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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File : 1245456625.jpg-(49 KB, 604x402, sfd.jpg)
    49 KB Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:10:25 No.4527903  
    Apparently people don't like to have their picture posted on 4chan???

    Ex-friend (2:09:17 PM): so i heard you posted me on 4chan
    Ex-friend (2:09:27 PM): stop that
    Me (4:43:26 PM): FAGGGGGGOT
    Ex-friend (4:43:31 PM): nah
    Ex-friend (4:43:36 PM): don't post pics of me on 4chan
    Ex-friend (4:43:40 PM): seriously
    Me (4:43:49 PM): why not?
    Ex-friend (4:43:57 PM): i don't think this is open for debate
    Me (4:44:02 PM): i do
    Ex-friend (4:44:02 PM): just don't
    Me (4:44:06 PM): since i'm the one posting them
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:11:17 No.4527908
    Ex-friend (4:44:33 PM): "me", as much fun as it is to try to be a douche to me
    Ex-friend (4:44:42 PM): that is overboard
    Me (4:44:53 PM): "ex-friend", shut the fuck up
    Ex-friend (4:44:55 PM): if you don't agree, fine
    Ex-friend (4:45:05 PM): but i'm going to have to cut you off
    Me (4:45:07 PM): since when is 4chan overboard?
    Ex-friend (4:45:15 PM): this isn't open for debate
    Ex-friend (4:45:24 PM): either you act like an adult and accept my request
    Ex-friend (4:45:32 PM): or i could give a shit
    Me (4:45:37 PM): hahaha
    Ex-friend (4:45:38 PM): about having you as a friend
    Ex-friend (4:45:48 PM): this is an ultimatum
    Me (4:45:54 PM): i don't like it
    Ex-friend (4:46:14 PM): yet again, i must inform you, this isn't up for debate
    Ex-friend (4:46:32 PM): i enjoy your antics
    Ex-friend (4:46:40 PM): but that was out of my comfort zone
    Ex-friend (4:46:50 PM): especially seeing as i could have never even known
    Me (4:47:07 PM): what's in your comfort zone?
    Ex-friend (4:47:27 PM): you're an intelligent guy
    Ex-friend (4:47:31 PM): you could have figured it out
    Me (4:47:48 PM): as intelligent as I am it is hard to know what you think
    Me (4:48:03 PM): why is 4chan so far outside your comfort zone?
    Ex-friend (4:48:24 PM): it doesn't sit well with me that my purpose in this situation was as a joke
    Ex-friend (4:48:39 PM): for people that i didn't even know
    Me (4:48:50 PM): so it would be fine if it was for people you knew?
    Ex-friend (4:48:54 PM): no
    Me (4:49:16 PM): you just don't like the joke aspect?
    Ex-friend (4:49:18 PM): now answer this truthfully:
    Ex-friend (4:49:38 PM): will you stop doing things like that
    Ex-friend (4:49:54 PM): a lot is riding on this response
    Ex-friend (4:52:31 PM): okay you've run out of time
    Me (4:52:38 PM): I don't think we can be friends
    Ex-friend (4:52:43 PM): cool
    Me (4:52:52 PM):
    Ex-friend signed off at 4:52:55 PM.
    Ex-friend is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:13:10 No.4527928
    your friend is a pretty smart guy. It's too bad you lost him/her forever.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:13:18 No.4527931
    Nah, your friend is just a huge douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:15:04 No.4527946
    congratulations! you've reached troll status! you really believe that making people angry out of your own enjoyment is worth losing all of your friends and becoming a filithy slob that is known as the 4chan troll. enjoy pissing off random people on 4chan everyday for the rest of your years and actually thinking that any of them give a shit
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:15:09 No.4527950
    Hmm, I wonder why he wouldn't want his picture posted on 4chan.
    This surely requires a great deal of thought.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:15:10 No.4527951
    Let me guess: your friend is a girl you have a crush on, and since she friend-zoned you you are being a little bitch about it?

    Nice move, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:15:17 No.4527953
    post moar of him so we can laugh at this douchebag
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:18:09 No.4527963
    mbwhat kind of picture was it? your "friend" seems pretty butthurt over nothing.

    also, nobody who would give you an ultimatum like that was your friend in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:19:15 No.4527971
    you're both giant faggots I hope you die motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:20:35 No.4527974

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:23:52 No.4527989
         File : 1245457432.jpg-(35 KB, 604x453, cor2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:24:59 No.4527993
    if you can't respect your friends wishes in a simple matter like the online world of srs 4chan

    how can he trust you on ANYTHING in the real world. your ex-friend is smart

    I think you just didn't want to look like a bitch and do what your friend told you. I think you thought that by respecting his wishes he would gain dominance over you this time and every time in the future

    that's the only reason that could exist
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:25:19 No.4527995
    No, just nobody who would act that butthurt about it. Pretty much any time someone says "this is not up for debate" they are being a douche. It's like, if it isn't up for debate, why should he change his mind any more than you should yours, you whiny bitch? Perhaps OP would have responded more kindly if reason entered into it.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:27:29 No.4528008
         File : 1245457649.jpg-(55 KB, 604x453, cor7.jpg)
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    No, he's kind of always the butt of our group anyway. I don't think I'll ever see him after June, save for Christmas break?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:27:43 No.4528011
    Sure is underage b& here. How old are you, 15?

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:28:03 No.4528016
    where are you getting the pics from? social networking profile? why do you have his pics saved on your computer? you're both retards either way.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:28:17 No.4528018
    I don't know, he's like 22. I'm 20.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:28:48 No.4528024
    Pics saved months ago from his social networking site so I could poast them to 4chan! :)
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:29:36 No.4528029
    Here's a little friendship and/or parenting tip for everyone: "Because I said so" is never a good reason to do what you say. It just makes people doubt you have a good reason for your requests. If you can't justify it by anything other than manipulation ("you'd do it if you loved me" or "we won't be friends anymore if you don't") it isn't worth pushing the issue.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:31:20 No.4528036

    Hey OP, keep posting if you have more pictures.

    Post 'till you drop. Your friend deserves it
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:31:40 No.4528037

    So you got them from somewhere he put them in a public online place. Yea, he's a butthurt fag.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:32:13 No.4528039
    You don't have friends, anyway. Enjoy stealing and posting pics of total strangers.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:32:57 No.4528046
    >>You cannot kill my child with a steak knife. This is not up for debate.

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:33:12 No.4528050
    Who cares how they tried to get you to stop?
    It's common knowledge that most people don't want their pics posted on the internet without consent.

    Your friend didn't like you anyway and you're an immature child.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:33:14 No.4528051

    Also post his name, location, phone number, etc.

    Everything from his Facebook profile.

    You know the drill.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:34:29 No.4528065
    posting a friend's pics on 4chan doesn't go without saying?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:34:50 No.4528068
    Hey, "Ex-Friend," if you are watching this thread, post this faggots pics and dox.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:35:01 No.4528071

    I often wonder, do you faggots use straw man arguments on purpose, or are you too stupid to know better?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:36:22 No.4528084

    Get the fuck out you white-knight.

    Faggots like you are the bane of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:36:36 No.4528087
         File : 1245458196.jpg-(136 KB, 1024x819, Cory.jpg)
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    Oh fuck yea, look at that pose.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:36:46 No.4528089

    I was going to say something on the matter, but it looks like you suplexed the words right out of my mouth. Was this really worth losing your friendship over, OP?


    Not all subjects can be so open. There are some that are just plain personal. I can completely sympathise with OP's friend, because.. well.. the least he could have done was ask. It's the same as using someone's stuff without asking first. It's just disrespectful, and when you use a persons image - their IDENTITY - as a joke.. it's over the line. OP's request was very simple, and made sense, the kind of sense that one would get if they took their heads out of their asses and noticed the sheer creepiness/disrespect of such an act.

    Would you want your friend using pictures of you, for ANY reason, without your express consent? No? Then what's confusing you, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:38:23 No.4528107
    oh come on OP, if you are going to post his, why can't he post yours plus a little extra?

    fair is fair right
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:38:31 No.4528109

    >>OP's friend's request was very simple

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:38:58 No.4528116
    Nothing confusing me. My qualm was tongue-in-cheek. I just find it funny his ultimatum. And jesus christ, I really could care less about his friendship. I see him like 5 days out of the year.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:39:21 No.4528118
    If your friend wants to kill your son with a steak knife and doesn't understand why you're against it, maybe indignation isn't the right approach to get what you want. "This is not up for debate" in that situation somehow manages to be bad parenting in a friendship setting, so you fail ultra-hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:39:33 No.4528122
    He doesn't even use 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:39:46 No.4528124

    Fuck all these faggots OP i think that shit is rich and gold.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:40:16 No.4528130
    gtfo of here, common sense, /r9k/ doesn't want you here on a Friday night
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)20:40:28 No.4528132

    You're a fucking faggot, 'OH NO THEY USED PICTURES OF ME ON THE INTERNET WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE NOW?' If this is seriously the worst thing that's happened to you recently you're in for a huge fucking surprise when mommy and daddy kick you out and you have to earn your own fucking living. Shit is absolutely pathetic.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/19/09(Fri)20:41:33 No.4528144
    post nudes and i won't sage
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:42:13 No.4528152
    so the op shouldn't be reasoned with, he should just be either attacked or left to go about his business of posting an identity on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:42:32 No.4528158
    Holy shit, OP.

    You're a tremendous faggot.

    I don't think I could hate you any harder unless you were a furry.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:42:43 No.4528160
    You posted pics.
    He asked you to stop.
    You didn't.
    Hurrr the douchebag is hard to find. Also, it seems like you did this shit a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:43:25 No.4528170
    If I had a reason for not wanting my pics on 4chan, I'd share it with my friends. Honestly, though, when is it ever going to matter that a handful of basement-dwellers have seen my face online?

    A "what would you do if it happened to you?" scenario isn't really convincing when I've already laid out a plan for how to act in the situation that doesn't involve being an ultimatum shoving douche.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:46:26 No.4528182

    Samefag friend in question, i laugh at your pathetic problems. Both of you, now fuck off and gtfo
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:46:49 No.4528184

    You're a very poor troll, and it's very stupid of you to assume I'm anything like what you described me as. Second of all, is faggot the only insult you kids today can think of? Whatever happened to originality? I can think of ten different insults that trump faggot, right off the top of my head. I'm not really bothered by your comment, but by your unoriginality.

    I live by myself and eek out the tiniest bit of a living. I've had to eat crackers for dinner many many times. I regret moving out so soon.

    I've never sent a single one of my pictures to anyone online. Ever. This would be why. My analogy was very descrptive. It's the same as someone using your computer without them telling you. It's yours, isn't it? They should at least ask before doing it.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:46:57 No.4528186
    That's the exact opposite of what I was saying, but seems to be the path chosen by "Ex-friend".

    Oh, another note for people: you know the saying "don't ask questions if you don't [know/like] the answers"? There's a corollary to that, "Don't threaten the end of a friendship if you don't know how much your friend actually values you".
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:51:15 No.4528227
    you speak as if the op has any human worth whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:51:28 No.4528228
    you feel like you just trolled yourself...
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:51:51 No.4528231
    Samefag OP calling his "ex-friend" a douchebag.

    Get lost, faggot. No one cares about your shitty middle school friendship.

    "LOLOLO ex friend i put u on 4chan cuz i am legion lol"

    friendless cunt.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)20:51:51 No.4528232

    How exactly does the fact you eat crackers or whatever every day because you're a poorfag make this situation not completely fine? If you don't want pictures spread on the internet, maybe you shouldn't let people take pictures of you. This kid is just being a whiney faggot bitch who, much like a woman, absolutely has to have something to bitch about or their entire world will crumble around them.

    As I said, 'LOL U POST MY PICS ON THE INTERNET OMG CLALING THE COPS' type of reaction like ops 'friend' had, is the kind of reaction a beta punk bitch would have. Who gives a shit? It's a picture.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:52:26 No.4528239
    He does. Trolling fat aspie retards seems a worthy cause to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:53:19 No.4528252

    Get off 4chan, kid. We don't think you're funny, we don't think you're cool. The only douchebag is you. You will never have friends because you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:55:09 No.4528267

    That made my night!


    I never said that the OP's friend handled the situation correctly, only that it's understandable why the OP's friend would be bothered by it, and that it was pretty obvious what their problem with OP was. Granted, making an ultimatum only makes things worse. It makes the person in question feel trapped and agressive. They should have explained why.. but then again, the answer should have already been apparent.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:58:16 No.4528296
    misogyny, homophobia, tripfag

    That's how you troll, folks. That is how you troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)20:59:51 No.4528303

    You said that this has happened to me. It hasn't. You said I live with my parents. I don't. The crackers bit was implying that there have been worse things that have happened to me. That's why your description of me is waaay off course.

    Also, once again, it's not the picture posting that I believe really bothers OP's friend, it's the fact he didn't at least ask before posting them. It's just common respect and courtesy to ask someone before using something of theirs.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:00:15 No.4528306
    Do you do this to all of your friends, OP?
    Do you always try to talk shit about them behind their backs?
    You posted pics of them without them knowing and now you made a baww thread about him.
    You must be some kind of super, spineless faggot. If you really don't like the ultimatum shit he did then the next time you see him, just go outside and fight him until one of you gets knocked out. Don't start shit with people if you're too pussy to fight them.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:00:34 No.4528308
    Then I think the source of our disagreement is just a slightly different view on the situation. I don't see what the OP did as as big a deal as you seem to, and I think you believe OP started it, whereas I get the feeling his Ex-friend is a bit of a douche in real life, as well, so who cares if he gets what's coming to him.

    Of course, I may have just been won over with "I do, since I'm the one posting them"
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:07:09 No.4528338
    "Ex-friend" is a douche for returning disrespect with disrespect and expecting a favourable outcome and it would seem to me that he just wanted to get rid of you, OP. Like someone else said, "because I said so" is a shitty reason for anything, and if "ex-friend" really valued OP he could at least explain his reasoning and then say that those reason aren't up for discussion. And for the record, posting someone's picture online is absolutely nothing like killing someone's child and you'd have to be retarded to really consider that analogy of any worth.

    That being said, OP is a douche to think he garnered any praise for his behavior in the situation.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:07:51 No.4528340

    >It's just common respect and courtesy to ask someone before using something of theirs.

    It's also common respect and courtesy to not cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend yet it happens all the time, and women never get in trouble for it. They get cheers for being an 'empowered womyn' I think the main issue you're having with this guy is he's a male who is comfortable with his own manliness, he does what he wants, doesn't give a shit what punk faggots like yourself think, and he can sleep easy at night knowing he's his own man. I bet that fucking terrifies you, that a white man with a spine still exists today? Doesnt it? I bet you're a tranny symp/jew symp too, fucking piece of shit.


    Dont sage me bro
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:08:41 No.4528346
    Who the fuck is this incredibly butthurt sagefag who keeps bashing OP? Is it the "ex-friend"?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:10:43 No.4528367

    First of all, I applaud you for not taking what I said as a personal attack on you, simply because my opinion differs from yours. Thanks for not being an angry nerd! Anyway, I don't take it as serious as I might seem, I'm only sympathizing with his friend. It's just dickish in general to use something that doesn't belong to you without asking first, even if you're just doing something mundane, like borrowing a quarter for the laundry, or wanting to use the bathroom. You ask first before using something that doesn't belong to you, that's just first grade stuff. As I said, OP's friend definitely could have handled it better, but I still think OP was being a severe child over not respecting their wishes.

    All in all..

    (to OP) If you asked someone to stop doing something, you'd want them to do it. Stop using things that don't belong to you, and if you absolutely must, then at least ASK before doing it. Give respect before expecting respect.

    (to OP's Friend) If they ask why, tell them. You can't just expect people to comply with your wishes if you don't explain why. Some people, like OP, just aren't like you. They aren't as.. quick to read people as others. They need to be explained to before they do anything.

    That's everything I think about this whole situation. That's a lot to read, so I don't mind if you choose not to read.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:11:16 No.4528376
    y u get so butthurt over a sage brobot?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:12:48 No.4528401
    >>It's also common respect and courtesy to not cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend yet it happens all the time, and women never get in trouble for it.




    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:14:19 No.4528423

    Sure is woman who was attacked by fat neckbeards on the internet for cheating, while her 'girlfriends' applauded her for being able to spread her legs, leading to a conflict of emotions that has exploded in a hot steamy pile of sage in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:16:11 No.4528443

    "You are very stupid." There you go, I bet that will eat at him.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:17:22 No.4528464

    Cheating is childish and disrespectful as well, and should not be done, no matter what the sex. If you have a beef with someone, you talk it out instead of being inconsiderate of others feelings. Being a complete asshole towards others serves you now, because it'll make you feel like the shit... for a few years. I promise you won't have real friends, a girlfriend, and probably not even a real job if you don't start acting like an adult. You basically said in the first line, "well, killing people is wrong, but it still happens." This is completely irrelevant. It does not explain anything, excuse anything, or have any bearing on any side of the arguement. Why on earth you bruoght it up is beyond me.

    Crass insults do not a good arguement make.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:17:24 No.4528465
    op is a D!CK! dont be a dick op it is not kool.
    and your friend is a pussy, but i dont blame him, what type of fag post pic of a nother guy? OP iS NOW A HOMO!
    carry on
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:19:34 No.4528488
    Nobody likes you. Go away plox.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:22:10 No.4528512

    >I promise you won't have real friends, a girlfriend, and probably not even a real job if you don't start acting like an adult.

    Well first, friends, I've got a few of those. I've lost a few more being the person I am, completely honest and truthful in all ways no matter the consiquences. As for a girlfriend, if I ever find an intelligent woman I'll marry her, but at this point our modern age society an intelligent woman is probably about as unlikely to be found as would the Reich rising from the dust to perfect the earth. Lastly, I don't need a 'real job' I run a book importation company that rips off young college kids by buying filthy low (overseas text books printed around 4-5$ with shipping in bulk) and turning around to sell them for 100-140$. Enjoy your suit, tie, and cubicle, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:22:52 No.4528521

    If Josh was at least respectful with his arguement, I would be embracing his side of the debate. However, since he's insistant on being a child (a.k.a. a troll) over the matter, then I'll have to agree.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:26:11 No.4528548

    Ok ok ok, that made me smile. I get it already! You'er not serious! I assumed you weren't before, but.. well, before it wasn't quite so obvious. Now it's so screamingly obvious, that I actually laughed! Good one! You're a successful troll!
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:27:51 No.4528558

    Went to a party
    I danced all night
    I drank 16 beers
    And I started up a fight

    But now I am jaded
    You're out of luck
    I'm rolling down the stairs
    Too drunk to fuck

    Too drunk to fuck
    Too drunk to fuck
    Too drunk, to fuck
    I'm too drunk, too drunk, too drunk
    To fuck

    I like your stories
    I love your gun
    Shooting out truck tires
    Sounds like loads and loads of fun

    But in my room
    Wish you were dead
    You ball like the baby
    In Eraserhead

    Too drunk to fuck
    Too drunk to fuck
    Too drunk, to fuck
    It's all I need right now
    Too drunk to fuck

    Too drunk to fuck
    Too drunk to fuck
    Too drunk, to fuck
    I'm sick soft gooey and cold
    Too drunk to fuck

    I'm about to drop
    My head's a mess
    The only salvation is
    I'll never see you again

    You give me head
    It makes it worse
    Take out your fuckin' retainer
    Put it in your purse

    I'm too drunk to fuck
    You're to drunk to fuck
    Too drunk to fuck
    It's all I need right now Oh baby
    I'm melting like an ice cream bar
    Oh baby

    And now I got diarrhea
    Too drunk to fuck
    Yeah, Yeah
    Yeah, Yeah
    Yeah, Yeah
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:30:42 No.4528580

    P.S. I consider a successful troll, a troll that leaves you guessing if they're for real. The kind that goes, "is this person REALLY that stupid... or... are they just trolling?" and then leave the smart people a nice hint that makes them go, "OHHHHHH!!!" and makes them feel like idiots for not seeing it.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:30:58 No.4528582
         File : 1245461458.jpg-(57 KB, 300x441, Successful0troll.jpg)
    57 KB

    Just wow /r9k/....
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:34:04 No.4528602

    PS I just wanted you to know.

    I suck toes, you down?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:38:27 No.4528630

    Nah, I'm not into footplay, which is one of the few things I'm NOT into. Still, thanks for making me laugh, as well as feel rather stupid for not seeing it all! SERIOUSLY!

    Newfags. This is a REAL troll. There comes a time in the trolling escapade, when you MUST leave a subtle hint that you weren't serious, otherwise you'll just look like an idiot permanently, and nothing really gets accomplished. You'll be over there thinkking, "WOW! I'm so good at making people mad!" until you realize, "Wait... they'll never know how stupid they are... jeez, what's the POINT of all this?" and suddenly, trolling is put away in that little box of things you grew out of, just like Hobbes.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:41:49 No.4528643

    I didnt read anything you posted after

    >Nah, I'm not into footplay, which is one of the few things I'm NOT into.

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:43:15 No.4528652

    There wasn't anything after that, other than some ore asskissery, that was directed at you, so it's ok.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:44:47 No.4528664


    So what are you wearing?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:44:56 No.4528665
    i came, i saw, i saged. this is my first sage. fuck this idiot/troll (thread).
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:48:22 No.4528697

    Awful quick of you to assume I'm female, isn't it? In any case, your assumption is correct.. and I'm wearing a pajama top and panties, with nothing else. THe air conditioning costs money, and I can't run it at night, so it leaves me very very ververyvery uncomfortable with very much on. I'd be completely nude if it weren't for the kitten in my lap..
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:49:41 No.4528707

    I saw completely nude somewhere in that post.

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:52:35 No.4528737

    But I'm not nude! I'M NOT!! I'm not even half naked! I've got an adorable kitten in my lap, so I can't be completely naked or it'll be very creepy and awkward!
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:54:57 No.4528760

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)21:55:09 No.4528761
    Op thought he was trolling his friend but in reality all he trolled was him self.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)21:59:48 No.4528796

    Also get on rizon IRC (irc.rizon.net) and troll fags in #/a/ by posting /r9k/ links, I can't do this alone.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:01:58 No.4528815

    But I'm not a troll! I'm serious! I'm - wait... oh you RASCAL! Anyway, yeah, it's really hot in here. It's like, 98 degrees or something.. the fan's just blowing hot air at me. The only reason it's on is because still, quiet air makes me feel lightheaded and nautious.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:04:08 No.4528836

    I grew out of trolling, hence my reference way up there. It got boring.. plus I had nobody to troll with me.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:04:54 No.4528842
    you are a fucking slack friend and an asshole, OP
    if i were him i'd punch you in and around the facial area
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)22:05:58 No.4528856

    >It got boring.. plus I had nobody to troll with me.

    >nobody to troll with me.

    >me asking you to participate in troll

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:07:31 No.4528871
    That is some sage advice. I will save it for further reference.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:10:38 No.4528905

    No no, you misunderstood. I stopped trolling beccause of a few reasons, and I was naming one. I also stopped because it got boring, as I said. Another reason is because, frankly, I find it very childish these days. I was trolling about... 4 years ago. I was 18 or 19, somewhere around there. It just stopped being fun when I realized just how stupid it was ni the end.. but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it when a good troll manages to hoodwink me, and several other people.

    Also, it's hard for me to say anything without saying A LOT of anything.. at least online. IRL I'm so quiet you wouldn't notice me if my hair were on fire.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)22:13:03 No.4528926

    Sure is a lot of text to say 'I don't have fun on the internet because I'm too old to have fun.' Dont you think?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:16:05 No.4528962
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    No, they realIy don't.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:18:11 No.4528984

    As I said, online, I just can't hold back. I end up gushing and rambling over whatever I'm saying, and I don't even notice I'm doing it until I've finished typing.

    I wasn't saying I'm too old for fun, only that that type of fun doesn't appeal to me in the same way that cartoons and action figures aren't appealing to me. I just realized how childish it was, and it lost its appeal.

    I'm trying a new thing; posting in sections. It makes it more easy to digest, don't you think?

    I guess the reason why I type so much at once is because I'm so greatly repressed IRL. Once I actually have the opportunity to talk, it's hard to stop talking.

    (tl;dr) = I think trolling is childish, and I'm an online blabbermouth.
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)22:20:09 No.4529009

    >I guess the reason why I type so much at once is because I'm so greatly repressed IRL. Once I actually have the opportunity to talk, it's hard to stop talking.

    Why exactly do you find yourself repressed in real life?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:23:05 No.4529040
    oh how surprising, the friend is the douche in the pics.

    i honestly would not care if someone posted every picture i have ever been in on 4chan. ex-friend was a fucking pussy.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:23:09 No.4529042

    Because when I was young, my entire family would yell at me if I interrupted anything they said, so in the end, I became scared of talking AT ALL. If I don't talk, I don't interrupt anything, y'know?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:26:32 No.4529081
    He's not that bad looking, I'd fuck his beard. :)
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 06/19/09(Fri)22:26:34 No.4529082

    I see, have you confronted your family with the fact that they're all insufferable faggots that you cannot stand, and let them know that the blame of your inability to interact socially in dynamic group situations is their fault? I think it's time for you to push it to the limit; to walk along the razors edge, don't stop now you've gotta keep your head or you'll be finished, As it were.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)22:27:07 No.4529085
    I really hope I won't meet people like OP in real life.

    You're a fucking douche.

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