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  • File : 1246517450.jpg-(82 KB, 353x380, money_tree.jpg)
    82 KB Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)02:50:50 No.4645921  
    /r9k/, l've recently come into a lot of money. $25 million, to be exact, or $12.5 in a lump sum payment. l won the lottery last week, though I haven't cashed in the winning ticket yet. l'm talking to a financial consultant and getting legal help and trying to find out the best way to go about collecting. Either way, I'm going to be a multimillionaire, and the thought has occurred to me that I'd like to share the wealth. My mom is dead, my father left me when I was 3, and I don't have any siblings. But I do have you guys. I'd like to give some of my wealth to robots.

    I come to you tonight with a very serious proposition. Post your top three favorite books and your email. You can use a dummy email if you want, I don't care. If I think you have common literary interests with me (ie we share favorite novels) I will add your email to the list.

    I was considering if I should cap how many people to choose and I think I decided on an upper cap of 25 individuals. When I have 25 people I will send an email to those 25 people telling them that they have been chosen for their reading interests and to keep in touch with me for the next month or so as I get the winnings sorted out. l'Il be getting at the least if I take the lump sum $12.5, minus taxes, which would be (according to my legal counsel) somewhere around $7m. I can't even imagine spending $2m in my modest lifetime, let alone $7m, so I decided a fair amount to shave off would be $1 million. Divided 25 ways that is $40,000, an amount l don't think anyone here would really sneeze at.

    TLDR post your three most favorite books, your e-maiI, and you have a good shot at getting a lot of free money.
    >> sage sage 07/02/09(Thu)02:55:34 No.4645971
    1. fuck you
    2. fucka you
    3. here have bomb

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:34:08 No.4646700
    The Metamorphosis
    Love in the Time of Cholera

    Money plz
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:36:26 No.4646722
    Naive. Super
    Let The Right One In
    The History Of Love

    no email I just like to post my favourite books
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:40:15 No.4646752
    Slaughterhouse Five
    The Great Gatsby
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:42:41 No.4646770
    The Brothers Karamazov
    Enders Game
    Robinson Caruso

    Email me, I'd like to talk regardless of cash. Seems like a cool thing to be involved with, if you're telling the truth.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:45:45 No.4646792
    Crime and Punishment
    The Trial
    The Idiot
    >> Delicious Blitzkrieg (╬ ಠ益ಠ) !wf5JJ352J. 07/02/09(Thu)04:46:56 No.4646807
    Anything by Calvino, he really was something
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:52:11 No.4646859
    Fuck you. You're gonna judge who to give money to based on something as arbitrary as literature?
    You pretentious cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:53:45 No.4646873
    1. Twighlit
    2. Twighliet
    3 Twogjt;ogjet

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:53:50 No.4646874
    Brave New World
    Heart of Darkness
    The Simarillion
    >> iPhantom !!yXFhjPASbLX 07/02/09(Thu)04:54:31 No.4646882
    -The Catcher In The Rye
    -Naked Lunch
    -House of Leaves

    Please dear lord, I need this. All of my college problems will be solved. ;___;
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:55:01 No.4646886

    >> Okay, I'll bite. Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:58:12 No.4646915

    Storm Thief

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)04:59:40 No.4646929
    this is most likely fake but hey who knows might as well

    -The Art Of Racing In The Rain by Garth Stein
    -The whole Gunslinger Series by Stephen King im going to group as one
    -A Million Little Pieces by James Frey (i know its lame but i made it when i was like twelve haha and mostly its just spam now)

    Even if the money part is not legit i hope you do take the time to read these novels because i sure enjoyed them
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:00:03 No.4646935
    Reapers Gale
    Memories of Ice
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:00:34 No.4646939
    .... does no one notice the OTHER $25M thread going? It's got a bag of money, instead of a tree of money.

    Hmm... I smell a copypastafag.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:05:04 No.4646978
    A game of Thrones

    Redemption of Althalus

    Legend - David Gemmell

    Yes, I lack 'classics', but my tastes are just as valid as any pretentious fag's.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:08:24 No.4646986
    Oh what the hell...

    Crime and Punishment
    The Brothers Karamazov
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:08:41 No.4646988
    Seems legit to me...

    1. Harry Potter
    2. Ender's Game
    3. Redwall

    If one of the above books/series is not one of your favorites, then you are not a true human.
    >> RobotFan !XKFicTtc.s 07/02/09(Thu)05:10:08 No.4646999
         File1246525808.jpg-(8 KB, 230x221, homerlulz.jpg)
    8 KB
    1. 1984
    2. Fahrenheit 451
    3. Brave New World

    If this is legit, op is a philanthropist, cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:15:37 No.4647029
    Ender's Game
    Twilight Falling

    If this is legit.... Win? But also OP, you are doing exactly what I would do. Most people live off $30,000 a year, and 7 million is way over their lively income. You could live happily off 1 million, and I like your giving spirit.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:16:29 No.4647037
    no shit, sherlock?

    Only Idiot newfags posting their emails in these threads, OP is trolling or collecting adresses for spamming.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:20:08 No.4647063
    Hey guys, OP here, I'm a faggot.

    thanks for playing, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:21:09 No.4647069
    Likely troll, but whatever.

    1. 1984
    2. I am Legend
    3. Incompetence
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:39:22 No.4647165
    Atlas Shrugged
    Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (Dragon Reborn was my fav)
    The Chess Machine
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:40:27 No.4647172
    Syrup - Max Barry
    Then We Came to the End - Joshua Ferris
    Bank - David Bledin
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:41:39 No.4647177
    1.Song from ice and fire
    3.Dark Tower
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:42:22 No.4647181
    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
    The Five People You Meet in Heaven
    >> Dirty White Boy !!EHh3jvFnMtd 07/02/09(Thu)05:44:52 No.4647199
    in probably after phishing scam.

    1) It
    2) Needful Things
    3) The Tommyknockers
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:50:42 No.4647234
    1. Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy trilogy of five
    2. Catch 22
    3. Cheese and the Theory of Evolution (Kaas en de evolutietheorie) - It's a Dutch book.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:53:42 No.4647253
    1. Daughter of the Empire
    2. The Hobbit
    3. A Dirty Job

    Well, might as well. Scam or no.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:54:27 No.4647261
    Probably a troll, oh well...

    Gone with the wind
    Grapes of Wrath
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:55:52 No.4647271
    Lord of the Flies
    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Of Mice and Men
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:58:35 No.4647294
    Meh, I've got a few spare e-mail addresses for crap.

    1. 1984
    2. Atlas Shrugged
    3. Cannery Row
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:59:17 No.4647300
    Are you fuckers kidding? This is the second time I've seen this on /r9k/ tonight. It's also been posted across other boards. Enough already.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)05:59:34 No.4647304
    Absolution Gap
    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    Fuck your classics. 1984 was the literary equivalent of having someone shit on your face.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:03:06 No.4647321
    i seriously doubt all of this and i bet nobodys real email was given here but, if you want a good read Cytula is the bomb

    politics, sci-fi, action and sex?


    you simply cant ask for more
    >> Dirty White Boy !!EHh3jvFnMtd 07/02/09(Thu)06:05:50 No.4647336
    >Absolution Gap


    though i prefer Chasm City
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:06:14 No.4647338
    1. Lolita
    2. Into the Looking Glass
    3. Don't Stand too Close to a Naked Man
    >> ‭‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‭‮‮‮okon‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 07/02/09(Thu)06:07:34 No.4647345
    >I'd like to give some of my wealth to robots.
    >to robots.
    It's a trap!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:08:49 No.4647350

    I need to reread that.

    Shit, actually... can I change Absolution to House of Suns? Ah fuck, I'm taking 4 choices. OP can fuck himself.

    Absolution Gap
    House of Suns
    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    1984 is STILL like having someone shit on your face.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:09:31 No.4647356
    1. Numbers In The Dark
    2. Anansi Boys
    3. A Menken Chrestomathy

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:13:07 No.4647383
    - House of leaves
    - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (tenfold better than the movie)
    - Modern Prometheus

    probably troll, but that money would solve all my debt Q_Q
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:16:29 No.4647400
    1.) A Wrinkle in Time - Madeline L'Engle
    2.) Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
    3.) Unintended Consequences - John Ross

    Troll, probably, but shit, it'd be nice if I could actually make something of myself by getting into a decent school.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:19:46 No.4647417
    Gone with the wind
    The stand
    The andalite chronicles
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:20:24 No.4647423
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:21:22 No.4647430
    1.Forever War -Joe Haldeman
    2.Ghosts of onyx-Eric Nylund
    3.Stormchaser-Paul steward + Chris Riddell(childhood favourite , generally like the whole of the edge chronicles)
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:23:39 No.4647449
    The Robots of Dawn - Asimov
    A Scanner Darkly - PKD
    The Man in the Maze - Robert Silverberg

    what the hell, huh?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:23:47 No.4647451
    1. The Game
    2. Atlas Shrugged
    3. Mein Kampf
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:25:39 No.4647467
    Maybe Naked Lunch too
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)06:39:54 No.4647570
    Give some cash to moot. He needs it more than us.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:08:28 No.4647757
    Why not donate to 4chan? It would help us much better than giving 40k to some random fags
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:14:30 No.4647795
    1. Fahrenheit 451
    2. A Wrinkle In Time
    3. Star Girl
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:23:32 No.4647840
    L'Etranger (The Stranger, The Outsider)
    The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    The Catcher in the Rye
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:24:31 No.4647844
    1. choke - chuck palanhiuk
    2. catch-22 - joseph heller
    3. 1984 - george orwell
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:25:54 No.4647849
    tao teh ching
    art of war
    journey to the west
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:28:21 No.4647857
    so basically OPs gonna spam the fuck out of you tards? GG
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:30:28 No.4647870
    The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy
    Garden of Beasts
    A Clockwork Orange
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:31:14 No.4647873
    I don't believe how retarded you guys are
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:33:33 No.4647889
    The Trial
    Crime and Punishment
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:37:52 No.4647916
    The Hobbit
    2001, A space Odyssey
    The Year Ricardo Reis Died
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:38:52 No.4647923
    This exact thread was on /v/ a couple of hours back, but replace books with PS3s + 3 Games
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:40:47 No.4647928
    >57 replies

    wtf people

    darwinism at work
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:41:42 No.4647932
    >Keen on discussion of these and similar books over MSN too, so feel free to add me.

    moneygrubber positive ID

    ps OP how about lik $100 for my gf's birthday coming up.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:43:09 No.4647938
    Guys, this guy is a phony.I was found to be the last relative of the prince of Bella Aereo, and i have inherited his vast fortune. Send me your credit card numbers and i'll leave 500000 $ in each ones bank account.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:45:50 No.4647952
    I want to believe.

    1:The silmarillion
    2:The Cell
    3:War and Peace
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:48:10 No.4647965
    1.) America Psycho
    2.) Childhood's End
    3.) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:50:09 No.4647973
    American lotteries are about as ahit as VD.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:53:30 No.4647984
    Midnight's Children
    Trinity by Leon Uris
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:02:35 No.4648001
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:13:10 No.4648041
    the alchemist
    the fate is the hunter
    sherlock holmes series
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:20:44 No.4648071
    Dune - Frank Herbert
    Paradise Lost - John Milton
    Ringworld - Larry Niven

    Honestly, I just wanted to see what my current favorite books are...
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:26:01 No.4648090
    -Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants
    -The eyes of the Dragon
    -The Hobbit
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:30:31 No.4648115
    Hell i'd be happy with a thousand dollars!

    Enemy of God
    The eye of the world
    War and Peace
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:35:25 No.4648135
    The Brothers Karamazov
    The Master and Margharita
    The Outsider

    No email as I don't believe you.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:37:00 No.4648147
    Crime and Punishment
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:37:03 No.4648148
    Slaughterhouse Five

    Nineteen Eightyfour

    Cat's Cradle
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:37:06 No.4648149
    I hate this idea, because this is /r9k/. His tastes are going to be similar to 25 completely self-congratulatory, pompous little shits with a misplaced sense of entitlement and who're probably quite comfortably catered for by their middle/upper-middle class parents. If it's even real. Fuck.

    The World According to Garp
    Does Anything Eat Wasps?
    Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord

    Just in case. I could do with more than thirty fucking pence in my bank account.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:39:06 No.4648157
    One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
    Crime and Punishment
    American Psycho

    and for the dummy email:

    can you reply in the thread to tell us who won? i never check that email address.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:41:12 No.4648169
    OP here, I've decided that you won, as you have the best movies. All the money goes to you.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:41:34 No.4648172
    Well, why the hell not. At the least, I'll have a bit of money if i'm lucky enough here.

    Stephen Hawking - The theory of everything
    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
    The Lord of the Rings series
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:46:10 No.4648194
    At the Mountains of Madness
    The Songs of Maldoror

    mail is
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:46:35 No.4648197
    Obviously not OP as OP said books.
    Also this is most probably an attempt by a computer unsavvy person to harvest emails, very inefficiently at that.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:51:30 No.4648225
    Why are people replying to this thread?
    Are they all greedy/stupid americans?
    Or do they want to share their knowledge of literature?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:52:30 No.4648228
         File1246539150.jpg-(176 KB, 1388x1264, 1245879873726.jpg)
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    1. Asimov's Foundation series (cant very well pick one, they're all great)
    2. Halo - First Strike
    3. Jennifer Government
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:52:42 No.4648230
    Breakfast of Champions
    A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
    >> Druqs !7WVrmDruqs 07/02/09(Thu)08:53:31 No.4648235
    Well, worse case scenario, its just another joke.

    Stranger in a Strange Land
    Aesop's Fables
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:56:20 No.4648248
    The Stranger
    House of Leaves
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:57:13 No.4648252
    no way this is real guys. troll'd.

    seriously. a generous multi millionaire on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:59:00 No.4648262
    1. Oh The Places You'll Go
    2. Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy
    3. The Girls' Guide To Hunting and Fishing
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:59:01 No.4648263
    Might as is a lottery anyways.

    The Divine Comedy
    Where Eagles Dare
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)08:59:24 No.4648268
    House of Leaves,
    HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
    Where the Sidewalk Ends - Shel Silverstein

    It's worth a shot, and would get me that last semester to finish college.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:00:48 No.4648275
    1.Kafka on the Shore
    2.The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
    3.Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:03:26 No.4648288
    1. The Borribles - Michael de Larrabeiti
    2. The Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
    3. The Catcher In The Rye - JD Salinger

    Honourable mentions include the Kite Runner, Fight Club, The Wheel of Time series, etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:07:20 No.4648314
    Are Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle considerably better than A Wild Sheep Chase and Sputnik Sweetheart? I was interested in Kafka and Bird but had to read Sheep and Sputnik first due to crappy library. I was disappointed and now I'm wondering if there's a point in trying to find the others anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:07:57 No.4648318
    1. Moby Dick
    2. 1984
    3. Atlas Shrugged
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:14:15 No.4648366
    I haven't read A Wild Sheep Chase orSputnik Sweetheart but the ones I listed are my favorites from Murakami.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:14:48 No.4648369
    Brave New World
    Catch 22

    And I think you should give this guy money >>4646752
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:15:18 No.4648374
    Dead men's secrets by Jonathan Gray
    The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman
    A Warrior's Heart by Niklas Krog

    It's really great thing you're doing, even if it isn't real it brightens quite a bit of people's day.

    My taste might not be very refined but I am content with this either way.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:16:08 No.4648382

    Gah forgot my email,
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:28:33 No.4648459
    I'm a little skeptical, I'll admit.
    Wheel of time series
    Gravity's rainbow

    Kind of ironic though, winning the lottery then letting other people play a lottery-esque game in order for a chance of winnings.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:28:39 No.4648461
    1) Lolita
    2) Ubik
    3) Washington Square
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:38:28 No.4648518
    Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
    Night Watch - Terry Pratchett
    X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - Michael A. Stackpole
    That's right, as in star wars.

    I reckon OP to be messing with us, but I do love books.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:38:46 No.4648519
    Ah, sweet SF, the underrated genre:

    1) Diaspora
    2) The Player of Games
    3) A Deepness in the Sky
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:46:54 No.4648560
    1. The Catcher In The Rye - J. D. Salinger
    2. 1984 - George Orwell
    3. Ice Station - Matthew Reilly

    Congrats on the win also, can't imagine what I'd do if I was in your situation.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:50:55 No.4648583
    How do I nigerian scam?
    How is million withdrawing?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:54:35 No.4648596
    1. Perfume
    2. 1984
    3. Catch 22
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:56:57 No.4648611
    40.000$ is too much for the average anon.
    cut it down to 10.000$ and help all anons in this thread ;)
    >> My Name Is Earl 07/02/09(Thu)09:57:07 No.4648614
    Given that you bought a lottery ticket im gonna guess youre like me and dont actually read books.
    If i'm right i want the whole million you offered.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:57:21 No.4648615
    >$12.5, minus taxes, which would be (according to my legal counsel) somewhere around $7m

    Where the fuck do you have to live in order to pay over 50% in taxes? Jesus christ...
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)09:58:15 No.4648624
         File1246543095.jpg-(67 KB, 854x505, 203485.jpg)
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    >people seriously replying to this copypasta
    >> T-Rex !!9rytQV39YC/ 07/02/09(Thu)09:58:53 No.4648627
    This is copypasta or some bullshit or he wouldn't have swapped so many I's and L's. Stop fucking replying to it.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:01:01 No.4648638
    Americans get totally reamed when they win any sort of money. Over here in the UK, if you win 25 million, you get 25 million. In America, you get two choices. Either take all of it in lump sums over the course of 40 years or so, or take a severely reduced payment, which then gets taxed.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:01:08 No.4648639
    Harry Potter 1
    Harry Potter 2: the sequel
    Harry Potter 3: the complete trilogy
    Harry Potter 4: they pulled me out of retirement to make another one
    Harry Potter 5: the lost episodes
    Harry Potter 6: I got nothing
    Harry Potter 7: The septology

    I hope you feel the same way i do about this great literature! =]
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:02:06 No.4648646
    great perception, this one has.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:02:11 No.4648648

    The Great Gatsby
    Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
    The Brothers Karamazov
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:02:42 No.4648652
    One Flew Over a Cuckoos Nest - Ken Kesey
    American Gods - Neil Gaiman
    A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:03:30 No.4648658
    The Fountainhead
    House of Spirits
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:04:04 No.4648659
    I don't read much books if at all...only one ive read that I enjoyed was The Divine Comedy.

    Congrats on your money though, I got dealt a shitty hand myself and I end up living with parents that owe me money and been paying all my expenses myself with minimum wage+ college the day i started working. Shit aint easy.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:05:46 No.4648668
    happy-happy funtimes
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:06:59 No.4648675
    Battle - The Story of The Bulge
    Black Hawk Down
    Touching the Void

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:07:18 No.4648678
    wow, this is on every board and your tards are the only retards retarded enough to post your emails.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:09:22 No.4648687
    The Book of the Long Sun
    The Stand
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:10:37 No.4648696
    >Wow this is posted on every board and I'm too stupid to have a dummy email account.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:13:08 No.4648707
    you are the type of person that replies to chain mails "just in case"

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:13:35 No.4648710
    Sherlock Holmes stuff - I know, pretty mainstream, but whatever, I love it.
    Murders in the rue morgue - Poe
    Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarden
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:13:36 No.4648711

    i have one you dirty hoto
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:15:33 No.4648718
    My favorite three books, tough one.

    First and foremost, my favorite book in the world by far is 'Sexus' by Henry Miller. This book changed me. Every time I read it, it's like manna for my soul. It refreshes me. It's an odd thing, really.

    Second... I'd say 'The Idiot' by Dostoevsky. People who say that the main character is 'Christ-like' are flat-out wrong. He's just somehow unsullied by the matters of the world which fuck almost everybody up. He's an uncorrupted soul, and as such, is magical and healing to experience.

    Third... tough. This is tough. I'd have to say any of the Dune books, though book 2, Dune Messiah, always brings tears to my eyes at the end (possibly because that my father died while I was reading this book the first time.) These books are so amazing. Calling them sci-fi is like calling 'Crime and Punishment' a murder mystery. They have politics, global ecology, and deep, deep philosophy. Some of the best books I've ever read.

    My email's Hope to hear from you.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:16:41 No.4648725
    In no specific order:
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:19:21 No.4648739
    ~The Catcher In The Rye
    >> Fool 07/02/09(Thu)10:23:37 No.4648767
         File1246544617.jpg-(46 KB, 481x600, books.jpg)
    46 KB
    Observe 4 people spamming all kinds of books to catch every intellectual niche possible.

    And a lot of fools. Including me.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:27:01 No.4648792
    lol at people falling for this shit
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:30:02 No.4648819
    Pillars of the earth
    War and Peace
    Of mice and men
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:30:17 No.4648823
    You know, I have a sort of strange admiration for the OP's idea, in the same sense as a woman with a black eye stays with an abusive husband. Absurdity is hard to give in to, but it's so appealing.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:38:00 No.4648872
    all i read is stuff on 4chan...
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:50:48 No.4648971
    Fahrenheit 451
    A Clockwork Orange
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:54:47 No.4649001
    I'm 99.9% sure this post is a hoax, but wtf, I'll post anyway.

    I don't really have 3 favorite books, but I do have 3 favorite authors:

    1. H.P. Lovecraft
    2. Thomas Ligotti
    3. William Gibson
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:57:28 No.4649016
    You, sir, are awesome!

    HoL there is nothing beter
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)10:57:56 No.4649022
    1) dune
    2) the fractal geometry of nature
    3) thus spake zarathustra
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:07:18 No.4649064
    As much as I would like to participate in this, or more likely call you a troll, I would feel bad either way.

    Good luck on your journey through life. Don't spend it all on a fancy record player.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:10:53 No.4649083

    Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers (Grant Naylor)
    Nightwatch (Terry Pratchett)
    The Island of Doctor Moreau (HG Wells)
    >> dirt 07/02/09(Thu)11:13:47 No.4649100

    1. Wild Fire by Nelson Demille
    2. Stone Cold by David Baldacci
    3. Terminal Man by Michael Critchton

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:15:55 No.4649118
    1. Gyorgy Konrad - The Visitor (Reeeally good stuff)
    2. Yukio Mishima - The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
    3. Leon de Winter - Hoffman's Hunger
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:18:59 No.4649130
    Three favorite books:

    1) The Black Company
    2) As I Lay Dying
    3) The Hobbit
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:21:34 No.4649143
    Catcher in the Rye
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:23:59 No.4649158
    wtf? You did this last night with movies instead, then you did it in /v/ before that with favorite video games.

    Also how has nobody mentioned A Storm of Swords, Lies of Locke Lamora, or The Blade Itself?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:24:37 No.4649163
    I see what you did there.

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:26:09 No.4649174
    Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
    A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
    Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:28:02 No.4649188
    A. Dumas - The Count of Montecristo
    Guy Debord - The Society of Spectacle
    Walter Benjamin - The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)11:59:16 No.4649404
    not OP, but here's $40,000
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:04:20 No.4649452
    The Little Bus That Could
    The Bible
    The Simpsons
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:22:50 No.4649610
    The Wheel of Time Series
    Harry Potter Series
    The Riftwar Saga

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