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  • File : 1245616409.gif-(115 KB, 1024x768, fathers-day-wallpaper.gif)
    115 KB Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:33:29 No.4546700  
    ITT: people who have horrible fathers and how much fathers day sucks

    I hate my dad. He is the meanest, most selfish human being I have ever met in my entire life. I wish he would just go away. Today he came over to my grandma's house (where I live). She just got out of the hospital today. He wouldn't even listen to her tell him about her hospital stay. He didn't ask how she was. He just screamed and threw a fit about how much his job is screwing him over and everyone steals from him, and they are plotting against him, etc. He acted like a complete ass. And he will get violent because he knows his daughter and his sick mother can't stop him. He's just a bully. When my grandma was telling him how she didn't get any sleep last night, he didn't even notice. He just stood there, screaming and swearing and flipping us off like a giant two year old. I hate him. He beat my mom for the 12 years they were married. He's been in and out of jail for domestic violence and drunkenness. He doesn't "understand" why my brother won't talk to him. I just hate how selfish and stupid he is. I don't even care that he is batshit insane. He did it to himself with all the drugs and he ruined my childhood, my mother's marriage, and his own life. I will feel relieved when he dies just because I won't have to be hurt by him ever again. I just hate when he shows up and ruins everyone's day. Now I have to go to work with puffy eyes from crying and pretend everything is okay.
    >> Ectogasmic 06/21/09(Sun)16:34:24 No.4546703
    >And he will get violent because he knows his daughter and his sick mother can't stop him. He's just a bully.
    You fucking pussy, stand up for your family faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:36:08 No.4546715
    ice him
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:36:28 No.4546717
    Yeah, stand up to a violent schizophrenic who wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of his own daughter (me obviously) and mother. He carries a gun everywhere he goes. He tried to kill my whole family. Fuck you asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:37:22 No.4546720
    It's like reading a message from the future about my life....

    Also I thought fathers day would suck and it did. However I thought my dad was a fucker and today I realised he is a descent guy even though he wasnt really there for me in my childhood. I realised it is I who is the fucker. And that both my parents are dissapoint.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:39:14 No.4546733
    Well, if that's how you think it's going to turn out and you can't stop it, you would do your future family a favor by just killing yourself now so they don't have to deal with a lifetime of shit from you.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:42:26 No.4546749
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:43:33 No.4546755
    The best part is that you'll be a major slut in 2 years time trying to make up for all the daddy issues you have, sucking every dick on the block.

    Aww yeah sluts are awwright.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:43:50 No.4546758
    I'll kill your dad for you op if you let me eat him
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:48:35 No.4546769

    Shoot him and yell defensive action at the court.
    Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:49:16 No.4546773
    Please think this over, but if the state won't deal with him (lock him away and such), you may have to take matters into your own hands.

    Go to a gun range, try out some shotguns, find the gauge that you can handle. Buy a shotgun in that gauge, fill it with 00 buckshot, when he comes home call him out (have the gun pointed at him), when he runs towards you/tries to pull a gun/knife, empty the gun into him. Make sure you have about 20 feet between you and him.

    Claim self-defense, solve problem.
    >> Ectogasmic 06/21/09(Sun)16:51:32 No.4546778
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:56:22 No.4546804
    And yet you did nothing.
    You fucking weak idiot.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)16:56:25 No.4546806

    bonus if grandma is in on it and testifies in her favor
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:01:20 No.4546849
    I don't have a father, actually, my parents divorced when I was around 7. I don't know if this is a good thing or not.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:07:40 No.4546919
    Wow. If I ever have kids, I'm going to tell them to just kill me in my sleep if I turn into a violent, abusive drunk.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:13:56 No.4546977
    My father died two months before I was born. From what my mom has told me, this is a very good thing. My mom sounds like a battered wife, stating that he was a nice guy 'when he wasn't drunk.' We all know what that means. *cough* He had kids with someone else, and this allowed me to learn about him some more when I first met a step-sister at 17. She had been through the ringer with drugs, rape, beatings, etc. Not from him directly, but this was the kind of lifestyle he was in. I'm pretty glad he wasn't around to destroy my life. My mom is not very great either, but at least she didn't throw me into drugs and shit.

    As for that step-sister, once she met me and realized that I didn't have a ton of money to throw at her and her six kids, she never contacted me again.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:14:40 No.4546984
    My Dad isnt abusive, doesnt do drugs or anything, he just criticizes my life and every decision I ever make, and makes me feel like nothing I could ever do would be good enough for him. I havent talked to him in months and wont talk to him today.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:15:44 No.4546993
    LOL. People who haven't had this kind of life are so fucking stupid to suggest this
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:17:59 No.4547011
    My dad's a pretty good dad. He has only ever gotten mad at me twice in my entire life, and he is always there to help me out. My mom, on the other hand....
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:21:14 No.4547032
    Here, here, OP.

    My dad's an asshole, he cheated on my mother since I was 2 years old and she finally had enough of it 14 years afterward, so she left him when I was 16. I'm 21 now and in those 5 years in between he started a new family, he has a daughter and a wife and seldom pays us alimony (I have a younger brother who is 16) in full, his wife convinced him to open up a restaurant and dump all his money into it leaving us pennyless most months, I've been having shit for luck finding a job and we barely scrape by. He also hardly bothers contacting us and isn't really interested in what happens to us, today I called him to say Happy Father's day and he acted like it was no big deal, fuck him. TL;DR BAAWWW my dad's a huge asshole. I wish I had an excuse to kick his ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:21:38 No.4547033
    Don't fret OP, everything IS ok. Just because he's your father doesn't mean you have to dedicate any more time than absolutely necessary to him. Quit thinking about what an asshole he is and stop thinking about him altogether.

    Think about yourself. The people in your life who condition the way you live it don't deserve a second thought. The best thing you can do for yourself is to not allow yourself to be affected by your upbringing. YOU decide your life starting today and every day, and there is nothing anyone can do abotu it except for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)17:23:23 No.4547043
    oh and he basically said he'd stop helping me pay for college because I changed majors, I'm actually kinda terrified at the prospect of not being able to study this semester, so I hope the fucker was bluffing.

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