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I'm a hikki NEET that spent $50,000 inheritance from my grandmother on anime figurines and sex toys.

Should I consider killing myself?

She even wrote in my will the money was supposed to help me better my life...

I can't return these things and I don't want to ebay them for less. ;_;
>>4483186 (OP)

What would granny think
>>4483186 (OP)
How many figma and sex toys can you buy for 50k?

Kill yourself. Just, kill yourself you absolute dredge. And if you don't, you better fucking Ebay them because your idiotic mounds of plastic formed into wide eyed, neon haired anime characters will be worth absofuckinglutely as time goes on.
I bought custom made shelves for a few grand with mirrors.

Filled them with figs that caught my fancy on japanese sites. You know how much customs and shipping is on the $100-500 statues and figs? Fucking brutal
>>4483186 (OP)
OP there is still hope, sell your figurines on ebay or something.
>neon haired anime characters will be worth absofuckinglutely as time goes on.
I never bought them to sell.

In fact I opened the packaging so I can "play" with them.
Well, do you feel that your life is better?
>kill yourself
>paramedics laugh their ass off at the loser with 50 grand of toys
I meant "absofuckinglutely nothing*"

WHY? HOW DO YOU EVEN PLAY WITH THEM? WHAT ARE YOU, FIVE? Do they even have jointed limbs? It doesn't matter if you opened the packages. Sell the fucking things.

you should come to 4chan

get your fucking hikki friends to colonize this place

you are the chemo
Some of the figs are really cool and can be articulated.

You can put them in poses and have like wars and stuff.

what should he have bought, 50k worth of fucking shoes

people pay 50k for cars they'll never drive

who gives a shit
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>>4483186 (OP)
why the fuck would you sell them??
invest your time not thinking about the past or the things you've done wrong but in looking to better yourself for the future!! never give up OP, ganbatte
Yeah but he didn't have the money to spend.

The guy who owns thousands of dollars worth of toy trains? He has a job and is contributing to society.
... That's really, really stupid. I'm sorry, OP. How old are you though, seriously?

People pay 50k for cars they'll never drive if they have a steady flow of cash coming to them, usually. It's moronic to spend ALL the cash you have on something that will never benefit you at all. He could have done so many fucking things with 50k. This is just disgraceful and it's like spitting in the face of his grandmother.
>This is just disgraceful and it's like spitting in the face of his grandmother.
this x100
>really stupid

I'm 21 but I guess you could say I've never really grown up.

I've been living with my parents after I got out of highschool.

You never played with toys? It's really fun
>>4483186 (OP)
you know she was watching you from heaven when you put that dragon dildo up your anus
>know about 10 grand in my parents will for me
>Already have plans to invest every cent I get from them

Are you even fucking trying OP? You basically slapped your grandmother in the face; you took her dying gift to you and spent it ALL on toys to jerk off on. This is the first time someone has legitimately pissed me off on the internet
>investing 10,000

lol u big time now

OP, you should have bought gold.

who gives a shit about his grandmother

she's fucking dead, she's the devil's anime figurine down in hell

who gives a fuck about what you can afford as long as your survival isn't compromised

does everyone aspire to owning a fucking apartment in brooklyn
I know the sad part is my parents opened the package too without my permission.

I was so mad I punched a hole in the wall and didn't give them money to fix it cause it was their fault.

>Anon are you gay?
>fuck you dad it's not gay for men to stimulate themselves anally look it up
>lock my door

They got a lot of money from her too so they don't bother me too much.

Well, it's certainly smarter than blowing it all on Tenga shit and figurines, isn't it?

Shit nigga, that was unwarranted.
Yeah, so do I. But that makes your life all the more pathetic, because you get a wad of cash the size of an elephants vagina, and you don't even want to get your own fucking place. The first thing that pops in your head are toys?

Be honest: how fat are you? You sound like a huge lardass.

I'm not even joking when I say this, and I don't mean to be cruel, but honestly, you should just off yourself. As a female who is poor-- you're a fucking waste of resources. You have 0 common sense and clearly no motivation to better yourself or your life if your priority was to buy fucking toys. Have you no idea of what little importance toys are, in real life?

And I have played with toys, but I always thought it was stupid. I never asked for them, nor did I play with them regularly.

This thread seriously makes me angry. You don't deserve the money she gave you, nor do you deserve parents that would tolerate your choices in life.
>I'm not even joking when I say this, and I don't mean to be cruel, but honestly, you should just off yourself. As a female who is poor

hey everyone, guess where you should've stopped reading

i bet you didn't

>As a female who is poor

Come on. That was unnecessary.
Killing yourself seems acceptable OP. All the years she had to work to get that money and you pissed it away on anime figurines.

FFS. Can you stop posting this shit? Nobody wants to see it.
>implying you'd waste a free 10 grand on something trivial and stupid
>implying 10 grand isn't worth investing

This is just money promised to me that is already in the bank. I'm sure the house will sell for around 800k+ since its in a very expensive neighborhood. (like 1.2-2mil range depending on how much you invested into them)

They aren't loaded though, they bought it years ago when this place was shit, and remodeled it 30 years later for 100,000.

Either way, I plan on investing anything my parents leave me, I wouldn't insult them by wasting it on something trivial like action figures, dildos and other bullshit I could buy even with my minimum wage job,
This. What say, OP?
>don't even want to get your own fucking place
Why? I live rent free here

I'm underweight, why would being a hikki make me a lardass? Did I say I bought lots of pizza or something lol?

>female who is poor
Want to fuck? I still have a few grand saved for emergencies.

If you're 18 and legal I'll fly to you in North America.
>>4483186 (OP)
why not spread the joy to your /r9k/ bros?
have a contest for the most original spaghetti warstory and offer some of your stash as an incentive.
I for one would be happy to take any Senjougahara related paraphernalia you no longer have need for, provided I can get a no-semen guarantee.
>that feel when your family is all poor and you will never get any substantial inheritance

I have the most money and assets out of my entire family, and I'm 21.
I don't know how they are all so terrible with money.
>getting a house when they die

well shit nevermind then you're set on investments

how old are your parents btw? how many years till they die?
>>4483186 (OP)
Poast pics of shelf.
I know that feel

40 year old parents who have never had a savings account their entire lives. Living paycheck from paycheck.



I know that feel. Come here, Anon. *hugs* It'll be okay.

yeah, buy a bunch of fucking gold and bury it

people are having plastic surgery to make it look like they have dog penises and you people are talking about anime figurines. christ.
>I spent it all on toys
>I have a couple grand left just incase, wanna fuck?

OP is a lying fuckfag, or/and even more of a shitbag; after all this you'd waste even more of your grandmothers money trying to fly a girl over to fuck you?
Well I said all because well it's pretty much gone.

I saved the last couple grand in case I need to fly somewhere to walk into the wilderness or die.

I'd love to visit Japan or Australia before I off myself. I would hope my parents wouldn't throw away my toys...
>tfw watching your peers waste their inheritance on cars and parties when you would have invested it or started a business if you had any
late 60s. The house would probably be split between siblings, if they did plan on selling it, it would be at least 200-300k, maybe more since they aren't on good terms at all with my sister; I think they might even have written her out of the will...

what else is money for

if you're not using money to get sex you are using it to buy anime figurines

these are basic laws of human nature

fucking this

these moralists are down on him for buying figurines but if he spent it riding in jets, drinking shitty beer, and throwing up with apes he'd be ALPHA AS FUARK

people are retarded
Pretty sure OP is a subtle troll. No one is so careless
I understand that, and it's sensible to stay with your parents since it's rent free, but doesn't the idea of privacy and a place to yourself sound awesome? Or you could have at least used the money to further your education? Or as I said before, you could have invested it.

I live in North America. I don't fuck dudes that spend money on such trivial shit.

>what the fuck is an inheritance?

My mom just siphons money from her kids, my dad and soon, the government. But this all started in May of this year from a minor car accident. She worked for ~30 years. It's been brutal dealing with the drama queen act "I'm in so much pain, I'm hurt, I'm old!!!!!" since she's trying to get disability benefits.
I've also debated using steroids

Do you think I'd turn alpha if I bought a couple of cycles guys?

I have enough for flights or roids.

Maybe escorts but I think whores are yucky.
The offer still stands for any r9k femanons over 18 in NA

I could bring you some cute figs as a present :3
Or you know, investing it.

Did you forget about the part where investing money MAKES you MORE money? Its about the best think you can do with any large sum of money you receive out of the blue. Pretend like you got nothing at all, invest it and forget about it.

Or stocks, or bonds, or fucking anything besides wasting it on something that loses value the longer you have it. An inheritance is like a free dice roll in life, investing it wisely does much more towards improving your life than wasting it on hoards of useless shit novelties, parties, and expensive cars that lose value like crazy the moment you sit in it
You seem to be part of that "people are retarded category." These same guys would be ridiculing the idiot if he spent it on cars and alcohol. The only time that shit is acceptable is if you have your life together. Collecting cars might be more "alpha" than collecting toys for girls/losers, but that's irrelevant as "fuark" in this case.

no one gives a fuck about who's trolling or serious

it's an anonymous board

there's no challenge to lying here

the only thing that matters is if you are interesting or not

i'd take one anime figurine guy over a thousand reddit liberals or weepy normals
Investments are a scam

even savings accounts

>4% interest per year

Oh boy!
How much money is that pile of plastic earning you OP?

4% of 50,000 is still 2000 dollars for FREE a year.

There are higher risk/reward investments besides savings accounts. Much higher than 4% with not much more risk
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>Investments are a scam
No, investments are not a scam. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You don't have to invest in stocks, or bonds. You can invest in businesses, or ideas. The old adage goes: "you have to spend money to make money", and it's true.

You make poor decisions, don't you? You'd take a guy that clearly doesn't have enough mental faculties to not waste money on fucking plastic over a reddit liberal? You people are ridiculous.
>I'm retarded for buying figurines

Whoah man no need to go into baseless insults. Would you be patting me on the back for losing my virginity to escorts?
That's extreme op, that's a lot of fucking figurines. You have better bought a magnificent shelf to hold all the glory. Atleast it isn't meth? I would personally spend 50%, 25,000 for my self indulgenge, like one good car, or sexual pleasure and tons of tenga toys, or entertainment setup and multiple computers, at least I put a limit for myself, that other 25,000 will be used for self security or more. Wow, you spent every cent on something, mostly no one will give a fuck about. Basically, if you are making enough money to live comfortably, spending this cash on shit is ok. Even spending this cash on shit like cars or computers is ok too, as long as YOU CAN AFFORD IT! Goddamn. If NDE's have any truth behind them, you'll find youre grandma isn't sad about your decisions, just happier that she will be meeting you very soon. Kill yourself.
re flying her over best wait a couple days, she's cleary on the rag atm
This is why people are poor.
>You people are ridiculous.

good! get out!

he might be crazy but he is at least not boring

>oh i'm going to invest this money so i can become one one-billionth of a goldman sachs person

>i'm going to become a venture capitalist and fund some drew pickles asshole's dog invention

have you ever talked to people like that
>tfw OP wasted 3/4's of a university undergraduate degree on toys

The amount of money faggots and retards obtain and then waste is both staggering and infuriating.
>blah blah invest
>stocks and bonds
>single digit percentages

I bet you think mutual funds are a good idea as well
Well my parents got a large chunk so they don't bother me.

They kind of leave me to the basement and don't talk to me anymore.
Yes, actually, I would have. Are you a virgin? I say you're a troll though.
Well the stocks and stuff you could lose everything.

What kind of investments was that dude talking about?

Most of the time I hear

Yeah I'm a virgin

Why would having sex with a random slut make me a better man?
>he thinks degrees are worth it

tell it to the idiots working at mcdonalds
Why would you invest ALL 50k into one stock?
>STEM degree
>Networking skills

The faggots who got Art History degrees are on par with the wastefulness of OP. If you're going to university, have a solid plan of where you're going to end up.

Regardless of the type of degree, don't compare 4 years of higher education to a bunch of fucking figurines. Even the art history major working at McDonalds is better off than OP.
>be 23
>be student
>be accomplished investor despite having fuckshit money to work with

I'll give you the lowest quality advice I'm willing to give for free, which is still far better than any of this "stocks and bonds" shit I'm seeing ITT

That fifty grand was your ticket to the ownership of a house somewhere. Buy a house and fill the other rooms with idiots to pay down your mortgage. Use house to live rent free. Use house to back other investments. Sell house for quick profit. Do whatever the fuck you want with it except burn it down and you'd be set for life.
I wouldn't touch the part of my screen that has your text on it. Spending all that money (regardless of how little amount it sounds) completely deviating from your grandma's hope and care to better your own life, that care she had for you, you fucking spat in her face the amount of work she put to accumulate and save it, and that should be in your consciousness, stop the carelessness. Even if I made six digit figures a year, not a cent of that fifty thousand woiuld be on wasted entertainment. If i made minimum wage a year, that would be even more reason to use it in a more wisely manner, keeping indulgance to a reasonable level, and expecting a limit, for your own sake of prosperity and even, mental integrity.
I agree 100 percent. Entertainment is fine, but using ALL of it is just incredibly foolish.

I have, actually, and while they're boring, at least they have plans and they have enough dignity to plan out their lives and better themselves in some manner.

He could have invested in a lucrative business that needed money and gotten his money back within months, PLUS SOME. You know little about finances, so shut the fuck up.

It definitely doesn't, but at least you'd have gotten that much accomplished.
I'm mentally ill (har har so is the rest of the population)

there's really no magical hope for me to become a cool person

I'd even rate myself lower than Chris Chan on the pathetic scale and I'm not even autistic.
>I have, actually, and while they're boring,

okay why should i read any further than this

am i going to change OP's life by posting on a fucking imageboard? no?

then who in the fuck cares

people spend their lives building animal sex suits and fighting robots and people seem to love that shit, who am i to have anything to say about this

>He could have invested in a lucrative business

and then he'd have no money AND no anime figurines because he got conned by some charlatan

Dollar denominated assets are a scam. Do you know where the smart money is? Robotraders arbitrage the shit out the market by getting overnight money from banks and buying bonds, inflating the price. This influx of capital means the corporations have tons of money to spend, making small investors irrelevant.

Real inflation is at ten percent. Can you think of any investments that will keep pace with that?

>Do whatever the fuck you want with it except burn it down and you'd be set for life.

Mortgage rates are at historic lows, and the housing market still hasn't recovered. Eventually, those rates will have to rise, and prices will collapse once again. Seriously, this is exactly the kind of thinking that lead to the housing bubble in the first place.
To buy a house a bank would've had to finance the loan.

I have no income, they would've never given me one.
>Buy a house and fill the other rooms with idiots to pay down your mortgage.
Show me the kinda crackhole you could buy for 50 grand

>Sell house for quick profit.
Yes, because selling houses is so damn easy, everyone's money is flowing right out of their pockets
They don't care enough for you to give you some tough love mixed in with some geniune love speeches of life to balance it, geniune concerning love. Leave you in the basement? Free to use the cash as you wish, did they atleast give you opinions on what you should spend it on since they are more experienced with living in this construct of a human world however shitty it is for a large percentage of us humans? Do they really not care about how you live your life, but in the back of their minds, feeling OK as long as you still breath, eat, shit, masturbate, and browse? Atleast it is a form of caring love, their is much much worst in the world anyways, but to not love enough to really lay a foundation for you to live and experience different levels of experience other than your own deviating construct. Did they allow you the opportunity to experience it, and you rejected, or did they just gave up because you just had that hard of a skull, or are you so mentally disabled your construct is the only reality.
load them up into your car and drive into a ravine

"can't take it with you" my ass
this is hilarious

everyone's trying to one up themselves to call this nigger pathetic and they have no god damn idea what to do with the money

>adurr go invest it in a 50k house, give it to an entrepreneur

ha ha ha
Chris chan was born unto this world to give people like you hope. If their is ever a reason how incredibly unfortunate some other people are, it is for us to relate emotionally how unfortunate they are, and in turn, to rise above yourself, rise and refuse "harshness". A shitty example but I can't think of a better one at the moment: if everyone always felt shitty and dependent on a powerful drug, yet no proof that this drug shortens your lifespan by 50%, people will not care as much using it, unless much evidence is provided it shortens your life to that extent, or some other ultimate permanent punishment, like forever insanity after so many years. The people who died send a message that this shit is bad, really bad. The ugly, the stupid, insane, aids, mentally disabled, or less fortunate overall die like sacrifices to show your shitty ass how much you can rise above it, avoid it, strive to not wallow in your own shit excuses of self pittance.
>>4483186 (OP)
I just replied to this on fucking /a/. Either you are really desperate or this thread is bullshit.

that isn't what 'pittance' means

how old are you
Are you telling me some faggot would cross post my OC?

What a fucking thieving motherfucker
I know one of the main rules of trolling isn't revealing that you are being trolled, but I am happy how emotional you fucks are over stupid shit. No wonder this board is the infested with virgins, can't tolerate stupid shit decisions people make on an almost everyday basis.
>call OP an idiot
>getting emotional over it

no you're the idiot
I'm 14, why? Autoban? When was a non-paysite ever regulated to that extent, we are all anonymous amirite?
pics of stuff or didnt happen
OP here

I'm lying

I actually bought my little sisters a bunch of stuff to give them the childhood I never had.

Then paid for my poor parents to live in a new apartment and fully furnished it.

>I tricked you! xD

I wonder if this version is any sadder...
>coming into a large but clearly limited sum of money
>not immediately investing it in something solid as a saving, or at the very least putting it in a savings account

Less selfish and disrespectful, equally stupid.
I don't see myself living to 25 so money has little worth to me.
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look at that bitch who missed out on 50k because she was busy sucking off niggers and guidos on welfare

look at her and laugh

oh god, this is literally the most pathetic faggot on /r9k/, no joke suicide is too good for you.
You wouldn't flip out if your parents opened your discreet or important package?
>50 grand on figurines

Damn, I've seen buyfag threads and know how expensive they are but how the fuck can you spunk that much on them
It's not that hard bro

>4 glass custom made cases
>filled to the brim with quality figs
At least make stop motion videos of them masturbating like that King Gainer Archer one.
Can someone ban this faggot, this is 4chan not a child care center.
As an accomplished collector, OP, where would you recommend I go to buy quality figurines?
I actually know what I'd do.

It would go straight in the employee-only fund at work, which consistently returns more than 10%.
Good job, OP. 8/10 would laugh again
w-with me or at me?

I have the figure in the OP.

It is awesome, haters gonna etc.
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What's wrong here is not the fact that you bought anime figurines, but the amount of money you spent. Spending maybe $500 on some figurines would have been an acceptable amount of money, but wasting $50,000 on toys is beyond stupid.

Here is the good news. Anime figurines are usually limited edition stock. They make a certain amount of them and then they either make some more in the future or they never make them again. Even though you have opened them and "played" with them, they will still be worth some money. Sell them all on eBay and make some of your money back. Sell them individually and sell them for more than you bought them for if they're no longer in manufacturing or for the same price you bought them for if they're still being made. They won't all sell immediately but this way you will have some for if irregular income as you receive money from selling them.

Use the money for university. Make your gran proud.
>>4483186 (OP)
You're such a moron. How are you going to pay your rent, your food or other needs?

Seriously, how much of that money you have left?

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