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  • File : 1245879616.jpg-(81 KB, 816x429, 1245774390800.jpg)
    81 KB Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)17:40:16 No.4577012  
    I have no interest in getting a car because where I live, I don't need a car (metrorail, metrobus, shopping within walking distance). Problem is that my mom and dad keep asking me the same question "when are you going to learn to drive?" "When are you going to get a driver's license". They keep asking me this question once every four months.

    Should I bother learning how to drive and getting a drivers license even though I have no interest in getting a car?

    By the way I'm 21 years old.

    Pic not related.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:43:17 No.4577036
    Yes. If not for driving, then for ID.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:43:45 No.4577041
    Yes You may need to at one point
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:44:49 No.4577051
    If you go to driving school, it'll be full of girls who just turned legal.
    >> footfag 06/24/09(Wed)17:45:10 No.4577055
    >They keep asking me this question once every four months.
    interesting detail here. why every 4 months? and why would you mention that?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:45:29 No.4577061
    Yeah, probably should. Never know when your situation might change so that you need one and it's exceedingly annoying to have to learn and test for one in a short amount of time.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:45:37 No.4577063
    They're most likely planning on buying you a car

    Don't be stupid
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:47:21 No.4577088
    Its a good skill to have and extremely easy to learn. Learn to drive, as for a car, I would say no. Unless you absolutely need one, but if you live in that type of area its probably not necessary. Cars are costly, costly to maintain, costly to keep fueled, don't bother if public transport is good enough. I would save money for one just in case. In closing, don't get a car, learn to drive so you have that skill it's useful.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:50:26 No.4577121
    If you live with your parents, then learn to drive. If not, fuck 'em. You're an independent person.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:55:37 No.4577167
    >Should I bother learning how to drive and getting a drivers license even though I have no interest in getting a car?
    Yeah, you never know when it's going to come in handy. Things change and you could end needing to know how to drive at some point.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:57:26 No.4577189

    Just go get your license dude. It's not mandatory to have a car once you got a license. You'll need one some point in your life.

    College park is not the place where you want to have a car due to parking meters so that's why I seldom bring my car over there when my friends wants to chill out or eat..
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:59:32 No.4577217
    lol, enjoy taking your date to a restaurant on the public bus. loser.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:06:35 No.4577308
    Skip the license if you can. The longer you wait to get it, the cheaper your car insurance will be. I didn't get my license until I was 22. My car insurance is lower than that of some 30 year olds I know. Besides, cars are fucking EXPENSIVE. All of the hidden costs sneak up on you: gas, insurance, minor repairs, the occasional major repair, parking fees, car payments if you are unlucky enough to have to finance.... shit gets old real fast.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:11:04 No.4577364
    As said, get the licence, not the car if you don't really need it.
    But drive as often as you can, otherwise you'll end up like my friends who are more dangerous than a drunken 70 year old after not driving for a year.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/24/09(Wed)18:12:33 No.4577376
    One would think that driving experience would lower your rates. But also being older lowers them, regardless of experience.

    Last time I checked insurance rates were almost entirely statistical discrimination (which is ok really) but I'm not by any means well read on the subject.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)18:17:16 No.4577432
    >gas, insurance, minor repairs, the occasional major repair, parking fees, car payments if you are unlucky enough to have to finance.... shit gets old real fast.

    That's the reason I had no interest in getting a car, they're expensive in every way!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:21:13 No.4577491
    I don't get it either. I would think that being 22 would make my rates absofuckingloutely insane, but it's really cheap. My renters insurance and car insurance combined are 80 bucks a month.

    Whether or not to get the license depends on where OP lives. I live in Ohio, and in Ohio one must have car insurance regardless of whether or not one owns a car. That's why I skipped the whole process entirely. OP's legal situation may or may not be different. He should call up his BMV and ask.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:23:05 No.4577509

    Again, don't get the car, just get the licence.

    Imagine, next year or whatever, you NEED to move. You end up in a flat far from works/school. No direct bus, 2h public transit everyday.
    Now, if you passed your licence, you blow some money you saved in a car, but that 2h are now 30min.

    Or, you spend your days in a bus, trying to get your licence but you have no time for that with your new work now, so you just spend the rest of the year in this fucking bus (true story).

    So, get it while you have nothing better to do. And do as I did, save some grands for a car and the first expenses on it, it'll be usefull to have that money ready when you'll need it and in the meantime it's sleeping on a bank account, bringing interests.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/24/09(Wed)18:25:16 No.4577534
    I think every state requires insurance while driving a car. Which seemed pretty common sense when I first heard it, but now it seems like a pretty strong condition. I mean, they're forcing you to prop up an entire industry (for good reason, but anway). The government pays for the roads so it's perfectly within their rights, but wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:27:18 No.4577561
    I'm also gonna jump on the license/no car bandwagon.

    In my province, as soon as you get a license, you start earning "safe driving points" or some shit >whether or not you are actually driving.

    Then, when you go get insurance later in life, they're like "hurp durp no accidents" and insurance is hella cheap.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:29:46 No.4577585
    Any retard can drive a car, Mr. Manhattan. Your parents just want confirmation that you're somewhat normal.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:31:59 No.4577599
    Yes, but again, that depends on where OP lives. In some states having a license, at all, period, means buying and paying for car insurance. It's a waste of money if he has no plans to drive, and it will more than make up for any "savings" later in life.

    If he can skip the insurance, though, then a license and no car is the best thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:33:32 No.4577612
    being over 20 and not knowing how to drive is pathetic regardless of how often you use it
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:35:25 No.4577633

    Yes, it's a useful skill to have.

    Why turn down learning something when someone else is willing to pay for it?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:36:27 No.4577647
    I went to UMD too

    I had a great time but the school itself fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:38:30 No.4577665
    Are you stupid? What happens when you don't live within walking distance / public transport? What if you want a drive and a car is either required or greatly helps?

    Fuck man do yourself a favor and learn to drive. It's like asking if it's worth it to learn how to cook some food when you have a personal chef. You're going to regret it when things take a turn in your life. You still have 60 + years to live you know...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:45:00 No.4577717
    What the fuck? Why would you need to have insurance if you didn't have a car?
    I'm 20, and I just began learning. Won't be getting a car, as I live in the middle of a city but I can always be put on my mothers insurance and borrow her car if I want to go on a trip with some friends.
    I have lessons on Sundays, which keeps me from getting very very drunk on Saturdays which is saving me a fortune.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:46:49 No.4577741

    Good point, too.
    I don't know how much it costs where you are, but here getting a licence is fucking expensive, and without parents to pay for it you have to blow one month of summer job pay in it.
    If your parents propose to pay for it, do it, when you'll desperatly need it with no time nor money you'll regret not doing it now.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:46:51 No.4577742
    At UMD you really don't need a car. When I went there (the past five years basically), you could basically get around all of campus by either walking or using the bus systems.

    The only really tricky thing is liquor runs without a car, as you can't take that shit on the bus. I guess you could get a backpack and take that on the bus, as the bus driver can't kick you out just for having a backpack. We always just found someone who has a car on campus.

    Do get your license though. It'll help with a fucking lot of shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:50:25 No.4577787
         File : 1245883825.jpg-(24 KB, 435x343, big-tits-car-washing-790434.jpg)
    24 KB
    holy crap, OP could have been me!
    21, no license also. same situation!

    >get it for the ID
    i have a state ID. i buy booze with it just fine.

    >underage girls in driving school

    >buying you a car
    no, no they arent. they might as well be j00s.

    >your date
    long term GF, thanks.
    she sure doesnt give a fuck.

    >he longer you wait to get it, the cheaper your car insurance will be.
    this post beats all above posts

    fuck you, conformist piece of shit.

    still undecided, that "see if you have to pay for insurance as soon as you get your license whether or not" stuff probably is a great deciding factor. default is dont get a license, so ill stick with that probably. i have another year of not needing one at least.

    besides, like in dazed and confused, i get older, they stay the same age! (those girls in driving school)
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:51:27 No.4577802
    You probably will get a car at some point in your life, or at least will have to drive one. So you might as well get a license now, can't hurt and it might come in handy.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)18:57:14 No.4577849
    Well, the other problem is passing all the requirements, because Maryland has a graduated driving scheme.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:21:10 No.4578041
    Honestly, someone explain the American insurance thing to me. Over here in the UK it is based on your age, occupation, where you live, where the car is stored, engine size of car, age of car. Stuff like that.
    Why would you need to pay insurance on your license even if you don't have a car?
    >> kenji !Aiz06aqFXQ 06/24/09(Wed)19:25:41 No.4578080
    it would take you 1-2 1/2 years before without any moving violations or convictions for you to get your full license..
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:33:06 No.4578132
    insurance companies have lobbyists
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:33:24 No.4578137
    Yes you should,

    A drivers licence is a great form of identity and you never know if you are in a position where you need to drive.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:34:48 No.4578154
    You don't live in College Park. It is a crapshoot(read: fucking impossible) trying to get around PG County without a car.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:39:28 No.4578194
    GET A DAMN License already. I didn't get mine till18, not having a car makes you kind of a loser, not having a license makes you a TOTAL loser. You never know when you'll need it, and some day you might want to take a girl out on a date and not have to have her sit on the bus or on your handlebars.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:41:52 No.4578215
    You should get a Driver's License, I mean if there's one thing that'll come in handy during the Zombie Apacolypse it's driving skills.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)19:42:33 No.4578229
    I do live in college park, MD. No joke.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:42:40 No.4578231
    Not having a car might make you a New Yorker.
    >> kenji !Aiz06aqFXQ 06/24/09(Wed)19:50:32 No.4578324
    yeah.. it's fucking impossible to get around PG county without a car but in college park, it's a different story.. you could get around without a car. All you need is a bike or a good pair of sneakers..
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:55:01 No.4578358
    these are good reasons to get a car!

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