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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1321922357.jpg-(17 KB, 250x250, Untitled.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:39:17 No.462847  
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:43:38 No.462894
    Live with my dad
    I don't know, sheltered upbringing, probably
    Like 20 minutes every 2 days, to go to the shop to buy energy drinks and spaghetti, which I eat raw.
    Online, yes.
    4chan, vidya and anime.
    My dad's happy as long as I don't kill anyone, and at least seem to make an effort towards getting a job, one of my internet friends envies my situation.
    If I had goals, I doubt I'd be in this situation in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:44:40 No.462908
    I moved out after college when I got a job.
    Almost daily, typically 9 hours for work.
    I get paid to go to work and do stuff.
    TV, reading, some games.
    I don't know.
    Get a nicer car some day.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:51:47 No.463018
    >Who do you live with?
    Mom and sis
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Parents divorced. That's all.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    everyday, for work. And almost every weekend to see my friends
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    with my job. Mom pays the food and the house stuff tho. I pay my shit
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    i don't have much spare time.. i also go to the university.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents used to tell me i was lazy and stuff, but not anymore. My friends always expect big stuff from me, coz i'm the "smart one" in the group. But i don't give a shit, as long as nobody bothers me, they can think whatever they want
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Not really. My only goal would be "being happy" which kinda means having a family, being loved, and loving someone... having kids, doing what i like.. etc. Feeling good.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:00:13 No.463140
    >Who do you live with?
    Share a room with a school-funded dorm.

    >How did you get to this stage?
    Preferred to be a financial and emotional burden for a school rather than my poor mother who had to cope with me for 22 years.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    I like to go to a nearby hypermarket at Saturdays and Sundays. Takes around two hours altogether. I like walking around the aisles and looking at all the goods people buy at a regular basis, but which I can't foresee the day I'm going to buy myself at all (electronics, books, quality food).

    >How do you pay for yourself?
    State does.

    >Do you have friends?
    No, not even in the Internet, though those I guess I could reestablish if I wanted.

    >What do you do with your spare time?
    4chan, falling asleep whenever I reach for something to read for classes.

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Mother says I'm making "progress" and that I have somehow been brave (I moved to a different city), but that's because she has an exaggerated view of my social difficulties. She thinks I have it hard for some reason.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    - Getting a job through being overqualified/overpaid;
    - Renting a room;
    - Continuing to live till I (1) give up caring to avoid contact with people and controlling the degree to which I socialise (as I currently do, just for laughs, for there isn't any purpose to it) and just let myself live normally, (2) die of old age, or (3) let unfavourable circumstances, should any come, prompt me to kill myself. (Not going to happen).
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:01:59 No.463167
    >Who do you live with?
    Grandparents. Not long-term though.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    A lot of problems stemming from my interactions with other people.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Maybe twice a week, for less than an hour.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Grandparents currently. But they want it over soon. Either I get a job, or move out.
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents disapprove. My friend probably disapproves too but she keeps that shit to herself.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Kill myself? I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:03:27 No.463188
    *Share a room with a roommate in a school-funded dorm.

    I guess the precision you write with corresponds to how you feel about yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:07:58 No.463251
    Social anxiety got the best of me
    Once per week, maybe for 15 minutes to stock up on food.
    I saved up a lot of money when I first graduated from college. I was lucky I got an excellent paying job, getting close to three times what other graduates were getting.
    Anime and 4chan.
    None, I wish it could stay like this all the time--without the yelling that is.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:08:31 No.463267
    >Who do you live with?
    My brother.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    We live below the poverty line, combining our finances was the only option.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    For school only, which is about 3 hours a day. We share a car, so there's no time for a social life.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Washing dishes at a nursing home (19 years old, small town, no other options).
    >Do you have friends?
    A couple. I hardly ever see them, though.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    School work, casual vidya, tv, reading.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Not enough friends for them to care, family knows why I'm never out doing social things.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    To become a successful, functioning member of society.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:09:02 No.463273

    What are both your lives like? Do you always avoid social interaction an are always alone 24/7? sgh
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:12:29 No.463315
    >Who do you live with?

    My mom and dad

    >How did you get to this stage?

    Father became disabled, lost house, became poor, family on a thread, previous friends being assholes/druggies etc

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?

    During the summer once a month, but I attend college now so a couple days a week

    >How do you pay for yourself?

    I'm the only child and don't ask for my parents to buy me anything & I don't buy more than $100 worth of depreciating assets a year

    >Do you have friends?


    >What do you do with your spare time?

    4chan, masturbating, reading & scheming

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?

    Get a lot of shit from my mom about my ways but I'm their only child so they don't have any other backup plan if I kill myself

    >Do you have any goals for the future?

    Ever since I dwindled even further beyond my lower middle class status I've got more of a passion to generate assets. I'd like to someday buy a large amount of land to build a lot of different projects I've been thinking of. When I die most of my money will go to charity and research unless I have a responsible child (the probability of me having a child is slim)
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:15:53 No.463351
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Didn't have good friends on high school, said "fuck it" on my senior year and focused on studying to the sats to get to a good college. After three months in college realized that major wasn't for me and dropped out. Didn't made any good friends on those three months.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Daily, for a hour and a half - four hours. But summer vacation is coming on december so that will be reduced to like one hour a week. (south emisphere fag)
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    >Do you have friends?
    Yes, like 2-3. But I get the feeling that they don't like seeing me like more then once every two months or invite me to do social stuff. I must be boring.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    4chan, anime, series, videogames.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Parents don't give a shit usually, but always tell me to go out and shit. I've been like this my whole life so it's no big surprise.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    This summer (december-march) I want to grow some muscle so I can look somewhat hawt when I start college on march and start my life again.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:18:43 No.463379
    >Who do you live with?
    My parents.

    >How did you get to this stage?
    I pushed away all my friends, I was brought up sheltered and my family doesn't go out often so staying at home in my room is natural.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Depends. I like leaving the house if I'm going somewhere with my family, except if we're going to be out longer for more than 4 hours.

    >How do you pay for yourself?
    My parents do. They don't mind.

    >Do you have friends?
    One offline friend, an ex that I'm pushing away for his own good.

    >What do you do with your spare time?
    I browse 4chan, listen to music, play video games, try to muster up some motivation to study languages, which I like a lot.

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They don't say anything about it.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    I want to travel and live abroad for some time, although I know that I'll want to come home to my room if I'm gone for too long. Also I'd like to be fluent in several languages. I don't think either will happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:19:36 No.463385
    I replied to all these and for some reason it didn't go through. Feels bad, man. I can't even competently make a post on 4chan anymore...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:21:00 No.463399
    >you will never have a shut-in girl live in your house and function as a sort of decoration
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:26:22 No.463456
         File1321925182.jpg-(412 KB, 1280x1024, asdf213dsdd.jpg)
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    >Who do you live with?
    with my two friends
    >How did you get to this stage?
    i had to leave home after my dad died, i dont wanna talk about it
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    we really dont have an "house", we crash at different places
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    i guess im just living by the day
    >Do you have friends?
    already answerd
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    just waste time with buddies, goofing around
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    buddies are okay with it, but i recently met my childhood friend, she thinks that i changed and become irresponsible
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    i might return home, and reclaim my kingdom
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:27:17 No.463468
    >>463140 here

    Well, there are many people at my school who on average talk less than me on corridors during breaks. I'm not shy to make a random comment when there is good opportunity to make one. But I just refuse to deign to seek company. It's pure defiance. I'm a social underachiever. I do it to maintain my self-esteem. I'm 23, but mentally I'm 13.

    It doesn't affect my life much, though, because I'm EXTREMELY inexperienced in practically every aspect of life (for example: I can remember only once being in a restaurant without being accompanied by family, never went to cinema by myself, hardly listen to music, never sought entertainment which involved cooperating with strangers). So even though socialising would give me access to many new activities, I would probably choose not to do them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:29:16 No.463492
    >moved into an apartment
    >once a day, usually to go class or do usual things like shop for food
    >a job
    >very little
    >4chan, vidya, Internet
    >they all think I'm lonley, but I'm living the fucking life
    >studying to be a lawyer, I fucking love debating
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:32:29 No.463544
    >Who do you live with?


    >How did you get to this stage?

    I'm a student. We arranged to live in the same flat.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?

    Rarely. Once a day at most. Normally only ever leave to go to the shop or to a lecture. Never go out clubbing or drinking.

    >How do you pay for yourself?

    Mother died two years ago. Have about 20,000 GBP left from life insurance. It's getting me through university rather well.

    >Do you have friends?

    Some. Probably fewer than the average person. I could probably count my friends on one hand and have a few fingers spare.

    >What do you do with your spare time?

    Internet, vidya, read, play music, write.

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?

    I'm not sure my dad realises just how antisocial I am. I think he knows I don't like going out, but he probably doesn't realise the extent of my introversion.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?

    Get a good job that I enjoy. Get a girlfriend whom I can love. Those two things are all I ask for.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:32:48 No.463552

    so you can make conversation easily for hours and hours but you just choose not to make friends? I don't get it, why would you even bother going out if you don't want to befriend the people?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:36:50 No.463603
    >Who do you live with?
    my parents, in the basement.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Was social in high school and had some good friends. Lost tough with them after school, haven't made any new friends at all.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    usually everyday, only to go buy a fountain drink to fuel my addiction
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't, my parents give me gas money to go to and from school, about $50 every other week
    >Do you have friends?
    Nope, not even online.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    dick around online
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    people think I'm gay because I never talk about women or have had a girlfriend, they also get on my case alot about finding a job. Even when I really try hard to find work, there is nothing
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Find someone to fall in love with, and be truly loved in return. Sadly this is very unlikely.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:47:31 No.463731
    I don't "go out" (apart from annual meetings of a certain forums, which I decided I should quit since next year anyway). But, yes: I don't want contact even though I can have it (and, on a different level, DO want it), however ridiculous this sounds.

    I guess it's a bit like anorexia (I think I used to be semi-anorectic). Being sociable is something you can quantify easily: you spend (or not) this much time with friends, you have (or not) this many friends, you go out (or not) this often. So you can hope to prove something by denying yourself these things.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:47:47 No.463734
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I got my friends from lucky circumstances, so when I lost them (they all went to different colleges and such, so we slowly lost contact) I was friendless, and to bad socially to make more.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Almost everyday for college. I do occasionally sleep through the day when I shouldnt though.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    My parents (my Dad pays for the house and my food, my Mom sends me money monthly for me to buy anything else)
    >Do you have friends?
    No.. well. Not really. I have some people that may call me a friend, but we hardly talk or see one another. I have a few people on the internet, but most of them arent close. The exception to the rule is a girl I've been friends with online for 3 years. I've asked her out recently and she hasn't said no. She hasnt said yes either.. She's expressed interest and we still talk about it, but I get the impression she doesn't want it as much as I do. (she's taking her time to decide, I want it to happen right now)
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Internet. 4chan, youtube, videogames. I'm currently on a mission to sort out my life, so do a lot of research into that. Though ironically I do this when I should be doing college work - which is what I should really be doing to sort out my life.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents used to be worried and have a go at me during my teen years and before, but now they seem ok with it. I'm sure they secretly hoped for better out of me though, but I dont blame them for that.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    This is what I'm trying to work out. I don't know what my direction in life is. I'm on a mission to improve my life in a general sense though, such as working out and improving my knowlege, sleeping, etc. The idea is it's a cycle; being succesful should make me happier, and happiness should motivate me to be more succesful.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:48:42 No.463744
    >Who do you live with?
    My mother and step-father
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I left school when I was 16 because I fail at social situations and it really hurt that no girls were interested in me. I then developed pretty intense social anxiety.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    I go for walks about twice a week and I like going for drives in my car, but other than that I rarely go out.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Sickness benefit, after paying board I don't get much left over, but I live comfortably
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Internet, gaming, downloading shit, that's about it
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They are understanding, they do a lot for me and I really appreciate it.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    None at all, I want love but I know I don't have anything to offer in a relationship. So I'll just be lonely.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:56:15 No.463813
    >Who do you live with?
    My boyfriend

    >How did you get to this stage?
    I was always a bit of a loner, and lived in the middle-of-nowhere so everyone lived miles away. I left for uni, dropped out, and didn't want to face anyone, least of all the friends I'd made on my course; they could only serve a constant reminder of my own failure. Shortly after, I met up with my high school friends for New Year's, which was just fucking awful. I stopped talking to them and, living abroad, don't ever cross their paths. Having no job, and getting rejected time after time everywhere I applied ground me down; for about a year and a half I festered. Then I started volunteering in a charity shop, got out of the house and around people. Then I got a job at KFC.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Quite often now, for aout 5-6 hours on average. Sometimes go out driving with my boyfriend at the weekend.

    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Before my boyfriend paid for me... But now, I'm working (it's not a great job, but hey, it's something). I also have about 55,000 GBP in inheritance, no idea what the fuck to do with it because I'm terrible with money, lacking in creativity, and terrified of touching such a sum.

    >Do you have friends?
    Just my boyfriend, sad as it is. I blocked everyone else else out, bar my family.

    >What do you do with your spare time?
    I love to read. I also play video games, watch TV, lurk online.

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Not really sure, I think my Mum wishes I were a bit more normal. But, I don't see her massively often.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    I should invest in myself now I have my inheritance, but come to a brick wall when it comes to making decisions.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:00:40 No.463863

    do you think you'll always be friendless and alone girlfriend, marriage and all? Do you still have those social skills?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:01:57 No.463882
    >Who do you live with?
    My Mum and my two brothers.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I couldn't get the job that I wanted after graduating from university. I ended up with a job that I hated and wasn't much good at and was sacked after a few weeks. Goodbye confidence. I didn't know what else to do career-wise and so I ended up stuck, procrastinating over what to do for the past three years.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Daily. For a few hours each time. I walk my aunt's dog in a forest nearby just to be by myself.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Dole queue.
    >Do you have friends?
    Yep, though I infrequently meet up with them.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    4chan, workout, swim.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Concerned. I went from beer swilling, party-going extrovert to a shut-in pretty quickly and I've stayed there for quite a long time. I'm a lot better now, but I was in a borderline catatonic depression and spent most of the day sleeping. I started to lose weight and my face became really gaunt. It looked like I was dying. Now I have chronic gastritis that flares up once in a while from the stress of having to socially interact with others but I'm trying to get over it.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Yep, short-term I'm going to achieve ottermode before the summer and I'm going to try and get a part-time job sometime next year. Long-term, I want to get rich doing something I enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:07:19 No.463950
    Are you 16 "smart one"?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:42:57 No.465111
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:53:35 No.465226
    Can I still fill this out even if I'm *not* a complete douchebag?

    >Who do you live with?
    My wife and my dog.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Long story short, I was enough of a loser to not have a girlfriend by grade 12 when my now-wife expressed interest in me (but not enough of a loser to prevent her from being attracted to me, anyway). Cue shitty job and later $90,000 mortgage.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Well, every day, 'cause I need to go to work. And like, grocery shopping and shit. Every now and then I'll go to a friend's or relative's house for at least a few hours.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Just got a much better job paying upwards of 20 bux an hour (with the phone company lolz).
    >Do you have friends?
    I couldn't count all the people I consider friends on both hands, but my circle is really not too wide at all. Probably less than 20.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Mostly video games, taking a wiki walk, reading, walking the dog. Other than that there's the odd time that we go out.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My mom has no problems, I'm living a respectable life and I turned out to be a pretty decent guy, so she's glad. My dad thinks I'm a cool guy, so yeah. As far as I know the only complaint some of my friends have is that we don't see each other often enough.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    To get rich and do whatever I want. 4 rlz.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:56:08 No.465252
         File1321934168.jpg-(57 KB, 646x534, well.jpg)
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    >live with mummy and duddy and two older bwoders
    >always been a shut-in
    >leave house to go to school, walk dogs for a few minutes, and go on a run when it's dark so no one will see me. Never out for more than an hour.
    >daddy pays for everything
    >have around 10 close friends but 40 or 50 not as close friends
    >I have a shit ton of hobbies. Like, a lot.
    >my parents think I spend most of my time studying..which is only half true, so they're pretty supportive about it
    >heh I hope to get a job ANY JOB as long as it can sustain me and my hobbies
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:08:30 No.465380
    >>462908 Here

    I'm not alone 24/7. I'm around people when I'm at work, though most of the time I'm dug into my cube.

    At home, I'm alone almost all the time though. Like I said. I watch TV, play a few games, read... On Saturdays, I go to the movie theater by myself in the afternoon, then eat dinner at a cafe. Sundays, I do laundry or something inane.
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 11/21/11(Mon)23:12:14 No.465419
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I had to move out when I got a new job?
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    I leave my house for work and for food.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I work.
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    I browse 4chan. More so /a/.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My Dad's happy I got the job I have, but I think he wishes I cleaned up the house I'm living in so I could move to another room.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Yeah. I want to go back to school.

    I'm also going to report everyone who honestly answers they are underage b&.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:31:03 No.465592

    do you think you'll always be alone friendless without a girl or wife living on your own? I do for me, also what are you like at work? I could never get a job and become a social butterfly, I think it'd just make my anxiety worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:39:07 No.465671
    >Who do you live with?

    My roommate, on thanksgiving break right now so I'm with my parents

    >How did you get to this stage?

    All downhill from junior high
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    mostly just leave for class and to study, I go to college sporting events by myself a couple times a week
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    parents pay for everything
    >Do you have friends?
    I talk to my roommate and a couple people on my floor, but we never really hang out
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Reddit mostly, too paranoid to surf 4chan around my roomie
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They seem to be happy that I appear to be getting my shit together
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Get an BA in computer science, have a job that pays well enough to have a family and some leisure
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:37:46 No.466106

    guess you left the thread?

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:39:00 No.466117
    No one reads survey threads.

    It's pointless. There's no discussion. No images. You might as well just blog your stupid bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:02:05 No.466336

    i only read the ones that are foreveralone to relate.

    now fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:43:20 No.466721

    waiting until you get back to the thread...sdfg
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:50:50 No.466785
    >Who do you live with?
    I live alone.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I gradually stopped seeing my friends during the second year of high school and then switched to another school. Been a shut in since then.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Almost daily, but only for walks/store.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Student loans.
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Interwebs, some games, reading, drawing.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    I don't think they mind. They think I have goals, and that I'm actually studying though. I dread the day they realize I'm not really putting any effort in.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Not really, trying to find some. Not working, I think I have some sort of mental disorder.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:55:33 No.466825
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    By doing nothing.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Maybe once a week or an hour or so to grocery shop with mom.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Anything book or video game related, I buy using Canadian quarterly poorguy cheques (thanks govt). Anything else, I don't.
    >Do you have friends?
    A few online, but no real ones.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Read comics, books, wikipedia, r9k, video games, TV shows
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    I don't ask, don't care and don't want to hear about it.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:57:31 No.466848
    >Who do you live with?
    dorm roommate
    >How did you get to this stage?
    university, full ride scholarship, freshmam year
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    5 days a week, for classes
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    mostly scholarship, a little parents
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    MMO's, TV shows, movies, anime
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    they accept it
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs, and more drugs (heroin meth cocaine LSD DXM MXE DMT shrooms and more heroin)
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:01:28 No.466879

    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

    sadoubl account
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:09:59 No.466960
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Drugs. They take all your money and also you can not get good jobs while on them.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Every day, for most of the day.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Shitty job
    >Do you have friends?
    A very small number of extremely close ones
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Masturbate, play vidya, dick around on StumbleUpon and 4chan, and formerly do drugs. I quit that for the time being though. Was starting to mess up the important things in my life.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They're cool with it. Friends think I should get out more, mom is almost excessively supportive of me and how I choose to live.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Get dat college degree, make money, be self sufficient. Yeah that's pretty much it. Aim low, achieve your dreams.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:11:36 No.466977
    Parents, siblings
    Broke my back a week after graduation, which kinda fucked my life over. The job I was going to do (nuclear engineer in navy) was delayed until march of 2012
    once a day bare minimum, often for several hours
    videogames. I need to workout, but videogames out the shitter
    parents think I'm a slight failure, friends don't know enough to count
    my fucking job would be nice. past that, starting a family with a woman that loves me (impossible, I know, but I can dream)
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:13:19 No.466994
    How are you a shut in if you have dreams and ambitions? Why the fuck arn't you achieving them then?
    >> Macabre !!knNtfy4cPyV 11/22/11(Tue)02:14:41 No.467006
    Somewhat of a shut-in here.

    > I live with my parents.

    > I chose the WRONG major, and I recently was fired from my job

    > I usually only leave the house to go walk 5-6k or to meet with a job developer/attend the workshops they put on

    > I don't pay for myself, lolz!

    > I have friends..... all who DON'T LIVE HERE

    > Internet, the vidya, practice with my VirtualDJ software

    > My parents and friends understand

    > I want to move out of this redneck-y town to a bigger city
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:17:50 No.467030
    >leave the house every day for several hours or more
    You aren't shutins, you're antisocial.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:18:09 No.467033
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I've always been this way
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Every day Mon-Fri for most of the day because high school (18, senior) and work. Saturday I stay home all day, Sunday I have work again.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I pay for all my gas, half my car insurance, and I'm paying my mom back for the car she bought me.
    >Do you have friends?
    A few. See them at school but we only spend time together every once in a while.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Browse various chans, play videogames, masturbate, and watch tv/anime, most of it pirated.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They think I should get out more. Not a huge deal.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Go to the state college in town, get a BS in chemistry, get my own place. Hopefully find someone to be with.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:19:43 No.467041
    >Work and in highschool
    >Has friends
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:19:49 No.467042
    I think most of us are just posting to make true shut ins feel bad. Also a more correct term to use would be 'asocial' as opposed to 'antisocial.'
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:20:07 No.467044
    Wish I was a girl with a boyfriend who took care of me...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:22:05 No.467061
    Oh, you're right. I always get the two confused.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:22:08 No.467063
         File1321946528.png-(427 KB, 500x400, Oblivion_2.png)
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    >Who do you live with?
    [My cat, on weekends with my gf

    >How did you get to this stage?

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Every day for a few hours, I have coffee and a sammich, play with iPod
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Oldfag, pension
    >Do you have friends?
    Acquaintances a few, no come over and hang out friends
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Play video games, movies, eat out, read, go to meetings
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Parents dead, no friends

    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Write books maybe, photography, play Skyrim maybe, help people
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:22:20 No.467066
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I moved back from college. Horrible anxiety.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Maybe once a week. Could be for 5 minutes could be for 8 hours.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    My parents.
    >Do you have friends?
    Yes but I've stopped hanging out with them because of my anxiety.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Internet, tv, video games.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents support me and know what I'm going through they know I'll get better with more professional help.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Lose weight and get help to finally help me with anxiety and get me to move on with life.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:24:09 No.467077
    >Who do you live with?
    uni student bros. everyone studies, or used to at some point.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    i got kicked outta home when i was 16, had to move into sharehouses cause i couldn't afford to rent my own place. >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    every single day. it depends, if i have class, all day. if i don't, i usually just go out and do something with some bros or some shit. go for a skate, be out doors. all that kinda shit.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    i'm on the dole mafucka!
    >Do you have friends?
    yeah, i gotta a few friends.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    smoke weed, come here, talk shit with bros, get drunk...the usual
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    fuck wut they think
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    yes. i'm going to try and convince this american girl not to move back to the states. somehow.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:25:14 No.467084
    If I had goals in my life I would be achieving them, how can you have goals and not be working towards them?
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 11/22/11(Tue)02:26:33 No.467092
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I'm not really sure to be honest.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Once a week for therapy, maybe more if I'm doing stuff for therapy (going shopping with my dad or taking a walk at night) and it's usually pretty short, 30 minutes or less outside.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I get benefits.
    >Do you have friends?
    Online ones yes.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Nothing really, vidya, daydreaming about things.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    I'm not sure to be exact, my dad probably hates my lifestyle and well, I'm not sure what my friends think.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Getting a girlfriend, that's pretty much it and it's all I want.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:27:55 No.467105
    >Who do you live with?
    Parents & siblings

    >How did you get to this stage?
    High anxiety, fear of taking public transit/going out alone

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    I hardly ever go out alone. Maybe 2 hours a week for my appointments. Spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's house, which doesn't really count.

    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't buy things

    >Do you have friends?
    Yes, but we rarely speak right now.

    >What do you do with your spare time?
    4chan, internets, Minecraft, baking

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Probably think I suck. My parents understand becasue I'm diagnosed crazy, and they understand crazy. So whatever.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Yeah. Work, school, career, marriage, etc.
    I really want a job so I can buy some clothes I like
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:33:01 No.467140
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    >Who do you live with?
    I live in my parent's house, but they work in other states so I live alone 9 months out of the year.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Went to college after high school, realized I hated being around so many people, so I retreated to my dorm room whenever I didn't have class. Found it suited me well and spent more and more time in it until I never left.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Between once a month to once every other month, for an hour or two. Mostly for groceries.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't.
    >Do you have friends?
    Online friends only.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    50% 4chan, 40% video games, 10% TV/anime
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They don't like it, but there's not much they can do about it.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Honestly, I'm really comfortable with my life right now. If I could find a job that only required me to work one or two days a week, and give me enough to have an apartment and internet, I'd be set.
    >> What's the point? Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:33:04 No.467142
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    I've been lurking here for a few days, and all I've seen are threads where people sulk over their status as social pariahs.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:34:57 No.467157
    >mfw I still don't know how to properly browse 4chan
    Disregard this.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:35:58 No.467172
    This board used to be better, yes there was a lot of complaining about depression and such. But it wasn't as much about women and had actually good intelligent discussion sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:38:21 No.467194

    Yes, now the board is all about how people complain about foreveralones who complain about the board quality, fuck off already.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 11/22/11(Tue)02:39:41 No.467202
    I like to know I'm not alone in my fear of life and there are people like me, also I like to talk about maybe a miracle happening where I will get a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:40:15 No.467207
    Wasn't complaining, just informing.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:41:07 No.467215
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    >Who do you live with?
    It's a pretty nice arrangement where I live alone in whichever house my parents aren't in that season. In the winter I stay in their Nantucket cottage (Nantucket in the winter is like a shut-in's wet dream, so beautifully desolate and empty), and in the summer I stay in their house in Brookline (basically Boston).
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I was doing really, really well, but then due to an unpredicted, dramatic increase in my anxiety around Thanksgiving of my senior year of college I never graduated. I've tried to look for a job a few times since then (when my symptoms were on the wane), but nothing brings them back quicker than your typical job application process. Why didn't you finish school? So you're applying for this job but don't have experience...WHY? Finally I was applying for jobs so shitty they were asking stuff like, "What does customer service mean to you?"
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    In Brookline, maybe once every three or four days. I just walk to Trader Joe's and back to buy groceries. I've tried using Stop & Shop Peapod (since I rely on ordering shit online for books, clothes, and almost everything else), but the delivery guy was always the same and he always wanted to strike up a conversation with me and it freaked me out. On Nantucket it's a lot better, I leave the house practically every day and just go for walks, or drives if it's too cold. I love walking down the beach with a grey sky and no humans in sight.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Grandparents left me a very modest trust fund that covers my basic expenses, and I don't have to pay rent or utilities (including cable, cell phone, and internet) because of the parentals.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:41:47 No.467219
    Every board has their own culture. Welcome to /r9k/.

    As for this thread, the way I live might be unusual, but I don't sulk over it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:42:58 No.467226
    You are truly the most pathetic type of person in existance. Why are you so fucking obsessed with relationships? And if you truly want to meet someone HOW HAVE YOU NOT YET? Your standards are obviously low (or are they?).
    >> What's the point? Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:44:33 No.467241
    Very well. I'm just used to all the different boards being related to what they were called. Being depressed just didn't strike me as very robotic.
    My apologies if I offended any of you, I was simply curious.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:44:59 No.467243

    You know...have you ever wondered how you're close to your parents when all you do is stay in your room sulking about your friendless girlfriendless status? Hell, I bet your online friends would just laugh at you if they found out.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:45:26 No.467246
    >I live alone
    >I dropped out of highschool because waking up at 07:00 sucks and the whole sitting in a class with a teacher spewing curriculum based facts at me didn't work for me, not at that time.
    >haven't left in over 6 months, last time I did was for a wedding of a friend and I spent less than 5 hours outside before coming back home
    >yes I do pay for myself
    >I have a few people one might define as friends, they still talk to me on an every other day basis
    >vidya all day erry day, and movies and shows I guess, exceptional books too. Media consuming would be a good way to put it.
    >my parents used to say it's a phase, now I guess they just think "whatever makes him happy", my friends and brothers agree.
    >I do not have any goals or hopes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:45:32 No.467248
    The robot refers to not being able to post the same content twice.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:47:29 No.467253

    >Do you have friends?
    I had some in school, we still exchange facebook comments, but I never answer the phone if they call. I have people I know from various online forums and communities, but I'd never get in touch with them irl either.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Read, cook, work on wikipedia articles, watch movies, etc.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents are very good people, they don't assume that I'm just lazy and more or less let me live life how I want to.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Getting a job would be great, but I'd also like to finish writing a novel and maybe even get it published.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 11/22/11(Tue)02:47:36 No.467255
    Only type of person and not the most pathetic person in existence? I feel hurt. But I'm not sure why I haven't found anyone yet, the hold "standard" I have is just someone who can enjoy the same interests as me and will love me back.

    I don't discuss any of this stuff with my parents so they don't really know how I really feel, but I talk with my dad often and he plays a lot of vidya so we can stay close, as for my mum, I talk to her on Skype often. But well, as for my online friends finding out? They already know. All my online friends go on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:49:19 No.467264
    didn't notice how you pay for yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:50:13 No.467271
    You're the guy that made that thread the other day, aren't you. The one that owns the bar?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:51:27 No.467279
    >Who do you live with?


    >How did you get to this stage?

    I decided I don't want to live anymore but whenever I leave the car running in the garage, I don't have the guts to stay there, so I decided that I will kill myself slowly perhaps even bring myself to being willing to do a fast suicide by eroding away any hope for my life in the future.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?

    I leave to go to work. I work just enough to make it seem like I'm trying to improve myself or have a life in the eyes of my parents.

    >How do you pay for yourself?

    I vote for liberal politicians

    >Do you have friends?

    >What do you do with your spare time?

    Browse the internet and play videogames. I used to read a lot, especially in high school, but I got bored and disinterested in books.

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?

    My Dad is ashamed but doesn't have the heart to admit it or the balls to attempt to "set me straight", so he is very distant. My mother protects herself from the shame of a failed son and the potential guilt she might feel for it (undeserved, but you know how mothers are) by convincing herself that I'm just "in a rut" and that this is just a "chapter" of my life that I will surpass.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?

    Find the will to end my life as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:52:53 No.467284

    you're online friends must be as lonely and pathetic as you then.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:55:31 No.467312
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    I am not, last thread I started was about this pic.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:56:22 No.467325
    >being taught that other people are bad
    >shops twice a week, 3 times a week i go running at 2 in the morning
    >i have an online job
    >i've only really got 2 left
    >90% of my life is spare time
    >parents don't even live in the same country, friends never come over
    >if i ever get rid of the anxiety i might get a job as a programmer somewhere
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 11/22/11(Tue)02:58:21 No.467348
    I don't mind you insulting me but you don't have to say anything about my friends, they are awesome people who aren't like me at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:09:28 No.467448

    >implying online friends are real friends

    They will eventually stop talking to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:11:51 No.467470
    I dunno, man. I met a friend of mine online two years ago, we're now planning to move in together and he wants to start a business with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:17:06 No.467522
    >Who do you live with?
    Well, I USED to have a roommate/best friend with whom I decided to start a new life 600 miles away from home. We got an apartment together under the assumption that we'd be here for each other and try to get our lives started as individuals. Then she met some faggot online, brought him home on their first date and now lives at his house. So I pretty much live alone.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    See above.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Once every other day for groceries or coffee.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I had a terrible job until about last week, one for which I had to commute 2 hours a day and work a 9 hour shirt in a call center. I still have a fairly decent savings so I'm ok.
    >Do you have friends?
    I did. Back home. Left them all. Now I do not.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Watch Paranormal shows on Netflix, play Rift, read obscure fantasy novels I found at Bookman's, jog.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    No one is really aware of how depressed and lonely I am because I don't like to complain to people I know. As far as they know, I'm doing fine.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Move, I guess. I already offered the bitch the apartment since I'm obviously such a nuisance that she can't spend more than an hour here a week while she's picking up more of her clothes to take to her fly-by-night boyfriend's place.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:17:24 No.467523

    >all of my friends go on /r9k/

    that is some posse. I bet you think you're on top of the world.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 11/22/11(Tue)03:19:24 No.467549
    >I bet you think you're on top of the world

    I wish, I think I'm the most pathetic and worthless person on earth.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)03:28:57 No.467627

    not them, but at least you have online friends and a personality to gain them and a close relationship with your parents. My parents can't stand me for staying up in my room all day and night.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 11/22/11(Tue)03:40:27 No.467737
    Well I don't really have a personality at all, it's just adding or being added in those contact threads, talking about video games and that's pretty much it, as for my dad, it's the same kind of thing, video game talking and well, my mum just is really over protective and always wants to know about me and stuff. I guess I'm lucky on the parent side but as for the friends thing, just add people in those threads if they say that they are into vidya or something something else you enjoy.
    >> PR89 11/22/11(Tue)04:06:15 No.467918
    Who do you live with?
    my roomate
    >How did you get to this stage?
    stay in skool
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    all day er day
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    bum off mom and girlfriends
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    art and video games
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    its cool
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    get payed to do whatevr i want
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:17:34 No.468006
    -My parents
    -A mixture of depression, lack of resolve for anything and lifelong introversion. Having nothing to do and nowhere to be doesn't help.
    -I leave only on weekends to go to the library or supermarket, but I don't even do that much anymore.
    -I don't. I leech off of my parents' income. I rarely feel guilty because of their sub-par parenting (or lack of parenting) along with the fact that if they really wanted to help me get a life, they'd help me get a life.
    -Yes, but not really. I never see or talk to them anymore. -Most of them moved for school and the rest can't be fucked to talk to me because I don't have anything going on with my life and I dislike small talk.
    -Video games, writing, browsing online, watching movies.
    -I'm sure my parents dislike it but they're used to it now and ignore my existence just like everybody else.
    -None. I wanted to get married and have children, but I think it is selfish to want that and I doubt I'll ever get to that point.

    This looks like a "Everyone post, no one read" thread, but eh...I'll answer any other questions. I used to be extroverted and productive in life.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:20:05 No.468032
    I've been reading everyone else's responses, there just isn't much to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:22:18 No.468051
    >Who do you live with?
    Mom and sis
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Just turned 18, will be moving out within the next couple of years
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Everyday usually about 9 hours.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Bursary money, sell shit on eBay, sell fake things (i.e. tickets)
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Vidya, socialise
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Mom is cool about it all
    Friends even cooler about my life
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Yep, good job, money and a decent girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:22:44 No.468057

    Why would I ever want to make friends here? I'd rather just be alone to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:44:55 No.468226

    >implying you just wont become extrovert again and get friends, a life, and a family

    fuck you normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)06:58:09 No.468984
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:22:44 No.469083
    I use to be a shut-in for 2 years, so I'll answer as if I was still that person. Now I'm in college working towards my goals. Could still be considered as a shut-in I guess, as I go to college, come back and stay in my room till college again. Don't have friends. Anyway,

    >Who do you live with?
    Father and younger brother
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Life slowly fell apart since my mother died. Eventually became introverted and isolated. Dropped out of education.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    I don't. Been out a few times to go to the library and get some books. Otherwise, I largely stay in my room, sometimes go downstairs.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    My father does, but I don't ask for anything as he doesn't have any money really. I get fed, bills paid, but I don't get new clothes or games or anything else.
    >Do you have friends?
    Nope (still don't)
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Practice my web development. Maid some money from it too so I guess I could be considered semi-professional. That or I play games, browse 4chan, practice my Mathematics or languages.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Friends I use to have before I became isolated don't know. When they ask, I make up some bullshit. My father is alright with me not being in education, but I should seek a job, or apprenticeship instead.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    To make bank so I can pay back my father, and people my father stole money from (whole new story). Once I've made bank, I want to travel for years at a time. I also want to change the world somehow, so maybe politics later in my life. Use my Maths skills (They're alright. I'm sitting the British Maths Olympiad in less than a month's time) to help somehow.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:39:20 No.469146
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Divorced parents; still living at home
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Only on weekends to hangout with friends who are off work.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't, other than the few games i purchase with money i've made selling mmo accounts
    >Do you have friends?
    A tight-knit group of bros
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Play vidya and surf the web. If incredibly bored I'll work-out or clean around the house.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    They're understanding
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    To finally get hired for a career and get on with my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:49:06 No.469201
    >Who do you live with?


    >How did you get to this stage?

    Being a social outcast and heavily disliking the outside world and society.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?

    A couple of days for a few hours for work

    >How do you pay for yourself?

    Shitty slightly above minimum wage job stacking shelves at night.

    >Do you have friends?


    >What do you do with your spare time?

    PC games, anime, movies and tv shows. Basically never leave my PC.

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?

    They're glad I am not into drugs or a criminal like most of the people where I live.

    >Do you have any goals for the future?

    I'm 26 and its pretty much impossible to change when you don't have good social skills or connections.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:08:33 No.469301
    >Who do you live with?
    Parents,grandmother, dog and cat.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Parents sheltering and mindfucking me. They never pushed me (ie; I don't even know how to ride a bike), lack of drive, depression, social anxiety, bad experiences when I did get out on my own.

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Maybe a few times a month,anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours.

    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Food stamps or if my parents ever pay me for house/yard work.
    >Do you have friends?
    I did. One had brain cancer as a kid and started donig fucked up shit, and the other is an angry drug addict with even less drive then me..who always insists he's right and knows everything. Also a racist and possible pedophile...
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Work on computers, watch tv, movies, documentaries, anime, write scifi, philosophize, watch the animals outside, garden, etc.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents complain that I don't have a job and do nothing around the house, but always expect me to do most everything for them. Most people I meet/talk to my age are in the same shit situation.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    To live long enough to watch my parents die after years if not decades of pain. I'd like a job, a house, a wife, kids..but I don't really think that's gonna happen. My first wife left me for a child molester and is currently engaged to her cousin, and the majority of my exes ended up cheating on me and leaving me, so. Plus, I have no money, so clearly no woman would even look at me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:09:50 No.469309
    >Who do you live with?
    my parents and my brother
    >How did you get to this stage?
    i didn't want to do anything after high school, so after i graduated i just stayed inside and sat on the internet and it's continued for 3 years now
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    on average about once every 2 days and usually just to get coffee and a power bar at 3am. occasionally i have other reasons to go out (picking up something at the post office, errands, hanging out etc.) but it's still never for more than a couple hours.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    i've been getting stocks for christmas ever since i was born, at this point i get a dividend cheque every 3 months for $300 and that's enough to pay for my hobbies. everything essential is paid for by my parents by proxy of living with them.
    >Do you have friends?
    yeah 2 but one's always working and the other is only around town a couple months a year
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    play video games, watch anime, post on 4chan, listen to music, various things related to fashion design
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    1st year parents didn't care as i claimed i needed a year off, 2nd year parents got concerned, demanded i get a job or leave the house for 6 hours a day, i did just that and played PSP in the forest next to my house or hung out at the internet cafe, this year i've now got plans to go to school so they are completely cool and encouraging. friend who works envies me a bit and thinks the whole thing is pretty funny other friend lives a similar lifestyle (except with short term part time jobs to finance himself)
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    yeah, go to school for fashion design
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:12:59 No.469321
    you can always change anon
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:08:18 No.469950
    >Who do you live with?
    parent, sibling
    >How did you get to this stage?
    dropped out, no friends
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    every other day for minutes to hours, every few weeks for a day out
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    parent, state
    >Do you have friends?
    a handful, but don't keep in especially close contact
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    internet, films/tv, reading
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    parent: that I need supporting. Friends: that it's not really worthwhile hanging out with me
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    online dating, getting more state money
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:17:23 No.469995
    Live with parents.
    Failed out of college.
    Work late night to early morning, cc classes in the afternoon
    Buy things with my weak salary, family provides room/board
    I have 4 really close friends who are occasionally home from university
    video games, movies, tv, 4chan
    They think I should get out more, cant drive though due to an OVI
    Get promoted at work, get a second job

    I am a shut-in mainly because I am basically a sociopath. I gave up on caring about people and am only out for myself but I keep my family and close friends dear, leaving a bit of humanity.

    A year ago I was addicted to huffing computer cleaner and crashed my car, now have no license and am on probation. Hoping to get off probation this week, would like to be able to smoke weed.

    Literally all I care about is smoking weed and having money so I can buy videogames and DVDs. I was in one real relationship in my life and it was a waste of time and effort (not to mention money). Believe I will move out of the USA to the Netherlands where at least I can purchase weed and use prostitutes legally.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:21:46 No.470016
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I don't believe I have a clear answer.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    4-5 times a week, and on avg, I stay out for about 1.5hrs.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Sell my things, or ask my parents.
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Homework, surf the internet, watch TV, workout, read, listen to music, go the park.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Parents: A lot if I haven't gone out socially in a while. Friend(s): All the time, but he's the exact same way basically, so really no room to judge.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Law school to be brief.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:29:27 No.470049
    That was fuckin hilarious. made my day

    >Who do you live with?
    my mom and two cats
    >How did you get to this stage?
    dont know. sheltered upbringing with a lack of goals and ambition I guess.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    irregularly, maybe once per week to the shop.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    4chan, sleep, maybe some vidya
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    I don't know. try to avoid her as much as possible.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    If I did I wouldn't live like this. I guess I'll one day snap and kill myself or just wander off.
    >> ghostie !WyflH.qNZo 11/22/11(Tue)10:37:52 No.470114
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    got sick when I was younger, I changed colors and my joints were so painful I hated walking, became a shut in, started letting all my thoughts consume me, randomly got better, still don't leave the house
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    every other day, I still have to go to high school but I skip a lot
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    >Do you have friends?
    on the internet, yes
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    computer programming, online shopping, 4chan, reading, um....
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    my parents don't notice anything is up with me because they are too focused on my brother, a few people irl try to invite me to things and I always have panic attacks because of it and now they just think I hate them
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    be able to go to college without going crazy
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:38:55 No.470120
    >Who do you live with?
    My Mum and Brother.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Every other monday to sign on, about an hour. Wednesday evenings for an hour or so to have dinner. Sunday, all day to go to my Dad's
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Dole, savings, selling weed.
    >Do you have friends?
    For the sake of saving face, yes. But really, I don't keep in enough contact for them to be friends.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Masturbate, smoke weed, browse the net, watch tv/films, listen to music
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    I'm a colossal disappointment. I can see the look of despair in my parent's eyes every single day.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Get a job, learn to drive, get my own place, be a real human being, be a real hero.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:41:37 No.470134

    Want to keep in touch with my foreverlaone e-mail to go more in depth about your lifestyle?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:42:08 No.470137
    >Who do you live with?
    My parents and 3 siblings
    >How did you get to this stage?
    abusive parents who are also religious and never let me out of the house when i was in hs
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    5 times a week for college
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    financial aid
    >Do you have friends?
    in reality, no. online i have a few but as of now all the online friends i had who i was close to are gone.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    play video games browse the web
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    get a job and leave home
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:45:34 No.470161
         File1321976734.jpg-(79 KB, 500x374, I6x2357Nj.jpg)
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    These type of threads just beg for acknowledgment of existence.

    >Become who you are.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:47:02 No.470172
    Every single thing anybody ever does is just begging for acknowledgment of existence. It's essentially what being alive is.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:47:46 No.470176
    >Who do you live with?
    My father and my 13 years old brother.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    My mother died last year.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Everyday for work, and at night to have driving lessons
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    My father pay for the house, food and stuff. I pay for my stuff.
    >Do you have friends?
    Yes, a lot. But they all live in a different city. In the one I'm living now I don't have any friends.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Read, play games while talking to my friends on Skype.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    I were in a really deep depression stage a couple months ago, but now I'm better.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Yes, I'm going to college in the beggining of 2012, and in the middle of 2012 I'm going to go back to the town I used to live. I'll go to college there and live alone. My father will pay most of my bills, but I'm saving all may payment to help him. He's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:49:17 No.470192
    uh, okay. email is in the field.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:50:19 No.470195
    >Who do you live with?
    My mom and my 3 siblings. Shit's rough.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Aspergers and not liking anything.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Maybe once every 2 days, just to go to the store.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't. My mom does.
    >Do you have friends?
    Offline, no.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Vid ee oh games, anime, and just browsing random boards I come across.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My mom disapproves of it, but just on a "you should be doing something better" level.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Not really. Other than maybe getting a part time job.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:58:07 No.470253

    could you send me a message and then i'll get back to you?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:58:10 No.470254
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    72 KB
    >Who do you live with?
    I go in between my divorced parents house. My dad's house is normally occupied by him and two of my brothers (sometimes three). During the week, I stay at my mother's with my mom, step-father, and another brother, because it is a shorter drive to community college.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    I didn't do any work in high school. I still have no idea which major to be. I'm 19. Still just taking a bunch of intro classes and trying to figure out what I want.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Every 3 or 4 days I switch houses. I don't really socialize very often.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    Not once in my life. Yes, it is a problem.
    >Do you have friends?
    I am blessed with incredibly good friends. I keep in contact with them via skype/vent/mumble/a few websites. We have get togethers during school breaks and we're all at home.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    4chan, watch movies, play video games, try and find something worth doing.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My parents hate it. My friends can't imagine anything different.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    To be a bartender, meet lots of women, go to a good college, visit other countries, become incredibly good at many instruments, have almost no regrets.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:01:28 No.470283
    >Who do you live with?
    Three housemates. But moving out because I end up spending most my time hiding in my room from them.
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Couldn't live with mother & brother because of emotional problems and had to move out.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    During semester, almost every week day for classes. Weekends/Holidays. Once a week generally for food/visiting family.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    I don't. Government disability pension.
    >Do you have friends?
    Yes. Mostly online, few from university.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Computer, read, puzzles.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My mother wishes I didn't have so many problems and was more social despite me saying I am quite happy about how I am. Both parents are proud I am going to uni.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Finish my Bachelor and do a PhD. Would like to have a family but we will see.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:06:32 No.470321

    Existence does not necessarily entail life, but life necessarily entails existence.

    Existing in your mind is a physical existence, as your mind itself has a physical existence (namely, your brain).
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:10:23 No.470354

    What disability are you getting payed for?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)11:18:25 No.470412
    Social Phobia, General Anxiety Disorder, OCD, ADD, Depression and a hearing impairment.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:24:25 No.470971
    >Who do you live with?
    >How did you get to this stage?
    Parent divorced. Dad got me and mum got my brother.
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    Everyday. Job on weekends/holiday, uni on weekdays + job sometimes.
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    >Do you have friends?
    A few.
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Internet, photography, books.
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    Eh I dont talk to mum a lot and my dad is so busy I dont think he cares.
    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    Family, finish my degree.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:30:55 No.471004
    Half of the people here don't even sound like shut-ins they sound like normals trying to sound cool.

    I fucking hate my life. But yeah you all sound average to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:31:44 No.471009
    Implying it is cool to be a shut in.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:36:30 No.471048
    Where are you from? Were you already on it from the hearing impairment?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:40:37 No.471083
    Australia. And no. I got it as a result of all my cumulative problems.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:46:46 No.471123


    I should have also mentioned that the main reason I got it is because of my hearing impairment. I have Profound hearing loss in my right ear, so basically I have one working ear, which itself has mild hearing loss.

    So I basically hear in monaural and being in situations with noise or crowds it is estimated I hear like 30 - 40% of what is said. Even is situations where there is just traffic noise or a loud fan, I often mishear words.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:47:14 No.471125
    What the fuck I read through this thread and there are like five actual shut-ins.
    Why so many other people post? you aren't a fucking shut-in when you leave for college or work.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)13:16:14 No.471357
    >Who do you live with?
    My mom and Dad is divorced, but they live in the same town, so I just hang out wherever I want.

    >How did you get to this stage?
    I think I have some sort of personality disorder, but I'm not sure

    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    I go to school everyday, sometimes I hang out with my siblings outside

    >How do you pay for yourself?
    financial investments

    >Do you have friends?
    I sometimes hang out with some guys from my school, but I don't think of them as friends

    >What do you do with your spare time?
    Mostly I'm on 4chan or watch porn

    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    My "friends" don't know anything, my mom doesn't care and my father has mostly the same lifestyle as me

    >Do you have any goals for the future?
    I want to kill evey fucking living lifeform on earth, then I will stand alone at the top as the last man, and I will finally have my silent peace.

    A more realistic answer is a job inside the financial sector
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)14:44:51 No.472001
    What makes you consider yourself a shut-in?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)14:47:22 No.472029
    >Who do you live with?
    parents, little brother
    >How did you get to this stage?
    idk, mental illness or shitty parenting maybe
    >How often do you leave the house, and how long for?
    >How do you pay for yourself?
    i don't
    >Do you have friends?
    >What do you do with your spare time?
    internet, vidya
    >What do your parents and/or friends think of your lifestyle?
    that i'm a failure and a disappointment and a loser
    >Do you have any goals for the future?

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