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  • File : 1246019844.jpg-(6 KB, 202x187, femanon.jpg)
    6 KB Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:37:24 No.4592072

    I'll just leave this right here with you anon

    We're all familiar with 4chan by now, I hope. They've trolled feminists on the Internet a few times now, because women are inferior, you see. And therefore, 4chan is just exercising their divine right to fire up the Internet Hate Machine and spam perfectly awesome blogs with hateful comments, threats, and photoshopped porn or edited rape erotica with the author's name edited in. In short, 4chan is a bunch of misogynist douches aged 16-30 who represent the absolute worst on the internet and in humanity.

    So why do so many women go on 4chan?

    I mean, they have every right to go on 4chan. Part of feminism is on choice; I may not agree on your right to go on 4chan, but I will fight to the death so that you can see mutilated bodies, revenge pictures of ex-girlfriends posted for the world to see, and cartoon porn starring your childhood heroes. But it just boggles the mind as to why 4chan has so many damn women going on

    I mean, when I say that they hate women, they really, really hate women. Which is why it boggles the mind so to see 'Femanons', as they call themselves, posting in droves. 4Chan could not make their position on women any more obvious. "boyfriend" has been filtered to turn into "imaginary boyfriend", "Femanon" translates into "cumdumpter", and there is absolutely no way that you could mistake the sheer venom hurled at women for anything remotely positive.

    For instance, if a woman posts asking for, say... a picture or a video she saw on the internet and identifies herself as a Femanon, the immediate response will be "tits or GTFO." They may dress this up with a graphic, or make a different request such as "hairbrush in pooper plz", but it's all the same. I don't even need to explain why this is wrong. It is just completely and totally wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:40:45 No.4592099
    No real female 4chan user who has been here more than a week calls herself a "femanon", or a cumdumpster, or any other variant. Using 4chan isn't about what gender you are. I post here for the shoop and lols, not to find a boyfriend or talk about my period.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:45:09 No.4592118
    contd, fuck your ascii robot

    And yet, women on 4chan keep on identifying themselves as women on 4chan. Despite the 4chan ideal of 'if you were black, now you are white. If you were a woman, now you are a man.' that they ask people to apply to their posting (which is wrong on so many levels), women keep identifying themselves as femanons.

    The most disturbing thing, in my point of view, is the sheer amount of femanons who "deliver" - posting their breasts up on 4chan, and if they feel like it, going on a webcam or taking more explicit pictures. If 4chan gets a girl on webcam for instance, it becomes an 'epic win', and she is treated with reverance. That is to say - if she's thin. Any girl with even a small difference from what 4chan wants will be ridiculed, mocked, and there will be calls to 'man the harpoons!'

    It's disgusting, misogynistic, horrific behavior. So why do so many women willingly subject themselves to it? The only thing I can come up with is attention or boredom or insecurity, but none of these seem to cover the sheer incredulity and disbelief I feel over the entire thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:50:16 No.4592134

    the only people who claim to be femfags are trolls
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:51:16 No.4592138
    It's all histrionics and the self-absorbed ideal that they're somewhat special or different because they're female and on 4chan. Fucking annoying as shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:51:58 No.4592148
    You could rage at this, but seriously, it's the same shit seen a thousand times before from ignorant fucks who pick apart 4chan and try to announce to the entire world how just much of a shithole it is.

    It really does not deserve a response, or even getting worked up over.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:54:00 No.4592158
    im just trying to fit in with r9k mostly
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:55:45 No.4592171
    >I really think it's the same phenomenon that happens everywhere else; on 4chan women are given attention and power if they are attractive and exploit their sexuality, just like dancers in music videos, or playboy models, or whatever. It's simply because women are learning that the easiest way to gain power is through their sexuality. If it was easier to gain power in a different way, as it is often with men, I'm sure this wouldn't be happening. :/

    This is why women are whores. They think gaining power should be easy, and when they learn it isn't they resort to waggling their cunt around. Meanwhile, men don't have that option, and instead have to work their ass off for it, all the while building up hatred for women who get what they work so hard for so easily.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)08:58:24 No.4592182
    4chan isn't really misogynistic, it's just lonely and bitter </3
    >> The Gay Science !!EMvvyNDhzDm 06/26/09(Fri)08:58:57 No.4592184
    All women are self-absorbed histrionics. Whores who want to be penetrated by the cawk 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:00:07 No.4592193

    This is a troll, learn to detect them.

    Don't reply to them, don't even acknowledge them.

    Eventually they will die from lack of trolling and 4chan will become the awesome internet hate machine it once was.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:00:34 No.4592198
    The biggest difference between males and females are hormonal levels and genital development. Males are really just over developed females.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:01:55 No.4592206

    Actually, that is true. Even applies to me to a certain extent.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:04:48 No.4592231
    Brain structure is different, which leads to profound differences in thought processes.

    And women go to 4chan for the same reason any male does: the search for lulz.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:07:54 No.4592263
    >Males are really just over developed females.
    This made me chortle. Heartily.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:08:06 No.4592264
         File : 1246021686.jpg-(87 KB, 946x836, ultrawin.jpg)
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    Why must so many women subject themselves to leaving the comfort of the proverbial kitchen? I'd wager there isn't another room in the house with as many modern conveniences thanks to technology developed by men, whose women stayed in THEIR respective kitchens!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)09:10:28 No.4592278

    I often lol when people post pictures of averages girl and everyone erupts UR TEH UGGUHS LOL but if said woman was apart of their life or a friend of theirs, they'd 1) Grow affection towards them 2) Wanna fuck them.

    Say goes with the nigger shit on here. I'll agree, there are some exceptional amount of niggers who are niggers, but there are some kool niggers too. And if any of you guys would meet a kool nigger, you're nigger jokes would be empiter and just for the lulz of the joke of it, but obviously still light hatred lingering because bad niggers definitely outway kool niggers.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)10:50:13 No.4592796
    Your spelling of cool infuriates me. All the other misspellings don't get to me, but that one makes me wish I could slowly strangle the life out of you over standard broadband.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/26/09(Fri)10:52:04 No.4592809

    Dont know where you're from, boy. But here in Texas we hate niggers all the same.

    Also all women are filthy, lying whores.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)10:57:13 No.4592836
    I think most channers don't really hate women, or fags, or niggers, or spics, or fattys.
    Since it's anonymous people get their jollies by saying things that they could never say out in the real world for fear of being beaten into the ground. I think %90 of the people going "nigger nigger nigger nigger" would never say it out loud in public, and every anonymous that has ever said "man the harpoons" would gladly mount a 250 pound woman (if by some devein chance she would have him)
    People think it's cool/funny/hardcore to be racist here.
    It would be kind of precious if it wasn't so lame.

    Anonymous wants this to be a boys club with the exception of camwhores, because they don't want to accept the fact that there's women in the world who are cool, there's women in the world who are lame, and none of them, NONE of them will sleep with you.

    so most of the ladies remain Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:03:07 No.4592868
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    not all the thin women are treated gingerly (pic related)
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:09:07 No.4592903
    What is this "femanon" you speak of? I only know of anonymous. Are they not on in the same?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:14:12 No.4592938
    basically the cumdumpster in op's post can't take it.

    which is just as well. eostrogen weakens the body as well as the mind.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:19:21 No.4592957
    Any woman who actually visits 4chan on a regular basis has the common courtesy to not mention her gender, as you said, it derails threads, demotes their posted content and is unlikely to recieve the desired result. I only post as a femanon when its relevent to thread or when, well, i'm bored.

    As for Why, good question.
    I suppose typical 4chan culture appeals to me because.. you guys are entertaining. Every thing here is quicker paced, more extreme and more amusing than my everyday real life. I've never taken anything on the internet personally and while here i tend to just adopt a different attitude to life, a /b/ attitude. And itsallgood.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:21:55 No.4592970
    Jesus, you cant go for three short paragraphs without descending into baaaawww?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:27:04 No.4592999
    You are the type of female poster I support, as you do not use your vagina as a bludgeon to in some way validate your opinion.

    It's just like those fucking women who start their every inane comment with "as a mother", as though this somehow makes their opinion of any greater weight.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:28:50 No.4593012
    That's essentially what 4chan is. A giant baww and hug box for those that need to derive their sense of community online.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:31:27 No.4593035
    That is why you're a pathetic lonely loser.

    On topic: Pathetic like a woman over 'emotions'.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:34:14 No.4593065
    I do not hate women, I look down on them and pity them.
    I do hate black people.
    I hate mexicans living in America, not mexicans living in Mexico. Mostly because I am infuriated by every fucking spic living in a country where they can't speak a word of English beside their own.
    I do not hate fat people. I think they are less attractive and that it is their choice to be. Physical traits are not even a sliver of what someone's mental agility and personality mean, especially on websites like 4chan.

    Take from that what you will.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:40:52 No.4593111
    There is also a form of misogyny practiced by women. Woman who fucking loathe other women.

    These are woman who think their mallrat peers are weak and stupid, and brush off all feminists as bull dykes. They come here and see the camwhores treated like shit, and then are entertained by it.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:41:46 No.4593119
    I didn't see any bawwww.... maybe that word doesn't mean what I think it means.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)11:42:34 No.4593124
    Most girls come here because it's "fun", but it shouldn't be "fun" to well indoctrinated beauty queen sluts because its rancid and honest fun, rather than fake smiles. What this article does bring up, and rightly so, is why any woman would take off her clothes on this website. There is a serious problem with most 4chan female visitors, in that they lack something they can't get in real life, just like the men here. What that is may differ from person to person, but they all act out in the same way. The men become bitter and aggrevated with their own lives and express it in the safety of this website; where as the women lack attention from real life compatriots and get it from men who are more pathetic than the ones they actually met/know in real life. In turn, this leads to the men hating women even more for being such cheap sluts and becoming more bitter, which in turn makes it even easier for girls to get attention during the males desperation/horny moments.

    A vicious cycle. This website is effectively keeping anyone from getting away from it at all.

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