they use that as an indicator for "being smart". like in "they don't like me so I guess I'm too smart for them" what's smart anyway? to know all about star trek is not, thats for sure.
    A true nerd is not always an introvert btw. I know many nerds who talk all the time. unquestioned, useless, boring stuff from their microcosm of games we all played and books we all seen the movies of... they bore the hell out of whole groups without even recognizing, due to a lack of social sensibility.
    fuck nerds, man. they are just bullys and assholes on some other level.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:45:37 No.466183
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    >every single 12 year old british kid is a geek

    Yeah, naw, you're a cunt.

    >you have been muted for 34 minutes
    That's it, I'm editing these images every fucking time I'm about to post anything whatsoever from now on.
    This system needs to be in /a/, seriously, I'm loving it.

    Also, I'm just randomly guessing at what post number the timer will be done here, I'm not actually here anymore right now, went to bed half an hour ago.

    ,-Yes, I am a wizard.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:46:19 No.466188
    Or when they only know about Cthulu and literally nothing else. I've seriously met people who say they "LURV LOVEcRAFT! <3" and they knew about Cthulu yet hadn't even read "Call of Cthulu".
    I mean what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:44:08 No.466729
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    yo wassup /r9k/ lol were nerds too, we play oldschool gameboy and shit

    u mad? we're nerds too deal with it
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:05:21 No.466914
    >implying I do any of that gay shit
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:09:37 No.466954
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:09:53 No.466959
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    Gives me the same exact feeling.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:12:42 No.466986
    Because any person who calls themselves a nerd is either a hipster who thinks it's nerdy to like superhero movies, or they're borderline aspie idiots who think their interests are serious fucking business. Anybody who takes themselves seriously over niche hobbies is doing nothing but sucking the life out of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:20:06 No.467043
    >every single 12 year old british kid is a geek
    I was probably the only person in my year that had even heard of One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:24:26 No.467081
    These "nerds" are pretty, hipster kids that have EVERYTHING. Looks, popularity, monied parents, good upbringings, love lives etc.

    All nerds have is being nerds. For these kids to hi-jack it and get it COMPLETELY WRONG just understandably burns.

    I guarantee if a "fake" merd gets even a little bit of what being a nerd is about right: they will be shamelessly fawned upon by most "genuine" nerds.

    Just look at any girl that actual plays vidya and gives a shit about it. Guys are all over their shit and don't call them fake.

    Real nerds, in their awkward way, are inclusive as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:29:09 No.467116

    Even more painful is discussing it with douchebags who think the work can only be truly appreciated while observing its nihilistic undertones, and take the ball and go home whenever someone is into it for the power level >9001 monsters. Even Cthulhu can't bring about suffering of that magnitude.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:35:31 No.467164
    Oh, cool, you're nerd? Do you read X comic?
    >nope, don't read comics.
    Ah, so you read real books then. I've been reading X lately. It's pretty good.
    >oh yeh, i love to read! but i haven't read in sooo long lol. too busy.
    Oh. What kind of books?
    >umm. i read 1984 in school. that was cool.
    Oh, well. Did you see that X movie?
    >uh, no. i like comedies, lol. like seth rogen and shit.
    Okay. Did you play that X game?
    >No, but I love Halo!!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:37:04 No.467180
    Billy, bring daddy his punchin' gloves.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:37:38 No.467185
    Being a nerd simply means liking one particular area to the point of obsession. It doesn't have to be science/technology, the only real "requirement" is that you're in love with the subject, constantly read about it, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:41:28 No.467217
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    >2004 - back in time
    >Nerd was an insult
    >People just call us losers or faggots now

    The stench of this idea reeks of women logic.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:42:51 No.467224
    > zomg! i lyk all music! music is my life!
    Do you listen to (band)?
    > yeah I love (hit single)
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:01:20 No.467373

    Agreed. I was with a girl once who did all of this shit-- the "I'm a huge fan of SNES games" shit, the "I FUCKING LOVE METAL \M/" shit, the hipster glasses shit, all of it. No surprise, she was a Tumblr user.

    The secret is that girls find nerdy shit effeminate and "edgy" shit quirky. Effeminate and quirky are not sexually desirable traits on guys (like us), but girls think that they really enhance their own sex appeal by copy-pasting these labels onto their t-shirts and online profiles. The sad part is that they're right. Your average r9bot generally crushes on these sorts of whores.

    So what did I do with this faux-nerd girl? I told her what she wanted to hear-- that her "love" of SNES games was cute, that the shitty girlcore she listened to was pretty br00tal stuff, and that "there really need to be more interesting girls like you out there." What I didn't tell her about was that I had interests in things she would find unfashionably nerdy on a guy-- professional Starcraft and death metal, that I had worn glasses and braces in high school, that I read fantasy as well as sci fi, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:06:49 No.467429

    thats a geek

    the uipites
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:12:07 No.467475




    I fantasize about one of these fucks antagonizing me in public so I can re-enact the Doom berserker comic word for word.

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:28:52 No.467626

    Holy shit. We need to take the word CREEPER and make this shit our own. We're never going to get nerd back.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:51:15 No.467817

    I don't hate this.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:55:21 No.467839
    because they give me false hope that an attractive girl may actually share interests with me
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:04:31 No.467905
    Well fucking put.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:06:49 No.467924
    Nerd in name only?
    >Lolol POKEMON!
    >So... What's the name of that thing on your shirt?
    >I dunno, Charmander?

    >Queue something mentioned about Cake (Christmas Cake, have you)

    Sure, they may play video games but it may just be me thinking it a normal thing: These days what sort of teen/young adult doesn't play video games in some way or form? Developers ensured that they have a game for every market; people are paid for that sort of shit.

    In essence; some "nerds" are to nerds as what casual jogger is to being called a sportsman.
    >> Sorka !u.sDYKEStQ 11/22/11(Tue)04:20:37 No.468035
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    >Queue something mentioned about Cake (Christmas Cake, have you)
    >Queue something mentioned about Cake

    >mon visage quand.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)05:30:22 No.468510
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    We can take the nerd back...but it may entail more than you are capable of...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)05:35:33 No.468540

    >no cape
    >no fedora

    Not accurate at all. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)05:43:10 No.468586
    because those posing faggots suddenly became nerds when it became kewl.
    That's like saying you're a shaolin monk because you saw a document on tv and like their neat tricks.

    How about you trend-geeks go through the hell of teenage-years being an outcast, left out and ridiculed, even physically harmed on a regular basis because you're interested in stuff that isn't cool?
    You assholes just march in here, take our pain and suffering and claim it's yours, that you have a right to it. No you don't. You're fake. You'd kill yourself if you had to live the real nerd-life in mid-90's for example.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)05:43:31 No.468588
    Are people who are really into literature nerds? Or do you have to just read science fiction and fantasy to be a nerd?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)05:45:30 No.468603
    >into reading at all
    Aspie-levels of nerdiness detected
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:23:16 No.468783
    At least you didn't say hipster.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:26:49 No.468798
    >Had to have been sometime between 2006-2008, right?
    The seeds of it were planted earlier. When techie people started identifying completely straight faced as geeks/nerds.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:29:46 No.468817
    I like you, and everyone else who is trying to keep "nerd" as an insult.
    Which is another massive reason I hate these posers. Why the fuck would you want to be something as terrible as a nerd, stop shitting up my insults.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:41:19 No.468885
    >Your average r9bot generally crushes on these sorts of whores.

    That's probably half the cause of the whole trend.
    Guys complain that they can't find any girls with similar "nerdy" interests, the few girls who do have those interests complain about all the unwanted attention they get from ronery nerds and all the other girls want a slice of that pie.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:44:10 No.468902
    >"like omg I read like a sentance of a book today....omg lolololololol im such a nerd XDDDD"

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:47:12 No.468922
    It completely escapes me how has music apparently managed to come in this society to be in higher respect than video games.

    It can be argued music is a lower form of art than games, because it directly influences your brain. Its route to your brain as a "drug" which makes you attracted to it is shorter than that of games, which REQUIRE putting some effort in, while in music, this isn't obligatory.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:47:28 No.468926
    Maybe it was a book that only had one sentence! There are a surprisingly large amount of those.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:47:40 No.468929
    >9 months

    Oh, that is the bit that smarts.

    They took "nerd" from us because they have no fucking idea that people like us even exist.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:48:42 No.468932
    You would have to be a pretty big nerd to actively read books that you can chew on.
    >> xyz 11/22/11(Tue)06:50:24 No.468939
    if a nintendo shirt and a fucking pikachu plush make you instantly hate a person wearing it, you guys are more shallow than those hipster bitches who think links name is zelda.

    just saying.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:51:16 No.468944
    Chew on? If you're meaning how tiny they'd be, there are plenty that are 100+ pages. It's a genre in and of itself.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:52:26 No.468949
    Why would I care about what others say about each other?

    It seems like a waste to get angry over such trifles.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:52:37 No.468953
    You can judge people by what they are wearing if they are wearing it to try and send a message about themselves.

    >if a swastika shirt and a fucking Hitler plush make you instantly hate a person wearing it, you guys are shallow
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:53:37 No.468960
    I was thinking of those large cardboard books for toddlers.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:55:59 No.468970
    Haha, nah. There are lot of amazing authors who have written books like that. Thomas Bernhard, Roberto Bolano, Georges Perec, and Bohumil Hrabal, to name a few.
    >> xyz 11/22/11(Tue)06:57:48 No.468981

    you can't really compare nazi sympathizers to nintendo fans, can you?

    what about all those people who just really love nintendo/pokemon/star wars/star trek/marvel? if you like something, you will want to wear their products.

    i could point at that guy in this thread who said he wears a shirt of some metal band instead of 'gamer' shirts. how is he any better or worse than a kid with nintendo shirt?

    i'm sure he's not the biggest fan who knows every single chord of every single song, etc, so he must be as fake as a supposed nintendo shirt kid. you're all being a bit silly here.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:02:58 No.469005
    Because only insecure nerds feel the need to try and create an identity for themselves for themselves by wearing fancy shirts.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:05:25 No.469015
    I hate when hipsters pretends to be a nerds when they are not.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:05:54 No.469017

    Someone needs to post that facebook pic of the girl wearing a Justice League shirt and calling it an Avengers shirt. This is what is wrong these people.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:06:36 No.469020
    I don't get why you people care so much about other people not being as 'hardcore' as you. It mystifies. It's almost hipster-ish.
    >> xyz 11/22/11(Tue)07:09:03 No.469031
    apparently, a part of my reply isn't allowed to be posted, so i can't really continue this because i have no fucking clue which sentence or word was the problem.

    either way, i stand behind what i said thus far.
    good day to you, sir.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:29:42 No.469110
    Because for a very long time things such as anime and gaming were shunned for being nerdy which most people here were always interested in, now that people have become interested in them it's annoying to us.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:30:16 No.469113
    It's annoying that what we were shunned for is now considered cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:34:45 No.469127
    So it's a bad thing that things you like are becoming more popular.

    Still sounds hipster to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:35:43 No.469134
    whats bad is that its becoming popular but those who liked all along are still excluded
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:40:40 No.469152
    It's obvious why we hate it. IMO It's not the words "lol im such a nerd" that angers us.
    We get angry because these words are a lie and are said only for attention.
    So people that say this are attention whores.
    And everyone hates attention whores.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:40:46 No.469153
    Excluded from what? If it's something you like, what's to stop you from still liking it? Are you worried about looking cool for it now? This makes no sense to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:41:35 No.469160
    I once overhead some guy making claim of being such a nerd
    typical hipster faggot, thick rim glasses ironic vintage t-shirt
    so I ejaculated in his coffee
    guy didn't seem to notice or if he did not make a ruckus so he wouldn't lose face to the girl he was eating with.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:43:57 No.469171
    the popularity. being a part of the group. they may say they like the same things but the nerds of old are still kept out
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:44:32 No.469175
    Imagine you're a black guy raised in the ghetto.
    Now imagine that you're poor as fuck, your dad beat you and your mom every day, both are druggie alcoholics that can barely support a family.
    You're black, and poor, so there's racism against you everywhere, this forces you into the drug game just to be able to live another day. you're living a miserable life, You want out, but you can't, 'cause that's just how you've been raised.

    Then comes along some faggot from a rich family that raps about bitches and parties, and suddenly every suburban whiteboy in the country starts acting 'gangsta' wearing baggy clothes listening to that fake rap shit thinking it's cool, who's loving parents can support them, who can get any job they want, living a privileged and easy life.

    That's pretty much why actual nerds hate hipsters who call themselves nerds.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:46:14 No.469186
    >What guys think girls mean when they say "nerd"
    Some pasty white dork with bad hygiene and baby face
    >What they really mean
    Handsome alpha as fuck guys who aren't really nerds, they just wear glasses and maybe know from which planet Luke Skywalker originates.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:47:33 No.469191
    >Play Gameboy Color for the hell of it, so I don't get my DS stolen.
    >Read this thread
    >Feel bad even though I know my pokemans.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:48:38 No.469197
    Attention whoring is a horrible thing. But just because a person didn't like something before it was popular doesn't make them bad, or an attention whore.

    The same people will have been attention whores that just follow trends regardless.
    So why do you want to associate with those people?

    Actually, I know that pretty well. Though my dad was a good guy but mostly absent. I'm not even mad. Those people just make themselves look stupid, it's no skin off my nose.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:49:18 No.469203
    > omg, I love Pokemon so much
    Sweet, who's your favourite 'mon
    > Pikachu, CAUSE HE'S SO CUTE :3
    uh, okay sure. So what EV's do you usually put on him?
    > lol, why would I put an Eevee on him?

    Every. Fucking. Time.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:50:40 No.469207

    Obligatory. With love.

    >working on my home work for class, I'm such a Nerd :D
    >I know I'm such a nerd but....I LOVE the Pizza Hut app!!! It was actually fun ordering dinner ;)
    >I find it weird that I can spell the word veterinarian right without even thinking bout it............. I'm such a nerd -:D
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:52:07 No.469213
    I play Pokemon, always have since Gen I.

    I don't EV train because I don't care about the metagame. Doesn't stop me from liking Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:52:53 No.469216
    Okay, those kind of people are retards.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:54:58 No.469226
    That's why I prefer the word aspie
    doesn't necessarily mean the same things
    but at the least no one would be dumb enough to not notice it has a negative connotation.
    i won't be seeing that many "I love aspies" shirts any time soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:55:19 No.469228
    Unless you excel at at least one particular field of study, you aren't a nerd.
    Anything involving art or music doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:56:06 No.469232
    wait a damn fucking minute!
    why is those people are retards but the people we are talking about in this thread arn't!?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:57:25 No.469236
    There's a difference between being a new fan of something and claiming to be nerdy because you ordered a pizza.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:57:44 No.469237
    I didn't think excelling in a field made one a a nerd
    I thought it was having a socially crippling obsession with a field that made one a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:58:00 No.469239
    ...and that's why we hate people who call themselves nerds.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:59:31 No.469247
    Hot topic needs are to real nerds as wiggers are to black people
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:00:14 No.469251
    I think the whole point of her calling herself nerdy is bacause she did it over the internet. And this is why we hate them even more.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:04:06 No.469274
    But that's not quite what I was asking.

    >I don't get why you people care so much about other people not being as 'hardcore' as you. It mystifies. It's almost hipster-ish.

    Like the person who was talking about Pokemon EV's. Is there really anything wrong with liking Pokemon for cute critters as opposed to 'This is my team that will rip Arceus himself a new asshole!'

    Both like the games, just for different reasons.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:04:58 No.469279
    So I can't be a nerd even if I know everything there is to know about bunraku theater?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:06:08 No.469283
    >Why do you hate people who call themselves nerds so much, /r9k/?

    Repressed lust.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:08:06 No.469295
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    Pic related, OP.

    I fucking hate those fucking faggots. They're also fucking cancerous.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:08:16 No.469298
    >lusting after people with braindamage
    Listen here, son, I know you may have some fucked up fetishes, and that's allright and fine, but that doesn't mean everyone shares them.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:09:00 No.469305
    but you still get the weeaboo title
    thats a fair exchange
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:09:15 No.469306
    /v/ here, do you know why we hate them that much? Because they're attention whoring GRRL GAMUR types.

    Also, because wannabe nerds outnumber us 10:1 and supply/demand forces developers to release casualised games. (vidya equivalent of selling out for you normal people).
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:16:23 No.469340
    Hasn't the majority of people who buy video games always been what you'd call 'casuals' pretty much since Pong consoles were popular?
    If a game doesn't suit your tastes because you find it to be too casual, don't buy it. But you don't have to hate other people for liking it. It makes you look like an elitist asshole. Maybe there's something I'm missing.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:17:58 No.469349
    games have pretty much been a market for children and manchildren all the way up till i think the late 90s'
    as such they were actually fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:18:42 No.469358
    I don't know why anyone would call themselves a nerd. It's a fucking insult.
    You fucks are worst ones.

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:19:05 No.469361
    Yes, most of the people have always been casuals. Hoowever they've usually played things like platformers and arcade games. But as of late they dragged down nearly the entire FPS industry with them.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:19:47 No.469364

    Back in the SNES days PC games were usually quite different to console games.

    There are things that they could do then that they will not do now.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:20:52 No.469373
    frankly i never liked FPS
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:21:42 No.469375
    >If a game doesn't suit your tastes because you find it to be too casual, don't buy it.
    But the market is resistant to making "non-casual" games, esspically in genres the causals like.
    Why make a old school twitch FPS when a slow console one like CoD will sell better? Why make a Turn Based Strategy game when casuals are more likely to pick up a real time one? Why make a hardcore number crunching RPG when an action game with the RPG parts tacked on sells better?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:23:25 No.469378
    >Back in the SNES days PC games were usually quite different to console games.

    Modern console gaming is a cancerous mess because it's trying too hard to be like PCs while not doing even close to as well as an actual PC. Which is why FPS suck these days
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:23:42 No.469380
    >Why make a hardcore number crunching RPG
    Japan still makes a fuck ton of those
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:24:20 No.469384

    That guy that was talking about Pokemon EV's is here (well I hope I'm that guy)

    I don't mind it when people like Pokemon for the cuteness or for whatever reason it may be but when people claim to 'love' it and show that love in an obsessive way without even knowing basic stuff such as EV's really pisses me off.

    Just wanted to point that out.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:25:07 No.469386
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    But hey, at least we have Ace of S- oh wait, they ruined that, too
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:26:34 No.469391

    I wasn't even thinking about FPS. I was thinking more, ah...

    4x games.
    Adventure games.
    Isometric anything.
    Turn-based anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:28:26 No.469395
    >4x games.
    I don't think there's been any big attempt to move 4X games to the consoles. And we're still seeing a few being made for PCs.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:28:32 No.469397
    the most recent civilization game wasn't that great I admit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:30:19 No.469405
    I think your picture should sum it up OP
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:31:40 No.469414
    I never got round to playing it, what happened?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:31:42 No.469415
    For the record. Stack-of-death was a flaming bag of shit. Even if everything else in Civilization V sucked ass. Y'know, when I think about it. We're lucky Civilization V even got released. Look at that abortion-of-a-sequel FPS that X-COM is being turned into.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:32:18 No.469419
    I kind of understand what you're getting at now. But it seems like even if more people got into the deeper levels of gaming not much would change.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:32:52 No.469421
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    >See friends wearing video game shirts
    >"Oh hey you like those games too?"
    >"What? No, we're just pretending dude, we're not actually nerds even though we say we are."
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:34:39 No.469429
    Again. There's a difference between a person being a new or even just a passing fan of something and only pretending to.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:34:42 No.469430
    >Look at that abortion-of-a-sequel FPS that X-COM is being turned into.
    And Syndicate. Though Paradox are making up that apparently.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:37:19 No.469446

    LOL, nope. it's real and EA's publishing. This isn't the first strategy game EA ruined either.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:38:09 No.469451
    How can you say it's ruined when it's not en out yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:39:40 No.469464
    thats what /a/ does with anything from JC staff and more often then not they are right.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:39:42 No.469465
    Second sentence in the article seems to be good enough to draw that conclusion
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:41:08 No.469475
    It's being turned into an FPS. It was originally an Isometric Tactics game.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:42:27 No.469480
    But it still might be fun. You never know.
    Then again, it's EA.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:43:01 No.469484
    Because when you're labeled a nerd/geek/dork by others, you catch shit upon shit for being who you are. The common painful experienced shared by those with the title becomes a point of pride almost. (Like working class shit.)

    When someone comes along, grabs the title for themselves, gets praise upon praise for it, and has to endure none of the turmoil for it, it's a bit maddening.

    >Like if someone get got to be a Marine and didn't have to do bootcamp or active duty
    >If someone just got their diploma and didn't have to pay, study, or write papers
    >When some asshole spoiled kid gets a brandnew car the day he turns seventeen, then wreaks it and thinks nothing of it

    See what I'm getting at?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:44:11 No.469494

    Bro, if it was a good game it would still be a "ruin" in that it isn't a sequel as much as another game stealing a label.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:45:45 No.469502
    Kinda like how we were discussing fake Nerds stealing the title of Nerds from before?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:46:08 No.469504
    >be 2005
    >be in school talking to only two friends about E3 and the new shit that was coming out
    >girl over herd me
    >why don't you get a life and go out more nerd!
    >talking to friend about or crappy band we had in high school
    >see same girl with a 8-bit shirt
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:46:40 No.469509
    letts not derail the thread
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:46:40 No.469510
    I suppose you're right in that regard. But just because they changed it, it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:47:43 No.469514
    That bitch is a hypocrite. Which are bad people no matter what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:49:11 No.469521

    Dunno. But one way you could look at it:

    >how many recent fps games can you play?
    >how many recent games can you play that are like first two Syndicate games?
    >how many recent games can you play that are like UFO: enemy unknown?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:58:10 No.469565
    It's like when the real veterans who got pretty big scars on their backs and lost some friends out there get pissed off when the guys who've been sitting around in front of a laptop for the whole time in an air-conditioned room calls themselves a 'veteran'.

    The uniqueness of the social group and the perceived intellectualism comes with the years of social ostracism and prejudice from the peers. If you haven't dealt with it, you're not a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:02:41 No.469589
    >it's real and EA's publishing
    I'm an idiot. Meant to say
    >Paradox are making up for that
    by making a spiritual successor.

    >This isn't the first strategy game EA ruined either.
    Remember a few months ago when they renewed their Copy Right on Alpha Centauri? Wonder if they'll do anything with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:04:24 No.469605
    My girlfriend is a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:06:51 No.469624
    >>This isn't the first strategy game EA ruined either.
    > a few months ago when they renewed their Copy Right on Alpha Centauri? Wonder if they'll do anything with it.
    When I said "This isn't the first strategy game EA ruined either." I was reffering to the Command & Conquer games. But no, I don't feel safe with the rights to Alpha Centauri in EA's hands either.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:41:42 No.469808
    >Be not fat reasonably attractive female
    >read and watched too many anime/manga to count
    >Play a couple Capcom, Valve, and Atlus games.
    >In love with Ms. Marvel's entire 2006 solo series, and the civil war arc, my Christmas present is a 12 month subscription to Marvel digital comics.
    >go to anime conventions, volunteer at tabletop gaming conventions
    >have casual all-female DnD group.
    Why an all female group? CAUSE YOU FUCKERS ARE CRAZY.

    >attempt to join school gaming club
    >"Oh, you want to try gaming? Okay, well FIRST, you should know that the dice we use are reaally different, see, this one is called a-"
    >"D20 Right? you use it for skill checks and to roll initiati-"
    >"... I know."
    >"Look, see how big and shiny it is?"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:43:12 No.469818

    >Have to run to a gaming fair as soon as I get out of class to help out one of the games
    >decide to wear my elf ears to school, saves time, plus everyone loves them.
    >Someone says "Wow, you're a REAL NERD GIRL ANON."
    >"Well, I mean, I guess I am, but I'm really mostly just a weeaboo.. I'm pretty new to gaming, I'm just helping out by sending people on quests and being a wood elf-"
    >Woah bro. Okay. Whatever you say. If it means that much to you, just calm the fuck down.

    I don't really care whether I'm a 'nerd' or not, but fucking let me play my goddamn games, and read my goddamn comics without someone fucking spitting fire at me every time I make a mistake, or treating me like I'm three years old and don't even know about goddamn dice, or treating me like I'm a fucking fairy unicorn from mars come to bless the new generation with hope, fan service, and sex.
    NO. I'M JUST A FUCKING NORMAL PERSON. I don't do it for posting about how 'nerdy lol' I am on facebook, or brag about all of the neckbeards who want to fuck me to my friends, or to be a 'GAMURGIRLLOLOLOLOL'. I just want to do shit I like to do and get treated like a person by other people who do the same things I do.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:44:25 No.469824
    Protip: The sane guys who enjoy nerdy stuff keep it to themselves.

    Do you think I went to fucking anime clubs? Hell no, it's filled with Narutards and landwhales obsessed with yaoi.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:48:08 No.469847
    Morton, Wendy, Lemmy, Ludwig, Roy... And... Uh.... I guess I'm not a nerd...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:49:27 No.469855
    I can't substantiate this in any way but you can practically hear her vagina dripping at the opportunity to type a sixteen page wall of text about how she's a REEEAL nerd despite being a GURRRRLL, don't hit on me you silly boys!

    Yeah yeah, it was a valid opportunity, but that's what makes it so juicy, and that's why REAL GAMER GRRRRLS suck the most ass, because deep within their bosom they too are attention whoring pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:49:40 No.469857
    Congratulations, you've discovered that nerds are anal and pedantic.

    I'm not sure why it bothers you. if you're not such-a-nerding then you won't get targeted for being a "hipster nerd"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:56:26 No.469886
    Holy shat that was hilarious
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:58:20 No.469896
    A good test to see if someone is really a nerd is to get them to watch any high-fantasy movie or tv show for the first time. If they ask a question about it which ends in "...back then?", they are definitely NOT a nerd. A nerd can discern fantasy from history.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:00:17 No.469906
    At least those "hipster" nerds are fun to be around, real nerds in my experience are know it all assholes who think they're better then you.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:08:20 No.469951
    You know there's people in between these people and neckbeards, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:11:22 No.469969
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:18:19 No.470003
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    The only thing nerds had that it was special was their distinctive sub-culture. Now hipsters took it from them. I would be mad.
    >> ghostie !WyflH.qNZo 11/22/11(Tue)10:23:55 No.470026
    I guess I'll tell my story...
    >never really be truly nerdy
    >really into computer programming, read a few webcomics, love ren fest, play vidya causally
    >senior year of high school just now figuring how to fit in
    >being a 'nerd' is 'cool' now
    >girls tell me that I'm not pretty enough to be a nerd
    >wtf?? nerds != pretty
    >hate people calling themselves nerds ever since
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:27:07 No.470037
    Because they aren't actual nerds, they are just poser hipster faggots pretending to be nerds because LOL SO NOT MAINSTREAM
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:31:01 No.470062
    Somehow, I see the two bottom ones as the sadder of the three people depicted.

    At least he doesn't look like he'll forget how to breathe anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:31:34 No.470066
    But those are Hipsters
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:33:26 No.470075
    The truly 'ironic' thing is that nerds are mainstream, wait...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:34:08 No.470081
    oh fuck. yeah, real nerds scare me. I have insanely nerdy tastes, but the stereotypical nerd is painful to be around. there's an assortment of neckbeards and nasally mandark fucks playing MtG across the quad and hearing their random squealing is wtf. sadly if I had a deck I'd probably join anyway lol
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:37:02 No.470104
    oh and I forgot to mention, i would 9/10 rather chill with said nerd nerds then those fab hipsters
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:47:46 No.470175
    Its like a scam artist calling himself a doctor, and people believing that he is one. He still gets respect, he still gets patients, he still gets high pay. Does it not make you mad?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:49:20 No.470193
    i've been playing tabletop DnD since i was 13, diablo, baldurs' gate, warcraft, WoW (quit 2 years ago), dragon age, warhammer and a bunch of other games, mostly RPGs.

    i am very well-adjusted, i have good friends, a girlfriend and i'm going to uni and getting decent grades

    i have never in my life said that i was a nerd. people who call themselves nerds are pretty much the people everybody hates. and people who give attention to stupid, vapid, hipster "nerds", well.. its not really their fault. people are stupid, they do stupid shit
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:50:17 No.470194
    Not really. It's like a poser calling themselves a neo-nazi. And he still gets respect and everyone thinks he's unique and interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:16:22 No.470401
    You want to know why I mad? Sit the fuck down, shitbags, it's motherfucking goddamn story time.

    Being a nerd or a geek or a whatever isn't a fashion statement. We didn't wake up one day and just decide we were in a "nerd" mood and put on that shirt for the day, it was our lives. When all the little boys started playing sports we were playing Legend of Zelda, when everyone was starting to socialize and learn to talk to girls, we were getting laughed out the door before we could even start trying because we played Legend of Zelda.

    We didn't form some subculture to make friends and be cool, we became friends from necessity because we had nothing else. We formed that subculture because while everyone else was learning how to socialize normally we had nothing else. We obsessed over worthless tiny details in irrelevant shit because if we weren't going to have sex in high school anyway, then goddammit we were at least going to enjoy it.

    And then, after 20 years of being on that island, after finally coming to terms and embracing our "antisocial" behaviors because we finally learned that there were others like us, that we could bond over the very thins we used to be ostracized for, we weren't so ALONE, after all that, that same fucking girl that laughed at you because you liked Nintendo instead of football and giggled behind her hand with her friends whenever they saw you, now her new fake glasses and triforce tattoo are like so totally chic and the very things that made it impossible for you to be social are props for those other people to socialize with. They use the only things you ever had to get what you could never have
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:21:31 No.470440
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    Thanks to these faggots, I feel like a gigantic douche whenever I want to watch Star Wars.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:22:57 No.470454
    Nicely said.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:24:08 No.470465

    Son, I'm proud.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:30:08 No.470521
    Because this OP
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:38:11 No.470583
    >help this chick who wants to play Legend of Zelda Link to the Past download an SNES emulator on her Android tablet
    >also download Earthbound because Earthbound is a legitimately kickass game
    >show her a website to download more ROMS
    >a few minutes later
    >"hey anon this rom isn't working"
    >go check it out
    >she tried to download an N64 rom
    >she tried to download an N64 rom and play it on a SNES emulator
    >the game was Bug's Life

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:39:22 No.470592
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    >mfw pretty much all of 4chan has a crush on this gurrl for playing hon, minecraft etc.
    >mfw they pretend its solely because she plays those
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:43:55 No.470634
    Here's a tip:

    Always assume women are as retarded as a bag of rocks when it comes to technical things.

    Don't hate, correct them. You'll be surprised how well women can like you when you're not "OMG U R SO DUM"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:45:42 No.470647

    I was polite about it.

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:47:18 No.470659
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    Beautiful people pretending to be nerds. Especially tall blonde girls wearing fake glasses and scarfs.

    I am one of those handsome dudes who grew up as a nerd but cant dress like that anymore because I looked like newage hipster. Even though I grew up during the 90's and did the whole grunge thing, this time around people are doing it for all the wrong reasons. Dont get me started on hipster movies and music. They need to shut the hell up.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:49:11 No.470676
    What about hipster literature?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:49:56 No.470684
    I fucking hate you so much right now. How dare you talk about other people being ignorant. I am going back to /g/.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:51:10 No.470697
    Because they have Nintendo in the name

    There are things you don't know, too, brah.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:51:26 No.470699
    >>470684's a 64-Bit console..
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:51:30 No.470702

    That's generally a good way to treat all people, not just women. If you know something that they don't, then help them out and show them what to do. If they ignore your advice, then you get to call them dumb.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:54:21 No.470730
    but it's not called "Nintendo 64-bit"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:59:54 No.470784
    Cry more. It's a 64-bit console. He called it a Nintendo 64. Obviously the "bit" part at the end was a joke.

    Calm your tits, faggot bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:03:09 No.470806
    I know it's not called the Nintendo 64-bit. It's called the Nintendo 64.

    However, I am pulling attention to the fact that the number '64' in the name 'Nintendo 64' has a meaning, and was chosen to represent a specific purpose. Also, to the fact that the SNES is a 16 bit system, and is physically unable to support an N64 game at any capacity.

    Somehow this confuses hipster 'nerdy' chick though.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:03:26 No.470807
    here's the thing

    when you're telling a story about how someone is omgsodum for fucking up he name of a toy, it does you well to not also fuck up the name of that toy

    also jokes are supposed to be funny
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:07:31 No.470841
    you're allowed to like video games without knowing all that shit though. I'm sure you do lots of stuff without knowing even basic details about them. it's the beauty of specialized post industrial society.

    for example, you don't even know what 16 bit and 64 bit mean without going to wikipedia and copy pasting a few sentences here to pretend like you do.

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