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  • File : 1246500220.jpg-(98 KB, 750x613, suicide01.jpg)
    98 KB Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:03:40 No.4643559  
    I don't love myself, and I know nobody else loves me. I am a freak. I am a "faggot". I came out as a transsexual about eight months ago, and my family disowned me, I seriously have nothing else to live for right me, no job, I have an education as a nurse (4 year degree) but nobody will employ me, all my friends refuse to talk to me...nothing left, period.

    I don't care about how I die, I just need it to be painless and clean. Make your suggestions, I am done with life. How should I die?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:07:03 No.4643572
    Your joking right. If you have an RN degree you can get work just about anywhere. Apply at more places faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:09:15 No.4643586
    I'm serious. I just want to know the best way to die without pain or a mess. I know most chemical suicides are very painful, and I don't to go this way. As a nurse, all I can think of is ODing on sleeping pills and drinking a ton of alcohol. 99% of suicide methods are very painful and messy.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:10:40 No.4643603
    Suicide bag.

    Fill plastic bag with inert gas.
    Place over head
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:11:51 No.4643612
    >ODing on sleeping pills and drinking a ton of alcohol.

    The ONLY way to die.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:12:36 No.4643617
    Oh, fuck off. If you really wanted to kill yourself, you'd do it. You wouldn't let silly life-oriented bullshit like pain stop you. Your heart isn't in it.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:13:30 No.4643623
    Tie a plastic bag around your head. Sit back and keep breathing.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:14:12 No.4643630
    step 1 - get really really drunk
    step 2 - get pregnant
    step 3 - wait 8 months
    step 4 - cut out fetus
    step 5 - attempt to eat and choke on fetus
    step 6- ??????
    step 7 - profit/die
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:14:13 No.4643631
    People who want to kill themselves do not come onto /r9k/ whinging about how no one loves them.

    Man up, move to someplace no one knows you, and apply for a goddamn job.
    Meet people, get a pet, network, socialize.
    Move on.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:14:18 No.4643635
    1 DON DO EET
    2 get a job where people probably don't hate trannies
    3 meet friends
    4 <33333333
    5 live
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:14:47 No.4643640
    Throw yourself in front of a train, shoot yourself, throw yourself off of a high place. If you really wanted to die you wouldn't care about someone having to clean your mess up.

    I guess getting every last penny you can muster and spending it all on coke and heroin and OD'ing yourself to death would probably be painless and clean enough.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:14:54 No.4643641

    Nobody hires a trans. My sex is not legally female and never will be in my state, so I try to apply and my ID is male, and always get turned down.

    I have 138 dollars in my bank, no family to turn to, no boyfriend, no friends who care...I just want to die right now and I don't care, honestly. Being a nurse, I know how painful it is to commit suicide...I SHOULD know how do it painlessly, but that is very subjective...

    If you imply most chemical methods, it is very painful and traumatic. I can't see how to do it in a method that puts me to sleep before I have a 100%l loss of vitals. If I put myself to sleep first (know many ways to do this), there is a strong chance I won't die because I could not control the lethal force of chemicals.

    ATM, thinking of shooting myself with a .22...I am not a /k/ommando, but I assume this is pretty clean. Yes?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:15:34 No.4643652
    Try living and working in Thailand.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:17:05 No.4643670
    Don't tell your employers that you're a tranny. Just act like a gay/feminine man, and dress up as a chick in your own time.

    Maybe after you get a few years experience you can come out at work as a tranny, and by then they won't be able to fire you, legally speaking.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:17:54 No.4643682
    Carbon Monoxide. Just like you are going to sleep, and never wake up.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:18:03 No.4643685
    Overdose on heroin.

    If you're gonna shoot yourself with a 22, there's a couple spots. Heart would be a good choice. Another choice would be pointing up into your head from about the back of your neck. Your spine will be smashed, and the nerves will cut out your heartbeat without significant bloodloss. (so long as it doesn't break large artery)

    If you're worried about making a mess, sit inside a garbage bag, somewhere public, and write a note on the bag like "this bag contains a dead person with a gunshot wound. it is a suicide." then sign it at least once. Make sure you carry your id
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:18:07 No.4643686

    Not whining. I KNOW I have nothing in my life. I've been over whining for about three years. I know my positive qualities, I know I am educated, I know I am intelligent, I know I have a degree....yet it is all worth nothing. Nobody will hire me for being a legal male, passability means state will not accept my gender as female, and nor will any surrounding state for about 1500 miles (South).

    All I'm asking is for a painless suicide.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:21:06 No.4643709
    First of; work life and real life is two seperate things.
    You are not a transsexual when you apply for work or is at work, that is in your free time.
    It is the same thing with burger flippers; they are not humans when at work, they however are on their own free time.

    Secondly; shut the fuck up and do something about it. There are tons of places that you could meet good tran friends if you wanted to.

    Thirdly; Move, get a job, meet up with loads of trans and get new friends, in 70 years fart just the wrong way and die. This is the best way of suicide.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:21:52 No.4643712
    Don't kill yourself. This is as bad as things are going to get. Your friends don't deserve you; if they don't accept you as you are, they never deserved to be your friends in the first place. Some of them may come around, but it's not that likely.

    Find where the gay section of town is. Meet people there. Find a community. Live.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:22:31 No.4643717
    Stop fucking whining and moaning and begging for a way to die. I just fucking said what to do in the cleanest and most painless way.>>4643603
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:22:46 No.4643724
    There's no pain when it's over. Drown yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:22:57 No.4643726
    >painless and clean
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:23:43 No.4643731
    You're a nurse, and don't know how to kill yourself painlessly? I don't think you're actually a nurse- you just wish you were a nurse, like you wish you were the opposite sex. Enjoy your failure of a life.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 07/01/09(Wed)22:24:25 No.4643737

    trannies are not worthy of life
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:25:34 No.4643748

    As evidenced by the lack of FAGGOT replies in this thread, the world does not consist of homophobes alone. Get the fuck out of the South; this appears to be your main problem other than finances.

    Family and "friends" are not prerequiste-required to love you, care about you, respect your decisions, or help you just because you ask. Find a way to get out of the south, and find people who care about what you can DO, not what you ARE.

    Quit whining - YES YOU ARE WHINING - if you want to get out of the South and start a new life, DO IT. There are sites that will help you accomplish this with financial and moving advice. 4chan is not one of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:25:39 No.4643749
    speaks suthe. ive been contemplating suicide for many years now. I have so little value for life that i dont even care about ending it. its all the same to me so i guess ill just keep huffing on.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:26:06 No.4643752
    Take cyanide. Quick about 30 seconds you freak of nature.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:26:29 No.4643759

    No "gay" part of town, I am in hickville for about 500 miles either way.


    Doesn't work that way. Very good chance I would wake up, but in severe pain and suffocating, but unable to move. Learn anatomy.


    Yes, I will do this with 138 dollars to my name and no family or friend, and being denied for jobs for over two years. DOORP. You are dumber than the hicks who would lynch me, fat fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:27:35 No.4643775
    Hey, bud.

    They get me off.
    >> The Red Barron 07/01/09(Wed)22:28:03 No.4643782
    Post pix

    I love me some traps
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:28:35 No.4643789
    No, you'll die. I knew someone who offed himself that exact way.

    You don't regain consciousness because there's no oxygen in the bag for you to breath. Meaning you die.

    He used helium, if that makes any difference.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:28:45 No.4643793
    Come to Memphis, TN. There's a well-establish trans/queer network here and a Bash Back! network.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:29:31 No.4643813

    Try again. I know how chemical suicides effect the nervous system. You, as a typical person, ASSUME chemical deaths are are wrong, by a very long degree. I was asking for a painless AND clean death, that is hard to suggest, even I am not entirely sure how to satisfy both requirements. I know shooting myself is VERY messy, even with a small caliber gun, and yet any chemical means I can ascertain to kill myself will be extremely painful.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:31:40 No.4643847
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    Let's hope this hasn't been posted here before, shall we?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:32:16 No.4643863
    Reposting till someone does it. My mission in life appears to be to facilitate this greatness:

    1) Steal money/take out loans
    2) Buy grenade
    3) Ascend tall building
    4) Pull pin
    5) Jump
    6) Explode over the city, mid-air, in a raining cloud of chunky awesomeness.

    Also, I got called in to work at a gay bar last night and shit son, those fuckers are dangerous. There was a fight between two drag queens and after it was sorted out security found a fucking evil looking switchblade on the ground.
    Hang out with those guys and you won't have problems with being called a faggot, dude.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:33:11 No.4643873

    Death was not the requirement, you illiterate fatass. Painless death was the requirement.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:34:08 No.4643883
    If you were a hot, or even simply passable trap, it wouldn't matter; you'd get that job.

    So basically people just won't hire you because you're ugly. Don't confuse things.

    Seriously, just post pics. You can make easy money by degrading yourself to do porn, and if you have nothing left to live for, I just see it as a way out. You could market yourself on craigslist too, find a vapid superficial boyfriend who will get you off, and buy you pretty things. Maybe even move out of the state in a few years, go some place more liberal. You have your options.

    Though if you really are ugly, I do suggest suicide. I personally love trannies, but god damn there are some awful ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:34:18 No.4643886
    How about you not kill yourself?

    Permanent solution to temporary problems. Is that phrase overused? No shit, but that's because there's a lot of truth in it.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:35:24 No.4643896

    lol that's what you get fgt

    Anyways, I presume you're still normal enough to know what a train is, yeah? Find one that runs a train at night, stand on track and wait for 200 tons of death to come barreling down that track. You really don't have anything to live for, you'll never be a woman.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:36:43 No.4643904
    That's complete bullshit.

    An RN degree is pure gold.

    You're lying about your employment opportunities.

    Oh, and just move out to California, they love gays and trannies.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:37:45 No.4643915
    Oh, and if you're really from some backwater Hicksville place, post the name. Or the area. You might get lucky, 4chan is a big place.

    But either way, chances are the people there are a bunch of goatfuckers. I swear, I'm conservative, but I'd have no problem absolutely plowing a passable trap, and I consider myself straight (hah)
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:38:25 No.4643922

    If you attended to your reading class in third grade, you would know I said my looks were meaningless because my state and bordering state will not approve my gender change without a genital change surgery.

    You are a moron, you should join the KKK who persecutes me.
    >> NoV/a °д° !!yB+kxKCdV3x 07/01/09(Wed)22:40:05 No.4643943
    Oh fuck off, you don't need friends nor a family, really. If these people don't care about you, screw them, seriously. That's the end of it, stop thinking about it. THEN --- Start enjoying life. Drink white tea for me, with blueberries and pomegranate, you'll see it's delicious :3 At least, try it before committing suicide. Also, go kick the asses of everyone who turned you down, made fun of fun, go tell them they're worthless, since you'll die anyway. Then after all that, perhaps will you feel better and want to live, who knows? :d
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:40:32 No.4643950
    How much does a complete gender reassignment surgery run these days?
    I'm genuinely curious.
    >> NoV/a °д° !!yB+kxKCdV3x 07/01/09(Wed)22:41:44 No.4643963
    Fun of fun, must have been really funny. Meant ''fun of you''
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:42:17 No.4643967
    I'm saying I theoretically would want to fuck you, you goddamn troll. Quit acting high and mighty, this is why I hate your kind. Always so condescending.

    You're an idiot for saying looks don't matter. Fetishes exist for a reason, and if you looked like a girl like you were supposed to, there wouldn't be a problem.

    Don't start playing the offensive just because you're ugly.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:42:20 No.4643968

    agreeing with this. its worth a shot
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:42:20 No.4643969



    12 to 20 grand. USD.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:42:23 No.4643970
    I was thrown out by my family when I was 15 with only the clothes that I was wearing and some pocket change.
    This was after years of abuse in all the way you can think of.
    I managed to go cross the whole country, get a job (without any education at all), an apartment and start life over. Life sucks donkey balls when every time you go outside there is a chance that someone will catch you, make you go back to your parents and get beaten to death for coming back. All thanks to not being old enough to actually really do anything without a guardians say so.

    But hey; you know what? I managed to do it. It was not easy, I am not a normal person, I have my quirks and odd things about me.

    But some people don't care, they just want to give up and baaaw about it.
    Think death is all swell? It just goes dark and then nothing. Even a world of fucking pain is better then nothing. Becuse then atleast you can fight back and make something of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:43:39 No.4643986
    Why can't you just act like a dude until you've saved enough money to move to a different state?
    Or if you're attractive, try and find some guy who'll take you in if you have sex with him.

    But if you want to kill yourself, CO poisoning is probably the best method. All you need is an enclosed space and the right kind of portable stove.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:43:51 No.4643991
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:44:35 No.4644001

    Which part of "state will not legally accept your gender because you have a PENIS" do you not get, you inbred fat moron? Lol. You seriously need a reading class, you damn shitfuck.

    It has to do with your LEGAL GENDER is male, and your state and bordering state will NOT approve it because you have a penis. Dumb Fuck. Head.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:45:38 No.4644008


    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:47:56 No.4644029
    Don't know any methods, but I'd just like to say that if you don't off yourself that I really hope things get better. Life can be hard, I know, so I won't tell you to stop...

    Here's to hope.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:47:56 No.4644030
    I have a thing for traps and and for necrophilia, so this seems like a golden opportunity to combine those two fetishes into the hottest thing I've ever seen

    whatever you do, please post pictures of your dead body
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:48:26 No.4644037

    So, like, a year of dedicated saving at the worst?
    Not nearly as bad as I was expecting.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:48:47 No.4644043
    1) apply for welfare for a few months
    2) save most of it
    3) find residence in a more accepting place
    4) find job (mcdonalds, or any job for starters) there
    5) get settled, apply for a real job
    7) enjoy your new life
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:52:34 No.4644057
    Somehow I think it would be hard for you to post yourself dead here.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:54:02 No.4644063
    That part is irrelevant. If you were hot and could promise sexual favors, it wouldn't be a big deal. Stop making things so complex, it's really simple. And quit with the sixth grade insults too, I promise I'm trying to help you out here.

    If you appealed to people, it wouldn't be that awful. It sounds like you don't even remotely look like a girl (show pics some time to prove me wrong?), so just quit being the cross dresser you are for the time being, if need be, and try the pragmatic alternative.

    Or just fucking move. Yeah, blah blah no money no way to get there, fine. Being poor sucks that way, life is full of ruts, fuck motivational speeches. Just travel to the nearest city (no matter how far, what have you got to lose? Your life?), and apply there. If it doesn't work, keep going.

    You like masturbating right? If you still can, no idea if you're taking shots. Get on webcam and have people like me pay to watch you get off. Just moan a few times. Make a thousand bucks easy, keep traveling. Doesn't work out, kill yourself then, but eh. You have nothing to fucking lose.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:54:51 No.4644073
    There is nothing wrong with who you are. Nothing.

    Please don't give up. Get out of the South. I don't want you to die OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:55:11 No.4644078
    I appreciate the support.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:57:07 No.4644097
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)22:57:24 No.4644099
    I'm the "inbred fucker" or whatever, and I fucking live in the south. Prolly get called a faggot, bullied a lot in school, but other than that? A trap would get by fine. There are gay people anywhere. Look on craigslist, they're out there, I promise you. It's just frustrating that the troll or whatever the mess the OP is just won't fucking listen to all the possibilities out there other than lol bullet to my head plz.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:00:22 No.4644132

    Quit being a flaming faggot then. You don't bring your sexual fetishes to work, dress like a regular guy then when you get out of work dress like a hooker all you want. Man you flamers complain that no one likes you but you refuse to stop dressing so outrageously.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:03:45 No.4644155
    Just kill yourself. Be a coward, take the easy way out.

    If you don't have the balls (heh) to withstand and rise above things then just end it all. Stop crying for attention and write your note.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:05:00 No.4644163
    All the other transsexuals who killed themselves didn't whine about it on the internet first. Why can't you get down to brass tacks?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:05:57 No.4644169
    I would take a bottle of tylenol pm, with alcohol, then take a sea salt bath. Oh, and don't kill yourself. Nurses can work anywhere in the US. Just use the Sex that is on your ID, who gives a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:09:31 No.4644204
    Why does it seem like every tranny on the face of the earth just wants to kill themselves? You'd think if they had the strength of will to come out of the closet, they'd have the same strength to endure the consequences.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:12:43 No.4644234
    Blood family isn't everything. God made families so you knew who not to be friends with.

    Create your own family.

    Being a fag isn't freakish. Maybe it was 50 years ago.. You must be living in the wrong city.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/01/09(Wed)23:13:33 No.4644242
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    >>4643559 mootblock
    ~~~PART 1/2~~~
    My beloved brother, you can't allow yourself to become depressed and fall into despair.

    You are the PRIZED CREATION of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and He valued your life enough to bring you into this plane of existence!

    Doesn't that count for anything?

    >>I don't love myself
    That's good and bad.

    It's good because you shouldn't be prideful and vain.
    It's bad because you should take righteous pride in the body, mind, and soul that God has given you.

    >>I know nobody else loves me.
    Oh how wrong you are!

    My brother, I love you with all my heart, truly I do. I don't need to know you to love you.

    All I need to know about you is that you were made in the image of the Living God, and that you were forged in your mother's womb with the same hands of God that I was.

    I love you.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:15:14 No.4644253
    Maybe they just expect the world to love them as they are somehow.

    But what they need to realize it, nobody really accepts anybody for who they are. You pick and choose who you want to see what.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:17:14 No.4644263
    Well ive been thinking about it alot too and i think an easy way would be to take ALOT of sleeping pills and lie down on some train tracks. You wont feel it when you get run over and its like reassurance in case the pills failed to kill you.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/01/09(Wed)23:19:18 No.4644272
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    >>4644242 mootblock
    ~~~PART 2/2~~~
    >>I am a freak. I am a "faggot". I came out as a transsexual about eight months ago...
    I don't care what sins you have committed, nor do I care about what sins you will commit in the future.

    YOU ARE NOT A "FREAK". YOU ARE MY BROTHER, and you are a sinful human being, just as I am.

    You may have chosen different sins than I have, but does that make you any worse? Is there a hierarchy of sinfulness?

    No, it doesn't...and no, there isn't.

    You ARE valuable, and I do not hate you. You are my brother, and God spent time knitting you together in your mother's womb.

    ...who are you to belittle God's handiwork? :D

    >>and my family disowned me
    God will NEVER disown you...but first He must own you.

    >>I seriously have nothing else to live for right [now]...
    Satan is already at work in your mind:

    "Life isn't worth living, anon...Look at all your imperfections and flaws. Look at all of them! Aren't you worried? You're a freak! Nobody loves you, anon, not even your friends and family, so you should just kill yourself."

    That is a LIE from the pit of Hell, and you need to resist it right now.

    "Resist the Devil, and he will flee" (James 4:7).

    >>How should I die?
    Of old age in the arms of the Lord.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:20:07 No.4644277
    God Damn it OP! Quit wallowing in self-pity, Man the fuck up and continue on with your Life. Fuck your family, the only one you need is yourself! Buy killing yourself you prove to them you're just a worthless peace of Shit.
    Live for your own Future, Live for what could be, you can do anything you put your mind to--go any where in the World. Job? Fuck a job, a job does not define who you are. Why won't anyone employ you? Make an effort to prove them wrong! Your friends refuse to talk to you? Well they are no friends to have, tell each of them to go Fuck Them selfs, and move on!
    Life is not meant to be Easy, you make waht you can of it.
    Trust me, Suicide is not the answer!
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:22:26 No.4644298

    I am greater than God because I am real and he is not. Therefore I can say whatever I want about the world.
    >> NoV/a °д° !!yB+kxKCdV3x 07/01/09(Wed)23:22:35 No.4644300

    Yeah, simplify them, get rid of them. How could he still call them friends? ''all my friends refuse to talk to me...'' It's not even about simplifying them, seriously, it's bullshit. These issues are. Why not quit worrying about these worthless friends of yours and start getting new ones, that will like you for what you are? Sure, it sounds simple, it sounds dumb, doesn't it? But it actually is the best thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:24:34 No.4644314
    Christfags cause most of the shit in the lives of queers, why would the op listen to you at all
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:30:35 No.4644339
    i like you AMDG... i usually disagree with most of your posts, but these are spot on... have a good day
    >> NoV/a °д° !!yB+kxKCdV3x 07/01/09(Wed)23:33:05 No.4644357
    Even for a christfag, this is still interesting. I mean, if it can save someone's life. And change words like ''god'' to whatever else you want to hear, and it could make sense.. I think. I don't know, let's just say you're lucky you've been created ( by your parents, or the atoms of the Universe, etc. )
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:38:30 No.4644383

    Shut up Christfag. You realize the people who wanna kill the OP are really into that BS you're preaching.

    And, OP, man the fuck up. If you're gonna kick the bucket, go down in style. Attack a KKK rally with some molotovs or a gun.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:39:25 No.4644397

    All atheists aren't calm, rational, intelligent people.
    All Christians aren't crazy, bigoted, arrogant people.

    The world isn't black and white.
    >> The Red Barron 07/01/09(Wed)23:39:25 No.4644398
    Once again AMDG lays down the law like no one else

    If you were into sinning I would suck your cock out of respect bro
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:41:45 No.4644419
    This is a veiled cry for help, r9k.
    The woman I loved left a suicide note awhile back. Destroyed me, ate my soul. The saving grace has been that we never found a body, and at this point the assumption is that it was a runaway. But I can't imagine what I'd be like if she'd been gone. No, I can- I've got a shotgun and I'd have blown my own head off.

    Look OP, you've been dead for who knows how long before you were born, and you'll be dead again afterward for an infinite span.
    Or you'll go to heaven. Or you'll be reincarnated. Or your consciousness will be freed and travel between the stars. Who knows?

    In any case you've got a limited shot, here. You're an RN, so you're employable. You've been dealt the horrifically shitty hand of having your family reject you, and man, I am so sorry about that, that's awful. But you're not the only one, and there's a whole LGBT community out there who's willing to be your new family. I just came from Austin and know there's one there, we also know they're anywhere the scene is hip. There are also people to take advantage of you, just like with anyone else. Whatever, you're a woman and some folks don't understand that.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:47:57 No.4644485

    A .22 firearm will not do it, by the way, it will just brain-damage you, and then you will be a brain-damaged tranny with a death wish.

    People commit suicide because they feel that it's the only way out of their situation. This is because people have been trained by the country we live in, not to be creative thinkers. All is rules, responsibility, credit scores, career paths, GPAs and references. But YOU'RE ABOUT TO MAKE ALL THAT SHIT MOOT ANYWAY. So why bother preserving it? Deciding to kill yourself means that you're going to break every rule and leave a giant mess behind, EXCEPT THAT you're not going to be around to enjoy the freedom of it.

    So why not leave that mess behind? Hock what's in your apartment, fill your tank with gas, and go to Austin or San Francisco or Seattle or Madison or someplace hip. When you get there, say "I'm an RN, who will hire me?" and they definitely will. If not, shit, get a job as a burger-flipper (myself I've got two degrees and worked as a car salesman one month :P).

    You're free. You've seen that your life is shitty and not preserving. So your choice right now is to be as free as the buddha, and start over, or to drop back into oblivion in the same way that you're gonna do one day anyway.

    You've got a few years left. Spend it with friends and a happy community. And if the friends and community you're in won't accept you, fuck em, find a new one.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:48:28 No.4644487
    >I just need it to be painless and clean

    Does it really matter?

    So what if you feel pain?... you'll be dead

    So what if there's a mess?... it's not your problem.

    I don't get why all of these suicidal fags always want a painless way to an hero, if you're willing to kill yourself pain shouldn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:52:15 No.4644502
    This anon's idea is pretty legit, imo.


    GTFO. You sick fuck.

    Post pics of yourself in your girlie panties, OP. It will be hot, especially if you go ahead with the suicide!
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/01/09(Wed)23:53:28 No.4644509
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    >>4644383 mootblock
    >>Shut up Christfag.
    I forgive you for your immaturity and hatefulness.

    >>You realize [Christians want to] kill OP.
    Wow, you are so Biblically correct. I'm amazed.


    I doubt you've read even one book of the New Testament. Enjoy your willingly ignorant state of mind.

    Because I love him with all of my heart, and will pray for him as soon as I post this comment.

    I want OP to repent of his many sins (as I have) and join me in the Army of the Lord.

    You were meant for so much more, OP...Sex is so insignificant...So very insignificant compared to what you were designed for.


    (Morals are black and white though.)
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:55:59 No.4644533
    move to a job
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:56:01 No.4644534
    This man speaks truth.

    I live in Austin and know a few RNs. You can pretty much walk into any hospital in the area and get a job immediately as one - there's a HUGE shortage of good RNs in Texas. Plus, there's a big GLBT community here that you could find like minded people.

    Seriously, don't kill yourself. Give those who would harm you the finger and go somewhere else. You'll thank yourself later.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:56:26 No.4644538
    When women (like the OP) commit suicide they typically do so because they feel trapped by a set of rules and obligations. Therefore they try to make the suicide as clean, self-contained, and easy for others as possible.
    >> footfag 07/01/09(Wed)23:56:48 No.4644540
    people = shit. period.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)23:58:17 No.4644545
    Cool Slipknot lyrics, bro. You're so edgy.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:02:53 No.4644575
    I don't know what your friend's last words were, but I bet they were all funny and squeaky-sounding. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:03:39 No.4644578
    honestly hon I'd go with a megadose of oxcycontin (rail 60mg, then toss down another 60-120mg, depending on your weight) and then, before you pass out, down as much alcohol as possible. With that much roxi and just a bit of alcohol a fatal OD is pretty much a sure thing.

    You're the RN though, so perhaps you know better.

    You said you don't have much money, but if you have a credit card you can probably do a credit transfer to your bank account then take all that money out. Get loads of opiates/opiods and stack that with alcohol. Go out in a beautiful dream.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:03:56 No.4644580
    Just go to Asheville North Carolina. They'd hire a tranny in a heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:04:03 No.4644583
    I don't understand... Are you:

    1) Cross dressing
    2) Going through gender reassignment surgery
    3) Were born with qualities from both genders
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 07/02/09(Thu)00:06:20 No.4644589
    Well, AMDG, if God were to set the precedent, he did murder everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah - and Homosexual acts were supposedly part of the reason he did it. Perhaps if he never lay with another man he wouldn't deserve death.

    Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
    Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    Revelations 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    I'm willing to admit that some people do not interpret the Bible as I just did, but there are people that do so. If the above were to be referenced, OP should be stoned to death if he's ever had sex with a guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:06:40 No.4644593
    Hell, get on google, look up a tranny support group in Austin, email them and say "I need out," and someone can find a place for you. Feel free to IM me, if you want. PufDrgn1 on AIM.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:08:33 No.4644604
    I'll love you :3

    Not in a sexual way since I'm a man, but i'll do ;)
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 07/02/09(Thu)00:11:08 No.4644613
    OP, where do you live? Nurses, where I'm from, are generally very liberal people. I know my mother is, and she's practically the person you'd have to talk to to get hired. Can you pass for a woman? If you can do it, they (my mother and the women she works with) would probably just want you to not tell your patients, because it might risk drama. But it's about finding the right Nurses to hire you. Once you're hired, they can't fire you for being trans.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:12:10 No.4644618
    Look, tits or gtfo. You're a woman, or want to be, so the rules apply. You certainly are attention-whoring enough to classify.

    If I were you, I'd just man the fuck up for once in your life and do it in a way that's as messy and effective.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:17:35 No.4644650
    Oh great, a typical 'HOW DO I KILL MYSELF' thread by an attention whore who knows he/she won't go through with it.

    I really don't know why you faggots keep answering these. Anyone who actually wants to die would just find a way and go through with it directly without asking this shitty board.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:23:51 No.4644706
    I've thought a lot about this. Haven't quite worked up the despair to actually do it, but we're getting there.

    You want something quick, reliable, and irreversible, so that 1) you don't have a long, lingering death, 2) you don't end up crippled if you botch it, and 3) you don't have to worry about being rescued resuscitated. The only thing I can think of that fits all three of these categories and is cheap and within the means of the average person is to buy a box cutter or straight razor and slit your throat from ear to ear. Unlike wrist-cutting, this causes a very quick death since blood cannot reach the brain. In fact, you are almost guaranteed to die before an ambulance even reaches you, and definitely before you get into the OR. The only tricky part is that you must be sure to cut both arteries in the neck.

    The other important question is where to do it. I don't recommend indoors, since there will be a lot of blod and you don't want your family to have to clean it up. A better choice is a sidewalk along an arterial roadway that leads to a hospital. That way, even though they can't save you, your organs will still be in good condition when you're declared dead you can save lives (provided you've checked Organ Donor on your license) with your kidneys, lungs, liver, heart, etc. And isn't that a good thing to do?
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/02/09(Thu)00:25:11 No.4644715
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    >>4644589 mootblock
    ~~~PART 1~~~
    Oh hello Dunk! How are you? Long time no see. Hope all has been well with you.

    >>Well, AMDG, if God were to set the precedent, he did murder everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah -
    God doesn't "murder"...He righteously judges.

    >>and Homosexual acts were supposedly part of the reason he did it.
    Yes, they were. Homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord.

    But it wasn't just Homosexuality...Sodom and Gomorrah extremely despicable and lawless...But their outstanding sin was homosexuality.

    >>Perhaps if he never lay with another man he wouldn't deserve death.
    "For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23)

    If you lie to someone, you deserve to die.

    Don't you get it? It's not "what the sin is", it's "whether there is sin at all".

    >>Leviticus 20:13
    The Old Testament law commanded the death penalty for various acts: murder (Exodus 21:12), kidnapping (Exodus 21:16), bestiality (Exodus 22:19), adultery (Leviticus 20:10), homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13), being a false prophet (Deuteronomy 13:5), prostitution and rape (Deuteronomy 22:4), and several other crimes. However, God often showed mercy when the death penalty was due. David committed adultery and murder, yet God did not demand his life be taken (2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14-17; 2 Samuel 12:13). Ultimately, every sin we commit should result in the death penalty because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Thankfully, God demonstrates His love for us in not condemning us (Romans 5:8).
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/02/09(Thu)00:30:44 No.4644758
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    >>4644715 mootblock
    ~~~PART 2~~~
    >>Matthew 5:17
    It is frequently argued that if Jesus did not "abolish" the law, then it must still be binding. Accordingly, such components as the Sabbath-day requirement must be operative still, along with perhaps numerous other elements of the Mosaic Law.

    This assumption is grounded in a misunderstanding of the words and intent of this passage. Christ did not suggest here that the binding nature of the law of Moses would remain forever in effect. Such a view would contradict everything we learn from the balance of the New Testament (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15).

    Jesus did not come to this earth for the purpose of acting as an opponent of the law. His goal was NOT to prevent its fulfillment.Rather, He revered it, loved it, obeyed it, and brought it to fruition. He fulfilled the law's prophetic utterances regarding Himself (Luke 24:44).

    Christ fulfilled the demands of the Mosaic law, which called for perfect obedience under threat of a "curse" (see Galatians 3:10, 13).

    In this sense, the law's divine design will ever have an abiding effect. It will always accomplish the purpose for which it was given.

    If, however, the law of Moses bears the same relationship to men today, in terms of its binding status, then it was not fulfilled, and Jesus failed at what He came to do. On the other hand, if the Lord did accomplish His goal, then the law was fulfilled, and it is not a binding legal institution today.

    Further, if the law of Moses was not fulfilled by Christ (and thus remains as a binding legal system for today) then it is not just partially binding. Rather, it is a totally compelling system. Jesus plainly said that not one "jot or tittle" (representative of the smallest markings of the Hebrew script) would pass away until all was fulfilled. Consequently, nothing of the law was to fail until it had completely accomplished its purpose.
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/02/09(Thu)00:35:15 No.4644788
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    >>4644758 mootblock
    Jesus fulfilled the law. Jesus fulfilled all of the law. We cannot say that Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial system, but did not fulfill the other aspects of the law. Jesus either fulfilled all of the law, or none of it.

    What Jesus' death means for the sacrificial system, it also means for the other aspects of the law.

    >>Revelations 22:18-19
    Incorrect application of the verse.

    Revelations 22:18-19 is not referring to the Mosaic Covenant...Rather, it is referring to the Word of God (ie: the entire Bible).

    >>I'm willing to admit that some people do not interpret the Bible as I just did,
    The Bible is not up for "interpretation".

    >>but there are people that do so.
    Appeal to crowd.

    >>If the above were to be referenced, OP should be stoned to death if he's ever had sex with a guy.
    Your interpretation of the Bible is so utterly anti-Christian and anti-Biblical that it's laughable. No offense, Dunk, but I mean really.

    I can understand why you're an Atheist now...
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:37:05 No.4644799
    Lets talk OP

    (AIM) ShanStealsHearts
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:39:46 No.4644819
    hey ad, youre a fag!

    whats the difference between jesus and a picture?
    it only takes one nail to hang a picture
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:41:37 No.4644826
    I say God murders. His will is arbitrary and capricious. Your magic book might say he is righteous, but I say your magic book is a load of crap.

    Look, if I have some random /b/tard (not even a gentleman, mind you, a /b/tard, a book that said I was righteous and God, if I went around killing people for stupid reasons would it be murder or would it be righteous judgement?
    >> † Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces † 07/02/09(Thu)00:46:34 No.4644866
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    >>4644826 mootblock
    Your problem is that you think of God as some man in the sky.

    Hold a flashlight behind your hand and turn it on...What do you see?

    You see a shadow. That shadow was made in the image of your hand, but is it nearly as complex, powerful, or intricate as your hand?

    We are like silhouettes of God...We have absolutely no idea the sheer enormity of His mighty power and strength, and no idea the sheer enormity of His wisdom and knowledge.

    To think of God as a human being is like thinking of your hand that's entirely fallacious.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:55:52 No.4644930
    No, I am the hand and God is the shadow. I am real, God is not. I have a corporeal existence, God does not. All your "proof" is bound up in one little magic book. Whereas I, by existing, am my own proof.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)00:58:24 No.4644958
    AMDG Is the reason I come to /r9k/ anymore. AMDG is win made manifest.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)01:03:52 No.4645013
    That's an interesting metaphor AMDG. Let me toss a question your way. Are you familiar with holograms? They are usually just 2-D projections of our 3-D selves. So if we are just 3-D projections of your 4-D God, is your God actually a supreme being? Is it not possible that your God is just something significantly more powerful than anything we can imagine? Perhaps your God has a boss that he worships?
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 07/02/09(Thu)01:08:59 No.4645050
    Hi, AMDG. I've been pretty good. Nice to chat again, have you been coming here less often or have I just been here when you're not?

    >Don't you get it? It's not "what the sin is", it's "whether there is sin at all".

    Yes, I do get it. There is no wrong done when a person, with full knowledge of the situation, has consensual sex with another person with full knowledge of the situation. But sin is considered more than just "wrong", it has metaphysical and spiritual repercussions, the full-knowledge and willful damaging of a person's soul or relationship with God, but since I don't believe God exists, I boil the choices and actions of other people down to "right, wrong, and in between." and not "sinful and virtuous." So basically, I don't think the OP has done anything wrong by living out her life as a trans or ever having consensual sex with men. I don't think people should judge her, I don't think people should stand in the way of her employment just because she's different, and especially I don't think people should apply Biblical laws and teachings to her, considering the Bible amounts to a collection of national myths and fairy tales.

    As for the "God doesn't murder" comment, that's a losing battle, because as long as you believe Yahweh is an all-loving, all-just, all-powerful, all-knowing King of Kings, I couldn't possibly convince you that the murder his character commits in the Bible is actually murder.

    >and several other crimes.

    For worshipping another god Exodus 22:20
    For witches and wizards Exodus 22:18,
    For not being a virgin on the night of the wedding Deuteronomy 22:13-22
    For stealing slaves Exodus 21:16
    Potentially, for rape victims who don't cry out loudly enough Deuteronomy 22:23-24
    For disobedient children Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9
    For breaking the sabbath Exodus 31:14, Exodus 31:15, Exodus 35:2
    For blasphemy Leviticus 24:16
    And interestingly enough, an ox should be stoned to death if it gores a person Exodus 21:28
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)01:18:37 No.4645158
    Fuck you and your plagiarism of platonic forms. Haven't you christfags stolen enough ideas already? Mithra called, he wants his dignity back.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)01:26:55 No.4645196

    You're fucking stupid. Lot, the only "righteous" man in Sodom and Gomorrah or wherever offered his virgin daughters to be fucked by a crowd of horny men, had a relationship with his daughter, his wife died because she looked back at her home where she lived for many years. There is no proof the bible is real, there is so much proof that the theory of Evolution is correct, God if he is real is NOT omnipotent, an omnipotent or "perfect" being, as many Christfags call him, wouldn't be jealous or kill people because of their crimes if there is a hell. He would let them suffer after for their consequences.

    tl,dr christianity is stupid and so are you
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 07/02/09(Thu)01:32:32 No.4645258
    AMDG isn't a creationist in the sense of what you and I know creationists believe, ie world is 6000 years old, evolution is a lie. He's not stupid, he's just poisoned with faith.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)01:39:24 No.4645317

    He believes that shit, I'm sorry, but he's fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)01:45:01 No.4645381
    Wait let me get this straight.

    You're a guy who thinks he's a girl?

    and you cannot get a job as a nurse because you're legally a guy

    so my question is... do you dress like a girl?

    if so, no pity for you
    >> dUnK !!dUnKBPe0NjE 07/02/09(Thu)01:47:44 No.4645403
    I hope OP checks back into this thread. It seems she left after the initial bullshit replies and didn't see or respond to any of the positive ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:34:58 No.4647899
    If you have 138 dollars, you have enough for a bus ticket. Leave town. Leave your life. Go to a big, liberal city--Austin if you're in the south, New York in the east, San Francisco in the west--and start a new life.

    Gay folks did this in droves fifty years ago. It was terrible, but that was the way it was. Now it's your turn. You can give up, or you can go live a new life. But what you can't do is go on living the one you had.

    Also, don't bother telling anyone where you're going, unless you have a friend who stuck with you. Leave them all behind.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:36:56 No.4647911
    no offense, but your family should have KNOWN that you were transexual.
    they probably have seen you naked.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:41:57 No.4647933
    Dude, where the hell do you even live that you can't get a Job? If possible you should fucking move to San Francisco and move to Castro street, they would welcome you with open arms and you should be able to get a Job in no time.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)07:50:45 No.4647974
    How did your family not notice you're a transexual? Also, do you have VD?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:20:45 No.4649584
    Overdose is usually fool-proof.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:22:35 No.4649606
    Try pulling the triggers of two .44s at once: one at your temple, and one at the back of your head.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:23:55 No.4649612

    .22 couldn't kill a fucking prairie dog. You need at least a .45, asshole. No wonder you couldn't be a man.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)12:25:51 No.4649629
    Lol. You could either be a fucking pussy dipshit and kill yourself, or you could go out and help some fucking people with that degree that was most likely state funded.
    You're a worthless sack of shit if you have the ability to help nurse people back to health and you'd rather kill yourself.
    If your lifes that shit, apply all over the place. Different countries. Everywhere. Nothing to lose.

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