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  • File : 1245871841.jpg-(13 KB, 500x375, Cartoon_Network-724955.jpg)
    13 KB Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:30:41 No.4575951  
    Dear robots.

    From watching all of you post on this imageboard, I know you're all old enough to remeber the old toonami, and the old Cartoon network.

    I ask you this. When did our childhood network turn from this...


    ...to this?


    Someone. Anyone. Please. Talk to me.

    Picture related. If you don't recognize that logo, please, kindly sit the fuck down.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:32:12 No.4575958

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:34:00 No.4575971
    Holy shit, what happened to cartoon network?
    Toonami was great.
    What the fuck is this CN shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:35:38 No.4575982
    I feel you pain bro. Cartoon Network was my favorite channel. It hurts even to pass through it these days.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:37:21 No.4575994

    Brings a tear to my eye ever time I watch it.


    It's something called "CN Real". Where it's live action tweens doing stupidshit.

    There are 3 shows.

    The Othersiders: Take Ghosthunters, make ghost hunters tweens. Record bad acting.

    Distroy Build Distroy: Take junkyard wars. Have engineers follow dirrections from tweens. Record.

    Brainrush: Cashcab, on a rollercoaster. With tweens.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:37:28 No.4575998
    you make me baww arcanine
    cartoon network as seriously gone down. Now we jut gotta wait 10 years for boomerang to catch up.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:37:47 No.4576001
    Oldschool anime. <3

    But yeah, I try not to think too much about the crap they show today. It's pretty depressing.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:38:24 No.4576004
    Cartoon Network should just change it's name already. Aren't they gonna have like 8 new live action shows? Also, fuck them for trying to get children to believe in the paranormal.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:38:46 No.4576008
    Wait a second.

    That's not a fucking cartoon!!!

    What's next, MTV not showing music videos??
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:39:16 No.4576015
    Only reason to watch CN
    (was) Foster's, Chowder, and Flapjack

    It's sad how so many kids today are in such a rush to act older
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:41:16 No.4576025
    No one even stayed with Cartoon Network long enough to remember Miguzi.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:42:00 No.4576029
    Dear, sweet Jesus.

    The old Toonami was so godly... when I watched that first video, manly tears were shed and an almost palpable wave of nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks. Thank you OP. I have not experienced something like that for a long time. Those old adverts that they used to run were fuck awesome, weren't they?

    Now, if I happen to be flipping through the channels and stumble across CN, I find that it has all devolved into vapid, boring, unoriginal shit which makes me silently rage. Matches a vapid, boring, unoriginal generation I guess.

    Oh, and when that cunt said "WE'RE DOING A LEGITIMATE INVESTIGATION" the first thought to cross my mind was "son, I am disappoint"
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:42:17 No.4576031
    Okay, you can't be any older than 15. Those shows are NOT what we are talking about, they came out much later.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:42:20 No.4576032

    Out of Jimmy's head was the first warning for me. Mixing cartoons and live action only worked for one thing I can really remember.

    Rodger Rabbit.


    OH! I forgot about the forth show.

    Survive this: Take tweens, and Les Stroud. Make it seem like there surviving out in the woods, with little training, and a film crew.(Or the "Bear Grills" Method).
    Have Les show up asking "Who want's out?" Every episode. Record.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:42:39 No.4576034
    I remember Miguzi. It sucked.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:45:17 No.4576055
    Cartoon Network was good up untill the last of the even slightly politically incorrect stuff got cancelled for lame politically correct cartoons
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:46:29 No.4576063
    lol I was just thinking of this one too
    I rarely watch MTV anymore -- looks like less than half of their programs are music related Nothing but real world and life documentaries filled with sluts and assholes fucking and fighting with each other and just completely making fools of themselves
    My mistake -- should have made it more clear that I meant the only reason to watch it today
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:46:37 No.4576065

    What the fuck? These shows are absolute shit. Dashed off tripe of the worst order. How could anyone older than six actually sit through that crap?
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:46:42 No.4576066

    It was an honor, nay, a duty, good sir.

    That one got to me abit, when she was speaking about "LEGIT INVESTIGATION!", but what really made me actually stop what I was doing and turn around was an episode of Destroy build Destroy.

    The challenge was to bash through four cardboard walls and find flags with weapons picked out by the opposing team. One team picked a bowling ball for the other team, and they cut to a private speaking section. The kid, and I quote, said. "I'm kinda a martial arts expert, so using the bowling ball won't affect me."

    >Martial arts expert

    This child isn't a day above 14.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:46:44 No.4576068
    My god, Toonami. I haven't even thought about it since they stopped it. Manly tears were shed.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:47:15 No.4576075
    CN Real = trying to be MTV for preteens
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:47:57 No.4576081
    What shows are you talking about? The only cartoon I can think of that would offend people is Johny Bravo.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:48:58 No.4576090
    wtf? who doesn't know that logo? anyone above 12 years old knows that logo
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:49:57 No.4576097
    What shows did that happen to?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:50:08 No.4576102
    cartoons that ahd border line cartoon violence and hidden racism references

    though back then I thought it was just funny today I see what it was really about
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:51:17 No.4576110

    Dexter's Lab: "All girls can do is dance and not be smart!"


    All the anime: "SEX AND VIOLENCE!"
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:52:02 No.4576114
    WTF is a tween?
    What has happened to cartoons in general?
    Spongebob? Fuck that faggot, and they wonder why more and more kids had ADD.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:53:00 No.4576118
    Toonami was anime.
    American childrens' shows have always been like that second link.

    Watch an episode of Punky Brewster.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:53:20 No.4576119

    Yeah, there was a lot of gay shows for the girls, but there was also some kick ass shows. Too bad it started getting really good in 2000 when I was a little too old to watch cartoons all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:53:55 No.4576122
    Cartoon Network.
    Cartoon. A network of cartoons.
    A TV channel of nothing but cartoons.
    How do you fuck that up? Honestly.

    Someone needs to find old VCR recordings of old cartoon network broadcasts and send it to their HQ in a large envelope with the word "remember" written on it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:54:32 No.4576127
    Wut? Were was Johny Bravo offensive?
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:55:24 No.4576131

    A tween is a made up term for someone aged from 11-13.

    It stands for In between Teen.

    So basically, a child that doesn't want to be called a child.

    Cartoons in general took on a more..coddling nature, with less violence and more happy like nature.

    And Sponge bob is most likely the worst cartoon I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:56:10 No.4576140
    I still remember the days of cowboy bebop and outlaw star. Aaaaa memories
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:56:31 No.4576141
         File : 1245873391.jpg-(24 KB, 300x196, toonheadslogo.jpg)
    24 KB
    Cartoon network went downhill after they stopped showing the best show ever created, ToonHeads.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)15:57:25 No.4576150

    Fuck that. We have DVD's, and Youtube. We can send them LOADS of shit....

    Alright. Now I'm mad. I've got stamps sitting on my desk right now. Someone find me the address. I'm sending them shit. Now.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:58:30 No.4576162
    They moved all of the worth while programming to Adult Swim. CARTOON CARTOOOONS.

    another thing, how many of you remember ABC's "One Saturday Morning" .. RECESS!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:59:37 No.4576165
    That's the parent company. Looking for a HQ address now.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:00:01 No.4576171

    Yep, cartoons + history? Fuck yes, best show ever. I wonder if the Wikipedia page for it is large or not...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:00:04 No.4576172
    Samurai Jack
    ... That one show were the guy shot energy bullets out of his finger... Yu Yu Hakasho or something..
    And idk if Zoids was on CN, but that show was the shit as well
    Dexters Lab and Johnny Bravo

    So many good memories.. Manly tears :'(
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:01:07 No.4576180
    alternatively, you might want to send things to:
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:01:18 No.4576181
    As a filthy brit I didn't grow up with any of this shit.
    We only had 4 channels until I was 12 or so
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:01:44 No.4576187
    simple, we had toonami because we were a smarter generation of youth

    they just dumbed it down to what it is today to suit today's youth which is, well.... fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:01:47 No.4576188

    I've recently started to record Dexter's Lab via DVR off of Boomerang. On a positive note, I had forgotten how awesomely well-written and hilarious it was. Makes me feel older than dirt though, and I'm nineteen. BOOMERANG, seriously? Fuck...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:02:35 No.4576197
    What is the mailing address for TBS, Inc.'s headquarters?

    One CNN Center
    Atlanta, Georgia 30303
    Phone: 404-827-1700
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:02:36 No.4576198
    Well they make me happy
    Probably something to do with his constantly hitting on women
    I see this

    Contact Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. at the following address:

    One CNN Center
    Atlanta, Georgia 30303
    Phone: 404-827-1700
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:02:39 No.4576201
    Great Idea, same with MTV
    most TV shows these days suck
    But that's the way of life, your father criticizes the shows you watch and music you listen to, his father di the same, and so forth
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:02:58 No.4576205




    Country redneck motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:05:20 No.4576222
    I rewatched a bit of Rocko's Modern Life and was surprised at all the jokes I never understood when younger
    There were a few of sexual ones in there too
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:05:25 No.4576224
    can you all read this a little harder please
    American cartoons only became more mature and well written (or, tried to seem like they were) once anime became popular in America, and even then there were only a select few.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:09:17 No.4576251

    We're all talking about good old cartoon shows and you bring up Recess? Really?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:10:11 No.4576261
    Fuck! Toonami was the shit. I remember sneaking in to the living room, sitting real close to the TV with the volume low, so my mother wouldn't know I was still awake, watching the greatest shows on Earth.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:12:34 No.4576289
    The 90's sucked. get over it.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:13:49 No.4576305

    You're either 15, or +30.

    Enjoy your bran flakes or shitty cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:13:53 No.4576306
         File : 1245874433.jpg-(34 KB, 468x359, child-watching-television-silh(...).jpg)
    34 KB
    Anon is adorable
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:14:08 No.4576308

    You rage, you lose... my god, I lost

    She agrees with you though, OP. You should leave a comment for her
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:15:05 No.4576318
    "good old cartoon shows"
    you wanna talk about "good old cartoons" that belongs to Bugs Bunny, Daffy, Marvin, Tom & Jerry, The Jetsons, Flintstones, etc.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/24/09(Wed)16:15:14 No.4576319


    this is a better quality version of yours OP

    also i miss toonami ;_;

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:15:27 No.4576320
         File : 1245874527.png-(152 KB, 325x241, Jimmy_two-shoes_titlecard.png)
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    I miss Cartoon Network, once their programming went to shit I swore off cartoons for years. And then I found Jimmy Two Shoes on Disney XD and it has rekindled my love for them. Though every other show on that station is a pile of shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:15:29 No.4576321
    I like bran flakes.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:16:07 No.4576326

    Not old enough to truly remember.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:16:09 No.4576327
    Rocky and Bulwinkle, remember that shit?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:17:58 No.4576339
    Clearly the change happened when they turned down my uncle's last pilot.

    No, not really. But their reason for suddenly rejecting it - a rather traditional cartoon that could easily have fit in in the Dexter's Lab, Cow & Chicken, Johnny Bravo era - after saying they were really interested was that "it's just not the direction the network is going in right now."
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:18:08 No.4576342

    Hanna Barbera was shown quite often on Cartoon Network.

    And Warner Brothers was the shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:18:18 No.4576344
    Ren and Stimpy
    2 Stupid Dogs
    Invader Zim

    It was like when people complained about Loony Toons violence except people actually listened.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:18:36 No.4576347
    There's evil, EVIL, EVIL AFOOT

    Go girls, GO

    I remember wanting to watch cartoon network since it aired its commercials on other TV channels.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/24/09(Wed)16:20:31 No.4576355
    haha she made me laugh i like her 5 mes
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:21:04 No.4576363
    Alright, I know where The turner building is, cause I LIVE in fucking Atlanta.

    All I need is help ripping stuff from Youtube, for free, that is.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:21:42 No.4576369
    She's like 12
    what the fuck does she know?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:21:59 No.4576372
    There certainly wouldn't be enough complaints to hurt Invader Zim today
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:22:45 No.4576376
    I kind of wish I was a kid again just for Ben 10.
    Sure I can watch it at my age and go eh fuck that, but I can't shake the feeling that if I was 8 again it would BLOW MY MIND.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:23:35 No.4576389
    Theyre a bunch of cartoons. Get over it. Seriously, and you fucks wonder why no girls want you? You spend your time getting riled up about kid shows.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/24/09(Wed)16:24:21 No.4576401
    i use to watch powerpuff girls all the time and even saw the movie
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:24:55 No.4576410
         File : 1245875095.jpg-(163 KB, 550x588, epic-boxing-550x588.jpg)
    163 KB
    If you don't recognize EVERY single person on this picture you can just get the fuck out right now.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:26:53 No.4576428
    Troll not only detected, automatic response level three dispensed.
    It's not the cartoons. It's the memories associated with the cartoons. Better times, simple lives. Simple happiness.

    These changes we feel are a violation on our memories we held as dear.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:28:01 No.4576439
    All of you are underageb&
    Nostalgia threads are so stupid
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:30:07 No.4576454
    Holy fuck man Johnny Bravo. He taught men how to be men. What the hell; where did that go?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:30:07 No.4576456
    Don't be so damn stupid. Those sentiments are associated with the cartoons because you were a CHILD. I used to think those old cartoons were the greatest things in the world but when I look back and watch them they really weren't. The shit they play nowadays isn't really that different.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:30:51 No.4576461

    >Invader Zim


    What're you, a 14 year old girl?
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:30:55 No.4576463
         File : 1245875455.jpg-(101 KB, 550x588, thefuck.jpg)
    101 KB

    I'm going to have to ask you to quietly leave, sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:31:18 No.4576466
    Watching the cool cartoon of the fat, short toonami character jump into his seat, turn on the tv, and hearing that Unreal Tournament-esque sound, "Toonami!" and then watching some Samurai Jack was the best feeling in the world.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/24/09(Wed)16:31:37 No.4576468
         File : 1245875497.jpg-(155 KB, 550x588, who dis be.jpg)
    155 KB
    Who are these people? i don't think i watched this cartoon when i was little...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:33:00 No.4576478
    Greatest Cartoons Ever, except for Spongebob,
    (like I said before, Fuck that Faggot!) those fairy godparents, and the animaniacs.
    thats right I said it fuck the animaniacs
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:33:00 No.4576479
    I saw the movie, in theaters, while wearing a powerpuff girls shirt. I was 17. Got a lot of weird "what a pedo" looks from mothers there with little girls.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:33:00 No.4576480
    Invader Zim was on Nick, and the fact that you listed it strongly suggests that you are 15 or younger
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:33:39 No.4576485
    Fuck off, Spongebob is a funny show
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:34:50 No.4576494

    So basically you're saying that you're RAEGing because things have changed since you were a young(er) kid.

    News for ya, kiddo: its called growing up.
    >> Pierce Medoulla Disgourd !!fg5PJe3nIGb 06/24/09(Wed)16:35:00 No.4576495
    >Invader Zim
    >Ren and Stimpy
    >On Cartoon Network
    Well isn't that cute.

    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:35:56 No.4576499

    Some people like nostalgia, you obviously don't.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:36:57 No.4576506
    Get out. Now.

    You cannot hate the Animaniacs and be anything but underage B& or a complete faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:38:03 No.4576516
    One of my favorite episodes of 2 Stupid Dogs.

    Fuck, I loved that show.

    >> Count Latchula !ruLYAQpCLM 06/24/09(Wed)16:38:24 No.4576518
    ima tripfag now too brother! ...also chowder and flapjack and total drama island are good, the rest are shit
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:38:30 No.4576519
    You absolutely must realize how ridiculous you sound, especially in your first post. Things change, and no matter how shitty the past actually was people often tend to view it through rose-coloured glasses
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:39:01 No.4576523

    I lol'd Hertily.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:39:07 No.4576524
    Sponebob is in no way funny. Annoying as fuck with his ADD format.
    Wait your a stoner, right? I forgive you.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:40:15 No.4576534
    It's honestly the same type of show that CN or Nick used to play
    >> Count Latchula !ruLYAQpCLM 06/24/09(Wed)16:41:10 No.4576546
    miguzzi sucks
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:41:27 No.4576548
         File : 1245876087.jpg-(42 KB, 688x498, goliath.jpg)
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    Goliath from Gargoyles is the purple face no fucking clue what the other two are
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:42:11 No.4576554
    No you watch these shows and theyre still funny. Watch the original TMNT, when I was a child taht shit was great, now it's corny af fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:42:34 No.4576562
    I think it all went to hell when... I want to say the second Tom died.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:42:58 No.4576567

    I understand that things change. But change does not automatically equal better.

    Also, what is it to you? If I decide to speak about what I believe in, and choose to relish in nostalgia, does it hurt you? Does it offend you so much that I have a childhood with good memories as opposed to my father smacking the shit out of me that your memories most likely contain?

    Do not be jealous that my memories of my childhood are good, because I am not the one at fault for your horrible childhood.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/24/09(Wed)16:43:14 No.4576570
    ha ha i dunno how old i was at the time? i think i was still in middle school?

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:44:31 No.4576580
    Every cartoon we are talking about was great, but the animaniacs just plain sucked even as I child I knew that
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/24/09(Wed)16:44:58 No.4576585
    oh is that him...he looks weird in that pic i didn't recognize him
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:45:44 No.4576591

    The latch brothers are through playing games with you.
    >> Turtletron !t0of944Ftw 06/24/09(Wed)16:46:00 No.4576595
    Toonami is responsible for a generation of weeaboos.

    Turner broadcasting should be sued
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:48:47 No.4576621

    Not gonna disagree with that about their responsibility.
    Why does everyone on this board hate everyone else's happiness?

    So that girl likes Anime, whats it to you? Just walk away from her! Don't interact with her!

    You people are almost as bad as the bible-thumpers you so ridicule.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:49:47 No.4576625
    Why is the Genie in there?
    He's so out of place.
    >> Fade To Black !!VwouL1vsGIH 06/24/09(Wed)16:50:09 No.4576626


    Cartoon Network's golden era was Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Ed, Edd n Eddy.

    Fuck, nostalgian gaems.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:51:26 No.4576635
    Samurai Jack

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:53:45 No.4576652
    His face is sort of half assed colored in the only reason I recognized him was because of what looks to be his wing behind him on the right otherwise I would have just said he was a fucked up version of Gloop or Gleep
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:54:52 No.4576664
    How are people going to know yatterman?
    >> ROBOT9000 06/24/09(Wed)16:56:32 No.4576680
    Hey, /v/, /tv/ and /b/. Can I have my board back please? You all have your boards, for raging, for television and retardation, so will you go to them instead please?

    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:56:41 No.4576683
    Peace robots. I've got to head to work. If this thread dies before I get back, I'll start a new one with a rage-tastic picture.

    I need to get those videos from
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:57:10 No.4576687
    Because back in 94 there was an Aladdin cartoon. There are a ton of non cartoon network characters on that but for the most part its the best of the best.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)16:58:10 No.4576692

    No. It's either this, or relationship threads.


    From youtube.
    >> Fade To Black !!VwouL1vsGIH 06/24/09(Wed)16:58:50 No.4576699

    It is now your mission. Infiltrate their headquarters and personally give it to the CEO.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:01:06 No.4576719
    I sure don't see Yatterman but if you mean Gatchaman it was dubed in the 80s and called G-Force

    If Yatterman is on there and I'm just not seeing him, the same fucking way you know him.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)17:01:10 No.4576721

    Mission accepted.

    But I need the tools to complete it. I need to get those videos from youtube and burn them to a DVD.
    >> Outlaw Star/Gundam Wing is Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)17:02:06 No.4576728
    Have read the fukheug 105 post thread yet, only OPS post.

    Back in 1999, You had shows like Animaniacs, pinky and the Brain, and basically shows that weren't afraid to make pop culture jokes and references to past events.

    There were Swat Kats Dexters lab, and basically CN wasn't that mainstream yet.

    Then after 2000, Cn started become More mainstream, and tried to compete with Nickelodeon and shows like Spongebob and stuff, because apparently the eggy stuff like the toonami Add wasn't mass marketable enough.

    Cartoons = funny =comedy = rating =audience = $$$

    The more mainstream it became, the more it had to attrack the mainstrem tweens, not the dorks like us who were alienated 12 year olds without a TV show to call our own. I doubt that CN could start airing 'old school' stuff like DBZ in 3-4 PM after school these days, but I haven't watched CN in that time slot for years.

    You think todays youth would want to watch DBZ and "OVER 9000" today? No, they think family guy is the cutting edge of comedy.

    Basically, execs wanted more ratings, and followed the "less brainy, more whacky" formula, where thy tried to directly compete with Nick and disney channel for the 10-14 category, the Tweens if you will.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)17:05:59 No.4576755
         File : 1245877559.png-(321 KB, 466x307, gundamwing 5.png)
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    Oh, and I had to stop the video halfway.

    Nostalgia bombed and couldn't think straight to finish reading the rest of the thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:06:53 No.4576763
    >You think todays youth would want to watch DBZ and "OVER 9000" today?
    No they watch Naruto instead.

    Dragonball (not Z) had about as much potty humor as Family Guy does, they could probably air that if they hadn't censored the dub so much.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:07:04 No.4576767
    Pretty sure you're right about him meaning Gatchaman because I don't see Yatterman either
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:08:43 No.4576779
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:09:40 No.4576783
    Nah, they can't be fifteen. Teenagers think it's trendy to act like they miss the 90s, even if they were only toddlers in that era.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:10:40 No.4576791
    How has nobody commented on the fact that OP's youtube vid was NOT the old toonami? Outlaw Star, Post-Cell Saga DBZ? Fuck, that was TOM after his reboot, too.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:11:29 No.4576799
    this pic almost sucked but then suddenly! herculoids!
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/24/09(Wed)17:12:50 No.4576812
    I have the Gundam Wing shirt with that on the back. I haven't worn it since like freshman year of high school but I still have it and found it the other day. I instantly pulled out my box set of DVDs and some of the models I have and just wasted an entire day.

    Yeah I was a weeaboo.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)17:13:00 No.4576814

    Fine too, this is what I say.

    When you have a following so powerful that the canceling of a eleven year running block starts a great outcry not only from the ones that grew up with it, but the ones that were growing up with it, you have something special.

    For some, Pokemon was a fad. For others, a following.

    This new CN real crap is not a following. It's quick and cheap and pointless. There's no substance in it. No real storyline, no real deep thinking, nothing.

    It subscribes to the "Watch this, laugh now" type of television that I truly detest. If it is funny, I will laugh. I do not need a laugh track to tell me when to laugh. I like storylines, I like deep meanings, and sly adult jokes that kids simply wouldn't understand, but still enjoy the show.

    Watching some 12-14 year old pretend to be "Adult" is detrimental, because the line between children and adult will be blurred.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:13:22 No.4576818
    Shit I almost cried when Tom 1 died.
    His ship got eaten by some space goo or something, didn't it? Intergalactic shit sucks, man.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)17:14:32 No.4576827

    Viacom happened.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:15:34 No.4576833
    Oh fuck that show was awesome. The movie still airs on YTV from time to time.

    Also, for Canadafags with YTV, Vision of Escaflowne. Followed by Gundam Wing, it was an hour of mechawesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:15:54 No.4576840
    Don't you have a job to get to? God damn.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:16:57 No.4576848
         File : 1245878217.jpg-(9 KB, 164x190, moltar.jpg)
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    Hey kids, remember me?
    No? Ok.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/24/09(Wed)17:18:10 No.4576859
    ITT: we shit on new generation cartoons because what we had was better, but since none of us (generation-wise) watch CN it doesn't matter. Get off my lawn you fucking kids, with your new shitty cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:18:13 No.4576860
    I remember you, Moltar.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:18:30 No.4576864
    MOLTAR I LOVE YOU. I would totally hug you without your protective armor on.
    >> Sweet soul brother !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 06/24/09(Wed)17:18:56 No.4576867

    I do, and I've been getting ready to go. This is my last post before I get back.

    Space ghost coast to coast motherfucker!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:19:24 No.4576869
    Space Ghost was never a kids' show, troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:19:31 No.4576871
    Fuck off artemis this thread isn't about hating on women you have no place here.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:20:55 No.4576876
    moltar was the FIRST toonami host, before it got "big" with dbz
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:20:55 No.4576877
    too late for that, is it not? I mean, all MTV is showing is orange retards and their "reality" shows. TV is declining, as are our standards.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:22:17 No.4576888
    No you stupid faggot. Space Ghost and Dino Boy. This whole god damn time you've just been some 12 year old troll haven't you? Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:25:44 No.4576914
    there's just so many things wrong with this comment I'm not even going to bother to explain... I'll just say underageb&
    >> Pool's Closed for Adult Swim AbatedDust 06/24/09(Wed)17:26:40 No.4576922
         File : 1245878800.jpg-(45 KB, 395x477, adult_swim.jpg)
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    I remember that commercial for Toonami all too well. Around the time that Toonami was at it's highest there was a Toonami at midnight which would play the shows aired during the day, but uncensored. Eventually Toonami dropped it's late night segment and the block called Adult Swim took it's place. Adult Swim started out as an excelent block airing the uncensored (Mostly) versions of anime such as Outlaw Star and the various Gundam series. It also started bringing in new anime such as Trigun, Big O, Inuyasha, and others. For a long time it kept it's Western shows, like Home Movies and Futurama, tasteful and to a minimum. If I remember correctly, about two or so years after Adult Swim went on the air, Toonami started going through it's final phases of destruction, airing Western cartoons and Naruto. I haven't watched Cartoon Network in probably three or four years, so I don't remember if or when Toonami crumbled (But I'm pretty sure it did). Adult Swim started getting more attention and for some reason started to curdle like a old jug of milk. The first few pieces of shit that reared their ugly heads were probably 12oz Mouse and Squidbillies. It took a while for the retard audience to kick in, but eventually the entire weeknight lineup was replaced with crap like the Tim and Eric Awesome Show. Personally, I think the should be imprisoned, but they would probably enjoy the anal rape. I haven't turned on Adult Swim in probably two years and probably never will for fear of the shitty programs that must now inhabit that block.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)17:28:14 No.4576931
    >It subscribes to the "Watch this, laugh now" type of television that I truly detest. If it is funny, I will laugh. I do not need a laugh track to tell me when to laugh. I like storylines, I like deep meanings, and sly adult jokes that kids simply wouldn't understand, but still enjoy the show.

    Its the ADD Generation.

    The non-sequitors in shows like family guy.
    I like family guy personally, but its kind of annoying to see people my age (21+) see it as the pinnacle of humor.

    Also, around the year 2000, the term "lol So randum" started becoming a compliment as someone who was funny.

    Basically, the more nonsensicale you got, the funnier you want, as long as you had a personaly that half the people on the social scale laughed at. (Katies ls laughing at him. Im a dumb freshman. if i want to be popular, i better laugh too)

    But I'm digressing.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:29:06 No.4576936
    i never liked toonami because i was never a weeaboo faggot
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:29:19 No.4576939
    i remember the first time i ever watched cartoon network. it was in 94 and i was out at my familys land in oregon. it had not yet reached ohio.

    they didnt have alot of cartoons then, one thing i can remember is this one thing theyd show over and over, a little guy who was a spaceman trying to do his laundry. something with underwear in the title i think, i cant find it. maybe you know??


    also this is much newer but still is great

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:30:40 No.4576947
    Its sad that no one has mentioned the awesomeness of freakazoid yet. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:31:19 No.4576953
    AS keeps the crap to a minimum these days. They realize people would rather watch ATHF reruns than their new shit. There is that crap, but you should read the lineup, it isn't half bad.


    I'd say half the shows are great, the other half suck.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:31:26 No.4576955
    proving that most people in this thread have no right talking about when toonami was good.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:33:43 No.4576970
    Freakazoid was the story of my childhood. That and 2 Stupid Dogs. My dad would watch them with me too, since he thought they were fucking awesome.

    God, I need to torrent both or something.

    And speaking of comic violence and such, anyone ever seen Oggy and the Cockroaches? It's like Tom and Jerry on crack, more or less. It was another of my childhood favorites. Got to see it on the French-Canadian channel we got.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:38:02 No.4576994
    I totally agree with you; Family Guy is pretty funny, but it isn't the funniest show in television today. It just follows a tired formula to generate its humor.
    I miss some of the old comedy shows... I just wish they were back :(
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)17:44:12 No.4577045
         File : 1245879852.png-(113 KB, 256x255, Animaniacs.png)
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    Many of us are 90s kids, coming in at the end of the 80s-90s Modern Rennisance for American Animation, and we consequently grew up on those times.

    It was also the period of Education cartoons, where some shows would have to present something educational or relevant for its viewers.

    Consequently, shows were more family oriented then, were parents would most likely be sitting on the coutch with their kid, 'rotting their minds' on the boob tube together.

    Growing up, who watched animianiacs?

    Watch this intro.

    Ever feel like they were making jokes when you first watched this show, that were flying over your head, but it didn't matter because the show was expertly written anyway?

    Now watch this show, its the animaniacs episode where they go to hell:


    In the first 60 seconds, You have saddam addressing his country, dropping through a trap door into hell, then a 30s style musical number, a family watching the boob tube watching the facts of life horrified, and Satan referring to himself in his multiple monikers.

    Then the Animaniacs barge in, and referring to the unreliability of the Thomas Guide, and a popular family theme park.

    Sure its LOL SO RANDUM, but then it refers to the past culture history of the united states, entertains the older audiences, and keeps the past relevant.

    Odds are that you might run into the things referenced in this show in the future. You might not understand it, but you are exposed to it, and it feels relevant. You have some sort of attachment to the previous generation.

    >> The Simpsons is Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)17:51:29 No.4577132
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    Now compare it to Family guy episodes:


    the first one was a nod to the older audiences old enough to remember the road runner. To the younger crowd, its a joke that you get or you dont, and theres no incentive to understand it.

    the second one with the deer is a one shot non-sequitor/drawn out joke, saying "This is a joke, you RAFF because it is lol so randum"

    I know that Family guy and Animaniacs are two generations apart, and meant for two completely different audiences.

    But shows are more ratings driven than ever before, where the average Tv has over 9000 channels, and networks are now competing with video games and the internet for your kids attention.

    TV shows were meant to be watched 1 episode at a time.

    Now they're a string of jokes one can jump into when channel surfing, held together by the thinnest of plot.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:52:49 No.4577139
    I haven't seen the episode where they're in hell in years. LOL'd heartily. I fucking love that show.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:59:01 No.4577211

    I think that the same Animaniacs formula worked for Freakazoid and Pinky and the Brain. Both are awesome as well, although I prefer Freakazoid. After all, where would our good ol' candlejack meme be withou
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:01:39 No.4577246
    When this was brought to my attention by the OP, I asked aloud, 'Who let this happen?' Then it hit me, we let this happen. We all grew up, stopped caring and stopped participating in it. I think we need to do something about it, but whatever we can do seems to escape me.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:02:35 No.4577259
    To everyone who said cartoons use to have adult jokes...

    I don't like Spongebob, but my kids do, so I watch it sometimes and it does indeed have many adult jokes.
    >> Mightybooshin !!TI3ka8HOGie 06/24/09(Wed)18:03:14 No.4577268
    You guys remember when nickelodeon did that game show stuff? What if Cartoon Network is trying to bring it back?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:04:48 No.4577282

    you mean like double dare and what would you do?
    >> Mightybooshin !!TI3ka8HOGie 06/24/09(Wed)18:09:28 No.4577344
    Yeah with the roller coaster show where you answer questions. I don't know about that survival crap and ghost bullshit. but I think they are trying to bring back kids game shows.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:11:03 No.4577363
    I wish they had finished making the episodes for Mission Hill. Shit was SO cash.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:12:58 No.4577387
    You know guys, to be honest. Not all's as bad as it seems.
    If you actually disregard CN and its shit shows, and look elsewhere, you'll find similar epic shows.
    Bleach, Death Note, Darker Than Black, and many others, I'd still consider to be great anime/cartoons.
    I know it's not DBZ, or Outlaw Star, but it's comparative.
    >> Calvin and hobbes is Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)18:13:18 No.4577390
         File : 1245881598.jpg-(110 KB, 750x600, thefuture 98.jpg)
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    TV shows made today are catering to the ADD generation, and they aren't helping. Like I said earlier, how cartoons named at the 8 -10, and Tween generation are just one joke strung onto another with plot holding them together?

    Well, instead of referential 'past humor', whats happening is that each 6 minute of the segment of the show must have a 3 self contained jokes, where anyone can just jump in and watch, and not really be expected to know how the episode started in the first place. this speed, competition for attention, is also causing a sort of detachment with the past, and how the past is no longer relevant.

    Im sure everyone growing up goes through a personal fable phase of his life, where you assume everything happening to you now has never EVER happened to anyone else before while you're growing up, but its kind of disturbing when you see it in your own siblings who are going into the same high school you just left a year or two ago and is probably going to have the exact same teachers and learn from the exact same books you did earlier.

    Now hes graduating and they and their generation still feel like we're irreverent to them.

    i'm sure everyone older feels like the younger generation are worse off then they are, but the world has changed faster in the past 50 years than the have in the past 4 centuries. And the disconnect between 'generations' can even be among siblings now.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:15:04 No.4577406
    OP Thank you this thread gave me some old memories back...
    I fucking love DBZ
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)18:17:34 No.4577437
         File : 1245881854.png-(102 KB, 391x293, picture274962.png)
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    What I guess what I'm trying to say is: With A Tv and computer in every room, you can pick and choose who you want to talk with, even within your own family. You dont need to even leave your room to be with people you can feel 'soulmates' with at 12, and you can totally ignore your own siblings next door.

    you can pick and choose your own reality, and never be forced to associate with people who are different and challege your view and consider everyone else ignorant and hateful by your standards (emos)

    Personally, It seemed like that phase ended a decade ago while people were still in high school and about to graduate and enter the world, and somehow learned to live with the people around them, assholes they may be. But now the younger 20ish generation at large seems to carry around that smugness: I am only out here in the world to get my shit, and I'm going to go back home to retreat into my carefully crafted world of technology in my home. Hell, I dont even need to be alone out here. the moment I leave class I'm going to stick my head in my cell phone and text everybody I know. I do not need to associate with the people I am walking down the hallway with. You are only navigational hazards for me.

    I guess I'm just expressing raeg at those people who, when they leave class, immediately dig into their phone right away when they leave class, or put their head down. It seems more and more kids on campus are doing that these days. As if they immediatly want to put up a shield between themselves and the unpleasant people who were also admitted into that college and happened to sign up for that class with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:17:47 No.4577444
    Bad kid actors is cheaper than good cartoons
    And make the muniez
    Cartoon Network is about the money it gives to it's investors
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:19:04 No.4577466
    I seem to remember hearing that Freakazoid was originally meant to have stayed story driven like it was in the first few episodes and continue to involve Dexter and the other "normal" characters regularly. Other than a few episodes with the Ricardo Montalbahn character, though, it pretty much turned into just Freakazoid on his own. And from there it even drifted away from the cracked out spin on crime fighting model to referential, TV industry humor and Freakazoid just kind of...doing stuff. More or less just Animaniacs but with a blue guy instead. Apparently this happened because Animaniacs was so popular and the network wanted some more of that stuff.

    It was still great and all, but I do kind of wonder what might have been if they had managed to maintain a little more narrative structure and make a comedy show that was still really "about" something.

    Also, Emmit Nervend.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)18:27:09 No.4577560
         File : 1245882429.jpg-(58 KB, 720x480, fosters202 98.jpg)
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    forget hand drawn! instead of 1 really good show, we can make 5 different shows fo the same budget, and use KOMPUTARS to animate all of them. give them all a low budget, hire some freshly graduated writers, and choose the one that gets decent ratings for its pilot.

    Not that I don't like fosters, I love how its directed. You need more than a 30 second attention span to enjoy that show, and it taps into the kids imagination and suspension of disbelief.

    Its just that recent shows seem to be driven more by quantity then quality, especially with the internet allowing multiple studios to create projects.
    >> AbatedDust 06/24/09(Wed)18:32:00 No.4577600
    Whats this? Could you possibly be suggesting a positive 4chan raid? Something non-destructive?
    >> "That Guy" !Fp2XpdBkpM 06/24/09(Wed)18:39:57 No.4577677
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:41:00 No.4577686
    Ronald Regan, the actor?!?
    African American, in the White House!?!
    etc. etc.
    It's all about the profit margin, live action is way more cheep to produce then even the pseudo flash animation they're trying to pass off on us today, sad fact of the day.

    on a related note, refer to Inuyasha, just in terms of quality of animation the older episodes were far superior in terms of just look and professionalism.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:45:50 No.4577728
    Hay guise.

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:48:43 No.4577765

    Damn. I had actually totally forgotten that ad, but damn, once I started watching, nostalgia bomb everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:52:44 No.4577810
    Fuck, gargoyles and the Tick, I didn't heard of them for a long time.

    And Calvin and Hobbes strips kick any today's webcomic's ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:54:06 No.4577818
    I remember this ad and I liked Cartoon Network as a kid, too, but honestly you're all just looking at the past with rose-colored glasses. The reason you no longer like it is because you're no longer a little kid. It's not that hard to figure out.

    That ad, along with all of Toonami, was horrible weeaboo bullshit. Now CN is filled with a different kind of garbage, which you interpret as 'them damn kids' because you fail to see how the shows you watched were also excrement. In reality, it always sucked from an adult standpoint and always will.
    >> Matthew !FzAyW.Rdbg 06/24/09(Wed)18:56:51 No.4577842
    Gentlemen, I come bearing a gift.

    >> Matthew !FzAyW.Rdbg 06/24/09(Wed)18:57:32 No.4577855
         File : 1245884252.jpg-(22 KB, 300x300, Toonami-DeepSpaceBass.jpg)
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    If I had included the picture, this post would make a lot more sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:59:45 No.4577876
    No, it's all because today's cartoons are all about "let's save kittens!" and fruity things. We had blood, death and sex.

    How many DBZ characters died in the series? Remember every character staring at the hot chicks breasts and nose-bleeding? The fights were you could barely see their face's with all the blood covering it?

    That was awesome. Show me one today's anime that has things like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:04:08 No.4577913
    I loved watching Cartoon Network as a child, although I didn't understand a word (mother language German).

    At some point however Cartoon Network was suddenly gone and replaced with a non-working channel, I just could hear sound.. video was completely gone. Weird.

    Then I saw the German equivalents of "I am Weasel", "Cow and Chicken" (awesome shows) .. the character's voices were so damn awful :(
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:08:43 No.4577939
    Watch any uncensored anime.
    Today's cartoons are all about "let's save kittens!" and fruity things... so were yesterday's.

    Anime has and always had blood, death, etc. Cartoons never did and still don't.

    Btw, I'm pretty sure DBZ was censored to hell on cartoon network. Just as all anime on american tv was back then. Just as most of it still is.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)19:13:39 No.4577987
    >That ad, along with all of Toonami, was horrible weeaboo bullshit. Now CN is filled with a different kind of garbage, which you interpret as 'them damn kids' because you fail to see how the shows you watched were also excrement. In reality, it always sucked from an adult standpoint and always will.

    But fuck man, in 1998, CN was the only one playing that ANIMU GARBAGE on a regular basis.

    Only Sci-Fi was playing Anime on a regular basis, as a Saturday morning movie.

    We had to buy anime on VHS, we werent old enough to participate in the VHS sharing community (and even then we only got 2-3 episodes at a time) Limewire was full of ads, we didnt have broadband, Napster was barely handling mp3s let alone full seasons of anime.

    Fuck, back in 1998, I remember writing Cn to start playing Tenchi Muyo!

    (I regreted it later though, when they actually listened to me.)

    But what can you do now. most of us has broadband, you can buy an ENTIRE SEASOn of anime on DVD, those of us around their 20s have our own money to buy anime, but we dont need to because instead of limewire and that shit, of varying quality, we can torrent WHOLE SEASONS of anime we like, and we can check if anyone is seeding.

    anyone who used the early P2P networks to get anime all too often had to leave their computer on for several days, hoping that a slot on someones server would start transfering, and woudl transfer an entire episode.

    Or you could go on the IRC networks, and skim the networks looking for some guy that might have the eps you're looking for. or you do some social networking and try to find a guy with an FTP full of anime.

    but now you have Torrents, that allow you to join a cloud of people with the same exact file you want, that does it pretty much automatically, and you never need to get to know the people you're downloading from.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:25:51 No.4578081
    the only good things on cartoon network ever were tim & eric awesome show and tom goes to the mayor which is still tim and eric
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:27:35 No.4578088
    ok you are obviously someone who didn't start liking anime until it started getting popular in america

    There is no way you "werent old enough to participate in the VHS sharing community" unless you are underageb&.
    Napster was released in 1999, Limewire in 2000. Loooooong after downloading started to replace trading. By then if you didn't have broadband you were trading cds.
    >> KLC! !.drPJ9ny1M 06/24/09(Wed)19:30:37 No.4578106
    I got a "Youtube is down for maintenance" message from the 2nd one, but judging from the rest of the thread, Im glad. :(
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:30:57 No.4578110
    2 stupid dogs FTW
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)19:33:56 No.4578145
    I wasn't aware that being a tween in 1999 was underageb&.

    I'm saying that it took a bit more effort getting the wide assortment of anime you can in 2009, than it did in 15 years ago.

    And 1999 was a long time ago, so give or take 5 years in my understanding of the social and technological situations of 1999.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:36:30 No.4578171
    >I'm an Oldfag who liked Anime before it was popular.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:38:48 No.4578189
    >tween in 1999
    Then you WEREN'T too young to participate in the VHS sharing. You just didn't know about it because you probably didn't get into anime until it became popular in america as I said.

    >1999 was a long time ago
    Hmmmm, not sure if I believe your first sentence now
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:41:04 No.4578208
    p.s. don't pretend to know about things that you don't really know about
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:43:52 No.4578243
    vhs trading was ok, real men like myself traded vcds that we burned with our caddy loaded 2x drives. got my first copies of evangelion that way, still have them.

    those were the days
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:45:01 No.4578259
    10 years ago is a decade ago. A decade ago is pretty long ago if someone was a tween in 1999.
    Anime elitists make me lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:45:19 No.4578266
    I don't think anyone who isn't underageb& seriously uses the word "tween"
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)19:45:43 No.4578270
    >Hmmmm, not sure if I believe your first sentence now
    Ambiguities are fun, no?

    Back in early 1990s, me and a couple of families were trading around Simpsons episodes and other cartoons, and then that led to grainy subs of Tenchi Muyo.

    ("hey, we should watch this, they have that woman with pointy hair with naked boobies in a hot spa. Its got to be good because our parents dont want us to see it)

    Also when you look back, everything seems to mesh together, and its harder to put things into context when you're a child, especially since we aren't exposed to the world on the level that most of us are at now.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:47:31 No.4578291
    MTV = No music.

    CN = retarded teens pretending to be ghost hunters.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:47:54 No.4578299
    ryokos voice actor sounded so fucking sexy, had some real improper thoughts about her when i was younger...hell i still do.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:50:27 No.4578323
    lol trolls

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:54:43 No.4578355
    Didn't the first of Tenchi to air in the us air in 1996? That would have been the LATE 90s.

    sure, everything seems to mesh together, but 1993 doesn't mesh with 1999
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:57:14 No.4578384
    Tween = Anyone between 10 to 13.
    Its been used at least 6 times already in this thread.


    Have you even read this thread at all?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:57:44 No.4578389
         File : 1245887864.jpg-(32 KB, 600x450, 948101-kiyone23.full_super..jpg)
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    you could have gotten subs in the early nineties, tenchi first came out in 92...it is very possible he had a vhs tape in 93, 94

    by the time they aired on tv that shit was old and busted.

    regardless kiyone was always the sexy one
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:01:25 No.4578428
    >first of Tenchi to air in the us air in 1996?

    What channel? are you talking about CN?

    Maybe they aired some episodes on Sci-fi around 1996.

    I think Tenchi Muyo OAV, the TV show, and Tokyo were on toonami around 1998, after they ended their reruns of sailor moon.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:08:16 No.4578486
    Irishfag reporting in
    This thread is literally bring tears to my eyes
    Anyone remember CNX?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:09:15 No.4578495
    You, and everyone that thinks like this needs to go back to sucking Seth Mcfarlane's cock, seriously. Did you even read most of these posts? We liked these shows because they were immensely good, the fact we associate them with a better and simpler time notwithstanding. I could torrent this stuff and watch it right now, and like it just as much as I did back then because I know how to take things in context. You're implying that shit like Outlaw Star, Tenchi and the like is just weeaboo faggotry? Fuck off. I don't watch anime simply because I haven't found anything that interested me, but I don't disregard the possibility just because I want to BE A REAL MAN BRAH.

    Oh, and take robot chicken with you plz, shit is total garbage.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:12:24 No.4578523
    I considered fapping to Ryoko, since she was always naked, but Aeka was less slutty. Sasami seemed like the girl I wanted as a friend, and It was kind of cool to see a 'future version' of herself in Tsunami.

    Mihoshi was too eggheaded, Washu was 'too old', but Kiyone was feisty. I liked her.

    Also my 'r' key is not working as well as it should. ffffff.

    Am I forgetting anyone?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:13:00 No.4578530
    If I'm not mistaken, most countries would not describe link B as a "cartoon," so why in God's great fuck is it on Cartoon Network!?!?!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:15:50 No.4578557
    aeka was a stuck up bitch, couldn't stand the english voice actor they had for her. other than that you are spot on
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:22:22 No.4578601
    I do like the fact that CN plays Tom and Jerry every once in a while. But when those commercials are on I can't even sit through them.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:27:17 No.4578641
    Aeka had a terrible English voice actor that made her sound like a 85 year old grandma. Thats what prevented me from fapping to her, and thats what turned me from Dubs to Subs.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:29:33 No.4578671
    >why in God's great fuck is it on Cartoon Network!?!?!

    1990s: CN = Cartoon Network from 2pm to 7pm

    2000: TV network in direct competition with Disney Channel's Miley Cyrus for the Tween Crowd.
    >> feebas_factor !4pvEs7ZFxY 06/24/09(Wed)20:33:48 No.4578723
    aughhhhhhh nostalging hard

    ...wait what /r9k/ I thought that was a /co/ thing
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:34:51 No.4578737
    /r9k/ has 2 nostalgia threads every night.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:35:17 No.4578742
         File : 1245890117.jpg-(155 KB, 400x1024, bbvcm.jpg)
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    Pretty much covers it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:36:21 No.4578749
    i raged at 1:48
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:41:04 No.4578790
    FUCK, is that a laserdisk player? I almost begged my parents to get one so I could buy the Laser Disks for Tenchi In Tokyo (39 bucks) and watch the series.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:45:45 No.4578839
    For a second, I thought that Ghost Hunters had switched networks..

    Live action of CARTOON network?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:47:12 No.4578848
    This was the coolest one:

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/24/09(Wed)20:53:49 No.4578887
    This thread is just fucking depressing.

    When I was 15 I still kept watching cartoons because of two reasons.

    One, I was unable to get out of the house after homework because I did not had a drivers license or car.

    And two, most offerings of primetime broadcast television just did not appealed to me. (And to this day, most of what they offer still don't appeal to me)

    If it was not for Cartoon Network, I would not be a anime otaku, and I would not even be here.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)20:57:00 No.4578915
    Its cool, but not the "ever hopeful" nostalgia bombing classic that OP posted.

    It was basically an Epic MAD video that we all got to watch.

    Technically, a site like youtube can let us make videos like that and upload them, but they'll never reach the nostalgic factor that the Original toonami videos created for our generation.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:02:39 No.4578972
    Enjoy 2D animation while it lasts.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:06:37 No.4579015
    Anyone remember CNX? I'm sure you do,it was liek the pinnacle of Toonami
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:11:54 No.4579067
    Cartoon Network has been going downhill since it started making its own shows. Toonami was the last hurrah.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:20:24 No.4579105
    Someone should save this thread

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:23:35 No.4579142
    In ten years the kids of today will be reminiscing about Spongebob and the like, and complaining the new kids' shows of that day are comparatively low quality. Exactly the same as you guys are doing now.

    in before "well that generation is full of stupid people, not like us"

    tl;dr BACK IN MY DAY...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:23:42 No.4579145
    Man do we have any r.i.p. tom or toonami wallpapers or something? I need to put a ton of that shit in my wallpaper rotation.

    Also I have such nostalgic memories about it to. I remember coming home after school and watching the early days of toonami when moldar was on kinda just half watched it but was still something on that wasnt stupid.

    Then came tom and the good animes, damn thats what got me started. Outlaw star, gundam, tenchi and all the rest. T.V. was acctually good then, now its just slop.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:29:48 No.4579218
    Toonami needs its own "boomerang" like channel
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:30:51 No.4579233
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    Never forget da/wg/
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)21:32:10 No.4579246
    Every older generation criticizes the younger one on being on some sort of road to perdition and disaster., including ours.

    But the society in America is changing even faster than it did just 20 years ago due to technology.
    there was TV, and there was the interactive world of society.

    Now theres tv with over 9000 channels, internet, your select group of friends, and society (optional)
    At least we're talking about it, trying to understand it, and not circlejerk bitching about it with no progress whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:34:25 No.4579270
    Generation Z is starting to grow up, that is what happened/is happening...


    Anyone else ever felt/get the feeling that Gen Y is a lost generation? X still seems to have more coverage, and now Z is going to usurp us.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:36:49 No.4579292
    No, this new generation is legit stupid. And the one before mine that is in the 40-60 age is shitty as well. I can't wait until they retire and my generation inherits the earth in about 10 years. You are about to see the greatest years, and hopefeully we can stick around just long enough so that this new younger generation gets skipped and the generation after them takes over after us.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)21:37:30 No.4579299
    BTW, anyone else disturbed when they found out that moot was underage b& himself when he started 4chan?

    fucking trippy. I was on 18+ over anime forums and surfing websites, lying about my 'internet' age all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:39:52 No.4579326
    The generation born between 84-89 are going to be the best generation.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/24/09(Wed)21:41:03 No.4579337
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:42:11 No.4579352

    Actully i kinda feel bad for the generation that is now in the 40s-60s. When you think about it, they grew up when the entire country went to shit because of the hippys/complainers/liberal tards that sought to change things.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)21:43:46 No.4579377
    Ever kid grows up, and for a while thinks his generation is 'the shit'. then he gets older and realizes that hes just like his parents and grandparents at that age.

    For me it was around 18-19.

    It seems like that time of epiphany is now later in life for the newer generation, 20-23 maybe.

    It might be because they're spending less time with their friends and family and in society, learning how to deal with other people, and more time on the cell phone, internet, and surfing through over 9000 channels with shows that make no reference to the past.

    the generations past might be 'old' but they can still teach us stuff we can use. they just need to stop trying to control us once we learned from them.

    "I'm going to teach you everything I know, but in exchange, you must be exactly like me" is the sentiment.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:44:43 No.4579390

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:48:53 No.4579430
    Fuck year Outlaw Star. Now I want to watch it again. Glad I torrented all the episodes...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:53:42 No.4579462
    Also, when the fuck did Cartoon Network buy into this reality TV bullshit? I seriously stopped watching CN aobut 2003 when they pretty much axed Toonami. I remember being pissed when they got rid of Johnny Bravo and Dexter's Lab started going down hill.
    >> artemis !!DbnhfZzDPgT 06/24/09(Wed)21:55:59 No.4579482
    I'm guessing they started doing that when they figured it would bring in insane amounts of money. So probably 2-3 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:57:53 No.4579496
    I think toonami had a fairly large impact on my taste in music.
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)21:58:45 No.4579503
    >changed dexters lab and johnny bravo

    Yeah, what was up with that?

    They used the ol trope 'less egghead, more wacky', the animation looked like shit and more computer animated, and didn't their voices and personalities change?

    I think i blocked that all out of my mind.
    someone enlighten me.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)22:00:26 No.4579518
    I'm glad I jumped ship when I did.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)22:06:27 No.4579552

    I thought this was really good. It's somewhere on The Pirate Bay if you want to torrent it.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)22:08:36 No.4579572
    God damn I will never forget

    I remember back then, I wasn't a weeaboo but DBZ and Yu Yu Hakasho or whatever were so badass.

    I remember during an entire summer back then staying up past 11:00 just so I could watch Yu Yu Hakasho... MANLY TEARS. God damn I fucking love you all
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)22:14:42 No.4579619
         File : 1245896082.jpg-(87 KB, 445x600, GodzillaHB09.jpg)
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    I bet none of you bitches remember when Cartoon Network's programming consisted of looney tunes and amazing syndicated shows like Godzilla. Those were the golden years.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)22:16:26 No.4579636

    Can someone PLEASE make this into 4:3 Ratio?
    >> Fine Too 06/24/09(Wed)22:24:20 No.4579688
    Fuck you.

    I remember when I used to think that only my Network carried CN, because no one else used to talk about it.

    I remember the strolling checkerboard pattern, the picnic ants, everything.

    And for a while, i thought the Tex avrey show was boring because it came on so late at night, and broke off from the checkerboard pattern of cartoons that aired from 2 to 4 PM. The power hour I believe?

    i think the Tex Avrey show was one of CN's first foray into a late night show focused for the older crowd, like space ghost coast to coast and moltar.

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